Climate Change Adaptation in the U.S. Electric Utility Sector ARCHNES By MASSACHUSETTS INSTrE OF TECHNOLOGY Melissa Higbee JUN 2021 BA in Geography University of California Berkeley Berkeley, California (2007) S, - Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in City Planning at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2013 @ 2013 Melissa Higbee. All Rights Reserved The author here by grants to MIT the permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of the thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Author - - I /1 V A.,1/I Depart ent of Urban Studies and Planning / May 23, 2013 1 Certified by Professor Stephen Hammer Department of Urban Studies and Planning This Supervisor Accepted by topher Zegras CP Committee Cha Department of Urban Studies and Planning Associate Profess Climate Change Adaptation in the U.S. Electric Utility Sector by Melissa Higbee Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning on May 23, 2013 in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in City Planning ABSTRACT The electric utility sector has been a focus of policy efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but even if these efforts are successful, the sector will need to adapt to the impacts of climate change. These are likely to include increased heat waves, drought, extreme precipitation events, and sea level rise. Electric utilities play a key role in providing electricity services in cities that will be facing all of these difficulties. Cities depend on electricity service for public health, safety and economic development. This thesis examines how electric utilities in the United States are approaching climate change adaptation and the factors enabling and constraining these efforts. The thesis draws on an analysis of electric utility responses to surveys distributed by the Carbon Disclosure Project as well as case studies of Consolidated Edison, Entergy, and Pacific Gas & Electric. The case study utilities are incorporating climate change projections into their risk management and capital planning activities. Integrating climate change projections into risk management efforts helps utilities use replacement opportunities to build greater resilience into infrastructure systems and ensure that adaptation strategies take competing demands on resources into account. Both approaches to adaptation are generally recommended by adaptation experts. However, existing internal decisionmaking may not be well suited for incorporating the uncertainties of climate change impacts. The case study utilities could be using Scenario Planning to develop strategies likely to be effective given a range of possible futures, but they are not. I argue that state utility regulatory commissions should consider taking a more active role in providing guidance and oversight to utilities regarding climate change adaptation. They should consider (1) requiring utilities to submit climate change vulnerability assessments and detailed adaptation plans; (2) incorporating climate change risk and adaptation considerations into existing electricity plans; and (3) convening joint climate change planning efforts with utilities, municipal governments, and a range of other stakeholders. Cities and states that would like to see electric utilities put more emphasis on climate change adaptation should consider sharing climate change projections and forecasts of potential climate change impacts. Provision of such information has been effective in encouraging adaptation planning in the case studies. The actual adaptation strategies that utilities have adopted depend largely on the risks they face and the regulatory and policy environment in which they find themselves. Thesis Supervisor: Stephen Hammer Title: Lecturer in Energy Planning Thesis Reader: Lawrence Susskind Title: Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning 3 Acknowledgements I would like to dedicate this thesis to my grandparents, Jose and Aura Alarcon. I am grateful to my thesis advisor, Steve Hammer, for his guidance throughout this process and my reader and academic advisor, Larry Susskind, for his thoughtful feedback. I would like to thank my mom, dad, and brothers for their support. Thanks to the "Thesis Groupies" Louise Yeung, Christine Curella, and Daniel Rinzler for encouraging me to start writing early. Thanks to Jenna Kay for sitting me down for some thesis advice as soon as she finished her thesis during my first year at DUSP. Thanks to the whole MCP 2013 class. Your fun spirit and good humor helped make the hard work a little less hard. A most heartfelt thanks to Daniel Rinzler for encouragement, support, and company during many thesiswriting hours. I am grateful to all those who participated in interviews. I could not have written this without their insights, but any errors are ultimately my own. 4 Table of Contents 1.Introduction .............................................................................................. ....... 7 11 11.Resea rch Design ....................................................................................................................... Ill. Literature Review .......................................................................................................... ... .17 IV. Survey Findings ...................................................................................................................... 33 V. Con Edison Case Study ............................................................................................................. 39 VI. Entergy Case Study ................................................................................................................. 53 VII. Pacific Gas and Electric Case Study ..................................................................................... 67 Vill. Cross Cutting Analysis and Findings ................................................................................... 79 IX. Recom m endations .................................................................................................................. 89 Ep ilo g u e........................................................................................................................................ 93 W orks Cited .................................................................................................................................. 95 Appendix A. Interview s .............................................................................................................. 102 Appendix B. Coding from CDP Survey Analysis .......................................................................... 103 Appendix C. CDP Survey Analysis, Count of Adaptation Measures by Utility ............................ 108 5 6 I. Introduction Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are now estimated to surpass the worst-case emissions trajectory from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) third assessment report (2001; Ebginer & Vergara 2011). Not only does this demonstrate the urgent need to reduce GHG emissions, but it also highlights the need for cities to figure out how they can adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. The electricity sector has been a focus of international and national policy efforts to reduce GHG emissions for good reason: electricity generation contributes to 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States (EIA 2012). The electricity sector will also need to adapt to the impacts of climate change, which are likely to include increased heat waves, drought, extreme precipitation events, and sea level rise (IPCC 2007). However, how the electricity sector might adapt has not received as much scholarly or policy attention as GHG mitigation and very few cities have explored how their local electricity system may need to adapt to climate change impacts (Ebginer & Vergara 2011; Hammer et al. 2011b). The electricity sector demonstrates considerable vulnerability to severe weather and climate variability under current climate conditions. For example, during the summer of 2012, severe storms caused power outages across the Eastern Seaboard that left nearly 1.8 million people without power in extreme heat conditions (Anon 2012). During the same summer, drought conditions in the Midwest forced power plants to shut down, reduce capacity, or receive special permission to operate, because cooling waters reached extremely high temperatures or low levels (Wald & Schwartz 2012). Most recently, 2.1 million people lost power in New York and New Jersey during the peak of Hurricane Sandy (NYS 2013). The electricity outage also severely affected other vital services, such as communications, healthcare, transportation, drinking water supplies, and wastewater treatment (NYS 2013). There is no way to know if these events were actually the result of climate change or not, but the outcomes are evidence that the electricity sector has existing vulnerabilities to climactic variability and extreme events, which can have profound impacts on cities. Climate change could exacerbate these vulnerabilities and create new vulnerabilities through affects on both supply and demand (CCSP 2007; Hammer et al. 2011b). On the supply side, for example, drought may reduce hydropower capacity. On the demand side, hotter summer temperatures may increase peak electricity demand for cooling. Furthermore, electricity infrastructure has a long life span, so infrastructure built today may need to cope with the next fifty years of climate change impacts. 7 Some would argue that the electricity sector has significant capacity to adapt to climate change impacts, because it already frequently responds to weather-related impacts and has considerable financial and managerial resources (Wilbanks et al. 2012a). However, there could be significant obstacles to turning the sector's capacity to adapt into a reality, such as high costs, the number of actors involved, lack of supportive policies, short-term planning horizons, and uncertainty (UKCIP 2007; Vine 2008). It is important that the electricity sector is able to overcome potential obstacles and adapt to climate change, because it provides a service that is critical for economic development, public health, and safety (Ebginer & Vergara 2011; Wilbanks et al. 2012a). A well functioning electricity system is especially critical for cities due to their concentration of population and economic activity. Electricity systems in U.S. cities are often centralized systems with large power generation plants adjacent to sources of cooling water, such as the ocean, rivers, or lakes (Hammer et al. 2011b). Cities are also home to a complex web of transmission (high voltage) and distribution (low voltage) wires (Hammer et al. 2011b). Climate change could increase the vulnerability of both generation and transmission and distribution (T&D) systems serving cities. For example, extreme precipitation events could result in flooding of power plants located near rivers and heat waves could damage T&D systems. Cities are also major drivers of electricity demand. In 2008, the International Energy Agency calculated that 76 percent of global electricity demand is associated with urban areas (EIA 2008). Climate change is expected to increase electricity demand in cities, particularly peak electricity demand, which could lead to reliability problems (Hammer et al. 2011b). As such, cities will likely be important places to focus efforts to manage electricity demand in the face of climate change. Electric utilities are key providers of electricity services in cities. Utilities own T&D infrastructure and often own and operate power plants. Utilities are often involved in the provision of demand side services, such as energy efficiency retrofits and demand response programs. Lastly, utilities are the entities of electricity sector that most often interface with end-use customers (i.e. a City's residents and business) for billing, customer service, and some educational activities. Given the significant role that utilities play in providing electricity services in cities, they are also one of the primary organizations responsible for implementing climate change adaptation strategies (Hammer et al. 2011a, table 8.15). Nevertheless, electric utilities' current practice of climate change adaptation is an under-researched area. This study seeks to begin to fill that gap by examining the climate change adaptation strategies that utilities are employing and sorting out which factors are enabling or constraining their efforts. This research is intended to help utilities understand what their counterparts across the country are currently doing about climate change adaptation and raise issues 8 for their consideration as they move forward in this relatively new field. This research also intends to provide policymakers and utility regulators with an enhanced understanding of what they can do to help utilities pursue climate change adaptation. This study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What strategies are U.S. investor-owned electric utilities currently employing in an effort to adapt to climate change impacts? 2. What factors are enabling and constraining climate change adaptation efforts at investor-owned electric utilities? 9 10 11. Research Design This study examines climate change adaptation strategies being employed by electric utilities because utilities carry out many of the key functions of the electricity sector, including owning and operating infrastructure, providing demand side services, and interfacing with customers. The utility industry is comprised of both investor-owned (IOUs) and consumer-owned utilities (such as municipal utilities and rural cooperatives), but due to time limitations this study focuses on IOUs, because of their dominant role in the economy. Although IOUs are less numerous than consumer owned utilities, they serve nearly 70 percent of customers in the U.S. (APPA 2012). 1OUs are also the most prevalent service provider in the largest metropolitan areas in the U.S: 1OUs provide electricity service in the ten largest metropolitan regions.' Many of the findings are applicable to consumer-owned utilities, such as municipal utilities, but they are less influenced by state-level utility regulation and shareholders, and more so by local government policy (Shively & Ferrare 2007: 84). The goal of examining the factors that enable and constrain climate change adaptation is to provide recommendations regarding what various actors inside and outside a utility can do to create a policy, regulatory, or business environment that fosters utility adaptation efforts. I identify constraints to adaptation so that actions might be taken to lessen those constraints over time and I identify enabling factors so that those lessons might be transferred to other utilities and cities. Methodology I employed a mixed methods approach by analyzing publicly available survey data that U.S. electric utilities submitted to the Carbon Disclosure Project and by also conducting case studies of three utilities. The survey analysis provides a broad snapshot the adaptation measures utilities across the country are using and the cases allow for more detailed study of the adaptation strategies that utilities are employing as well as an examination of the context surrounding electric utility adaptation efforts in order to identify enabling and constraining factors. the Los Angeles-Long Beach- Santa Ana metropolitan region, a municipal utility, serves the City of Los Angeles, but an IOU serves the rest of the metropolitan area. 1 In 11 Carbon Disclosure Project Survey To better understand what measures and approaches electric utilities in the U.S. are using to adapt to climate change, this study analyzed investor-owned utility responses to 2012 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) surveys. The CDP is a not-for-profit organization that requests information from the world's largest companies on their greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and the risks and opportunities from climate change. The CDP makes this information public with the goal of increasing transparency around climate-related risk and opportunity. The analysis includes 23 U.S. investor-owned utility CDP submissions from 2012 and 3 submissions from 2011, for a total of 26 surveys 2. The analysis focuses on the most recent year CDP submission to provide a current snapshot of utility adaptation efforts. The 26 surveys represent utilities located across the country. Of the 25 most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S., nine did not have a utility included in this analysis. Three out of the nine metropolitan areas are served by publically owned utilities that are not included in the CDP survey. The other six metropolitan areas are served by IOUs that did not participate in the survey: TXU in Dallas, Reliant in Houston, Florida Power & Light in Miami, Tampa Electric, Duquense Light in Pittsburg, and Portland General Electric. The CDP survey has fourteen sections with a total of approximately 80 questions, the majority of which concern the management of GHG emissions. This analysis focused on three sections of the survey that included questions about "adaptation" and "managing the physical risks of climate change." The text box below shows the seven questions analyzed for this study. Particular attention was placed on questions 5.1d and 6.1.d, because those questions encouraged respondents to describe their adaptation strategies. 23 utilities submitted surveys in 2011, but did not submit in 2012 12 Survey questions analyzed 2.3 Do you engage with policy makers to encourage further action on adaptation? Please explain (i) the engagement process and (ii) actions you are advocating 5.1 Have you identified any physical climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? 5.1c Please describe your risks that are driven by change in physical climate parameters 5.1d Please describe the methods you are using to manage this risk 6.1 Have you identified any opportunities (current or future) driven by physical climate change parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? 6.1c Please describe the opportunities that are driven by changes in physical climate parameters 6.1d Please describe the methods you are using to manage this opportunity Limitations A small sample size and potential response bias limit my ability to generalize about the findings. Approximately 15 percent of all investor-owned utilities in the U.S. responded to the survey and because this is a voluntary survey, the utilities that responded may be those that are more inclined to engage in climate change-related activities. Researchers have found that firm size and foreign sales are related to whether firms disclose information about climate change requested through the Carbon Disclosure Project, so this analysis may not be as generalizable to smaller utilities (Stanny & Ely 2008). Another limiting factor is that the CDP survey was not designed for the purposes of this study. For example, the responses are largely open-ended, so survey respondents can describe in their own words how they are managing climate change risks. As a result, respondents may have omitted certain activities because they forgot about them, were unaware, did not think they were important, or did not want them made public. In addition, the primary focus of the survey is on managing GHG emissions, so respondents may have put less effort into answering questions related to climate change adaptation. Data Analysis I used content analysis, which involves coding phrases in open-ended text that represent adaptation measures found in the literature, aggregating measures into categories, and counting the total number of measures in each category. The central idea in content analysis is that the many words of a text are classified into fewer categories, allowing for a quantitative analysis of text (Weber 1990). In 13 addition, compared with interviews, content analysis is a method where the author of the message is not aware that it is being analyzed, which reduces the danger that the research effort will act as a force for change that skews the data (Weber 1990). Below are the data analysis steps in greater detail: 1. Developed categories that represent all possible adaptation measures based on the adaptation literature. For example, one category is "capital investments in transmission & distribution" 2. Coded the survey responses for different types of adaptation measures found in the literature. For example, one code is "undergrounding." Therefore, survey text that says, "Program highlights include undergrounding wiring systems in key areas," is coded as "undergrounding." 