NetWeaving “Growing your own success by helping others grow theirs” LTC International Forum

“Growing your own success
by helping others grow theirs”
LTC International Forum
April 27, 2006
Bob Littell, Chief NetWeaver
Principal, Littell Consulting Services
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Why Did You Join
This Organization?
9 Increase Knowledge?
9 Self-Improvement – new skill sets?
9 Job Security or Advancement?
9 Renew Old and Make New Relationships?
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Where does that come
from and How does
It happen?
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From Your Established
Trusted Resource Network
Where does
it come from?
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Networking and NetWeaving
How does it
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’s the Difference between
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With Networking, people tend
to be listening with one pair of
ears and one set of antennae
. . . .asking or thinking
¾ Does this person have something
I Need?
¾ Could this person be of help to me?
It’s natural and instinctive and
part of human nature
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The Real Problem with
Traditional Networking
Poor Communication and
Lack of Follow Through
by One or Both Parties
Business Card Collecting grass grows under your
ABC Widgets O
123 Elm St, Suite 101
Atlanta, GA 30303
What did they say?
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What did they look like?
‰ Do it NOW!
which you Follow Up
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Golden Rule
Pay It Forward
Form of networking
We’re all really “walking-talking
jigsaw puzzles with missing
NEEDS that
need fulfilling
need solving
and/or IDEAS
that need enhancing
and/or enriching
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Your Mindset in
NetWeaving is focused on
the Needs, Problems, and
of and for OTHERS
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NetWeaving Reverses the Process
1. Identify someone who
1. Identify someone you discover
can possibly help YOU
you like and whom you determine
either now or in the future
to be a ‘giver’ and not just a ‘taker’
2. After deciding they MAY
be able to help you, try to
develop a relationship
3. Approach for what you
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2. Think of a way to help that
person as a way of building
a relationship
3. Find ways
ways to
to stay
stay in
in touch
and keep the relationship
NetWeavers learn to listen with a
second pair of ears, as well as
a second set of antennae. . .
“Can you supply
me with something
I need?”
“Can you be of
help to me?”
“Are you a prospect
for me?”
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“Is there someone
I know who would
benefit meeting
this person?”
“Could this person
provide resources to
someone I know?”
“Are they a Trusted
Resource candidate?”
The Three Skill Sets to NetWeaving
1. Being a connector of other people with their
Needs, Problems, and Opportunities in mind
rather than just your own.
2. Positioning yourself as a ‘no-strings-attached’
resource for others and establish yourself
as the ‘go-to’ person.
3. Constantly being on the lookout for persons who
are ‘best of breed’ at what they do and when
you identify one, stay in touch and over time,
add to your Trusted Resource Network
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Three Ways to Build
NetWeaving into your daily life
On the Phone. . .Over the Internet. . .In Person
Train yourself to ask the 3 additional
NetWeaving questions:
1. “Is there someone……………………..?”
2. “Could this person……………………..?”
3. “Has this person……………………..?”
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How relationships are formed
& Acceptance
Meaningful Dialogue
Small Talk & Overcoming Awkwardness
Body Chemistry. . .Vibes. . .Instinct
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The NetWeaving Five
-Step Program
1) At any Social, Business, or Networking Opportunity,
meet a MAXIMUM of 2 or 3 people
people whom you decide
you would like to get to
to know
know better
better (Make
(Make notes on the
back of her/his business card)
2) Email a note. . .that night or, write
write note
note next
next day
mentioning some of key points the person made.
3) At the one-on-one meeting, review a little bit about
NetWeaving and
and the
the NetWeaving
NetWeaving philosophy
philosophy (refer
(refer to
“The NetWeaver’s Creed” )
4) Host a meeting
meeting to
to introduce
introduce your
new contact to someone he or
she would benefit knowing
5) Wrap up
up the
the meeting
meeting with
PIONTTO – Pay It Forward
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Pay It Forward
• Create something to
change the world
• Put it into action
Pay It Forward
One person performs a
“gratuitous act of kindness”
That person helped must
‘pay it forward’ helping
3 others. . .and so on
The Heart and Art of NetWeaving
The immediate benefits
to NetWeaving
– Elevated image
– Increased energy level
100% of $20 goes to Charity
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The BUSINESS Version of Pay It Forward
Those 2 persons connected
‘pass it on’. . .connecting
2 others. . .and so on. . .
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-Person NetWeaving Hosting
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Virtual NetWeaving Hosting
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Strategic Connection
A Financial Planner
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With a couple friends who
have indicated they’re looking
for Long-Term Care advice for
an Aging Parent
Non-Strategic Connection
A Friend or Associate whom you just like a lot
and who is a GIVER rather than a WIIFMe
TAKER, and you connect him/her with
another person whom you also really like.
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Position Yourself As
THE ‘‘Go-To’Person
• Be a ‘virtual’ Sargent
• Be a clipping service
• Help others get media
I’ve Found there are 3 Groups
of People As It Relates to
Those who INSTANTLY get it
I’ve been that my
whole life - just
without a word
for it.
Why Have Key Thought
Leaders Bought Into the
NetWeaving Concept?
Arthur Blank – Co-Founder of Home Depot and
owner of the Atlanta Falcons
“After reading about NetWeaving,
I realized that I’ve been doing this
all my life, just without a good word
for it. I applaud Mr. Littell’s efforts
at spreading the word about this
‘win-win’ form of thinking, which will
Undoubtedly benefit the business
community and the community
at large.”
Those who THINK they’ve done
some but now that they see what it’s
all about. . .will start doing more
I can do
Great concept. . .
The NetWeaver
’s Quilt
Person you
want to meet
Things in Common
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NetWeaving has “Morphed”
1. Started out as a great way for those in sales &
marketing to develop better relationships
with their existing clients, as well as to
create relationships with prospective clients
2. Then HR folks approached me and said they
saw NetWeaving as a way to create a more
collaborative culture internally and to help
tear down walls and silo’s that exist
3. Then I started doing Board Retreats for NonProfits as a way to get key Board Members
to open their address books for friends
4. Then organizations, business clubs, and even
entire cities saw it as a way to build more of
a collaborative environment
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Goes to Denmark
How Has NetWeaving Transformed
the Top Business Club in the City?
The Buckhead Club
But what about LUCK?
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“How to Attract Good Luck”
author - AHZ Carr (Wilshire Books)
“the first step in attracting good luck is
to recognize that most of our good
luck – the beneficial effect of chance
upon our lives – come[s] to us through
other people” . . .
“Between ourselves and those who
cross our path, chance spins an
invisible thread of awareness, a luck
line”. . .
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“How to Attract Good Luck”
author - AHZ Carr (Wilshire Books)
. . .”to expose ourselves to luck, then,
means in essence to come into healthy
human relationships with more people.”
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The more LuckLines you throw
out, the more luck
you’ll find
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So What Are YOU going to
Do in the Way of Following Up
And Following Through?
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