Scenario 1‐ v.4 edits‐ 11/10/2015 DRAFT College #1‐ Departments Apparel (in Engineering and Technology) Biology Chemistry and Physics Engineering & Technology School of Management (Business, Construction, Operations Mgmt) Math, Stats, and Computer Science College #1 Total faculty FTE FTE 4 11.5 15.5 30 46.5 25.26 132.76 College #2‐ Departments Food and Nutrition Physical Education Human Development and Family Studies Rehabilitation and Counseling School of Education School of Hospitality & Leadership Military Science Psychology *College #2 Total faculty FTE *Total does not include approximately 50 headcount for CFSC & SVRI 10.01 5.75 12.85 11.23 29.64 17.45 0 16.69 103.62 College #3‐ Departments Communication Studies, Foreign Languages, Performing Arts Communication Technologies English and Philosophy School of Art and Design Social Science College #3 Total faculty FTE 13 14 22.45 36 19 104.45 Enrollment Growth (EG) 1.07 0 0 2.12 3.19 Customized Instruction (CI) Redbook Total 1 3.6 10.1 0.75 15.45 151.4 2.08 2.85 20.4 0.5 25.83 129.45 2 4.5 9 4 19.5 5.75 1.31 1.33 8.39 132.34 Concerns: STEM college is large and will continue to grow Request that ITM remain in STEM not addressed‐ however ICT and ITM have much course overlap, benefit in keeping them together Concerns addressed in this model: School of Hospitality Leadership indication that their programs align more closely with the structure in Proposal 2 Allows Construction to Align with Operations and Management Keeping Food and Nutrition in College with current departments Keeping Business and Management together based on accreditation and shared coursework Keeping School of Art and Design in College with the Humanities because of programmatic alignment, challenge of managing large number of labs/studios in one College Programs in the current CEHHS are kept together as recommended by several departments Proposing a School to keep departments related to business and management together as a unit Keeps Apparel Design and Development in the STEM College Provides the opportunity to foster connections between Operations and Management and Engineering disciplines Keeps most programs that are located in the same building within the same College