3. Attributed each adaptation measure "code" to a category. For example, the code "undergrounding" is attributed to the category "capital investment in transmission and distribution." All codes and categories are listed in Appendix B. 4. Recorded the number of adaptation measure "codes" found in the survey texts. 5. Counted the total number of adaptation measures found in the text according to category and utility (Appendix C). Case Studies To overcome some of the limitations of survey analysis, this study also includes case studies of three utilities: Consolidated Edison, Entergy New Orleans, and Pacific Gas & Electric. Compared to the survey analysis, the case studies provide a more in-depth look at the approach and strategies utilities are using to adapt to climate change and the factors that are enabling and/or constraining their efforts. Given that climate change adaptation in the electricity sector is a nascent area of activity and research, three cases were selected that would allow for a discussion of an array of adaptation strategies and enabling and constraining factors. According to the CDP surveys, these utilities are employing a relatively high number of adaptation measures, a variety of adaptation measures, and stakeholder engagement. The cases were also selected for their regional variation to allow for exploration of potential enabling or constraining factors that vary in different regions of the country: the role of participating in restructured or vertically integrated electricity markets, the role of different utility commissions, the role of cities and states with different levels climate change adaptation efforts, and the role of past experiences with climate-related hazards. 14 Table 1: Case Study Utilities Case Study Utility Market Major Cities Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) Restructured New York State & Local Adaptation Activity High Regulatory Commission New York State Public Service Commission Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Restructured Entergy New Orleans (ENO) Vertically Integrated San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose New Orleans High Low California Public Utility Commission New Orleans City Council Data Collection Data collection involved reviewing publically available reports and meeting notes, all available CDP submissions (2007 to 2012), internal presentation materials, and semi-structured interviews with: e Utility managers involved in climate change adaptation * State and local planning officials who have engaged with the utility on climate change adaptation - State public utility regulators * Environmental, consumer, and public health organizations that have engaged with the utility on climate change adaptation The interviews with utility managers were particularly important sources of information and information provided by those interviews was corroborated with publically available documents whenever possible. Additional interviewees were selected using a snowball sampling technique, which involved asking each interviewee for recommendations of other people with whom I should speak, with a particular focus on the utilities' adaptation partners and stakeholders. I conducted a total of 18 interviews, six for each case study. Interviewees were able to choose whether they wanted their name, title, and direct quotes included in the research. Interviews are cited as confidential if the interviewee chose not to have identifying information in the study. For a list of interviews, please see Appendix A. 15 16 Ilil. Literature Review Climate Change Vulnerabilityand Adaptation Climate change vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, and unable to cope with, the adverse impacts of climate change (IPCC 2001; Adger 2006). The key factors of vulnerability are exposure, which is the degree to which a system experiences a climate change impact, sensitivity, which is the degree to which a system is affected by the impact, and adaptive capacity, which is the ability of the system to adjust practices, processes, or structures to offset potential damage (IPCC 2001; Adger 2006). Climate change vulnerability does not exist in isolation, but rather it is driven by human actions that interact with political, economic, physical, and ecological systems (Adger 2006). Climate change may increase the vulnerability of the electricity sector through both supply side and demand side impacts, which are summarized in Tables 2 and 3 below (CCSP 2007; Ebinger & Vergara 2011; Wilbanks et al. 2012). For both supply and demand, the primary vulnerability is disruptions from extreme weather events, but climate change impacts will likely make it more challenging for electricity supply and demand to remain in balance (Wilbank et al. 2012). On the supply side, climate change could increase vulnerabilities if storms become more intense, if regions dependent on hydropower and power plant cooling water experience drought, and if hotter temperatures decrease generation and transmission efficiencies (CCSP 2007; Wilbanks et al., 2012). On the demand side, climate change will likely reduce total heating requirements and increase total cooling requirements for buildings (CCSP 2007; Wilbanks et al. 2012). This change implies an increased demand for electricity, which supplies almost all of the energy for cooling services, namely air conditioning (CCSP 2007). Climate change may also exacerbate urban heat island conditions in cities, which refers to the fact that cities are full of surfaces that trap heat, leading to higher air temperatures (Hammer at al. 2011b). In the summer, urban heat island conditions can significantly increase local electricity demand for air conditioning (Hammer et al. 2011b). As a result, climate change is expected to have a larger impact on peak electricity demand than average demand (Wilbanks et al. 2012). Growth in peak demand can result in shortages of supply capacity, increasing the risk of blackouts and brownouts (Miller et al. 2008). 17 Table 2: Potential Supply Side Electricity Sector Vulnerabilities Supply-Side Assets Thermal Power Plants Climate Change Impacts Specific Electricity Sector Impacts Potential Vulnerabilities Increased intensity of storms Flooding, ice, wind Damage to equipment, supply chain disruption, reduced reliability Higher temperatures Reduced plant efficiency Reduction in supply availability Reduced water availability for cooling Flooding, ice, wind Heatwaves, extreme heat Changes in and quantity of runoff Reduction in Reduction in supply availability Drought Transmission and Distribution Increased intensity of storms Higher temperatures Hydropower Solar Power Changesin Chi i s npatiming precipitation and snowpack Higher temperatures solar cell efficiency Damage to equipment, reduced reliability Damage to equipment, reduced reliability Reduction in supply availability Reduction in supply availability Increased uncertainty Uncertainty of Change in wind speed expected output and direction Source: Adapted from CCSP 2007; Wilbanks et al. 2012; Ebinger & Vergara 2011. Wind Power Table 3: Potential Demand Side Electricity Sector Vulnerabilities Climate Change Impacts Hotter average temperatures, extreme heat events Increased intensity of storms Specific Electricity Sector Impacts Increased demand for cooling, Increased peak demand; Reduced demand for heating Damage to customer-side energy using assets (buildings, equipment Vulnerabilities Reduced reliability, increased revenue uncertainty Increased revenue uncertainty etc). Source: Adapted from CCSP 2007; Wilbanks et al. 2012; Ebinger & Vergara 2011. In addition to vulnerabilities, climate change impacts could result in opportunities for the electricity sector (CCSP 2007). For example, milder winters could reduce some operational challenges, such as fuel delivery disruptions due to snowstorms, and if managed properly, increased demand for cooling services could be a business opportunity for utilities (CCSP 2007). Nevertheless, a study on the climate change impacts facing the energy sector in New York State found that climate change impacts 18 will likely present more vulnerabilities than opportunities (Hammer et al. 2011a). Climate change will likely increase the difficulty of ensuring enough electricity supply during peak demand periods, increase the difficulty of ensuring reliability during extreme weather events, and exacerbate problematic conditions, such as the urban heat island affect and coastal flooding (Hammer et al. 2011a). An additional concern for policymakers is that vulnerabilities in the electricity sector could result in cascading failures with other infrastructure services due to their interconnectedness (Wilbanks et al. 2012a). Electricity infrastructure is highly interconnected with communications, transportation, potable water, and wastewater infrastructure (Wilbanks et al. 2012a). Furthermore, infrastructure failures have consequences that go beyond the physical infrastructure itself to the services that the infrastructure provides. The loss of those services entails economic, social, and environmental consequences (Wilbanks et al. 2012a), such as illness from contaminated water or lost earnings from business closures. Adaptation is a way for a system to reduce vulnerabilities and take advantage of opportunities (IPCC 2007: 6). Climate change adaptation is defined as an adjustment in response to observed or expected changes in climate and their affects in order to reduce the adverse impacts of change (IPCC 2007; Adger 2006). Two different concepts of adaptation apply to the strategies that electric utilities can employ to adapt to climate change: (1) Adaptation as reducing vulnerabilities and (2) adaptation as enhancing resilience. The framework of adaptation as reducing vulnerabilities leads us to define adaptation strategies as those that seek to reduce exposure, reduce sensitivity, or enhance adaptive capacity (IPCC 2001). * Reduce Exposure: Take steps to reduce the degree to which utility assets and operations experience a climate change impact. For example, relocate substations away from areas prone to coastal flooding. * Reduce Sensitivity: Take steps to reduce the degree to which the utility assets and operations are affected by the climate change impact. For example, install saltwater resistant transformers in areas prone to coastal flooding. * Increase Adaptive Capacity: Take steps to enhance the ability of the electric utility to undertake adaptation. For example, provide utilities with coastal flooding maps that include exposure from sea level rise. A second concept of adaptation is actions that enhance resilience. The IPCC defines resilience as "the ability of a system to absorb disturbances while retraining the same basic structure and ways of functioning, the capacity for self organization and the capacity to adapt to stress and change" (2007: 880). Resilience involves strategies that seek to secure the continuation of desired system functions in 19 the face of changing climate. Resilience does not mean ensuring an asset, organization, or system looks exactly the same before and after a disturbance. Rather, resilience means ensuring that the asset, organization, or system provides the same functionality, such as reliable electricity service, in the face of disturbance. Resiliency strategies may take the form of adjustments in the physical electricity infrastructure, such as deploying technologies that allow the grid to recovery more quickly from an outage (Wilbanks et al 2012b). Resiliency strategies may also take the form of adjustments to institutions and organizational form that "enable technological evolution, new information exchange or decision making procedures" (Pelling 2010: 56). Adaptation Strategies Given the vulnerabilities described above, there are many adaptation strategies that utilities can implement to reduce their vulnerability and enhance their resilience. Several studies have examined and organized potential adaptation strategies for the electricity sector found in the literature (Hammer et al. 2011b; Ebinger & Vergara 2011). Table 4, below, organizes adaptation strategies from the literature according to the different functions and responsibilities of an electric utility, such as transmission and distribution, internal capacity building, and planning activities. This table serves as a framework from which to examine the adaptation strategies utilities are pursuing in subsequent sections of this paper. 20 Table 4: Electric Utility Adaptation Measures by Category Category Transmission & Distribution Demand Side Changes in operating practices Diversify supply sources Adjust hydropower operations to changes in river flow patterns Adaptation Purpose Reduce system sensitivity to an climate change impact Reduce sensitivity to changes in precipitation Capital investments in Bury wires underground Reduce exposure to high winds Operating practice . . Increased tree trimmingwid Reduce sensitivity to high Conservation, energy Establish demand response efficiency, demand programs Reduce sensitivity to peak demand during extreme heat Support investment in rooftop solar panels Enhance resiliency with decentralized power sources Create internal adaptation Enhance adaptive capacity by saigifrain Sub-Category Capital investments in T&D changes in T&D response Distributed generation Ineral Changes in Staffing Internal Capacity Enhanced monitoring Enhncdldniorng of climate change indicators Internal: emergency planning Internal: vulnerability assessment; adaptation Planning Activities strategy PlanningReduce Internal: resource planning External planning Stakeholder education Education, Advocacy, Research Example Adaptation Measure Policy advocacy Regulatory advocacy Funding/ participating in research .oknru working group Early warning systems for temperaturereducing Storm contingency planning Vulnerability assessment Integrated resource plan that includeselecting projections/scenarios Patation in adaptation plan Encourage widespread customer action to manage electricity use more efficiently Advocacy for more energy efficient building codes Advocacy for formal review of adequacy of regulatory policies in the face of climate change Provide data to researchers compiling a climate change risk database winds sharing information, developing partnerships Enhance capacity by epnetm rdcn adaptive response time Enhance resiliency of the system if the face of severe weather Enhance adaptive capacity by increasing awareness of vulnerabilities system sensitivity by tio seleingea res a resource portfolio that performs well in a range of future conditions Enhance adaptive capacity by sharing information and developing partnerships Reduce sensitivity to peak demand conditions or supply shortages Reduce exposure to peak demand during extreme heat. Enhance adaptive capacity by reducing regulatory barriers Enhance adaptive capacity by increasing awareness of risks Enhance adaptive capacity through the availability of Sharing Risk Insurance financial resources after a damaging flood Source: Adapted from Ebinger & Vergara, 2011; Hammer 2011b; Wilbanks et al 2012b. Purchase a stronger isurance policy for an area at risk of 21 It is possible to distinguish between technological, behavioral, and sector-wide strategies. In the table above, the capital investment in supply and T&D are considered technological strategies (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). One subset of technological strategies is "hardening" strategies, which involve physical improvements to infrastructure, such as installing transformers that can tolerate higher temperatures or building a berm around a power plant for flood-proofing (Hammer et al. 2011a). Another subset of technological strategies is known as "smart grid," which is the integration of information technologies into the grid to improve customer management of energy use, system reliability, and integration of cleaner sources of electricity (Schwartz 2010). Smart grid investment are under way for reasons other than adaptation, but some smart grid technologies that allow for greater monitoring, control, efficiency, and flexibility of the grid "would appear to be highly useful" for climate change adaptation (Wilbanks et al. 2012: 54). Many of the categories in the table above are considered behavioral strategies: operational changes, planning, and internal capacity building. Behavioral strategies could include the reconsideration of the location of electricity investments based on climate change risks (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). These measures hinge upon future climate risks being integrated into decision-making and management processes, including relevant planning and management decisions (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). There are also sector-wide adaptation strategies (Hammer et al. 2011a; Ebginer & Vergara 2011). One example is the adoption of policy frameworks that facilitate the internalization of adaptation concerns into electricity systems (Ebginer & Vergara 2011). Other examples under consideration in New York include a regional working group, a climate change risk database, or a formal review process of the appropriateness of current regulatory policies in the face of climate change impacts (Hammer et al. 2011a). Utilities would likely not be the primary entity responsible for implementing sector-wide strategies, but they play a critical role in supporting these strategies, which is represented by the category "Education, Advocacy, and Research" in Table 4. Approaches to Adaptation Climate change adaptation is often considered a risk-management strategy (NRC 2010; Wilbanks et al. 2012b). Risk is defined as the probability of an impact multiplied by the consequences if the impact occurs. Electric utilities manage many risks in their normal operations, such as the risk that prices will move in an unexpected direction, the risk that a customer does not use as much electricity as 22 expected (Shively & Ferrare 2007). These risks are often managed through internal risk management programs, which involve measuring risk levels frequently, structuring physical transactions, the use of financial instruments, and management of stakeholder relationships (Shively & Ferrare 2007). The risks associated with climate change impacts can also be managed through internal programs, but climate change risk management is different from traditional risk management given the complexity and uncertainty around climate change and its impact on the electricity system (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). There is uncertainty regarding the severity and timeframe of climate change, uncertainty regarding if and how changing climate parameters will result in impacts on the electricity system, and uncertainty regarding the costs, benefits, and effectiveness of adaptation options (Ebinger & Vergara 2011; NRC 2010). Given these uncertainties, "nearly every credible source indicates that the appropriate adaptation strategy is rooted in risk management for an uncertain future rather than precise projections for optimal decisions" (Wilbanks et al. 2012b: 49). Climate change risk management requires developing strategies that perform well in multiple possible future scenarios. A critically important step towards developing such strategies is conducting a vulnerability assessment that considers possible exposures to risk under a range of possible future trends and conditions (Wilbanks et al. 2012b; NRC 2010). Climate change risk management also requires frequent engagement with the latest climate science to identify changes that are relevant to the system and it also requires frequent monitoring and reevaluation of adaptation options as information and conditions change (NRC 2010). Climate change risk management needs to be rooted in flexibility and a continuous learning process in order to manage uncertainty (Wilbanks et al 2012b). In addition to vulnerability assessments, Scenario Planning is another tool for exploring alternative futures and assessing strategies for reducing vulnerability and increasing resiliency of critical services (Susskind 2010). Instead of focusing on a single prediction, scenarios focus on uncertain drivers and complex interactions (Susskind 2010). A carefully constructed set of scenarios can highlight future risks and opportunities, providing managers with the information needed to assess the effectiveness of alterative strategies and expanding an organization's understanding of future risk by systematically exploring plausible futures (Susskind 2010). Scenarios presume that in a highly uncertain and dynamic situation there is no single best strategy, but rather a portfolio of strategies that allows an organization to be prepared as conditions change (Susskind 2010). 