Cheeger Sets for Unit Cube: A Analytical and Numerical Solutions for L' and £2 norms by Mohammad Tariq Hussain Submitted to the School of Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computation for Design and Optimization at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 2008 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2008. All rights reserved. Author . School of Engineering January 18, 2008 Certified by..... ........ Gilbert Strang Professor of Mathematics Thesis Supervisor - Accepted by. ... .. .. Jaime Peraire Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Codirector, Computation for Design and Optimization Program MAss ACHSEIN OF TEOHNOLOG EA 02008 LIBRARIES ARCHIVES Cheeger Sets for Unit Cube : Analytical and Numerical Solutions for L' and L 2 norms by Mohammad Tariq Hussain Submitted to the School of Engineering on January 18, 2008, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computation for Design and Optimization Abstract The Cheeger constant h(Q) of a domain Q is defined as the minimum value of IIDII/|DII with D varying over all smooth sub-domains of Q. The D that achieves this minimum is called the Cheeger set of Q. We present some analytical and numerical work on the Cheeger set for the unit cube (Q E [-0.5,0.5]3 E R3 ) using the LY and the L2 norms for measuring |IDII. We look at the equivalent max-flow min-cut problem for continuum flows, and use it to get numerical results for the problem. We then use these results to suggest analytical solutions to the problem and optimize these shapes using calculus and numerical methods. Finally we make some observations about the general shapes we get, and how they can be derived using an algorithm similar to the one for finding Cheeger sets for domains in R2 Thesis Supervisor: Gilbert Strang Title: Professor of Mathematics Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Gilbert Strang, for suggesting the problem and for his time and guidance. I would also like to thank my friend, Faisal Kashif, for the discussions and suggestions at different stages of the thesis. Finally I like to thank my parents for being there for me and for supporting me at all times. This thesis would not have been possible without the help of all of these people. Contents 1 2 3 1.1 Cheeger sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2 Existing work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Extension of work for R2 11 norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.1 Simple extension for the L' 2.2 Simple extension for the 2.3 A more intuitive approach for the £2 £2 19 Numerical Solutions 3.1 Max-flow min-cut problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2 Discretization of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3 Time and memory considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.3.1 Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.3.2 Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.4 4 7 Introduction 3.4.1 Results for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.4.2 Results for £2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 c Analytical Solutions 4.1 31 Analytical Solution for the L£ norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.1.1 General Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.1.2 Optimization 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 34 Analytical Solution for the L2 norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2.1 G eneral Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2.2 O ptim ization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.2.3 Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Solutions . . . . . . 42 Similarities between Lo and L2 Cheeger sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.1.3 4.2 4.3 5 Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Solutions 45 Conclusion 5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 46 List of Figures 1-1 Optimal shapes for problem (1.1) for S E R 2 using different norms 1-2 Optimal shapes for problem (1.2) for the unit square 2-1 Extending optimal shape for £' . 8 . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2-2 Optimal shape for general shape (2.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2-3 An unintuitive approach to extending the L2 results from R2 . . . . . 16 2-4 A more intuitive approach to extending the L2 results from R 2 . . . . 18 3-1 Discretization grid with flows u, v and w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3-2 Numerical results for Cheeger set for L' norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3-3 Convergence of Numerical results for Cheeger set for L2 norm . . . . 29 3-4 Numerical results for Cheeger set for L2 norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4-1 General shape (2.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4-2 Optimal shape for general shape (4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4-3 Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for L . . . . . . .. 35 4-4 Constructing general shape for . . . . . . . . . 36 4-5 General shape for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4-6 Corner D etails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4-7 Projection of corner on xy-plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4-8 Optimal shape for £2 ........................... 41 4-9 Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for L2 4-10 Two approaches for . norm f2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4-11 The two approaches for £2 ........................ 6 £2) 44 Chapter 1 Introduction The unconstrained isoperimetric problem for a set S is defined as maximizing the value of ||S1I for a given value of 110S11, or equivalently minimizing |10S11 for a given ||S||. Unconstrained isoperimetric problem For R2 this means maximizing the area fiS| min ||S| for f8S1| = L. (1.1) for a given perimeter 11&Sfj = L. The optimal shape S that achieves this depends on the norm being used to measure the perimeter. Strang [7] uses the calculus of variations to prove a know result, that the optimal S is a rotated ball |t(x,y)'|ID < R, in the norm dual to the norm that defines the perimeter. Figure 1-1 shows the optimal shapes for the unconstrained isoperimetric problem for the L1, L2 and the L norms. What happens if we remove the "constraint" of fixed ||&S1| and instead require that S lies in a domain Q? The constrained isoperimetric problem for a domain Q is defined as minimizing the ratio of 18S1 to |ISf for all possible S C Q. Constrained isoperimetric problem min for S c Q. This is equivalent to identifying the minimum cut 8S in a domain Q [7, 8]. (1.2) This important fact will be used later in Chapter 3 to convert problem (1.2) into one 7 L 4 L 4 4 27r L (a) L2 (b) £1 (c) L Figure 1-1: Optimal shapes for problem (1.1) for S E R 2 using different norms which can be solved numerically. 