6PAGES,N0, 20 SER IES VIII , VOL. 12 Schwarzkopf Will Present Opera Recital On Monday 1 •• ·:~J~:·.~:·~~~ s:.·~:~~~~~;.~r' 3 :~i ,,,..,...,, • ,.·,nJI \1 unJJ) u~hl , \!Jr •h tu J•t••tl•>f l lll•;l rl > J>H.l , ,.,,,,.., S..·ri··• rr<~t:~Jill In lh·r I'"' ''''''"'"'"'""' "'11 rh,· \IJm \lmklm l ··~lif<ITIIIIII " h..... ····~~'' \1111 bo.· un "'"' . l.h.n,·.~t .... l.·•.,.•lllwJI ''"' l ' "'"''"'l (',·nh'l """"llJtl•\11 •••.• ~ s•. ,... , .......·t ... JJ.~ !",oh,ou '"'' •1'~•••1 IJh'• I•>' ~ IH'U h> JI<'J ho~h ,,•h<.. >l •IU•kllh ll~l ,tu,knl••'lllt;;~lll J>I III >IIJn ••• "' ' I' lh•'" 1<1<'111111.-Jli"II•Jhl K.llhJ"'•>•hiiiiJ'J!l"IJIIJJ • I J ~·· 1'•'1 I,,< Ill<' r. 11 1 ' ' "' I) "'11 ~.h"•"~"l'' ' • ""' 1" ''''''~"·rul .. ,..... r.lll• .... ~.,••. , ... ," .... Jl th•· lkrlm ''"' Op,·r• mh>'< IIJIII>' ,;,'IIUJU) lkhl<•' '''"IJ •h•· '"·" ~''' h.·r fmt l~·,l,•r "'"'IJI Ill ll<'ll11J Jll>l I•) lho• I on~· lhJI n.c,·,t ~·""'' pri!UIIII>'II"' ! IIIPII~h•>ul I 111"1"' Sr,·Hn• n~ ,~: !~; ~~~~f:.mbly or ~.i~~~:~~: '!:~r~!~., 10 '"" ~;:·:.·;;~) 1 ·':~"'b~.~~~'!,':;~; u~;~~~. ~~:~t1o..,c~~n~~~k~~!·~rgi~! Th e Tt.f.,.~t~~~~lunddept•·• !~~~·.~;;~!at ~:~t\~,:~'.'~~~: 2~~~~: l'oin l L""e""g'"·.;s. .,.1 .a...t. . u,,.r,e "p. . . o. . ,,n. . d. ,.e,rs !~J,;\!::':~.~{~;~~~. 1x.:_::: Anti-Disruption Bills Jt'l"'ar~•,.,~ . sl"' "'' ill f.-J h n•· ~ '~""l'kl•' J'IO~r~m of G••rm~n ~~~ ""'~~ S!l~un. Wolf. Tho.• ""'h of ll111o Wo lf~"' II) Sdoum~nn ~ml s~llub,·tt. lh·r~ I•,· h~t United Council Pass Black Resolutions . . ll~r fa•·ollt•·~. tr.;~f~:l~:~~r~f~~;;!~ 1hr and ~fr,·r >llijtin,_ a (""'I' kh' I''"'' auo of IIi~ ~::;:·:~:.~:~~::~<~h~f"' )'n1b Tnn•·s "~h» Sd'""a!f~orf r.·min•kd '""' !hat Wulf "~ ; ~"'"' ' '" "~ ""''•"thanJ Ullfllalln iM ... t hd '"'" IJ "'"'"'ntrac.· ,.,,,•• lr a•u~ m • ''""' fomrJ'~ than ,..,ukl ull«'l>"h0U)I'd larJ:<'rfolluS Jml ••no•lltiOu• fur •..,~. and the I ;<'IUIJII•Ilmn "'l'fJnu (011\<')"<'J th•· h'U>I"'" of ' "''"" lu~hl )' f hJf ~···l hllk ........... ith un•·ff>ll~ l'•"f•·•'l' t iun ." l'au1 PIC(Qied Om· re $o lu u on' Wrll' by ' lu.le ntsof th•· rC'5nlulinn ur~~~ , Ilk' , ""' II . : :~.':?~.. \_·~·~ ,b'.. !;~f ~~: •• ~~~~ '""n'" , .to.· ...., J>J>IIIio'l St..· h•• •···,·n "" ' 1h"'I"''"S•hw•o Aorfoff,·r"'l J '""t II'<'>Ul IIIli nul},,, ... " '"'"'"""'""' ~"''' ........ . . . , .UI ~ thr""~h "11 It ""'""' I h,· "'I''·""' ,,..,,,..·m ''"' 1,.,., '"'"'"llh>' IIIII<'>I!'>IJI•'''"'"' "'"""~ '" 1111' '"'""') 111 I •>~ I Jn.l 11~1~111 ~ h>'l ln•l •l'I'•'JI,oll"' 111 1 •rn··~,.· IIJII Sho• hJ• ,I,•I•Uh'>l "lfll ll>'JII) J\1 "' ' ""'"••'• I.-John~ o•holh•'""""r ,.,, .... ,u •• ,J,,,., lln<>u~h 11111 JU\1 J "' >Ill~ . "'"~ · aud 11 1..-n 1 111• 11• " • "'"'~ ,Loalu~u•• '" •JIU'>Ituii.<II.I J II"I<'I , Ih<'h'J II' t"" "' 1111•"•'fl'l'l) !'•''"''''111111, '"'~~~~~ Slw fOLio>"' I'H'l) 1\IIJIIII' , ho•t IJ .. UI >'\1'"'>'11111 JI"J)• ""'tl) '' 'I"''''"'' •" <'\tf~llhiiiiJf~ J!l ''' " \ I "' Sdi\\JII~t>pl hJ• <.111l .. .,,.,,,,,.... ,, ..,,.......... ,...,.. h•••J""' "h" '""~'--' Jt•' ·" ' I"'JIIIilllll) ""''''' ' ""') ,., .. ,. ·'"'I '''"'I'•''""'''"''' t:,·om•n .............. h.·"'""''"'"''"'" Jll '''~"n" "huk lh•'l ••"""' t"· JENNIFE R HYL AND (oigh tl f'•p•!'nrcl hf'• joy ot bf';"<;l nruned hl<u S•rven~ Pain! or 1969 Mon Kothleen Nego•cl 11!''1) rhe 1968 M ou Sre~en~ Poonr l>lote~ lhe ttown on M •u Hylonti ~ heocl IBob Holrlen Pl1 otol "''I'JIJI>'<I 1\ Uhuul ~l<'al ko ... \11" ~,h.,JII~OI'I hJ• !1111~ hd,l lh<' (Ill<' t>l AU,(IIJII ).;J ntnii"!-..H~fllll Jlhl lh•· fn•l (~""''"'' U<l'"~ '" l r or h"'' ::·:.:~::::~:.:.::~;;,:q~·~: . ;~::,;:; "a' "•"''"' '" CM Sponsors l;~~:a~~~~~:~:~::;;/a~.:~·!:·£~~~~ ~;.~:;:~t~;:·;,f.·:~~:~~::·:~;;;.'i, ~;:,~:.:~ Jen n a·fe r Hy Iand Selected UFour Courses On Marriage :;;(·i::~~;:::::::;:::·,£·~~:.:~:: 1nL9 M·ass Stevens Po·ant 1 111'fi'Jh'hf•·.,hc o~ll!> ~ Point Blank '"'"" WJII<'I 11<'1 I>)' llw 1..1<' .... ,~~lllnl ""'' "'"' 01 l,~c . r .. und.·• l'llllh~f iiMI 111~ { ..,;r,· of tl"' u f lnndon' • Ot,h;'>tra Jlld """'~ State's Financial Problems Affect Point Campus '""'ndn~~: nl ," t.: r.·m l'k-s.:. id ," l s I h:i t Iliff( i~ UtOi r !I lO ney ie' l asidt f01 boo k pU IChUt.'S i han thai$C' I nio.kforsurrtit-s. " ,\ nd OUI Mat<· k-«islators f~ l 11Q r thr hhr.oryc3 n ...,ol'fn tr d ~ Pointer Dea dl I·ne Is Sunday All I'•~~ o cka~s and nc,.·s arl kb m u st~ in !hr l'oi ntcr o fficr by If p.m. o n S und ~ y u cninJ t o in ~urc publi~;~tio n . Ex t'L' pl io nsw ill tM." mao.l fo nl y i n cx l tc nltdrC"UtllliU n~ . J,'""'"'' .,,..,, ·"'" l. }nn ll}IJthl .~ '"'~"'"' ur 11011111 , \I J) IIJIII<'II " \ Jo<, Library Funds Cut Hr Kon lluban ("" "'"" ' ...:,,.,.,,,... >t~t·· fo,~l ,.,.,, .. ·~Ju •t ho:gmnm~ ru ~tl•'d 1h,• ~tf>fn• 1'<11111 ,-J"'I'"' on ~• ~·•" thf<'<' "J)>, hul th~ ,•fl1·,t• ••I th.· I'<Ohku1 ,.-111 ptoh~hl~ ,.,.. ""'"' ,..,,~,-,, in th1· "''~I ,,.., )<'JI > "'""1111~ tn ( ~ . M JollltS<>n , 1111• .-~'"1'"~ htlll~ot ~nal) >1. (,,.,.,,. """ '''"'' <•n "<>n•· · half>···~r of ••I'll~ I '"~'"'"'"'"' · fntJn<"•' for ., 11 ,.._.1 ·•••••· ~~~•·d ~nd "~" •·ouph•)n"'" ' " l hr r,..,.". no h>llj!fl • If,.,,. >tud<'lll ~ll,.tat 1 on o~JIIU.>Ik>n~. ho,.ncr n ..· .-n.c rm.·nl of tho~ fr .....·tc Uuc tu th•'""''' o.lffk u huh n • WS l '·Sh·•·cru l'oont alone of il~ ,..,.J~~:.t J")lnl~. l h•· libra r)'. lk Frcdcu•h "'''mrl•· . lk·an of l. otH3f) Scien,·c, • •·por lt'\1 "h'' ' "''~'" S6,000 aoll.l 57 ,000 in ··~rital t.'<lllil'""'nt ~nd Sf>O,OOO "ollh ur b<~k onl~rs fo t l h..h~n,yh,.· ,·h•·c n hekl up." Kt c11ork· .,-,· nt on tos;,r tha t " t he re 1~ a hotl in l hf Ma l e kJI•Iat urr now who~ll . if 1'3!.><'d, "'II tal•· Sl.OO.OOO frum t it{" lil>tal )'boo l.fund ." l hisbiii,IIS!