Transcriptional Control of Neural Diversity Jane E. Johnson, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center Department of Neuroscience Ey les i Evd Alb Nervous System • Brain • Spinal cord • Sensory systems • Neurons • Oligodendrocytes • Astrocytes Tuj1! GFAP! RIP! Modified from J. Hsieh B. Signaling factors pattern the neural tube BMP BMP RA FGF FGF FGF BMP RA RA Shh RA Shh Eemd z C. Transcription factor expression is patterned by signaling factors (particularly homeodomain and bHLH classes). luE sO ez bl wMMH dueb F wMMH l OE z t ez ll Aly db z b Ed z ebdEm VZ i ebdy ez dmbOi ebdy E mbEe b Ed z ebdEm MZ Overview of the generation of different neural cell types during development Progenitor cell Neural stem cell Ascl1 Neuron $me Ascl1 Oligodendrocyte Ascl1 is expressed in and required for subsets of neuronal and oligodendrocyte progenitors Transcription Factor Machinery and Epigenetics In biology, and specifically genetics, epigenetics is the study of inherited changes in phenotype (appearance) or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, hence the name epi- (Greek: ! - over, above) -genetics. These changes may remain through cell divisions for the remainder of the cell's life and may also last for multiple generations. However, there is no change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism;[1] instead, non-genetic factors cause the organism's genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently. (Wikipedia: epigenetics) Transcription factor accessibility • • • embdz bvl y dz bFvl y dz Amy z p Fdz m8 re Fd bAE ue t m z y mDa f ZDOf Df h E F wMMH2 d e y dz m d z Fz ld z bEz mEe y dz E Edi db E LMMc LMMc m e F L Pi ENCODE, 2007 Heintzman et al, 2007 Roh et al, 2005 Visel et al, 2009 A$E vdy f m m e F L Pi dl L z Fz EO z z bbEz mEe y dz dl m mm z Fz dl LMMc EO z z bbEz mEe y dz yu b dl m m mm m dl E $ez dd ez m m dl Back to the biological question of transcription control of neural development Progenitor cell Neural stem cell Ascl1 Neuron $me Ascl1 Oligodendrocyte Ascl1 is expressed in and required for subsets of neuronal and oligodendrocyte progenitors mlf ny mmA m e bEz mEe y dz mlf mlf PZ bE b z c. mlf f wpV • mlf dEi m F b Ed ei Et ebF O Edb ez z ez m m e m gA z p • z v meb mbFEdA FdAbbF Ab mlf dz lv E gAeE dE mA m bd N E mmedz p bdE AlbFe d i c. Alb Am z di z • F bE bF eE b z bE bmd mlf bF b lldt ebbd dz bEdl bF e E z y y dz d Ed z ebdE ll bd z AEdz dE le B ei Ascl1 Regulates the Expression of Notch Ligand Delta-­‐ like 3 (Dll3) through a proximal promoter Henke et al., 2009 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) emmA emdl y dz mlf mlf mlf z y d e m mlf z y d e m FEdi y z z Ee F dEE edz m dAz v mlf Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) emmA emdl y dz mlf mlf mlf z y d e m mlf z y d e m FEdi y z z Ee F dEE edz m dAz v mlf mlf PZ llf llL bE b z How to get a genomewide understanding of Ascl1 targets? Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) emmA emdl y dz mlf mlf mlf z y d e m mlf z y d e m FEdi y z z Ee F dEE edz m dAz v mlf F Om g eu $du wMMZ Ascl1 ChIP-Seq: Dll3 Window from UCSC Genome Browser with millions of 36 bp sequence reads from the ChIP-seq data mapped to the mouse genome. Ascl1 bound region is boxed and shows its location in the proximal promoter of Dll3. Ascl1 ChIP-Seq: Dll3 O dN O dN Using the USCS Genome Browser you can zoom in to see the sequence under the peak that has highly conserved Ascl1 binding sites. Ascl1 ChIP-Seq: Dll1 ChIP-seq data reveals a previously characterized Ascl1 binding site in the Dll1 promoter (black box) as well as an novel site within an intron of Dll1 (red box). De Novo Motif Analysis ~2,000 high confidence binding sites called so many novel targets of Ascl1 identified that can be studied for their function in neural development. This motif matrix appeared in every peak and defines a more restricted recognition sequence for Ascl1. Normal regulators of development show up in cancer cells Ascl1 in glioblastoma and multiple neuroendocrine tumors Tumor forming cells Ascl1 is highly expressed neuroendocrine cancers (Small cell lung cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma) Ascl1 likely contributes to the progressive development and behavior of the tumor cells but not the initial event. Knocking down levels of Ascl1 in tumor cell lines results in cell death and inhibition of growth. What are the transcriptional targets of Ascl1 that explain the biological behavior and may be novel therapeutic targets? ChIP-seq with Ascl1 in the Small Cell Lung Carcinoma cell lines reveals Ascl1 bound to some similar regions as has been identified in the developing neural tube ie Dll1 and Dll3. llf llL SCLC versus embryonic neural tube Ascl1 Binding Sites i l l ll Az E ez di ll lez 0LMaMMM i Evdz e AEl A 0waMMM 200 binding regions shared Why such a difference in number and location? Suspect epigenetic differences as major player. Transcription factor accessibility • • • embdz bvl y dz bFvl y dz Amy z p Fdz m8 re Fd bAE ue t m z y mDa f ZDOf Df h E F wMMH2 d e y dz m Compare Ascl1 binding sites in the different tissues with respect to the epigenetic marks Hawkins 2010 Future Coupling higher order chroma$n changes with $ssue specific factors to gain mechanis$c insights into the transcrip$onal control of developmental processes. Determine how these interac$ons change when things go awry in the cell as in cancer-­‐-­‐-­‐leading to new therapeu$c targets for treatment. Strategies to harness the biological ac$vi$es of transcrip$on factors to direct differen$a$on of stem cells or reprogram cells to specific lineages. i.e. recently shown that fibroblasts can be reprogrammed directly to neurons with Ascl1 being a cri$cal component of the cocktail.