In Memoriam: For Jacob An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by Rebecca L. Waggoner May 5, 1990 Thesis Director £~~ Dr. Daryl Adrian Ball State University Graduation Date: May 5, 1990 Sp~\\ ··,r:!:.:::'J'::' ~.:i ~:I' ' .Qq \ " I, ' , "W ~~~l Dedicated to Jacob James Waggoner, whom I miss very much. Many thanks to all who have helped me through this, both in the living and the writing of it. Thank you Dr. Adrian, Dr. Johnson, my parents, and my husband to be. December 15, 1987 BIRTH One more push, one more! OK. Harder! one more push after this one. Here he is! I feel him hit my leg. He is on my stomach now. Oh, my Beebee. My smile won't relax. The doctor is still serious. She is taking him to the warmer. The other doctor is there and they are pumping on him, pushing on him, beating his feet. Nurses run everywhere, and I watch. Is he OK? They take him to another room, and I wait. I don't know what to do or think. I am exhausted. I tell everyone there is no use in worrying right now. I say a prayer, but I fall asleep before Amen. Page 2 December 28, 1987 12:37 am am really tired, but I want to start I baby is sick. this. My He may die or have severe brain damage. I am really sad. I love him very much. 10:10 am I named him Jacob James Waggoner. December 15, 1987 at 11:09 pm. I had chills just going to see him. on I never knew there would be so much pride involved in being a get him mother. I I get to say that I am the mom, I love to say that he is my son. But all of this is also very painful because he is very sick. I don't know where to start. he had the umbilical cord When Jacob was born, around his neck. This doesn't explain all of his problems, but it is the only way I know how to start. Jacob has been on a ventilator since birth. days ago, A few they did try to let him breathe on his own, but within an hour he was having difficulty keeping his throat well. soon clear. I was so disappointed. The doctor told me if he doesn't start improving and fast, we will have to discuss what we will do if his heart starts to slow down. and He was doing so off for 24 hours straight. I think I If cried on tears weren't Page 3 streaming out, I was at least crying inside. The worst problem Jacob must face is the injury to his brain. explain. normal. That is Tests show so ambiguous, I can't begin to that his brain does not look Also his electricity patterns are abnormal and involve seizures, and show he needs seizure medication. Dr. E. can't say if the damage permanent, or how severe it is. is temporary or Also, right now, they can't tell me how the damage will effect Jacob. Jacob has a huge bump on his head delivery. We were in labor for 27 hours. about the bump. it. The Yesterday they did results will be back results are often hard to take. getting from an the I am worried ultrasound today, I bet. It is long kind of back an algebra test you know you failed. on Test like You don't really want it back, but you do want it to get it over with. I am living at the Ronald McDonald House now. People don't realize what the function of the house is. It gives a place hospital scared. here is a place for to parents stay. of I'm sick in the really nervous and I'm not sure why, but I feel like not going to do any good. kids my staying I feel like I will be a burden to the doctors and nurses caring for Jacob. Page 4 I feel like I will be in the way. I hope I am wrong. 11:58 pm I saw Jacob twice today. I got to change diaper which makes me feel more like his mother. his poop looked like real baby poop because started feeding him. grease. really for Jacob. about moving him. I cried. I So was All of those tubes I hope tomorrow will be a good I feel a lot better when it is. ask to hold him again. when have Before, his poop looked like axle are so fragile looking. day Today they Also, a nurse let me give him a bath. nervous his I haven't since the last much time, emotion is packed into that little guy that when I can hold in my arms, I fear day that I won't be able to. I may the Page 5 December 29, 1987 10:14 am I'm going to the hospital good early today for some I have no reason to expect it, but as far news. as I can tell, no reason not to expect it either. Last night they drew some liquid bump. Maybe out Jacob's today they will know more about it, like maybe there is some secret in that bump the of answer to all Jacob's problems. on his head, I hope there will be at least a little good news today. I keep waiting for first. day He He isn't in his asleep sleep. open. The like most babies He lies still and As my dad drove me home that night ( Was it less than a week ago?) I "When will he wake up? cried We'll all the way saying, Why doesn't he wake up?" Now I can't wait till nice. to doesn't wake up and cry in the night, and he doesn't move breathes. eyes I saw him, I couldn't believe that he could always be asleep. though. Jacob's he does. Won't that be show those pessimistic doctors a miracle yet. Tomorrow will be a big coming to visit. - day. My Aunt Linda My parents are coming, too. I like visitors, but they make me very nervous. is In a way I feel Page 6 responsible for their grief, their sadness. now, I can't wait to have some company. haven't talked in months. But right I feel like I - Page 7 December 30, 1987 ,Jacob and I want to stop this world and We are tired of the way things work. get It is so unfair that we have to be the ones going through this. plans, too, just like looking forward to them. decides everyone off. else. We had And we were Now I have to be the one who if Jacob will be restored to breathing when we take him off the ventilator. I have to end the life I am so proud of, so in love with, and so attached to. I also hate the idea of what life is like for him now. He wouldn't be able to function past his functions now. I hate things this way, but I way, too! things the will I ever be a happy person again? always have this on my agrees, hate even mind? I hate it! other will I Everyone me, that not turning the respirator back on is the fair thing. I wish someone would speak up and say there is still one more chance, one more reason to hope. I don't want to give up this easily. When Jacob was born and taken to Riley, in the wanting hospital for to him, abruptly his hold off portable emergency looked on. team of five and my belly. ventilation from Riley I stuck my hand days. the I stayed I kept remembering doctor lifting him I remembered looking into chamber as all of the and my family and friends in the gloved hole and Page 8 tried to hold his little foot. tried to touch his belly. of his chest. There were tubes corning I tried to touch his forehead. to sit up and reach it. tired. It had an IV in it. His face looked I out It hurt strained and I wanted to cry. Lying in my hospital bed, I kept thinking of the song, "My little playmate, why don't you play