Templates to Assess Services Trade Policy and Performance

Templates to Assess Services Trade
Policy and Performance
World Bank Research Program on Trade in Services
OAS Trade Unit
April 23, 2001
An assessment of policy and performance in services is frequently frustrated by the dearth of
data. Empirical research has, in turn, been inhibited by the absence of clear guidelines on what
data should be (and can be) collected. These templates seek to identify the key variables on which
data is needed. They shall form the basis for research undertaken in collaboration with a number
of institutions and regional networks.
The template for each sector is divided into two parts. The first part deals with policies and
market structure and covers three broad areas: the conditions of competition in the sector, notably
policy restrictions on entry; restrictions on ownership, private and foreign; and regulation,
especially elements designed to achieve social objectives in competitive markets. The emphasis
is on policies affecting international trade and investment in services, rather than more general
policies affecting the service sector. The second part deals with the performance of the sector,
and covers prices, quality indicators, and measures of access, especially for the poor. The
availability of data, particularly over time for a cross-section of countries, should make it possible
to examine the relationship between policies and performance, and to identify priorities for
Critical feedback on the templates is welcome.
Telecommunications—Fixed Line Services
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
A. Market Access
1. Are there policy restrictions on new entry?
Local services1
Long distance
Leased line2
Entry by any
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, total
number of
firms allowed
Entry by
foreign firms
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, number
of foreign firms
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
 To give incumbents time to prepare for competition.
 To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
 Exclusive rights believed necessary to attract (strategic) investment
 Exclusive rights to allow the provision of universal service
 Other: ________________________________________
3. Is interconnection to the public switched network allowed in principle?
 No
 Yes
4. Are there any restrictions on the provision of basic telecommunication services through
networks other than the public switched network?
Cable television network
Other: ______________
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
If yes, please explain the nature of the restrictions:
5. Do market entrants have to use the incumbent carrier’s gateway(s) for international
 No
 Yes
If policy restrictions on new entry in local services differ across regions within the country, please explain
on a separate sheet.
Leased line services are defined as the ability of telecom service suppliers to sell or lease circuits for any
type of bulk network capacity (cable, satellite, wireless) to third parties.
6. Is third party resale of lease line capacity permitted?
 No
 Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, please specify the designated countries: ________________________________
B. Ownership
7. Is private ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Local services
Long distance
Leased line
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
8. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Local services
Long distance
Leased line
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
9. Are there any restrictions on companies offering services in more than one market segment
(local, long distance, international, leased line)?
 No  Yes
If yes, please explain the nature of these restrictions: ______________________________
C. Market Structure
10. Please list the characteristics of all facilities-based operators providing local services (starting
with the incumbent PTO).
Name of firm
Year the firm first
offered services
Owners of capital and their respective
shares (domestic/foreign)
11. Please list the characteristics of all facilities-based operators providing long distance services
(starting with the incumbent PTO).
Name of firm
Year the firm first
offered services
Owners of capital and their respective
shares (domestic/foreign)
12. Please list the characteristics of all facilities-based operators providing international services
(starting with the incumbent PTO).
Name of firm
Year the firm first
offered services
Owners of capital and their respective
shares (domestic/foreign)
13. Please list the characteristics of all facilities-based operators providing leased line services
(starting with the incumbent PTO).
Name of firm
Year the firm first
offered services
Owners of capital and their respective
shares (domestic/foreign)
14. If third party resale of leased-line capacity is permitted, how many resellers are in the
D. Regulation
15. Institutional status of sector regulator
a) When was the regulator established? ___________
b) Is the sector regulator independent from the incumbent PTO?
 No
c) If yes to b), is the regulator independent from the sector ministry?  No
d) How is the sector regulator financed?
 Yes
 Yes
License and other fees ___% State budget ___% Other (___________): ___%
e) How many technical and economic professionals are employed? ________
16. Please indicate regulatory responsibilities for the following functions:
Other (specify)
Setting of
of retail
settlement and
of cable
17. How are licenses for fixed line services allocated?
a) If the number of providers is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions new
entrants must fulfill.
 Payment of license fee (indicate amount in local currency: ________)
 Other: _____________________
b) If the number of providers is limited by policy, through what mechanism are licenses
 Competitive tender
 Discretionary decision by the licensing authority
 Other:_______________________________
c) Do licenses foresee specific network roll-out plans?
 No  Yes
d) Are foreign firms subject to different licensing requirements from domestic firms?
 No  Yes
If yes, please specify what additional requirements have to be met by foreign operators:
e) Do licenses grant exclusivity periods?
 No  Yes
If yes, please indicate for the relevant market segments (local, long distance,
international, leased line) when the exclusivity period will expire? _______________
18. Regulation of network interconnection
a) How are interconnection agreements among carriers determined?
 Private negotiations between parties
 Private negotiations, but general terms determined by regulatory agency
 Detailed terms of interconnection determined by the regulatory agency
 Other: ________________________________
b) Which of the following aspects of interconnection are set by the regulatory agency?
 Technical standards
 Procedures for interconnection
 Time frames for interconnection
 Points of interconnection
 Price of interconnection
 Other: ______________
c) Are interconnection agreements required to be made public?
 No
 Yes
d) Which of the following interconnection pricing rules are applied in your country?
 Reciprocal pricing3
 Unbundling4
 Imputation5
 Other: _____________
19. End-user tariffs
a) How are end-user tariffs determined in your country?
 By market forces (i.e., not regulated)
 Price caps established by the regulator
 Rate of return regulation
 Other: _____________________
b) Is there a plan to rebalance tariffs in your country?6
 No  Yes
If yes, please indicate when this plan is scheduled to be completed: ____________
20. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
Reciprocal pricing requires that all networks charge the same amount to terminate calls coming from other
An ‘unbundling’ policy requires the dominant network operator to sell network components
independently of each other, so that rival networks are not forced to buy services they do not need.
Imputation rules are designed to eliminate any markup on services components sold to competing firms
over and above the implicit charges for internal use – and should tend to equalize prices charged by direct
Tariff rebalancing may take place when a dominant carrier provides both domestic and long
distance/international services. It usually takes the form of the elimination of cross-subsidies from long
distance/international services to the local segment of the domestic market.
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Fixed Line Services
21. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting fixed line services, and list
the preferential measures.7
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
22. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1990 (e.g., privatization of incumbent operator, introduction of competition, creation of an
independent regulatory agency). Please attach copies of laws and regulations.
Area of policy change
(market access,
ownership or regulation)
Year of
Description of policy change
23. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same areas.
Area of policy change
(market access,
ownership or regulation)
Description of policy change
Please, specify how the treatment of fixed line service suppliers of member countries of the agreement
differs from the treatment of fixed line service suppliers of non-member countries.
G. Universal Service
24. How does the government define universal service (or universal access)?
25. What are the policy instruments used to pursue the universal service objective?
Roll-out obligations in services licenses
Subsidies to operator(s), e.g., from universal service funds or state budgets
Vouchers for target consumers
Other: _________________________________
26. On which service suppliers are universal service obligations imposed?
Incumbent operator
Private operators offering local services
Private operators offering long distance and international services
H. Employment
27. Main employment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
How many people are employed in the provision of fixed line services? __________
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? ____________
What share of workers in this sector is employed by state-owned operators? ___________
What share of workers in this sector is employed by foreign-owned operators? __________
What is the annual average wage in this sector?____________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Investment
28. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
What is the total amount of investment in fixed line services? _____________
What is the total amount of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
What is the total stock of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
J. Prices
29. Please indicate the prices of the following services. Where relevant, distinguish between
peak and off-peak charges. For a comprehensive assessment of telecommunications
performance, it would be extremely useful to have historical data on prices for the various
services. If time series data are available, please attach them separately (preferably
Installation charges
Monthly subscription for
Monthly subscription for
3-minute local call
3-minute domestic long
distance call
3-minute call to Sao Paulo
3-minute call to Miami
Average interconnection
charge with main operator of
local services
Monthly leased line charges
Price (in local currency)
K. Quality and Access to Services
30. Please fill in the following indicators of quality and access to services. If time series data are
available, please attach them separately (preferably electronically).
