CEHHS Maybelle Ranney (Brechlin) Price Professorship Description of the Professorship:

CEHHS Maybelle Ranney (Brechlin) Price Professorship
Description of the Professorship:
The Maybelle Ranney Price Professorship is in honor of Maybelle Ranney (Brechlin) Price, who
graduated from the Stout Institute and taught briefly at Roberts, WI and Savannah, IL high schools and
later in Fond du Lac and Eau Claire. She concluded her career at the Chippewa Valley Technical College.
Following World War II, Maybelle became a civilian employee of the U.S. Government in Okinawa and
on her return to the U.S. worked as a medical secretary in San Francisco and at the University of
Minnesota hospital. Upon her death in 1993, a bequest was left to the Stout University Foundation, part
of which has been used to partially endow the Maybelle Professorship. Beginning in 2013, additional
support for the Maybelle Professorship was provided by the College of Education, Health and Human
Following are conditions of selection of the professorship and purpose and use of the award:
PURPOSE: The Maybelle Ranney Price Professorship is awarded in recognition of outstanding
ability and promise and provides support for the recipient's professional activities.
TITLE: Each person named shall carry the title of Maybelle Ranney Price Professor for the
duration of the appointment.
ELIGIBILITY: Faculty members of the University of Wisconsin-Stout College of Education,
Health and Human Sciences are eligible. Maybelle Ranney Price Professors receive two
semesters of .25 assignment (3-credit release) to pursue their professional activities, so this
Professorship is not appropriate for individuals on sabbatical. Recipients are not eligible for
overload pay while on reassigned time.
LENGTH OF APPOINTMENT: The Maybelle Ranney Professor shall be appointed for a oneyear period. Consecutive appointments will not be made.
EMPHASIS: Consistent with the intent of the bequest, faculty should be engaged in academic
pursuits which contribute to the UW-Stout and CEHHS mission and goals. The two priorities
include: 1) scholarly activities leading to submission of a substantial externally funded research
proposal and/or publication in scholarly journals and 2) development of an academic program
that is on the academic plan for which there is evidence of need and marketability.
CHANGE OF PROCEDURES: The Chancellor, with advice from appropriate organizations or
individuals, may modify the emphasis and the number and size of the awards.
TIMELINE FOR USING THE FUNDS: Reassigned time is awarded for two academic
semesters. Funds are awarded for a 12-month time period. Funds may be carried over for 6
months past the end date with approval from the Foundation Office. See the Senate Office
website for more details about the process.
AVAILABILITY: Twenty-five percent (3 credit) reassigned time for two academic terms
beginning Fall 2013. Additionally, the named professor will have a professional development
budget of $1800.
Abbreviated Description:
The Maybelle Ranney Price Professorship is in honor of Maybelle Ranney (Brechlin) Price, a
graduate of UW-Stout, and is awarded to a faculty member. During the period of the
professorship, the Maybelle Ranney Price Professor should be engaged in academic pursuits
which contribute to UW-Stout's academic mission, including scholarly activities and program
Procedural Steps for Awarding the Maybelle Ranney Price Professorship:
The University of Wisconsin-Stout named professorships are to be viewed as an investment in
individuals who have demonstrated outstanding performance and show promise for continued
professional development and contributions to UW-Stout.
The process for awarding the professorships begins with an individual making application at the
department level. The department then forwards the nomination(s) to the CEHHS Governance Council
with a copy to the dean. The applications will be reviewed and ranked at the college level and be
forwarded to the Chancellor for final review and recommendation.
The following criteria will apply in the selection of the award:
1. For Maybelle Ranney Price Professorship only: CEHHS faculty of any rank are eligible.
2. Faculty member must be employed full time at UW-Stout and be engaged in academic pursuits
which contribute to the mission of UW-Stout and CEHHS.
3. A brief application of NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES will be accepted. The application is to reflect
both past contributions and intended contributions in teaching, research and scholarship, and
professional service as defined in the Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook (page 327). Emphasis should be placed on the intended use and outcome of the professorship in alignment
with the mission of UW-Stout and CEHHS.
Within the TWO-PAGE APPLICATION should be a statement of the plan for the professorship that
identifies intentions for activities consistent with the established priorities, a brief budget detail, and
a condensed vita.
A cover sheet to verify review at each level will be attached by the department before forwarding to
the college/school.
4. Efforts to provide broad representation from the units in the College of Education, Health and
Human Sciences will be made in awarding the professorship.
5. Previously named professors will be eligible to apply five years after completion of a professorship
University of Wisconsin-Stout
College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
214 Home Economics
Phone: 715/232-2687
The attached application is for the Maybelle Ranney Price Professorship and
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