with me?" Every time I did I would keeps running Jacob. through cry. my Now head. "Abide I With Me" even sang it to Then I gave him a bath and held him tight. I have to enjoy him while I can. My aunt did visit today, but so father. love. We aren't married. I used to think haven't really that thought did Torn, Torn and I aren't even in was a big problem. I about it much lately, though. He was so charming, I thought I was in love, he Jake's met another girl and got engaged. and then I think he would have impressed my aunt if she didn't know what happened to Jacob and me. He got his batch of bad news. don't know what he is thinking. could Chills. change it all, too. I am sorry. I wish I I I love my son very much. Page 9 January 1, 1988 1:30am Tonight my mom and dad Pursuit here. with me came in my room. and played Trivial I was so glad they were Then my friend Laura and her parents called They came to visit me at the Ronald McDonald house. Then I took them to see Jacob, Laura and lobby. her mom me. saw and my parents left. Jacob, her dad waited in the Then they left, and I rang in the new year with my favorite man. He fell asleep in my arms. January 1, 1988 in the morning Dr. E said we would ventilator today or tomorrow. probably do. I live? That's will I feel though. guilty what I feel now. and I feel guilty. for I keep imagine long meantime? continuing to I know he won't live, I don't want to live without him No other baby will be the same. What will happen when they turn the to? can't the losing him will be like, or what life without him will be like. How off I said tomorrow. trying to think of what I will what turn will Jake live? What will Will he die when I am there? machine I off? do in the Do I want him Will I just show up one day, and they will tell me - Page 10 he passed away? I don't want to go through this. Cathy is coming to visit today. to I don't know I want company, My parents are coming, too. act. but I don't want visiting and company, making I too. small talk. don't feel like I don't want to act I happy, or feel guilty for feeling happy. feeling how hate that I get when I have been feeling happy, and then I realize that I have something bigger to be sad about. It is like enjoying yourself at a funeral. When I do show how I feel, I feel responsible for everyone else's I grief. don't want to put anyone through this pain. I would like to shield everyone else from it, have to take it. want to talk to him. I hate to. I think he is relieved. If Jacob dies, I am afraid so much trouble when he got formula change his tube. I knew what. - say I I hate to see Jacob suffer. Re something I don't even I feel like he is only pretending to care about this situation. tube. I They don't. Maybe I should call Tom. too. too. threw up will feel relief, The other day he had in his respirator in his lungs, and they had to I felt like I did when he was born. was wrong, and no one would tell me But when I asked if he would be OK, no one would yes. They went about their duties as though I was Page 11 not there. I was sitting wide after open ignore me. But that the there birth, wide-eyed how split and they found a way to I understand Jacob was the is and important one. it is in this situation, too. They just said we would have to wait and see. been waiting since then. And we have I have been just sitting back and watching him suffer. I wish he would wake up and be fine. I hate tubed. hard, to see my boy It has to hurt. A miracle. poked and prodded, stuck and I feel like he has to work just to breathe, to stay alive. so I don't want to lose him, but I want to see him happy, too. I want to be happy. I am going to the hospital still OK when I get there. now. I hope he is Page 12 January 3, 1988 11:30 am Today is the day we are supposed to turn ventilator. Jacob could breathing indefinitely. can't today. I don't know Am I supposed to be crying? I am not. die off He could go on how to behave. I feel so terrible because In fact, I feel the way I do every understand why the this day. is happening to me. I What purpose is all of this pain going to serve? My brother and his girlfriend Tom might come, too. are coming It makes me nervous. Tina haven't been here yet, so I have to in a way. today. Andy and prepare them Tom makes me nervous anyway. I feel like I should be the only person there when they do it, too. like I am the Everyone else has a right, but I feel closest person to Jacob. That's reason to be selfish, but selfish is what I am. no I want my boy all to myself. I do need support though. myself with I am just afraid to too many people around. responsible for their pain, too. Jacob at the Greensburg I feel like I am I feel like I have to comfort them before I am comforted. were waiting for the Riley team to be It is like when we come hospital. and pick up I told everyone there was no sense in worrying until we knew what was Page 13 I had to take charge to keep my own emotions going on. intact. Just saying it made me feel like it was true. Why do I feel like I have to calm everyone down? I think the feeling I want to get rid of the is that I am somehow doing Jacob restoring his life if he should die. am doing him. it a abort If I am honest, I I don't want to favor by ending his life. is that? favor by not for me just as much as I am doing it for I feel selfish in that, too. Jacob a It is like the logic their babies. people use poor. wouldn't have a father. best thing for the child, but for have when He would be But it is not the the parents. to deal with the baby anymore. have to deal with they They say it is the best thing for He wouldn't have a happy life. don't do What kind of logic the child. He most the uncomfortable They They don't situations. I don't want to end Jacob's life for me. But also, every time up I think respirator sick. about tube and He was so working so Jacob stopping stressed hard just spitting out his into his breathing, I feel after to stay alive. that. He was I felt like we were forcing him to stay alive when all he wanted to do was rest. Everyone says he will be going to a better, happier place. - Why shouldn't he go? Page 14 Hospitals are so cold, even there all the time, Riley. I can't and even though I want to be, I feel like I need to get out of there sometimes. is so little I can do. I am helpless. I can change his diaper, I can feet, belly, ears, and hair. play He is like my doll. with stay away. his hands, I can peel off his strips I can give him a He doesn't complain or cry. He doesn't go anywhere when I can't There I can hold him, of dry skin has has from the warmer. bath. be set him down. But I No other baby could make me feel the way my son does. What makes me sad is when I think could have been. of what Jacob I think of all the things little boys do, all the things they do with their moms, and the way everyone feels about a healthy baby. to hold a healthy baby. around them. People are No one is afraid naturally happy Only an elite few have been able to find happiness with Jacob. Being one of those few makes me feel important. I am more accepting now. on trying to reach for what could have been. focus on the way things are. baby, I am told. little boy things. mom. I have tried to give Jacob will up I try to always be a He won't wake up and do all those I am always I love him very much. going to be Jacob's I hope he fools the world Page 15 and defies all logic and wakes up a normal baby. is probably impossible the best for him. will be happy. though. We can only I dread today. That We can only pray for hope that somehow I hate to lose him. he .