Ermentrout Vita
Curriculum Vita
Dania M. Ermentrout, MSW, MPH
School of Social Work
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
325 Pittsboro Street CB #3550
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550
Phone: 919-962-6515 Fax: 962-0890
Masters of Public Health, 2003-2005
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Field of Study: Maternal and Child Health
Thesis: “A Study of Health Education Preferences Among Monolingual Immigrant Latinas
Seeking Routine and High-Risk Prenatal Care in the Resident Clinic of a Tertiary Care
Masters of Social Work, 2002-2004
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work
Field of Practice: Health and Mental Health
Concentration: Organizations and Communities/Macro Practice
Bachelor of Science, 1997-2001
Duke University, Trinity College
Major: Biological Anthropology and Anatomy
Minor: Spanish Studies
Clinical Instructor. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
March 2008 to present.
Clinical Research Coordinator. Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.
February 2006 to February 2008.
Social Research Associate. Injury Prevention Research Center, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
July 2005 to February 2006.
Intern. Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental
Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
June 2005 to July 2005.
Ermentrout Vita
Family Transition Survey Coordinator. Transition Subcommittee, North Carolina Interagency
Coordinating Council (NC-ICC), Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
May 2004 to May 2005.
Consultant. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
May 2004 to December 2004.
Maternal and Child Health Bureau-funded Public Health Social Work Leadership Trainee.
Schools of Social Work and Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
August 2003 to May 2004.
Research Assistant. Maternal and Child Health Public Health Social Work Leadership Training
Program, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
August 2002 to July 2003.
Outreach and Volunteer Assistant. Orange County Rape Crisis Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
July 2001 to June 2002.
Child Advocate Intern. Office of the Chief Guardian Ad Litem, DeKalb County Juvenile Court,
Atlanta, Georgia.
May 2000 to August 2000.
Frank Porter Graham Honor Society. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004.
Jane Curtis Parker Scholarship. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Undergraduate Research Support Scholarship. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 2000.
Chi Omega Community Service Award. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 2000.
The Class of 1929 Scholarship. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1998.
Published/Accepted for Publication
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Johns, N. B. (2011). Health care for survivors of partner and
sexual violence. In C. M. Renzetti, J. Edleson, & R. K. Bergen (Eds.), Sourcebook on Violence Against
Women (2nd ed.; pp.289-308). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Ermentrout Vita
In Preparation
Ermentrout, D. M. Male victims. In J. L. Postmus (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Violence and Abuse.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
In Preparation
Ermentrout, D. M., Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F, Johns, N. B., Sullivan, S., & Menestres, M. MOVE
women’s group treatment manual: An intervention for mothers overcoming violence through education
and empowerment.
Ermentrout, D. M., Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., Johns, N. B., Farrell, D., Reyno, J., & Johnson, K.
MOVE children’s group treatment manual: An intervention for mothers overcoming violence through
education and empowerment.
In Preparation
Ermentrout, D. M., Rizo, C. F., & Macy, R. J. “This is about me”: Evaluation findings from the
children’s component of a court-mandated parenting program.
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., Pollock, M. D., & Redmond, P. From innovative to empirically
supported: Strategies for manualizing promising, community-based programs for intervention research.
Under Review
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Rizo, C. F. An innovative program for justice-involved partner
violence survivors: “No man is worth me getting locked up.”
Macy, R. J., Pollock, M. D., Ermentrout, D. M., & Rizo, C. F. Hope for Children: A novel,
collaborative program for partner-violence-exposed children.
Published/Accepted for Publication
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Johns, N. B. (2011). A review of family interventions
for intimate partner violence with a child focus or child component. Aggression and Violent Behavior,
16, 144-166.
Macy, R. J., Giattina, M., Montijo, N. J. & Ermentrout, D. (2010). Domestic violence and sexual
assault agency directors’ perspectives on services that help survivors. Violence Against Women,
16(10), 1138-1161.
O'Daniel, J., Lucas, J., Deverka, P., Ermentrout, D., Silvey, G., Lobach, D., & Haga, S. (2010).
Factors influencing uptake of pharmacogenetic testing in a diverse patient population. Public Health
Genomics, 13(1), 48-54.
Ermentrout Vita
Ermentrout, D. M., & Macy, R. J. (2010). A toolkit for the collaborative researcher: Strategies and
tools to develop treatment manuals and fidelity instruments for assessing service providers’ adherence
to promising programs. Unpublished manuscript, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. Retrieved from
Macy, R. J., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2008). Consensus practices in the provision of services to
survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault: A reference for North Carolina service providers.