>.'IIIbl )' ~ilt 7 1 -A. w~tol~rutly mnn t to13l:c l h<• IIIOIIC)' fr omfunUs''' l asidf for •upl'lk~ a o11l con t rac ru r.o l $<'~,...,·~ fot th•· hl11ary, bur an an~lllln~ m 10 il l'rovidc$ f01 tM fiiOfiCY 10 '-"0111<.' from th<' book fund mi>l•'ad . '' Th r t\'uo n f o r ! h is ··· cen t !)· \\ Uhoul moowy fur Jddotional hno~$ . 1•ut 11 an't .,. "r•·rah.'\1 " '>l houl monfy s.·t •si.l•· for ~"1'1' 1 "'' ~nd '"-~"il'"'ent tq>aor.," I h•· ff,·~lc on "~"· ··mc•lo)n11·n1 not onl)' means l h•l no,,.,.. <'llll'lo)~•·~ a"" to~~· htH'\1 , hul a lloO il m•·~ n• " "' ' of ·""'""'""' >tU>I~. the Unhwsi!)' fa nn" I hit•' an) om· as a r.· rolJ,.,.,,.. .,t. hul l hn•· wi ll bo.· n" Ia \' of f ~ '" rr.·s.·nr ··mrolo)·oncn t . 'I he car u al '"~'"l'lllflll ho:IJ uro mdudt.·sa ny ,)c•l:~ . chJus, motor whock.•. 01 Jll)'thmt of a l"' ' "'""''" t IIJ t \Jil' . II'S I I s,,.,,·n• ~ll' \"<'n' l'nnlll11! I'I(,>J"mti"'JIIIIIIJI J'~~<' JIII Jl l '~., · ll t ll 1~h Sdooul S11noiJ) <'H' IIII1~ .11>•1 II ) IJII>L, tli~~IIJIIll"•l " h•ll) ." "1111· •l•uthh·r ul Mo Jn,J ~~~ ~ Juhn 11) bo~l . : .lOU ~bio1 St Sill' h~s n11w """ th·· 11 ~ hl IU t•nf<"l till' " MM ,,JF<aRt w,,.,.. ,., .... 'I h•· "M1~ .~ " .,.,.,,.,., _ a WSII , "''~"·"111l· r th~ l'•t•K "'~¥""1J: Kolhko•n :"\'l'y..JIII Suun hJn Ou•"IIJ<'I of H<oolflfkl " a ~ ~·kcr~.t ~~ fn>t '"""'''""I' s~''""l runncH•J• d!<'flka,l<'l ~ r""" ~I rr..... <IU'"'"-~"'-' ~;:,~hfo~L~.r ft,irj-r~~;,:.~.upL.~~~ Hnllmf H•·th 1 )~11;1, MIIIOI'\IUJ , " 'aS J ot and fourth Mall<' Sh~;nhkf, l.uck All an· ~lud,·n" al WSU-S I <'>"f"~ l'oonl . D~t kn•· ~ n~·· Ous/u11an . dau1111n of Mr . ~ntl ~~~ ~ t'lar~"'"' llushm3n , I SSo l 'hut(h Sl , w~s oum.· ,J "Min <:nnFCrnahl y" hy 1111' o1h~r cun l >'nl~nts . f hc ",\11n ""'"'''·"I' <"o>lll"l'llt.ohl} " tfUJ>h) 1> 1'1•'"'111 >'>11<>1111'n>I1I<'>IJIII"h'' ,,,,.,,,... ,........, ,,..,,,,,hdpllll. """"'""' .n od I """Fh II ul" I•~ llk·• •t hn• In !In· 1alr11l """1'•'1111""· "'"'"'' " '1"•'"'"'"1 (0 ,,,.,~,·nt u t lh•· I~""'' tn t h•· .·un l•·•t. "'" I I~· IJII>I ,t,,l Jll lllh·rpll'l "'' >LJII•'I' "' • ,, • .,.,.,,., Sh•· ,ton•,.··l 111'1 )1' 11 ~~~ hol>l.,·d ·l•l!ll' J<'Jn• . J i>Lt111 '""' Jml -'"~" h~l f1•1 I h·· ,.,,,.,. \to.- H.,,· ., ~ ··• ......... ,, '"'"· pl~~···d • .. r"'"' w,.,.,.,,,.,, l •·y "'"!: "~'~"~~,, ""'~"·' ('un,·~ttn Nu , I "' II Ilona ,.. flal '"JJ•" · M>'-< "Sunn)'. " ~l o<s .., t,·d 0"' I'O>'III."' I h•• I J>t ll )'lllll ,"Ond M 1<~ Sh.:.ml>l,·~ l'i:t>···ol l h•• l'lli iJr >ntl _<o;IIIF "1\' h,·u I Hni i'J m~ '" Th"\.Johl " l h·· '"'" '\1 "5 s ........, l'n1111" "'II fi'Cft...- a SJOO >dtul.t<>ln c•. a "~hlful••·. •n ··~1'''""'-'·J'~"' 11>1' ' " I lK' "\!"> I'J~··anl J>hl w,.,.,,,""'" lull>l)hlll' l lll'lll•l>uun ,· rupo•·•·•·""'a S IOO ,,hnl.to>h>l' :111o lth•· ••ffo,t.o l l'~i>'JIII lr> li•h ) "hll'h "·" ~11>"11 '"'"''''' "''''""''l•">!Jnha1nll t' "''llh J ,.,,.,~ I n•<•~ J!HI o>lll(l,ll " \ 11" ''""'''"J"cl wnthr•····l,• l \l c•lh''~ " ' ,,...... .., ...... '"' , .... .tth an iiiiJII'~•·JIII "a•llarh•<J Hur~ l!;ou~h . " Mo~S ll't ..·on'>n· · Ill 1'11>7 ~1MI ""'fO<ki 11111111"1 ·111' >11 tlu· ""'"' ,, ,,.•.,.,. .. rJl'~~nr. l•ni<'IIJIIIIIII'II I ..-~~ rw•·itJ,·,I h)• t h~ flll"'lll "Mossii' IS.'On.,.n ." ~~ ~1> 1 )' n IJ rJhm SI<'a<ll uf ~ Jc•kl s Sl"· ""'"' '' ll t>lll')' Hun '' from Suulh I'J of,.·.ll"' lak'nl whkh""" h<'l llw"Mo!o'iWis.-U!>III"(t<l\\11 l h< l•al'rlllllh>'lllc,"ll'od I' ro ll )'." "3~ carro.·,J mol in till' ""''""'~ """'"''' ''"'~ h) llll' <'<1111>'1'1anl> Mu•k "J·' l" '"id,·d h)' t h~ l)on n ........... un'11l'~lfJ l "n l kl\1' 111~ th<' <~I ..) IIJIH>fl :0 " ''-''1'11<>11 fur th·· •~>II I <'.>IJIII< waslll'IJUIIIk' I'J•'<' Ih,.,(,•l••ua . Th•· 1!"""''"1 t 'h.. sti~n \IU\'~111~111 I~ ~!'llll'iOUilj: J II'IU'> uf I II I l'l · l' ~llh lllJHia~·· l'h' l''"" '" '" ............., .......b) <'WIIIII~> Jl I! 111 !Ill' l0Jt1JII>I lh'""' Jl th•· UntHr~ol) 1 <'llt.·r l nno~hl. J 1.:.·c11"' "" '"'' k~JI J'l'<"<'l ' <>t fiMIIIJ~f. "1\'hj \h"l II III'JII.t 1>':1\<'lkt."">tll"' ~'"' " h) 1; ,.,~L.J O'lholn , J Slt'I"CII>I'omlalhllll•') Mat 1.1, IJJ•·iJ l '"b.·r. t lw WSU 1\•un ...·l u o~ l:o·nt•·r. ··••ndud J IJI~ "" lht• r>)<' hUk'f.k~ l J'l""•'' and alltltllks, "ll'hJtt.lkhn~<lll" l'uc ." l•dJnoi Oulf ).; llff ."huha\'t' ),..,. ., •n•·ol"''l 111 m:una~,· ""m tnao~ fur man) )<'JtS Jrkl ar~ t hff'.Jf•·nl <of<•· •·••n,·hikiH·n,,. oll 1liSfUS$ hu\1' lu h>"<' )'0111 111J f ii3~C, " \\'1111'. ll.IIM'S Jllll h •ast".<ln ,\ bt ~0. 'I h•· ,..,,..~ n( '""'""~ "'II '"m·lu•l•· ~ I Jr :7 "uh l>r . ,\ nd"'"' I.11~JS. J 1\'tif<.>n., n Karkh ph)'"~"' "· 1<'(1111111~ on , ,,.. m.-.1 ..-•1 J'P•'"'~ ,,r '"all ~>~·· 111. "1\'ho Sa)'> s.·, " I) ,·J•I~·· :::n 11 ws:'~~~ !.~~~~u 3 f~o~? w;,..,., ro""'"'"'"· I he ~~c~i~~;~~~~i!bcs~~·~·. •.:~~ 1 ~~::.FL~l~~~~-;:~·!\~ ,.:~ to Wh it e ll ~ tl Hi,: b School fo t a n 8 ro.m. ll"'rfo r mancc. The fin3 1 !illow wi ll be ano lher 2 p.m nut inec a ! Galc :Em icl: Hi&ll Sc hool i" G.alcsv1 lk' to wh k ll llo lrrH: n st ud;.• nr s have b« n ollu.JIInn" ~~~~ Call )41 -1251 \'o'ha! is ohr soli13f)' , boick Sue Schuo itlt 1 "~ II 111 Sl. \ l idoaol'• I'~'~" '~ lo> ""·d fur~ Kll·IIJr.l l.an<on~. 00)1'11•1 ~dn"""''Jtnr . >IJII'.! rh~t th•· hoo.~ ,.,,lt .,.r...:-d '"'" pUfJ"'"'' Font. 1!1<· .,:,,,., •lr•m' '""" llh· """h"'''" ,·mncr of St . Mi rh~~ rs 1'-'r~m~ h>t h> 111,- "'"'" .·n,L .,( lh•· rJ> ~> nr lot Th•· "'"~ ' lh~n JrJin• from Ilk' ><hllh , ,, oh,• ,.J,I ,..,,t ul lht l'arkmt: k•l 111>1 <'1111'1i•·• onlo '" o. IJr~·· '""'" ><'"''''· lhn,· ,, J ''· fool d tOJ>mck valionft<Jn>ndrth"<'•! to •o mh rlll'f~ I S~ >tlflk~nhookr I"OIU Jl 1111' > 'dllll'l \\hl'l<'tll<' ~~~ll'l IU/ILI frnuo :;outh '" •·a~l lhu <, th•· olramm~ "~""' h•ll!n I••· '""'"'''! 