General Questions

General Questions
Implementation of a food safety program
Traceability (25 pts.)
Worker health and hygiene (155 pts.)
180 total points possible
P-1 Implementing a Food Safety Program
A documented food safety program that incorporates GAP and/or GHP has been
Points Yes _____ No_____ N/A_____ Document__D__
P-2 Implementing a Food Safety Program
Each operation should designate an individual(s) to implement and oversee an
established food safety program.
Points Yes _____ No_____ N/A_____ Document__D__
Implementing a Food Safety Program
Implementing a Food Safety Program
First Point of Contact:
Second Point of Contact:
G-1 Traceability
Track product to grower, production area and year
DOES NOT prevent a foodborne outbreak
CAN quickly identify the source of a product and speed an investigation
CAN limit damage to the consumer
CAN prevent damage to the innocent grower
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__D__
Product Recalls
• Recalls are actions taken to remove the product
from the market
• They may be conducted…
 On your own
 On the request of the buyer
 By the request of the FDA
 Under court order
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Making a Product Traceable
• Keep records
Product name
Grower name
Production Area
Harvest Date
ID where product went
• Use crop production records, transportation
bills, weigh tickets, farm maps to provide
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
G-1 Traceability Continued…
• All packed containers:
ID with Date of Harvest
Julian Date, or Calendar Date
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__D__
The Julian date is
typically used…
See the general forms section for this chart
Producer / Ranch / Field / Harvest Area / Julian Date / Year / Crew
XX 1 2 a 051 12 A
Partial Field?
G-2 Traceability - Record Keeping: Mock Recall
• To conduct an annual mock recall, contact one of your buyers to locate a load
that they purchased.
• The mock recall could include one lot, a part of a lot, or multiple lots
• Find out how much of it is in stock and how much of it has been sold
• Date and time the mock recall was initiated
• Affected lot ID’s (date code(s), lot code(s), etc.)
• Any individuals who were involved in the mock recall including those at other
companies. Record their name, job title and company
• Amount and percent of product located
• Any problems you encountered or things that you learned
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__R__
Traceability: Direct Sale and Farmers Markets
• Impossible to track every individual who buys product sold at farmers
markets or farm stands.
• Sale at the market or stand becomes the step forward.
• Sticker each bag or box with lot number and document what was sold (date
and location) at days end. Each sale day is, essentially, a mock recall event.
• The product went to the Farmers Market following harvest or storage (one
step forward). Identify where the product came from which field/plot
when (one step back).
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Grower/Shipper information listed on each carton
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Adopted from Penn State Extension, 2012
Rec G-2
Worker health and hygiene is very important to produce safety.
This portion of the section focuses on employee health and hygiene as well as the
importance of identifying, reporting, and responding to illnesses.
G-3 Worker Health & Hygiene
Potable water is available to all workers.
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__R__
G-4 Worker Health & Hygiene
Workers need to understand the impact
their health and hygiene practices have on
keeping fruits and vegetables safe.
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G-5 Worker Health and Hygiene
Training on proper sanitation and hygiene practices should be provided to all staff.
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__D__
G-6 Worker Health and Hygiene
Employees as well as visitors need to follow good hygiene/sanitation practices.
• Showering daily
• Washing work clothes separately from family clothes to avoid spreading germs to
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document____
G-7 Worker Health and Hygiene
• Using toilets properly and disposing of used toilet paper in the toilet.
• Washing hands often and thoroughly with soap for 20 seconds before
beginning and after returning to work.
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document____
Why Hand Washing?
Meet Some of the Germs on Your Hands:
 Hepatitis A
 Jaundice
 Diarrhea
Why Hand Washing? Meet Some of
the Germs on Your Hands
 Staphylococcus-zits, boils,
and other tissue infections.
 Streptococci-sore throat
(“strep throat”.)
Why Hand Washing? Meet Some of
the Germs on Your Hands
 Pseudomonas-infects open
 Haemophilus- “pink eye”—
highly infectious.
Why Hand Washing? Meet Some of
the Germs on Your Hands
The Biggies: E. Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter
Severe Diarrhea
Infections of Blood
and Other Organs
And Can Lead to
G-8 Worker Health and Hygiene
Signs need to be posted to instruct employees to wash their hands before
beginning or returning to work. These signs need to be easily understood.
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document_____
G-9 Worker Health and Hygiene
• All restrooms or field sanitation facilities are to
be kept clean
• They must be stocked with single use towels,
toilet paper, and hand soap or antibacterial soap
• Potable water for hand washing.
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document_____
G-10 Worker Health and Hygiene
All toilet/restroom/field sanitation facilities
must be serviced and cleaned on a scheduled
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__R__
G-11 Worker Health and Hygiene
Break areas must be kept clean
and in an area away from
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G-12 Worker Health & Hygiene - Ill Employee Restrictions
Employees who are ill should not be allowed to perform tasks that could allow
them to contaminate others or fresh produce.
Employees with diarrheal disease or symptoms of other infectious disease
should not:
• Pick, pack, or handle fruits or vegetables
• Handle or touch food contact surfaces such as boxes or conveyers
• Handle or prepare food for others
Supervisors should be able to identify worker illness symptoms.
Go Home!
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G12 Worker Health & Hygiene – Ill Employees Continued….
It is possible that sick workers will not feel ill. All workers, and supervisors,
however, should look out for any of the following symptoms:
Stomach cramps or pain
Fever, chills
Skin infections, wounds or sores
containing pus
• A cold with runny nose, frequent
coughing or sneezing
• Frequent trips to the bathroom
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G12 - Worker Health & Hygiene – Ill Employees Continued….
It is important to document worker illnesses. Develop a record keeping system to
document when workers report illnesses and the action that was taken as a result
of the illness.
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G-13 Worker Health and Hygiene
There is a policy describing procedures which specify handling/disposition of
produce or food contact surfaces that have come into contact with blood or
other body fluids.
Points Yes __15___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G14 - Worker Health and Hygiene
Whenever a worker has an injury, he/she should be instructed to seek prompt
treatment with clean first aid supplies for cuts, abrasions and other injuries.
Points Yes __5___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__P__
G15 - Worker Health and Hygiene - Training
Everyone at a facility should be trained and be able to explain the importance of
worker health and hygiene to food safety.
Points Yes __10___ No_____ N/A_____ Document__R__