1.1 Cheeger sets The Cheeger constant h(Q) of a domain Q is defined as: h(Q) := infll&DII D IIDII (1.3) with D varying over all smooth sub-domains of Q whose boundary OD does not touch (Q and with II&DII and |ID|I denoting (n - 1)- and n-dimensional Lebesgue measure of DD and D (Kawohl [4]). Kawohl [4] proves that for Q C R 2 with Q convex and non-empty, there is a unique convex optimum D which can be computed by algebraic algorithms. Kawohl and Lachand-Robert present one such algorithm in [3]. For Q c R 2 , the unique D that attains the infimum is called the Cheeger set of Q. The Cheeger constant h(Q) provides a lower bound A, > h 2/4 for the LaplaceDirichlet operator on Q [7]. This is also the value to which the first eigenvalue of Ap(Q) of the p-Laplacian converges to as p -- 1 [4]. Ionescu and Lachand-Robert present an interesting application of the Cheeger problem in landslides modeling. Appleton and Talbot [1] use the dual problem to the Cheeger problem to study image segmentation with medical applications. 8 rR l=1 D l=1-2r D l=1-2R D R JD|1 = 4 |DDI = 41 ± 2,rr (a) ,L 2 (b) L |aDIC = 41 + 4R (c) LO" Figure 1-2: Optimal shapes for problem (1.2) for the unit square 1.2 Existing work There is extensive work on Cheeger sets and constants for Q C R 2 . As mentioned above, Kawohl [4, 3] discusses the existence and uniqueness of the Cheeger set for convex, non-empty Q C R 2 and also provides an algebraic algorithm for calculating the Cheeger set for such planar Q. In this thesis, we focus on the Cheeger set for a unit cube (Q = [-0.5, 0.5]3 C R3 ) using different measures of I|D 11,and so we are more interested in the different Cheeger sets (in different norms) for the unit square, rather than the Cheeger sets for general convex shapes. The Cheeger problem, for the unit square, then becomes Minimize DC[0,112 I|DII IOD112 and and nDd IJD~ IIDI (1.4) Strang [8] presents the minimum cuts which solve the Cheeger problem for the unit square in different norms. The results are reproduced here in Figure 1-2. The first thing we notice about the Cheeger sets above is that in all cases the optimal D touches the boundary &Q of the square. The proof for this is trivial and is reproduced here. Assume that a shape D that does not touch the boundary 8Q is optimal. This shape can be scaled by a factor c > 1 so that it now touches the boundary. For this new shape, the areas in the denominators of (1.4) are multiplied by c 2 and the perimeters in the numerators are multiplied by c. This would give a lower ratio in (1.4) and hence the original shape D cannot be optimal. Another thing we notice is that the optimal D is formed by "rounding-off" / "cutting- 9 off' the corners of the square. This is a special case of the algorithm to find the Cheeger set for any planer convex domain Q presented by Kawohl [3]. The algorithm in [3] only considers measurement of ||OD1| in the L2 norm, and Strang [7] mentions how the optimal shape in Figure 1-2(b) can be created by taking a isoperimetrix' (see Figure 1-1(b)), scaling it by an optimal scaling factor a < 1 and fitting its four pieces in the four corners of the square. We leave it to the reader to see how the same "rule" can be applied to get Figure 1-2(a) and 1-2(c) using the isoperimetrix in Figure 1-1(a) and 1-1(c) respectively. Lippert [14] used numerical methods to find a close approximation to the flow that fills the minimal cut and as a by-product of this exercise also calculated the Cheeger set (and constant) for the unit square for both the L' and the L2 norms. Lachand- Robert and Oudet [11] present a convex hull approach, a mixture of geometrical and numerical algorithms, to solve optimization problems on the space of convex functions and use their method to find the Cheeger set (in the L2 norm) of different shapes in R3 , including the cube. In this thesis we work on the numerical and analytical solutions to the Cheeger problem (1.2) for the unit cube (Q = [-0.5, 0.5]3 C R3). We look only at the £" and the L2 norms; the solution for the £l norm is trivial, consisting of the entire cube similar to the results in Figure 1-2(a). Chapter 1 provides a background of the work that formed the basis for the work in this thesis. Chapter 2 presents a simple extension of the results for the unit square (Figure 1-2). Chapter 3 mentions how the Cheeger problem can be converted to a continuum optimal flow problem, which can then be discretized and solved numerically. Chapter 4 then uses the results from the numerical solutions from Chapter 3 to propose analytical solutions that approximate the numerical solutions and Chapter 5 provides a summary of the results and the conclusion. 'Term used by Busemann in [9] for the optimal shape to the problem 1.1 10 Chapter 2 Extension of work for R 2 We look at the constrained isoperimetric problem (1.2) for the unit cube with Q = [-0.5, 0.5]3 c R3 . Unlike the R 2 case, it is not known whether the optimum set D C Q is unique or convex, even with Q C Rn convex for n > 3. However Q convex implies that there exists at-least one convex optimum [2]. Lachand-Robert and Oudet [11] use a convex hull approach to calculate an approximation of a convex optimum when Q C R' is convex, and call it the Cheeger set of Q. We will use the term Cheeger set for Q c R3 in a similar context. So what does the constrained isoperimetric problem and the Cheeger set translate to for the unit cube in R3? The Cheeger problem (1.4) now changes to Minimize DC[-0.5,0.5]3 1DI 2 ||D II and aDoo(2.1) ||D I| ||DI in the denominator in (2.1) is the volume of the shape D. |I&D112 and |0DII| in the numerator in (2.1) refer to the surface area of the shape D, measured in the appropriate norm. So the Cheeger problem (2.1) for Q = [-0.5,0.5]3 C R 3 is simply finding the shape D C Q that minimizes the ratio of the surface area to the volume [11]. 