Improving Power Transmission Efficiency and Reliability through Hardware/Software Co-Design Natural Faults B. McMillin, M. L. Crow, D. Tauritz, F. Liu, B. Chowdhury, and J. Sarangapani Department of Computer Science School of Materials, Energy & Earth Resources Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Intelligent Systems Center University of Missouri-Rolla FACTS FACTS Physical Attack NSF MRI CNS-040869 Sandia National Lab Problem Motivation Prevent Cascading failures: 2003 Blackout Causes Physical & Cyber contingencies Deliberate disruption Hackers Terrorist Activity Proposed Solution Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Power Electronic Controllers Means to modify the power flow through a particular transmission corridor Decentralized Infrastructures Communication and coordination Operating - Distributed LongTerm control Dynamic – Local Dynamic control Vulnerabilities of the combined physical/ cyber system Recovery and protection from physical faults and/or cyber attacks and/or human error S.Tiffin 41 West End 40 Howard 42 Cascading Scenario Outage 48-49 NwLibrty 39 EastLima 37 38 34 Rockhill 36 35 WMVernon 44 43 54 N.Newark S.Kenton 45 Zanesvll 48 50 Sterling WLima 47 46 W.Lancst 49 51 Philo G Crooksvl 66 MuskngumN Trenton 23 CollCrnr Sargents 73 G 62 Natrium 65 MuskngumS G 68 24 69 72 Hillsbro Portsmth SpornE SpornW 71 NPortsmt TannrsCk G Summerfl 67 Portsmth 70 Bellefnt 74 SthPoint 75 G 64 Kammer S.Tiffin 41 West End 40 Howard 42 Cascading Scenario Outage 48-49 NwLibrty 39 EastLima 37 38 34 Rockhill 36 35 WMVernon 44 43 54 N.Newark S.Kenton 45 Zanesvll 48 50 Sterling WLima 47 46 W.Lancst 49 51 Philo G Crooksvl 66 MuskngumN Trenton 23 CollCrnr Sargents 73 G 62 Natrium 65 MuskngumS G 68 24 69 72 Hillsbro Portsmth SpornE SpornW 71 NPortsmt TannrsCk G Summerfl 67 Portsmth 70 Bellefnt 74 SthPoint 75 G 64 Kammer S.Tiffin 41 West End 40 Howard 42 Cascading Scenario Outage 48-49 NwLibrty 39 EastLima 37 38 34 Rockhill 36 35 WMVernon 44 43 54 N.Newark S.Kenton 45 Zanesvll 48 50 Sterling WLima 47 46 W.Lancst 49 51 Philo G Crooksvl 66 MuskngumN Trenton 23 CollCrnr Sargents 73 G 62 Natrium 65 MuskngumS G 68 24 69 72 Hillsbro Portsmth SpornE SpornW 71 NPortsmt TannrsCk G Summerfl 67 Portsmth 70 Bellefnt 74 SthPoint 75 G 64 Kammer S.Tiffin 41 West End 40 Howard 42 Cascading Scenario Outage 48-49 NwLibrty 39 EastLima 37 38 34 Rockhill 36 35 WMVernon 44 43 54 N.Newark S.Kenton 45 Zanesvll 48 50 Sterling WLima 47 46 W.Lancst 49 51 Philo G Crooksvl 66 MuskngumN Trenton 23 CollCrnr Sargents 73 G 62 Natrium 65 MuskngumS G 68 24 69 72 Hillsbro Portsmth SpornE SpornW 71 NPortsmt TannrsCk G Summerfl 67 Portsmth 70 Bellefnt 74 SthPoint 75 G 64 Kammer Context Object Diagram of FACTS Power System num_generators num_lines num_FACTS num_buses total_power type name cause affects : Event controls : Event Service Provider (Utility) Event Receptor Contingency provides initiates FACTS Power System supply_power() reconfigure() run_FACTS_placement() Voltage stability, no overloads, flow balance, availability Redirect Power Away from Overloaded Lines FACTS Device Controls Power Flow in an individual transmission line. * C o m m u n ic a t io n F A C T S D e v ic e Em bedded C o m p u te r L o w V o lta g e C o n tr o l S y s te m * P o w e r L in e H ig h V o lta g e P o w e r C o n v e r s io n S y s te m C o n t r o lle d L in e : P o w e r L in e * FACTS Power System Object Decomposition limits, monitors Neighbors manipulates setpoint FACTS