Chemistry 634 Fall 2010 Prof. Donald Watson Electronic Resources for Organic Chemists Univ of Delaware Chemistry Library Website: DELCAT: Library Catalog to find books, bound journals etc. Datebases: Scifinder, Reaxys, Web of Science E-journals: Links to electronic journals to which UDel subscribes Forms: Interlibrary Loan Form – get books and articles we do not have Library Annex Request – get books from the library annex. Proxy Server: Allows access to journals and databases from off campus. For more information see: Make sure to install the “proxify” button on your web browser – it converts url’s to the UDel proxy server address. It will save you a lot of time, when working off campus. See: Important Journals for Organic Chemist: Science, general science, weekly Nature, general science, weekly Nature Chemistry, premier chemistry journal, month Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), premier chemistry journal, weekly Angewandte Chemie (ACIE), high quality chemistry short communications, weekly Organic Letters (OL), high quality organic chemistry short communications, biweekly Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC), high quality organic chemistry full papers, biweekly Chemical Communications (Chem Comm), high quality chemistry journal, weekly Account of Chemical Research, chemistry review articles, monthly Chemical Reviews, chemistry review articles, monthly And if you have time: Chemical Science, new general chemistry journal, likely to become important Tetrahedron Letter Tetrahedron Chemistry A European Journal, high quality chemistry full papers, weekly European Journal of Organic Chemistry Organometallics, papers specific to organometallic chemistry, often with inorganic flavor Databases: There are at least 5 important databases that you should know about. Scifinder Reaxys Web of Science Science of Synthesis Synthesis Reviews Other web resources: Evan’s pKa tables, Reich’s Organic Chemistry Info page, Scifinder Tutorial Scifinder is a good general database for finding compound references and procedures. Note: the reaction database is not complete. If you do not find what you are looking for in a reaction search, do a structure search and look up the references. Scifinder URL: To use you need to create an account: New User Registration Link Sign-in: Most useful searches Explore Substance and Explore Reaction: Explore Substance: Open Editor: Draw desired target then hit OK: shortcuts undo Select search type and limit if needed, then press search: If the compound is known, you should get a hit list. Note, often the best hits are at the bottom of the page. If you click on “reactions” you will get a list of places the compound has been found in reactions. Again this is not database is not complete. If the compound is can be purchased, there will be an option for “Commercial Sources.” Please note here, that while many companies list compounds, only a few supply to synthetic organic laboratories in academia. These include Acros, Aldrich, Fisher, Strem, Alfa-Asear, and TCI. For the purposes of Chem 634, please limit yourself to these suppliers when considering commercially available suppliers. Click on the reference list: Much like the reaction search, these options should only be used with extreme caution, they often miss important papers. Reference List: A reference list will look like this. There are now many options to process this information. You can select hits, get full papers, limit the search, save searches, export to reference software. Explore Reaction: The reaction search works almost the same way, but now you want to specify if the structures are “reactants” or “products”. Search can be preformed with both or either, or you can have multiples of each. To start, draw the desired structures, starting materials on the left. Next use the arrow to place an arrow between starting materials and products, and “map” the atoms of the starting material to the product. If there are atoms you do not want to change “lock” them: Tools: lock out tool reaction arrow atom mapping these atoms have been locked Search hits: Again this is not a complete list, but it is an easy place to start. The options are similar to the structure search page. Reaxys Tutorial Reaxys (Formally Beilstein) is the other broad chemistry search index. The reaction searching tends to be more complete with this database, but is not 100% complete either. URL: Three Search Options: Reactions, Substances and Text. Reactions and Substances most useful. Substances and Properties Search: Tools: erase periodic table quick elements bond tool Draw desired compound for search, then hit “transfer query”: For pick options from table. The “substructure” options create free sites on the specified atoms (either all or hetereoatoms only), this option will include substituents on the searched atoms. Search Results: Other options Preps Physical data Spectral data There are many options to get information about the substances. Here we hit the “reactions” button: More details about each paper here: full text, more details, reference Other structure options: Reaxys will limit searches to return only papers of biologically active compounds, papers that list NMR data or other spectra data, many other useful options. These are access in the menus below the main search. The example shown is for NMR data. You can also limited these searched further, for example in this case we could search for 1H NMR data in CDCl3. There are many useful options, but remember, the search is only good as the person who indexed the papers… if you do not find something useful this way, you may need to try a less limited search and dig into the results yourself. Example of results, after clicking on “search” then “spectra”: Reaction Search: First draw starting materials and products (as desired): Add reaction arrow: “Map” the atoms, starting material to the product. Avoid the “automap” function: Transfer query and selection options desired: Results: The reference display is similar to that for substance searches. Web of Knowledge Tutorial Web of Knowledge is a rseful search engine for finding information related to citations of papers in the literature. URL: Forward citation search (search for papers that referenced a paper): Enter last name of first author, journal (the syntax must be correct, see look up list), and year of paper: Pick list is sometimes long. Find the correct paper, click “view record”. (Note the number of miscitations. Don’t add to this list when you publish!): Reference you selected. Click on “times cited” to see who has cited the paper: Click on “times cited” to see who has cited the paper. Links to full papers, can export to Endnote, several options: