7320 Page 1 of 13 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL INTERMOUNTAIN REGION (REGION 4) OGDEN, UT FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS Supplement No.: 7300-2009-1 Effective Date: June 8, 2009 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: HARV FORSGREN Regional Forester Date Approved: 06/03/2009 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document; remove entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 7300-20061 to FSM 7320. New Document(s): 7320 13 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 7320 (Supplement 7300-2600-1, 3/21/2006) 4 Pages Digest: 7320.42 – Adds delegation of review and technical approval of passenger ropeways. 7320.5 – Adds definition for Alterations, Modifications, Ropeway Incident, Qualified and Staff Engineers. 7321.2 – Adds minimum procedures in exhibit format for submittals and information requirements for new and modification to aerial tramways, aerial lifts, surface lifts, tows and conveyors (passenger ropeways). 7322 – Adds direction for Operations and Maintenance monitoring regarding incidents, suspension, and inspections. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 2 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7320.3 - Policy 1. State of Utah. Passenger ropeway facilities located on National Forest Lands within the State of Utah shall be jointly administered in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) FS# 05-MU-11046000-021 with the Utah Passenger Ropeway Safety Committee. The Authorized Officer (as defined in FSM 2340.5) shall require the Permit Holder (referred to as holder) to comply with the R920-50 Transportation, Operations, Traffic and Safety - Ropeway Operations Safety Rules R920-50 when they are more restrictive. 2. States of Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada. The Forest Service is the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” for passenger ropeway facilities located on National Forest Land within these states (see American National Standard for Passenger Ropeways-Aerial Tramways, Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts, Tows, and Conveyors – Safety Requirements, (referred to as ANSI B77.1 Standard), section 1.4). 7320.4 - Responsibility 7320.42 - Regional Forester 3. Delegation of authority for review and technical approval of site development and passenger ropeway plans, designs, and construction proposals located on National Forest Land is listed in section 7321 exhibit 01 for new construction and in section 7321 exhibit 02 for Modifications/Alterations. 7320.5 - Definitions Alteration. Any change to passenger ropeway which results in a modification and requires certification by a Qualified Engineer. Modification. (See ANSI B77.1 Standard, section An alteration of the current design of ropeway which results in: a. Change in the design speed of the system. b. Change in design capacity by changing the number of carriers, spacing of carriers, or load capacity of carriers. c. Change in the path of the rope. d. Any change in the type of brakes and/or backstop devices or components thereof. e. Change in structural arrangements. f. Change in power or type of prime mover or evacuation power unit. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 3 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS g. Change of the control system logic. Qualified Engineer. A qualified Professional Engineer who has acquired knowledge and skills through study, training, and experience to practice passenger ropeway engineering in the State concerned. Ropeway Incident. Any passenger ropeway failure that results in death, serious injury, or illness requiring medical attention, and/or property damage or that poses a risk to public health, safety, or the environment (see FSM 6730). Staff Engineer. A qualified Forest Service Professional Engineer who has acquired knowledge and skills, through study, training and experience to provide passenger ropeway engineering assistance to Authorized Officer, and Forest Staff Officer for Engineering, as delegated by the Director of Engineering. 7321 - TRAMWAY PROJECT MONITORING 7321.1 - Project Authorization (Exceptions) ANSI B77.1 Standard, section 1.2.3 permits the Forest Service as the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” over ropeways on National Forest Land, to grant exceptions to the “literal requirements or allow the use of other devices or methods that provide features comparable to those included in the ANSI B77.1 Standard.” 1. Strict application of the requirements in the ANSI B77.1 Standard may not be appropriate in every instance. Upon written request by the holder, the Authorized Officer, with appropriate consultation with Staff Engineers (as required in FSM 7300-2000-1, 7321.21), may grant exceptions from the requirements in the ANSI B77.1 Standard. The holder’s written request for an exception must include the following: a. Specification of the current condition via a written description, photographs, a video or engineering drawings, and a statement as to why it does not conform to the ANSI B77.1 Standard. b. A description of the work that would have to be performed or the operational condition that would have to be implemented to meet the ANSI B77.1 Standard, including a statement as to how meeting the ANSI B77.1 Standard would constitute an unreasonable operational or design condition and estimates of the time and cost (for example, for engineering, materials, equipment, and labor) that would be involved. c. An example of why granting the exception would not create a safety hazard to the public. The explanation should include but not be limited to the operational history of the passenger ropeway, existing devices or methods that enhance the safety of the R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 4 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS passenger ropeway, and the history of similar passenger ropeways with similar conditions. d. If the exception is granted, work that would be performed or operational conditions that would be implemented for public safety by the holder. e. For new passenger ropeways, a letter with an original seal applied by means of a rubber stamp, signature and date, by a Qualified Engineer attesting that the passenger ropeway is to be designed and constructed using devises or