Total number of main
telephone lines in the country
Number of main telephone
lines in rural areas
Number of main telephone
lines in urban areas
Number of payphones and/or
call centers
Waiting time for installation
of basic telephone services
Waiting list for installation of
basic telephone services
Percentage of network that is
Percentage of unsuccessful
Are callback services
Percentage of households with
access to cable television
 No  Yes
If yes, please since when? _____
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________
Telecommunications—Mobile Services
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
A. Market Access
1. Are there policy restrictions on new entry?8
Entry by any
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Analogue mobile
Digital mobile
If yes, total
number of
firms allowed
Entry by
foreign firms
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, number
of foreign firms
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
 To give incumbents time to prepare for competition
 To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
 Exclusive rights believed necessary to attract (strategic) investment
 Limited availability of radio frequencies
 Other: ________________________________________
B. Ownership
3. Is private ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Analogue mobile
Digital mobile
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
4. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Analogue mobile
Digital mobile
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
C. Market Structure
5. Please list the characteristics of all operators providing analogue mobile services.
If policy restrictions on new entry in analogue or digital mobile differ across regions within the country,
please explain on a separate sheet.
Name of firm
Year the firm
first offered
Owners of capital and their
respective shares (domestic/foreign)
6. Please list the characteristics of all operators providing digital mobile services.
Name of firm
Year the firm
first offered
(e.g., GSM,
Owners of capital and their
respective shares (domestic/foreign)
D. Regulation
7. Please indicate regulatory responsibilities for the following functions:
Other (specify)
Setting of
of retail
settlement and
8. How are licenses for mobile services allocated?
a) If the number of operators is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions new
entrants must fulfill.
 Payment of service license fee (indicate amount in local currency: ________)
 Other: _______________________________
b) If the number of operators is limited by policy, through what mechanism are service
licenses allocated?
 Competitive tender
 Discretionary decision by the licensing authority
 Other:_______________________________
c) Are foreign firms subject to different licensing requirements from domestic firms?
 No
 Yes If yes, please specify what additional requirements have to be met by foreign
d) Do licenses foresee specific network roll-out plans?
 No  Yes
e) Do licenses grant exclusivity periods?
 No  Yes
If yes, please indicate for the relevant market segments (digital, analogue) when the
exclusivity period will expire? _______________
9. Allocation of radio spectrum
a) If radio frequencies are not awarded with the service license, through what mechanism
are licenses for radio frequencies allocated?
Discretionary decision by the licensing authority
First come, first served
b) Is there a separate fee for radio frequency licenses?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please indicate the average fee paid by operators: _______
10. Regulation of network interconnection
a) How are interconnection agreements between mobile and fixed-line carriers determined?
 Private negotiations between parties
 Private negotiations, but general terms determined by regulatory agency
 Detailed terms of interconnection determined by the regulatory agency
 Other: ________________________________
b) How are interconnection agreements among mobile carriers determined?
 Private negotiations between parties
 Private negotiations, but general terms determined by regulatory agency
 Detailed terms of interconnection determined by the regulatory agency
 Other: ________________________________
c) Which of the following aspects of interconnection are set by the regulatory agency?
 Technical standards
 Procedures for interconnection
 Time frames for interconnection
 Points of interconnection
 Price of interconnection
 Other: ______________
d) Are interconnection agreements required to be made public?
 No
 Yes
e) Which of the following interconnection pricing rules are applied in your country?
 Reciprocal pricing9
 Unbundling10
 Imputation11
 Other: _____________
f) Are mobile carriers allowed to charge for incoming mobile calls?
 No  Yes
If yes, do mobile carriers actually charge for incoming calls?  No  Yes
11. How are end-user tariffs for mobile services determined in your country?
 By market forces (i.e., not regulated)
 Price caps established by the regulator
 Rate of return regulation
 Other: _____________________
12. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Mobile Services
13. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting mobile services, and list
the preferential measures.12
Reciprocal pricing requires that all networks charge the same amount to terminate calls coming from other
An ‘unbundling’ policy requires the dominant network operator to sell network components
independently of each other, so that rival networks are not forced to buy services they do not need.
Imputation rules are designed to eliminate any markup on services components sold to competing firms
over and above the implicit charges for internal use – and should tend to equalize prices charged by direct
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
14. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1990 (e.g., grant of additional mobile licenses, relaxation of ownership rules).
Area of policy change
(market access,
ownership or regulation)
Year of
Description of policy change
15. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same areas. Among other things,
describe the government’s plans for the introduction of third generation mobile services.
Area of policy change
(market access,
ownership or regulation)
Description of policy change
G. Employment
16. Main employment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
How many people are employed in the provision of mobile services? _________
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? __________
What share of workers in this sector is employed by state-owned operators? ___________
What share of workers in this sector is employed by foreign-owned service providers? ____
What is the annual average wage in this sector?_____________
Please, specify how the treatment of mobile service suppliers of member countries of the agreement
differs from the treatment of mobile service suppliers of non-member countries.
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
H. Investment
17. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
What is the total amount of investment in mobile services? _____________
What is the total amount of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
What is the total stock of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Prices
18. Please indicate the prices of the following services. Where relevant, distinguish between
peak and off-peak charges. For a comprehensive assessment of mobile performance, it would be
extremely useful to have historical data on prices for the various services. If time series data are
available, please attach them separately (preferably electronically).
Acquisition of handset
Monthly rental charges
3-minute domestic call
3-minute call to Sao Paulo
3-minute call to Miami
Average roaming charges
Average interconnection
charge with fixed network
Average interconnection
charge between mobile
Price (in local currency)
J. Quality and Access to Services
19. Please fill in the following indicators of quality and access to services. If time series data are
available, please attach them separately (preferably electronically).
Total number of mobile
subscribers in the country
Number of mobile subscribers
in rural areas
Waiting period for acquisition
of handset and initiation of
Percentage of unsuccessful
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________
Telecommunications—Internet services
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
A. Market Access
1. Are there policy restrictions on new entry of Internet service providers?
If yes, total number of
firms allowed
Entry by any firm
 No  Yes
Entry by foreign
 No  Yes
If yes, number of
foreign firms allowed
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
 To give incumbents time to prepare for competition
 To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
 Other: ________________________________________
B. Ownership
3. Is private ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Maximum private
equity permitted (%)
Existing operators
 No  Yes
New entrants
 No  Yes
Maximum private
equity permitted (%)
4. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Maximum foreign
equity permitted (%)
Existing operators
 No
Maximum foreign
equity permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 Yes
C. Market Structure
5. a) What is the total number of Internet service providers? _________
b) How many Internet service providers are related to telecom operators? ___________
6. Please list the characteristics of the six largest Internet services providers.
Name of firm
Year the firm first
offered services
Market share
Owners of capital and their respective
shares (domestic/foreign)
D. Regulation
7. Licensing regime
a) Is there a licensing regime for Internet service providers?  No  Yes
b) If yes to a), which governmental agency issues licenses? ________________
c) If yes to a), please specify the main conditions new entrants have to fulfill:
d) Are foreign firms subject to different licensing requirements from domestic firms?
 No
 Yes If yes, please specify what additional requirements have to be met by foreign
8. Infrastructure and interconnection
a) Are Internet service providers allowed to build their own networks?  No  Yes
b) Are Internet service providers (other than the incumbent or affiliates) allowed to own
or lease their own international data gateways?  No  Yes
c) How are interconnection agreements among Internet service providers regulated?
 Private negotiations between parties
 Private negotiations, but general terms determined by regulatory agency
 Detailed terms of interconnection determined by the regulatory agency
 Other: ________________________________
d) How many peering points (locations where national and regional Internet traffic can be
exchanged) are available?
9. Are there any policy initiatives to bolster Internet use?
 No
 Yes
If yes,
a) when were they introduced? ___________
b) what do they cover?
 Plan to introduce flat-rate access
 Discount local access charges for Internet use
 Other: ________________________________
10. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Internet Services
11. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting internet services, and list
the preferential measures.13
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
12. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1985 (e.g., grant of additional licenses for Internet services, relaxation of ownership rules).
