7/8/2009 Batchelor, Osborn, Biel and Wieting Higher-Order Learning involves the mental processing of content in ways that enable learners to use it in the performance of increasingly complex cognitive tasks. While there are several learning models, Blooms Taxonomy is among most accepted and practically useful. In order to teach its students to “think like physicians,” DCOM must consistently promote and assess higher-order learning. DCOM’s program objectives and activities clearly reflect this need. ` Written exams ` Case studies/lit reviews/portfolios ` Simulations/Demonstrations l ` Observations ` Case presentations ` Written multiple choice questions Writing multiple-choice questions that effectively measure higher-order learning is difficult. Within the realm of medical education, scenario-based questions are most useful in that they can set up “authentic” cognitive tasks. 1 7/8/2009 A 47-year old male presents to the emergency department with a high fever, chills, nausea, stiff neck and severe headache. A Gram stain of cerebrospinal fluid revealed the presence of a Grampositive coccus. What is the most likely etiology? A) Corynebacterium diphtheriae B) Moraxella catarrhalis C) Neisseria meningitidis D) Staphylococcus aureus E) Streptococcus pneumoniae What is the most likely stage of bereavement the father is in? A) Acceptance B)) Anger g C) Bargaining D) Denial E) Depression After allowing them to express their feelings, the family physician makes a referral for both supportive and marital counseling. Which would be the best medication to prescribe for them both to provide expeditious relief? A) escitalopram (Lexapro) B) fluoxetine (Prozac) C) quitiapine (Seroquel) D) venlafaxine (Effexor) E) zolpidem (Ambien) A young couple presents to their family physician six weeks after losing their 4 month old son to a “crib death.” The mother awoke early one morning to check on her baby to find he had died during the night. Both parents are devastated but seem to be struggling toward recovery. They both report increasing marital tensions and describe persistent initial insomnia, daytime lethargy, and irritability. The husband tries to reassure his wife that “things are going to be okay and we should try to have another child as soon as possible.” His wife finds her husband’s suggestions aggravating and absurd. She makes a number of statements beginning with, “If only I had…..” Neither demonstrates nor endorses any neurovegetative indications. What is the most likely stage of bereavement the mother is in? A) Acceptance B) Anger C) B Bargaining i i D) Denial E) Depression 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define content & level of learning you wish to test (question objective) C Create scenario i Write question stem Write distracters Review and revise 2 7/8/2009 Prototypical cases versus “Authentic” cases The question stem sets up the cognitive task. Tasks should model thinking processes that physicians have to be able to perform. Using a “prototypical” scenario involves only application. Using an “authentic” “ h ” scenario involves application through evaluation. An 18 year old male presents to his physician with dysuria and a yellow mucopurulent urethral discharge. A Gram-negative coccus is observed on a Gram-stain of the urethral discharge. What is the outermost layer of the cell wall a Gram-negative organism? A) capsule l B) cytoplasmic membrane C) lipopolysaccharide layer D) peptidoglycan E) S-layer ` ` ` ` ` What is the most likely diagnosis? What is most appropriate next step in treatment? Which medication would represent the b best treatment option? i ? Which lab test would confirm the probable diagnosis? What is the most likely cause of her neurological symptoms? 3 7/8/2009 Does the question stem require one, two or possibly more steps in reasoning? ` Length ` Succinct ` Clearly worded ` Plausible distracters ` Avoiding clues The benefits of collaboration ll b ti 4