11 From calculus we know that the surface area A Surface area in the L' norm : of a smooth surface E with domain R is defined as : A = JJ |n(u,v)|| du dv (2.2) R For the surface E defined by z = f(x, y), and using x and y in place of u and v respectively, we have : (X, y) &(y, z) (z, x) ( , y)' a(x, y)' (x, y) n(x, y)= 1, Oz Oz 19 , 09 (2.3) = (1, z, zY) For the I1n(x, y)1 in the L' norm, we have : Iln(x,y)lKo = max{1, Izx|, zyI} and (2.2) simplifies to : A = JJn(u,v)IK du dv iI max{1, Izxf, zyj} dx dy = R (2.4) R Similarly, for the |1n(x, y) 1 in the L2 norm, we get : A JJIn(uv)1|2 dudv S1+z2 + zY2 dx dy = (2.5) R R We will use (2.4) to calculate the surface area for the analytical solutions for the L' norm. It should also be noted that for the volume, we have |DI11 = ||D1|2 = ||D1|00, and so we can use standard geometry to calculate the volume in any norm. 12 a) Z= + Y X R 1 (z (b) Projection on (a) General Shape shape for L' Figure 2-1: Extending optim 2.1 =0.5) R1 Simple extension for the L' xy-plane norm norm We first look at the Cheeger set for the unit cube in the L" norm, and try to extend the results for the square (see Figure 1-2(c)). The most obvious extension to the "cutting-off' of the corners of the square is cutting off the corner of the cube resulting in an optimal shape defined by : D={(x,y,z)} with {lxi < 0.5, Iyj <0.5, IzI < 0.5 and (2.6) -3a E [1, 1.5] JxJ + Jyj + Iz i<a Figure 2-1(a) shows Dn [0, 0.5]1, the part of the shape in the positive octant only. We will use the area and volume from this shape to calculate the value of a that minimizes the ratio of surface area to volume. Due to symmetry, the total volume and total surface area of the optimal shape D will both be 8 times these values and hence the ratio remains the same. Figure 2-1(b) shows the projection of the shape onto the xy-plane. We see two distinct regions, with : z = f(x,y) = (0.5 . y) y (x, a - x - y 13 in R 1 (x, y) in R 2 Now the (relevant) surface area of this shape, including the planes x = 0.5 and y = 0.5, is given by : max{1,1 z, 1z} dx dy + fmax{, IzxI, jzy Surface Area = 3 R1 =3 R } dxdy 2 max{1, 0, 0} dx dy + fmax{1,1, 1} dx dy R1 R2 ffI dxdy = 3J 1 dx dy + R1 (2.7) R2 = 3(Area of R 1 )+ Area of R 2 = 3a - a 2 - 1.5 The volume of the shape can simply be calculated using geometry as Volume = 0.5 (1.5 - a) 2 (1.5 - a)) - (2.8) Now the ratio Q(a) of the values in (2.7) and (2.8) is to be minimized over 1 < a < 1.5. This was done using numerical methods and the results are shown in Figure 2-2(a). We see that a = 1 minimizes Q(a) giving a ratio of 4.8. The optimal shape (for a = 1) is shown in Figure 2-2(b). The unit cube (transparent) is shown overlapping the optimal shape. We should mention that we will find a better ratio using a different shape in Section 4.1.2. Note : As a side note, we tried using the L' norm (I|n(u, v)I1i instead of |!n(u, v)II1") in (2.7) and the optimal value of a turned out to be 1.5. For the general shape (2.6), this means that we get the entire cube as the optimal D. This result is similar to the L case for the unit square (see Figure 1-2(a)). 2.2 Simple extension for the L2 norm Now we attempt to construct the general shape of the Cheeger set for a cube with [aDO (the surface area) measured in the L2 norm. We do this by extending the 14 Q(a) vs a ' 5.5 5 Minimum 1.08 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.15 1-15 1.2 1.2 lOS 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 (a) Q(a) vs a (b) Optimal D for a = 1 Figure 2-2: Optimal shape for general shape (2.6) 15 1.5 (a) A playing dice (b) Trying to replicate the corner of dice (c) Minimal area covering the broken corner Figure 2-3: An unintuitive approach to extending the 12 results from R2 results for the square with perimeter measured in the L2 norm (see Figure 1-2(b)). We first present an approach which is very close to the approach applied to the L* norm, but which results in a very unintuitive shape for the Cheeger set. Just as in Figure 2-1(a) the corners of the cube were "cut-off', for the 2 norm, we can think of using sand-paper to "round-off" the corners of a cube. A physical example of this can be seen in playing dice (see Figure 2-3(a)). Figure 2-3(b) shows an analytical shape that tries to replicate the corner of the dice. In that shape, the relevant corners of the 3 squares that meet at (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) have been "rounded-off' and have been replaced by a quarter of a circle each. Notice that the shape in Figure 2-3(b) has a "hole" in the corner that still needs to be "covered". One approach to covering this would be to use a surface that minimizes the area. Brakke's Surface Evolver' is a free tool used for modelling how liquid surfaces change shape because of various forces and constraints. It can be used to find the surface that minimizes the total surface tension (and hence the area) of a surface between a wire-frame. Figure 2-3(c) shows the results of evolving (100 iterations) the original corner of the cube with the 3 quarter circles as the constraints/wire-frames. We leave this shape here and do not pursue this approach any further. We will however revisit this shape in Section 4.3. 'Available at http: //www. susqu. edu/brakke/evolver/evolver . html 16 2.3 A more intuitive approach for the j2 norm We now present a more intuitive approach to extending the L2 results for the unit square (see Figure 1-2(b)). Remember that the shape in Figure 1-2(b) could be constructed by dividing a scaled version of the unit ball in the L2 norm (a circle) and fitting the four pieces in the four corners of the square. Similarly for the unit cube, we take a sphere (of radius r < 0.5), divide it into eight parts and fit the parts into the eight corners of the cube. This also requires us to "round-off" the edges of the cube by replacing them with quarter cylinders each of radius r. Figure 2-4(a) shows the general shape, again only for the positive octant. This time finding the surface area and the volume is a much easier task, and we use simple geometry to find the two in terms of the radius r. The surface area of the complete shape is given by : Surface Area = 6(Area of top surface) + 8(Area of spherical corner) + 12(Area of cylindrical edge) (2.9) -3r2)2) + 12( 21r(1 - 2r) - 2r(1 - 2r)) = 6 + 8(-r2 2 Similarly the volume is given by : Volume =1 + 8( 1rr3 - r3 ) + 12(1wr2 - r 2 )(1 - 2r) 6 4 (2.10) Now we need to minimize the ratio Q(r) of surface area (2.9) to the volume (2.10) over 0 < r < 0.5. This was done using numerical methods and the results are shown in Figure 2-4(b). We see that r ~~0.26 minimizes Q(r) giving a ratio of 5.396778. The optimal shape (for r ~ 0.26) is shown in Figure 2-4(c). The unit cube (transparent) is shown overlapping the optimal shape. Again, we will find a better ratio using a different shape in Section 4.2.2. 17 11 (a) General Shape Q(r) vs r 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.4 0 0.5 0.1 0.15 0.2 0. 