Area of policy change
(market access,
ownership or regulation)
Year of
Description of policy change
13. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same areas.
Area of policy change
(market access,
ownership or regulation)
Description of policy change
Please, specify how the treatment of internet service suppliers of member countries of the agreement
differs from the treatment of internet service suppliers of non-member countries.
G. Employment
14. Main employment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
How many people are employed in the provision of Internet and data services? _________
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? __________
What share of workers in this sector is employed by state-owned service providers? ______
What share of workers in this sector is employed by foreign-owned service providers? ____
What is the average annual wage in this industry?_________
If time series data on these employment indicators are available, please attach them separately.
H. Investment
15. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
What is the total amount of investment in Internet services? _____________
What is the total amount of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
What is the total stock of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Prices
16. Please indicate the prices of the following services. Where relevant, distinguish between
peak and off-peak charges. For a comprehensive assessment of Internet performance, it would be
extremely useful to have historical data on prices for the various services. If time series data are
available, please attach them separately (preferably electronically).
Average monthly charges for
low bandwidth residential
Internet access
Price (in local currency)
Additional (per minute) local
telephone charges (if relevant)
Average monthly charges for
high bandwidth business
Internet access
Additional connection charges
(if relevant)
I. Quality and Access to Services
17. Please fill in the following indicators of quality and access to services.
Number of Internet hosts
Number of household
Total number of Internet users
Number of users that access
the Internet via the fixed
telephone network
Number of users that access
the Internet via leased lines
Number of users that access
the Internet via the cable
Annual value of e-commerce
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________
Air Transport
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
Please report all monetary values in their reported currencies.
Within this section of the questionnaire, two concepts will be frequently encountered:
commercial presence and cross-border supply. They are alternative modes of supply and are
defined by the WTO in the context of the GATS schedules of commitments. To avoid confusion,
a preliminary discussion of the two concepts is necessary. Foreign suppliers provide services
according to the “cross-border” mode if they operate from their own country without establishing
a local branch or subsidiary or acquiring shares in a firm located in the country to which the
service is destined. The “commercial presence” mode of supply means exactly the contrary, i.e.
the foreign firms establish locally in the country where they want to supply the service and open a
branch, subsidiary or participate to the capital of a local firm (the share can go up to 100%).
A. Market Access
Commercial presence
1. Are there policy restrictions to new entry (refer only to commercially-established operators)?
Entry by any
International air transport15  No  Yes
Domestic air transport
 No  Yes
Provision of fuel
 No  Yes
Luggage and freight loading  No  Yes
and unloading
Aircraft repair and
 No  Yes
Selling and marketing of air  No  Yes
transport services16
Computer reservation
 No  Yes
If yes, total
number of
firms allowed
Entry by
firms with
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes,
of firms with
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
This category also includes branches and subsidiaries of foreign suppliers.
Include designation among restrictions.
Refers to selling and marketing activities undertaken by the airline company itself (GATS definition).
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
Use the definitions below to fill in the table:
1—To give protected operators time to prepare for competition. If so, please specify time.
2—To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
3—Exclusive rights believed necessary to attract (strategic) investment If so, please
specify time given.
4—It is believed that market can sustain only a limited number of operators
5—Strategic activity reserved to the state
International air transport
Domestic air transport
Provision of fuel
Luggage and freight loading
and unloading
Aircraft repair and
Selling and marketing of air
transport services
Computer reservation
Other (describe in brief)
Cross-border supply
3. Are there restrictions on cross-border entry of foreign airlines on the scheduled air transport
 No  Yes
If yes, what are the instruments used to implement restrictions?
 Air Services Agreements (ASAs)
 Other: _________________________________________________
4. Are there restrictions on cross-border entry of foreign service providers on the non-scheduled
(charter) air transport market?
International air transport
Domestic air transport
Entry by foreign firm
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, total number of foreign
providers allowed
5. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
To prepare incumbent airline(s) for competition:
Market is believed to sustain a limited number of airline(s)
Other (explain)
6. Are there restrictions to cross-border supply of computer reservation system (CRS) services by
foreign suppliers?
 No  Yes
If yes, please specify:
7. Bilateral Air Service Agreements (ASAs)
Type of bilateral ASAs
Number of signed
bilateral ASAs
Number of
operational bilateral
Predetermined (TP)17
Bermuda (B)18
“Point to Point” Open Skies (POS)19
“Multiple Point” Open Skies (MOS)20
8. Please list the countries with which (bilateral) Open Skies Agreements have been signed:
9. Is the country member of any plurilateral open skies agreement group?
 No  Yes
If yes, please list other members of the group:
10. Please fill in the following information referring to clauses in operational ASAs:
a) Tariff clauses in ASAs
each country designates one single company to operate on the bilateral route; limited number of
points/routes operated by designated airlines as listed in the bilateral’s annex; capacity and frequency to be
agreed ex ante; few 5th freedom granted
each country designates one or several airlines on each route; limited number of points/routes operated
by designated airlines as listed in the bilateral’s annex; there is no ex ante capacity control on each route,
capacity offered is often negotiated via commercial agreements between airlines; several 5th freedoms may
be granted, but total capacity must be proportional to the needs of the main bilateral route
multiple designation of airlines; free access to designated routes, between specific points, either departure
or arrival points may be left open and unrestricted; no frequency or capacity control; extensive 5th freedom
rights are granted
multiple designation of airlines; airlines can fly on any route between two states; no frequency or
capacity control; unrestricted 5th freedom
Total number of bilateral
Total number of plurilateral
open skies agreement groups21
Double approval22
Country of origin23
No approval needed
Double disapproval24
Other mechanism of setting
tariffs (please describe in brief)
b) Capacity clauses imposed on foreign airlines
Total number of bilateral
Total number of plurilateral
open skies agreement groups
No capacity constraints
Capacity constraints
c) Number of foreign airlines designated
Total number of bilateral
Total number of plurilateral
open skies agreement groups
d) Routes specification for the foreign airlines
Total number of bilateral
Total number of plurilateral
open skies agreement groups
Routes not specified
Routes specified
e) Freedoms of the air granted to foreign airlines
Total number of bilateral
Total number of plurilateral
open skies agreement groups
Third freedoms25
Include air transport liberalization within EU in this category.
Both states must approve a tariff.
Only the state in which the transportation originates needs to approve the tariff.
Both states concerned must disapprove a tariff to prevent it from coming into effect.
The right of an airline of one country to carry traffic (passenger, cargo, mail) from its country to another
Fourth freedoms26
Fifth freedom27
Sixth freedom28
Seventh freedom29
B. Ownership
11. Is private ownership in the provision of services through commercial establishment allowed?
International air transport
Domestic air transport
Provision of fuel
Luggage and freight loading
and unloading
Aircraft repair and
Selling and marketing of air
transport services
Computer reservation system
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
12. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services through commercial establishment allowed?
foreign equity
permitted (%)
International air transport
 No  Yes
Domestic air transport
 No  Yes
Provision of fuel
 No  Yes
Luggage and freight loading  No  Yes
and unloading
Aircraft repair and
 No  Yes
Selling and marketing of air  No  Yes
transport services
Computer reservation
 No  Yes
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
The right of an airline of one country to carry traffic (passenger, cargo, mail) from another country to its
own country.
The right of an airline of one country to carry traffic between two other countries providing the flight
originates and terminates in its own country.
The right of an airline of one country to carry traffic between two other countries via its own country.
The right of an airline of one country to carry traffic between two other countries without the flight
originating or terminating in its own country.
The right of an airline of one country to carry domestic traffic between two points within the territory of
another country.
13. Does the government have a special government voting right in the airlines?
 No
 Yes
14. Please mark in the table below, the appropriate ownership structure for the 5 most important
international airports in terms of traffic:
Assets ownership/Service
Publicly owned/publicly
Publicly owned/ privately
operated (e.g., by concession)
Privately owned/privately
C. Market Structure
15. Please list below the characteristics of all commercially-established carriers operating on
domestic and international routes.
Year carrier
first offered
Designated to
Market share
Owners of capital and
their respective shares
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
16. a) Do commercial carriers participate in international carrier alliances?