3\\J) from ,,,.. hoikr ltltllll Jlltl ·' "") r. ..... ~ ···~·""~ ,,.,,,....... ,.••, nf , ..,. bml•·• H)OIII Math•·• th~n lunn~ • •HIIpl.· "'""'1,·,1 I'Jt~on~ lot dt'<'rliiiG tl1<· "~"'' l"~l t""" lh•· l•<llkt ''"'"' 1111· Jt.-1111<'<'1 ,.,,.f,·n.·J to huokl3 •phi ,,•.,.1 r~•~"'~' lor ~ I'"'' of 1he "'"~•·n ''"'"'' '"""'· 'I h,· af,· hotccl abo fi~m···l t h~ l a b r~ c~ ... , ll ,.uut.J ~o ,,..,,,., wi l h a~rohl k•·r t rarkin~ lui tl"'n "outdastlllf•kuilml' ,,,.,,,.J Tlm t y-thrtt o f Wosron~in') ..t06 ~~~~~ !••." h<Xlls ll'\jUCSicJ " "' Srn,•n,ru inl .tramadc roar l nocnl IOiifiOil'i()ISho"'-si nllo.:ir honl<.' I own s. N,• ~ I ~car, I he ' depulfno.· nl p l a11 ~ 10 taL c mo re ~ n o.l lo ntc l t o 111~ t hH>u~h Wiscon5i n. Th ~ u..-ct i r~ ca .r ""~ ''' t h;,· dir er l i o n o f Il l . S ddo n THE WA LL of Sr. M ichoel' s Hospolol , \'o'hy do • tudon h rtcc i•·o u nl)' I ~ un l of JS ,..,,,.,in ''Olin~ fu r t he Ex cellon« in Teach in~ .\" a<d7Uun't lh c•h Kirntsknu" moroabon c a lc:td>t l 'la hilil y lhan •n)·unod,..! 1;ordou !bf,•rlll'"kfr . •••·•··prf»Jfnl <Jfa<J>I,' nllfJffJih,.:t i.lthJI tlw nnmh•'r of sl u<knl s ,.,,,,n~ ,·ou~l h•· ,han~··•l h) the lt ;\ I'TS Comnutl~e tf th~y ,·)lo,.· I•• >Ill !oO . rtw ""~inal f1UIIIbt•r u f nu.lcn! •·olrU"'Js•h : thfmlln!"''"~''"•'h'J"'''l!ot"''l'con l'lt>7 ShouiJ lhr >IU>icnl S fJ>or a diJIIF 111 tho numb~r of >ludcnt voters, the l'llll'tl rr o~NU"'"Oukth•·l u(onl:.<llhi'SI~t~kn t S.,na 1 ~ $0 Th.:il the Sen3ll' rouiJ 1<'\IUO>I Ilk' lt ,\('JS <'OIIIIIIiH~C 10 on~r.· 1 ~ 1ho number of •·ut~f) Fa u iLnc r ,,· ha ir ma n ofl il< ~n ma Jeparl noc nt antldcs~r/ !•·~ hn i· cal dill'"'o' JuKrh l'oc. ,.·i ll hr l ~tro n sib lo: fo r l3kinl t hr K r nc ryt.low ll ,loa,l iUJ. t hc t r ue ~ " 'ilh 311 oflh•· l'ar.tp ll<!nali;, roune~led "ith st~J: > IIJ: t h~ pl.ly, un lo:ldi...,.Kui nF-orand fi nall)' l't•form int- ~ntl rci'('Uilll lh ls cyck t lu .-c t ime, , Ill. l'aulk m'l sai~ " a)l ho"'h a 1!-IU I dn l o.> f,.·otk is in VQ IYni, t il< Univcrsil y Thu ln: l'ft so nnd hr licYr I IW nlu ~;~ t ioN I and ~ n l c rh i n m cn t va l un far o ut"'cif; h t he lro ubk-s. ~bny of l h~ hil: h $C hool sludcnl s '" hou-e l hc pb y will 1M: upo,..d 10 t hca u c fo r the firs! li me : fo1 SOII"',i i Ht;tyJ iklhr l ..... last , " kG•~I~ture , l nlho'll<'arfutllr.· . th··•··"•ll ..., a !i\\1<1~111~ pic I""""~ rh,• hookr room to 1ho hll~~ "~11 only c~ 1Ui11 I'<"OI'Ir "'II t..· ~,Jmillfd h.:)'un.l !hi> t><>int llh' ardlll~l·t fdl th~l <'I'<II ll1<>11~h J sillll'k r~thn~ •'tlUIJ .lu J>!'<~"l • joh of divid1111 th~ I'~'~'"~ lot u 111~ h.,,·k .. ~u "'""~<~. ,,,.. ... u would cr~al o ~~~ ~ ll i>ll•' llh'"'''" thai lh~ brkk ..-~II "~• ,..,.,,,...,,,. 'Royal Hunt' Opens In Main Auditorium s. ,.,,. 1),.,.,.,.,, ,.( "'II Runs Through Saturday . . I II< dr~mJ •k ro ~ rl llll'n l 's ftrst I' ll )' o f ! Ill' .St'meSI ~t. " Th r Ko)·~ l Hunt uf l h•· Sun," is no ,.· bdO£ l"' ffOrmed 11 i1-h tl y 1hroug h S:uunby a1 in t he Main Auditorium. " Moya l Hu nl of I he Sun" is th e u ory of 1hr Sra nis h ~xro.'di l io n lo ! he ~ ntl of t h~ l ncas ~ nd fu lutn t hree k:tdi nF ICIOU, MH f'u~ai n is, .\t osi n«, U l'iu rro : Micllad IIU I'fr, Sl ne ns l' oin l . ·~ A l ~hua llr~ : 3tod Ternan« Md:.,.·c rn, Sa raso ta, F b .. as M3rtin Kuit-. T he cut of t he ro t.J y · -ill br on tour Ma r. 1 1-14 1ocnl r ruin in ~~~~~I~f~~··~.:~:::~:~;:~~~~;i-~··~:;·~~~·~~~~~·~.s~:.::~E~~~ MIICE HARPEl (rig ht) ploys the sove<eign lnco o( Peru ond Bruce Prt:~lz (left) is the cht:~ploin for the Spanish ronque$1 ttoops '" •he ploy, "Royal Hunt of the Sun." being slt:~ged ol 8 nightly thoough Solurdoy io !he M oin Building oudi· loflum .• (Jim Pierson PholoJ 11 " '35 'iUIQ;<'Sh'\1 b~ II"" rh'Olld\'tll> of o!lwr in$1iluliot1S ! hi t rocrnl ~ lumn o i'<" )l"k•h·d ~s•nlcn u ,... rtohk.-m \\llhalumnivolotli "''OUIJ hr Ill>! l h,·y " 'oulll nol bt- in t ou~ h "'·ith nc" l•'>chcr5 and roulo.l on!)• •·nt~ fo11h1.' tn•·hcu I he) lud " 'lllk on s.;hool. IIOwovrr. an alumni •·ot•· """IJ h,· a~ t-:t111at:~ous beca use ! hey had ~lr•·ad)' 'l'fnl four )'fats~~ I he m ititullun ~ntl rould look Nck 31 t htir ••·aci!Cis will! a mor.· III~IUI\' J"'U~cli•·o , On"' ou1 of ~chou!,~~~ okl l<'~d~<·r m~y ._.,., 111011' ur lt'l'S 3pprcdalrd I ha n ht wu whik t he alumn o .,.~,.. olill in ~douol. ..... ,, Moirch6,1969 THE POINTER Page2 "The good or ill of man lie• within hi• own wilL" -Epiclelus P 0 D·l U M · Letters Ufliid r!Afllllii 7 WuJ "Jol£ ~ Wofie t• " Po ,,. ~ ., "' "" """ .." The United Council of student governments of tho state universities took 11n important alep !orward in their bid for relevance as t he voice of 58,000 Jtudents in the sUite system. At the United Council meeting in La Cro6se Jut week· end a series of resolution• on minorities and especially the Black stUI!entwerejJIII!8ed. (See atorypagel) The resolutions were submitted by a minority seminu · whose delegates con~isted mainly of Black atudenta aa well as olher minorities. We think that it is extremely importa nt that the mi· I norities ha\'C shown a willingness• to work through "the System.'' And we think it is abo extremely important that the United Council look initiath·e in selling up the minority scmin:~r, and then responded so wiUingly to the seminar'a requests. Now it is important that the 1tudent governments on e:~ch of the s lAte univers.ity campuses begin to implement the United Council's actions. We urge the atudent Senate at S tevens Point to tAke the lead. The Editorial Board Ace Should Stop Formal Sunday Meal By Mikt Domlno,.