03 0.3 0.4 0.45 i 1.5 (b) Q(r) vs r (c) Optimal Shape for r ~ 0.26 Figure 2-4: A more intuitive approach to extending the 18 £2 results from R 2 Chapter 3 Numerical Solutions Continuum flow problems are the continuous analog of the discrete network flow problems. In the discrete case, an undirected network consists of a set N of nodes and a set E of edges. Each edge has a positive capacity c,, > 0 and a feasible flow through the edge cannot exceed the capacity of the edge. In addition to this we have conservation of flow at each node, with "flow-in=flow-out". We generally also have one or more "source" and one or more "sink" nodes. A flow through the network is defined as a set of flows on the edges. A feasible flow will fulfill the capacity constraints on edges as well as the flow conservation for each node including the source and the sink nodes. In the continuum case, instead of being defined as a set of nodes and edges, the "network" is defined as a closed set Q C R'. The flows are given by vector fields in Q [12, 14, 6, 8]. E.g. for n = 3 the flow would be f= (fi(x, y, z), f 2 (x, y, z), f 3 (x,y, z)). The conservation of flow constraints translate to equality conditions on the divergence of the flow: Conservation of flow for every point in Q. V - f= S (3.1) Here S represents the sources and sinks in the domain Q. Similarly the capacity constraints translate to Capacity constraints 19 l|f|l < C (3.2) for every point in Q. Here C represents the capacity over the domain Q, and 11ffl represents the magnitude of the flow in the appropriate norm. E.g. for n = 3, if the magnitude of the flow is measured in the L& norm, (3.2) changes to Illo1 00 = max{ifit, if2L, 1f3} C for every point in Q. Max-flow min-cut problem 3.1 For the general (discrete) network defined at the start of this chapter, let s and t be the source and sink nodes respectively (it is easy to show that a network with more than one source or sink nodes can be converted to a network with exactly one source node and exactly one sink node, e.g. see [15]). The max-flow problem seeks to find the maximum amount of flow that can be sent from s to t while maintaining flow conservation at each node and the capacity constraints on each edge (see [13, c. 6] for more details). Suppose we divide the nodes in the network into two disjoint sets S and T with S E S, t E T and S U T = N. The capacity of this cut is defined as the sum of the capacities of the edges which cross it. The min-cut problem seeks to find, among all possible s-t cuts, the cut with the minimum value. Ford and Fulkerson [10] demonstrated that the maximal s-t flow in a network equals the minimal s-t cut in the network. Strang [6, 8] and Iri [12] describe the maximal flow and the minimal cut problems for continuous flows. For the continuous case the maximum flow problem is max t: V - f= tS and 1ifi t,f C (3.3) If we take the source S to be a net unit source, then t gives the total net flow out of Q via f [14, 6]. So, in this case, (3.3) is just maximizing the total amount t of flow while satisfying (3.1) and (3.2). 20 w - - 1- V U - Figure 3-1: Discretization grid with flows u, v and w Iri [12] showed that, under very general continuity assumptions, the maximal flow is strictly equal to the minimal surface. For such a flow and surface, the flow saturates the surface uniformly. Strang [7, 8] shows how, for a net unit source S, the minimal cut is the same as the Cheeger set for Q and Grieser [5] mentions that the Cheeger constant h(Q) (see (1.3)) is equal to the optimal t that satisfies (3.3). 3.2 Discretization of the problem Appleton and Talbot [1] have proposed an algorithm for computing the maximum flow vector f from a sequence of discrete problems. Lippert [14] approximates the problem by a (discrete) problem in linear optimization (with quadratic constraints for the £2 norm). Both use the same discretization step, and we use an extension of the discretization used in [14]. We discretize f = (u, v, w) into a "3D grid" over the domain Q (the cube). We divide the cube into N equal parts along the 3 axis. This gives (N + 1)3 distinct nodes. The flow is now considered along the edge between two consecutive nodes (see Figure 3-1). This leads to the primary variables Ui,j,k, Vi,j,k and Wi,j,k defined for (i,j,k) E [0,N] x [1,N] x [1,N], (i,jk) E [1,N] x [0,N] x [1,N] and (ij,k) c [1, N] x [1, N] x [0, N] respectively. 21 These discrete flows are subject to the flow conservation : Ui,j,k - Vi,j,k Ui-1,j,k AX Vi,j-,k f,j,k Wi,j~k + Ay + We also need the discrete flow - - s Wi,j,k-1 Az - Si ,j,k (3.4) at any given point to satisfy the capacity con- straints Appleton and Talbot [1] and Lippert [14] use two different ways to handle this constraint. The magnitude of the discrete flow at any given point can be obtained by considering the following approximations to the flow near a vertex. f,7PP= fJ7 =~ to participate in the algorithm. (UiJlki Vij~k, Wij,k) (U-1J,k, Vij,k, WiJ,k) As Lippert points out, for our case, we are only [141 and so we define the magnitude of the iI, | 7 , lf77[II, lf7f"Ii, Iff"II, If2gI} (3.5) interested in the maximum magnitude flow at a point as: = max{Iif-, ~fi,j,kII lfII, l Now from (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5) we can define the discretized version of the continuous 22 max-flow problem as follows : Maximize Subject to t Ui,j,k - Ui-ljk + + V ,jk - Vi,j1,k Wi,j,k - Wij,k-1 Ay A~X jk Kui-,j,k,i,j-1,kw V (i, j,k) E [1, with bounds tSio,= 0 AZtiik i,j,k-) I1 N] 3 0 < t -00 < Ui~k < oo, V(iJ, k) E [0, N] x [1, N] x [1, N] -00 <V < oo, V(i, j, k) -00 <Wik < o, V(i, j, k) C [1, N] x [0, N] x [1, N] E [1, N] x [1, N] x [0, N] Here i(ui,j,k, Vij,k, wi,Jk)1 in the capacity constraints is to be measured in the "appropriate" norm. Since finding the Cheeger set of a domain Q is identical to finding the minimum cut of Q, and the maximum flow problem is the dual of the minimum cut problem, so the "appropriate" norm for the flow is actually the dual of the norm used to find the Cheeger set (see [6]). This means that for the Cheeger set in the L' norm, we will need to use the dual norm, the L1 norm, in the capacity constraints in the discretized problem. So, for the Cheeger set in the L£ Iwi,kJ~j < 1 and so on. norm, II(ui,J,kvi,jk,wiJ,k)WJ1 < 1 will give lui,J,k + IVi,j,kI + This is a simple linear programming problem with linear constraints. Since the L2 norm is dual to itself, so for the Cheeger set in the (Ui~J,k, Vi,,kiWiJ,k)2 < I will become u 2, , k + W2 £2 norm, < 1 and so on. This is a quadratically constrained problem. 3.3 Time and memory considerations Since the problem is in 3D, so it is obvious that any discretization will result in a large number of variables. For the discrete problem mentioned above, we have 23 approximately 3N 3 variables (of the form 9N 3 Uij,k, Vi,j,k constraints, for the problem in the L2 norm. and wij,k) and approximately However for the L' norm, the number of variables and constraints is larger because of the type of constraints that the Cplex/MOSEK input file formats allows. This means that even for a small N like 100, we have about 3 million variables and about 9 million constraints! It is certainly not feasible to try solving such huge problems even on commercial software like Cplex. 