- Page 16 January 6, 1988 We turned off the ventilator Sunday. of losing That him. I got I knew that Jake could to his module, I was so afraid. I wasn't die, and we expected him too. When really afraid I was afraid of was just sad. what he would have to go through to die. We left for a while to eat. noticed that his and his going off. oxygen, When alarm we returned, for left, he was I was really afraid. They he was fine. horrible for me. almost turned up but he continued to have poor color. then we low oxygen saturation was noticed that the line was still cut. and we oxygen hook up was cut in the line. We told a nurse. yellow Before his Later we They fixed that, Just that little incident was I hated seeing him suffer, but I so afraid of the end coming. was I felt relieved for Jacob and me, even though I didn't want it to end. We are going through so much. Jake is haven't yet. needed still breathing three days later. I seen him yet today, but they haven't called me Yesterday, his new doctor, Dr. to start thinking about i f Y, I said that I want to take him home or put him in a nursing home facility. afraid to even think about either option. I I am so think, and Page 17 I can't get past the idea unfair to Jacob and I. that either would be so We are one unit, even though he probably doesn't know I exist. It is like he is one of those after people who linger on supports are turned off and more grieving. the their family breathing goes through I should be happy he is alive, right? But knowing he may die, that is what is scary. feel so terrible. I Jake to die. I almost feel like I want His hanging on is so hard on him and me. I don't want to lose him, but he looks so sad. He doesn't seem to rest anymore. stressed look on his face, and because of all the he mucous is always rasping in his lungs and throat. Only when I hold him does his even He always has this rigidity relax. Maybe than relaxation is my imagination and pride. he isn't even awake. He doesn't see his toys, And and I don't know if he can hear his music box. It is almost noon, hospital yet. I won't be myself he anything for him. OK, and is haven't satisfied still until been then I will watch him. He just sleeps. as used to. to the I am about I see for OK, even though I can't do When I get there I will hours. he I I have been doing laundry. to go crazy. that and see he is I could watch him for I don't think he moves as much I tickle his feet and he squirms, but Page 18 he wrinkles his face now when he squirms. little more when he moves. doesn't want to be touched. He rasps a It makes me feel like he Maybe that is painful for him. He is three weeks old much. today. I love him very I am going to get ready to go so I can see him. Page 19 January 8, 1988 I am going to be busy for a couple friend Donna is coming All know it is of a these bad My Cathy and maybe people make me nervous. situation, understand how bad. days. tonight, and then my parents Saturday morning, then Deb, and then Regina. of but they They could never My parents may understand, but not from my perspective. Yesterday, I watching TV. She holding her hand. wish I was watching a mom and her son had her arm around him, and he was I kept thinking of Jake could do that with him. and how I I guess I will always feel like Jake and I missed out, that we were gypped out of being a happy mom and son. I thought the other day that I see Jacob for very long. couldn't mine). But when thought, how could I not be alive? He is to I felt so guilty for wishing that he would pass away and end his selfishly bear misery (and more I got to the hospital, I happy that he is still so beautiful, so quiet, so peaceful, I couldn't help but be glad to see him. and hold him for hours. for an entire afternoon. I had to stay I could just watch him breathe Page 20 I hate the idea of putting him in a home. selfish for wanting to go on I feel with my own life. I almost feel like I am cheating on him or being disloyal if I try to go on without him. A nurse told me yesterday that it would be best for Jacob, put him in a home. getting the best care. too, if I She said that there he would be I couldn't possibly provide as much care as those nurses do. They don't sleep on the job. They have relief come in at shift. That's the end of their the first time anyone has said that it would be better for Jacob. She even said that parents fool themselves when they think they can provide better care than a nursing home. She might: not even know I am there. to him. admitted that Jacob I may not be a comfort I may be, but my constantly being there probably be meaningless to him. in my mind is made. matter. Maybe I I don't should have would I think the decision a choice in put Jake in a home. have to convince myself it is the best thing. the I just I have to learn to like the idea, or at least tolerate it. I still think Jake knows when I am there. care what that nurse says. right now. I don't That is one of my few joys Page 21 January 11, 1988 I finally got rid of all my guests. of their company, but people come to visit. Everyone wants questions. All truthfully, answers. last but get see the they Jacob, I always I they try disregard I say he hasn't. improved all have to my answer truthful any in the Then they say, well, at I don't know what to say know he is still breathing, but that is all. I can see that he isn't going always and questions least he is holding his own. then. all too stressed out when They ask if Jacob has week. enjoy I feel like I have to entertain. to of I I to change much. They say that kids are strange, they can change from sick to well in a minute. I give up. My visitors don't really say these things, acquaintances do. But my visitors They say they heard him cry. They want to believe that a miracle may even prayed his for eyes their own little tricks. pastor saw have mostly a move miracle. or happen. My I welcome that miracle, but I can't expect it to happen. If I expected it, it wouldn't be a miracle anyway. I made myself feel terrible this weekend. sarcastic with my parents. they couldn't come on Saturday. I am so My mom called to tell me I really