·lkl r~tn~rhblc I hi~ h~pprn~d th•• u th••t d~)". P4« 11i lligh School h~d ju~l ~uncd 1 spot in th~ st~tf C~ tholk hil;h Khool b~skrt b~ll tot.nn~mtnts for tht ~"'n.l tin..: in its history. N~turall)', nun)' o r th~ &irb f1on• Ma1U lli1h School w~nted I O~II~nd this hi&f\"fRt ~ A~~ ll ous cmp loys a sulf>li$in,g nun•~• o fMarUcirls ,\ lk'r~ ro,tt.cSunda)· noon lit-<~o..·n ~~~~~1rho~~~,.,~~ls1;r~e ::r~;:~ to ,.·orkinhvOl o f attendin&the ~~nw would ~ in danp:r of kuin1thfirjobs. lkt~ils or th~ unfortunate 5i tu ation rtached til e I'O""fiS·th<lt-be. t hat iii. the Ace llo~h n~an.:~acmrnl and the WSU adminhtration. T hen th~ imtiOMibkhapprMd-the)'IJI«d two ho uri nrr)' Sunday. Thrs !.I:'CIHS likf ~n inordinattly ilfgt" and unntcclil'.lry CXPfnK for10 frivolous a K rvln. This istos.a)" nothinl o r thr addr-d book wo rk whi ch ICCOOIJII niCS the trmponory hirintt or a l.:llgt" numbrrofcmployus. The PfOplc chuP'd ..,·ith man11intt t he dinner admit t hat thesil-do,.·nformat c:minwith it a plcl hon of problems noc r ncountnrd in t he. dati)' WSU.SJEVENS POINT ·~ fomous for mony various lllingli Bur pe1hopt our unJ. versity i~ moll nored for ih imoginotive Ulie of brick. Tt1e new fieldhou~ pictured obove is 1111! most r«ent example of whot con be done witt1 ugly bricks if one puts one·~ mind to it . :~!~~r£~~~~::t~~~~~ ~ (> Viewpoint .• ,;· to arrive in 1roups or four or li~ If they wisll to be ~~:ate<.! immo:-diatdy. They ' have no choi« of where thf)' will sit. Stattik Student Dissents on Dissents Snvictisoflcn slow an.lpl~uo:-d with uncxpbin~d ddays. Many studtnts. rather t han ~ndute the ard uous t nlr:.ofutin& the noon to,i•·etlk'~iflstlledayofr! Who m~~l. d thcr visit t he: loa: ~ys t he e~ab lishment doesn't hamburger $li nd or ~kip the hl\"fiSOUt' event cntird)·. All in all, t he Till: compromix wu simple prt!Cnt formal of t he. Sunday enuu,h. lhc Unittnit y ..·aiv..-.1 noonmulisa diHicuhthin&to till' ~ontnct amlaUowrd Ace to ju!itify. ~ltrr the format of the m~al Stud~nu have. on suaal from Ike ril!orous poup Kltinl oc:usioM. pclitionc-d t he food and wailrns affair to the Sfn"i« and t he Univ~nity 10 sirn plu , ~ttry-day c:aftterU dlscontinue the!lt-downdinner. st yk. Ouuillc of t he fact that Th~ manaten~nt/adminKt,.t ion PHdli lost its tOUI!Uiment p«~ple arc loathe to acton ~~~mn. tht wc:d:.cnd wn wit hout f'(titioMbccau.e thfyareafraid an)·catadywnicoccu"en«S. oftheopcnin~t thcfloodguts fo• No"" only - on~ quution petitionsofalllr:.lnds. rr nuin, - why luvc lhr ~iHJown Tile but hopcforanyac:tion dinnrr al all! Tllis type of !.l:n"i« r<'<luirrs t\ Cf to nnlly trip~<: ih norm~! itaH. Dc:bot the Residtncc lhll Council and Ccnttr alo'"' adds 4 S Jirls f01 the Student Senate. :~c;~n:~ t.~c:'h!t.;'!fs~.n n~~~; 11/•lJ.i:f¥·1!1-<ft!.JI.,::bi~~·~ Letter Policy lliLllWuu •·tl«~mn l~uq-a to tht f<litor on •nr subjcct Lfuen should be submittfd t ypc.written,double-.pt.c:ed•nd limltc-dtolSO worch inlcnatll. Anonymous letttn " "Ill not be printfd. howun, narrws will be withheld for • 1ood and JufncicntrutOn. ~raerveathe riJhl to fdlt •II kue-n for. kn&th •nd lood tutr . The brkfn t he . BUT THE FIElDHOUSE is only one o f hundr~s e~omple~ o f britk orovnd compus. For nomple, the do~sroom cooler is 1he most imposing ~lrucluft on compus. Wt1y? B«ou~e o f Brick. Not that tt1e windowt in tt1e clonroom center ho.ve been kept down to o minimum so os not lo disturb 1t1e continuity o f tt1e br•ck. The Pointer reg1e ts thot it con1101 ollow more spoce to exhibit tt1e numerous other e•amplet of b rick oround compus. But just turn oround, you're bound to see a brick woll. (All photos by Mike Oomir10wski) ASSO("i.atcd Women's Students willsponiiOr the annual so1111ft st onSunday, Mu. JO,from2p.m. to6p.rn. in thc:Wiscon$in Room oftlleUnivcnilyCtntcr. The title for this yur"s wn&fcst is "Thos: Wnc t hr lbys, 1894· 1930." Sonp from thatpniodareacoxptabk-. All organizations art elicible lo~rlicipate.Four l rophks wiU be awarded for thr hcst ovcnll r~rforn~ance. best =n's. best women"s and bcstc:ofd'spoup$' f'(rfornunc:u. Tht prollflrn is open to lhl' public and there is no admission durte. awardN the d istinction ufl••·•~·· lht oui~U ndingdd~ptron Jl tl ~s.emb ly. Our a,.·~rded dckpt<'s ,.,.... J\• this ho nOf <'~lh;•r l b• )"UI ~~ til~ f~ll1rn~ r il ~"-""l.tH< atl:auCbirc. kttn. the bettuitJchar~«~forpublkitlon. The Pointer lmpkmtnlalion Commtnlina aft~r Ilk' pass;~~~ o f variou1 resolutions N OI"'"""•I by theminoritY J.fOUP5<'ntuur. VC Prelidenl Bob RUUIU)S<"II fWS ~- Ri.,er Falls) s;~ill . ""I a rt:uoly hope t hatt hr f>C"OI'I•· who prepared lhC$C r~solution> ~nn frn01p~i::~ti~~ 1 th·::- :i~l~a~~ lhtir owncampu•u." . Wt lly Thiel, UnitOO Coun•' tl t~~~~~Jn~j~~n ~:11::~~::. 1'~~: Sc:hiibn&. Kuni Iwata l'hn~ Flood_ 'ltnd Candy Mfdd ~~ ho.·in~ UpcC~ally outstandina n... mb•·n of his dekplion 10 Grnr rJI A•mbly. AI relations direclor. Thid c:ho~e dclc,atcs from t his c:ampu to tttcnd the various umlnus tnd ltandin& commillers. Thiel Akl, " 1 wu very lupp)" to~~:e ut( UC) tske up the istue of !f~lnorii)'J.f"OUPion c:arnpuws. 'ti~~~~ .:bje•~...•ppropriate anJ The nut aener~l as:scmbl)' o~~.held laterthis )"farat ,.,., March&, 1969 CQ~SENT OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN lhtreby rive myconlfntfllr- Bloodmobile Will Make Second Visit To Campus ' ......,...i.Addrtul . to donat.e blood throuah the American .on, WiKOnlln. The RN l 'russ Hloodnrobik, 5t>onwrcJ by A trhal'lliOm~ will too' m.:l l,;illl iu SC'oond 5t'nlntcr •·hit to th<"o:<rmpuson ~tar IIH 9. T~ boon for this •·bit -..·ill bt- (ronr 10 :00-4:00 o f th<" quota wu tak<"n, lh<' quota or 300 wu sutpa!$d by l1Splnts,or 28'.". Donat in& blood is one of t he most &cnnous acts t hat can be done, and its raults far surpass r.rn. rnthr \\'ri&htl.oun.ceof t~ t he snr.all amount o f time Unl\'fflii)' CtniCI, IJ'<'nt. New donors ar<"always l).u•· 10 lh<' l.uJ<" amount o f necled . l fyou havt",orhavenot '"''''~~• sho-..