UW-Stout College of Education, Health and Human Sciences

UW-Stout College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Request for Proposals: Collaborative Thematic Research Cohorts
Information and Application Guidelines
(Funding for 2013-14)
CEHHS Smart Goals include the following: Sponsor college research cohort initiative that
provides support for collaborative research. Research cohorts are typically comprised of
researchers with a common research interest or “theme,” and with a common desire to
collaboratively develop some aspects of their research programs. To facilitate the development of
collaborative thematic research, up to three research groups will be supported during summer to
develop or expand a research agenda. CEHHS members of each cohort will receive up to five
days of pay. The other UW-Stout colleges have similar research initiatives. Members of a
research cohort who are from another college should contact their Dean for information about
potential financial support.
This award may be combined with other funding, such as Faculty Research Initiative, Just-InTime, or Scholarship of Teaching and Learning grants. Individuals are encouraged to contact
Research Services for information about other research support and/or for assistance with
development of a research program.
The overarching purpose of this initiative is to bring together researchers interested in a
common theme but from complementary perspectives in order to create and sustain
synergistic research. It is expected that the outcomes associated with the award will
position researchers to apply for larger external research grants.
Anticipated benefits of this initiative include:
 Centralize isolated and smaller research projects to enhance long-range planning and
increased opportunities for extramural support.
 Foster creativity and generate new research ideas and opportunities for funding.
 Enhance research skills of all participants and mentor participants who are less
experienced researchers.
 Foster grass-roots generation and long term planning of research activities with a much
more inclusive and flexible format than individually driven research agendas.
 Create a forum in which researchers can collectively profit from their collaboration.
 Foster student research.
 Facilitate academic and scientific cross-pollination within CEHHS and with external
 Increase the probability that the knowledge, skills and interest required to actualize the
research agenda will be available within the collaborators
Criteria for funding:
1. The collaborative research project includes:
a. research goals and measurable outcomes
b. a description of how the research will support the mission and goals of the
c. evidence based need for the research e.g. fills a void in current research,
addresses an emerging area of research, or is a continuing research need,
d. a description of the activities and timeline
e. evidence of the potential for ongoing research and extramural funding,
f. a description of how the research involves cross-disciplinary collaboration
(within the university) and/or collaboration with external partners, and if
applicable, engages students in research
g. a description of how the research aligns with the member’s professional
development goals.
Funding can be requested for CEHHS faculty/staff summer contracts (maximum of five days per
researcher), services and supplies (travel, postage, software, etc.); student help, LTE support. A
maximum of $8,000 per cohort can be requested and up to $20,000 is available.
Application Procedures
Interested applicants should submit a formal proposal as a Word document to Rose McLean at
mcleanr@uwstout.edu by April 15, 2014. Research groups will receive notification of funding in
early May.
Proposal Format
Section 1: Cover Page (1 page)
1. Research theme
2. Research cohort members (minimum of two).
3. Campus telephone numbers and e-mail addresses
4. Funds being requested (summer contracts are limited to CEHHS faculty/staff)
Section 2: Narrative (2-4 pages)
1. Brief theoretical framework: Purpose and need for the research.
2. Preliminary research objectives/questions.
3. Preliminary research design including plan for integrating students.
4. Potential opportunities for continued funding.
5. Preliminary plans for dissemination.
6. Description of the alignment of the research with CEHHS Mission and Values.
7. Description of the qualifications of the cohort members and alignment of the research
with participant’s expertise and scholarship goals.
8. An Action Plan for the summer work.
It is suggested that the group meet with Sue Foxwell to investigate funding opportunities.
Section 3: Budget (1 page)
1. Provide a budget narrative
2. Provide detailed line item budget.
Section 4: Appendices. Attach any additional information deemed appropriate to the proposal.
Continuing Research Group Action Plan:
At the completion of the summer intensive work, research groups will submit the following:
1. Expanded purpose and need for the research.
2. Research objectives/questions to be investigated.
3. Research activities and a timeline.
4. Sources and timeline for submission of research grant proposals.
5. Description of how research objectives will be evaluated.
6. Description of how research results will be disseminated.
Research groups will be expected to update Action Plans annually, with the potential for
continued summer funding.
Selection Criteria and Procedures
The proposals will be evaluated by the CEHHS Governance Committee using the following
rubric to rate the proposal in each of the categories identified in Sections 2-3.
Does the research involve cross-disciplinary collaboration (within the university) and/or collaboration with
external partners? If the answer is no, do not proceed as the proposal does not meet the criteria for funding.
Project purpose and problem statement is clear
Evidence was provided of the need for the research
Evidence was provided of the potential for extramural funding
Objectives are clearly explained, related to the purpose, and achievable
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The evaluation plan will result in evidence of whether objectives were met
An action plan is clearly specified
The budget is appropriate to achieve the objectives
Alignment to the CEHHS mission and needs of the College
Alignment to the proposer’s professional development goals
The budget, budget narrative and rationale are reasonable/appropriate
Members of the cohort have the appropriate expertise
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