Social Considerations in the Development, Deployment and Adoption of Web-Based Organizational Memories Andrew Gorman Center for LifeLong Learning and Design Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0430 Abstract This paper begins with the premise that people want t o participate in designing their future. While an individual unaided human mind is powerful, real power is derived from humans working in conjunction with tools and other humans. Developing computational support for collaboration among groups of individuals is a difficult task, but its potential benefit is tremendous. This paper will describe three broad models of collaborative systems along with examples of systems that typify each model. The sociotechnical aspects of collaboration and participation will be discussed as they relate to the development, deployment, and adoption of an organizational memory system intended to support the collaborative design of a new building. Introduction The Discovery Learning Center (DLC) is a new building being constructed on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder. This process gathers groups of people who have varying backgrounds and interests. The goal that is common to all is the construction of a new building. However, each has his or her own unique agenda. In order to support such a process, it is desirable to create an information space that can be useful to all stakeholders as they participate in the design and construction of the new building. The DLC information space began as a static repository of design documents and background information. It has since grown into a more dynamic system for disseminating design alternatives and gathering feedback from stakeholders. The adoption of such a system by stakeholders who have little prior exposure to one another can be a very complicated process, which is affected by both technical and social factors. Information Access is Necessary but not Sufficient In today's workplace, people need to know how to access information. However, simply knowing how to access information falls short of what is truly needed in today’s workplace. For example, in the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee report (PITAC, 1999), there is a call for ubiquitous information access. This call for accessibility needs to be extended to include the understanding that the key to the future lies not only in greater access to information, but in greater support for knowledge construction (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994). Although there is value in such an access model, its focus is incomplete. It is based on an impoverished view that relevant knowledge already exists, waiting to be accessed. In order to truly gain the benefits of information technology, what is needed is not simply greater access to information, but a greater ability for average people to construct and distribute new knowledge (Arias, 1999 (in press)). People Want to Participate How can more than 261 million individual Americans define and reconcile their needs and aspirations with community values and the needs of the future? Our most important finding is the potential power of and growing desire for decision processes that promote direct and meaningful interaction involving people in decisions that affect them. Americans want to take control of their lives (PCSD, 1996, p.7). This finding of the President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) supports the claim that something more is needed than access alone. Therefore, an important challenge for future information technology is to enable stakeholders of problems to become involved informed participants (Brown, Duguid, & Haviland, 1994). To make informed participation a reality, we need support for new forms of knowledge creation, integration, and dissemination. People seldom explore large repositories of information in the abstract (Fischer, Lemke, McCall, & Morch, 1996; Moran & Carroll, 1996). Instead, information is typically sought in response to breakdowns encountered during meaningful, real-life activities (Fischer, 1994; Popper, 1965). By overcoming such breakdowns, new knowledge is created, which then must be integrated with any knowledge that may have been generated during prior breakdowns. This cycle leads to the creation and evolution of rich information spaces that can empower interested community members as they “take control of their lives.” Exam #3 2 M1-M3 Models of Participation A typical model of information sharing (e.g., (Ackerman & Malone, 1990; Ackerman & McDonald, 1996)) focuses on experts sharing information with non-experts. This is through a single person or small committee. This is typical of information generated in an open source model of software development (Raymond, 1999). Here there are many contributors, but only a few (or one) that integrates feedback from the community back into a coherent structure. There has been much success using this model in open source movements (Fielding, 1999; Torvalds, 1999) and while this is an advantage over the M1 model, in terms of collaborative construction, it can lead to problems of scalability. Furthermore, there needs to be a highly dedicated person that has the full-time responsibility of analyzing and structuring all of the feedback. The M3 model (figure 3) can theoretically support distrib- Figure 1 - The M1 Model of Collaboration represented by the M1 model (seen in figure 1) in which a class of experts controls the production of information and individuals act as consumers whose only need is that of access. In the M2 model (figure 2), all information is funneled Figure 3 - The M3 Model of Collaboration uted collaboration in a more direct way. In this model, there is no “gatekeeper.” All contributors have the ability to add content