Note: If the Lincoln Memorial University equivalency has the number 199 or 299, this signifies that LMU does not have an equivalent course but will transfer the course as elective credit using the title from Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. Fall 2014 – Summer 2015 Transfer Equivalencies Southeast Ky. Community & Technical College Lincoln Memorial University ACC 201 Financial Accounting ACC 202 Managerial Accounting AHS 115 Medical Terminology ANT 220 Intro to Cultural Anthropology ART 100 Introduction to Art ART 105 Ancient through Medieval Art History ART 106 Renaissance Through Modern Art History ART 110 Drawing I ART 210 Drawing II ART 240 Ceramics I ART 241 Ceramics II AST 191 The Solar System AST 195 Introductory Astronomy Lab ATS 299 Art Studio Topics ATS 299 Hand Built Pottery ATS 299 Beginning Handmade Tile BAS 120 Personal Finance BAS 160 Introduction to Business BAS 170 Entrepreneurship BAS 200 Small Business Management BAS 212 Introduction to Financial Management BAS 250 Business Employability Seminar BAS 267 Introduction to Business Law BAS 274 Human Resource Management BAS 282 Principles of Marketing BAS 283 Principles of Management BAS 284 Applied Management Skills BAS 287 Supervisory Management BAS 288 Personal/Organizational Leadership BAS 291 Retail Management BIO 112 Introduction to Biology BIO 113 Introduction to Biology Lab BIO 120 Human Ecology BIO 122 Intro to Conservation Biology BIO 135 Basic Anatomy/Physiology w/lab BIO 137 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II ACCT 210 Financial Accounting ACCT 299 Managerial Accounting SCI 199 Medical Terminology SOCI 199 Intro to Cultural Anthropology ART 100 Art Appreciation ART 199 Ancient through Medieval Art History ART 199 Renaissance Through Modern Art Hist ART 110 Drawing I ART 210 Drawing II ART 240 Ceramics I ART 299 Ceramics II SCI 199 The Solar System SCI 199 Introductory Astronomy Lab ART 299 Art Studio Topics ART 299 Hand Built Pottery ART 299 Beginning Handmade Tile BUSN 199 Personal Finance BUSN 100 Introduction to Business BUSN 199 Entrepreneurship BUSN 299 Small Business Management BUSN 299 Intro to Financial Mgmt BUSN 299 Business Employability Seminar BUSN 299 Intro to Business Law BUSN 299 Human Resource Management BUSN 299 Principles of Marketing BUSN 299 Principles of Management BUSN 299 Applied Management Skills BUSN 299 Supervisory Management BUSN 299 Personal/Organizational Leadership BUSN 299 Retail Management BIOL 100 Introduction to Biology BIOL 100 Introduction to Biology Lab BIOL 199 Human Ecology BIOL 199 Intro to Conservation Biology BIOL 199 Basic Anatomy/Physiology w/lab BIOL 261 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 262 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 142 Zoology BIO 150 Principles of Biology I BIO 151 Principles of Biology Lab I BIO 152 Principles of Biology II BIO 153 Principles of Biology Lab II BIO 155 Astrobiology BIO 220 The Genetic Perspective BIO 225 Medical Microbiology BIO 227 Principles of Microbiology with Lab CHE 120 The Joys of Chemistry CHE 130 Intro Gen & Biological Chem CHE 140 Introductory General Chemistry CHE 145 Introductory General Chemistry Lab CHE 170 General College Chemistry I CHE 173 General College Chemistry I Workshop CHE 175 General College Chemistry Lab I CHE 180 General College Chemistry II CHE 183 General College Chemistry II Workshop CHE 185 General College Chemistry Lab II CHE 270 Organic Chemistry I CHE 275 Organic Chemistry I Lab CHE 280 Organic Chemistry II CHE 285 Organic Chemistry II Lab CIT 105 Introduction to Computing CMS 142 Communication Practicum COM 181 Basic Public Speaking COM 252 Intro to Interpersonal Communication CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJ 102 Introduction to Corrections CRJ 105 Police Supervision CRJ 110 