23 Figure 1: Climate change adaptation as a risk management process ldentifvI current and tbtffl-v ChIll-Itt-' clia ngcs t elevan t to the ,,vstenl Monitor and mnplemented adaptation option sI ,kcsse.,I s Vtdilerabilitic's to Ow svStctm undor a futurc, C(Mdition- Develop an adaptation strategy bascd (In ;ul appraisal adaptation options L Identifyoprtiie L ,Idaptatioll option", Ir co-benefits across Source: NRC 2010. "No-regrets" or "reversible" adaptation strategies tend to perform well in light of an uncertain future (Hallegatte 2008). No-regrets strategies yield benefits even if climate change impacts do not materialize as predicted and reversible strategies allow a utility to change course if unanticipated problems arise or the measure proves ineffective (Hallegatte 2008). Energy efficiency is an example of a no-regrets strategy, because it delivers cost savings regardless of how exactly the climate changes (Hammer et al. 2011b). No-regrets and reversible strategies tend to be "soft" strategies because they imply much less path dependency and irreversibility than "hard" adaptation investments (Hallegatte 2008). For example, demand side management can help avoid large-scale investments in generation or reinforcement and extensions of T&D networks that are not easily undone (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). Nevertheless, demand side management faces significant barriers to implementation, such as behavioral, policy, and institutional barriers (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). Because electricity infrastructure is highly connected to other forms of essential services and because there are many demands on electricity systems (i.e. reliability, economic development, reduced emissions) risk management process should also seek to identify adaptation strategies with co-benefits across sectors and across policy goals (Wilbanks et al. 2012b) Identifying strategies with co-benefits across sectors requires engagement with stakeholders outside of the utility. No one institution can 24 assess all of the risks and adaptation options in the electricity sector. As such, collaborative risk management that enables stakeholder groups to engage in constructive discourse, information sharing, strategy development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation is critical (Wilbanks et al. 2012b; Susskind 2010; NRC 2010). Furthermore, bundling climate change adaptation with other agendas is "virtually certain to attract more widespread buy-in" (Wilbanks et al. 2012b: 53). The timing of adaptation investments should also be a consideration in climate change risk management. Given that many electricity infrastructure investments are long lived, early adaptation action will generally be less costly and more effective than repairs or retrofits (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). In addition to being long lived, electricity infrastructure and equipment have finite lifetimes, so in any given year, many items are due for replacement (Wilbanks et al. 2012). Taking advantage of opportunities provided by infrastructure and equipment replacement can help move systems towards being better adapted at a lower cost (Wilbanks et al. 2012; Hammer et al. 2011a). Smaller investments in infrastructure with a shorter lifespan span may allow for greater flexibility in upgrading and incorporating of the latest climate knowledge in system design (Hallegatte 2008). Innovation can also help reduce the costs of adaptation. There are likely alternatives for reducing risks that require going beyond currently available technologies and practices (Wilbanks et al. 2012). Innovative approaches can often reduce the net cost, but legal, regulatory, and policy barriers may need to be addressed in some cases (Wilbanks et al. 2012). Utilities can promote innovation with internal incentive structures that promote and reward innovative risk management. In addition, utilities can advocate for changes to regulation or policy that would help unlock innovation. Summary ofAppropriate Approach to Electric UtilityAdaptation - Assess vulnerabilities under a range of possible future trends and conditions using tools such as vulnerability assessments and scenario planning (Wilbanks et al. 2012b; NRC 2010; Susskind 2010). e Reduce known vulnerabilities to climate change impacts through changes to technologies, materials, and business strategies (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). e Prioritize flexible adaptation strategies that do not close off future options (Hallegatte 2008). - Monitor, evaluate and learn from emerging experience with impacts and adaptation responses (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). e Focus on replacement opportunities provided by infrastructure and equipment toward the end of their lifetime for greater cost-effectiveness (Wilbanks et al. 2012b; Hammer et al. 2011b). 25 e Through collaborative risk management, develop strategies with co-benefits with other sectors and other agendas to address the interconnected nature of electricity infrastructure and attract more widespread buy-in (Wilbanks et al. 2012b; Susskind 2010). e Identify and engage stakeholders and ensure they are well-informed and their input is taken into account (UKCIP 2007). Stakeholder engagement should enable constructive discourse, information sharing, and partnerships that allow institutions to take on risk management roles for which they are best suited (Wilbanks et al. 2012b; Susskind 2010). e Promote innovation through internal structures and incentives and policy and regulatory advocacy when needed (Wilbanks et al. 2012). Search for strategies to reduce risk that go beyond currently available technologies and practices. A concept that is related to climate change adaptation is disaster risk reduction (DRR). Disaster risk reduction seeks to minimize disaster risks through prevention, mitigation, preparedness, and recovery (Weaver, 2009). DRR is also a risk management activity, but it addresses both environmental and human induced hazards, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and oil spills. Climate-related hazards are only one type of hazard that DRR addresses (Weaver 2009). Climate change adaptation is different than DRR, because it seeks to address the long-term impacts of climate change (Weaver 2009). Whereas DRR focuses on reducing foreseeable risks based on previous experience, climate change adaptation seeks to manage risks outside of the realm of historical experience (Weaver 2009). As such, climate change adaptation originates with and requires continued engagement with scientific projections of how the climate will change over the long-term (Weaver 2009). Due to the uncertainty associated with climate change, adaptation also has a greater emphasis on adaptive management and flexibility, that is, monitoring both the climate science and effectiveness of adaptation options over time and being able to adjust to new and unexpected conditions (NRC 2010). Key Enabling and ConstrainingFactors A firm's approach to adaptation is strongly influenced by the regulatory context, market context, external resources (financing, skills, and expertise), and by interactions with actors outside the organization (Berkhout et al. 2006: 149). Given that utilities are regulated as natural monopolies, regulation and other government policies are undoubtedly key factors for enabling or constraining adaptation, but financial rewards will remain a prime motivator for investments (Ebginer & Vergara 2011: 70). As such, this section discusses the utility business model, regulatory policies, and other 26 government policies surrounding electric utilities that are likely to play a significant role in enabling or constraining adaptation efforts. Business Model Electric utilities carry out many of the core functions of the electricity sector, but exactly which functions an electric utility carries out depends on whether it is vertically integrated or restructured (RAP 2011). A vertically integrated utility (1) generates electricity at power plants that they own, (2) purchases additional electricity needed for distribution, (3) distributes electricity, and (4) sells electricity to its customers and other utilities (RAP 2011). This type of utility earns revenue by generating electricity at their own plants and transporting it to customers. A restructured utility participates in two functions: (1) purchasing electricity in wholesale markets and (2) distributing it to customers (RAP 2011). This type of utility generates revenue by transmitting electricity to customers or other utilities (RAP 2011). There are also different ownership models for utilities. Investor-owned utilities (1OUs) are forprofit corporations owned by public or private shareholders (Shively & Ferrare 2007). They serve almost 70 percent of customers in the U.S. and sell almost 60 percent of the electricity consumed (APPA 2012). Consumer-owned utilities (COUs) are comprised of municipal utilities, utility districts, and cooperatives (RAP 2011). They are more numerous than IOUs and serve about 30 percent of the population (APPA 2012). Due to time constraints, this paper focuses primarily on investor owned utilities because of their dominant economic role in the sector. Many research findings are applicable to COUs, but they are less influenced by state regulatory policy and more influenced by local policy (RAP 2011). Regulatory Context Electric utilities are regulated as "natural monopolies," so regulators determine how a utility recovers its costs and its rate of return on investment (RAP 2011). Because utility profits and incentives are tied to regulation, utilities care a great deal about regulation and the opinion of regulators (RAP 2011). Most utility regulation takes place at the state level with state regulatory commissions that are elected or appointed by governors and are charged with protecting public health and safety while also keeping electricity affordable (RAP 2011). Each state regulatory commission's authority differs according to its authorizing statute and its interpretation of that statute (RAP 2011). Some commissions are cautious in their interpretation while others interpret public interest obligations as providing authority to regulate more widely (RAP 2011). Most state regulatory commissions, however, perform the functions described below in Table 5 (RAP 27 2011). The table also includes ways that these functions could service as factors enabling adaptation at electric utilities. These functions could also be constraints if carried out without sensitivity to climate change impacts. Table 5: Utility Commission Regulatory Functions and Potential Adaptation Enabling Role Common Regulatory Commission Functions Determine the revenue requirement and utility rates Set service quality standards and consumer protection requirements Oversee the financial responsibilities of the utility, including reviewing and approving capital investments and long-term planning Review and approve comprehensive supply resource plans Approve the entry of competitive retailers into the state's market Potential Enabling Roles for Adaptation Guidance on eligibility of adaptation-related investments for rate reimbursement; Structure utility rates to enable demand responsiveness (Ex: dynamic pricing) Require robust storm plans and conduct evaluations and drills. Examine adaptation-related investment and require long-term planning take climate change impacts into account. Require that resource plans are tested against future scenarios that include climate change projections and uncertainties; Provide opportunities for collaborative decision making. Allow microgrids and ESCOs to operate in utility service territory to provide customers with energy management options Source: Adapted from RAP 2011 In addition to the potential enabling role that regulation can play, traditional utility regulation has the potential to constrain adaptation in at least two important ways: the tendency to overvalue capital-intensive investment and the tendency to increase throughput of electricity. Traditional utility regulation may cause utilities to use capital-intensive adaptation strategies even if "soft" strategies have greater efficacy. This tendency is due to the Averch-Johnson Effect, which suggests that utilities will overbuild because their allowed rate of return is a function of their capital investment (Averch & Johnson 1962; RAP 2011). According to this theory, a company that is allowed a return on investment in excess of its actual cost of capital will tend to over-build its system (RAP 2011). Regulators try to overcome this tendency through "prudence reviews," in which regulators determine if a new facility was built in an economic fashion (RAP 2011). If a regulatory commission deems the planning or construction imprudent, it may disallow a portion of the investment, refusing to pass along the costs to customers (RAP 2011). Prudence reviews reduce the incentive to over- 28 investment in capital-intensive projects or "gold-plate" the system and help protect consumers from exceedingly high rates (RAP 2011). Like other utility investments, adaptation-related investments will likely need to be deemed "used and useful" under prudency review if the costs are to be passed on to customers. Recent research has raised the concern that regulators and utilities "may increasingly find themselves in situations where, because of uncertainty over the exact severity or timeliness of climate change is unclear whether capital investments proposed by utilities to enhance the climate resilience of their distribution system will be eligible for rate reimbursement" (Hammer et al. 2011b: 280). Although adaptationrelated investments may serve public interest goals, such as safety and reliability, regulators must balance those goals with keeping prices at reasonable levels. Hammer et al. suggests that guidelines clarifying this matter may be helpful for utility capital investments and maintenance planning (2011b). Under traditional regulation, utilities also have a throughput incentive, which refers to the incentive to increase the volume of electricity utilities transmit through their wires to increase revenue (RAP 2011). Demand side strategies, such as energy efficiency and distributed generation, are key strategies for reducing the electricity system's sensitivity to climate change impacts, such as peak demand during heat waves (Ebinger & Vergara, 2011; Hammer et al. 2011b). However, demand side managment often reduces the amount of electricity being transmitted through a utility's wires. Therefore, an important element of regulation is whether utilities can generate revenue independently of transmitting more electricity, otherwise they are likely to resist demand side strategies that would reduce electricity sales and their revenues (RAP 2011). Regulators have devised a number of policy tools to overcome the throughput incentive, including decoupling, incentives, and mandates (RAP 2011). Decoupling policies are designed to ensure that utilities' revenue is independent of their sales volume (RAP 2011). This policy removes the utility's disincentive for energy efficiency or other measures that reduce consumer usage levels. Another tool is incentives for preferred actions or performance (RAP 2011). Some commissions have established incentives to reward utilities achieve specific goals, such as a bonus to the rate of return for exceeding energy efficiency goals or penalties for failure to maintain commission-established goals for reliability (RAP 2011). Regulators could potentially use incentives for preferred actions in accordance with adaptation strategies. Lastly, commissions often require utilities to meet mandates on investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy (RAP 2011). 