directly. Developing systems that support this type of collaboration can be extremely difficult. One way of providing structure to collaboratively constructed information is by codifying the knowledge and expertise of the gatekeeper described in the M2 model. Another approach is to distribute this responsibility among the community members by establishing policies (Edwards, 1996) to govern the construction, organization and use of information. Human Cognition and Tasks The memory of an individual can be roughly divided into two categories: short-term memory (STM) (also described as Exam #3 3 working memory) and long-term memory (LTM).1 STM is relatively small, typically thought to have a capacity of 7 ± 2 chunks of information (Miller, 1956). In contrast, LTM is virtually unlimited (Matlin, 1998). In an information processing theory of human cognition (Pinker, 1997), data needed for a given task is typically activated and retrieved from LTM and then held in STM while it is actively used. In this process, information is constantly being swapped in and out of STM as new information is constructed and encoded into LTM. This model of human memory is analogous to register and disk storage used in modern-day computers. Expert behavior is often based on a well-developed technique, or pneumonic, for encoding and retrieving information. Intelligent behavior, therefore, is often attributed in large part to being able to effectively transfer information into LTM so that it can later be activated for future use in STM. Because of the limitations of STM and human attention, cognition can be viewed as a limited scarce resource that needs to be allocated as properly during task performance. This view is analogous to operating systems that allocate computer resources during the execution of a process or sub-process. Given that human cognition is limited, it makes sense that the nature of a task (i.e., the cognitive resources it demands) affects our ability to perform the task. Over the course of human history, cultures have invented tasks that not only push, but also transcend the limits of human cognitive capabilities. Because of this, humans have needed to develop cognitive artifacts (Norman, 1991) and systems to aid in their artificial tasks. For example, long division is an artificial system that produces such a cognitive load that it is difficult to solve even a moderately advanced problem without the aid of cognitive artifacts such as memory aids like paper and pencil. With the advent of computers, some of these artificial tasks have been codified so that they may now be performed with computational devices such as handheld calculators. Distributed Cognition Distributed cognition (Brown, et al., 1993; Fischer, 1995; Hewitt & Scardamalia, 1996; Hutchins, 1993; Norman, 1993; Salomon, 1993) emphasizes that the heart of intelligent human performance is not the individual human mind in isolation but the interaction of the mind with tools and artifacts as well as groups of minds in interaction with each other. It is important to understand the fundamental difference between these two forms of distributed cognition. When distributed cognition is at work between the individual human mind and cognitive artifacts, it often functions well because the knowledge an individual needs is distributed between her/his head and the world (e.g., calculators, address books, e-mail messages, filing cabinets). On the other hand, when cognition is distributed among groups of minds, a group has no head, no single mind to store the information about this distribution of knowledge, which is available to all members of the group. In this case, externalizations are critically more important. Externalizations (1) create a record of our mental efforts, one that is “outside us” rather than vaguely in memory and (2) represent artifacts that can talk back to us (Schön, 1992) and form the basis for critique and negotiation. These can be thought of as cognitive artifacts for groups. Although creative individuals are often thought of as working in isolation, the role of interaction and collaboration with other individuals is critical (Engelbart, 1995). Creative activity grows out of the relationship between an individual and the world of his or her work, and out of the ties between an individual and other human beings. The predominant activity in complex problem solving is that participants teach and instruct each other (Greenbaum & Kyng, 1991). Because complex problems require more knowledge than any single person possesses, it is necessary that all involved stakeholders participate, communicate, and collaborate with each other. For example, during the design and construction of a new building on a college campus, there are building architects, tenants, collage administrators, and government legislators, all of whom have different agendas and background knowledge. Furthermore, communication breakdowns are often experienced because stakeholders belonging to different cultures use different norms, symbols, and representations (Snow, 1993). Such a setting is governed by a symmetry of ignorance (Rittel, 1984) in which all stakeholders are aware that even though they each possess relevant knowledge, none of them has all the relevant knowledge. Each participant must act as a reflective practitioner rather than as an all-knowing expert (Schön, 1983). Organizational Memories for Supporting Long and Short Term Collaboration The term “organizational memory” has no clear or agreed upon definition within the computer science literature (Ackerman & Halverson, 1998). In this paper, the following operational definition will be used: Organizational memory provides a shared information space that supports a group of people (an organization) to do work. The information space should be "living" in the sense that it is an evolving product of the work done by the members of the organization as opposed to simply being a static storage of information (Fischer, 1998a) In this definition, an organizational memory can be viewed as a cognitive artifact that provides an externalization for groups of minds interacting with each other. One could argue that an organization or group’s memory exists independent of any explicit externalization. Every group, organization, or culture has tacit knowledge that helps govern or define acceptable behavior, standard operating procedures, and social norms. It can be very beneficial to identify and make explicit a groups tacit knowledge, but this not the concern of this paper. Instead, this paper will consider the use of organizational memory systems supporting the collaboration of a heterogeneous group of stakeholders during the design of an artifact. 1 Sensory memory is also described in the cognitive psychology literature, but this is outside the scope of this paper. For more information on sensory memory see (Matlin, 1998) Exam #3 4 Media and Systems Supporting Organizational Memory and Collaboration A challenge for supporting collaboration is in providing a mechanism that allows various participants to integrate their perspectives (Stahl, 1993) in a meaningful way. Supporting informed participation requires processes that integrate the individual and the group knowledge through collaborative constructions. Information spaces need to be constructed collaboratively (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994) and integrated into the work and social practices of the community (Lave, 1988). These collaborative constructions result in work products that are enriched by the multiple perspectives emerging through community discourse. Ackerman (Ackerman, 1998) describes the development of Answer Garden, a system for capturing and managing an organizations knowledge and expertise. One of the primary motivating forces behind such a system is an organization wishing to share expertise and avoid reinventing the proverbial wheel. The most common scenario for using a system like Answer Garden is when a worker is faced with a problem to which they have no answer. Answer Garden supports this dilemma in two possible ways: it makes a previously recorded solution available for retrieval or, in the absence of such a solution, it provides access to the person who is likely to have the appropriate expertise. This approach focuses on recording and structuring knowledge so that it may be available for later use. However, this model makes a strict distinction between those who possess knowledge and those who do not. There are two separate roles in this scenario and there is no intersection seen between these two groups. This resembles the M1 model of collaboration where a class of experts provides access to information for a class of non-experts. While systems such as Answer Garden may be useful in many situations, it falls short of supporting groups of collaborators where each person is simultaneously an expert and a non-expert (e.g., an expert building architect, but a non-expert campus planner). What is needed in this case is a system that is open to all users. The DynaSites system (Ostwald, 1997) is another type of system for the creation of dynamic and user-extensible webbased information spaces. This system is designed to support M3 types of collaboration where all users can directly contribute to the construction of new knowledge. One of the fundamental problems of sustaining a useful open information space is that of maintaining and organizing the information. One approach to this problem is the use of a gatekeeper (Raymond, 1999), but as mentioned earlier, this has problems of scalability. Another approach is to view an information space as a seed (Fischer, 1998b). In this approach, an information space begins as a seed which evolves over time through use. At some point, the information space grows to be so unwieldy that it is no longer useful (i.e., it is too difficult to find relevant information). At such a time, the information needs to be restructured, or re-seeded. However, in practice, this is difficult to accomplish. Questions of what information is pruned from the space can be difficult to answer. Usage data can help answer questions like these, but still, any major restructuring of critical information source can potentially be very disruptive. Participation Revisited All of the discussion thus far has been based on the premise that people want to participate. After all, according to the President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD, 1996, p.7), ”Americans want to take control of their lives.” However, just because people want to take control, does that mean that they actually do? What evidence exists to support this conclusion? According to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, voter turnout in US presidential elections shows a downward trend in participation (IDEA, 1999). In fact, 1996 has had the lowest percentage of voter turnout (47.2%) in over 50 years2. However, is voter turnout in US presidential elections an indicator of people’s desire and willingness to participate in designing their future at a local, more intimate level? Not necessarily, but it does raise some questions. One factor affecting the use of group information spaces is that of perceived utility. The utility of a system can be viewed as a function of perceived benefit and required effort. Two fundamental question that must be asked (and answered) are, “Who does the work?” and “Who receives the benefit?” (Grudin, 1994). A classic example is found in the practice of software documentation. The software developer who is required to document his or her code may perceive