·n o n the SC'cond donatedbefor<", lrytuenoouD&e •h)' of lut s..muur's a friud toromeallo. hl.)oJmobik', dunn& which 2/l T,.vdin& plaques wiU aaain be .•~arded t o th<" top parlletranu In the four CII<'&Orirl,uttn'sha\ls, ..·o mcn's halb. fraternities and 10ro ril its The winnc:rs tart SC'ml'llcr wcr~ Thcla Phi Alpha. Dflta Si&ma Phi. llycr l bU and Steiner 1/aU. For !hose under 2 1 (unkss married or a member o f t he Armed Forcoes). aconSC'nlslipis required. Th<" pr inted form nu.y b~ cut out a~d SC'nl home for tr&naturc , wrth amrle time before a rr iva l o f rh e b loodmobile. ConSC'nl forms may abo be obtained al the Universiry Information de$k o r the main desk ofuch raid.."ncoe Aae: 21 to ~~~ yn: . R~ Crc>.., Rcrlon•t Dlood C..nttr, Madi· · Addfftl 18tp21""!uiret~rent.ll con~tnt unleu marrtf'<l or mcnrbf-r of Armed Foret"t Little Joe's Will Sponsor Drink Contest hall, To Oowo, Oo o<h~O. oowo•' · oo wo". He re 'ttome tnoppy thoes you con p rO('I•COIIy live In_ So 90. Anywhe•e . m oywh"' o .' " V.O P, io <Off« "'om k•d or budwood potentleorhtr. S IS the poir: b. "Ovot · in block or burlwood potent leother, S I 8 rhe pair, Mo !ching hondbogs $6 to $10 plus la x. if'!_ ~ • Shoe Solon 1101 Moin 51. " Put younelf in our 1hou " SEN.IORS! Orclei' Your Official Graduation Announcements Now! Deadline - !\'larch 8 Or . Wacbw W, Soro ka. prof~"'-'' of hi$tor)', hn.,.·rittcn thr~e chapters for t hf book. " I'Uhsh La-..· Tluoug.hour the ,\ gcs,"ro ~ poblishco.lwonb)' Stanfurd Uni•·cn rl)' l'r~ss. The book will be iuuc-d in the J'ublkatlons of t he lloo•"N l nsl itut ion on War R~•olut ion EMMONS UNIVERSITY STORE Anon from Boldwin and Pu~. Titles o f D r. Soroka'$ chapters arc " ll iuorinl Studies o f l'ob~h La-..·. Main l n.,titutiuns uf thf l'o lish l'rhate law, 1-100· 1771 and The La.,.. in thf l'o lh h La nds Duri n~ the l':rniHon l'~ril><i" The Char Zirbel Elected AWS President The ,\uo datcd Wom<:n . Studcnllrf«ntlybeldclfe'tionr. wrth Char Zirbel dce'tal u prc~dcnt . She sucecoeds Karen l.;Jmt rs, t wrcnl AWSprtsilltnt. Soc Grun and Junette Kelch wcre thcwinncrsin theelectioM for the positions of xcntary and treuurer respccti•·ely. NamW u I.A.W.S. Contact -..·as Pam Lindner wi th D~nc Nin ncn>;~n bcin& d ce1ed as publkily ehairnu.n . llcth llcrbcrr and l oa nrre Dobron were nama! u AWS .tcnalou to the St udcnt · Senue. As o ff-campus rcprcKnlativc M arc~ llodl will rcprt"Knt women who live off~mpus. Reprclt'ntin& t he various claSSC's will be Lorry Ahnunn u BRAT BARN "' Vh crc Somcthing~s Always Cooki ng"' Prcscnls: Thursday, ~larch 6th South Hwy. 5I Richards South C•ty Limits DRIVE IN ":!ketwtu,~. flw o1 ":!1te sfill, 1320Strongs 400 Used Books Added This week. THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE ADMISSION SOc Y u - We Hove Sthmidt Beer Book Sale Dail 12 Noon·5 p.m. COUPON SI'ECIAL WHAT· A-BURGEI, Rt9ulor 44c MARCH 6th and 7th ONLY 29c \Clip This Adl Fines! Qualily l.mrcsl .Pdccs in the P oint r~~?~:~. ~~if.~~~:~:r~~ p======:::;;:;:=::;=====~ Your new boyfriend has a new girlfriend? The, Wisconsin Telephone Company RECRUITING TEAM will be on campus March 13 SENIORS: CONTACTYOUR PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR APPOINTMENT rcprcsenlativc. We will interview men and women with majors in: • L IBERAL AFITS Think it OVeJi over coffee. TheThink Drink. AI htolor l'rice h.,-, Doy of tho Yoorl l'rofouJetMI!ty aoon.d ond DIINKINO EST.UUSHMENT ""'od 257 DIYIIIon St,.._. Aero.. From North l'eint Shopplne c.m... • SOCIAL sCr'eNCES • BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION • MATHEMATICS • • SCIENCE .JOURNALISM Wisconsin Telephone Company ' •neldlolhliMwiohl.. Sp~~• Iii\ ~ MMc:h6, 1969 HALL-A-DAYS .HOT FISH SHOP ByJWyBrockina ABC MATCH ES VAN H EUSEN"417 CLASSIC STRIPES IN CONTEMPOH!\HY COLOIIS NEALE HALL Miss Cheri McGrath wn votcd~WSjuniorrepresenL1 t ivc . She as 1 sophomo re fro m Ml.lwaukcc 1nd is•m-.!orin& in · prllllllrycducat lo n. Nule held a $olll.lln: dance with Smith lbll on Sunday, Mar. 2 in the Blue Roo m of the DcBot Center. The alkr wu Mr . Dcrdt . Sislu MupRl of Newman PJri!lh sprnt Sunday niJht at Nulr . She hu • deB-fer ln socioloJyandlaU:edwi th Kvera l &irl.son thrsubjrct of rad.at probl e m s • n d hmily nuna&cnxn l. ( l lclpin&sc niorc•tilcn5ofthc :,:~~n~~~~~•l"i~ir:n~.~~ )'~~~jc~:o~~· WSU-St ~•cnsl-'oint. It<' d•af'l•'• at St•·vc ns l'oin t host tloe c h:Jrt••• from N tlllaml rn March . •\ cl ivi tics ,.·It indutk a l>a!Okc t t>a ll pn~ fo I''<'<Jh)' tdh'Sh1UI'11U Mor><hy.Mar , .l , t hcr<'WU:IIl in OltiiJ I rush•·• vdth l>c~n l b cnl>o.:dcr ~•1<1 l>r . Gibson S!' ·al;in~ . Then •·n· ryo n,· 3d umcdtoth,• I\>!U IIJUS IO wit Dth Ztla MissSut· IWeh,..;us.-kctt-.1 as O.,ha Z<u"s 'Ill""" for t~ 1'h~ t"lndid~t" ROTC Bl ll. I)Z's held 3 roWUIIl~ ru~ h ,,. tu t•a Young Oems Will Host ~"""'' ··~dr h~ broth•·• ~ I ) ' at ,\shk)' un o ther ~ ttt•r h!:kl a dak l'ch , ~0. Obey Meet 1 h ~~~ l'oint ,..,11 llo st ~ ~~~::crat~;l~aolc•,:."• Sunday , Mar . \1 , ~~;~s ~~~;~~,;,:,:s 1 ;.~11 1111~!~~ r;~; rears. l"hc p !Ojlr:IUlS If~ Ill~~ ava•bhk to the sc ho-ol tluongh th•· In sti l utc of l.i fcli m~ L~armnJI . a n a uxiliary of Ill<' ,\ nt~•rkan ,\ swc~t io n of Retir ed l'(uons ud Na t iona l Rctirc 11 Tuchcn Assodation w hk h ha•c ~~~k:~.in cd mcmbc r~hip ofun.· ~~~E;~~~r~::·~~cj:;oi:~; The se ri es will be&in Thur~ay. ~br c h 6. at tO a.m. wi!h IlK ~howin1 ofa 20 minu te colo1 film, '"Raisi n Win~" on WSAU·TV in Wauuu . A loal co mnxn! ator will nuke an in trodu ction . for the next thirteen wfc ks. ,..;n r.cc • ~:~~~:·~~!