Principles of Asset Protection CRJ 201 Intro to Criminalistics CRJ 202 Issues/Ethics in Criminal Justice CRJ 203 Community Corrections/Probation & Parole CRJ 204 Criminal Investigation CRJ 208 Delinquency & the Juvenile Justice System CRJ 211 Liability & Legal Issues CRJ 215 Introduction to Law Enforcement CRJ 216 Criminal Law CRJ 217 Criminal Procedures CRJ 218 Police Supervision CRJ 279 Terrorism & Political Violence CRJ 290 Internship in Criminal Justice ECO 101 Contemporary Economic Issues BIOL 199 Zoology BIOL 111 General Biology I BIOL 111 General Biology Lab I BIOL 112 General Biology II BIOL 112 General Biology Lab II BIOL 199 Astrobiology BIOL 299 The Genetic Prospective BIOL 230 Microbiology BIOL 230 Microbiology CHEM 199 The Joys of Chemistry CHEM 199 Intro Gen & Biological Chem CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemistry CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemistry Lab CHEM 111 General Chemistry I CHEM 199 General Chemistry I Workshop CHEM 111 General Chemistry Lab I CHEM 112 General Chemistry II CHEM 199 General Chemistry II Workshop CHEM 112 General Chemistry Lab II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I Lab CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II Lab ISYS 100 Computer Literacy COMM 199 Communication Practicum COMM 200 Fund of Speech Communication COMM 299 Intro to Interpersonal Comm CRIM 105 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRIM 199 Introduction to Corrections CRIM 199 Police Supervision CRIM 199 Principles of Asset Protection CRIM 299 Intro to Criminalistics CRIM 299 Issues/Ethics in Criminal Justice CRIM 299 Community Corrections CRIM 299 Criminal Investigation CRIM 299 Delinquency & Juvenile Justice Sys CRIM 299 Liability & Legal Issues CRIM 205 Introduction to Law Enforcement CRIM 210 Criminal Law CRIM 215 Criminal Procedures CRIM 299 Police Supervision CRIM 299 Terrorism & Political Violance CRIM 299 Internship in Criminal Justice ECON 199 Contemporary Economic Issues ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics EDP 202 Human Development & Learning EDP 203 Teaching Exceptional Learners EDU 110 Orientation to Education EDU 120 Child & Adolescent Development EDU 130 Introduction to Special Education EDU 140 Intro to Behavior Management EDU 150 Practical Experience EDU 201 Introduction to American Education EDU 204 Technology in the Classroom EDU 240 Elementary & Middle School Literature EDU 270 Elementary School Literature ENG 101 Writing I ENG 102 Writing II ENG 161 Introduction to Literature ENG 207 Creative Writing ENG 221 Survey of English Lit I ENG 222 Survey of English Lit II ENG 232 Literature & Place (subtitle) ENG 251 Survey of American Literature I ENG 252 Survey of American Literature II ENG 261 Survey of Western Literature I ENG 262 Survey of Western Literature II ENG 281 Introduction to Film FAM 252 Intro to Family Science FLK 276 Intro to Folk Studies FLK 280 Cultural Diversity in the U.S. GEN 100 Introduction to College GEN 101 Strategies for Academic Success GEN 102 Foundations of Learning GEN 120 Service Learning GEO 152 Regional Geography of the World HIM 102 Archives Studies: Characteristics/Overview HIM 104 Museum Studies: Characteristics/Overview HIM 106 Records Management: Characteristics/Over. HIM 210 Archives Studies: Appraisal & Accessioning HIM 212 Archives Studies: Arrange/Description HIM 214 Arch Study Preservation/Conservation HIM 216 Archives Studies: Automation/ Elect. Records HIM 230 Museum Studies: Collections Care & Mgmt. HIM 232 Museum Stud: Conservation & Preservation HIM 234 Museum Studies Exhibits HIM 236 Museum Studies: Automation ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics EDUC 299 Human Development & Learning SPED 270 Teaching Exceptional Learners EDUC 199 Orientation to Education EDUC 199 