Unpublished manuscript, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Retrieved from
Ermentrout, D. M., Macy, R. J., & Fraga, C. (2011, January). Delivering therapeutic parenting and
support group services to legally involved IPV survivors and their children in community-based
settings. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Conference, Tampa,
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Redmond, P. (2010, October). Collaborative strategies for
manualizing community-based programs: From innovative to evidence-based. Paper presented at the
National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Redmond, P. (2010, January). From innovative to evidence-based:
Strategies for manualizing promising, community-based programs for intervention research.
Workshop presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Conference, San Francisco,
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Fraga, C. (2009, November). A parenting after violence program
for legally involved IPV survivors: A qualitative evaluation. Paper presented at the Council on Social
Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., Johns, N., Fraga, C., & Hay, A. (2009, April). The MOVE parenting
after violence intervention: A preliminary process evaluation. Paper presented at the Women’s Health
Research Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Macy, R. J. & Ermentrout, D. M. (2008, October). Developing, delivering, and teaching evidencebased domestic violence and sexual assault services. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work
Education, Annual Program Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Silvey, G., Haga, S., Deverka, P., Ermentrout, D., Anstrom, K., & Lobach, D. (2007, November).
Determining user preferences between touch and pen data entry methods in the tablet PC computing
environment. Abstract presented at the American Medical Informatics Association Annual
Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.
Ermentrout Vita
Ermentrout, D. M. (2010, May). MOVE phase one: A preliminary process evaluation. Presented at
the MOVE Expert Advisory Group Research Briefing, Interact Family Safety and Empowerment
Center, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Johns, N. B. (2008, July). MOVE evaluation. Presented at the
MOVE Expert Advisory Group Inaugural Meeting, SAFEchild, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Ermentrout, D. M., & Trujillo, G. (2008, January). Update on the GENEration Study:
Pharmacogenetic evaluation of genetic determinants of response to hypertension, asthma and
dyslipidemia medications in a family practice setting. Presented at the Duke Family Medicine Noon
Conference, Durham, North Carolina.
Grossman, I., Shah, S., & Ermentrout D. M. (2006, November). The GENEration Study:
Pharmacogenetic evaluation of genetic determinants of response to hypertension, asthma and
dyslipidemia medications in a family practice setting. Presented at the Duke Family Medicine Noon
Conference, Durham, North Carolina.
Child Advocacy House Course. Break for a Change Program, Undergraduate Course, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina. 2001.
Supervisor (MSW Student: Alanna Hay). Field Practicum, School of Social Work, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008-2009.
Preceptor (Certificate Student: Hai Huang, MD, PhD). Clinical Research Management Program
residency, School of Nursing, Duke University, Fall 2007
Field Instructor (MSW Student: Eva Barbee). Field Practicum, School of Social Work, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, August 2007.
Preceptor (NP Student: Shirley Smith, RN). Clinical Research Management Program residency,
School of Nursing, Duke University, Summer 2007.
Preceptor (NP Student: Nancy Rosebaugh, RN). N315: Directed Research placement, Duke
University School of Nursing, Fall 2006.
Ermentrout Vita
“Justice-Involved Partner Violence Survivors and Substance Use: Improving Intervention Research
Data-Collection Strategies.” Jane H. Pfouts Research Grant, School of Social Work, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Co-PI: Dania M. Ermentrout, Co-PI: Rebecca J. Macy ($3000). March 2011-January 2012.
“Research Evaluation of the MOVE Parent-Child Intervention.” The Duke Endowment.
PI: Rebecca J. Macy, Co-I: Shenyang Guo, Co-I: Dania M. Ermentrout ($643,775). January 2008December 2011.
“Infant Abuse and Infanticide in Three Species of Lemurs.” Undergraduate Research Support
Scholarship, Duke University.
PI: Dania M. Ermentrout ($250). September 2000-May 2001.
Journal Reviewer, Violence Against Women, 2010.
Other Contributor and Reviewer, World Health Organization, 2005.
Sethi, D., Racioppi, F., Baumgarten, I., & Vida, P. (2005). Injuries and violence in Europe:
Why they matter and what can be done, summary. Copenhagen: World Health Organization.
Mentor. Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate Program, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools, 2006-2009.
Hotline Counselor. Family Violence Prevention Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2005-2006.
Co-General Director. Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC), University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 2003-2004.
Social Work Volunteer. Social Work Caucus, Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC), University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002-2003.
Safe Haven Volunteer. Women’s Center, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1999-2001.
Patient Advocate. Duke University Hospital, Durham, North Carolina, 2000.
Philanthropy Chair. Chi Omega Fraternity, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1999-2000.
Presenter, Figure Eight Island Development Event, 2003.
Society for Social Work and Research