~:"F:~~~I~:~:!~ ~Uit' •nd lon l lo:a<l•· r~ Yo lllll llen!t>(l~ll t W& oi\Jiln : THE BANIL WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU of t he Uubs of ~\.r~svxr:~i:;~~~~~r:~~:~1 aucnd Y·hptt'" ltlditoontorl!lm,slii!IM. P"IN"tntlypruud Y11quus'~ ot !10% rormrpolyuter so" tollM. York ~IM-donto!Lir. 7~1Ciflftelfll.l011&"5hll!llill. hclt•l~~!ofl<"» and indokncc Hill stl!d ynamics uuotho..-JioiJ(n ~~;'.'.."'1 !?~,!~ 1~id~ ~~nc~~~~~ YounG lall!ion rict~l. B<i&fl!lr 11riptd. T~i1 "'" -color shirt ~Y Yan Heuunii N ncb omcly ll lloredln lhtlvlMnhc ""'l7 Orb nd lbdk~. dir~ctor o f l'oint c~ tt·nsio n ~o;~i<l h •• Sh'Yen~ Sub~ ch to be disculoSl'd on lh•· weekly progr:ams uc ""What Sl~tc·"'' ldc rolkt" confcll·nc.· to further I lK" election of O•~id Obey , OIK)' , t>rno:ntl)• thlusisUnl minorit) k~<lct , is the l>cmo c nlic can<luh tc fot Congress in thcSncnthl>isuict . On S.:.tutdl)' Jftc rnoon, Mat , 8 , t hco.limibution ofli tcratun· ami othct c:UIIN\1;11 acti>·iun will tah r b cc in thc St c~cn~ l'o imatca Th is i,; to iM:folknH'\1 hy an c wm~ ronfc"'""'' of rERM.i\NE."4TU' rRESSEII Vi\NIIrREss·· ~~~~~J~~',',sc~~ :~r~~~-:~~~~~···•·k I)' ;.~~. .:.~n~~~~~~i7:~S~~~~: t~c0 :c~·~emlll o/ ''~~ar. 0gf WSU-Stc•·en~ Wo r kin~ in <"OnJoncl ion with ! he UnivcrWty of Wisron~in cx h·n!iion diYi!lion an•l on•· lekvision ~ nd sh I"J dio ~ l al oon~. Stn•·n s l'oin t S ! ~ t·· has arranj:<'<l thi~nmfncn cc . Stampers Will Meet Tonight At 7 Tho: WSU St am!'<' rS ha•·c sch\-d uktl a tUC"C i inl!.lhi§c~c n ing at7inttK-Mitd•dlll.oomofthe Univcr~ity Ccnl~r . All int~r cstc d ur&Wloallcnd , BILL'S PIZZA SHOP RAD~~ DELIVERYI! ~44-9557 The 0 y Meat-Ball Sandwich In Town Hot ltolion lnod ond Tonlolblnv he! Sove~ ChooUirQII'IIOiritlyoiUIIors. $1 550's Honor Bob White At Meeting Th•·HO's mcrtingwasbfttun last week wi th a hymn led by f'fc sldrnl Dave KuLub . Vi ce f'fesidcn t lklbWhi\(J;:i\"C~ "'ski" and t icke t u ln repo rt and was l ~ tn hooorN wi lh the first annual "' lUI. " awa rd , complc!c with trophy . DiKuuio n of !he s ul~ ro nvention, Liquida t ion ro~:rw:~~ ~~~e Ea~,cc~~f ~!~ ao.ljourn~d for rrfreshmcnll. Ncx l mcelin ~; will be hdd Mar . I J . l>cnons with si~ co nuc utiv c month' active sc r vke ( a n y bun c h) arc wdcomN . JAZZ HOUR SHIPPY CLOTHING 944MA I S with Dt•nny Brown Frid:oys a l 8:00 The i\'l usic Experi ence . Featuring Hend ri>c, Moyoll , more Placement Opportunit~ THE POINTER 1969 Track Schedule Whitewater Wins Wrestling Title, Pointers Finish Last INDOOR Mart h 9, Milwaukee and Green Bay Track Clubs- 1:00 p.m. March 1 ~, At Me nominee (Stout and Winon.a) - 10:00 a.m. March 22, Kcaonsa Truk Club- 1:00 p.m. By Dnc Bla"toD WSU·Stcvens Point ' s wrcJtlinltnm found tbe aoln& ~~~hs~~·c~~~rann~~.~~~:~;~:o~~~~~- l o :~ •. m. OlfTDOOR April I !I, At Oshkosll - 1:00 p.m. ~prll 22, St. Notbert - 3:00 p.m. Apri126, At l.awrence QUidran&ular (Applcton) - 1:00 p.m. Apri130,Marqucue - 2:30p.m. May 3,Conference Rca.yut River F•Us- 3:00 p.m. May 8, Midtipn Tech ln"litation.alll llouaht on - 1:00 p.m. May 6, At WhittWllltr lnvitationa.l- 6 :00 p.m. May 10, Pointer ln•itation.a l (Rlftr Falls, Notthern Mich., Nottha.nd, Ripon , Midi. Tech, Winona , Stout). May 16-17, Conference MMIIt Rinr Falls JWte 6·7, NAIA MM!al Albuquerque, N.M. Pointer Track Tearn Starts Working Out . -~­ ~- B)"CUI.J Johanum The WSU tndc. turn uruler lbe coachi~or Don "ll ort 1w Jll rt ed workout s for the ~Ja~;. ,~,?~;~ ~m;':~IT~;~?b~~~~ re~~:,:elnn1 ~:n.ndWit!v~~i llt~.:unsin whi t e·! ail du r · f · h" · promisin& freshm~n !his year's team should be: about equal to 1ht ,kfr h3v~ troub!e flndlnll ,, ...lJ. Jnd waste muth nluable ,·m·rn juu plo,.·in& thfollt;h the co-captains Jo hn Clark. a junior ud Gro11e Chedr.. 1 Knior. Ca. rk , winner of the tum's MVP Lt T.:l':,',',':~: ~~~~~:~;h~~f.:k~~ th•· rlluthcrn h~lf of the sta te . ~~~l.udinJ i~~~~~c!~~~:e~~~~~~ished !he ve terans ar~ ~.~~'trt~~~~~~n:: ~ancto~r:aa;; ~:;~::atfi·~s1~!~:J:e:~ :: ~~r~;;J~."E~~~:~ r'::•ti~: ~~o!r~~~~d~~h!~~J!tl~·!~ mid.l),·,..,·mbn th3t Wiko nsi n's also anchor111an on tho ncord hunJrt·d = ~~~~~~;,:rt~· r:~x::ldo~a~n: da)"S this =~te;r-:~d~r~:!~;;:~~o:~ sp rina. n-prnent the Pointen at tlte but Sobocitukl, S!evcns Point , 4-2, ~~!'· ~~is~~lu:o~!:~sec~~ DeiN~!s~·a~e~'&_~te(:·~!-. ~~t~~~:~~~~~~~ ~=:~ placed in the m«t : Pr • ). . ' beat Dirlc. 1, Stout. ~~~"::it~': 11Nkd~~~!,~1.!~~ m"lille.8-4 . ~b l~d~::::, (()~! '"!~ • decision . Whltew aur dethroned defendinJcharnpionSupcriorin one of the clo.,st meets ever. The Wathawb took one fint 1nd throe Kconds. Team 5COICI a nd the championships at uch weight cba were u follow s: I . Whitewat er, 65 points; l . :ter~uN:re:•ye'!:. :n:i:~c: ro:r ~~nt of tht avaib. bk deer h r owH supp ly in some ~~::::~· lon& jumi'C'r. and COllch lloffalso hassixolh~ r ~~~·:r~~::·;~,uni~s~ e~b ~·~n~te ·,o··;.:.::·:.:;:-;:c:.-::·, ~~~ J:~~C~~r!:J~n ~~~ s~ ~bn1gem~nt Supe"·isor for the ll.-punncn l o f Na!ural R.·smu.·rs. tstinutes th at !he ~ntuunt o f nutrilioui natural fO\JJ fur deer which is provided b) ,·onlrlh' r ~l.:! l tintbcr 'uttin1 u rn~tions runs in to sueral thuuund tons. For example. the yatd 11.1n 1nd liOphomore Jerry Pierin& inthehia h hw.Jies. Ron Whit ! and Tom Ra55nnusen, both o n the 440 relay , Flo)·d Wllktn liO n in the intermedi~tc hurdles , and DIU .Reichwald. po levau lt . Other returnifllt Jellermen,a ll ~~:,:~~-~~:s"~~ k~~~~d~i~t~~ dashmen anj~n:;:~~~rkdi~:;~~ ;'!1~~-:.~~::~:d ..,~:o:::i ad~t~~~ sop homore hn .It>. ~~~c~~. ~ci; ~-- ~~o~~~r~:];; 6. Oshkosh, 36; 7. RIVCT Falls, 3\; 8. 1.1 Crosse. 