29 Other regulatory tools Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) requires a utility to develop a publicly available plan for the best way to meet consumer needs over time, usually from ten to twenty years (RAP 2011). IRPs are developed with the involvement of the regulator and often include other stakeholders, such as the grid operator and environmental and consumer advocates (RAP 2011). IRPs evaluate how electricity demand could change over time and the range of supply and demand options for meeting future needs, including new power plants, distributed generation, and energy efficiency (RAP 2011). IRPs evaluate resource mixes for cost-effectiveness across a range of future scenarios (RAP 2011). Weather and population change are often included in the future scenarios and researchers have argued that IRPs can also include climate change impacts and uncertainties in existing analysis methods (Coughlin & Goldman 2008). One challenge that arises, however, is that resource planning is distributed across several types of organizations that operate at different spatial scales (Coughlin & Goldman 2008). For example, a utility may operate within a single county, whereas a grid operator may cover several states. It's important that the incorporation of climate change impacts in the analysis preserve the spatial variations in weather systems (Coughlin & Goldman 2008). Forward-looking planning processes, such as IRPs, provide an opportunity for regulators to incorporate collaborative decision-making into the processes for developing plans and agreements. Compared to traditional regulatory procedures, collaborative processes allow for greater stakeholder participation, improved working relationships, and joint fact-finding (Raab 1994). These efforts tend lead to agreements that all parties are more committed to, leading to improved implementation and fewer appeals (Raab 1994). Collaborative efforts have been used to design demand side management programs and integrated resource management plans (Raab 1994). Given the complexity and uncertainty of climate change impacts, regulators utilities, and other stakeholders would likely benefit from collaborative problem solving regarding adaptation. Regional Regulation In many parts of the country, regional grid operators, also known as independent system operators (ISOs), control the electric grid and operate regional wholesale electric markets (RAP 2011). They determine when and which power plants input electricity on the grid and ensure that it flows where needed. ISOs also plan transmission infrastructure (RAP 2011). ISOs could play an indirect role enabling utility adaptation by incorporating climate change impacts in the transmission planning process 30 (Coughlin & Goldman 2008) and by managing their wholesale markets so that energy efficiency and demand response can participate as resource providers (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). Federal Regulation The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates the transmission of electricity across states and the regional wholesale markets administered by the Independent System Operators (RAP 2011). FERC also regulates the planning processes that the ISOs undertake and their tariffs and conditions of service. Except when a utility owns interstate transmission, FERC does not directly regulate electric utilities, but it greatly shapes the electricity markets in which utilities are participants. FERC also regulates reliability of the interstate power system. In 2003, the Commission designated the North American Reliability Corporation with the responsibility to develop and enforce standards to ensure the reliability of the interconnected interstate power system, including standards that address vegetation management, emergency preparedness, and transmission planning (FERC 2012; NERC 2013). Lastly, to help support the modernization of the Nation's electric system FERC is focusing on advancing issues associated with a smarter grid, such as demand response and advanced metering (FERC 2012). State and Local Policy Context State and local governments play an important role in shaping the policy context around utilities and climate change adaptation. As of 2012, at least 13 states have climate adaptation plans and numerous states have created sector specific plans that consider long-term climate change, such as coastal management plans (Bierbaum et al. 2012). Most adaptation efforts to date, however, have occurred at the local and regional levels (Bierbaum et al. 2012). Local governments are using the tools in their authority for adaptation: land use planning, provisions to protect infrastructure and ecosystems, building codes, and emergency preparation, response, and recovery (Bierbaum et al. 2012). Several cities have moved passed the planning stage and are now implementing adaptation strategies (Bierbaum et al. 2012), but adaptation is still a relatively new concept among local governments (Carmin et al. 2009). Moreover, the energy sector has been less often studied in local-level adaptation planning than sea level rise, health, and water resources (Hunt & Watkiss 2010). One of the challenges for local government involvement in electricity sector adaptation is that many cities lack direct regulatory authority over the local utility (Hammer et al. 2011a). As such, in order to advance an agenda of increased climate resiliency of the electricity system, local officials must pursue 31 advocacy, education, or partnerships rather than direct regulation (Hammer et al. 2011a). An exception is municipal utilities, which are generally subject to control by the City Council (RAP 2011). Despite these challenges, some of the limited literature on the subject indicates that local level adaptation planning can influence electricity sector adaptation. For example, in New York State, climate change adaptation is a new area of focus for energy companies and few have engaged in comprehensive assessments of their climate change-related operating vulnerabilities (Hammer et al. 2011a). The exception, however, were companies operating in New York City, many of whom were involved in a climate change adaptation initiative led by the city's Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability (Hammer et al. 2011a). These companies tended to have internal working groups, developed new policies or procedures, or began to make operational changes with climate change impacts in mind (Hammer et al. 2011a). 32 IV. Survey Findings This chapter discusses findings from the analysis of investor owned utility responses to Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) surveys regarding the climate change adaptation activities they are currently pursuing. For a more detailed discussion of the methodology, please see Chapter II. Approximately a quarter of utilities that responded to the CDP survey reported no adaptation measures or the measures they did report did not qualify as adaptation according to the literature. An example of a reported measure that does not qualify as adaptation is "Dominion ... focuses on monitoring weather and responding to weather events," because it only discusses weather and not climate nor does it discuss a enhancement of weather monitoring as a result of considering climate change impacts. Another example of a reported measure that does not qualify is "The company is not actively planning to manage or adapt to changes in Great Lakes water levels or temperatures," which recognizes a potential climate change risk, but indicates that the company is not currently planning on managing that risk. Given the limitations of the CDP survey, including potential response bias due to its voluntary nature, it's difficult to extrapolate from this data to say that a quarter of utilities are not engaged in climate change adaptation. Nevertheless, the finding of a quarter of utilities not reporting any adaptation is not surprising given that, according to the literature, the electricity sector has been very focused on mitigation while adaptation has been underrepresented in action and investment (Ebginer & Vergara 2011). The adaptation measures reported in the surveys were analyzed according to the categories and subcategories found in Table 4 of the literature review. The most common categories of adaptation measures that utilities reported were (1) transmission & distribution, (2) planning activities, and (3) supply. These three categories account for nearly three-quarters of all adaptation measures. 33 Figure 2: Number of adaptation measures by category 40 35 30-25 - 20 15 10 + 50 +----- Supply ----- ---- Transmission Demand Side Internal Planning Education, Additional Management & Distribution Capacity Building Activities Advocacy, Research Insurance Source: Author analysis of 2012 CDP survey data Transmission and distribution (T&D) adaptation measures are heavily concentrated in the subcategory of capital investments while operational changes were much less common. In fact, the most commonly reported adaptation measure across all categories was capital investments in T&D: it accounts for 24 percent of all adaptation measures reported in the surveys. Examples of reported T&D capital investments include investments in smart grid technologies, including automation and advanced metering, investment in new transmission lines, hardening T&D to better withstand wildfires, hardening T&D to withstand extreme weather, and undergrounding lines. The T&D operational changes reported were nearly all enhancements in vegetation management. Figure 3: Detail on transmission & distribution-related adaptation measures 30 25 20 15 101 5 0 - ----- ~ ~.. Capital investments in T&D Operating practice changes in T&D Source: Author analysis of 2012 CDP survey data 34 There could be several reasons for the concentration of adaptation measures in capital investment in T&D. According to the literature, T&D systems are potentially vulnerable to flooding, extreme heat, high winds, and ice (Ebinger & Vergara 2011; Wilbanks et al. 2012b). Perhaps the physical characteristics of T&D systems require considerable investment in order to maintain and upgrade the complex network of wires, poles, transformers, circuits, and substations in the face a changing climate. Another potential reason is that electric utilities may also be influenced by the fact that capital investments, if approved by regulators, contribute to their revenue requirement (RAP 2011). More focused research is needed to understand if in fact regulatory incentives are leading to a concentration of adaptation measures in capital investment in T&D and the potential implications. Compared to transmission & distribution, supply-related adaptation measures are more evenly distributed between capital investments and operational changes. Examples of reported capital investment in supply include solar power development, building more cooling ponds, lowering pump intakes, and acquiring generation resources that use less water. Examples of operational changes in supply include water efficiency measures, using a different water source, fuel diversification, and changes to fuel delivery and inventory. Several factors may contribute to supply adaptation measures being more distributed across capital investment and operations. Compared to the T&D system, supply infrastructure is more concentrated in large assets, namely power plants. As such, utilities may make less frequent, but larger one-time adaptation-related investments compared to more frequent investments in T&D infrastructure. In addition, the operational changes to supply reported in the surveys consisted primarily of changes in water use and fuel management. Power plants have these inputs (water and fuel) that have the potential to be modified to help cope with climate change impacts. Figure 4: Detail on supply-related adaptation measures 12 10 8 6 4 0 Capital investments in supply Operating changes in supply Source: Author analysis of 2012 CDP survey data 35 After transmission & distribution, the second most frequently reported category was planning. The vast majority of reported planning measures are internal to the utility rather than driven by external stakeholders. It is encouraging that utilities consider these planning processes as useful measures for adaptation. However, it's unclear from the CDP responses if these planning processes are sufficiently taking into account climate change risks. Behavioral strategies, such as planning, need to incorporate climate change risks in order to be effective as adaptation strategies (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). Half of the internal planning measures were in the sub-category of emergency preparedness and response, which may reflect that utility planning is more focused on disaster risk reduction than on climate change adaptation. Emergency planning is important considering that extreme events may be the most disruptive element of climate change for electric utilities (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). However, emergency plans may not be taking into account the increased uncertainty of weather-related impacts as a result of climate change and may not sufficiently account for climate change risks that are not extreme weather events, such as drought or sea level rise. Another issue that is left unresolved by the survey analysis is whether the planning processes being used have sufficiently long planning horizons to account for climate change risks. While Integrated Resource Plans are considered long-range plans, their planning horizon is 10 to 20 years (RAP 2011), which is not long-term with regards to climate change risks and the lifespan of a lot of electricity infrastructure. Climate change risk assessment and adaptation strategy development is long-term in nature, but it was the least frequently reported type of planning. In addition, given that "the starting point for any risk management strategy is a vulnerability assessment," it is disappointing to see that more utilities did not report conducting climate change risk or vulnerability assessments (Wilbanks et al. 2012b: 53). 36 Figure 5: Detail on planning-related adaptation measures 12---10 8 4 - - 6 ~ - ~ --- --- 2 0 Internal planning: emergency preparedness and recovery Internal planning: Internal planning: risk External adaptation planning assessment, resource planning adaptation strategy Source: Author analysis of 2012 CDP survey data "Demand Side Management," which includes energy efficiency, demand response, energy conservation, and distributed generation, accounted for 8 percent of adaptation measures. The low reporting of demand side management is surprising considering that the literature calls energy efficiency an excellent "no-regrets" strategy (Hallegatte 2008). In addition it provides greater flexibility by helping to avoid investments in fixed T&D or generation infrastructure (Hallegatte 2008). Perhaps barriers to demand side management are resulting in the comparatively low reported use of that strategy or perhaps demand side management does not provide as many adaptation benefits as the literature would suggest. "Education, Advocacy, and Research," accounted for 9 percent of adaptation measures. Only two utilities reported a customer education activity, two utilities reported regulatory advocacy, which was revenue recovery advocacy in both cases, and one utility reported other forms policy advocacy. The lackluster reporting in this adaptation category is of concern, because one of the principles of adaptation is to engage stakeholders and ensure that they are well informed (UKCIP 2007; Susskind 2010). Conclusions The CDP survey is not as powerful a tool for understanding the current state of electric utility adaptation as I had anticipated. The limited participation and open-ended nature of the questions limit the generalizability and reliability of the findings. Given these limitations, a government agency, such as FERC, should consider developing a mandatory climate change adaptation survey for electric utilities, 37 similar to the surveys and assessment about the state of demand response and advanced metering that FERC conducts. A mandatory survey would provide a much more robust and reliable picture of the state of climate change adaptation among electric utilities. Furthermore, the act of a government agency asking these questions would raise the level of interest and concern about managing climate change risks among decision-makers in utilities. Raising awareness among utilities is an important goal in and of itself, because a quarter of the utilities responding to the CDP survey did not report any adaptation measures, or those measures that they did report did not qualify as adaptation according to the literature. Lastly, as opposed to open-ended questions, a climate change adaptation survey of utilities should be structured similarly to Table 4, according adaptation categories and subcategories that pertain to the electric utility functions. Despite the limitations of this CDP survey analysis, the findings point to interesting trends. First, adaptation measures are highly concentrated in capital investment in T&D. More research is needed to understand why this is the case. The study has put forth two hypothesis based on the literature: (1) T&D systems are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts, (2) regulation incentivizes capital investments over other types of activities. Planning was also a common category of adaptation measure, but climate change risk assessments and adaptation strategies were rarely reported. Instead, emergency planning and resource planning were much more common. However, these types of plans may not have long-enough time horizons to sufficiently account for the climate change risks facing utilities. Lastly, demand side management only accounted for 8 percent of the reported adaptation measures, which is surprising given the literature's description of demand side strategies as being "no-regrets" and "flexible." 38 V. Con Edison Case Study Background Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) serves New York City and Westchester County with electricity, natural gas, and steam (SEC 2012a). The company provides electricity to approximately 3.3 million customers (SEC 2012a). Con Ed operates in a restructured market, so it is primarily a transmission and distribution (i.e. wire only) company that purchases, rather than produces, 90 percent of the electricity it delivers to customers (SEC 2012a). Although Con Ed sold most of its electricity generation units during industry restructuring in the mid 1990s, it continues to own and operates steam generators for the network in Manhattan (SEC 2012a). The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) has regulatory authority over Con Ed and sets the rate of return and revenue requirement. Con Ed's distribution network is one of the densest in the world: it consists of 90,000 miles of underground distribution lines and 55 distinct networks (Zimmerman & Faris 2010). While the underground nature of the network in New York City makes it less vulnerable to high winds, much of the infrastructure is located in low-lying, coastal areas that are vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise (Zimmerman & Faris 2010). In addition, the highly urbanized nature of New York City makes it more prone to the heat island affect (Rosenweig et al. 2006). As discussed in the literature review, the urban heat island affect refers to higher temperatures in cities compared to surrounding regions as a result of the large amount of surfaces that absorb heat. The potential for heat waves to be exacerbated by climate change and the urban head island affect means Con Ed's system is potentially vulnerable to reliability problems from high temperatures and peak demand (Hammer et al. 2011a). Con Ed's distribution system in Westchester County, on the other hand, is primarily above ground and in suburban context. The tree canopy in the area makes the system vulnerable to high winds, which can cause trees to fall and bring down wires (Westman Interview 2013). 