Hello Basic Course Division Members and Officers! In order to best prepare for the elections in our Business Meeting this year, we are sending out a request for nominations in advance. As is customary, nominations can be made during the meeting, but we (the nominating committee) would like to get ballots prepared in advance. This year we will be electing the following positions: 1. Vice-Chair Elect 2. Secretary (2-year term) 3. Nominating Committee (3 individuals) A description of each of these positions is listed below. Though Article IV suggest the nominating committee should be appointed, in the past we have taken volunteers/nominated for these positions, so names for a nominating committee will be added to the ballot. If you are interested in any of these positions, or would like to nominate someone else for one of these positions (with their approval), please send an email to Nadene N. Vevea, current Chair of the Nominating Committee: nadene.vevea@ndsu.edu Finally, to serve as a reminder, here are the current officers and committee members of the Basic Course Division: Beth Waggenspack (Virginia Tech University), Chair Amy Slagell (Iowa State University) Program Planner and Vice-Chair Dr. Adam Jones (Illinois College), Vice-Chair Elect Scott Titsworth (Ohio University), Immediate Past Chair Ex Officio Last year, we elected Dr. David Worley (Indiana State University) as the new Basic Communication Course Annual editor, cmworley@isugw.indstate.edu. NCA Nominating Committee Representative is Dr. Stephen Hunt (Illinois State University), which Beth becomes next year. The Nominating Committee that we elected in Chicago is Dr. Kristine Bruss (University of Kansas), Caroline Parsons (Clemson University), and Nadene Vevea (North Dakota State University), Chair. Again, we appreciate your involvement in the Basic Course Division and look forward to your responses which will assist a smooth and efficient election and voting process for the business meeting this year. Hope to see you all in sunny San Diego! Nadene N. Vevea ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES Section 1. The officers of the Commission shall be Chairperson, ViceChairperson, ViceChairperson-Elect, and Secretary. Section 2. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Commission, and shall work with the Vice-Chair Elect in membership recruitment for the Commission. The Chairperson shall work with the Secretary to keep a current list of Commission membership. The Chairperson also will serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee and will be a nonvoting member of that committee. The Chairperson shall serve a one-year term. Section 3. The Vice-Chairperson shall, in cooperation and consultation with appropriate officers of the Commission and NCA, plan the program of the Basic Course Commission for the annual NCA convention. The Vice-Chairperson will chair the Program Planning Committee and will be responsible for compiling the ratings and rankings by the Program Planning Committee of papers and proposals submitted for competitive evaluation. The Vice-Chairperson shall, based on the ratings and rankings of the evaluators, select three distinguished papers from those competitively submitted for awards: Top Paper in Research, Top Paper in Pedagogy, and Top Poster Session. The Vice-Chairperson has the prerogative to deem no paper worthy of one or more awards that year. Awards will be given to the author(s) by the Vice-Chairperson at the annual business meeting. The ViceChairperson shall serve a one-year term and succeed to the office of Chairperson in the next successive year. Section 4. The Vice-Chairperson-Elect shall serve as a Program Evaluator and member of the Program Planning Committee. The ViceChairperson-Elect shall assist the Vice-Chairperson in program planning and shall be responsible for membership recruitment for the Commission. The Vice-Chairperson-Elect shall serve a one-year term and succeed to the office of ViceChairperson in the next successive year. Section 5. The Secretary shall perform the customary duties of that office and shall be responsible for internal communications among the members. The Secretary shall prepare minutes for the business meetings and, as needed, shall send announcements, memorandums, and newsletter information to members of the Commission and shall channel appropriate information to Spectra. The secretary should keep a current list of Commission membership and submit this list to the NCA National Office. The secretary shall serve a two-year term. Section 8. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson of this committee without vote. The duty of the committee shall be to nominate at least one individual to fill each vacancy among the officers, program evaluators, and committee members of the Commission. The Nominating Committee members will be announced at the annual business meeting. Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one person for each vacancy to be filled. The nominations for officers, program evaluators, and committee members will be presented to the general membership by the Nominating Committee at the annual business meeting. Section 3. Additional nominations for each vacancy may be made by any member at the annual business meeting. Section 4. A nominee must receive a majority vote of the Commission members present and voting at the annual meeting. In the event that more than two people are nominated and no one initially receives a majority vote, a run-off election between the two individuals receiving the most votes shall be held immediately. A tie vote will be decided by the Chairperson of the Commission immediately. Section 5. All elections will be conducted by a show of hands, with the nominees absenting themselves, unless a majority of those present at the business meeting vote in favor of a secret ballot.