Device flows capacities generations loads change_setpoint(newSetpoint ) control_power_line() reconfigure() supply_power() flow balance Power Transmission System places senses initiates locations Event Receptor Placement compute_locations() Placement is optimized affects: Event AG[For each line -capacity<= flow <= capacity {checked by FACTS }] -----------------------------AG[For each bus sum of lines.flow is0. {checked by FACTS }] -----------------------------AG[For each load load is greater than or equal 0. to {checked by FACTS }] uses affects: Event provides FACTS Control Distributed Long-Term control algorithms for FACTS settings Run by each processor in each FACTS Alternatives Max-flow algorithms Local optimizations Agent-based framework Assessment Reduction of Overloads Computability System Dynamic Control Power Network Embedded With FACTS Devices Tie-line flow CONTROL AREA A CONTROL AREA B While the FACTS devices offer improved controllability, their actions in a decentralized power network can cause deleterious interactions among them. Uncontrollable modes in generator speeds due to device interactions Control based on local information only Performance of FACTS controllers with ideal observability Control Issues Can we get global information? Incomplete information Time-delayed information Opens the potential for increased security issues FACTS Interaction Laboratory (FIL) FIL Overview Construct a Laboratory System to Study and Mitigate Cascading Failures Deleterious effects of interacting power control devices Cyber Vulnerabilities Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Real-time Simulation Engine Simulate Existing Power Systems Inject Simulated Faults Interconnected laboratory-scale UPFC FACTS Device Measure actual device interaction FACTS Power System Object Decomposition Hardware/Software FACTS Interaction Laboratory uses senses sensor_data power_system_config generation_setpoint affects : Event Simulation Engine configure_simulation() accept_contingency() send_sensor_data() set_HIL_line() compute_power() HIL Line sets manipulates limits, monitors change_HIL_Line_flow () FACTS Interaction Laboratory Architecture 230 kV 345 kV 500 kV 35 33 32 31 30 FACTS/ ESS 74 80 79 66 75 78 72 6976 vv 77 82 81 10 KVA 156 157 161162 112 114 5 167 165 158159 11 6 45160 115 166 Simulation Engine (multiprocessor) A/D D/A 155 44 A/D D/A 83 A/D D/A 36 8485 86 163 118 FACTS FACTS/ 12 13 108 109 119 107 110 104 63 103 37 64 143 154 138139 FACTS/ ESS 9 14 147 142 146 153 151 145 136 49 47 140 152 150 141 149 57 43 42 50 10256 48 18 8 17 7 3 4 ESS 19 16 15 Network FACTS Interaction Laboratory UPFC Simulation Engine HIL Line Cyber Fault Detection Fault Tolerance Define correct operation of the power system with FACTS Embed as executable constraints into each FACTS computer FACTS check each other during operation of distributed control algorithms – State Dissemination Some Basic Constraints Constraint 1 Power flow into a bus = power flow out of a bus Constraint 2 Line Power Flow ≤ Maximum Line capacity. Cyber Fault Injection Attempt to confuse the FACTS embedded computers Attempt to disrupt the communication between FACTS embedded computers Confuse the power system’s operation Error Coverage of Distributed Executable Correctness Constraints (Maximum Flow Algorithm) Project Benchmarks Construction of FIL Demonstration of Cascading Failures Placement and Control Hardware/Software Architecture Cyber Fault Detection Dynamic Control Visualization