wanted them - Page 22 to come. I need them sometimes. She says they can come on Sunday and maybe go to church. what to do. I really didn't know. I didn't I got mad and said they could come whenever they wanted to, see them up. Then, I had to go back to my room McDonald whenever they got here. House. I had to face know and I would I cried when I hung the at the Ronald people in the hallway saying, "Are you all right?" and then go to room where my visiting friend Donna was my waiting. Uncontrollably crying. Donna didn't understand why, but she said she did. I some more. My parents came on Sunday when my friend Deb was here. I tried to treat them kindly, but I cried still came off as a bitch. support me the most, and I wanted them They are the people who treat them this way. I to stay longer, but I knew they couldn't. Why can't they come and stay a long time, play and maybe watch TV? a game I am lonely. Maybe I have stayed up here at the Ronald McDonald House too long. I don't know how I am supposed to act. Maybe after you find out that your baby isn't by your presence, you are just supposed to go home. hate not being there, though. feel effected helpless. And when I am there, I I I feel like people are watching me and wondering why I continue to hang around when there is Page 23 nothing I can do. Those people watching me can't understand why I have to put Jacob in a home. I wish there were someone who could help parents don't address the whole pleasant whenever possible. help? the who has focus on I am tired of being No one understands when them, and they don't believe me. to their own little world. will our to explain everything and make sure everyone understands. When In Can't they see I need I am tired of being strong. one My problem. conversations, we avoid the sad subjects and the me. something I tell They adjust the story Optimism hurts me too much. start to go my way? Or Jacob's way? Yesterday Jacob and I had some thought relaxed. Then I opening. (I know I it was fun.) I patted his stomach until he was His left eye would tickle would his slowly feet. squeeze his eyes shut tight. stomach fun. for a while open. He would squirm and Then again. partially His I would eye pat would his start I did this for about an hour and a half. The nurse showed me how to do range and motion exercises, and how to suction all of that mucous out of his nose and throat. of feels It isn't hard. good to do something. Actually, it kind I enjoyed being alone Page 24 with him again last night. page 25 January 13, 1988 Yesterday they told me they were going to the G-tube on Thursday. put The G-tube is an easier method to feed a baby who does not suck, like Jacob. of in Instead feeding him through a tube which goes down his nose and into his stomach (which is very irritating), a tube is surgically through. it is placed his a pretty routine procedure. won't to feed him be able doctors are draw a blank. around, and trying to think of a question to trusting. of any All I ask questions. say question to think of any questions. standing think They They asked me if I I think they ask that time they ask that, I can't stomach I am not worried about it really. had any questions. you into of so Every these am on the spot them. I still I guess I am pretty Jake has been through so much, this doesn't seem too bad. Last night I Jacob. That started to learn how to percuss is a method of beating on his chest with this little plastic hammer which breaks up the junk his lungs. In jealousy, I have watched the nurses do this to Jacob, and wished I could scared thought. to in do it. It do it. Now I am is much more technical than I Page 26 The nurses have been teaching me things this week. I guess it is because I may take Jacob home. I know I can't, but me want to take him home. to. One It makes I want nurse said I should try to keep teaching him to suck. She said, "One never knows, he may pick it up someday." I was amazed. damage was irreparable. otherwise. I want I thought they told me the No one before her had told me Jacob to be everything he can be, and I thought what he is now is what he always will be. I feel like everyone (the important people) is giving up on Jacob and waiting for him to die. almost convinced me, too. any good, now. leave though. think they I feel like they think I should go home and visit my boy less. doing I Maybe Maybe I am in the way. I would be even more sad. I'm not I can't Page 27 January?, 1988 Whatever date, today is Saturday. surgery is over. I don't everyone else keeps saying well. I he can't believe that. He looks yellow. G-tube think he looks well, but tolerated the surgery All day Thursday he had seizures, and he is still having them. is low. Jacob's His blood count I hated watching him look so sick, so sad. I told a nurse I was glad no one was that day. She couldn't understand it either. I don't want to understand I don't be responsible for their sorrow. me, when they I are When I cry I feel like I have to be sure everyone else is OK. they that. me I don't want to make anyone sad. don't want them to try to comfort sad. visiting I don't know if I can comfort them. If knew what I know about Jacob, they probably would need comforting. I keep thinking that they aren't close to Jacob as I am, so why don't they layoff? that is ridiculous. as But They care about Jacob and me, too. Page 28 January 23, 1988 This week gone has been able I must be getting to go for a week without better. I writing. I did write a few letters, so I have something. have fast. That is a sign of wellness, too. written I usually can only write letters when I am happy. Jacob makes me happy though. what I used to wonder I would do if he would stop breathing in my arms. Last night I was holding him and he breathing slowly. breathing short percussing of I did mouth (beating kept gagging everything to mouth. to I keep suffer. a home. I don't want would I don't him to I want him to be happy. he is not having The anesthesia lessened his control over his muscles even more than what it is. immature I I don't want him to die. We found out with an EEG that seizures. stop on his chest to break up the junk him a little. want to send him to him would in his lungs) to make sure he was breathing. shake and movements that he He was just couldn't stopped making strange motions now. stop. making He has Page 29 His eyes were open so wide last night. his eyeballs. He I have tried to make his eyes move, and just when I think he reacted to me, he does it own. moves on his Last night I tried to see if he reacted to things coming at him. I would move his "Ernie" toy quickly to his though it were dropping. face, as him flinch. him do Three times. things other I swear I saw Am I going to keep on seeing people can't somet.hing for me and no one else? see? will he do Does he know who I am? I had such a great time with