 No  Yes
If yes, please specify alliance(s) and partner airlines:
b) Do commercial carriers participate in codesharing agreements?
 No  Yes
If yes, please specify partner airlines:
17. Please indicate the total number of foreign airlines providing the following services crossborder:
International air transport
Domestic air transport
Scheduled services
Non-scheduled services
Percentage of international passengers transported to/from the country
18. Please indicate the total number of commercially-established operators providing the
following services in the main international airport:
Provision of fuel
Luggage and freight loading and unloading
Aircraft repair and maintenance
Selling and marketing of air transport services
Computer reservation system
Total number
19. Please list the characteristics of the 6 most important commercially-established operators for
the following services:
Name of firm
Year of service
Market share
Provision of fuel
Owners of capital and
their respective shares
Luggage and freight loading and unloading
Aircraft repair and maintenance
Selling and marketing of air transport services
Computer reservation system
20. Capacity of the main international airport
a) How many passengers can the terminal building handle at the peak hours? __________
b) Apron capacity: __________________
D. Regulation
21. Institutional status of sector regulator
When was the regulator established?
Is the regulator an institutionally
independent agency?32
How is the sector regulator financed?
License and other fees (%)
State budget (%)
Other _________________ (%)
How many technical and economic
professionals are employed?
For carriers
For airports
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
22. What are the main requirements that an airline must fulfill in order to become an international
carrier and have the right to be designated in ASAs?
23. How are flight and gate slots allocated in airports?
 By grandfathering rights
 By slot auction
 By a combination of grandfathering rights and slot auction
 By authorities discretion
 By flag carrier discretion
 By airport discretion
 By IATA guidelines
 Other:_______________________________
24. Carrier alliances
a) Are alliances and other carrier agreements allowed?
b) Is codesharing allowed?
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
“Institutionally independent” means that the regulator is not part of the ministry and is not linked to the
operating entity (national airlines/airports).
25. Price regulation
a) Does the government regulate airfares?
On domestic routes
 No  Yes
On international routes  No  Yes
b) If yes to a), is fare discounting allowed?
On domestic routes
 No  Yes
On international routes  No  Yes
c) If no to a) how are abuse of monopoly power and/or predatory pricing dealt with?
26. Allocation of licenses for commercially-established operators providing air transport services
a) If the number of providers is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions, including
important licensing requirements, that the new entrants must fulfill:
International air transport
Domestic air transport
Provision of fuel
Luggage and freight loading and
Aircraft repair and maintenance
Selling and marketing of air
transport services
Computer reservation system
Payment of
license fee
(indicate amount
in local currency)
Other (describe in brief)
b) If the number of providers is limited by policy, through what mechanism are licenses allocated?
International air
Domestic air transport
Provision of fuel
Luggage and freight
loading and unloading
Aircraft repair and
Selling and marketing
of air transport services
Computer reservation
First come,
first served
(describe in
27. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Past and Future Changes in Policy
28. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1990 (e.g., domestic liberalization, implementation of open skies agreements, joining of
regional agreements on air transport, privatization of state-owned airlines and airport facilities
etc.) Please attach copies of laws and regulations.
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Year of
Description of change
29. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same areas.
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Description of change
F. Subsidies and Universal Service
30. How does the government define universal service (or universal access)?
31. Does the government subsidize domestic airlines?
 No
 Yes If yes, please indicate the airlines.
32. Has the government covered operational losses of airlines in the past five years?
 No
 Yes If yes, please indicate the amount in 1995 and in 2000.
33. Does the government oblige large national airlines to provide universal service?
 No
 Yes
G. Regional Integration Agreements in Air Transport Services
34. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting air transport services, and
list the preferential measures.
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
H. Employment
35. Main employment indicators (for the years 1990-2000).
How many people are employed by the main national carrier?______________________
How many people are directly employed in the provision of airport services? _________
What share of the total labor force is directly employed in the
provision of airport services? __________
What share of workers is employed by foreign-owned operators
providing airport services? __________
What is the annual average wage in this sector?________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Investment
36. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
Total amount of
Total amount of
foreign direct
Total stock of foreign
direct investment
International air
Domestic air transport
Provision of fuel
Luggage and freight
loading and unloading
Aircraft repair and
Selling and marketing
of air transport
Computer reservation
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
J. Prices
37. Please fill in the table below. If possible distinguish between season and off-season airfares.
For a comprehensive assessment of air transport performance, it would be extremely useful to
have historical data on prices and/or price indices for the various services. If time series data are
available, please attach them separately (preferably electronically).
Roundtrip standard economy class
fare between the two most important
domestic cities
Roundtrip standard economy class
fare to Sao Paulo (or relevant
neighboring country)
Roundtrip standard economy class
fare to New York
Roundtrip standard economy class
fare to London
Roundtrip standard economy class
fare to Hong Kong
Roundtrip business class fare
between the two most important
domestic cities
Roundtrip business class fare to Sao
Paulo (or relevant neighboring
Roundtrip business class fare to New
Roundtrip business class fare to
Roundtrip business class fare to
Hong Kong
Freight rate between the two most
important domestic cities
Freight rate to Sao Paulo (or relevant
neighboring country)
Price (in local
Freight rate to New York
Freight rate to London
Freight rate to Hong Kong
K. Quality and Access to Services
38. Please fill in the following indicators of quality and access to services.
Share of exports/import
carried by air
Number of departures and
landings in a peak day for the
most important international
Number of departures and
landings in a peak hour for the
most important international
Number of passengers carried on domestic routes by:
*national airlines
*foreign airlines
Number of passengers carried on international routes by:
*national airlines
*foreign airlines
Freight carried on domestic routes by:
*national carriers
*foreign carriers
Freight carried on international routes by:
*national carriers
*foreign carriers
Percentage of on-time flights
at main international airport
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:_________________________________________________________________
Maritime Transport
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
Please report all monetary values in their reported currencies.
Within this section of the questionnaire, two concepts will be frequently encountered:
commercial presence and cross-border supply. They are alternative modes of supply and are
defined by the WTO in the context of the GATS schedules of commitments. To avoid confusion,
a preliminary discussion of the two concepts is necessary. Foreign suppliers provide services
according to the “cross-border” mode if they operate from their own country without establishing
a local branch or subsidiary or acquiring shares in a firm located in the country to which the
service is destined. The “commercial presence” mode of supply means exactly the contrary, i.e.
the foreign firms establish locally in the country where they want to supply the service and open a
branch, subsidiary or participate to the capital of a local firm (the share can go up to 100%).
A. Market Access
Commercial presence
1. Are there policy restrictions to new entry (refer only to commercially-established operators)?
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of
Entry by any
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, total
number of
firms allowed
Entry by
Firms with
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, number
of firms with
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
Use the definitions below to fill in the table:
1—To give the incumbent(s) time to prepare for competition. If so, please specify how
much time is given.
2—To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
3—Exclusive rights believed necessary to attract (strategic) investment. If so, please
specify how many and how long exclusive rights are provided.
International shipping
Cargo handling
Other (describe in brief)
This category also includes branches and subsidiaries of foreign suppliers.
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of
Cross-border supply
3. Describe restrictions on cross-border supply imposed on foreign shipping companies:
Application of principle of
Restrictions on the number of
foreign suppliers (indicate how
many foreign suppliers are
Application of UN Liner Code
(provide quota applicable to
foreign suppliers)
Bilateral agreements including
cargo-sharing clauses (provide
total number and list countries
Cargo reservation if different
from the application of UN Liner
Code and bilateral agreements
(provide quota applicable to
foreign suppliers)
International Shipping
 No  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes
4. If cross-border entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
To give the incumbent(s) time to prepare
for competition. If so, please specify the
duration given.
For national security reasons.
Other (please specify)
International Shipping
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
5. Please fill in the following table with information referring to the main international port (in
terms of traffic):
Port service
Are the following services
mandatory for ships entering the
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Is access to service discriminatory
for foreign carriers as opposed to
domestic ones?
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Tug assistance
Navigation aids
Waste disposal
Other (please specify)
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
B. Ownership
6. Is private ownership in the provision of services through commercial establishment allowed?
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of
private equity
permitted (%)
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
7. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services through commercial establishment allowed?