39 Figure 6: Con Ed Service Territory Map Source: The climate change impacts identified by Con Ed in publically available documents and interviews closely matches the climate change impacts identified in the literature. Nevertheless, Con Ed appears to be more concerned about extreme events, such as hurricanes, extreme winds, and heat waves, than potential gradual changes in climate (Westman 2012; Interview 2013). This pattern matches the literature on climate change vulnerability in the electricity sector, which says that extreme events will likely have a greater impact on electricity infrastructure than gradual changes (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). Decision-makers also often perceive that adapting to risks of extreme events is different and more challenging than adapting to gradual changes (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). Summary of Potential Climate Change Impacts in Con Ed Service Territory (Horton et al. 2010). * * e * * Long-term changes in mean annual temperature Increases in frequency, intensity, and duration of heat waves Long-term change in mean annual precipitation More frequent and intense precipitation events More frequent drought 40 e - Sea Level Rise Likely increase in intense hurricanes Likely increase in extreme winds Approach to Adaptation Understanding and evaluating the company's overall risks and opportunities from climate change is a primary responsibility of the Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) group and is overseen by the Climate and Sustainability Manager (Westman 2012). EH&S works with the Emergency Management group to assess overall physical impacts and risks posed by climate change to company-owned assets (Westman 2012). The EH&S Committee of the Board of Directors meets four times a year, at which time it receives internal updates. Con Ed's EH&S Vice President reports directly to the Board on the company's climate change activities (Westman 2012). Although the Emergency Management Department and EH&S Departments can identify climate change risks and impacts, the business operating units have the primary responsibility for managing the risks (Westman 2012). These operating units develop infrastructure assessments and capital plans that incorporate strategies to deal with those climate change risks (Westman 2012). Those capital plans can then be incorporated into rate cases that are submitted to the PSC and if approved, the costs are passed on to customers in their billable rates (Westman 2012). As a result of using this risk management approach, "a lot of adaptation strategies are paired on top of existing business model type valuations" (Westman Interview 2013). Incorporating climate change risks into capital plans makes it more likely that the company is using replacement opportunities to upgrade infrastructure and developing strategies that recognize competing demands for resources. Con Ed's participation in the New York City Adaptation Task Force in 2008 was influential for Con Ed in terms of providing information about the long-term climate change risks that the company is facing (Westman Interview 2013). The New York City Mayor's office launched The York City Adaptation Task Force to identify risks and opportunities for the city's critical infrastructure (Major & O'Grady 2010). Con Ed was one of 40 members of the Task Force comprised of public authorities and private companies that operate, maintain, or regulate critical infrastructure in the region (Major & O'Grady 2010). While working with the Adaptation Task Force, Con Ed completed a comprehensive risk assessment of key pieces of its infrastructure potentially at risk from climate change impacts (Westman 2012). The assessment considered capital cost and operational impacts on the company as well as the health, economic and environmental impacts on New York City (Westman 2012; Major & O'Grady 2010). A panel of experts from academia, and the legal, engineering, and insurance industries called the New 41 York Panel on Climate Change (NPCC) advised the Task Force (Major & O'Grady 2010). The NPCC was funded by a $350,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation (NYC 2009). The risk assessment that Con Ed completed during the NPCC process has not been made publically available, but the risk assessment tools that Con Ed and the rest of the Adaptation Task Force used have been published as an "Adaptation Assessment Guidebook" (Mayor & O'Grady 2010). The Guidebook includes infrastructure questionnaires, a risk matrix, and a prioritization framework. The infrastructure questionnaires were created in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group to help infrastructure operators identify infrastructure at risk to climate change impacts. The Risk Matrix is a tool to help categorize risks based on the probability of a climate hazard, likelihood of an impact, and magnitude of consequence should the impact occur. The Prioritization Framework is a tool to help stakeholders develop and prioritize adaptation strategies. The risk assessment was completed in conjunction with the Climate Risk Information (CRI) workbook that contains downscaled climate change projections for the New York Region provided by the NPCC (Horton & Rosenzweig 2010). When Con Ed participated in the Adaptation Task Force, representatives from Con Ed engaged with scientists from the NPCC regarding the types of climate change projections would be most useful to them (Freed Interview 2013). The CRI includes projections for temperature, precipitation, and sea level rise for three emissions scenario and for three time periods (2020, 2050, 2080) (Horton & Rosenweig 2010). The CRI also includes projections for extreme events: heat waves, cold events, intense precipitation, drought, coastal floods and storms (Horton & Rosenweig 2010). It also includes qualitative projections for extreme events that are too uncertain at local scales to allow for quantitative projections: heat indices, frozen precipitation, downpours, lightning, and largescale storms (Horton & Rosenweig 2010). The impacts from Hurricane Sandy in 2012 have forced Con Ed to reevaluate some of its previous assessments of risk and the effectiveness of its adaptation strategies. "We have this infrastructure, we thought we were taking good management approaches and yet some of those systems still catastrophically failed. We are asking ourselves what is our appetite for risk and what are the costs of managing the risks? That's where we have to take a step back and think about the real probability that this will happen again and the repercussions" (Westman Interview 2013). Hurricane Sandy resulted in 825,000 million Con Ed customers losing power when storm surge flooded underground equipment and high winds brought down overhead power lines (Con Ed 2012; NYS 2013). The power outages severely affected other vital services, such as communications, healthcare, transportation, drinking water supplies, and wastewater treatment (NYS 2013). While the New York 42 region has been hit by several destructive storms in recent years, such as Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm Lee, and an ice storm in 2008 (NYS 2013), the power outages resulting from Hurricane Sandy far exceeded previous storms. The previous record number of storm outages in Con Edison service territory was 203,000 customers from Hurricane Irene in 2011 (Con Ed 2012). According to Mr. Westman, since Hurricane Sandy, a group of senior management has come together to develop a storm-hardening strategy (Interview 2013). Mr. Westman said that it was too early to comment on their progress, but that the formation of this group provides the opportunity to consider more expensive options for reducing storm damage, such as undergrounding of electric systems. The group would be looking at cost-benefit analyses, for example, comparing the costs of undergrounding with the costs of frequent repairs and vegetation management for above ground lines. The evidence of this thinking is evident in Con Ed's latest rate case proposal to the PSC in January 2013. The company plans to spend $1 billion through 2016 on transmission and distribution capital improvements to avoid a repeat of damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, including flood- proofing equipment in low-lying areas, undergrounding power lines, and building higher flood walls around substations (Johnsson 2013). Adaptation Strategies Capital Investment in Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Con Ed considers investments in maintaining and upgrading their transmission and distribution infrastructure an important part of their climate change adaptation strategy (Westman Interview 2013). These investments include installing upgraded cables and transformers that can better withstand heat waves or installing new poles that can better withstand high winds (Westman Interview 2013). These types of investments are financed through rate cases, but have not been labeled as climate change adaptation, but rather as old infrastructure in need of replacement and upgrading (Westman Interview 2013). In addition to the effort to upgrade and maintain T&D infrastructure, Con Ed is also making capital investments to manage coastal flooding risks. The company has engaged in efforts to both retrofit existing equipment and factor risks into the design of new equipment. Since 2007, the company has been replacing transformers in areas most prone to flooding with saltwater submersible transformers (Hammer et al. 2011a; Westman 2012; Marritz 2013). This initiative was undertaken voluntarily at a cost of $7 million (Hammer et al. 2011a). The company is also factoring flood levels into the design of new substations (Westman 2012). 43 Con Ed has also been evaluating investments in smart grid technologies through pilot projects. As discussed in the literature review, smart grid has the potential to provide adaptation benefits including quicker recovery from outages and the integration of distributed resources (Schwartz 2010; Wilbanks et al. 2012). The company appears to be taking an incremental and measured approach to smart grid. In 2009, Con Ed implemented a smart meter pilot project that installed and evaluated the impact of 1,500 smart meters in Queens (Akam 2009; Westman 2012). In 2010, the company also received a $136 million grant from the Department of Energy (DOE) to help finance automation improvements to the T&D system, including installing more switches, monitoring devices, and technologies to help integrate renewable energy and electric vehicles into the distribution system (DOE 2011; Westman 2012). While DOE did not name adaptation to climate change impacts as an explicit purpose of the project, goals included deferring additional investment in increasing the capacity of the distribution network and to increase efficiency and reliability of the grid. These goals closely resemble some of the no-regrets adaptation strategies discussed in the literature review (DOE 2011; Hallegatte 2008). Con Ed also works with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and electric cable manufacturers to develop and install new cable technology that could help accommodate distributed generation (Westman 2012). Con Ed is also developing strategies for integrating electric vehicles (EVs) into their distribution system (Westman 2012). Con Ed considers electric vehicles as a business opportunity as a source of more demand for electricity (Westman 2012). Nevertheless, there is a lack of research that explicitly evaluates the usefulness of EVs as an adaptation strategy. Coastal Storm Plan Con Ed considers its Coastal Storm Plan an important part of its adaptation strategy (Westman 2012; 2013). Dave Westman describes this strategy as "creating a management structure that facilitates rapid response" (2013). The Coastal Storm Plan guides the company before, during and after a coastal storm (Westman 2012; 2013). Con Ed also has an Emergency Management Team and an Incident Command Center coordinate emergency planning and response (Westman Interview 2013). After Hurricane Sandy, Governor Cuomo appointed the "Moreland Commission" to study utility storm preparedness (NYS 2013). In an interim report, Commission found that, "while on paper, Con Ed's storm response plan may appear adequate, the application of that plan during Sandy appears to demonstrate that the plan provided little guidance to the utility in addressing the impact of the kind of significant tidal flooding that occurred" (NYS 2013). Dave Westman of Con Ed also remarked that the 44 tidal flooding seen during Sandy was out of the range that they had expected to see: "The numbers were so far of the charts. 14-foot storm surge was unbelievable. The highest we expected was 12 feet" (Interview 2013). Since climate change is expected to cause more extreme events, which can be highly disruptive for the electricity sector, enhanced emergency plans that guide utility response and recovery to such events can be an important part of a climate change adaptation strategy (Wilbanks et al., 2012b; Ebinger & Vergara 2011). However, the findings from the Moreland Commission raises questions of whether Con Ed had adequately assessed the risks associated with extreme storm events that have a low probability of occurrence, but high consequences if it they do occur. Moreover, plans that rely on historical baselines more closely resemble disaster risk reduction than climate change adaptation, which requires testing strategies against a range of possible future conditions (Weaver 2009; NRC 2010). Demand side management Con Ed has several energy efficiency and demand response programs that can help reduce strain on the electricity system during extreme heat events resulting in high demand (Westman 2012). For example during a heat wave in 2011, demand response programs were credited with reducing peak demand by 500 MW (about a 4 percent demand reduction) (Westman 2012). Con Ed's energy efficiency and demand response efforts are largely driven by the New York Public Service Commission, which has authorized a system benefits charge to support comprehensive energy efficiency programs (ACEEE 2013). The New York Public Service Commission also passed an Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard in 2008 with the goal of reducing energy consumption by 15 percent by 2015 (ACEEE 2013). While energy efficiency is a no-regrets adaptation strategy and can help address risks associated with extreme heat, the commission's rulemaking does not discuss climate change adaptation or climate change risk management (NYPSC 2008). However, other reports sponsored by the State of New York, such as ClimAID and the Climate Action Council's Interim report (described below) recommend energy efficiency and demand response as adaptation strategies (Hammer et al. 2011a; NYS 2010). Stakeholder Activities Con Ed also considers its participation and engagement with stakeholder adaptation efforts as part of its adaptation strategy (CDP 2012). In addition to the New York City Adaptation Task Force described above, Con Ed has also participated in three other climate change adaptation processes 45 convened by external stakeholders. In 2007, Con Ed participated in the New York Sea Level Rise Task Force created by the state legislature to assess impacts to the state's coastlines and recommend adaptation measures (DEC 2010). The Department of Environmental Conservation organized the process and The Task Force delivered their final report to Legislature in late 2010 (DEC 2010). According the CDP submission, Con Ed "worked with the DEC to determine the affects of sea level rise ...on energy infrastructure" (Westman 2012). The energy sector does not appear to have been a major focal point of the assessment as the final report has one paragraph on the risks that sea level rise poses to energy facilities (DEC 2010). The paragraph describes how flooding of power plants can result in total loss of service for an area, frequent inundation of T&D systems can cause deterioration potentially causing more frequent outages, and flooding and higher water table can impede access for repair and maintenance of underground equipment (DEC 2010: 34). The paragraph does not discuss the risk of flooding of T&D systems causing equipment failures that result in total loss of service for an area, which is what occurred as a result of the storm surge during Hurricane Sandy. The final report also includes 14 recommendations regarding sea level rise vulnerability and adaptation strategies, but the Task Force considered the recommendations a first step and in need of further analysis (DEC 2010: 5). Furthermore, the recommendations did not have unanimous consent of all the Task Force members. For example, the City of New York "does not support recommendations, 2,3,4,5, and 7" (DEC 2010: 6). Con Ed was also not in agreement with all recommendations, particularly on a coastal migration zone and regulating more land as wetlands (Westman Interview 2013). In fact, Con Ed's 2012 CDP submission says that "changes to tidal wetland regulation that restrict activities adjacent to tidal wetlands" are a regulatory risk that could disrupt generation capacity (Westman 2012). It's likely that participating in this process raised awareness among Con Ed management that coastal land use regulation is an issue they will have to contend with considering they own and depend on infrastructure in the coastal zone. In 2009, Con Ed participated in the Climate Action Council, which Governor Paterson's office convened with the primary task of determining how to meet the Governor's goal of reducing GHG emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 (NYS 2010). The Governor's office also asked the Council to develop a plan to increase New York's resiliency to climate change. The interim report was released in November 2010 with a chapter on climate change adaptation, which includes climate change impacts and adaptation recommendations for the energy sector. The chapter includes several recommendations that are pertinent to electric utilities: Incorporating climate change impacts into electricity demand projections; Meeting demand growth and improving system resiliency with demand 46 response and energy efficiency, distributed generation, energy storage, and smart grid technologies; Survey and assess best practices for electric and gas utility resiliency efforts; And ensure detailed maps are available for identifying areas and infrastructure at high risk from storm and flood damage (NYS 2010). Con Ed contributed to those final recommendations. In 2011, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority undertook ClimAID to provide up to date information on the state's climate change vulnerabilities to assist in the development of adaptation strategies (Rosenweig & Solecki 2011). The ClimAID report was published in 2011 and it covers many sectors, one of them being energy. Con Ed played an advisory role in that process, meeting with researchers and providing background information. The chapter on the energy sector details New York's energy sector climate change vulnerabilities and discusses adaptation strategies found in the literature (Hammer et al. 2011a). The report has a detailed analysis of how climate change might affect energy demand in New York State with a focus on the short-term time frame (Hammer et al. 2011a: 268). The ClimAID researchers found that climate change may increase summertime peak demand by up to 497 MW in New York City and a 4 percent increase over current peak demand in the 2020s (Hammer et al. 2011a). The report discussed flooding and sea level rise vulnerabilities for power plants, but not transmission and distribution infrastructure. The adaptation options in the report include using equipment replacement cycles as opportunities to enhance resiliency, protecting or elevating infrastructure in flood prone areas, and using side management as a no-regrets and flexible strategy for coping with impacts (Hammer at al. 2011a). The state level planning processes do not appear to have been as directly influential as the City of New York Adaptation Task Force in informing Con Ed's management of climate change risks, because they were not as focused on downscaled climate change projections and risk assessments. Nevertheless, they raised awareness among Con Ed management and stakeholders about energy sector vulnerabilities and potential adaptation strategies. For example, the Sea Level Rise Task Force raised awareness in Con Ed of some regulatory challenges that they may face as a result of adaptation efforts. ClimAID and the Sea Level Rise Task Force seem like missed opportunities to have examined the vulnerability of Con Ed's transmission & distribution system to storm surge in advance of Hurricane Sandy. 