LMU / Peregrine Academic (APA) Writing Style Testing and Training... Frequently Asked Questions What is this APA (American

LMU / Peregrine Academic (APA) Writing Style Testing and Training Course
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this APA (American
Psychological Association)
writing style course?
The online APA Writing Style training program includes 17 topical
sections of the APA style. Each training section includes an overview
summary, instructional content, and 5-20 interactive questions designed
to reinforce the instructional content. Both correct and incorrect exams
are shown so that students truly learn APA rather than just memorize a
few style requirements. Interactive questions must be answered
correctly before progressing to the next question, which helps ensure
learning outcomes are met. The training course is 100% online. Using
the APA manual is optional during the training course. Once purchased,
the student has access to the materials for up to one year.
Additionally, there are supplemental files on the site that can be
downloaded and saved for later reference. These supplemental files
show how papers are supposed to be organized and written based on the
APA Style requirements.
Who should consider this APA
(American Psychological
Association) writing style
This program is for anyone who wants to assess their current APA
writing style knowledge or has a desire or need to learn the APA formal
writing style. Many higher education programs require papers using
APA writing style.
What do I need to access the
APA (American Psychological
Association) writing style
You will need a computer with Internet access. No other plug-ins are required.
How should I prepare for the
APA (American Psychological
Association) writing style
Are the questions the same
between the pretests and the
You don’t need to prepare. The pre-tests are not graded and allow you to see
where you are initially. Your preparation for the post-tests is by reading and
studying the information provided.
What is the cost of the APA
(American Psychological
Association) writing style
The cost of the exam only is $8. The cost for the training course and exam is
$36. There is no required textbook to buy.
Every exam is unique, representing a random selection for a large database of
questions. The types of questions will be the same between the pre-tests and
post-tests; however, the exact questions will be different.
LMU / Peregrine Academic (APA) Writing Style Testing and Training Course
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for the APA
(American Psychological
Association) writing style
Students obtain their exam key by self-registration from a micro-site.
1. Go to http://www.peregrineacademics.com/lmu/login.php .
2. Enter the pass code LMU-1001. Hit enter.
3. Scroll down the page to Graduate Degree Programs, and select APA
How do I start the APA
(American Psychological
Association) writing style
course once I am registered for
the exams?
At the conclusion of the self-registration process, a list of the hyperlinked
course names will be displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your web
browser will open to the exam screen. You can access all the academic
leveling course exams by using the e-mail sent to you upon completion of the
self-registration process. This e-mail also has a hyperlinked course names to
take you to the corresponding exam page.
How do I print or save my
completion certificate?
After completing the module, you will be asked to view and save your
certificate. The completion certificate will also be automatically e-mailed to
you at the end of the exam.
What do I do if I have
questions after I start the
Your best source of help is to contact Peregrine through this site
Writing Style Competency Exam for the exam only or APA Writing
Style Training Module & Competency Exam, (based on the 6th Edition
APA Guide) for the training course and exam.
4. Complete the online self-registration process
After completing their support form, you can expect a response within 8
hours during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, except
holidays, between 8am and 5pm, Mountain Time (GMT-7). Outside of
regular business hours, you can expect a response within 12 hours.
I know I am registered, but I
never received the e-mail.
Please check your SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for the e-mail from Peregrine
Academic Services.
APA Writing Style Testing and
Training Course exam site
password does not work
anymore after I used the exam
The APA Writing Style Training Course is available for use for 365 days from
the date it is initially used. You have unlimited logins and access during that
time. You have 48 hours to complete the APA Writing Style Testing Course
and only 3 log-in attempts per exam are allowed once you start the test. The
48-hour clock starts when you click “Proceed With Exam”. These restrictions
are in place to protect the academic integrity of the testing process.
I have the e-mail, but how do I
access the APA Writing Style
Testing and Training Course
Click on the hyperlinks included with the title of the training course and testing
course you are enrolled in. Each hyperlink directs your Web browser to the
appropriate site and auto-fills the registration information. Be sure to complete
each in order – the APA Writing Style Training Course before the APA
Writing Style Testing Course.
LMU / Peregrine Academic (APA) Writing Style Testing and Training Course
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I allowed to take breaks
during the APA Writing Style
Testing and Training Course?
Yes, one 15-minute break is allowed for the APA Writing Style Testing
Course, and the break is built into the testing platform. You can take the breaks
anywhere in the APA Writing Style Testing Course, be sure to select “Take a
15 minute break AFTER this question.”
What if I need to stop during
the APA Writing Style Testing
and Training Course?
You are allowed to stop during the APA Writing Style Training and Testing
Course and restart a later time. However, you only have 3 login attempts
within the 48 hours for the APA Writing Style Testing Course. Please be
advised that the 3 login attempts have been added to address unforeseen issues
(i.e. loss of internet connectivity, emergencies). Do not use these as breaks
during the APA Writing Style Testing Course. If you do stop the APA Writing
Style Testing Course and restart later, you will resume the test at the next
question from where you ended the previous session. You will consequently
miss the question you were on. You cannot go back and review previously
answered questions
How many questions are on the The APA Writing Style Training Course consists of a 150-question interactive
APA Writing Style Testing and training program that reviews 17 APA topical areas. There are 10-15 pages of
instructional content that precede each set of interactive questions. The
Training Course?
instructional content sections and the interactive question sections show both
correct and incorrect examples of APA requirements.
The APA Writing Style Testing EXAM is a 50-question online APA test that
can be used to validate APA writing style competency.
Can I “back track” during the
APA Writing Style Testing and
Training Course?
The APA Writing Style Training Course can be done in any order and you can
go back and forth between questions and sections. For the APA Writing Style
Testing Course, you will not be able to go back to a question if you decide to
skip it. You need to do your best to answer each question within the allotted
time. Otherwise, it will be graded as 0 points.
For the APA Writing Style
Testing Course, what if 48
hours elapse or I attempt a 4th
log in?
After 48 hours or more than 3 log-in attempts, the testing site is
inaccessible and a completion certificate will be generated, assigning
0 points to unanswered questions.
Will I see my score at the end
of the APA Writing Style
Testing Course?
Yes, your certificate will show the total score and the topic scores.
How can I find out which tests
I’ve completed or not?
You can log into the site using your e-mail address and a unique login
password shown on your original registration e-mail. Note – this password is
not the same one you used for the initial registration. Once you have logged in,
you will see the list of tests and the test status (active or completed).