methods that are comparable to those required in the ANSI B77.1 Standard. f. For an existing passenger ropeway, a letter with an original seal applied by means of a rubber stamp, signature and date, by a Qualified Engineer attesting that the passenger ropeway is to be designed and constructed using devices or methods that are comparable to those required in the ANSI B77.1 Standard. In addition, a written certification from the holder stating that the passenger ropeway has been operated safely and without any passenger ropeway incident related to the feature for which the exception is requested and certification is supported by information requested in paragraph c. g. Authorized Officer may grant an exception even if the holder does not satisfy all the requirements in paragraphs e and f above if the Authorized Officer (FSM 7320.44) determines that the exception request does not involve a change in certified equipment design or operating parameters for passenger ropeway. 2. The Authorized Officer shall notify the holder as expeditiously as possible in writing of its action on the request. Granting the exception shall not bind the Forest Service to allow an exception for another ropeway of the same or a similar design. The approval to operate with an exception shall state whether the exception is for limited duration and/or requires review and renewal upon application by the holder at a specified time or shall apply until such time as changed conditions or new information indicate a review is necessary and a new exception request is required. Where appropriate, the exception should specify periodic review to determine if a new exception request is required. If the request for an exception is denied, Authorized Officer may allow the holder to request the decision be reconsidered with additional relevant information or appeal the decision through the disputes process stated within permit. 3. To address the safety concerns associated with a passenger ropeway, the Authorized Officer may require special tests or review by a Qualified Engineer or Tramway Specialist (as defined in FSM 7320.5) agreed upon by both Authorized Officer and the holder. The Qualified Engineer or Tramway Specialist shall be independent of the holder. The special test or independent review shall be conducted to ensure that the passenger ropeway is designed and constructed using devices or methods that are comparable to those required in the ANSI B77.1 R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 5 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS Standard. Any special tests or independent review required under this provision shall be conducted at the expense of the holder requesting the exception. 7321.2 - Minimum Procedures Additionally for New Construction use section 7321 exhibit 01, for Modification/Alteration use section 7321 exhibit 02. Use of these exhibits is mandatory. 7321.21 - Staff Engineers Additionally for New Construction use section 7321 exhibit 01, for Modification/Alteration use section 7321 exhibit 02. Use of these exhibits is mandatory. 7321.22 - Authorized Officers Additionally for New Construction use section 7321 exhibit 01, for Modification/Alteration use section 7321 exhibit 02. Use of these exhibits is mandatory. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 6 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 01 New Construction Minimum Procedures for New Construction Regional Office, Director of Engineering As a minimum, Director of Engineering shall follow these procedures: 1. Review and provide technical approval of site development, and passenger ropeway plans, designs, and construction proposals located on National Forest Land. Staff Engineers As a minimum, Staff Engineers shall follow these procedures: 1. Conduct a review of proposed location and site development of passenger ropeway, terminals, and other associated buildings. 2. Review required plans, calculations, specifications, and related data submitted by the holder to determine that all plan submittals and other required certification(s) are valid, including the Qualified Engineer’s design certification that the ropeway meets the current ANSI B77.1 Standard. 3. Review acceptance test procedures and monitor acceptance tests and inspections as required by Authorized Officer and Director of Engineering. Authorized Officers As a minimum, Authorized Officers shall follow these procedures: General Location Approval: 1. Require holder to submit passenger ropeway proposal with site development information showing passenger ropeway, terminals, and other associated buildings; 2. Require the holder to submit any site specific studies and/or other pertinent information such as American Disability Act accessibility, erosion control, etc. (see ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.1.1.3- Location). R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 7 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 01 – Continued Submittals for Design, Construction, Acceptance Testing and Inspection, and Approval to Operate: 1. Require the holder to submit plans including calculations, drawings, and specifications for all new passenger ropeways. Copies of these plans, calculations, drawings, and specifications should be provided to the Forest Supervisor’s office, District Ranger’s office, and Director of Engineering’s office. 2. Require all final plans, including calculations, drawings, and specifications, as well as any revisions prepared by a Qualified Engineer be submitted in accordance with seal requirements in the State concerned. At a minimum, each seal (wet, embossed, or electronic) shall be signed and dated with the signature and date appearing across the face of each seal imprint. Plan submittals shall also be certified by Qualified Engineer as being in accordance with the most current edition of the ANSI B77.1 Standard. Certification of Design shall be submitted prior to Acceptance Testing and Inspection (see item 5(a) below). 