UNCTAD Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Commodities and Development 2013 Recent developments and new challenges in commodity markets, and policy options for commodity-based inclusive growth and sustainable development Room XXVI Palais des Nations Geneva, Switzerland The role of financial innovations in developing countries: towards inclusive growth and sustainable development by Jean-Louis Arcand Director, Centre for Finance and Development Professor, Department of International Economics Head, PhD in Development Economics Programme The Graduate Institute - Geneva 20 MARCH 2013 This material has been reproduced in the language and form as it was provided. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNCTAD. Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section The role of …nancial innovations in developing countries: Towards inclusive growth and sustainable development Jean-Louis Arcand Director, Centre for Finance and Development Professor, Department of International Economics Head, PhD in Development Economics Programme The Graduate Institute j Geneva www.graduateinstitute.ch/cfd www.graduateinstitute.ch/economics/faculty/arcand Geneva, March 2013 Panel Conclusions Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions A traditional topic, at least with respect to the …rst two components Bagehot (1873), Schumpeter (1911), Goldsmith (1969) Financial intermediation improves e¢ ciency (not volume) of investment Theory: Jovanovich (1990), Bencivenga and Smith (1991) Financial development simply a by-product of economic development Robinson (1952): “where enterprise leads, …nance follows” More recent empirical work: King and Levine (1993): …nancial depth Levine and Zervos (1998): stock market liquidity (not size of the stock market) What is needed at the macro level is to di¤erentiate in terms of the importance of commodities for the countries in the sample Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Trying to establish causality The problem: measures of …nancial development on the RHS of the growth regression are almost certainly endogenous Less of a problem for commodity-dependence: simple interaction term Need to think carefully about the identi…cation strategy Two solutions proposed 1. Traditional IV or GMM Levine, Loayza, and Beck (2000): instrument their cross sectional regressions with legal origin (La Porta et al., 1998) Beck, Levine, and Loayza (2000): use standard GMM 2. An important technical innovation Uses sectoral (and not country-level) data + DID identi…cation strategy Rajan and Zingales (1998): industrial sectors that are more dependent on …nance grow relatively more in countries with a larger …nancial sector Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Non-monotonicity in the relationship? Precursors Minsky (1974), Kindleberger (1978): possibility that …nancial sector may ultimately reach a size where there are negative marginal social returns (but emphasis is on volatility aspects) Tobin (1984): the best and the brightest... More recent sceptics Rajan (2005): presence of a large and complicated …nancial system has increased the probability of a “catastrophic meltdown” Gennaioli, Shleifer, and Vishny (2010): with neglected tail risk …nancial innovation can increase …nancial fragility even in the absence of leverage No link made heretofore to commodities Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Conditionality in the relationship? Large literature Demetriades and Hussein (1996): time series for 16 countries: no causal relationship going from …nance to growth Demetriades and Law (2006): …nancial depth does not a¤ect growth when institutions are poor Rousseau and Wachtel (2002): …nance has no e¤ect on growth in countries with double-digit in‡ation De Gregorio and Guidotti (1995): …nancial depth is positively correlated with output growth in high income countries over 1960-1985, but correlation becomes negative for 1970-85 Capelle-Blancard and Labonne (2011): relative number of employees or credit volume/employees has no impact on growth in the OECD Rousseau and Wachtel (2011): …nancial depth and credit to the private sector has no statistically signi…cant impact on GDP growth over 1965-2004 Most relevant sub-literature: Arestis and Demetriades (1997) and Arestis et al. (2001): institutional factors a¤ect the relationship Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Empirical approach Six di¤erent combinations of types of data and estimators Country data: cross section 1. Linear cross-section with quadratic term 2. Semiparametric cross-section Country data: panel 3. Panel system GMM with quadratic term 4. Panel semiparametric 5. Panel system GMM with interactions in quadratic term Industry-level data 6. Rajan-Zingales DID approach with quadratic term Results are remarkably stable across types of data or econometric methodology.... ...even when we try hard, we can’t kill the result Conclusions Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel The marginal impact of credit to the private sector -10 -5 dGR/dPC 0 5 10 Figure: 0 .25 .5 .75 1 Credit to Private Sector/GDP 1.25 1.5 Conclusions Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Cross-sectional semiparameric results Figure: Semiparametric estimation compared with quadratic parametric …t Semi-parametric regressions using cross-country data With Controls 0 -1 .5 0 1 GR GR 1 1.5 2 2 3 2.5 Without Controls 0 .5 1 1.5 0 PC .5 1 PC Credit to Private Sector/GDP 1.5 Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Figure: Credit to the Private Sector. Evolution of credit to the private sector over GDP (PC) for the sample of countries included in the cross-sectional regressions. The left panel plots the mean and median values of PC. The right panel plots the share of observations for which PC>90% (solid line) and PC>120% (dashed line). PC>90% & 120% of GDP 0 .2 .1 Share of obs .2 Credit to Private Sector/GDP .4 .6 .3 .8 Mean and Median Values 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year MEAN 2000 2010 MEDIAN 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year P90 2000 P120 2010 Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel -10 -5 dGR/dPC 0 5 10 Figure: Marginal E¤ect Using Panel Data. 0 .5 1 1.5 Credit to Private Sector/GDP 2 2.5 Conclusions Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Figure: Countries with Large Financial Sectors (2006). This …gure plots the 2006 level of credit to the private sector over GDP (PC) for all countries that in 2006 had values of PC>90%. The vertical line is at PC=110%. ISL USA CAN DNK NLD IRL CHE CYP GBR ESP PRT ZAF HKG LUX NZL KOR AUT SWE DEU MLT AUS MYS NOR JPN FRA SGP ITA 0 1 2 Credit to the Private Sector/GDP 3 Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Panel semiparametric results -6 -4 GR -2 0 2 Figure: Semi-Parametric Regressions using Panel Data. Solid black line plots semiparametric relationship between PC and GR. Dotted lines are 95% con…dence intervals and solid light grey line plots the parametric quadratic …t. 0 1 2 Credit to Private Sector/GDP 3 Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Conclusions Empirical …ndings In countries with very large …nancial sectors there is no positive correlation between …nancial depth and economic growth There is a positive and robust correlation between …nancial depth and economic growth in countries with small and intermediate …nancial sectors There is a threshold (estimated to be at around 80-100% of GDP) above which …nance starts having a negative e¤ect on economic growth Results are robust to using di¤erent types of data and estimators No empirical evidence of di¤erence of inverted U-shaped relationship between …nance and growth, between commodity-rich and commodity-poor countries Development, …nance and commodities Non-monotonicity? Cross-section Panel Conclusions Conclusions Implications and research priorities This is only a …rst pass at the cross-country level... An interesting research agenda for the future More macro-level evidence is needed to disentangle e¤ects of: Institutions Geography Resource / commodity abundance and their interactions Micro-level evidence is especially lacking Di¢ culty of …nding convincing identi…cation strategies