47 Table 6: Summary of externally driven planning process Date 2007 Name New York State Sea Level Rise Task Force Con Ed's Role Provided input on energy sector vulnerabilities and SLR adaptation strategies. 20082010 New York City Adaptation Task Force 2009 Climate Action Council Developed an internal risk assessment. Helped inform format of climate change projections. Advisory, input on recommendations 2011 ClimAid Advisory Outcomes Disagreement among stakeholders on final recommendations. Con Ed realizes that costal land regulation may be an issue in the future. Provision of climate change projections to senior engineers and managers for risk management and capital planning Con Ed contributes to recommendations for more precise information on potential impacts Greater detail on potential climate change impact on energy demand Enabling and Constraining Factors Information Resources from New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC) The City of New York's Panel on Climate Change and Con Ed's participation on the Adaptation Task Force has enabled Con Ed to incorporate climate change variables in the company's risk management activities. According to Dave Westman of Con Ed, "partially through work at the City, we embraced a risk-based approach to adaptation strategies.... For the last 4 or 5 years we have been bringing the information and studies from the NPCC to the senior executives and chief engineers and saying this is what the scientists, policymakers, and Mayor's office are saying that we should be planning for" (Westman Interview 2013). The NPCC provided climate change projections and risk framing pieces that the company could begin to disseminate to executives, engineers, and designers (Westman Interview 2013). In addition, as a participant of the Adaptation Task Force, con Ed was able to engage with the scientists to inform the type of information provided in the projections, shaping the process to make it useful to them. The company continues to want more precise and localized projections of climate change impacts to inform the design and operation of equipment (Westman Interview 2013). Experience with Climate-Related Hazards Con Ed's recent experience with storms has brought the issue of climate change risk management and adaptation to the attention of the highest levels of the company (Westman Interview 2013). According to John Miksad, SVP for electric operations, four of the five worst storms that that affected the company have occurred over the last two and a half years (Marritz 2013). There's a sense 48 among management that these storms are indications of a changing risk profile from climate change (Westman Interview 2013). The perception of increasing climate change related risks among high levels managers at Con Ed has made the company more receptive to incorporating climate change impacts into their risk management process (Westman Interview 2013). Experience with these climate-related hazards has also enabled the company to test their risk management strategies. For example, Hurricane Irene contributed to the company's understanding of "which facilities may need to be hardened to remain operational ... during a hurricane event" (Westman 2012). The outcomes from Hurricane Sandy forced the company to evaluate how their adaptation strategies actually performed and re-evaluate the costs of managing storm risks and how much risk the company is willing to bear (Westman Interview 2013; Freed Interview 2013). In addition to changing Con Ed's internal dynamics, these climate-related events changed the external policy environment by increasing attention to risks and spurring efforts examine ways to make the City of New York more climate-resilient (Rosenweig & Solecki 2010). These activities include the planning processes described above that Con Ed has participated in and others that Con Ed has not participated in, such as a 4-year climate change adaptation initiative launched by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection focused on water supply, sewer, and wastewater treatments systems (Rosenweig & Solecki 2010). Hurricane Sandy in particular, however, has ignited interest in examining actions to make the electricity sector more resilient. For example, in November 2012, Governor Cuomo convened the Moreland Commission, which is studying and putting forth recommendations for how to improve utility storm response (NYS 2013). The Governor also convened the 2100 Commission to recommend actions that should be taken to improve the resilience of critical infrastructure systems (NYS 2100 Commission 2013). These Commissions are bringing greater public attention to the issue of adaptation of the state's electricity sector. For example, leading environmental organization signed a letter to the Public Service Commission urging that they require utilities to develop hazard mitigation plans that explicitly deal with climate change impacts (Siders et al. 2012). The letter drew directly upon material from the Moreland Commission and 2100 Commission. It's too early to tell how much of this attention will translate into concrete climate change adaptation efforts in the electricity sector, but the political attention may lead to more resources being put towards enhanced risk management. 49 Communicating Adaptation Especially with the increased public attention to climate change risks after Hurricane Sandy, Con Ed is frequently asked what they are doing and how much they are spending on climate change adaptation (Westman Interview 2013). Company managers are realizing that it's challenging to quantify their investment in adaptation measures, because they are integrated into investments that also serve other purposes (Westman Interview 2013). "There's no line item in the rate case for climate change adaptation. Our best adaptation strategies are our infrastructure and housekeeping items too" (Westman Interview 2013). Although it is unlikely likely that this communications issue is constraining the types of adaptation measures or extent to which Con Ed is pursing adaptation, it illustrates how the integrated nature of climate change risk management can make it difficult to measure and communicate those efforts with stakeholders. Limited Means to Finance Infrastructure Upgrades Some of the key adaptation strategies from the literature that will need to be implemented by the utility (rather than policymakers or regulators) have to do with upgrading and modernization the T&D system for greater reinforcement and flexibility (Wilbanks 2012b; NYS 2100 Commission 2013). Anything from elevating substations or replacing wood poles with steal or installing new smart grid technologies requires investment in the T&D system. The utility business model is set up so that utilities finance this investment through the revenue requirement set by regulators, which is passed on to customers in the form of their electricity rates (Shively & Ferrare 2007). Thus, barring state or federal investment or new financing models, increased capital investment in T&D infrastructure will most likely require higher electricity rates. For example, in Con Ed's most recent rate case proposal to the PSC, the company plans to spend $1 billion through 2016 on T&D capital improvements to avoid a repeat of damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. Under this proposal, the average electricity bill would increase 3.3 percent (Johnson 2013). However, Con Ed operates in "an atmosphere in which customers feel that they are already paying to much for a service" (Freed Interview 2013). For example, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn was quoted at a speech as saying that she "would not tolerate" Con Ed passing the costs of underground lines to ratepayers (Powel 2013). This sentiment among customers and their elected representatives makes it challenging for the PSC to increase rates to fund capital investment in infrastructure. In the current model, with limited ways to finance improvements to the grid, regulators are balancing politicians and citizens who do not want rates to rise and an aging electricity system facing increasing risks. 50 Conclusions Con Ed operates in an environment with considerable state and local adaptation activity. One of the most influential of those activities was the New York City Panel on Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force in 2008, which provided Con Ed with localized climate change projections that they incorporated into internal risk management programs. Despite all of the state and local planning processes that Con Ed participated in and their use of downscaled climate change projections, Con Ed's T&D system remained very vulnerable to storm surge and high winds as illustrated with Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The company continues to be receptive of and in want of increasingly localized climate projections around which to design its infrastructure. However, it's not clear if the company's risk management approach grapples enough with the uncertainty around future and even current climate conditions and the risk that remains after the hardening measures have been applied. Con Ed may not be sufficiently considering behavioral strategies, such as internal capacity building, stakeholder education, and policy changes that could help the company perform well in a range of possible future conditions. 51 52 VI. Entergy Case Study Background Entergy is comprised of six utility subsidiaries: Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy Arkansas, and Entergy Texas (SEC 2012b). The subsidiaries are connected by the Entergy corporate office and they are also part of a "System Agreement" that allows for coordinated planning (SEC 2012b). This case study focuses on adaptation efforts on the part of Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Louisiana, and Entergy's corporate office. Entergy New Orleans serves approximately 165,000 customers with electricity and gas in the West Bank of Orleans Parish (SEC 2012b). In what is a very unique regulatory context, the Utility Committee of the New Orleans City Councils regulates Entergy New Orleans. Entergy Louisiana serves the Algiers (East Bank) section of Orleans Parish and other areas of Louisiana for a total of 670,000 customers and is regulated by the Louisiana Public Service Commission (SEC 2012b). Figure 7: Entergy New Orleans Service Territory A N East Dank - Electric & Gas West Bonk - Gas Only Source: Entergy in New Orleans Fact Sheet, Entergy, 2011 As a vertically integrated utility, Entergy owns a significant amount of power generation in addition to transmission and distribution infrastructure (SEC 2012b). Entergy New Orleans owns and operates a 764 MW natural gas fueled power plant, 1,438 miles of distribution lines, 158 miles of 53 transmission lines, and 22 substations (Entergy 2011). Entergy New Orleans' overall electricity supply portfolio relies heavily on natural gas and nuclear generation (SEC 2012b). Entergy Louisiana owns or leases 5,413 MW of oil, gas, and nuclear generation facilities (SEC 2012b). Much of Entergy's service territory along the Gulf Coast is at very low elevation and faces exposure to storm surge flooding and/or permanent inundation from sea level rise (USGCRP 2009). The City of New Orleans is below sea level and a levy system is designed to protect the city from inundation and storm surge (USACE 2013). The region's exposure to sea level rise is heightened by non-climate change factors. First, relative sea levels are increasing faster in Louisiana than other regions because of land subsidence (Wilbanks et al. 2007). In addition, wetlands that act as a buffer between development and the Gulf are retreating due to disruption of the natural hydrology of the region (Wilbanks et al. 2007). Outcomes from recent hurricanes demonstrate that Entergy and the region as a whole are vulnerable to hurricanes even in current climate conditions (Wilbanks et al. 2007). In 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused immense damage, with economic damages totaling more than $100 billion. 80 percent of the City of New Orleans was flooded during Hurricane Katrina (Wilbanks et al. 2007). The Hurricanes also had a debilitating impact on energy infrastructure, halting all oil and gas production from the Gulf (USGRPC 2009). Ecosystems were devastated as well: 217 square miles of land and wetlands were lost to open water during hurricanes Rita and Katrina. (USGCRP 2009). The region's vulnerability to hurricanes is expected to increase with sea level rise (USGCRP 2009). An increase in the intensity and frequency of hurricanes and sea level rise are not the only climate change risks facing the Entergy service territory. The region is also at risk to increased drought, extreme heat, and extreme precipitation events (USGCRP 2009). Climate Change Risks in Entergy Service Territory (UCGCRP 2009; IPCC 2007) e e e e e e Increase in average temperatures Increase in very hot days Change in mean annual precipitation Increase in extreme precipitation events Likely increase in drought Sea Level Rise Potential increase in intensity or frequency of hurricanes 54 Adaptation Approach Entergy evaluates the physical impacts to facilities in areas at risk of severe weather, subsidence, wetlands loss, and sea level rise on an ongoing basis (Barlow 2012). The Internal Audit department facilitates a process through which all businesses groups analyze risks for their particular area, including climate change risks (Barlow 2012). The risks are described and evaluated based on probability of occurrence and severity of outcome (Barlow 2012). Results are reported to business group executive management with priorities identified. The Chief Financial Officer has general responsibility for the process of ensuring that risks are identified and evaluated (Barlow 2012). Business group management is responsible for participating in this process to ensure that risks associated with its operations are accurately represented (Barlow 2012). In addition to the ongoing risk evaluation process, Entergy has devoted considerable attention to hardening the transmission and distribution (T&D) system in response to the impacts from hurricanes. After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, Entergy conducted an assessment of the performance of the T&D system in coastal areas in 2006. The Entergy Operation Committee approved a T&D Hardening Plan in 2007 (Dawsey 2012). Entergy developed the hardening plan by creating a model that predicts damages by applying historical storm tracks and wind speeds to a catalog of Entergy's assets (Olivier 2009). Entergy also evaluated the cost-effectiveness of various hardening strategies (Olivier 2009). The new standards included enhancements for transmission (concrete instead of wood, and steel instead of concrete within 20 miles of coast, increased wind design speeds, case by case elevation of substations) and distribution (install storm guys in marshy areas, use steel or concrete poles along evacuation routes, and upgrading poles) (Olivier 2009). In response to Hurricane Ike in 2008, the Public Utilities Commission of Texas commissioned Quanta Technologies for a benchmarking study on hardening and vegetation management best practices (Dawsey 2012). As a result of this study, Entergy enhanced its hardening and vegetation management standards again in 2009 (Dawsey 2012; Williams Interview 2013). Hardening strategies from the 2009 standards upgrade included using extreme wind load criteria on new or rebuilt transmission lines South of 1-10, building new substations above the 100-year flood plain elevation (previously building them at grade), elevating critical substation components at existing substations, and targeting substations where outages would have national significance (Dawsey 2012). 55 In 2010, Entergy and America's Wetland Foundation (AWF)3 sponsored a $4 million study of climate change risks and adaptation options called the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study (Barlow 2012; Entergy 2010). The major contribution that this study provided to Entergy was projections on potential future business/economic losses based on climate change projections instead of relying on outcomes from past hurricanes (Williams Interview 2013). The study modeled the risks associated with three climate hazards: wind, sea-level rise, and storm surge (AWF 2010). The study used three climate change scenarios from the IPCC: no climate change, average climate change, and extreme climate change. The study modeled economic losses for 23 types of assets in 2030, 2050 and 2100 with help from Swiss Re, a reinsurance company (AWF 2010). The study also included a detailed analysis of oil, gas, and electricity infrastructure (AWF 2010). The study found that climate change is expected to increase economic losses over time in the Gulf region (AWF 2010). In 2050, in a scenario with no climate change, average annual economic losses from those three hazards are calculated to be $26.3 billion, but could be as much as $39.5 billion in an extreme climate change scenario (AWF 2010). The study found that just over 30 percent of economic losses in 2030 under a mid-range climate change scenario would occur in the oil as gas sector, largely driven by losses to offshore assets. Residential assets contribute to 27 percent of losses, commercial assets 30 percent, and utility assets 5 percent. The study also found that regardless of how the climate changes, the Gulf Coast can expect increased economic losses due to asset growth and subsidence alone (AWF 2010). The study calculated the cost-benefit ratio for nearly 50 different adaptation measures under a mid-range climate scenario in 2030. Several electric utility adaptation measures were included in the cost-benefit analysis: generation growth in low risk areas, generation levees, resilience for new distribution, resilience retrofits for distribution, resilience for new transmission, resilience retrofits for transmission, and vegetation management for transmission and distribution. The study found resilient distribution lines (both new builds and retrofits), and vegetation management to be measures that reduce losses with a cost-benefit ratio of less than one. Transmission resilience efforts tend to be economically attractive only in high-risk areas. While it's unclear from the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study exactly what is meant by "resilient" transmission and distribution, it's clear from other documents that 3 America's Wetland Foundation is a private foundation started in 2002 with the goal of raising public awareness of Louisiana's wetland loss and to gain support for coastal restoration efforts 56 these are hardening investments in stronger poles, stronger wires, and elevated substations (Dawsey 2012). Figure 8: Cost curve for electric utility measures from Gulf Coast Adaptation Study g PonteInyaactie - measures, dotada foNOW cumulative CUmUtabvecap .x requtied requred Coet eneWM ratIot 8.5 18 3.5 16 3.0 14 12 2.5 10 Afttive neaures car avert 24630 MM in2030lose" 2.0 A e 100 0 1.0 0.5 6 2 D - Resilience new LP 0 o 400 200 T - Vegetaton Mgmt - HP D- Resrience new HP Generation growth in low risk areas 80C 600 1,000 1,200 1,400 D - Vegetation Mgmt - HP T - Resiience new HP D-esienc Restience T - Vegetation Mgmt - LP 1,600 T- Resi retrofit LP retrofit HP Generation ievees HP retrof HP *Resilient distributionlines (both now builds and retrofits) are key actions *Vegetation management has potential to reduce losses at C/8 < 1 STransmission resilience efforts tend to be attractive only in high risk areas Source: Gulf Coast Adaptation Study, America's Wetland Foundation, 2010 The study also examined the cost-benefit ratios of a range of measures outside of the electric utility sector and assembled them into a cost curve (AWF 2010). The study recommended measures with a cost benefit ratio of less than two instead of one, noting that many of these measures have co-benefits besides reducing losses that were not captured in the study, and organized those measures into nine broad efforts to reduce risk across all sectors (AWF 2010). The study called for greater leadership and coordination on these efforts: "Actions will need to be taken by policy makers (federal, state and local), electric utilities, the oil and gas industry and infrastructure developers. There will be a strong need for leadership and coordination across stakeholders." (AWF 2010: 11). 