Child & Adolescent Development EDUC 199 Introduction to Special Education EDUC 199 Intro to Behavior Management EDUC 199 Practical Experience EDUC 290 Intro to Teaching & Prof. Ethics EDUC 210 Instructional Technology EDUC 299 Elem. & Middle School Lit. EDUC 299 Elementary School Literature ENGL 110 Freshman Composition ENGL 210 Writing about World Literature ENGL 199 Introduction to Literature ENGL 299 Creative Writing ENGL 299 Survey of English Lit I ENGL 299 Survey of English Lit II ENGL 299 Literature & Place ENGL 299 Survey of American Lit I ENGL 299 Survey of American Lit II ENGL 299 Survey of Western Literature I ENGL 299 Survey of Western Literature II ENGL 299 Introduction to Film SOCI 299 Intro to Family Science HUMN 299 Intro to Folk Studies HUMN 299 Cultural Diversity in the U.S. UACT 199 Introduction to College UACT 199 Strategies for Academic Success UACT 199 Foundations of Learning UACT 199 Service Learning GEOG 110 World Regional Geography HIST 199 Archives Studies HIST 199 Museum Studies HIST 199 Records Management HIST 299 Appraisal & Accessioning HIST 299 Arrange and Description HIST 299 Arch Stud Preservation/Conservation HIST 299 Archives Studies II HIST 299 Collection Care & Management HIST 299 Museum Studies II HIST 299 Museum Studies Exhibits HIST 299 Museum Studies: Automation HIM 250 Records Inventory & Analysis HIM 252 Electronic Record Management HIM 254 Records Reproduction & Imaging Systems HIS 101 World Civilization I HIS 102 World Civilization II HIS 104 History of Europe through mid-17th Century HIS 105 History of Europe since mid-17th Century HIS 106 Western Culture: Science & Technology I HIS 107 Western Culture: Science & Technology II HIS 108 History of the U.S. through 1865 HIS 109 History of the U.S. since 1865 HIS 120 The World at War, 1939-45 HIS 206 History Colonial Latin America HIS 207 History of Modern Latin America HIS 240 History of Kentucky HIS 265 History of Women in America HIS 299 Special Topics: History HMS 101 Human Services Survey HMS 103 Theories & Tech in Human Service HUM 202 Appalachian Studies I HUM 203 Appalachian Studies II HUM 204 Appalachian Seminar HUM 207 American Seminar: Topic HUM 299 Appalachian Literature Survey JAT 101 Intro to Communication Media JOU 204 Writing for Mass Media KHP 100 Walking for Fitness KHP 136 Advanced Walking for Fitness KHP 138 Yoga KHP 190 First Aid & Emergency Care MAT 55 Pre-Algebra MAT 65 Basic Algebra with Measurement MAT 110 Applied Mathematics MAT 116 Technical Mathematics MAT 120 Intermediate Algebra with Applications MAT 126 Technical Algebra & Trigonometry MAT 146 Contemporary College Math MAT 150 College Algebra MAT 155 Trigonometry MAT 175 Calculus I MAT 185 Calculus II MAT 205 Math Elem/Middle School Teach I MAT 206 Math Elem/Middles School Teach II MAT 275 Calculus III HIST 299 Record Inventory & Analysis HIST 299 Electronic Record Management HIST 299 Record Reproduction HIST 121 World History to 1500 HIST 122 World History since 1500 HIST 199 History of Europe I HIST 199 History of Europe II HIST 199 Western Cult: Science & Tech I HIST 199 Western Cult: Science & Tech II HIST 131 American History to 1877 HIST 132 American History since 1877 HIST 199 The World at War, 1939-45 HIST 299 History Colonial Latin America HIST 299 History of Modern Latin America HIST 299 History of Kentucky HIST 299 History of Women in America HIST 299 Special Topics in History SOCI 199 Human Services Survey SOCI 199 Theories & Tech in Human Service HUMN 299 Appalachian Studies I HUMN 299 Appalachian Studies II HUMN 299 Appalachian Seminar HUMN 299 American Seminar Topic HUMN 299 Appalachian Literature Survey MCOM 199 Intro to Communication Media MCOM 260 Writing for Mass Media UACT 150 Walking & Jogging UACT 150 Walking & Jogging UACT 199 Yoga HLTH 120 First Aid & Emergency Care