BONNIE G. COLBY, Ph.D. WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS Professor of Agricultural & Resource Economics The University of Arizona AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics Economics of Water Policy Design, Water Transactions, Litigation and Negotiations EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT B.S. Agricultural Economics, University of California-­‐Davis, 1978 Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-­‐Madison, 1983 Major Field: Natural Resource Economics 1983–present Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Arizona. Teaching and research in agricultural and natural resource economics. HONORS, AWARDS AND DISTINGUISHED OUTREACH Invited testimony on water banking before the State of Colorado Legislature, Water Resources Committee, October, 2013, August, 2014 Invited reviewer of Draft Colorado Water Plan, University of Colorado Law School, 2015 Invited testimony on water markets, Western Governors Association, November, 2011 Distinguished Scholar Award, Western Agricultural Economics Association, 2007 Lead Economist, Kinship Conservation Fellows Leadership Training Program, 2007-­‐10 Hillman Foundation Travel Awards for International Water Economics Research, 2000, 2008 Advisory Committee, Utton Transboundary Resources Center, University of New Mexico School of Law, 2003-­‐05. Faculty, Kennedy School of Government, Executive Training Program in Environmental Economics, Harvard University, 2000-­‐01 Economics faculty for Dividing the Waters; program providing specialized training for federal and state judges and water masters, 1999-­‐ 2002. Invited testimony on water trading before the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on water policy, June 1994 Outstanding Research Scientist Award, University of Arizona College of Agriculture, 1990 PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS (selected examples) Bonnie Colby, George Frisvold and Matthew Mealy, “Reallocating Climate Risks Through Water Trading”, Chapter 16 in Handbook of Water Economics, James Roumasset, editor, Springer-­‐ Verlag Co 2015. Bonnie Colby, “Innovative Water Transactions to Meet Urban and Environmental Demands in the Face of Climate Change” Chapter 10 in Innovations in Water Markets, William Easter, editor, Springer book series on Global Issues in Water Policy, 2014. Elizabeth Schuster and Bonnie Colby, “Farm And Ecological Resilience To Water Supply Variability,” Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue 151, August, 2013 pages 70-­‐83. Bhagyam Chandrasekharan and Bonnie Colby, “Electricity Load Forecasting Improvements as a Climate Change Adaptation”, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2013. Colby, B.and G. Frisvold, Risk and Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-­‐Water-­‐Energy Challenges In The Arid Southwest, Resources for the Future Press, 2011. Bark R.H., Colby B.G. and Dominguez F. Snow Days? Snowmaking adaptation and the future of low latitude, high elevation skiing in Arizona, USA. Climatic Change, 2009. Colby, Bonnie , Elizabeth Basta, and Katie Pittenger, “Temporary Water Transactions And Climate Change Adaptation”, Chapter 2 in Risk and Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-­‐Water-­‐ Energy Challenges In The Arid Southwest, Resource for the Future Press, 2011. Jones L & BG Colby. Farmer Participation in Temporary Irrigation Forbearance: Portfolio Risk Management. Rural Connections: 43-­‐48, 2010. Basta, E and B Colby, "Water Market Trends: Transactions, Quantities, and Prices," The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2010, volume 78, number 1, p 50-­‐66. Colby, Bonnie and J Pullen, “Influence of Climate Variability on the Market Price of Water in the Gila-­‐San Francisco Basin.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, December, 2008. Ganderton, P., D. Brookshire, Bonnie Colby and Mary Ewers, “Market Prices for Water in the Semi-­‐Arid West”, Water Resources Research, 2004.