Transcriptomics of maize silks: Understanding hydrocarbon accumulation patterns on the cuticle of developing silks Adarsh Jose1,2, Wenmin Qin1, Sam Condon1, Marna Yandeau-Nelson1 and Basil Nikolau1 1Department of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 2Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 1. Introduction 3. Bioinformatics Analysis Pipeline The cuticle of maize silks, which functions as a water barrier and as a protective layer against abiotic and biotic stresses, is largely comprised of linear hydrocarbons (lengths from C23 to C33) and is the most abundant source of hydrocarbons in maize. These surface hydrocarbons (SHCs) consist of linear alkanes and alkenes and are thought to be produced via elongation of fatty acids with subsequent conversion to hydrocarbons (Figure 1). Rs-COOH Illumina Paired End Reference Genome ZmB73_RefGen_v2.masked.fasta QUALITY FILTER (fastx toolkit) [~15-20% reads filtered out] RNA-Seq Data [75 bp x ~15 million pairs x 2 Biological Replicates x [Encased + Emerged Silks] Rm-COOH Head-to-head Condensation Elongation RsCORm Rn-COOH Rn-CHO 1 2 3 RsCH(OH)Rm Decarboxylase CO2 Decarbonylase 4 Dehydratase CO Rn Rs+m+1 Rn Odd-numbered hydrocarbon Genome Annotations Rn-CH2OH [Interpro & GO Annotations, Arabidopsis best hits] H2O Rn+1 We have previously demonstrated in the inbred B73 that SHCs accumulate ~5-fold more on silks that have emerged as compared to those still encased within ear husks. Moreover, accumulation continues to increase between 3 and 6 days after silks first emerge from the husk leaves, suggesting that the genes involved in the synthesis and accumulation of SHCs are actively transcribed at 3-days post-emergence (Figure 2). Although we have established that SHC accumulation varies significantly across development (Figure 2) and among genotypes, we do not understand the biochemical and genetic mechanisms involved in SHC synthesis and accumulation. To dissect the genetic and biochemical mechanism(s) involved in SHC synthesis, we have performed transcriptome analyses (RNA-seq) on silks that either hyper- or hypo-accumulate hydrocarbons (Figure 3). READ COUNTs used to estimate gene expression as FPKM* (Cufflinks package) • SHC accumulation was examined along the lengths of emerged and encased silks at 3- and 6-days post-silk emergence (Figure 2). • Total SHC content increased between the two time points, demonstrating that the genes involved in SHC accumulation are actively transcribed in 3 days post-emergent silks (Figure 2A). Moreover, SHCs accumulate along the length of the emerged silk at 3-days PSE allowing the entire lengths of emerged silks to be used for transcriptome analysis (Figure 2B). • The transcriptomes of emerged and encased silks harvested 3 days postemergence were sequenced using the Illumina Genome Analyzer IIE. The resulting ~48,000,000 high quality 75 bp paired-end reads were mapped to the B73 genome. • ~25,000 genes from the maize Working Gene Set were identified to be expressed in silks, ~2400 of which were differentially expressed between emerged and encased silks (q-value < 0.05) [Table1]. • The differentially expressed genes were mapped to MaizeCyc pathways (Figure 4, Table 2) and subjected to GO term enrichment analyses (Table 2). Emerged silks 2 3 4 Encased silks -4 -2 -3 -1 B. 7 Total SHC (umol/g fresh wt) 6 Emerged Encased 5 3 Days 4 6 Days 3 2 1 0 -­‐4 -­‐3 -­‐2 -­‐1 1 2 B73 silks (1 inch segments) 3 Extract expression of Candidate Genes DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSED GO ENRICHMENT Gene Lists (CuffDiff Package) [topGO R package] PATHWAY MAPPING MaizeCyc Pathways Map differentially expressed genes to curated pathways from MaizeCyc Database, Cell Designer Figure 3. Analysis pipeline. FPKM, Fragments per Kb gene length per million reads. Input data, output data and software displayed in blue, red and green, respectively. 4. Differentially Expressed Genes Fold Change (Emerged/ Encased) Working Genes [110,028] Filtered Genes [39,656] Transcription Factors (Subset of Working Genes) [1390] Candidate Genes [78] Differentially Expressed Gene Products Involved in Fatty Acid or Cuticle Synthesis Only Emerged 152 42 4 0 -- FC > 10 104 41 1 3 Wax Synthase, Long-chain Acyl-CoA Synthase (LACS2), P450-like 2. Experimental Design and Methods 1 (Homologs of 89 hand-picked from Arabidopsis Thaliana) Even-numbered hydrocarbon Figure 1. Four possible mechanisms of hydrocarbon biosynthesis. The fatty acid headto-head condensation mechanism (1), the elongation-decarboxylation (2), and the fatty acid elongation-decarbonylation (3) pathways produce odd-numbered alkanes and alkenes. The final pathway (4) involves a primary alcohol intermediate and would result in even-numbered hydrocarbons. A. Candidate Genes MAP reads to Reference Genome [ ZmB73_5a_WGS.gff,ZmB73_5b_FGS.gff] (Tophat+Bowtie) 4 Figure 2. SHC content varies along length of silks. (A) Emerged silks were cut at the point of emergence and sectioned into 1-inch segments (1 through 4). Husks were removed from the cob and encased silks were