Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang Estes Park, July, 2013 Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 1 / 23 Symmetries and conservation laws Symmetries and conservation laws 1 Symmetry - predictability, stability, applicability - new solutions from the old ones. Conservation law - cohomological representation of symmetry. 2 Three types of symmetry for CMC surfaces in a three dimensional space form - classical symmetry - higher order symmetry - spectral symmetry. 3 Historically, conservation law was introduced as a fundamental principle of natural science. • Mayer - mechanics of heat (thermodynamics), heat = work. • Helmhöltz - mechanical and chemical foundation of physiology, unifying principle underlying nature (heat, light, electricity, magnetism). Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 2 / 23 Symmetries and conservation laws Noether’s theorem 3 Noether’s theorem in calculus of variation (working hypothesis) symmetry 99K conservation law. ”symmetry” - in a narrower sense, certain algebra of vector fields on the associated infinite jet space. 4 Burgers’ equation ut = uux + uxx - (finitely generated) infinite dimensional algebra of symmetry vector fields involving higher and higher order derivatives - bound on the jet order of a conservation law (to be defined below) for an even order scalar evolution equation. • Symmetry vector fields and conservation laws - innate symmetry of a differential equation, may behave differently. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 3 / 23 Differential equation for CMC surfaces Elliptic Monge-Ampere system M: three dimensional space form of constant curvature , X = Gr+ (2, TM): Grassmann bundle of oriented 2-planes. Definition Differential equation for CMC-δ surfaces is an exterior differential system I defined on X such that an integral surface projects to a possibly singular CMC-δ surface in M. It is an elliptic Monge-Ampere system. Problem. Determine the space of global conservation laws for CMC surface system (with a view to application to the global geometry of CMC surfaces). Remark. Assume γ 2 = + δ 2 6= 0. Depending on the sign of γ 2 , a CMC surface is locally described by elliptic sinh, or cosh-Gordon equation. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 4 / 23 Differential equation for CMC surfaces Bonnet theorem 1 The geometric data for a CMC surface consist of the triple Riemann surface Σ conformal metric g (?) Hopf differential II ∈ H 0 (Σ, K 2 ) that satisfy the compatibility equation Rg = γ 2 − |II|2g . 2 Let π : Σ̃ → Σ be the universal cover. (?) induces a CMC-δ immersion x̃ : Σ̃ ,→ M which realizes (π ∗ g , π ∗ II). x̃ is unique up to motion by isometries of the ambient space M. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 5 / 23 Classical conservation laws Classical symmetries 1 Let g be the six dimensional algebra of Killing vector fields on M. For Y ∈ g, ∇ · Y = 0 −→ Y = ∇ × Z Y . 2 Let Σ ,→ M be a CMC-δ surface. ∇Σ · Y T = 2δhe3 , Y i, e3 unit normal to Σ. 3 Let Γ ,→ Σ be an oriented curve, representing [Γ] ∈ H1 (Σ, R). e1 tangent to Γ, e2 = e3 × e1 along Γ. Let D ,→ M be a surface in M with boundary ∂D = Γ. n unit normal to D. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 6 / 23 Classical conservation laws Momentum class Definition (Kusner) Momentum class µ ∈ H 1 (Σ, R) ⊗ g∗ is defined by Z Z µ([Γ], Y ) = he2 , Y i + 2δ hn, Y i ZΓ ZD = he2 , Y i + 2δ he1 , Z Y i Γ ZΓ Y Y = ϕ . (dϕ = 0 on Σ) Γ Example For a curve Γ ,→ M with a prescribed tangent 2-plane, the momentum class gives an obstruction for Γ to bound a CMC-δ surface Σ that satisfies the given overdetermined boundary condition and for which the boundary class [Γ] ∈ H1 (Σ, R) is trivial. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 7 / 23 Classical conservation laws Square root of Hopf differential 1 Let II ∈ H 0 (Σ, K 2 ) be the Hopf differential (holomorphic second fundamental form). √ Consider ω = II. It is a holomorphic 1-form and hence dω = 0. • But, [ω] is not a classical conservation law. 2 It is necessary to take into consideration the higher order derivatives. Remark. Noether’s theorem for classical conservation laws. g ' {classical conservation laws}. The momentum class accounts for all the conservation laws defined on X . Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 8 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Prolongation Recall (X , I) = (X (0) , I(0) ) is an elliptic Monge-Ampere system. Definition The infinite prolongation is defined as the limit (X (∞) , I(∞) ) = lim (X (k) , I(k) ). The sequence of Pfaffian systems satisfies the inductive closure condition dI(k) ≡ 0 mod I(k+1) , k ≥ 1. The ideal I(∞) is Frobenius, and (Ω∗ (X (∞) )/I(∞) , d) is a complex. Definition A conservation law is an element in the characteristic cohomology C = H 1 (Ω∗ (X (∞) )/I(∞) , d). Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 9 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Spectral sequence Due to Vinogradov, Tsujishita, Bryant & Griffiths, ... 1 Consider the filtration F p Ω∗ (X (∞) ) = Image{I(∞) ∧ I(∞) ... ∧ : Ω∗ (X (∞) ) → Ω∗ (X (∞) )}. From the associated graded F p Ω∗ (X (∞) )/F p+1 Ω∗ (X (∞) ), a standard construction yields the spectral sequence (Erp,q , dr ), 2 dr has bidegree (r , 1 − r ). General fact: the following sub-complex is exact. 0 → E10,1 ,→ E11,1 → E12,1 . • E10,1 = C: space of conservation laws. C = {ϕ ∈ Ω1 (X (∞) )|dϕ ≡ 0 mod I(∞) }/{dΩ0 (X (∞) ) + Ω1 (I(∞) )} = H 1 (Ω∗ (X (∞) )/I(∞) , d). Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 10 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Jacobi fields • E11,1 : the space of cosymmetries (symbols, or generating functions) - the algebra of higher order symmetry vector fields (derivations) of I(∞) (self-adjoint linearization). - a symmetry vector field is uniquely generated by a Jacobi field. A Jacobi field is a scalar function in the kernel of the Jacobi operator E := ∆ − 2(γ 2 + |II|2g ). • The derivative d1 : E10,1 ,→ E11,1 maps a conservation law to its generating Jacobi field. Example Higher order Noether’s theorem claims d1 : E10,1 ,→ E11,1 is surjective. C ' {Jacobi fields}. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 11 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Computation 1 From the exact sequence 0 → I(∞) → Ω∗ (X (∞) ) → Ω∗ (X (∞) )/I(∞) → 0, locally C ' H 2 (I(∞) , d) ' ker{d1 : E11,1 → E12,1 }. H 2 (I(∞) , d) is easier to analyze than C. • An analysis shows that there exist at most two conservation laws at each odd order (weight). 2 Apply a differential algebraic recursion to generate the desired infinite sequence of conservation laws. The recursion formula is originally due to Pinkall & Sterling, Dorfmann, ..., in slightly different forms. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 12 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Enhanced prolongation 1 Direct prolongation (X (∞) , I(∞) ) is a general, mechanical process. • On the basis of (X (∞) , I(∞) ), build an enhanced prolongation which incorporates the geometric properties of the differential system. 2 Enhanced prolongation is derived from the loop Lie algebra valued formal Killing field equation • dX(λ) + [ψ(λ), X(λ)] = 0. Here λ is the spectral parameter, and ψ(λ) : so(4, C) ⊗ [λ, λ−1 ] − valued extended Maurer-Cartan form, X(λ) : so(4, C) ⊗ [[λ, λ−1 ]] − valued formal Killing field. Recall conformal metric g = ξ ◦ ξ, Hopf differential II = h2 ξ 2 . Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 13 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Enhanced prolongation Structure equation. da2n−1 ≡ (iγc 2n + ih2 b 2n )ξ + (iγb 2n−2 + ih̄2 c 2n−2 )ξ, iγ i db 2n − ib 2n ρ ≡ a2n+1 ξ + h̄2 a2n−1 ξ, 2 2 i iγ dc 2n + ic 2n ρ ≡ h2 a2n+1 ξ + a2n−1 ξ, 2 2 da2n+1 ≡ (iγc 2n+2 + ih2 b 2n+2 )ξ + (iγb 2n + ih̄2 c 2n )ξ, iγ i db 2n+2 − ib 2n+2 ρ ≡ a2n+3 ξ + h̄2 a2n+1 ξ, 2 2 i iγ dc 2n+2 + ic 2n+2 ρ ≡ h2 a2n+3 ξ + a2n+1 ξ, mod I(∞) . 2 2 • b, c’s determine a’s, but a’s do not determine b, c’s. • Repeats a single three term relation, which reflects the decomposition so(4, C) = sl(2, C) ⊕ sl(2, C). Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 14 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Enhanced prolongation It can be summarized by the following diagram. 2 ∂ ih̄2 ξ b 2n 2 ∂ iγ ξ y # ... a2n−1 e 2 ∂ iγ ξ 2 ∂ ih̄2 ξ a2n+1 d ; c 2n 2 ∂ ih2 ξ b 2n+2 2 ∂ iγ ξ z 2 ∂ iγ ξ % a2n+3 9 c 2n+2 ... 