him gave him a bath, last night. I percussed him, put his clothes on, helped move him to a crib and put moisturizer on him. I felt really needed and important. He is so beautiful. more and there proud of him. He doesn't need oxygen is no more tape on his face. any I am so He has gone from not breathing at all to no oxygen! I wish he would get better. even though they say he won't. Everything I get in the mail, tells me that nothing is And I pray for It is so frustrating. everything impossible faith stopping him? Someone else? people to doesn't he do something about Jacob then? of that, Is say, God. Why my lack Why does he let Page 30 my boy suffer? Why can't Jacob get better? any baby have to suffer? Why does They don't do anything wrong. Page 31 ?, 1988 Tuesday Jan. Tomorrow children's I am home, to going visit. I am afraid. like it, and I want it to be a good But place I have weird thoughts about it. will forget me. nurses House, Heritage to I don't want him a I want to for Jacob. I am afraid Jacob to love and the staff) before he loves me. them (the I feel that I can be easily substituted. At Heritage House, I want them to tell me they can help him in some way. I want them to say that they can make Jacob better instead of just waiting die. for him to I can't stand the thought of it. I have been really weepy lately. nowhere to turn. No I one to talk to. Jacob late Saturday night. feel I have I went to see I was crying and I couldn't sleep. I keep imagining him isn't as bad as they getting say. better. Doctors Maybe should reminding you somehow--little updates of doom. it keep Instead I get a mass report once in a while detailing how there is no hope for Jacob, he will remain this way. Nurses should know who they are taking of. false hopes when they talk to my baby and act can see. I am so afraid. Asleep. They build like he Page 32 ?eople wouldn't leave me alone when I wanted to be alone. Now no one is around. me and help me. right to I need someone to hold I can't ask for help. burden anyone else. It wouldn't be I want someone to care, who understands, and who won't cry or get upset when cry and talk. I I feel like I have to help them, or that I am responsible for their sorrow. Basically I need superman with emotions of steel. I can't understand the hospital. vibes that I am weak because Sometimes I If you talk too much to worries that encourage you to feel silly I don't want to go home until Jacob leaves. you get there too much, others I feel guilt because I'm not there enough. and Sometimes I a nurse, the are getting too attached. talk. supposed to talk too? Who in the hell staff But they are you How do you not make friends with the nurses you are around daily? I am so proud of Jacob. I feel so alone. He has been wrinkling his eyebrows. Why? see or I don't know. hear, but I couldn't say why I think that. isn't consistent. sleeping hours. - He sometimes acts like he can He seems to have waking hours He falls asleep when I hold him. makes me feel important. He is beautiful. I sure He and That do Page 33 love him. I know what real love is now. other feelings come out of it. happiness, of them. pride, insecurity is. all Fear, All these guilt, I Also hate, know what I see it in Jacob I feel it in myself. sometimes. My favorite nurse, Jacob's primary days now. feel is on better more often. She keeps mentioning that she wants to take me for pizza sometime. I nurse, out I wish we really could go out some night. know it's not going to happen though. Dangerous. I She could even lose her job. I feel almost stable here sometimes. afraid to leave. - Maybe I am Page 34 January?, 1988 My grandma and my great They are so feelings. optimistic. grandma to visit. I hope I didn't hurt their I tried to tell them, never wake up. came Jacob probably will But they tried and tried to convince me otherwise. We took a lot of pictures. pictures of all of us It is neat. together. We Great Grandma, Grandma, Dad, Jacob and I are five generations (or sleeping, once. in Jake's case) took walking on this earth all at We decided to take the pictures when we kind thought about how long Jake might live. of We need to do what we can with him before he dies. Jacob has been moving his eyes grandmas really liked that. every time I think, well, there. a lot. I do too. maybe he I think I get a chill, does know I am Page 35 February 9, 1988 Beth, Jacob's primary nurse, and out for pizza tonight. I finally We have talked about doing it for a long time, but I never really believed happen. it We had to kind of sneak to do it. at the would She went to I her car, and then I left the module and Jacob. her went met emergency room entrance, and then we were off. I expected it to be different though. but I wanted to talk more about Jacob. she couldn't say at the hospital. Jacob, protect him as much as I talk about She loves Jacob, work. do talked, Find out things She did but it was different for her. I can tell that, but he is also We She from tries to rotten nurses, heartless doctors, and pessimistic attitudes. But she knows these things so well, it is overwhelming to me. After we ate, she dropped me off at the I went up to be with Jacob again. I felt kind of weird because it was like I had never left. hospital with me, embarrassed. It was a the A nurse asked little shocked and I didn't think anyone knew about Beth and I going out for pizza. fun. I had taken and now I was back. me, "Did you have fun?" I hospital. just felt "Yes," I told her. strange seeing I did have Beth out of the Page 36 hospital. Will it hospital, be too. be ready to go. then strange seeing Jacob out of They keep saying any day now, he will The other day he was he had a fever. all ready, Can't go with a fever. go while. with all that either. I can wait. Being here and Then his stitches around his G-tube were all swollen and Can't. the pussy. We will be waiting a is comfortable now. The home will be a change, and it is one I am afraid to make. Jacob strength and in I have his neck. been practicing developing Beth showed me this. really anything which will prove anything. something neat to do with him. It is just I hold him on my lap and t:hen pull him up by his arms. his It isn't Sometimes head up with the rest of his body. he holds Other times he doesn't, and then his head dangles back, looking It looks limp. and sounds terrible, but it really is OK. I love it when he can do it though. I have lately. been helping with Jacob's care a lot I bathe him every night, change his clothes (I bring in clothes people gave to me at his shower.), and percuss him. Then I play games with him. get to help weigh him. Some of the nurses Sometimes I will even Page 37 let me apply medicine to his stitches which are swollen and angry looking. Page 38 February 11, 1989 I I went home today, but it was not fun. am not very comfortable I worry about at home now. Jacob, and I am afraid the hospital won't something is I call me if They never have needed to call, wrong. but I still worry. usually I feel guilty that I am not there. shouldn't be having fun when Jacob is lying still in a hospital crib. I ate I actually had a good time at home. with my parents and watched some dinner TV with them. I decided to go back about 9 o'clock, so I would be there about: I drove back, feeling a little nervous. 