cut into 1inch segments (-1 through -4). (B) SHCs were extracted in hexanes and analyzed via GCMS. The total SHC content increases between 3 days and 6 days post emergence and accumulates along the length of the silk. 2 < FC < 10 579 469 20 8 Keto-acyl-CoA Synthases (KCS3, KCS12, KCS19, CER60) 0.5 < FC < 2 206 179 0 1 CER1 0.1 < FC < 0.5 973 829 38 15 Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase, ATP Citrate Lyase A and B, Enoyl CoA Reductase FC < 0.1 223 150 5 4 Fatty Acid Reductase (MS2), KCS20, LACS2 Only Encased 192 70 8 0 -- Total 2429 1779 76 31 Table 1. Differentially Expressed Genes (q-value <0.05). The candidate gene list consists of maize homologs of 89 genes in Arabidopsis known to be associated with lipid biosynthesis and fatty acid elongation (see below). 5. Genetic mechanisms of SHC synthesis • SHCs are thought to be generated via conversion of very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) precursors to SHCs. We have identified a total of 78 maize homologs of 89 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana known to be involved in lipid biosynthesis and fatty acid elongation, which are processes needed to support the biosynthesis of the precursors of hydrocarbons. Of these, 59 genes were active in silks and 31 were differentially expressed between encased and emerged silks (Table 1). • The genetic pathways responsible for both de novo and VLCFA synthesis are active in both encased and emerged silks. Several genes in VLCFA synthesis are upregulated in emerged silks (e.g. several ketoacyl-CoA synthases, which initiates the 1st reaction in fatty acid biosynthesis) (Figure 4). • Several genes that are specifically involved in the synthesis of the cuticle are expressed more highly in emerged silks, including Glossy1, a fatty acid acyl-ACP reductase (MS2), a Cer1 homolog, and a putative wax synthase homolog. Figure 4. Very long chain fatty acid elongation pathway (modified from MaizeCyc) expressed in maize silks. For both emerged and encased silks, at least one gene is expressed at each step in VLCFA elongation. 6. Genetic Pathways Expressed in Silks • This transcriptome dataset provides global information about the expression of genetic pathways in encased and emerged silks and addresses the environmental impact of silk emergence from the protective husks. • Metabolism- and development-related activities are enriched in encased silks, whereas stress- and defense-related activities are enriched in emerged silks, which are exposed to increased abiotic and biotic stresses. Table 2. Enrichment Patterns for Highly Expressed Genes Encased Silk Emerged Silk GO Terms • Anatomical and structural development and cell growth Processes: Syntheses, Assembly and Organization of Chromosome, Chromatin, Nucleotides, Cell wall, Cellulose Components: Organelles (non-membrane bound), Chromatin, Nucleosome Functions: Auxin stimulus response • Stress response Processes: Response to Defense, Heat, Biotic Stress, Fungus, Temperature and Light Components: Intracellular Organelles, Mitochondrial Membrane, Plastids and Stroma Functions: Cellular Lipid Metabolism, Phosphatase Activity and Hydrolase Activity Pathways (Maize-Cyc) • Development – Syntheses and metabolism of • Metabolism and Degradation of Sugar, amino acids and nucleotides. Cellulose and Glucose • Exposure to light - photorespiration, aerobic respiration, Calvin-Benson cycle. • Biosynthesis of fatty acids, amino acids, Coenzyme-A, Vitamins, NAD and heme. • Metabolism - TCA cycle, glyoxylate • Water-loss prevention (Suberin) • Response to abiotic stress (Jasmonic acid) • Defense – GDP- Mannose biosyntheses. • Senescence-related (Glutathionine) Transcription Factors • Gibberellin signaling (WRKY69, involved in cell elongation) • Morphogenesis and development (Rolled leaf1). • Pathogen defense (WRKY53). • Homoiothermy, response to freezing • • • • Glycolysis regulation Heat response regulator (WRKY51) Ethylene-responsive (B6T5Z6) Sensitivity to bacteria (MADS-X) (GRMZM2G065896). • Control, development and organ identity (B6TDB4, MADS-box ) 7. Complementary Approaches • This work supports the hypotheses that fatty-acids are precursors of SHCs. We are currently developing bioinformatics methods to combine sequence similarity and gene co-expression to identify novel genes involved in the conversion of fatty-acids to SHCs and its regulation in maize. • Quantitative genetic approach using the high-resolution intermated B73xMo17 populations to localize the chromosomal positions associated with SHC accumulation. These RNA-Seq transcriptome analyses will complement the results obtained in the quantitative genetics studies and will allow for the narrowing of candidate gene pools. • Similar transcriptome analyses are being conducted in three additional biological systems that can hyper- or hypo-accumulate HCs under different growth conditions or stages of development. We are currently developing bioinformatic approaches for comparing and contrasting the genetic mechanisms involved in SHC production among the four systems.