Tobacco- free campus implementation committee

Tobacco- free campus implementation committee
Minutes: June 3, 2010; 2 p.m., Provost’s Conference room, Administration Building
Present: Doug Mell, Jim Uhlir, Joel Helms, John Achter, Neal Peterson
Absent: Ted Harris, Janice Lawrence-Ramaeker, Phil Lyons, Mike Smith, Dennis Shaw, Joan Thomas, Phil
Meeting called to order at 2:05 p.m.
Minutes from May 7 meeting approved.
D. Mell told those present that there wouldn’t be a walk-around today but to discuss signage instead.
The recommendation by the chancellor’s cabinet is for minimal signage on campus – not maximum.
Request will be made to ask Don Steffen to investigate the process of making/ordering a decal sign for
all main campus doors. This sign would be temporary until permanent signage can be decided on and
ordered. We need to get an estimate on total number of main entrance doors on campus.
D. Mell also is supportive of having “UW-Stout is tobacco-free“stenciled on the aprons of parking lots.
The Physical Plant and/or Keith McCarten need to be conferred with on this project.
D. Mell has scheduled meetings with Main Street Menomonie and Chamber of Commerce to tell them
of tobacco-free policy and to indicate desire of university to work with the city, not to cause problems.
He asked the committee for input on what to say when he meets.
J. Uhlir and J. Helms suggested that he stress that the university has anticipated potential trash issues
and that the first year of the implementation of the policy will be the toughest.
J. Achter pointed out that the city will need to be making progress since the statewide ban on smoking
indoors will be in effect in July.
D. Mell asked group how best to communicate new policy to campus and families of students for the
upcoming fall. It will be mentioned in the CWS’s opening speech to faculty and staff. The Quit Line
person will be invited to come to campus during opening week and to the students’ Big Yard Bash which
is held the last day of orientation.
Committee members discussed the idea of students helping on move-in day and orientation wearing
special tobacco-free T-shirts. Becky Kaarbo in Student Involvement and Leadership will be contacted
about this.
At the beginning of the term, tobacco-free posters will be reposted on campus.
N. Peterson suggested the importance of telling parents of the policy.
D. Mell will write a letter to faculty, staff and parents telling them about the new policy and the SMART
and healthy plan that UW-Stout supports.
A brief discussion was held whether a student referendum on campus alcohol use would be helpful.
The group looked at the campus map in terms of adding the tobacco-free policy information/logo (?) on
it. Don Steffen will be contacted.
D. Mell will send out e-mail updates to the campus in July and August on the tobacco-free policy
implementation steps.
D. Mell brought up the matter of enforcement. CWS says there will be no police issuing citations. D. Mell
will ask the CAC to be involved and members of the committee to be vigilant during the first few weeks
of the term especially. He also asked N. Peterson if SSA members could walk around campus reminding
smokers of the new policy.
D. Mell will meet with S. Griesbach and RAs for the policy to be included in the RA training sessions to be
held 8/30-9/3.
J. Achter also asked if the committee members could wear tobacco-free T-shirts. J. Helms suggested a
flashing button indicating the policy.
J. Helms said policy statement is now included in the new Admission’s piece.
J. Achter said that Jake Bloom attended a conference on nicotine dependence and is equipped to do
workshops on campus. Kathy Green is also someone who can assist with this.
D. Mell pointed out that it is important for campus smokers to understand that they are not being
required to quit but that the university will offer resources if they want to.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. No meeting time was planned for July.