3. Require the holder to submit initial plans, design calculations, drawings, and specifications a minimum of forty-five (45) days prior to construction date. The holder may seek permission to accelerate the scheduled construction date provided that all submittals are valid and completed to the satisfaction of the Authorized Officer. Such plans must be accepted by Authorized Officer before the authorization of any work. 4. Initial design plans, calculations, drawings, and specifications prepared by a Qualified Engineer shall include but not be limited to the following items: a. Profile Drawing. b. Foundation Drawings. c. Applicable preliminary drawings or sketches of components unique in design or nature to passenger ropeways (ANSI B77.1 Standard, section 1.5.1). d. Design Calculations (Ropeline, Foundations, etc.). e. Preliminary Passenger Ropeway Equipment Data (FSM 7321.21). 5. Require the holder to submit or make available for review the following items prior to commencement of an acceptance test and inspection: a. Certification of Design (ANSI B77.1 Standard, 1.5.1). R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 8 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 01 – Continued b. Acceptance Test procedures 14 days prior to Acceptance Test (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. c. Final Passenger Ropeway Equipment Data (FSM 7321.21). d. Construction Certification (ANSI B77.1 Standard, 1.5.3). e. Final Drawing Log. f. Certified Wire Rope Test Report per ANSI B77.1 Standard, A.2 and Magnetic Rope Testing Report if wire ropes are relocated or meet any conditions in A.4.1.2) g. Splice Certification (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.3.5.3(d)). h. Grip Non-Destructive Testing results (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. i. Grip Fatigue Testing Results (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.1.4.3(e)), if new in design or specifications revised. j. Main Electrical Service Disconnect Acceptance from a State or local Electrical Inspection Agency or Personnel, if applicable, available for review. k. Fuel Tank Installation Compliance (for example, underground storage tanks of 110 gallons or more, above ground storage tanks of 660 gallons or more and piping to any day tank within the terminal enclosure) from a State or local Fuel Tank Inspection Agency or Personnel, if applicable (ANSI B77.1 Standard, Annex F, and compliance with State and local laws), available for review. Any addition and/or change to manufacturer’s fuel tank must be specifically approved by Qualified Engineer and accepted by Authorized Officer. l. Certification of double loaded chair passing around bull wheel without any yielding of the chair tested, if applicable (ANSI B77.1 Standard, section m. Concrete compressive strength test results. n. Verification of Continuous Operation (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.1.1.11). o. “As built” survey (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. p. Operational and Maintenance Manual (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.1.6), available for review. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 9 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 01 – Continued 6. Require the holder to submit or make available for review the following items prior to final acceptance and public operation. a. Owner’s verification of thorough inspection by qualified personnel to verify compliance with plans and specifications (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. b. Certification of Electrical System Acceptance Tests by Qualified Engineer, if applicable (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.2.11). c. Final Acceptance Test Report (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. d. Final Acceptance Inspection Report (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. e. Evacuation Plan and Practice Documentation (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X., available for review. f. Software Security Procedure by lift manufacturer or Qualified Engineer, if applicable (ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.2.12). 7. Require the holder to submit Certificate of Inspection letter (see FSM 7322). 8. Amend existing permit to include and reflect approved passenger ropeway and other pertinent information (for example, slope transport feet). R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 10 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 02 Modification/Alteration Minimum Procedures - Modifications/Alterations Regional Office, Director of Engineering As a minimum, Director of Engineering shall follow these procedures: 1. Review and provide technical approval of passenger ropeway modification plans, designs, and construction proposals located on National Forest Land. Staff Engineers As a minimum, Staff Engineer shall follow these procedures: 1. Recommend what plan submittals and certification(s) are required for modifications and provide passenger ropeway engineering assistance as required by Authorized Officer and Director of Engineering. 2. Review required plans, calculations, specifications, and related data submitted by the holder to determine that all plan submittals and other required certification(s) are valid, including the Qualified Engineer’s design certification that the passenger ropeway meets the current ANSI B77.1 Standard. 3. Review acceptance test procedures and monitor acceptance tests and inspections as required by Authorized Officer and Director of Engineering. Authorized Officers As a minimum, Authorized Officer shall follow these procedures: General Approval: 1. Require the holder to submit modification request and written proposal for passenger ropeway modification. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 11 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 02 – Continued Submittals for Design, Construction, and Acceptance Testing and Inspection, and Final Approval: 1. Require the holder to submit plans including calculations, drawings, and specifications for all modified passenger ropeways. Copies of these plans, calculations, drawings, and specifications should be provided to the Forest Supervisor’s office, District Ranger’s office, and Director of Engineering’s office. 2. Require all final plans for modifications, including calculations, drawings, and specifications, as well as any revisions prepared by Qualified Engineer be submitted in accordance with seal requirements in the State concerned. At a minimum, each seal (wet, embossed, or electronic) shall be signed and dated with the signature and date appearing across the face of each seal imprint. Plan submittals shall also be certified by Qualified Engineer as being in accordance with the most current edition of the ANSI B77.1 Standard. 