No Credit No Credit No Credit No Credit MATH 199 Intermediate Algebra w/Application No Credit MATH 199 Contemporary College Math MATH 115 College Algebra MATH 120 Trigonometry MATH 150 Calculus I MATH 250 Calculus II MATH 299 Math Elem/Middle School Teach I MATH 299 Math Elem/Middle School Teach II MATH 255 Calculus III MUC 192 University Choristers MUS 100 Introduction to Music MUS 104 Introduction to Jazz History MUS 192 University Chorus MUS 206 American Music MUS 222 History & Sociology of Rock Music NFS 101 Human Nutrition and Wellness NRS All Courses PHY 171 Applied Physics PHY 201 College Physics I PHY 202 College Physics I Lab PHY 203 College Physics II PHY 204 College Physic II Lab PHY 231 General University Physics I PHY 241 General University Physics I Lab PHY 232 General University Physics II PHY 242 General University Physics II Lab POL 101 American Government POL 235 World Politics POL 255 State Government PSY 110 General Psychology PSY 185 Human Potential PSY 223 Developmental Psychology PSY 298 Essential Abnormal Psychology PSY 230 Psychosocial Aspects of Death/Dying REL 101 Introduction to Religious Studies REL 120 Intro to the Old Testament REL 130 Introduction to Comparative Religion SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 152 Modern Social Problems SOC 220 The Community SOC 235 Inequality in Society SOC 249 Mass Media and Mass Culture SOC 260 Population, Resources & Change SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II SPA 115 Hispanic Culture SPA 151 Spanish for Health Professionals SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish III SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish IV STA 210 Statistics: A Force in Human Judgment STA 220 Statistics STA 291 Statistical Methods SWK 255 Introduction to Addiction MUSC 199 Music Elective MUSC 100 Music Appreciation MUSC 199 Introduction to Jazz History MUSC 199 University Chorus MUSC 299 America Music MUSC 299 History of Rock Music HLTH 210 Nutrition Approval of Dept. Chair PHYS 100 Introduction to Physics PHYS 211 General Physics I PHYS 211 General Physics I Lab PHYS 212 General Physics II PHYS 212 General Physics II Lab PHYS 299 General University Physics I PHYS 299 General University Physics I lab PHYS 299 General University Physic II PHYS 299 General University Physics II Lab POLS 211 American Government POLS 299 World Politics POLS 212 State Government PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology BSCI 100 Human Potential PSYC 221 Child & Adolescent Development PSYC 299 Essentials Abnormal Psychology PSYC 299 Psychosocial Aspects of Death REL 199 Introduction to Religious Studies REL 210 Survey of the Old Testament REL 199 Introduction to Comparative Religion SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 299 Modern Social Problems SOCI 299 The Community SOCI 299 Inequality in Society SOCI 299 Mass Media and Mass Culture SOCI 299 Population, Resources & Change SPAN 111 Beginning Spanish I SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish II SPAN 199 Hispanic Culture SPAN 199 Spanish for Health Professionals SPAN 211 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 212 Intermediate Spanish II MATH 299 Statistics: Force in Human Judge MATH 270 Probability & Statistics MATH 270 Probability & Statistics SOCW 299 Introduction to Addiction SWK 269 Juvenile Delinquency SWK 275 The Family SWK 281 Psychology of Aging THA 101 Introduction to Theatre THA 190 Production Practicum THA 200 Introduction to Dramatic Literature THA 283 American Theatre WS 201 Women’s Studies in the Arts & Humanities SOCW 299 Juvenile Delinquency SOCW 299 The Family SOCW 299 Psychology of Aging COMM 100 Introduction to Theatre COMM 199 Production Practicum COMM 299 Introduction to Dramatic Lit COMM 299 American Theatre HUMN 299 Women’s Studies