no direct benefit in doing so. For this reason, software documentation often goes undone. One way of increasing utility is to decrease the required effort. Another is to increase the perceived benefit. Traveen, et al. (Terveen, Hill, Amento, McDonald, & Creter, 1997) have sought to do both. They have developed PHOAKS (People Helping One Another Know Stuff), which is a recommended system, or social filter. This system was able to automatically search Usenet groups and find positive references, or “recommendations” of Web sources. In this case, user effort is negligible: no effort was required to input or organize information. What about it’s perceived benefit, though? As it turns out, users perceived considerable benefit, but the programmatic identification and categorization of sources was imperfect. At times, PHOAKS’ recommendations were seen to be misleading or the sources that were recommended became outdated (dead links). The mechanism for correcting these problems was a manual process. In an M2-like fashion, users would email their feedback to the PHOAKS administrators, who would then evaluate and respond as they saw fit. While this method was somewhat successful, the issue of scalability and sustainability became obvious: as the use of the system grew, could they keep up with user demand? By analyzing usage patterns and types of email requests, the PHOAKS developers were able to create mechanisms that allowed users to directly modify the content of their system (Hill & Terveen, 1997). One interesting point that was made by these researchers was that there was a marked distinction in consumer / producer roles for users of their system. Specifically, they found that only a small minority of users expended the effort of contributing modification. 2 Statistics were only available dating back to 1948. Exam #3 5 The Design and Construction of the Discovery Learning Center The Discovery Learning Center (DLC) is a building being constructed on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder. It is being built to support a broad-reaching vision for the College of Engineering and Applied Science known as the Discovery Learning Initiative. (DLI) In an effort to embody the spirit of the initiative, a web-based information space was created (Gorman, 1999) in May of 1999 to support the informed participation of all stakeholders involved in the project. Stakeholders in the project include the Dean and associate Deans of the college, perspective tenants, the university’s facility management group, state legislators, local industry and private donors, and the building architects along with their consultants. This information space was originally maintained in an M2-like fashion as a collection of static letters, memos, design documents, space requests from prospective tenants, meeting minutes, and other resources related to the design and construction of the building. It was designed as an organizational memory for the project that would support the informed participation of interested stakeholders. Using the M2 model, content was contributed by stakeholders and then organized and made statically available by a gatekeeper, or chief designer (Raymond, 1999). Several problems exist in trying to design such an information space: 1. There was only a weak or ephemeral coalescing of work groups. As Landauer (Landauer, 1995) points out, the trouble with so many computer systems stems from a lack of user-, or in this case, group-centered design. 2. With such diverse groups of target users, it is difficult to organize the information so that each group of users can find the information they need. Norman (Norman, 1993) suggests fitting the artifact to the person. What is to be done about designing an artifact for an extremely heterogeneous work group? 3. There were no well-established processes in the project – processes were being defined on the fly. Without established processes, it is impossible to perform task analysis (Lewis & Rieman, 1993) so that information could be structured a priori. Through reflection on these problems, it seems clear that static nature of this information space made it difficult to work with the unknowns that were present. Participation in the Discovery Learning Center In September of 1999, a more dynamic component was added to the predominantly static DLC site. During this time, the architects and their consultants were designing the lab spaces for the initial tenant groups. This was to be an iterative process where alternate design were created each tenant group’s lab. These designs were then to be reviewed by the tenant groups who were then responsible for providing feedback to the architects. In order to provide organizational memory support for this process, a mechanism disseminating design alternatives and collecting feedback was added to the site. A typical design feedback forum consisted of one or more proposed design artifacts attached to a discussion forum. This was intended to encourage discussion and collect feedback regarding a particular design artifact (see Appendix A). A user could select one of the design artifacts by clicking on its thumbnail image. This would generate an enlargement of the artifact in a separate window, which could then be inspected and compared with other competing designs. (see Appendix C). User comments were collected and structured as a threaded discussion. Each entry would show the subject, time and the name of the contributing user. In order to provide some awareness of who was contributing what, users could add profile information describing their stake in the project along with contact information such as email address and home page address (see Appendix B). A cursory examination of the site’s design feedback forums revealed that they generated very little