10: 30. I usually do, different. before. I shouldn't. but I I felt wanted kind of think this time was an urgency which I had never felt to drive faster, but I knew I I was tired when I got there, but I had to go see Jacob immediately. The module thought Jacob. at looked first normal everything He was on oxygen. as entered, was OK. He seemed OK, but still, he was on oxygen. I to so I But then I saw be breathing We had worked so hard to get past that, and we were back to it. Page 39 A doctor came up to me and trying to call you. I telephone number." What? they need to own. think They "Jacob to we "We have never call. have been the wrong Why did stopped breathing a few We were concerned about hours ago. continue call? said, whether he would He started breathing again on his live. H Fear breathing, apnea. rushed over me. How and then start again. It is like what happens to from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. happen again soon. could he not be The doctor called it babies who suffer I asked if it would He said he couldn't say for sure, but it was likely. I cried a lot leaning nurse didn't really on bother his me. crib I today. kind someone to, just so I could talk to someone. The of wanted Page 40 February 14, 1988 Sunday I am still spending all my time at Jacob doesn't change. children's home. Probably next We just Everyday, they week. But the hospital. to go to the maybe tomorrow. wait say then Jacob has a fever, or maybe he has a little infection around his G-tube. needs to have a clean bill of health to leave. He So we wait. Today all of the babies had little Valentines on their cribs. The nurses made them babies signed them with for the little mothers, ink Jacob's little footprints were adorable. me of when he was it what he is. said, the prints. They reminded born, and his feet were so tiny. They still are, but he is getting a little Inside foot and pudgy now. "Mom, you're special." Funny, that's - Page 41 February 23, 1988 Jacob and I had been rocking for two hours before the sun began to lighten the dim private isolation room of the children's home. "Breathe!" It All I could think seemed about was, like that was all I had thought abou1: since we arrived at the home only a week before. Had Jacob's it only been one week? Unbelievable. chest rose and fell inconsistently. * * One week before, riding car. home from * a * * Tuesday, Jacob and I were Riley in the backseat of our family My mother drove, but her eyes were mostly in backseat, and the carseat. sleeping. not on the road. I thought he looked His chest rattled the Jacob was perched in as though he were from the mucous in his lungs, as he seemed to labor over every breath. Maybe we should have let him ride in the ambulance. But this was Jacob's first time in two and a months (his life) outside the hospital. He was not within sight (if he could see) of a single doctors in this Ford Taurus Wagon. used to clean babies' Mom's friend, Bev, followed close nurse. No Only me, my mom, and my son (and a portable suction device those half a lot like ears) were in the car. behind in her own Page 42 car. And we were rejoicing. (secretly We had collected his gifts given to Jacob as going away presents by the nurses), put him in his car seat, and we there. I almost at the out of skipped through the hospital lobby. No more rules, no more gowns, no more Maybe were Riley hospital! home we could take Jacob home sometime. Maybe there would be hope. Jacob's primary nurse, Beth, carried the car. It was a rule there. him She seemed happy for me. Jacob like this breathing. about the hospital Jacob leaving, but It was time for me to go home, too. breathed Indianapolis, his airway. upset to She had to ensure that we had a car seat and that he got out of safely. out fine until we got out of but then he began to slouch, cutting off I propped him up was difficult for a little. Sitting up a baby who had trouble He slouched again, and I propped him up. up out He began to rattle, and Mom turned around. "He's a little blue, Beck," she cried. In fear and frustration I picked my Jacob of the carseat. What if he died before we got there? What if I lose him right here and now? I suctioned him Page 43 as best me. I could with the little thing they had given I couldn't tell if it was really working or not. I told my mom to drive faster, and she friend did. Our following us seemed to disappear in the traffic behind us. I held Jacob almost the whole way to the home. kept suctioning more and more. and suctioning, By the time we but he just rattled arrived, Jacob blue tinge that made me feel like swallowing. be dying without Riley? I had a Could he Were we killing him? And the worst part was that he couldn't be revived if he were dying. it daily. take It was my decision, but I questioned How could I let my baby die? him to a home to wait to die? wouldn't wake up? true? It How could I How did we know he How could we believe the tests were made me feel sick to watch him labor to get oxygen, knowing it may be the last time I would be with him. Somehow we got into the home. nurses who I didn't know, "He needs suctioning, BAD!" without crying. finally I tried to tell the It seemed like forever, but they brought a machine and a tube that was the size we used when he was a newborn. suctioning in A nurse did his mouth, and then went on. a little After she Page 44 left the room, I tried to throat myself, with get the goop little luck. out of his There was just too much for that tiny tube. The nurses at the home were surprised at my desire to help with Jacob. Actually, I didn't want to help. I wanted to do it all myself. home? I G-tube. job, home. could suction. Why didn't take him I could feed him through the I loved to bathe him. too. I I did such a better I would have to have him all I could at the No one could take my Jacob away from me. Jacob's color returned. the new baby. a toddler. Everyone wanted to see They had only one other baby, and he was Jacob was the youngest client there. And I took some pride in that, until I thought about why. was there by my choice. I couldn't take He care of him some of the and live my life as I knew it. I think every staff member and even clients got to hold Jacob when he was supposed to be in twenty-four hour isolation. attention, back. but soon At first I enjoyed the it became a fight to get my baby How can all of these people hold him? Never