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
8. Please fill in the table below, for the 5 most important international maritime ports with respect
to the amount of traffic.
Port Authority
 Public  Private
 Public  Private
 Public  Private
Port type34
 Landlord  Tool  Service  Other
 Landlord  Tool  Service  Other
 Landlord  Tool  Service  Other
In the case of landlord ports, the port authority typically owns and manages infrastructure, private firms
are able to own superstructure, and provide port services as well as rent port assets by concessions or
licenses. In the case of tool ports, port authority owns infrastructure and superstructure, private firms
provide services by renting port assets through concessions and licenses. In the case of service ports, the
port authority owns assets and supplies services by directly hiring employees.
 Public  Private
 Public  Private
 Landlord  Tool  Service  Other
 Landlord  Tool  Service  Other
C. Market Structure
9. Please list the characteristics of the 6 most important shipping lines in terms of market share in
the total maritime traffic (include foreign cross-border suppliers as well as commerciallyestablished companies).
Year of service
International shipping
Market share
10. Please indicate the total number of commercially established operators providing the
following services in the main international port (in terms of traffic)35:
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of vesse1s
11. Please list the characteristics of the 6 most important commercially established operators in
terms of market share.
Name of firm
Year of service
Market share
Owners of capital and
their respective shares
International shipping
Exclude from port ranking the ports that are fully specialized on tanker or other bulk shipping services.
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of vessels
12. How many conferences exist in the maritime services market?
13. What is the market share of conferences? __________%
14. Apart from conferences, are global alliances present in the market? If so what is their market
D. Regulation
15. Characteristics of the sector regulator
Institutional status of sector regulator
When was the regulator established?
Is the regulator an institutionally
independent agency?36
How is the sector regulator financed?
License and other fees (%)
State budget (%)
Other ________________ (%)
How many technical and economic
professionals are employed?
For carriers
For ports
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
16. What are the conditions that a vessel or fleet must fulfill in order to fly the national flag (if a
national merchant fleet does not exist or an “open registry” system is in place, please specify).
17. If applicable, what are the conditions that a vessel or fleet must fulfill in order to be transferred
to open registries?
18. Is authorization required for the transfer to the open registries?
 No  Yes If yes, who authorizes?
19. If applicable, what are the conditions that a vessel or fleet must fulfill in order to be included in
the “second registry”?
20. Is any compensation mechanism instituted for vessels national flagged?
 No  Yes If yes, please specify the type of compensation mechanism.
“Institutionally independent” means that the regulator is not part of the ministry and is not linked to the
operating entity (national carriers/port authorities)
21. Regulation of carrier agreements
a) Do agreements between transport carriers (such as conferences) benefit from
exemptions to competition law?
 No  Yes
If yes, what types of carrier agreements benefit from exemptions?
b) What types of conference agreements are allowed?
 Open
 Closed
 Both open and closed
c) Are tariffs established by carrier agreements required to be filed or notified?
 No  Yes
d) Does the government enforce tariffs agreed upon within carrier agreements?
 No  Yes
e) Is fare discounting allowed?
 No  Yes
f) Does the regulatory agency monitor conferences’ activities?
 No  Yes
22. How are licenses for commercially-based operators providing maritime services allocated?
a) If the number of providers is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions new entrants
must fulfill.
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and Warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of
Payment of license fee
(indicate amount in
local currency)
Other (describe in brief)
b) If the number of providers is limited by policy, through what mechanism are licenses allocated?
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of
First come,
first served
(describe in brief)
c) Can the licenses be sold, once allocated?
 No  Yes
23. If the cross-border service provision by foreign carriers requires the appointment of a domestic
agent, describe conditions that the agent must fulfill.
International shipping
24. What are the licensing requirements for the cross-border service provision by foreign suppliers?
License requirements
International shipping
25. Does port state control principle exist?
 No  Yes If yes, please specify reasons.
26. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Maritime Transport Services
27. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting maritime transport
services, and list the preferential37 measures.
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
28. Do regional integration agreements harmonize rules and standards among parties to the
 No  Yes
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
29. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1990 (e.g., elimination of cargo sharing, UN Liner Code implementation and phasing out,
privatization of state-owned shipping companies, elimination of restrictions applied to foreign
service suppliers etc.) Please attach copies of laws and regulations.
Area of policy change
(market access, ownership
or regulation)
Year of
Description of change
30. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same areas.
Area of policy change
(market access, ownership
or regulation)
Description of change
Please, specify how the treatment of maritime transport service providers of member countries of the
agreement differs from the treatment of maritime transport service providers of non-member countries.
G. Subsidies and Universal Service
31. How does the government define universal service (or universal access)?
32. Does the government subsidise domestic shipping companies?
 No  Yes If yes, please indicate the shipping company.
33. Has the government covered operational losses of shipping companies in the past five years?
 No
 Yes If yes, please indicate the amount in 1995 and in 2000.
H. Employment
34. Main employment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
How many people are employed in the provision of maritime transport services? _______
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? _______
What share of workers is employed by state-owned operators? _______
What share of workers is employed by foreign-owned operators? _______
How many workers are employed at the main international port? _______
What share of workers employed in port services are unionized? _______
What is the annual average wage in this sector? _________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Investment
35. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
Total amount of
Total amount of
foreign direct
Total stock of
foreign direct
International shipping
Cargo handling
Storage and warehousing
Freight forwarding
Pilotage, towing and tying
Maintenance and repair of vessels
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years
1990, 1995 and 2000.
J. Prices
36. Please fill in the table below. For a comprehensive assessment of maritime transport
performance, it would be extremely useful to have historical data on prices or price indices for the
various services. If time series data are available, please attach them separately (preferably
Liner freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to Sao Paulo
(or relevant neighboring country)
Liner freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to Hong
Liner freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to
Liner freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to New
Dry bulk charter rate for standard
shipment from main international port to
Sao Paulo (or relevant neighboring
Dry bulk charter rate for standard
shipment from main international port to
Hong Kong
Dry bulk charter rate for standard
shipment from main international port to
Dry bulk charter rate for standard
shipment from main international port to
New York
Tanker freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to Sao Paulo
(or relevant neighboring country)
Tanker freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to Hong
Tanker freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to
Tanker freight rate for standard shipment
from main international port to New
Cargo handling rates applicable at the
main international port
Forwarding rate applicable at the main
international port
Other available port service charges at
main international port (pilotage, storage
K. Quality and Access to Services
37. Please fill in the following indicators of quality and access to services.
Average duration of cargo turnover at
main international port38
Share of international trade, by quantity
and/or value, carried by sea
Share of international trade, by quantity
and/or value, carried by liners
Average amount of dry bulk loaded at
the main international port
Average amount of dry bulk unloaded at
the main international port
Average amount of tanker freights
loaded at the main international port
Average amount of tanker freights
unloaded at the main international port
Share of liner shipping, by quantity
and/or value, carried by conferences
Share of liner shipping, by quantity and/
or value, carried by global alliances
Share of liner shipping, by quantity
and/or value, which is containerized
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________
Measured from the moment the goods reach the port until the departure of the vessel
Financial Services: Banking
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
Please report all monetary values in their reported currencies.