3.3.1 Changes Below we mention how we use the symmetry of the problem to make some simple modifications to the problem, making it smaller for any given N (unfortunately, the size of the problem still grows as O(N)). These changes apply to the problem in either norm. 1. The problem is symmetric about the x-, y- and the z-axis and so the first and most obvious modification is to look at only the problem in the positive octant (like we have done in the numerical case). This does require us to define the boundary conditions, and due to the symmetry of the problem, we can see that along the z-axis, the flow in the z direction has to be zero (and similarly for the other two axes). This immediately reduces the value of N, required for any given resolution of the solution, to half, thus reducing the number of variables and constraints by a factor of 8. 2. The problem is also symmetric in the x, y and z directions, and so we can replace Vi,j,k by Uji,k and Wi,j,k by Ukj,,. This reduces the number of variables by a factor of 3. We call this formulation "Formulation 1" in the comparisons below. We did not try to solve any formulations of the problem without the first two changes. 3. Now, we have only the variables in u. For these we can further decrease the number of variables by noting that Ui,jkk:Ui,k,j. This is because u denotes the 24 flow in the x direction and so u is symmetric in the y and z directions (also, using the relations in the previous point, we see that Thus replacing Ui,j,k by Ui,k,j Ujjk = VJ,i,k W,k,i W = Uikj). Vj > k, we can further reduce the number of variables by a factor of about 2. 4. The final step involves removing all the redundant constraints produced because of the replacements of variables above. This step does increase the time of the generation of the Cplex input file, but that is countered by the fact that this allows us to load and solve larger problems (meaning larger N) in Cplex. We refer to this formulation as "Formulation2" below. 3.3.2 Improvements The changes mentioned in the previous section lead to improvements in the following areas of the problem solution. As mentioned above, these changes directly reduce the number of variables by a factor of 6, and the number of constraints by a factor of about 5.5. E.g. for the L2 problem with N = 50, Formulation 1 results in a total of more than 1 million constraints, which are reduced to less than 0.2 million for Formulation 2. This directly effects the size of the input file that is generated by a similar factor. E.g The size of the generated input file for the L2 problem for N = 50, dropped from around 85MB to only 15MB when switching from Formulation 1 to Formulation 2. The difference in file size then has a much larger effect on the time it takes for Cplex to load/read the problem. E.g. for the L2 problem with N = 50, the time it took Cplex to read the problem from the input file jumped from close to 5 minutes for Formulation 1, to under 10 seconds for Formulation 2. Finally, there was also a gain in the time Cplex took to actually solve the problems. E.g for the £L problem for N = 30 the solution time dropped from just under 5 minutes to 1 minute when switching from Formulation 1 to Formulation 2. corresponding times for the £2 The norm for N = 20 were a little more than 21 minutes and less than 25 seconds; a decrease in time by a factor of 50! This can have a 25 considerable effect for larger N, keeping in mind that for N = 50 , Cplex took slightly less than 45 minutes to solve the L2 problem. This was for Formulation 2; for the same problem in Formulation 1, Cplex gave an out-of-memory error even before starting any iterations for the calculation of the solution. Note : All stats mentioned above for the problem in the Ll norm are for the barrier method in Cplex. The simplex method was extremely inefficient compared to the barrier method. E.g. for N = 20 (using Formulation 2), the Cplex simplex method took more than 12 minutes to find the optimal solution. The barrier method, however took less than 6 seconds to solve the same problem. 3.4 Results The linear and quadratically constrained problems defined above were solved using MOSEK and Cplex. Due to the large number of variables and constraints (even after the improvements mentioned above), we use relatively small values of N and so the results do not have a very high resolution. Any algorithm that solves a maximal flow problem for a discrete network, also gives the minimum cut since the "max flow saturates the minimum cut". So once we have a maximum flow, then the minimum cut is simply the set of edges that have flow equal to their capacity. The same applies to the continuous maximum flow problem and we use this to find the Cheeger set (=minimum cut) from the results of the optimization problem defined in Section 3.2. 3.4.1 Results for L' Solving the discretized version of the continuous maximum flow problem gives values for flow variables Ujk, Vi,j,k and Wi,j,k. Based on these values we find fk Ideally speaking, we are interested only in points (i, the flow fi,,k is equal to the capacity Ci,j,k j, k) where the magnitude of 1. So we look at only those points with |ffij,kII > 1 - 108. This gives the approximate Cheeger set Dapp 26 using (3.5). = {(i, j, k) ||ika|| The "outer surface" defined by this set of points is shown in > 1 - 10-8}. Figure 3-2. The value of the objective function t, i.e. the maximum flow, is 4.38114966 (for N = 40). We should note that any feasible flow gives a lower bound on the value of the Cheeger constant. This is because this is the maximum flow for (the discretized version of) the continuous max-flow problem, which is the dual problem to finding the minimum cut. Therefore this is actually just a lower bound on the value for the Cheeger constant for the unit cube in the L£ 3.4.2 norm. Results for L2 Similarly for the C2 > >|fjkII 1 - 10-. norm, we look at only those points with gives the approximate Cheeger set Dapprox {(i,j, k) :IIfi,j,kII > 1 - 10 3 This }. The "outer surface" defined by this set of points is shown in Figure 3-4. The value of the objective function t, i.e. the maximum flow, is 5.3187700759 (for N = 50). Again, this is actually just a lower bound on the value of the Cheeger constant for the unit cube in the L 2 norm. We believe that this lower bound is far from tight. The optimal t will converge to the Cheeger constant as we increase N, but N = 50 is too small a value to give a very good approximation to the Cheeger constant. This can also be seen from the fact that the approximate Cheeger set Dapprox = {(i, j, k) : I IfiJ,k I 1>-- 10-} contains almost all of the points "inside" the surface shown in Figure 3-4(a) and so the minimum cut (consisting of all saturated edges) is not a good approximation to the surface &D of the optimal shape. However we look at only the "outer surface" made by the points to approximate the Cheeger set. Also Figure 3-3 shows how the optimal value of t, the maximum flow, changes with N. We can clearly see that at N = 50, the lower bound defined by the maximal flow is still rising. The first thing that is to be noticed about the two shapes is that none of them is identical to the shapes proposed in Chapter 2, which simply extended the results for the unit square. We discuss the shapes from these results in much more detail in the next Chapter. 