S.10-9 For Information OFl't (; E OF T i l E AS S OC I ATE V I CE PUE S ID ENT, ACADEM I C AND ASSOC l AT E P Il QV O ST MEMO ATT ENTI ON Se nat e FROM '-________________ Bill Krane. Chair h AmJ~ "s".""",'".'"c"o""~'"m"""'".".C20~"~u""""".c'" "C'""'O""' .ccs""O"""".c>'-_________~~ 2008· 2009 Annual Report 01 Senate CommIttee on Undergraduate Studies I December 2009 OATE I ~11 1 pleased [0 ~ lI blll i[ to S. . . !l:nc the 200S-20(l<) U lldcrgradu:u c Studies (SCUS) . (\Illll l a) R e port of the SCIlJtl' COll1111ittcc 011 The Senate CO ll lllli ncc Oil Und.: rgraduate Studi es is chargt'd hy Scmll' with the fi)lIo wing refill S o f rcfcn: IKl': I. TlIki,\~ iI/I" (,, "sitl~'r,lIhl/J 1111' H/'CI/1M (,!Orr/iI/mimi IIlIIl dClldoplll<'llI of !/Iu/"'S,oI dlla1c plI,xmms ,liililill ri,e UIlIi/l'fsil)', SCUS shllll: ,I) ,.'vielll IUllilllllb ' ,norm/h'wl,lIi"II.' I<J Scuar" Oil wrn'mllllll dU!IIS"s ,~f <I II1i!iM IIIl/rlft' tlllIl St'lItr<1/ IIWllrr5 ,!ll('flirlg //If cu rr im/ulII . b) II!!I/;-r dclt:~l!Icd IIlI/hon/}" n'I/it'w illlil <lJIP(dIW, II'h,·,·,. Ilppl"!lpria/r, 1111 pwpI,jcd IIlW (,lIIrf".! . {,HlHI' d"{NimlS, collrSt" r/I1I!1.';cs ,11111 /,/"(Igr,1I1I ("l'isiol1s I!f a millO( 1I,I/UrI". "/'111"'1' (h '1/I.~("'· shall be t"PMlcd ill SIIWIIWI"}'.{i>rl1l /11 &'/111/1'. r) n·"il'w IlIId /J ill!.:!" rt'CUlJUlJcudlui.ms I., SCUP n:~l1 rt!ilJ.~ mw pm.crllllls 11IIt! rr('l/mlil/Is. 2. '/i, rewlllllwlld [" St'!!(I/C .~r'JlliIlS, csmlllrll!lillll, SllI/lIlillg 111111 ("lIlill/h u m' p"licies . 3. T" rrWlIIlHt"IId hI 5011111' JI<,li(i"5 1111 IlIu!t'~Cr'lI/lw/C (1I/II1ISSiI1ll5, n:-Ildlllissiolls, IPltcrC IIt'CCH,")' . to plllvid,' .CCl1fr<11 dirc(lioll to litC JlPlifics. U I:~isrr<Jr's Qfl/rc ill ,md (redil 1,.,11/1<:( ,md 1/1(" IIII!"rprC/mil'lI 4511(h ,I. 'Ii, c,,"sider 11111/ duidt, 1>11 JIll/if)' n'(,)IIJJlh'1II111IioJJJ ((l1l(('(lJiJJS IIJJricr:,;r,ldlJllh' (,>ursc rrsistr,lIillJl IIl1d (o urSI' wilili/nulIll / pmcl'dtl trs ,/lid 1111 til(" Ildmillis/fIIli"'l .!f 1Illl1cr.Cmdllil1c sWdo'lll rcwrds. 5, 'Ii, ft) /lSitia I/ml UlliZlCrsil), (t'(IllIlIurlld 'I) SCIIII/I' polic}' rffIIlIlUlo·u(/rl/ilJIIs.{illlll I/Ie COli lmillce to J{l'I/;''U' At/missi"'IS. 6. 'Ii, ((II/sida (//1(1 rff<lIIllII!'llI/lp SI'II,,,e !llllir)' "'(IIII/lI/('lIdluioIlS/"'111 lilc DiI".r:,r Qllal!"/!r,uilIiH I I(ljllriical iml C Ollllllilln'. This report cuvers the pl' ri od Septe(nber I, 2008 to Aug ust 3 1, 200'), durin g which SCUS held II mectin \.'S. SCUS rcv icwnl, reCOn 1!l lelldcd , npprovl'd ;lIld su bi llined 10 SCU ll aud SenJtl' curricul uill ch:lI1 ges rcbted to the JdditiO ll , dele tio n and !1 lOdifi cJtion programs :lnd co urses, :lS well as Tcvisiom o f relevant regllbtiollS. or Page 1/ 2 ~ ( '\\IIN fH" ~l It lJN I VEU~ I TY THINKING O~ THE \" ORLO Programs and Policies reviewed I. New calendar language for Second BA Degrees and Concurrent Degrees II. Student Success Program Amendment to the Undergraduate Academic and Standing Continuance Policy Ill. Closure of the Canadian Studies Program IV. Deletion of Management and Technology Concentration V. Broad-based admission pilot "50 Exceptions for 50 Exceptional Students" 10 Business Administration VI. Letters of Pemussion - new policy VII. Changes to the Grades and Explanations of Grades/Notatiom sections in the SFU calendar. New prolm'ms approved and recomlllended: I. Early Learning Specialization II. Management ofInnovation Concentration III. Exercise and Nutrition in Health and Disease Concentration IV. Certificate in Cultural Resource Management V. Certificate in Mrican Studies VI. Certificate in Police Studies Curriculum Changes Approved New Courses 70 Note: tIIl/llber.~ are appmximatt' Courses deleted 32 Courses chan ed 236 SCUS also received the 2006-2008 Report from the Conullittee for the Review of University Admission. SCUS members during 2008-2009 were: B. Krane. Chair (Associate Vice-President. Academic) H. Arsenault-Antolick. C. Chiu. Undergraduate Student at Large A. BeaJe. O. Underhill, Faculty of Co nununi cation. Art and Technology P. Budra. Arts and Social Sciences C. Collins. Business Administration K. Corbett. Health Sciences M. Crouch. N. Gick. Library (University Librarian designate) S. Dench. Director. University Curriculum K. Harding, Student Senator J. Hinchliffe. Secretary and Assistant Registrar J. Jones, F. Popowich. Applied Science M. Kiai. Student Services (Registrar designate) D. Knowler, Faculty ofEnvironlllent R. Mathewes. Science D. Paterson. Education R. Balletta. Recording Secretary Page 2/2 S 1:\\ () l" 1'11:\ SEll ll:-': 1\' EllS \ rY T H INK IN G 0 f THE W 0 R L 0