discussion among the stakeholders. At the time of writing this paper, it is unclear exactly why this tool was not used -- results from a survey (see appendix D) have just begun to return. Speculation on Reasons for Lack of Participation While it is still a little early to identify a conclusive reason for the system’s lack of use, some patterns and warning signs have begun to emerge that point to possible causes. Grudin (Grudin, 1994) in an evaluation of the social dynamics of groupware systems, identified factors affecting the adoption of group-oriented systems. Some of these factors may very well have been an issue for the adoption of this system by its targeted users. There may have been little perceived benefit for using the feedback system. Because of media competition (Whittaker, 1996) and ill-defined procedures, many tenants may have simply found it easier to just use email, phone messages, or impromptu face-to-face meeting to deliver their feedback. The system may have felt too formal so the added work of entering a well-developed critique of their design options may have been too great (Erickson, et al., 1999). Critical mass may also have been an issue affecting the adoption of this system. Most group systems develop a user base through a grass roots effort (Palen, 1999) and/or a substantial ramp up period. Given the fast-paced nature of this project and ephemeral quality of collaborative groups, there may not time to establish enough critical mass to crate a sustainable user group. The use of this system may have created too much disruption in the normal social processes that existed in the college. Tenant faculty members may have been use to communicating more directly with the Dean’s office and the use of a information system that would result in a persistent record of their communications may have been too formal and threatening. Finally, groupware systems require a more careful introduction into the workplace than do typical software systems. Unless there is enough time to allow a grassroots adoption to take place, any deployment of such a system will require a significant top-down approach. In other words, with a fastpaced project there is not enough time for a more natural adoption of group memory system. In such a case, the role of the system needs to be more explicitly built into the process. Exam #3 6 Conclusion There is a variety of models that can be useful in the construction of organizational memory systems. The M1 model can be useful for recording and disseminating an organization’s knowledge, but it is not very useful in supporting collaboration. An M2 model can help provide structure and openness to a system, but scalability issues arise, as the feedback generated becomes too great. The M3 model provides the greatest openness and support for direct collaboration. However, it can be very challenging to develop systems with the ability to govern the creation and modification of information as well as the structuring and retrieval of that information. These models can be viewed as points along a continuum rather than as discrete choices. As seen with PHOAKS and the DLC, systems can be incrementally enhanced to support greater levels of collaboration. Usage data can be very helpful in identifying opportunities for developing greater levels of collaborative functionality in a system. One of the most important considerations in the use of an organizational memory system is the social environment in which it will be used. These types of systems generally take time to develop roots and gain critical mass. Therefore, if time for deployment is scarce, other methods must be enforced. 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Exam #3 Appendix A DLC Design Feedback Forum Centered Around Design Artifacts Exam #3 Appendix B DLC User Profile Exam #3 Appendix C DLC Design Artifact Exam #3 Appendix D DLC Survey For the following questions rate your answers on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is very little and 5 is very much. 1) How often did you use the following modes of communication throughout your involvement in this project. a) b) c) d) e) f) Face-to-face formal/scheduled meetings Face-to-face informal/impromptu meetings Telephone (including voice mail) Inter-office mail Email Discussion forum on the Discovery Learning Web Site 2) How valuable were the following modes of communication throughout your involvement in this project. a) b) c) d) e) f) Face-to-face formal/scheduled meetings Face-to-face informal/impromptu meetings Telephone (including voice mail) Inter-office mail Email Discussion forum on the Discovery Learning Web Site 3a) During your involvement in this project, have you used the DLC Web site (y or n)? If you answered "yes" to #3a 3b) how many times did you visit the site? a) b) c) d) 1 - 5 times 6 - 10 times 11 - 20 times > 20 times 3c) what did you fine most useful at the site? 3d) what did you fine least useful at the site? 3e) what what would you say is the main purpose of the site.? 4) if you answered "no" to questions #3, were you aware of the DLC Web Site's existence? 5) On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate your level of involvement during the design of YOUR lab space. 5b) How often did you use the following modes of communication during the design of YOUR lab space. a) b) c) d) e) f) Face-to-face formal/scheduled meetings Face-to-face informal/impromptu meetings Telephone (including voice mail) Inter-office mail Email Discussion forum on the Discovery Learning Web Site 6) Were you aware that proposed floor plans for YOUR lab were available on the DLC web site (y or n)? 7) Please describe in your own words your involvement in the design of YOUR lab space. Exam #3 8) Please add any additional comments that you may have about the project. Exam #3