27 Surface for numerical solution (N = 40) 0.4 0.450.4-0.350. 0.1 0.05 0 00 . - .0 .1 0.21 2 .1 2 02 .. 0.1135 0. 4 .- (a) Surface 0.5 Level curves for numerical solution (N = 40) 0.5 0.45 - 0.45 0.4 - 0.4 0.35 - 0.35 0.3 - O3 S0.25 0.25 - 0.2 0.2- 0.15 - 0.15 0.1 - 0.1 0.05 - 0.05 0x (b) Contours Figure 3-2: Numerical results for Cheeger set for L' 28 norm Convergence of t 53 - S25- 51 N Figure 3-3: Convergence of Numerical results for Cheeger set for L2 norm 29 Surface of numerical solution (N = 50) 0.5E0.450-- 0.4,. 0.35 . 0.3, S0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 00 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 x 0.3 0.4 0.4 0. 0.5 (a) Surface Fig -Level r curves for numerical solution (N =50) 0.45- 0.45 0.4-- 0.4 0.35- 0.35 0.3- 0.3 A 0.25 -0.25 0.2- 0.2 0.15- 0.15 0.1 0.1 - 0.05 - S 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.05 . (b) Contours Figure 3-4: Numerical results for Cheeger set for 30 f2 norm Chapter 4 Analytical Solutions We now use the results from Chapter 3 to improve on the analytical solutions, discussed in Chapter 2, for the Cheeger problem (2.1) for the unit cube. We first present the general shape and then the optimized shape for both the L' and the L2 norms. As in Chapter 2, we only look at D n [0, 0.5]3, the part of the optimal shape in the positive octant. 4.1 4.1.1 Analytical Solution for the L' norm General Shape We start with the shape for the LO norm as it is much simpler than the shape for the £2 norm. It is obvious from the numerical results (see Figure 3-2), that the Cheeger set for the unit cube in the L* norm is defined by: x| D={(x, y, z)} with 0.5, IyI lxI+Iyl ! b, jyj+ z IxI+|yI +z and 0.5, Izl < 0.5 <a b, zl +x b bE [0.5, 1] 3a E [b,2b - 0.5] (4.1) Figure 4-1(a) shows the general shape, and Figure 4-1(b) shows the general shape with the part of cube it will replace. It should be noted that for b = 1, this shape 31 + z +z-b x~y+z=a x (a)0.5 (b) General Shape in relation to "corner" of cube (a) General Shape 0. xy=b = b) R 4 (y R 3 (x + y + z = a) +x=a-05 R 1 (z = 0.5) R2 ( + z =b) x (a- b b- 0.5 0.5 (c) Projection on xy-plane Figure 4-1: General shape (2.6) 32 simplifies to the general shape discussed in Section 2.1 (see Figure 2-1(a)). 4.1.2 Optimization Figure 4-1(c) shows the projection of the shape on the xy-plane. We see the following distinct regions : z = f(x, y) = 0.5 (x,y) in R1 b- x (x,y) in R 2 a- x- y (x,y) in R 3 b- y (x,y) in R 4 Now the relevant area of this surface, including the planes x = 0.5 and y = 0.5, is given by : f max{1,IzxI1,zy I}dx dy + 3 ff max{1,Jz + ff max{1, Iz.i, IzI} dx dy Surface Area = 3 Jzj} dx dy R2 R3 J = 3ff max{1, 0,0} dx dy + 3 7max1, 0, 1} dx dy + = 3f 1dx dy+3 ff1 dxdy + R1 = R2 II max{1, 1, 1} dx dy R3 ff1 dxdy R3 3(Area of R1 ) + 3(Area of R 2 ) + Area of R3 =3ab - a 2- 1.5b 2 (4.2) 33 The volume of the shape can be calculated as : Volume = fz dx dy + 2f z dx dy + Jfz dx dy R1 R2 R3 = ff0.5 dx dy + 2ff b- x dx dy + R1 = R2 ((b - 0.5)2 - a- x - y dxdy 43 R3 1(2b - a - 0.5)2)) + ((b - b2 )(a - b)) + ( a3 + ab - 1a2 a(b2) - -a) Some of the above expressions were calculated using Mathematica; we don't attempt to simplify the expression for the volume any further since we will use numerical methods to find the optimal value of Q(a, b), the ratio of surface area to volume. The results are shown in Figure 4-2(a). The white region in the figure consists of invalid pairs of (a, b) (see (4.1)). We see that (a, b) ~ (0.83,0.78) minimizes Q(a, b) giving an optimal value of P 4.4495 which is an improvement over the optimal value of 4.8 for the general shape in Figure 2-1(a). The optimal shape corresponding to these values of a and b is shown in Figure 4-2(b). 4.1.3 Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Solutions Figure 4-3 shows the numerical and the analytical Cheeger sets (shown only for the positive octant) for the L' norm. As we mentioned before, the maximal flow of - 4.381 found in Section 3.4.1 gives a (not so tight) lower bound on the value of the Cheeger constant, and the value calculated in Section 4.1.2 gives an upper bound. So we can say that the solution to the Cheeger problem (2.1) for the L' bounded by : 4.381 < II |ID|I 34 4.4495 norm is Q(a, b) for (a, b) 5.8 0.95- 0.9- - 5.6 0.85- - 5.4 0.8- - 5.2 -1 0.75- - 5 - 4.8 0.65- - 4.6 0.6. - 4.4 0.7 0.55 - 4.2 - 0.7 0 0.8 09 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 (a) Q(a, b) against a and b (b) Optimal (0.83,0.78) D for (a, b) Figure 4-2: Optimal shape for general shape (4.1) Surfacfo numrerical solut on (N =10) 02402 x x (b) Analytical Solution (a) Numerical Solution Figure 4-3: Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for LG 35 (b) Step 2 (d) Step 4 (c) Step 3 Figure 4-4: Constructing general shape for 4.2 £2 Analytical Solution for the L 2 norm Now we come to the analytical solution for the £2 norm. The analytical expression for the general shape is not obvious from the numerical results (see Figure 3-4). So we first present the rationale behind the suggested general shape and then present the results of the optimization. 