A. Market Access
Macroeconomic policies
1. Are there restrictions on capital flows?
Capital inflows
Capital outflows
Short term
Short term
 No  Yes
Long term
 No  Yes
If yes, what type of
restrictions? Is the authority
allowed to impose temporary
 No  Yes
Long term
 No  Yes
Commercial presence
2. Are there policy restrictions on new entry of banks?
Entry by any bank
 No
If yes, total number of
banks allowed
 Yes
Entry by foreign
 No  Yes
If yes, total number of
foreign banks allowed
3. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
 To give state-owned or national banks time to prepare for competition
 To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
 Exclusive rights to allow the provision of universal service
 To reduce potential systemic risk believed to arise from over-banking
 Inadequate regulatory and supervisory capacity
 No perceived economic need for new banks
 Other: ________________________________________
4. Which of the following legal forms of establishment are allowed for foreign banks?
 Subsidiaries
 Branches
 Representative Office
 All
5. Are there restrictions on the number of foreign bank branches?
 No
 Yes
If yes, what is the maximum number of foreign bank branches permitted? _____
6. Are there restrictions on the number of foreign bank ATMs?
 No  Yes
If yes, what is the maximum number of foreign bank ATMs permitted? _____
7. Are foreign banks allowed to raise capital domestically?  No  Yes
8. Which of the following services are commercial banks permitted to provide domestically?
Real estate lending
Insurance services
Securities services
Foreign currency lending
Foreign exchange services
Credit card services
Leasing services
Other (specify)_________
Domestic banks
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
Foreign banks
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
Cross-border banking trade
9. Are the following allowed to borrow cross-border from foreign banks?
Domestic banks
Domestic corporations
Domestic households
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
If applicable, please specify borrowing limits: _____________
10. Are banks subject to any qualifications in order to be able to access foreign capital?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please specify_________________
11. Are the following allowed to make cross-border deposits with foreign banks?
Domestic banks
Domestic corporations
Domestic households
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
If applicable, please specify deposit limits: ______
B. Ownership
12. Is private ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Existing banks
 No  Yes
Maximum private
equity permitted (%)
New banks
 No  Yes
Maximum private equity
permitted (%)
13. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Maximum foreign
equity permitted (%)
Existing banks
 No  Yes
Maximum foreign equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
14. Are banks allowed to hold equity in the following firms?
Domestic banks
Foreign banks
Non-financial firms
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
Financial firms
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
If yes, please indicate maximum stake permitted in each case.
C. Market Structure
15. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest banks in the market for deposits:
Name of
Year of
owned equity
equity (%)
Market share
in total
deposits (%)
Return over
equity (%)
Total number of banks in the market for deposits: ______
16. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest banks in the market for loans:
Name of bank
Year of
owned equity (%)
equity (%)
share in
total loans39
Return over
equity (%)
Total number of banks in the market for loans: ______
17. Please provide the following information on the actual number of banks:
Number of fully state-owned banks: _____
Number of privatized banks: _____
Number of fully domestically owned40 private banks: _____
Number of foreign minority-owned41 banks: _____
Include consumer and business loans.
Banks that are not state owned where the paid-up share capital is entirely held by domestic residents.
Number of foreign majority-owned42 banks: _____
D. Regulation
18. Characteristics of regulator:
Name of regulator
Year of establishment
% of Regulator’s finances from:
License and other fees: _____
Budgetary allocation: _____
Other (specify): _____
Is the regulator independent of the ministry of finance/economy or other regulatory bodies?
 No  Yes
Number of professional regulatory and supervisory staff: _______
19. How are banking licenses allocated?
a) If the number of providers is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions new
entrants must fulfill.
 Payment of license fee (indicate amount in local currency: ________)
 Presentation of detailed business plan.
 Minimum capital
 Compatible home country regulation
 Other: _____________________
b) If the number of providers is limited by policy, through what mechanism are licenses
 First come, first served basis
 Competitive bidding
 Discretionary decision by the licensing authority
 Other:_______________________________
c) Once the licenses have been allocated, are there restrictions on banks ability to sell or
dispose of these licenses?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please specify:
d) Are foreign banks subject to different licensing requirements from domestic banks ?
 No
 Yes
Banks where foreigners hold under 50% of the paid-up share capital of the bank.
Banks where 50% or more of the paid-up share capital of the bank is held by foreigners.
If yes, please specify what additional requirements have to be met by foreign banks.
e) Are separate licenses required to establish branches in each state/province?
 No  Yes
20. Please provide information on the following indicators of prudential regulation for the latest year available.
exchange risk
Required to
join deposit
Lender of last
Resort facility
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
frequency of
publication of
State owned
Owned banks
Foreign owned:
Capital Adequacy ratios for a bank are usually measured by the ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets.
Refers to the number of days after which an unpaid loan has to be classified as a non-performing loan.
Refers to the percentage of assets to be held against deposits for liquidity purposes.
Refers to percentage limits on lending to an individual company.
Refers to the percentage of foreign exchange assets to be held as a proportion of deposits
Please indicate whether financial statements have to be published annually or quarterly.
21. Are banks required to disclose critical information?
Related to performance
Related to changes in ownership
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
22. Is home country supervision of foreign banks recognized?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please list the countries whose bank supervisory systems are recognized.
23. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Banking Services
24. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting banking services, and list
the preferential49 measures.
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
Please specify how the treatment of banks of member countries of the agreement differs from the
treatment of banks of non-member countries.
25. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1985 (e.g., privatization of state-owned banks, introduction of competition, entry of foreign
banks, creation of an independent regulatory agency, liberalization of capital account, etc.).
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Year of
Description of policy change
26. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same, or other areas.
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Description of policy change
27. Administered allocation of resources
Controls on
Ceilings on
deposit rates? lending rates?
State owned
owned banks
Foreign banks
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Subject to
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
List of sectors benefiting
from directed lending
b) Does the government subsidize nationally owned banks?
 No  Yes
G. Employment
28. Main employment indicators
How many people are employed in the banking sector? __________
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? ____________
What share of banking labor force is employed by state-owned banks? _____________
What share of banking labor force is employed by foreign banks? _____________
What is the annual average wage in the banking sector? ______________
If time series data on these employment indicators are available, please attach them separately.
H. Investment
29. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
What is the total amount of investment in banking services? _____________
What is the total amount of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
What is the total stock of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Prices and Performance Indicators:
30. Please provide information on the following price indicators for the latest year available. For
a comprehensive assessment of banking sector performance, it would be extremely useful to have
historical data on these prices measures. If time series data are available, please attach them
separately (preferably electronically).
Average monthly
bank charges for
a basic checking
monthly ex –
post spread50
as a % of
bank assets
Loans as a %
of total bank
Ratio of no. of
employees to
operating income
Owned banks
Foreign owned:
J. Quality and Access to Banking Services
31. Which of the following services have been introduced by foreign banks in the last 10 years?
 Credit cards  Debit cards  Online banking  ATM network  other (specify)
32. Do foreign banks participate in rural lending?
 No
 Yes
If yes, what is the share of foreign banks in total rural loans? _________
33. Please indicate if the following banks make education loans to the poor:
The Ex-Post Spread of a bank is defined as the accounting value of the difference of the realized interest
revenue and total interest cost of that bank and is also referred to as the Net Interest Margin.
Domestic banks:  No
Foreign banks:  No
 Yes
 Yes
34. Do spreads between lending and deposit rates differ between large business
firms and low-income households?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please give sample spreads for a large business firm and a poor household below.
Spread for large business:______ %
Spread for low-income household: _____ %
35. Indicate the following:
Number of banks per 1000 of the population: _____
Average wait time for loan approval: _____
Average wait time for credit card approval: _____
No. of bank failures during 1990-2000: _____
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________
Financial Services: Insurance
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
Please report all monetary values in their reported currencies.
A. Market Access
Commercial presence
1. Are there policy restrictions on new entry of insurance providers in the following segments?
Entry by any
If yes, total
number of
firms allowed
Entry by
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, total
number of
foreign firms
Direct life insurance
 No  Yes
Direct non-life
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
 To give incumbents time to prepare for competition
 To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
 Exclusive rights to allow the provision of universal service
 Excessive entry is believed to threaten financial stability
 Perception of no economic need for new insurance companies
 Other: ________________________________________
3. Which of the following legal forms of establishment are allowed for foreign insurance
 Subsidiaries
 Branches
 Representative Office
 All
4. Which of the following services are insurance companies permitted to provide domestically?
Life insurance
Property insurance
Cargo insurance
Medical insurance
Automobile insurance
Export credit insurance
Pension insurance
Investment services
Other (specify)____________
Domestic insurance companies
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Foreign insurance companies
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
5. Do the assets of foreign insurance companies established in the domestic country have to be
held locally?
 No  Yes
If applicable, please indicate the share of assets required to be held locally: _______
6. Underwriting associations
a) Do domestic underwriting associations51 exist?  No  Yes
b) If yes to a), are foreign insurance companies established in the domestic country given
memberships in domestic underwriting associations?