had he been passed around this way, except once when we had a five generation picture taken with close relatives, though. him. They These were strangers. were The Page 45 rest of the time at Riley, he had never had more than inspection. She two visitors at a time. A nurse came to give asked a an lot of questions, but really didn't listen to my answers. nurses' Jacob I don't notes from even Riley think she had read the yet. She asked questions which were obvious, yet she didn't seem to care what said. Then she taught to avoid. eventually could took an anal temp., something I was They hurt the poor damage use here," she said. I baby's his muscles. "More accurate." butt and "That's all we Yuck. I felt like throwing up. After she left, and the commotion died down, I sat and rocked Jacob who I thought felt tired and worn. felt the first peace I had feared the rattling felt all in his chest. day, but I still Could he die from lack of efficient suctioning? I cried and pretty soon think she knew a nurse walked in. I I was crying, but did not mention it. She did start talking to me though. "I am so glad you chose to come hope for him you know. here. It is all in the attitude. hospital sometimes makes people pessimistic. suck?" There Does is The he Page 46 "NO," I replied. "We can teach him that-- I have seen babies really progress." Suck-- I couldn't believe it. Jacob had never had this ability, hence his G-tube. "Has he cried?" I got him to make a few sounds once though." "No. "Vocal cords are Maybe intact. he'll cry someday." I tried to imagine that. to hear him cry? Wouldn't it be wonderful Music to my ears. "Keep praying, Becky. Don't God! give up on God. He'll pull Jacob through." Suddenly I didn't mind Heritage House so much. I hoped she was right. * * * But watching him breathe that morning, have never breathe. thought about Keep breathing. sucking * * or you crying. would Just Page 47 By seven o'clock, my mother was there. She coached him verbally as I held him, trembling inside. * * * * To the surprise of his nurses, I the next morning. was * back early I found Jake in the children's wing, already out of isolation. He was already dressed and bathed. baby shampoo. He reeked of I know he had been, but I asked anyway. "Did he already have his bath?" "Oh, I think the night nurse bathed him. You can bathe him again though." Like I would want him to just for my pleasure. sit through baths Why couldn't they just tell me? Why couldn't I have something to do? and two I hid my jealousy said, "Can you save his bath sometime for me?" She said, "Oh, sure." But I never got to see where to draw the water. He seemed to be doing well that day. Pretty normal behavior, although he still rattled quite a bit. A little movement. We rocked all day. By the end of the day, they were even starting to leave the rocker by Jacob's bedside for me. - * * I liked that. * * * Page 48 I looked into Jacob stopped breathing. and he didn't move. arms. my arms, For minutes, he lie lifeless in my I tried to speak, but all that escaped my lips was a whimper. The nurse came over to me, and checked rate. Slow gasped. but present. Suddenly, his he heart gasped. I again. I The nurse gasped. I laughed in delight. He was alive could breathe more easily now, as though his lungs were mine. We had fooled the world. I talked to Jacob, but I said. He would live! don't remember Some sort of encouragement, I think. what I I kept him rocking, believing it was keeping him alive. * * * * * On Jacob's third day there, I was a little shocked when I saw him. He looked yellow to me. him, his arms and legs fell lifeless over arm. Usually he felt rigid. to loosen his muscles. When I held my cradling We did exercises with him But that day he was limp and lifeless, like a rag doll. We walked around the home, something do at Riley. We could we couldn't go anywhere we wanted. favorite place was the front lobby because it was Our so Page 49 quiel:. Bibles were there. I read to him sometimes. That day we visited the teacher use. showed us school of his * * one could * Jacob had apnea attacks more and began temporary. stimuli We never got to go back though. * I to ignore more * frequently them, believing they were It began to become difficult to tell ended, The I looked forward to returning anytime, as she suggested. then. too. the stimuli toys Jacob and I could She said my manipulation benefit him. room, and the where next began, his breathing was so shaLLow. * * * * On Friday I made it there early, nine o'clock. register. I was My life was supposed to I to think go continue, before to school to not Jacob began his stay at Heritage House. * stop, when It was time to move on, as much as I hated to leave him. Everything was really needed kickEld in. to planned to be quick get to school by noon. today. I But reality When a nurse saw me come in the front door with my mother, she immediately approached me and began to escort me to Jacob. "Jacob is having breathing," as she said though she some trouble were trying to Page 50 lessen the blow. Jacob wasn't in his fronl: of the nurses' oxygen mask on it. enouqh room. He station, was and directly in his face had an They didn't have a nose piece small for Jacob's face. Again he appeared blue. he been suctioned? His chest rose and seemed to be making deep sighs over visibly. He and over again. and fell Had abruptly He rattled from deep in his chest. face must have shown fear and worry. My The nurses seemed to spring into action. "I've called the RN. She's on her way. He has learned was the just become this way, this morning." We waited for thennometer doctor. the maniac. RN, who I When she saw Jake, she called the The doctor ordered a chest X-ray. They called the ambulance, and we waited. * * * My mom held Jacob for a while. to take his vitals. but she She was * The nurse came Heartbeat present. it would disappear. temp . , * supposed in I dreaded when to take his was nice and gave Jacob's poor butt a break. - * * * * * Page 51 The ambulance drivers came. the stretcher, all neat They loaded Jacob on and bundled like a papoose. Mom and I rode in the back with Jacob and a paramedic. He held Jake still. When he heard the rattling, he suggested Jacob suctioned. Jacob I about screamed, "All right!" He suctioned with improve, be a and portable I felt talked to us a lot. machine. a Jacob lot better. The really seemed seemed to Both of the men sympathetic to the situation and concerned. The test results came back. Jacob had pneumonia. He would need oxygen, to keep him comfortable. I hated leaving him that day. and alone. I felt so helpless He lie on the crib, sighing repeatedly. worried the whole time and I couldn't return I until Saturday morning. * * People began to pass * by the * open * door to our private room. The home was beginning to come the passer-bys alive. Sometimes would