4.2.1 General Shape Constructing the General Shape The first thing that we notice about the optimal numerical solution (see Figure 3-4) is the 3 "circular" regions on the x = 0.5, y = 0.5 and z = 0.5 planes. We use this fact to construct part of the general shape shown in Figure 4-4(a). As part of the 36 first step, we replace the three squares that intersect at the point (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), by a smaller "squares", each with a quarter circle of radius r 1 in one corner (see top surface in Figure 4-4(a)). The 3 (visible) edges of the original cube are replaced by (quarter) cylinders of radius r 2 and length (0.5 - r1 - r 2 ). This gives us the shape in Figure 4-4(a). Now all we need to do is to find a surface that covers the "hole" we see in Figure 4-4(a), and whose normal is parallel to the normals of all surfaces it meets (so the resulting figure is smooth). We focus on this "hole" in Figure 4-4(b) and this will be referred to as the "corner" of the optimal shape just as 1/ 8 th of a sphere formed the corner of the general shape in Figure 2-4(a). The quarter circle with radius r 2 marks the area where the quarter cylinders (that replace the edges) meet the "corner". Next, we take this quarter circle (on the surface parallel to the xz-plane), where the cylinder meets the "corner", and rotate it about the line defined by {(x, y, z) : x = y = 0.5 - r, - r 2}. This is the line parallel to the z-axis which passes through the center of the quarter circle (of radius ri) on the top surface of the cube. Figure 4-4(c) shows the resulting figure. Finally we repeat the last step symmetrically for the other two sides, to get the shape shown in Figure 4-4(d). This step does result in some overlap of the 3 surfaces created by the rotations, and this will have to be taken into account when calculating the surface area and the volume of the resulting figure. We have now finished the construction of the corner. This gives us the completed shape shown in Figure 4-5(a). It should be noted that for r 1 = 0, this shape simplifies to the general shape discussed in Section 2.3 (see Figure 2-4(a)). At this point we should also point out that this shape is not a perfect choice for the Cheeger set, as the view of the "corner" in Figure 4-5(b) shows. We see that the resulting figure is not convex and that by covering the "dent" in the shape, we can decrease the surface area and increase the volume thus getting a smaller value for II&D112/ 1D||. We ignore this issue for the calculation of the parameters for the optimal shape and suggest an improvement later in Section 4.3. 37 (a) General Shape (b) Problem with the corner Figure 4-5: General shape for L2 (b) Part of "corner" (a) Dividing the "corner" Figure 4-6: Corner Details Analytical Expression for General Shape We can think of the general shape as consisting of three planar surfaces, three cylindrical edges and a corner. Finding the contributions that the first two make to the surface areas and the volumes is simple enough; geometry will give us the answers easily. The corner is not that simple because of the overlapping mentioned above. So before we begin the calculations of the parameters of the optimal shape, we would like to present a method of breaking up the corner into 6 identical pieces, with each piece being defined by surfaces with analytical expressions. We can then use calculus to find the surface area and the volume of one piece and multiply these by 6 to get the surface area and the volume for the corner. 38 Note : While describing the analytical shape for the corner, and also while cal- culating the surface area and volume of the corner, we will use the shape in Figure 4-4(d) as a reference, ignoring the fact that it is actually not positioned at the origin in the general shape (see Figure 4-4(a)). This means that we will use the corner opposite the curved surface (clearly visible in Figure 4-4(b)) as the origin, and all lengths/equations will be with reference to that. It might be a little difficult for the reader to remember this as he reads the rest of this chapter, but it simplifies the expressions a lot and we sacrifice readability over simplicity. Figure 4-6(a) shows how the corner piece can be broken into 3 identical parts, such that in each part we have only one rotated surface to deal with. This is done by cutting the corner with parts of the planes z = x - r 1 , z = y - r 1 and x = y. Figure 4-6(b) then shows the details of the "top" piece (of the three parts in Figure 4-6(a)). The reader should note that this is exactly the surface we got in Figure 4-4(c) by the first of 3 rotations. The transparent part represents the portion of this piece that is covered by the other two rotated surfaces and so does not participate in the surface area or the volume. Finally, we divide this top piece into two equal parts by the plane x = y. This gives us exactly 1/6 th of the shape we refer to as the "corner" of the optimal shape. Now the equation of the curved surface (not including the circular area on the top) is given by : z 2 + (V/X2 + y2 - rl)2=r2 The equation of the plane dividing the valid (non-transparent) and invalid (transparent) regions is given by z2 = x - r1. We now have all the pieces to calculate the area and the volume of the general shape in terms of r 1 and r 2 . 39 R1 R2 R3 Figure 4-7: Projection of corner on xy-plane 4.2.2 Optimization Figure 4.2.2 shows the projection of the corner on the xy-plane. The surface area of the corner (Figure 4-4(d)) is then given by : Surface Area of Corner = 6 (1irr2+J J2 dx dy+ J R1 1 8 dx dy+ J R2 2 dx dy) (4.4) R3 where 17rr2 gives the area of the circular portion at the top, and + zi ax (y Similarly the volume of the corner piece is given by Volume of Corner = 6 (8rrr 2 + zi dx dy + JJz1 - z 2 dx dy + R1 R2 zi - z 2 dx dy) R3 (4.5) We do not attempt to simplify the expressions any further, and use numerical integration to find the values. Based on these expressions for surface area and the volume of the corner piece, we can find the expression for Q(ri, r2 ), the ratio of the total surface area to total volume. The contribution to the surface area and the volume due to the cylindrical edges and the planar surfaces are simple to calculate and we do not present them here. 40 Q(ri,r 2 ) for (ri, r ) 2 ,7 0.3 6 5.5 0.0 0.05 0.1 0,15 (a) 0.25 Q(ri, r 2 ) against 0.4 045 ,.I 4.5 r1 and r 2 (b) Optimal D for (ri,r 2 ) (0.29,0.21) Figure 4-8: Optimal shape for L2 Now Q(ri, r2 ) has to be minimized over valid values of r, and r 2 . This was done numerically and the results are shown in Figure 4-8(a). We see that (ri, r 2 ) ~ (0.29, 0.21) minimizes Q(ri, r2 ) giving an optimal value of Q(ri, r2 ) = 5.3815 which is slightly better than the optimal value for general shape in Figure 2-4(a). The optimal shape corresponding to these values of r1 and r 2 is shown in Figure 4-8(b). 