29 ; 9. STEVENS POINT, 24. Serving from Fridoy Noon to Midn igh t Holiday Inn l.anjk;lil,a three yea r letterman and 440 an d 880 runner Is pnctlce teachlna and not oul. Mark Mantek, a polevauller,did nocreport . '"'GOLDEN HANGER ""· 13 19 Sttongs Avtt. 344-70S8 Fashionable 1\len's Clothing Sprln; ond Summer Foshlon1 Arrivl ne Dolly JUST ARRIVED: - A New Shipment of * Bell 8oHoro11 *ShortS/eeve Dren Shlrts * fdwcudlon Sport Coot. * 8U.CH WEAR 14 Sp ring Vo cot lon) t: Chance Of A I{ You're In Search Very Fine USED CAR. We Have A Lot Full. And, This Whale Lot Full Is Priced Sell As Quick As Our Men Can Write . The Ordefs. Come In Today And Make Yourself A Favorable Deal' l•oththedte r herd's fr«dom of mm·rmt nt ami a considuable romonofit s food supp ly. \ o corr ect this si tuation. II .,.unecrss.:arytolceptheloJZtr m the .,.·oods. Many miles of woods r<».J S ,..fie plowe.J wi th >U i t. co unty and private <ljUipme nt paid for by fis.hand pmr license n10ney. On public l~nds. modifiQtions (of timber •~k o;ontracu) were freq1.1ently a!lo,.·edbyfo rrst lod minis traton. ThiS prrntilted reduced ~tumpage r~ l e• to private cutteu for tn:es cut wi thin the span of Sfl'l'ctficoo nt ractdJtu,dui&oecl tu provide the llfC'Itest browte btndittodecr. Th( l>fpartmrnt of Na tural Reso urces api'C'alf<l to the r.ulp·usina induu rin and asked tf Joge rs ~ould be usured a r~ad)" ma rket fo r wood produc1$. Decpsnowconditions h~~•nte nt<J r~ tokr.~ble The Nice Ones Cost Less In Midwinter! '66 FORD F-100 '66 OLDSMOBilE Half ton pickup, 6 cylinder wh~n englllt', 3 apeed tra.nunlsslon,radlottnd&oodrubber. Sjltlnitl me YeUow with Fawn Interior. Low mUeIJert'CI!nttrade. ::,:::;_;;:::_::::;___ 1 Ele<:tra "225" <'On\'ertlble. a utomatic tranamla a l o n, power assbl!r, radio and whltewa.lltll"f'l. Eyeca tch· lng Red flnbh with Red tntt'rior. Home Cooking with Homemade Pies and Cookies Open Dolly 5 :30 A. M . • 2:30 A .M . . Cl~ 1 ~.:.lghts 4nc1 411 0.,. SundaY ~- '67 MERCURY Marq\111 I .. PHONE Ste•e n1 Point ]41 -1340 ~ THE SPORT SHOP 1036 Moln. Street ~A. Placement Opportunities l ns~~a~: 1lo.M~ri.ll ~p:a:·:;,l~0ali :;;~~~~~~~~;::;t~r; ;~t:;~~l ~ poSitions. ~u:,if~~~:::~~6~~;~1:.J~~~a:~r71~t~~-~~r~~ :p~~~-~n~~;/'~cc ~. f.kf~er , ~:. ~~~· w':i'~'·mTn~:io~~}o~~~~~u~~=~ 4 10 s::a k and management tr ainee posi tions in their local plant. Tuestl~y . Mar. J I, 9:30a.m. 10 4 p.m .. The S t ~ll' or Wisconsin. Bur~ wiU interview psydiOIO&Y.iiOCIOIQily,b~inc55 administration, economies and all other 1tudents ahou t Stlte aovernment employment opportuni t i~s (soda! work ~nd all ~;~a t e • positions). Poi~td~~af~t!~~~~ 1 ·a~ \~·si 1n~ P~~~ti~~~~~~';i~~s.ur~n:tehc~~:~~c~~ econonrinandothermajon. .m.. The S .,.·i~s ColonY. Munr oe. abou t pos1hons in fu•ld rnerehand isin& and store m~nagemc:nt. The Swiu Colony is a rct3il cheesc:and&ift(ranchiscinWisconsin. wit~lo~~1ayb~~a~~~ ;c~~·~~:~C:. p~·~· ~;,::J::suk:~:~ll ~::~ mana&C'mtnt positions. fres~~!'!~r~~h~~~~~~~ j~;:;r!~ ~n~::··,~ML7~~~ ~~~ru~tre~1: Opportunities in the Burnu as special agents and clerks in the Wuhi nston D.C. area. Good opportuni ties txist to continu e schoolin& on tlK" undergraduat e tnd andua te level while draw ing fu ll Rbric:s. Unguaae ma}onare also n«ded fo r t(ansbJor po~ttions . '62 BUICK :~:~~~~!~r;~~:::e:~~l~: t~~f=~~~~~;·i~:~~~~~~! 20,9 a.m. to 4 p. m.• Tht Fiut National Rilnk of Fordor ~ Rd&n, automatic tnm~rotluton, power IU!Ibt&. radio and whitewall tires, T\ltOM Gold and White llnt.h. A nloe one! '67 FORD lnlt~iewallmajorsaboutbankmga reers J. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., The U.S. Army M ~dkal speak with all bachelor andida!n requtJtirw who •~ 1oin11into medic~l.dentalor veterinary schools(only). Monday Mar. 24 · Wednestlay Mar. ~6 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. the~ Manne Corps will tntervtCw all majors about officer training proanms. • wi!IM~nd / Callis sport <."Oupe, power IUSbUI. radio and whitewall !Ira. Maroon 1\na.h.. Fawn ~ fi ~:tli~~~~ultO~~~:~~~ ~~'!,:~t~'nl::.~ational life 91,'"~~n~m~;).ie:~;;'$.it~ ,....;,.~~~~CfJ:::~: ;t; ~r:~~-:~h4a~-~~:': .-~Jio!f!~~"'":'-',f: Interior. See It today! t1iiil'Cdc:r.~Jagency. 9 wa!:=usd:JJJ majorubou t home office and non-$;J J.es opportunities. ~~:~.;.!~ ~~-~~~~~!.P~~n!:t:?~'tJ~a~n~~h: '64 PONTIAC Brougham aport Sport C!OUPI!, automatic tl'alUIIlltlion,power ...llta. "'dlo and whitewall tlr"s. Red nnlth with Black buck· etM!'at&. ~tS~f!:~~t.S fln~Withm..tdllnalntert· or. Recent new car trade! Many More To Choose From UNIVERSITY FORD AVTHORIZED FORD-MERCURY-LI NCOLN O£ALER- 1740 STRONGS AVE., 341-1727 - W.S.U. Grey "T" Shirls w.s. 0~;r$1~~shirt• Cutlu$ "338" aport I'Oilpe, V8, Hydn.matlc, p ower at«rina. radio and whit~ wall tlru, 'rutontt Bron:z.e and Fawn .tiJ\WI. Sharp! ~ks willbrin& thccr:tiTeedible MAIN STREET CAFE L II - ~yyyyyyy ~~t~ p~h~t~no~e~~~~~~~~~~i w•>O•hi ,.·o rk erswere made aware nf th< im,ncdiatc martell at the (IJI'C' rnuiJS. " 'it h mii.J tempcntures and rJnr oecurrill$ durin& the week o f hnuuy 20. snow depths 5e tllcd by onc·third aero• the ~ntire Northeast aru. Tbe snow hu co ntinuf<l to com pact in sp nf of !iucral recent minor snow blb. Altho~~&h conditions varyoonsiderably. thedeerhlve bc:cn quick to utili« the mow ct\lr.landhaveadoptf<lfeedifll pa tl crns away from ' their ,.