2 ∂ ih2 ξ • Sequence of coefficients a2j+1 , b 2j+2 , c 2j+2 can be solved in terms of an inductive differential algebraic formula. −j - define ∂ξ hj = hj+1 , j ≥ 2. Set zj = h2 2 hj . - the coefficients a, b, c’s are (up to scale) weighted homogeneous polynomials in zj ’s (weight zj = j − 2). Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 15 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Recursion Set the initial circuit −1 1 −3 a1 = 0, b 2 = −iγh2 2 , c 2 = ih22 , a3 = h2 2 ∂ξ h2 . 1 Define âij = a2i+1 a2j+3 − 2b 2i+2 c 2j+2 − 2b 2j+2 c 2i+2 , 1 ≤ i ≤ j. Consider the partial sum and its modification X ŝn = âij , n ≥ 1, i+j=n 1≤i≤j m̂n = Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () ŝn + 21 (−â n2 , n2 + an+1 an+3 ) ŝn + 12 (an+2 )2 Conservation laws for CMC surfaces when n is even, when n is odd. Estes Park, July, 2013 16 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Formulae 2 Formula for a2n+3 : a 2n+3 1 = γh2 1 1 2 2n+1 2 −∂ξ a + ∂ξ (h2 m̂n ) . 2 • The function a2n+3 is a Jacobi field. 3 Formula for b 2n+2 , c 2n+2 : b 2n+2 c 2n+2 i 1 21 2n+1 = −∂ξ a − h2 m̂n , 2h2 2 1 1 i 2n+1 2 −∂ξ a + h2 m̂n . = 2γ 2 • Set ϕn = c 2n+2 ξ + b 2n ξ. The 1-form ϕn represents a conservation law of order (weight) 2n + 3. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 17 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Recursion 2 ∂ ih̄2 ξ b 2n 2 ∂ iγ ξ y # ... a2n−1 e 2 ∂ iγ ξ 2 ∂ ih̄2 ξ a2n+1 ; d c 2n 2 ∂ ih2 ξ b 2n+2 2 ∂ iγ ξ z 2 ∂ iγ ξ % a2n+3 9 c 2n+2 ... 2 ∂ ih2 ξ Theorem (Pinkall & Sterling, Fox & Wang) a) The sequence of coefficients a2n+1 in the enhanced prolongation are Jacobi fields. b) The sequence of 1-forms ϕn = c 2n+2 ξ + b 2n ξ represent nontrivial conservation laws. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 18 / 23 Higher order conservation laws Classification Results. a) C = C classical ⊕ C vertical . b) For each n ≥ 0 there exist two conservation laws ϕn , ϕn of order 2n + 3. C vertical = hϕn , ϕn i∞ n=0 . c)∗ A higher-order Noether’s theorem holds. C ' {Jacobi field}. Remark. ϕ0 , ϕ0 are smooth, but for n ≥ 1 the 1-forms ϕn , ϕn have pole type singularities at the umbilics. The residues provide a sequence of characteristic numbers for umbilics. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 19 / 23 Spectral symmetry and conservation law Spectral symmetry Recall the compatibility equation for the pair (g , II) Rg = γ 2 − |II|2g . 1 Consider the spectral deformation (g , II) −→ (g , λII) for a unit complex number λ (associate surfaces). • The corresponding spectral Jacobi field, spectral symmetry (shadow), and conservation law are neither classical nor vertical. 2 They are defined on an integrable extension (Wahlquist-Estabrook prolongation) of (X (∞) , I(∞) ) - nonlocal objects. Spectral symmetry S plays an important role in the analysis of the (local) higher-order conservation laws. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 20 / 23 Spectral symmetry and conservation law Integrable extension 3 Affine bundle Z modeled on g with I(∞) ⊂ J , dJ ≡ 0 mod J . (Z , J ) g (X (∞) , I(∞) ) Spectral symmetry S - a horizontal vector field on Z such that LS I(∞) ⊂ J . • S is an intermediate object (not a symmetry of J ). 4 The corresponding nonlocal spectral conservation law [ϕS ] exists. • [ϕS ] - a secondary characteristic cohomology class [ϕS ] ∈ H 1 (Σ, R)/hC classical i. Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 21 / 23 Remarks Extension of symmetries Classical Killing field: classical cv laws enhanced prolongation Loop algebra Killing field: higher order cv laws integrable extension Affine Kac-Moody algebra Killing field: secondary cv laws Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 22 / 23 Remarks Application to high genus CMC surfaces For a CMC surface Σ of genus ≥ 2. √ 1 Double cover for II so that √ Σ̂ → Σ √ II ∈ H 0 (Σ̂, K 1 ). Let U = ( II)0 . ĝ = genus(Σ̂) √ r = number of zero points of II (even) Set m = ĝ + 2r . 2 For a choice of conservation laws φ = (φ1 , φ2 , ... φm )t , Abel-Jacobi map is defined as (Lφ is the integral lattice of residues and periods) uφ : Σ̂ \ U → Cm /Lφ (' comlex m-torus, generically). Can one employ such uφ to linearize the CMC surface in any way? Daniel Fox & Joe S. Wang () Conservation laws for CMC surfaces Estes Park, July, 2013 23 / 23