57 Figure 9: Recommended adaptation measures from Gulf Coast Adaptation Study Los CapEx avertad, 2030 requr .. Aenenelnerrchl 0 Improved buiding codes O Beach nourishment 0 1.4 Wetlands restoration' 0.4 Levee systems' 0.3 Elctvlc utifty Public funding * Private uning - The govemment may need to suppor or incenbivze somfe private capital 16 investment, e.g., by subsfzng Floafing production systems Replacing semi-subs with drinl ships 0 0 25 1.7 offshore platform ON and ga 2 * 0.1 Simproved standards for 0 Average C/B ratio homes in lowincome areas built to higher buiding codes 1 0.5 Levees for refineries anid petrochemical plants imrvn resiic of electric utility systems 15 7. Total Q LA121 I Included dftpft high CA3 Mibos duO ID*trong C04-t. fla ik aersOii 2 Total capital investment. non-discounted. across 20 years The CEO of Entergy was directly engaged in the 2010 Gulf Coast Adaptation Study (Barlow 2012). He delivered a key address at the Deltas 2010 conference during which the study was released and discussed (Barlow 2012). Energy has used information from the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study to support two pilot project proposals and a stakeholder outreach effort, described in greater detail below (Barlow 2012). Jeff Williams from the corporate office has also sent climate change projections from the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study to Entergy's different business units for use in their risk management and capital planning efforts (Williams Interview 2013). Adaptation Strategies In 2011, the CEO of Entergy asked his staff to prepare a strategy to make use of the new information from the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study (Williams 2012b). As a result, a newly formed "T&D Resiliency Team" developed two Pilot Hardening Strategies: Port Aurthur in Texas and Port Fourchon in Louisiana, a critical port for the offshore oil industry (Dawsey 2012). Entergy chose to develop a pilot strategy for Port Fourchon, because it faces exposures to sea level rise and hurricanes and because the 58 company uses potential business losses to prioritize adaptation investment and disruption of the oil industry results in high economic losses (Williams Interview 2013; Dawsey 2012). The pilot hardening strategy at Port Fourchon calls for investing $119 million in hardening transmission and distribution infrastructure and enhancing vegetation management in three phases. For example, Phase 1 calls for replacing 10 percent of distribution poles per year, rebuilding a transmission line, elevating a substation, and reducing the vegetation management to a 6-year cycle. Even with the new information from the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study, the strategies proposed look similar to the hardening standard upgrades developed in 2007 and 2009. Entergy has also used the pilot project proposal as a conversation piece with external stakeholders on hardening strategies and adaptation (Williams Interview 2013). In 2012, Entergy hosted two technical conferences regarding their Pilot Hardening Strategies to build public support for their adaptation activities. "At the technical conference, we had a discussion of some pilot projects as a demonstration and the whole idea was to get customers standing shoulder to shoulder with us at the commissions saying this is a good deal, this is important, this complements what I'm doing. Instead of us just drawing a line down 1-10 to harden assets because we think it's a good idea and then all the sudden the customers are up in arms about spending. At the technical conference we had the conversations to have our customers stand with us" (Williams Interview 2013). Entergy also sponsored and participated in an outreach effort about the findings from the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study. Entergy provided $450,000 in grants to America's Wetland Foundation in 2010 and 2012 (Entergy 2013). Through 2011 and 2012, America's Wetland Foundation (AWF) and its America's Energy Coast partners4, including Entergy, conducted eleven Blue Ribbon Resilient Community Leadership Forums as part of the company's effort to "engage key customers, allies, and other industries" (Williams 2012b). These forums were designed to build political support for adaptation activities. For example, the Louisiana Resiliency Assistance Program describes the purpose of the forums as being to "bring leaders together to push political boundaries, assess local vulnerabilities and better plan for greater Gulf-wide resiliency" (LRAP 2012). Sidney Coffee, the Executive Director of AWF describes AWF's role as being to "bring diverse interests together to the table and try to come to consensuses on practical, common sense solutions" (Interview 2013). The purpose of the forums "was 4 America's Energy Coast is an initiative of America's Wetland Foundation. It is comprised of representatives from business, industry, government, scientists, and environmental groups. The goal is to provide a forum to develop solutions for sustaining the economy and environment of the region. 59 to get these communities to envision the future and what it would take to be sustainable" (Coffee 2013). The forums resulted in some agreement on general adaptation-related principles (AEC 2012). For example, the findings from the New Orleans events included a list of community values and adaptation-related principle, such as "thinking long-term," "addressing coastal restoration," and "becoming source of global expertise on disaster and water management issues" (AEC 2012). The forum resulted in more specific recommendations regarding coastal restoration activities, such as "immediately begin improving drainage and internal levees while working to ramp up coastal restoration and protection projects." However, the forum did not result in findings or recommendations specific to adaptation in the electricity sector (AEC 2012). Jeff Williams, Director of Climate Consulting for Entergy, spoke at the forum. His presentation discussed the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study' findings on potential losses and adaptation options across various sectors (William 2012a). Mr. William's presentation, however, did not go into detail about adaptation options for the electricity sector. At the forum, Mr. Williams also sought to get input on community perception of vulnerability and where communities would like Entergy to prioritize investment (Williams Interview 2013). It is unclear, however, that the forums led to concrete changes to Entergy's adaptation strategies or approach, as the conversation appears to have been rather broad. America's Wetland Foundation compiled the recommendations from the 11 forums into a report called "Beyond Unintended Consequences: Adaptation for Gulf Coast Resiliency and Sustainability." The report offers 30 recommendations in the areas of seeking federal action, increasing inter-agency cooperation, increasing innovation, and revitalizing the regional economy. AWF has presented the report to officials in Washington D.C. and around the Gulf Coast (Coffee 2013). Both the Technical Conference and Blue Ribbon Resilient Communities forums are intended to contribute to Entergy's regulatory strategy. The company hopes to be able to present proposals to the regulatory commissions for climate change adaptation related investments have sufficient technical and economic justification as well as political support to gain regulatory approval. "The next step is to put this into a regulatory strategy... A way to take this to the commissions in a rational way so they can judge for themselves" (Williams Interview 2013). 60 Enabling and Constraining Factors Experience with Hurricanes New Orleans and Louisiana have been hit by several devastating hurricanes in the last decade: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008. These disasters generate a particular and repeated dynamic with regards to adaptation-related activities. First, Entergy is under incredible pressure and scrutiny to repair infrastructure that was damaged in the storm in order to get electricity service restored (Williams Interview 2013; Case Interview 2013). After the repairs and restoration work is done, there is pressure on the company to develop a strategy so similar damage and resultant power outages do not happen again (Williams Interview 2013). For example, that kind of political and regulatory pressure was the impetus for the 2007 and 2009 updates to Entergy's hardening standards (Dawsey 2012). However, those efforts resemble disaster risk reduction more than climate change adaptation. As discussed in the literature review, adaptation needs to be informed by future climate change risks, not only past events (NRC 2010; UKCIP 2007). The destructiveness of recent hurricanes, particularly Hurricane Katrina, has contributed to Entergy's unique approach to adaptation. Entergy's language on adaptation in public documents, such as the Carbon Disclosure Project survey, speeches, and presentations, puts emphasis on preserving the region's economic vitality in the face of increasing environmental risks. Even though Entergy has put significant effort into hardening the transmission and distribution system, their CDP submission focused almost entirely on their efforts on funding research, customer engagement, and policy advocacy. In a presentation to an internal working group, Jeff Williams presented Entergy's vision of resilience as "Communities that are thriving, prosperous, and protected in the face of a changing and more challenging environment" (Williams 2012b). Before Hurricane Katrina, the company's adaptation-related activities were focused on business continuity and emergency planning (Williams Interview 2013). Hurricane Katrina resulted in devastation across Entergy's service territory and especially in New Orleans where 80 percent of the City was flooded (Wilbanks et al. 2007: 377). Entergy New Orleans' losses were so high and their customer base so significantly reduced, that the company declared bankruptcy (SEC 2005). According to Jeff Williams, after Hurricane Katrina, Entergy realized they had to start thinking about the resiliency of the assets and the communities on the other side of the meter, not only their own infrastructure (2013). Entergy became much more concerned about "protecting the economic base that the company depends on" (Williams Interview 2013). This concern about the impacts of climate change on the region's economy is 61 part of the reason that Entergy funded the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study, which examined potential losses and adaptation options across many sectors (Williams Interview 2013). Entergy is a unique case of utility funding and participating in advocacy for adaptation strategies outside the realm of the electricity sector. Entergy's approach to adaptation is not out of altruism or charity, but rather it stems a business interest. Even if Entergy's infrastructure is undamaged during a hurricane, if customer-side assets are not functioning, Entergy cannot sell electricity and collect revenue. If people move away from Entergy's service territory, fixed costs will be spread to fewer customers resulting in higher rates and increasing the potential for ratepayer backlash. Entergy's business and regulatory model depend on population growth or growth in electricity demand to maintain profitability. Furthermore, at the state level, there is no policy in place that decouples utility profits from sales5 (ACEEE 2012). Entergy Louisiana's profits are closely associated with throughput of electricity. The damage and population displacement associated with Hurricane Katrina threw the traditional utility business proposition into question. Unlike other companies, a utility cannot relocate to another region or country with more growth. Under the current business and regulatory model, Entergy cannot succeed unless the economy in its service territory continues to grow and consume electricity. Climate Change Skepticism "Climate change is a dirty word here." (Williams Interview 2013) The politicization of climate change and widespread climate change skepticisms in Louisiana constrains Entergy's adaptation activities. Firstly, "climate change skepticism" makes stakeholder engagement more difficult for the company. According to Jeff Williams, conversations with stakeholders at the Blue Ribbon Resilience Community Forums were often difficult: "We had to convince [them] that climate change is not a hoax and we are working in their interest. And then deal with the conflicting issues.... It's hard to get people in the right frame of thinking" (Interview 2013). When communicating with stakeholders, Entergy prefers to call their climate change adaptation activities, "risk management in the face of more storms or sea level rise" rather than publically make the connection between more storms or sea level rise and anthropogenic climate change (Williams Interview 2013). s Entergy New Orleans offers energy efficiency programs and a rate rider that provides for the recovery of lost contribution to fixed costs from efficiency measures, but ENO only accounts for 6 percent of Entergy's total sales (SEC 2012). 62 Even regulators, the institution most directly capable of influencing Entergy's adaptation activities, do not directly address climate change issues. According to Forest Bradley-Wright, an energy policy expert with many years of experience working with utility commissions in the Southeast, "Regulators in our region are pretty disengaged from direct decision making associated with climate change. There is an ideological divide that makes it a non-starter to even discuss the subject matter as any basis for a cost that would expended by the utility and passed on the ratepayer" (Interview 2013). According to interviewees, climate change is not a decision-making priority among local elected leaders (Bradley-Wright 2013; Case Interview 2013). One of the potential downsides of not making connections between risk management and climate change is missing opportunities to pursue adaptation strategies that have climate change mitigation co-benefits. Entergy's adaptation strategies have been focused on hardening rather than demand side strategies that could provide both resiliency and mitigation benefits. Utility Business Model In Louisiana, the utility business model as structured by regulation is such that demand side strategies that reduce throughput of electricity are potentially a threat to profits. Louisiana does not have in place the enabling policies for demand side management discussed in the literature review, such as mandates, incentives, or decoupling. Every year, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) publishes ranking of states according to their efforts to advance energy efficiency. In 2012, the State of Louisiana ranked 43 out of 50 (Foster et al. 2012). The New Orleans City Council has been working with Entergy to develop energy efficiency programs, and there is a rate rider that provides for recovery of lost contribution to fixed costs for Entergy. However, even in New Orleans, advocates of demand side management are not publically making the connection between those programs and climate change, but rather frame the benefits of the programs in terms of cost savings (Bradley-Wright 2013). As a result, stakeholders may not be aware of the climate resiliency benefits of demand side management. This business model appears to be constraining the types of adaptation strategies that Entergy is putting on the table. Meanwhile, a local official in New Orleans expressed frustration with Entergy's focus on hardening and vegetation management during the New Orleans Hazard Mitigation Planning process. "When it comes to power utilities, the conversation goes to burying everything. That's a pretty bad idea here. It's kind of wet. For some reason that was where the conversation was allowed to die.... Are there other options? To bury or not to bury? There's got to be 63 more to it than that. To my knowledge, that's the only conversation we had. When [an Entergy representative] makes the point, dig a hole in your yard and see how long it takes to fill up with water, we've got to move past that. That option is off the table, so what is next? The 'what's next?' never happened" (Case Interview 2013). Representatives from Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana declined to participate in interviews for this study, instead referring me to Jeff Williams in Entergy's Corporate office. Nevertheless, the conversation at the hazard mitigation planning meetings demonstrates that the company is focused on hardening and vegetation management and may be missing opportunities to explore other adaptation options. Lack of Government-Led Adaptation Planning While there are a number of non-profits and government agencies working on energy efficiency and wetlands restoration, there is no local or state government agency in Louisiana that has explicitly taken 6 up the banner of climate change adaptation. In this void, Entergy is moving forward on adaptation with approach centered on minimizing business losses through selective hardening and vegetation management. They have focused attention on coastal assets outside of the levy system, where they can clearly demonstrate high risk from sea level rise and hurricanes. Entergy's use of the metric of potential economic losses to prioritize investment points them towards protecting electricity service to high earning industries, such as the offshore oil and gas industry. This approach could in many ways meet the public interest, but without transparent dialogue and decision-making among relevant stakeholders, it may fall short. For example, there could be other factors that need to be prioritized besides economic losses, such as human health and safety or environmental quality. There could be other places that merit consideration for Entergy's adaptation investments besides Port Fouchon. The Blue Ribbon Resilient Communities Forums could have been an opportunity to introduce other decision-making criteria into Entergy's adaptation approach or discuss a range of adaptation options for the electricity system, but the conversation at those forums was not focused on electricity. The meeting reports and communication materials from the Forums do not go into detail about the utility specific adaptation efforts from the Gulf Adaptation Study or other electric utility adaptation measures from the literature. One of the recommendations from the Technical Conference in June 2012 was "Determine how to best prioritize assets that need storm hardening," 6 The City of New Orleans has a climate action plan, but it does not address adaptation 64 indicating that the company continues to look for input from stakeholders on their adaptation investments. Conclusion Entergy updated its T&D hardening and vegetation management standards in 2007 and 2009 in response to hurricane damage (Dawsey 2012). An important turning point in Entergy's approach to adaptation is when it sponsored the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study in 2010, which provided projections of economic losses for three hazard types (wind, storm surge, and sea level rise) for three climate change scenarios (AWF 2010). This study allowed Entergy to make the case for adaptation strategies based on projected rather historic impacts (Williams Interview 2013). Even with this new study, however, the proposed adaptation strategies largely remained the same: T&D hardening and vegetation management. However, the company is now able to make the case that these strategies have a costbenefit ratio of less then one when compared with potential losses in 2030 under a mid-range climate change scenario. This study also allowed Entergy to advocate for adaptation strategies and policies outside of the electricity sector that could reduce potential losses economy-wide and ostensibly support growth in demand for electricity (Williams Interview 2013; AWF 2010). Entergy also used the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study as a jumping off point for increased customer engagement and policy advocacy on adaptation (Barlow 2012; Williams Interview 2013). Entergy plans to use both the analysis from the study and subsequent stakeholder engagement in their regulatory strategy (Williams Interview 2013). They hope to be able to submit proposals to the Louisiana PSC or New Orleans City Council for investment in proactively hardening T&D and gain approval (Williams Interview 2013). At the same time, some have expressed frustration with Entergy's focus on hardening and vegetation management and would like to see more discussion of more options for managing risk. The regulatory model in Louisiana that has not been amended to enable demand side management strategies may be limiting the adaptation options that Entergy is putting on the table. 