·eJI-bea ten , trouah-Uke tr ail$. This welcome reprieve wu accon1p1nie d by day ti me tempcnllurn appro~ehin& the • mid-thirties. Whlle ni&httime tcmpenturcs hue dipped well bc:low uro, !he deer at ptcK{II are reason.ably weU off. Mo re hUI")'Sl"IOwcoUir.lbrin&onmore problems ina hurry,however. As winter slips into lite critic. ! days of March, co n se rvation crew1 · {cuttin& browse for d«r) wm be: bolsterW by sportsmen'• &roups. t.orp ina limbsutendin&o\lttbe dcer"s reachinc:ompletedtimbc:l" molth. Sponel won the mol'h in overtime. {Mel Glodows ki J lndudet: ,.J,~ ~;c~ves~~w ""~~:um~~~~~i ~~~;;,~:=~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::~::;~ many IO&IItr S betal}le Jl)coura11rd ~nd abandoned o r ~~~=y:Vi~res::~\~:n~~e o~7 ~:uou;l:ir~0 :~· ~eboc~:~~i~~~~; COLE SLAW FRENCH FRIES ROLLS 'n BUTTER BEVERAGE * Tn::tditiono l D. B. llcuen n~t o fthe-year, JIM SOBOCINSKI ]ropl of the Poin ter wrestling squod fini~hed se<ond in the conference w<e~rling meer ot Plorreville on Sot- Photo) event in wl\ieh he has bc:en ~~~~[~~~::=~~:~.~ha:;imi; 1 <"'<'11 br fore the sophon10rc:, and tenior Dan Brown. Brown lettered in 196S and 1967. Thcarntest losstothetumls AI Schrof<ler, disru1 and shot pu t man. Schroeder seta school and co nference record in the diSDJJ and placed 4th in the N.A.I.A. meet at Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1968. That wu the only time AI did not ta.lce first In the discu.s bst year. He also won the ronfncm:edisc:us titlein1967andfwstbrokethr ~hoolrecord in 196S. Also missina are record holders Paul LaMere in the two and three mi le, Uny Wlff111, shot put , lnd ]lvelin, Steve hn.,n in the lona j1.1mp, and Cn~ Joha.~xn, 440 relay. Jim at Platteville. The bc:st l.bowtn, was made by Jim Sobocinski, 1 fruhnu.n from South Milwaukee, who took Ktond 11 177 pounds. Jolin& the championship match in onrtinte by a 4-2 nore to Ea u Cllirc's Stm Spanel. Sobodnicl won his oprnina match, S-2, and pinned Ills Kmifina l opponent to pin the ChAMI' IONSIIIPS I I S pounds-Trenler, Superior, bc:at Cruz, Stout,ll·3. 123·Klnapertc:r, Oshkosh, pinned Alax, River Fa Us. 130-Carcy, Planevilk, pinned Ry Kr,EauCbirc. 137·AIInUBb, PlatteviUe, but Marks, Whitewattr, 3~. · 14S-Janieki. Eau Claire, but llollt;hdlhl,RivcrFalls, 12-4. I Sl· Hold c n , Whi1ew1ttr, pinnc:dJohn10n ,Ea uCbire. 160.Petenon, Stout,defuted LewiJ, Whitewater, 7-1. 167.Pnnp, Platteville . but roU&}t lui weekend and finished lut in the confen:nce meet held OPEN MON. - WED. • FRI. 'TIL 9 ~:~~:!u ~~::a~ ;~h ~~ !!i:~·i~'i!_teen"'::.!!l~~~Atli'J:!\!'':a';"'l"~'""~~:;u:!!!~!!!::a ~mCt1~~~: !~u 9re~~~;,':u~:~:· ~~C:~J7ma~::C:t~;~ econorrua,ltld all other majors interested in markeliiiJ,Iextileand ~lolhinJ, foods and nulri1ion, sales man•l!l=mtnt and nsuurant manaaement. Wednelday Mar. 26 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Spurseon's Department ~will recrutt aU &r.ldultcs interest~d in retail stores manaa.mc:n t Thursday Mlr. 27 9 a.m. to 4.p.m. , The Inland Steel Company Chica1o, will spca.lc. wi th aU vaduates mtcrest@ m m.aliiehna, fin an.~and management polii lions;. 28 "9a.m.to 4 p.m. the~ ro 21 fiee rt r.~inin&s(boo l . ~~~~:: :.r:~d~:~ssro~~~:r~~:rJ~:::: rpositionsinlhisfedenlqency. March6 1969 T HE POINTER Title Attempt Ends ·In Defeat J:~c~ ~ $po,.b :Jfa~~e~ .,. .... IA8CB year for th~Po lnt e rs sinte 196 1. Be.tofJudr;in the futUte to t he three 5rniors on t he squad, eo.c.Ptalns Pal mer Ckmcn ts a ndM ih llughuandg uard Russ OeFa uw. When lt hinkof tbePolntc r'l lou to Sto111 lut Sa turday , I think of WisconWI 's kl• to Bowl in 1 962 . Eu ryon rl s u red Wb<:onsin waaout of that one, Sout~ mCal in the Ro~ 111ili1'11 <42-14, but they lost 1 erroneo usly repor ted th:lt the conference swirumi,ns , mc~t 42-31 . The hero of th.ll one wu Ron VanderKclen . wu Jut weekend. but tl rs t!Us weekend at Superior. SO apul, best of luck to Red Bbir's unkcrs an.d k t's take another The Pointen tnilcd , 15·58, abo in the last quuter {ten minutes le ft), and the hCTO o f the ir comeback wu Quinn Vandcnlleuval. Thlt pme wn one of the most excitins I've ever seen, played by tw o area l team1.Give Stout a lot ofcmlit forhan&in& )n , and Jive th e Pointen the Comeback of the Year Awud. Conantubtioru to Coach . ., Kruqer and aU of the tea m for I auat IICISon, t he fint title Poin l ncham ~io.ns~ip. Vince Lombardi wasted no in visilins the Pact:cu 1gain. li e sot Tom Brow~ fo!, ~ t i~m "rdati~ely hi:gll dnft chotce. _I would tikctoknow tHc l'aclcns .. ~~~:~~r~~~~~d~~~,v;:,: o~; lu t ynr! Final Cage Statistics . '"",.,'" .. .... lndude1 All Gomes-19-S Ov en.tl ond 14-2 in WSUC .~ Name T. Rltunth&lcr 24 Hurhe. V&ndt n HtUI'll!l 24 K . Rltunth&lcr 2t ·"· B . H enning R.W..Iph&l D. Bl&nchtlcld ~- ' Siewert T . AmoniOfl D. Carbe iT)' ~ -Mallon TOTALS OPPONENTS " "" "" -~~-t~ t~ "'" "' '"' ·"' .6.:'17 "' "' "' "' '" " "' " ... "' '" " "' "" "'"'" "" "" .OIH " .,"' .... "" "" "" """ ' .·"'.. 3 ' ·"' "" '' ' ' "" ' " .. 127 "' . ... . . .412 """ 771 1837 5631131 ..... . . . .459 8.5137 .4H .010 .454 .1138 .H2 21 .HI ... .uo .61'17 .708 .000 .429 7.011 111.000 .410 t l 9630 .609101019111 .3833 46493 . 701 8&31672 I.VIIt". 111.8 lf .l 13.2 10.8 IO.ll ... ... .., ...,,,, 3.3 ...,, 81.7 Pointers In Action I QUINN VANDENH EUVEl (14) couldn' t 1ccm to miu o 5ho t In 111& lo$1 ren minute 5 of Soturdoy nighr"$ gome ogoin51 Srout m he led o Po in ter roily whic h fell two poin•uhorl, 90 -88 of viclory. VandenHeuvel pu t in 3 1 poinh before ·I fouling out with leu thon o minute to ploy. Other ldentl fl· able Poin re r5 in the picture ore Run OcFouw !221 ood Mike H ug~e5 {4 4). J im Ponnier Photo) SW IMMI NG - Conftr en..c Mee t at Superior (Frid~y a11d S:r twda y1 GY MN ASTICS - At Whitewater l nvita t io~l (Suur.l3y) TRACK - Sunday, Milwaukee and Gr~n Bay Track (Jubs. her~ . I :OOp.m. l Third Stro•r l Coming . . . I I j J 1 For S~vingers . THE Wf Work! ( •r study)' PouR HAus (Presents "The finest in Jive ente rtainment" Adele Schein SP!CIAlAGENT NEW YORK UF£ INSURANC£ COMPANY 2125 Coll ege~"'· 3#-9204 "The Corporation" Friday and Salurday A Rea lly Greal Group " The Co'l"orotion" w ill a l•o b. ..ur11g Th-eir New Album ,.corded on the Capitol Lobel