 No
 Yes
Cross-border insurance trade
7. Can domestic residents purchase the following kinds of insurance cross-border from a foreign
insurance company?
 No
 No
 No
 No
Life insurance
Medical insurance
Property insurance
Cargo insurance
 Only through resident intermediary
 Only through resident intermediary
 Only through resident intermediary
 Only through resident intermediary
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
Are any of these purchases subject to limits?
 No
 No
 No
 No
Life insurance
Medical insurance
Property insurance
Cargo insurance
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
What type? ______________
What type? ______________
What type? ______________
What type? ______________
8. Are cross-border foreign insurance suppliers allowed to solicit business through advertising
in the domestic country?
 No  Yes
Are there any limits on this type of advertisement?  No
 Yes
9. Are insurers operating in the domestic country required to offer re-insurance business to
nationally owned re-insurers before re-insuring abroad?  No  Yes
B. Ownership
10. Is private ownership in the provision of insurance services allowed?
Life insurance
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No
 No
private equity
permitted (%)
 Yes
 Yes
Some countries have underwriting associations whereby a large proportion of insurance contracts in one
or more classes of insurance is placed with members of these associations.
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
11. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Life insurance
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
C. Market Structure
12. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest insurance companies in the market for life
Year of
owned equity (%)
equity (%)
Share in total life
insurance premiums (%)
Total number of life insurance providers: ______
13. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest insurance companies in the market for non-life
Year of
owned equity (%)
Foreign equity
Share in total non-life
insurance premiums
Total number of non-life insurance providers: ______
14. Please list the characteristics of the insurance distribution/intermediary network.
Whether present?
Number of distributors
Tied Agents52
Independent Agents
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
15. Please provide the following information on the actual number of insurance companies:
Number of fully state-owned insurance companies: _____
Number of privatized insurance companies: _____
Number of fully domestically owned53 private insurance companies: _____
Number of foreign minority-owned54 insurance companies: _____
Number of foreign majority-owned55 insurance companies: _____
D. Regulation
16. Characteristics of regulator
Name of insurance regulator
Year of establishment
% of Regulator’s finances from:
License and other fees
Budgetary allocation
Other (specify)
Is the insurance regulator independent of the
concerned ministry or other regulatory
Number of professional regulatory and
supervisory staff
 No  Yes
17. How are insurance licenses allocated?
a) If the number of providers is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions new
entrants must fulfill:
 Payment of license fee (indicate amount in local currency: ________)
 Presentation of a detailed business plan
 Minimum capital
 Compatible home country regulation
 Other: _____________________
b) If the number of providers is limited by policy, through what mechanism are licenses
Agents that sell insurance exclusively for one company. It is claimed that the predominance of tied
agents and lack of independent agents and brokers in Japan and some European countries constitute a major
structural barrier to entry.
Insurance companies that are not state owned where the paid-up share capital is entirely held by domestic
Insurance companies where foreigners hold under 50% of the paid-up share capital of the company.
Insurance companies where 50% or more of the paid-up share capital of the company is held by
 First come, first served basis
 Competitive bidding
 Discretionary decision by the licensing authority
 Other:_______________________________
c) Once the licenses have been allocated, are there restrictions on the ability of insurance
firms to sell or dispose of these licenses?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please specify.
d) Are foreign companies subject to different licensing requirements from domestic
insurance companies?  No
 Yes
If yes, please specify what additional requirements have to be met by foreign insurance
e) Are separate licenses required to establish branches in each state/province?
 No  Yes
18. Administered allocation of resources
State owned
insurance companies
Private nationally
owned insurance
Foreign insurance
controls on
insurance prices?
 No  Yes
Re-insurance that must be
ceded to the state-owned
re-insurers (as a % of
gross premiums) 56
Value of government
insurance contracted
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Some countries mandate that companies must compulsorily re-insure either all or part of their portfolio
with a state run insurance company. The requirement can also be imposed the other way, namely by
requiring that only a certain percentage of gross premiums can be re-insured with private or foreign reinsurers
19. Please list the following indicators of prudential regulation based on the latest information available.
Foreign owned
Capital adequacy
Covered by
insolvency guarantee
Required frequency of
publication of
financial statements59
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Capital Adequacy ratios for an insurance company are usually measured by the ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets. Sometimes, it is also posed as a solvency
margin requirement. Solvency margins may be specified in absolute amounts or as a percentage of premiums.
The insurance sector’s equivalent of bank deposit insurance.
Please indicate whether financial statements have to be published annually or quarterly.
20. Are the following life-insurance providers subject to restrictions on the type of instruments
in which they can invest?
Domestic life insurance providers
 No  Yes
Foreign life insurance providers
 No  Yes
If yes, % of fund allowed to be invested abroad? _____
If yes, please list the type of financial instruments in which those investments can be made.
21. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Insurance Services
22. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting insurance services, and list
the preferential60 measures.
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
23. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1985 (e.g., privatization of state-owned insurance companies, introduction of competition,
Please, specify how the treatment of insurance providers of member countries of the agreement differs
from the treatment of insurance providers of non-member countries.
entry of foreign insurance, creation of an independent regulatory agency, changes in prudential
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Year of
Description of change
24. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same, or other areas.
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Year of
Description of change
G. Employment
25. Main employment indicators
How many people are employed in the insurance sector? ________
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? ________
What share of insurance workers is employed by state-owned insurance providers? _______
What share of insurance workers is employed by foreign insurance providers? _________
What is the annual average wage in the insurance sector? ______________
If time series data on these employment indicators are available, please attach them separately.
H. Investment
26. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
What is the total amount of investment in insurance services? _____________
What is the total amount of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
What is the total stock of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000.
I. Prices and Performance Indicators
27. Please list the following price and performance indicators for the latest year available. For a
comprehensive assessment of insurance sector performance, it would be extremely useful to have
historical data on these measures. If time series data are available, please attach them separately
(preferably electronically).
State owned insurance
National Private
Owned insurance
Foreign Owned
insurance providers
Average monthly
Premium on a 10
year life insurance
Average monthly
health insurance
Retention ratio62
J. Quality and Access to Insurance Services
28. Which of the following new services have been introduced by foreign insurance
companies in the last 10 years?
 Private health insurance
 Automobile insurance  Private pension insurance
29. Please indicate the following:
a) Share of adult population or households covered by life insurance contracts: _____
Share of household savings channeled through life insurance: _____
Total Premiums as a percentage of GDP: _____
b) If available, indicate average time (in days) for claims processing in the following
Life insurance: ______
Property insurance: _____
Automobile insurance: _____
Health insurance: ______
c) In which of the following segments is insurance mandated by law?
Life insurance: ______
Property insurance: _____
Automobile insurance: _____
Health insurance: ______
d) Do foreign insurance companies participate in insuring poor and rural households?
The Loss Ratio of an insurance company is defined as the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned.
Defined as the ratio of net premiums to gross premiums.
 No
 Yes
If yes, what is the percentage of foreign insurance companies in
the value of total rural insurance contracts? _____
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________
Financial Services: Securities
Note: Unless specified, please give information for the latest year available and indicate which
year. If insufficient space is provided, please attach additional information on separate sheets.
Please report all monetary values in their reported currencies.
A. Market Access
Commercial presence
1. Are there policy restrictions on new entry of securities services providers in the following
Investment banking
Stock brokerage
Mutual funds
Entry by any
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, total
number of
Entry by
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, number
of foreign
2. If entry is restricted, what are the reasons provided by the government?
 To give incumbents time to prepare for competition
 To increase government revenue from privatization or license fees
 Excessive entry is believed to threaten financial stability
 Perception of no economic need for new securities firms
 Other: ________________________________________
3. Which of the following legal forms of establishment are allowed for foreign securities firms?
 Subsidiaries
 Branches
 Representative Office
 All
4. Which of the following services are securities firms permitted to provide?
Underwriting new issues
Securities dealing
Stock brokerage services
Risk management
Mergers and acquisition
advisory services
Mutual funds (or unit trusts)
Information services63
Domestic securities firms
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Foreign securities firms
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
5. Are foreign commercial or universal banks allowed to deal in domestic securities?
Financial information services include the provision of trading information and credit rating services.