3. Require the holder to submit initial plans, design calculations, drawings, and specifications related to modification a minimum of 45 days prior to construction date. The holder may seek permission to accelerate the scheduled construction date provided that all submittals are valid and completed to the satisfaction of the Authorized Officer. Such plans must be accepted by Authorized Officer before the authorization of any work. 4. Require holder to conduct any acceptance test and inspection required by manufacturer, Qualified Engineer or State Standards (as required in FSM 7320.3) for modifications specified below: a. A change in the design speed of the system. An increase in the design speed that was certified by manufacturer or Qualified Engineer at prior acceptance testing. Note: A change in speed shall be included and reflected in design capacity in permit and/or operating plan. b. A change in design capacity by changing the number of carriers, spacing of carriers, or load capacity of carriers. Changing load capacity is interpreted to mean changing the number of passengers (i.e. double chair to triple chair). Carriers may be added or removed to accommodate normal rope stretch or relocation in rope splice area. If changing the number or spacing of carriers is within the certified design parameters, it is not a modification. Note: A change in design capacity shall be included and reflected in permit and/or operating plan. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 12 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7321 - Exhibit 02 – Continued c. A change in the path of the rope. Any change in the path of the rope from the certified design such as moving a tower, change in tower height or number of towers or change in line gauge. ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X. allows for a change in height of the rope in order to meet normal changes in operational requirements. Note: Moving a terminal may be considered as relocation and may require approval. d. A change in the type of brakes and/or backstop devices or components thereof. A change to the application mechanism (energy used to set brake), such as weights to springs, springs to hydraulics, or different types of weights, springs or hydraulics. e. A change in structural arrangements. A change to the cross arm (i.e. removing angle brace and making it self supporting), change in tower and terminal support, or change in certified design of carriers. f. A change in power or type of prime mover or evacuation power unit. Increasing or decreasing horsepower of an electric motor or internal combustion engine, changing from AC to DC, changing an internal combustion engine to electric or vice versa, changing arrangement of the following power transmission equipment - gearbox, fluid coupling, torque converter, V-Belt drive, pulleys, U-joints, shaft couplings, fluid coupling to torque converter, V-Belt to gear box, and so forth. g. A change to the control system logic. Any change to the function of control software and/or relay logic. Any modification to the certified electrical design shall be approved and signed by Qualified Engineer and shall be tested and shown to meet the requirements of ANSI B77.1 Standard, and test results shall be recorded (see ANSI B77.1 Standard, sections X.2.1 and X.2.11). 5. Require the holder to submit any acceptance test procedures developed by manufacturer or Qualified Engineer for modifications specified in item 4 (a-g) above. 6. Require holder to furnish any certifications, as-built plans, maps or as-built survey upon the completion of construction as deemed necessary by Director of Engineering. 7. Require holder to submit Certificate of Inspection letter (see FSM 7322). 8. Amend existing permit as needed to include and reflect passenger ropeway modification and other pertinent information. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7300-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/08/2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7320 Page 13 of 13 FSM 7300 – BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES CHAPTER 7320 – TRAMWAYS, SKI LIFTS, AND TOWS 7322 – TRAMWAY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MONITORING 1. State of Utah. For monitoring in the State of Utah, see Memorandum of Understanding with the Utah Passenger Ropeway Safety Committee (Committee) FS# 05-MU11046000-021 and R920-50 Transportation, Operations, Traffic and Safety – Ropeway Operations Safety Rules. In accordance with the MOU, if permission to operate is to be denied or suspended by the Forest Service, the Authorized Officer shall notify the Committee of any such action. 2. Permission to Operate. In conjunction with approval of operating plans, Authorized Officer shall require the holder to submit a State of Utah compliance letter or State operating permit along with Forest Service Certificate of Inspection letter, including any approval for exception for evaluation and acceptance. This Certificate of Inspection shall accompany the request for permission to begin public operation. 3. States of Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada. If the holder submits a request not to correct deficiencies listed in the inspection report, the Authorized Officer shall evaluate the request for such exception in accordance with section 7321.1 prior to public operation. Authorized Forest Service personnel shall document all deficiencies noted during monitoring activities and provide written notification to the Authorized Officer for appropriate action. 4. Notification of Ropeway Incident. The Authorized Officer, through permit operating plan, shall require the holder to provide verbal and written notification of any ropeway incident. 5. Suspension. As a result of any ropeway incident, the Authorized Officer may suspend permit in whole or in part when necessary to protect the public health or safety or the environment. 6. Notification of Inspection. The Authorized Officer, through permit operating plan, shall require the holder to notify authorized Forest Service personnel of all inspection and acceptance testing dates as soon as possible but at least seven days prior to any scheduled inspections or tests.