glance in at Jacob, Mom, and me. It seemed that everyone knew. A few nurses popped to say hello (but they said mostly good-byes) . in Page 52 The days that followed * * * * * are fuzzy. don't I remember what happened from one day to the next. One day I got a phone call fairly early that they were afraid Jacob wouldn't make it. I was there. go 1:0 I went as fast as I get there. Dad came, too. said Would I come? could possibly The nurse suggested "Riley." The doctor said he needed that kind of care. We I was kind of excited. Riley. Our intense care. old nurses The who place I were knew had going us. back to Our special already won some Jacob into independence with Jacob. The same two ambulance drivers loaded the ambulance. Dad followed in his watching Jacob breathe, up and down, car. but We were suddenly he stopped. The ambulance drivers changed their reacted quickly, would revive him. he couldn't be revived. decided that. they destination to the county hospital. were brought in, and for a few moments, they as I was We afraid I knew if he was going to die, We had decided that. But what if they didn't know that? if they just started to save his life without I had What asking Page 53 me? Would I try to stop him? Could I go against my decision, so I could keep my baby for a while longer? He started breathing on his own, minutes. The ER doctors Riley said to talk think. doctor in ER only a few called Riley, our previous destination. The in to me about it, I told me exactly what they always told me at Riley. "Taking Jacob to Riley would probably prolong life. They would isolate the virus, they could provide excellent care, and he could improve. arrived. If he didn't die before he thing. But the point is, if Jacob goes to Riley, he returns, Heritage House could do the same this could all happen again. time. when He could be in and out of the hospital forever, only getting each his worse They suggest we do our best, and remember what is best for Jacob." How could this returned get worse? to Heritage House. He was dying. We Dad drove, while I cried, all the way home. The next day, Mom, Dad, and I came to visit Jacob. I think it was Sunday or Monday. limp and tired looking. They held him. Mom and Dad Jacob was still so noticed it too. He didn't feel the same, but he looked a lit:tle better, didn't he? Page 54 We went out for dinner and overate to make ourselves feel better. * * * * * I got the call about five-thirty in I told Mom and Dad, drivE~, is a but I don't remember much of it. skep1:ical. Monday. It He seemed better, only the twenty minute I know I felt night before, I hoped it was a false alarm. I rocked Jacob and talked to him. was morning. I'm not sure what and I left. transpired on the way there. the His breathing so shallow, I didn't even notice he quit breathing the last time. Page 55 Fade His heart it beats slowly but sure. The nurse listens, but then it's gone. She says I can't find his heart:beat. And then my heart screaming, crying, exploding, skips every beat in pain. - Page 56 * * * * It wasn't long before Dad was there. Jake's holding cold body I was still Dad held when he arrived. We all talked to him, and rocked him, too. * him, even change his though we knew he was dead. A nurse asked When clothes. I if he like would to died, all of his body's secretions escaped his body, so he had a dirty diaper. would like to, so I said I we picked out his best new outfit (one his primary nurse had given him with a duck on it) and I put it on him. surprised how fast it His got body cold. I was cold. could I was feel the coldness go through his body, it wasn't a slow process. After we changing changed table in Jacob, the we room. left him on this He lay there while we waited for the pastor and the funeral director to come. When the pastor came, he picked out to read. them. some Bible them, talked While he the funeral director came. in our circle, and we all we verses The twenty-third Psalm was one of It kind of washed a calm over me. reading Then had about held funeral hands for He sat down a arrangements. quietly rested on the changing table. was prayer. Jacob Page 57 It was time to leave. and the Everyone was up, funeral director was going towards Jacob. picked him up, covering his head with was getting dead, and a blanket. He He I didn't cover his face when I changed him. It We all walked out together. outside, so few words were exchanged. felt we weren't supposed to talk. As 1:he white carrying him. didn't very windy Or maybe we all What would we say? wind whipped my hair around my face, I watched him carry my Jacob to his car. lacy was blanket. I felt Why wasn't I even know Jake. Jacob was swaddled in a confused carrying when him? he was This man He had no idea what he was all about, and now he was carrying him. Away from me. I guess all of those thoughts were irrational, but I felt them.. I wanted him to be in my arms again. him back. I wanted Page 58 April 1988 "All the Cool Poets Are Dead." Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth, Donne, But the coolest was my son Because he could sum up the universe With the wrinkle of an eyebrow. He never said a word. He didn't have to. He expressed love, beauty, and sorrow Eloquently. I could read all of the world's poetry and I'd find no better soliloquy than a quiet sigh of that little guy. Why? On December 15, 1987, my son, Jacob, was born. was a beautiful boy of seven pounds and ten ounces. loved him more than I Unfortunately, when ever he was imagined love could He I be. delivered, the umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his neck causing severe brain damage. At two months and ten days on February 23, J.988, Jacob died of pneumonia. should - be I used to think I thankful that he lived at all, for he lived two months and ten days longer than the doctors thought Page 59 he would. But now I find all of this very unfair, and I miss his breath on my face and his heartbeat my chest. against To hold him again would be my wish, but that would only leave me wanting more. Page 60 April 1990 Epilogue It has been over two years since Jacob died. further removed from I the emotions, but I still think abou1: him. I wonder about what could have been, and miss Now I know it all was for the best. him. am only respect for his caregivers at Riley and I I have Heritage House. Some of the experiences I had with Jacob has tried more. his to forget. But bubbles a on my lot. chest. His him, was always Gran1:. He had warm, and grabbing my a tiny dimple on his chin, like Cary He was beautiful. him and be his mother. believed them. feeling He could speak to me by just wrinkling his forehead and hiccupping, or pinkie. and He used to drool and blow body comfortable against mine. mind I would like to remember I'd like to remember holding breath my I felt important to be with Everyone said he knew me, and I