 No
 No
Foreign commercial banks
Foreign universal banks64
 Yes
 Yes
6. Are foreign owned securities firms obliged to use the services of a domestic resident financial
intermediary (broker-dealer) in the following segments:
 No
 No
 No
 No
Inter-bank market
Foreign exchange market
Stock market
Derivatives market
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
Cross-border securities services trade
7. Are the following activities permitted?
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
Purchase by domestic residents of securities issued abroad
Domestic companies raising capital abroad
If yes, please specify the restrictions.
8. Are foreign securities firms permitted to provide the following services cross-border to
domestic companies and residents:
Securities dealing in the domestic market
Mergers and acquisitions advisory services
Investment advisory services
Credit rating services
9. a) Are settlement and clearance utilities available?
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
b) If yes to the above, are cross-border foreign securities dealers permitted to use domestic
settlement and clearance utilities without using the services of a domestic financial
 No
 Yes
B. Ownership
10. Is private ownership in the provision of the following securities services allowed?
Investment banking
Stock brokerage
Mutual funds
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
private equity
permitted (%)
Universal banks are banks which provide insurance and securities services in addition to traditional
deposit taking and lending.
11. Is foreign ownership in the provision of services allowed?
Investment banking
Stock brokerage
Mutual funds
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
New entrants
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
foreign equity
permitted (%)
C. Market Structure
12. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest mutual funds or investment trust funds (in terms
value) in the market.65
Name of fund
Year of
owned equity (%)
equity (%)
Value of fund as a % of
total stock market
Total number of mutual or investment funds: ______
13. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest securities firms in the market for new equity
Year of
owned equity (%)
Foreign equity
Share in annual value
of new issues
Total number of securities firms in the market for new equity issues: ___________
14. Please list the characteristics of the 6 largest securities firms in the derivatives market:
Year of
owned equity (%)
Foreign equity
Share in annual value
of derivatives traded
Investment trust funds are usually closed ended (have a limited size or number of units) and although
they invest in a diversified portfolio of equities and other assets as mutual funds do, they are more like a
regular company with a set number of shares in issue and their shares are usually listed on the stock
Total number of securities firms in the derivatives market: ___________
15. Please provide the following information on the actual number of operators:
Number of government-owned mutual funds: _____
Number of domestically owned66 private mutual funds: _____
Number of foreign owned mutual funds: _____
Number of fully domestically owned67 private investment banks: _____
Number of foreign minority-owned68 investment banks: _____
Number of foreign majority-owned69 investment banks: _____
D. Regulation
16. Characteristics of regulator
Name of securities regulator
Year of establishment
% of Regulator’s finances from:
License and other fees
Budgetary allocation
Other (specify)
Is the regulator independent of the
ministry of finance or other regulatory
Number of professional regulatory and
supervisory staff
 No
 Yes
Investment Banks where the paid-up share capital is entirely held by domestic residents.
Investment Banks that are not state owned where the paid-up share capital is entirely held by domestic
Investment Banks where foreigners hold under 50% of the paid-up share capital of the bank.
Investment Banks where 50% or more of the paid-up share capital of the bank is held by foreigners.
17. How are licenses to securities firms allocated?
a) If number of providers is not restricted by policy, specify the main conditions new
entrants must fulfill.
 Payment of license fee (indicate amount in local currency: ________)
 Presentation of a detailed business plan
 Minimum capital
 Compatible home country regulation
 Other: _____________________
b) If the number of providers is limited by policy, through what mechanism are licenses
 First come, first served basis
 Competitive bidding
 Discretionary decision by the licensing authority
 Other:_______________________________
c) Once the licenses have been allocated, are there restrictions on the ability of insurance
firms to sell or dispose of these licenses?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please specify.
d) Are foreign securities firms subject to different licensing requirements from domestic
securities firms?
 No
 Yes
If yes, please specify what additional requirements have to be
met by foreign securities firms:
18. Credit rating
a) Is private credit rating permitted?
 No  Yes
b) Is private credit rating subject to regulation or approval by an other public or private
 No  Yes
19. Please list the following indicators of prudential regulation based on the latest information available.
Minimum capital requirement
Capital adequacy ratio70 (%)
Required frequency of publication of financial statements71
Government owned
mutual funds
Domestic privately
owned mutual
Foreign owned
mutual funds
Investment banks
Are securities firms required to disclose critical information?
Related to performance
 No  Yes
Related to changes in ownership  No  Yes
 No  Yes
Capital Adequacy ratios are usually measured by the ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets.
Please indicate whether financial statements have to be published annually or quarterly.
21. Are the following mutual funds required to invest in shares of publicly held companies?
Government owned mutual funds
Domestic privately owned mutual funds
Foreign owned mutual funds
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
If yes, % of fund equity required to be invested in public company shares? _____
If yes, % of fund equity required to be invested in public company shares? _____
If yes, % of fund equity required to be invested in public company shares? _____
22. Are mutual funds subject to other restrictions on their investments abroad?
 No
 Yes
If yes, % of fund allowed to be invested abroad? _____
If yes, type of financial instruments in which those investments can be made? _____
23. Public consultation and transparency
a) Which of the following are consulted in advance of regulatory decisions?
 Service providers
 Consumer groups
 User industries
 Other: _____________________
b) How are laws and regulatory decisions made public?
 Published on the regulator’s website
 Published in an official gazette
 Other: _____________________
E. Regional Integration Agreements in Financial Services
24. Please indicate if there are any preferential arrangements affecting securities services, and list
the preferential72 measures.
Name of
Partner country(s)
in agreement
Date of entry
into force
Preferential measures
F. Past and Future Changes in Policy
25. Please indicate major changes in market access policies, ownership rules, and regulation
since 1985 (e.g., introduction of competition, entry of foreign mutual funds and investment
banks, creation of an independent regulatory agency, changes in prudential regulation).
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Year of
Description of policy change
26. Please indicate announced or anticipated changes in the same, or other areas.
Area of policy change (market
access, ownership or
Year of
Description of policy change
G. Employment
27. Main employment indicators
How many people are employed in the securities sector? ________
Please, specify how the treatment of securities firms of member countries of the agreement differs from
the treatment of securities firms of non-member countries.
What share of the total labor force is employed in this sector? __________
What share of securities workers is employed by foreign securities firms? __________
What is the annual average wage in this sector? ______________
If time series data on these employment indicators are available, please attach them separately.
H. Investment
28. Investment indicators (for the years 1990-2000)
What is the total amount of investment in securities services? _____________
What is the total amount of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
What is the total stock of foreign direct investment in this sector? ___________
If time-series data from 1990 to 2000 is not available, please collect indicators for the years 1990,
1995 and 2000
I. Prices and Performance Indicators
29. Please list the following price and performance indicators for the latest year available. For a
comprehensive assessment of securities services performance, it would be extremely useful to
have historical data on these measures. If time series data are available, please attach them
separately (preferably electronically).
Average initial Subject to
charge73 on a
price fixing
mutual fund
by regulator?
 No  Yes
 No  Yes
J. Quality and Access to Securities Services
30. Which of the following services have been introduced in the last 10 years?
 Over the counter (OTC) markets
 Computerized stock exchange trading
 Online Investing
 Electronic settlement and clearance systems
 Derivatives trading
Refers to the percentage charge imposed on buyers of the fund by the manager to cover the costs of
administration and marketing plus commissions paid to intermediaries. The initial charge is usually
factored into the buying price of the mutual fund units. If the initial charge is 5%, then out of every $100
invested, $5 is retained by the management of the mutual fund to cover the costs listed above.
 Other:______________________________________
31. Indicate the following:
Number of stock exchanges in the country: _____
Total stock market capitalization: _____
Number of listed companies in the stock exchange: _____
Number of foreign listed companies in the stock exchange: _____
Share of foreign listed companies in total stock market capitalization: _____%
Number of domestic companies whose assets are rated: ____
Growth in the value of stocks traded in OTC markets: ____%
Number of penalized insider-trading cases in the last 5 years: _____
Please, provide the name and contact information of the respondent of this questionnaire, or of a
specialist from whom we can obtain clarifications if necessary.
E-mail address