41 05 Y 4 (a) Numerical Solution (b) Numerical Solution Figure 4-9: Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for L2) 4.2.3 Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Solutions Figure 4-9 shows the numerical and the analytical Cheeger sets (shown only for the positive octant) for the £2 norm. As we mentioned before, the maximal flow of ~ 5.319 found in Section 3.4.2 gives a (not so tight) lower bound on the value of the Cheeger constant, and the value calculated in Section 4.2.2 gives an upper bound. So we can say that the solution the Cheeger problem (2.1) for the £2 norm is bounded by: 5.319 < IDH2 < 5.382 4.3 Similarities between L' and L2 Cheeger sets In the end we mention some observations about the shape of the analytical solutions. Figure 4-10(a) shows the general shape based on the simple extension of the results for the unit square. We got this shape by "cutting-off' the corner of the cube just like the Cheeger set for the square (in the L norm) has the corners of the square cut-off. Another way of looking at the same shape is to think of each of the 6 squares (that form the cube) being replaced by (the general shape of) its Cheeger set (remember that the figure only shows the first octant). This step results in "holes" where the corners of the cube used to be. We cover these holes with a "minimal surface" to get the shape in Figure 4-10(a). 42 (b) Analytical shape from Section 4.1 (a) Naive approach from Section 2.1 (c) Unit ball for L£ in R3 Figure 4-10: Two approaches for L' Now if we "surround" this shape (similar to Kawohl's algorithm [3] for convex shapes in R2) with (a scaled) unit ball in the dual norm (shown in Figure 4-10(c)), we get the general shape in Figure 4-10(b). So (a scaled version of) the simple shape 1 in Figure 4-10(a) is acting as the "inner Cheeger set" for the Cheeger set in Figure 4-10(b). Applying the same approach to the L2 norm, the first step, of replacing each side of the cube with the (general shape of) its Cheeger set, gives us the shape in Figure 4-11(a), the shape we saw in Section 2.2. If we ignore the covering-of-the-hole step, and "surround" this shape by the unit ball in the dual norm (which is a sphere), we get exactly the shape in Figure 4-11(b), the shape we suggested and optimized in Section 4.2 above. If however we first cover the hole with a "minimal surface" (maybe as in Figure 2-3(c)), we will get a shape similar to the Figure 4-11(b), but without the non-convex portion (see Figure 4-5(b)). Again, the simple shape in Figure 4-11(a) is acting as the inner Cheeger set for the optimal shape in Figure 4-11(b). 'Term used by Kawohl in [3] 43 doldloffisob-- -- - L - I, - . - - Iz (p (b) Analytical shape from Section 4.2 (a) Naive approach from Section 2.2 Figure 4-11: The two approaches for L2 44 -Z dw Chapter 5 Conclusion In this thesis we presented work on the Cheeger sets for the unit cube using two different measures of surface area. We first looked at the existing work for Cheeger sets (and Cheeger constants) for domains in R2 , specially the square. We then presented an approach which extended the results for the Cheeger sets for the square to the Cheeger sets for a cube. These general shapes were then optimized using calculus and numerical methods. The optimized shapes gave us an upper bound on the value of the Cheeger constant. After this, we looked at the continuous maximum flow and minimum cut problems, and how these relate to Cheeger sets and Cheeger constants for general domains. This continuous network optimization problem was then discretized and converted to problems in linear and non-linear optimization. These problems were then solved using commercial mathematical programming optimizers and the results were presented. These results not only gave us some lower bounds on the value of the Cheeger constant for the unit cube, but also gave an approximation to the general shape of the Cheeger set for each of the two norms. These results were then used to present a different set of analytical shapes for the two norms. These shapes were again optimized using calculus and numerical methods, and the results were found to be better than the ones for the simpler shapes presented earlier. These optimized shapes then provided a better upper bound on the value of the Cheeger constant for the unit cube in the two norms respectively. 45 We also mentioned how the shape used for the L2 norm was not optimal and made a suggestion as to how it could be improved, without pursuing this improvement in this work. We concluded by informally presenting an algorithm (without any attempt at a proof) that could give us the general shape of the Cheeger set of the unit cube for both norms. We tried to relate the steps of the algorithm with the steps of the algorithm for finding the Cheeger set for a general convex domain in R2 (see Kawohl [3]). 5.1 Future Work We can see three possible tasks for future work. 1. Better lower bounds : Due to the huge number of variables and constraints in the discretized (linear and non-linear optimization) problems, we were unable to get a very high resolution solution, even after using some simple "tricks" to reduce the size of the problem. We might be able to get a higher resolution solution and hence a better lower bound by using existing polynomial time algorithms for maximal flows in discrete networks (see [13, c. 7]). We might also be able to use an approach similar to Appleton and Talbot [1]. 2. Better upper bounds for L2 norm : We mentioned how our "optimal" analytical shape for the £2 norm can be improved if we cover the non-convex part. One way for this could be to use a "minimal surface" or convex hull as the covering surface. It would be nice to have an analytical expression for such a surface, and to see how that affects the optimal parameters and the Cheeger constant. 3. Verification of the algorithm : In the end, we made a few observations about how the general shapes we got could be derived using an "algorithm" similar to the one presented by Kawohl [3]. It might be an interesting exercise to see if this algorithm (or a variation) can be applied to more general shapes in R3 . One could use the algorithms and results from Lachand-Robert and Oudet [11] to get shapes that can be used for comparisons of the results from this algorithm. 46 Bibliography [1] B. Appleton & H. Talbot. Globally minimal surfaces by continuous maximal flows. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2004. [2] B. Kawohl. On a family of torsional creep problems. J. Reine Angew. Math., 1990. [3] B. Kawohl & T. Lachand-Robert. Characterization of Cheeger sets for convex subsets of the plane. Pacific J. Math., to appear. [4] B. Kawohl & V. Fridman. Isoperimetric estimates for the first eigenvalue of the p-Laplace operator and the Cheeger constant. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 2003. [5] D. Grieser. The first eigenvalue of the Laplacian, isoperimetric constants, and the max flow min cut theorem. Archiv der Mahematik, 87:75-85, 2006. [6] G. Strang. Maximal flow through a domain. Math. Program., pages 26:123-143, 1983. [7] G. Strang. 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