65 66 V1I. Pacific Gas and Electric Case Study Background Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) is an electric and natural gas utility with service in Northern and Central California, including the Bay Area metropolitan region. In 2012, it served 5.2 million customers with electricity (SEC 2012c). Figure 10: PG&E Service Area Source: PG&E operates in a restructured electricity market and divested of most of its generation resources during deregulation in the early 2000s (SEC 2012c). The company still owns a large hydroelectric system, a nuclear power plant, several fossil fuel power plants, and 100 MW of solar generation (SEC 2012c). Comprised of nearly 100 reservoirs in California's Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade mountain ranges, PG&E's hydroelectric system is the largest investor-owned and operated system in the nation (Barlow 2012; SEC 2012c). FERC oversees the licensing of the utility's hydroelectric generation (SEC 2012c). PG&E's revenues are generated mainly through transmission and distribution (SEC 2012c). PG&E owns over 18,000 miles of transmission lines and 91 transmission substations. The California Integrated System Operator (CAISO), which is regulated by FERC, controls the operation of the transmission service and is responsible for ensuring reliability and setting tariffs (SEC 2012c). PG&E's distribution system 67 consists of approximately 141,000 miles of distribution lines (20% underground and 80% overhead), 58 transmission-switching substations, and 601 distribution substations (SEC 2012c). The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) regulates the utility's rates, terms of service, and performance for electricity distribution. The CPUC has also adopted rules and regulations to implement state laws regarding energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, and the reduction of GHG emissions (SEC 2012c). PG&E faces a number of climate change risks. California's hot and dry summers could become even hotter and drier as a result of climate change (Franco et al. 2011). Extreme heat could increase demand for electricity as air conditioning use grows (Franco et al. 2011). More urban development is projected to take place in the Central Valley and other inland areas that already experience higher summer temperatures and are expected to warm at a faster rate than coastal areas (Franco et al. 2011). The hotter and drier conditions could also contribute to more frequent and intense wildfires that could damage transmission and distribution equipment, potentially causing widespread outages (Franco et al. 2011). Higher temperatures could also reduce the generation capacity of thermal power plants. Changing temperature and precipitation patterns could also affect the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Historically about 74 percent of the hydropower generated in California comes from high-elevation hydropower units that use snow as their main water source (Franco et al. 2011). A reduction in electricity generation during the hot summer months, a period traditionally relied on for hydroelectricity to satisfy peak cooling demand, is projected for all climate scenarios (Franco et al. 2011). Lastly, PG&E's infrastructure located near the coast could be affected by sea level rise. Sea level rise could inundate low-elevation coastal areas, exacerbate coastal flood events, erode beaches and cliffs, and alter sediment transport patterns (Franco et al. 2011). Summary of climate change risks in PG&E service territory (Franco et al. 2011) * * * * * Increase in average temperatures, especially during summer Increase in extreme heat Long-term decrease in mean annual precipitation Likely increase in drought Loss of spring snowpack Sea level rise Increase in wildfire risk 68 Adaptation Approach PG&E incorporates climate change impacts into its internal risk management process. In 2008, the company started the "Climate Change Operational Impact Team," an internal climate change risk communications team that meets two to four times a year to review the latest research on climate change impacts that could affect the company (CDP 2012; Bruso Interview 2013; Sturm Interview 2013). This team is led by three scientists and an electric and gas operations manager (Sturm Interview 2013). The team communicates relevant information about climate change risks to the company's various business units. Each business unit has a risk assessment and strategic planning team, which determines how to categorize, prioritize, and manage the risks, whether the risks are related to climate change or otherwise (CPD 2012; Sturm Interview 2013) The team incorporates risk management and adaptation investments into their regular plans for investment and replacement (Garrett 2012; Bruso Interview 2013; Sturm Interview 2013). The risk management and adaptation strategies are reported back up the Board of Directors, Chief Risk and Audit Officers, and V.P of Environmental, who are accountable for the risk management process as it pertains to adaptation (Garrett 2012; Bruso Interview 2013; Sturm Interview 2013). According to a company representative, PG&E has a comprehensive assessment of assets potentially at risk to climate change impacts (Bruso Interview 2013). However, the assessment is completely internal and is closely guarded (Bruso Interview 2013; Sturm Interview 2013). Adaptation Strategies Supply side PG&E's most significant adaptation effort on the supply side has been tracking climate change risks associated with their hydroelectric system and developing adaptation strategies. PG&E has been motivated to do so because it owns and operates this system that is a critical part of California's electricity supply and PG&E has already observed changing trends in precipitation and snowpack (Sturm Interview 2013). The company is currently tracking and evaluating the potential impacts of snowpack changes and is working with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Department of Water Resources to test a model that predicts how watershed hydrology will respond to changes in climate and land use (Garrett 2012; USGS 2013). The company has developed several strategies to reduce potential 69 impacts, which primarily entail adjusting operations of the reservoirs and conveyance systems (Garrett 2012). PG&E is also pursuing investment in solar generation as a supply side adaptation strategy. PG&E considers increased solar generation a strategy to help meet peak demand during increasingly hot summers (Garrett 2012). This investment, however, is primarily driven by the state's Renewable Portfolio Standard, which requires that 33 percent of the electrons that PG&E delivers to its customers come from renewable energy sources by 2020 (SEC 2012c; Sturm Interview 2013). Currently, about 1.5 percent of the electrons that PG&E delivers are from solar, but PG&E plans to increase that share to approximately 10 percent by 2020 (SEC 2012c; Sturm Interview 2013). PG&E recently shifted the solar investment strategy from investing directly in utility-owned solar generation to purchasing solar supply through a new state-run auction program (SEC 2012c). Transmission & Distribution Capital investment in T&D features less prominently in PG&E's adaptation strategies compared to Con Ed and Entergy. PG&E reported on the CDP survey that they have made investments in the T&D system to better deal with extreme heat, but company representatives interviewed for this study were uncertain of the details of those investments. According to Xantha Bruso, Principal of Long Term Energy Planning at PG&E, climate change impacts are only one of many factors that influence decisions to invest or upgrade the T&D system, making it challenging for the company to disaggregate exactly which investments were made as a result of considering potential climate change impacts (Interview 2013). The company is also investing in smart grid technologies, which can help create a more resilient grid, but these investments are largely driven by other policy factors. Some of PG&E's smart grid investments include the installation of a total of 8.9 million advanced electric and gas meters and beginning to install automated switches to reduce outage durations and number of customers affected by outages (SEC 2012c). Starting in 2010, the CPUC requires that the investor-owned utilities in California submit annual Smart Grid Deployment Plans (CPUC 2010). The 2010 rule discussed the goals of integrating renewable energy, increasing customer control of energy use, reducing outages, and reducing GHG, but does discuss climate change adaptation or managing climate change risks (CPUC 2010). Demand Side Management PG&E considers its energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed renewable generation programs as strategies for managing the risks associated with higher temperatures and higher demand. 70 The CPUC oversees PG&E's energy efficiency and demand response programs, meaning that the CPUC works with PG&E to develop programs using ratepayer funds and PG&E is responsible for implementation. The CPUC has authorized $823 million to fund PG&E's 2013 and 2014 energy efficiency programs and $192 million to fund its 2012-2014 demand response programs (SEC 2012c). For distributed renewable generation, PG&E offers customer rebates through the California Solar Initiative, which is also overseen by the CPUC (CPUC 2013). The state-wide program has a budget of over $2 billion from 2007 to 2016 (CPUC 2013). ' These programs were not initiated with the goal of responding to climate change impacts, but rather they were initiated with the goal of reducing GHG emissions. For example, California's Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan discusses the need to minimize GHG emissions, but does not discuss climate change adaptation or risk management goals (CPUC 2008). It's likely that recent publications by the California Energy Commission and Natural Resources Agency has brought attention to the fact that these mitigation strategies are also important for adaptation. In the 2009 California Adaptation Strategy, the first adaptation strategy listed for the energy sector is to "increase energy efficiency efforts in climate vulnerable areas" and "facilitate access to local, decentralized renewable resources to help meet expected increase in demand due to climate change" (CNRA 2009: 131). External Adaptation Planning Since 2011, PG&E has been participating in "Adapting to Rising Tides (ART)," a sea level rise planning pilot project led by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). The plan is for a stretch of coastline along the San Francisco Bay in Alameda County and it involves twelve different asset categories, one of them being "Energy, Pipelines, and Communications," which includes PG&E (ART 2013). To date, the ART project has developed two reports: "Existing Conditions and Stressors" and a "Vulnerability and Risk Assessment." The risk assessment examined the exposure and sensitivity of power plants and substations to inundation and flooding impacts from sea level rise, including ten substations that PG&E owns and operates in the project area. Thus far, PG&E's role in the project has been in helping provide background information for the reports (Sturm Interview 2013). The next phase of the project will involve developing adaptation strategies. PG&E considers sea level rise to be a longer term-risk and "will address it over time." (Garrett 2012:44). 71 Figure 11: Sea level rise exposure analysis from Adapting to Rising Rides Source: ART Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Report, 2012 Enabling and Constraining Factors Climate Change Adaptation Research from State of California The publication of climate change research from the State of California has informed PG&E's climate change risk management. The company uses information on climate change projections and impacts in their internal risk management process (Garrett 2012; Bruso Interview 2013; Sturm Interview 2013). Ms. Bruso says that PG&E's adaptation strategies "roll up from the science," and much of the science has been published by the State of California's climate change assessment process (Interview 2013). The Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program at the California Energy Commission sponsors many of the studies on climate change projections and climate change impacts on the electricity sector. PIER is funded by a system benefits charge on California's utility bills and matching grants (Sotero 2013). 72 California's climate change assessment process has its origin in an Executive Order S-3-05, which charges the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency to report to the Governor and the State Legislature on the impacts of climate change on California. Beginning in 2006, the State began publishing downscaled climate change projections and assessments of climate change impacts. The state updated those assessments in 2008 and 2012, with increasing detail on impacts to particular sectors. The 2012 update included several electricity-specific studies that highlighted potential challenges in meeting summertime peak demand, leading to the conclusion that "the electricity system is more vulnerable than previously understood" (CEC 2012: 1). A zip-code level analysis of the impacts of extreme heat on energy demand shows that in the next decade higher temperatures could increase demand by up to 1 Gigawatt during the summer, an amount that would require the construction of one large power plant or the purchase of costly peak power from external sources (CEC 2012). Another study found that that hydro-electric generation will be substantially reduced in the summer when it is needed most to meet peak demand (CEC 2012). High temperatures will also affect transmission, resulting in a 78 percent reduction in transmitting capacity. In addition, key transmission corridors are vulnerable to wildfire. One study found a 40 percent increase in probability of fire for some transmission lines, including the line bringing hydropower from the Pacific Northwest into California during peak demand periods (CEC 2012). In 2009, the California Natural Resources Agency published the first Climate Adaptation Strategy, a multi-sector guide to climate change impacts and adaptation strategies (CNRA 2009). Adaptation strategies for the energy sector were developed by the California Energy Commission, which included: - Meet energy efficiency goals from AB32 Scoping Plan Facilitate access to local, decentralized renewable resources Assess environmental impacts from climate change in siting and re-licensing of new energy facilities Identify most vulnerable communities Develop hydropower decision-support tools to better asses and manage climate change - variability Identify how renewable energy goals could be impacted by future climate change impacts * * e e These assessments provided the company with downscaled climate change projections and information on impacts that could be given to operating units for use in their risk management and capital planning. At a strategic level, these publications guide policy efforts by the state, especially on energy efficiency and renewable energy, which has implications for the activities carried out by PG&E. These studies also contribute to a broader understanding of how existing energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed generation programs contribute to climate change adaptation. 73 Climate Mitigation Policy from State of California Several of PG&E adaptation strategies, such as energy efficiency, demand response, and renewable energy generation, are driven by policies and programs intended meet the requirement of Assembly Bill 32 (2006), which sets a cap on California greenhouse gas emissions. The Renewable Portfolio Standard, which is driving PG&E's investment in solar, is part of the implementation of AB 32. Energy efficiency goals, including "more aggressive utility programs to achieve long-term savings" are also a part of the implementation of AB 32. Even though AB 32 is intended to reduce GHG emissions, representatives from PG&E and other agencies consider it an important enabler of PG&E's adaptation strategies (Sturm Interview 2013; Bruso Interview 2013; Confidential Interview 2013). In addition, PG&E considers energy efficiency, demand response, and renewable energy generation as business opportunities. Over the years, CPUC decisions have created a regulatory framework to motivate the state's IOUs to continuously expand their energy efficiency programs. These policies include the State's adopted loading order, aggressive goals, decoupling of sales from revenues, performance based incentives, and a public goods charge (CPUC 2008). As a result of this regulatory framework, demand side management activities contribute to PG&E's profitability and leads to PG&E considering it a business opportunity (Garrett 2012). Stakeholder Pressure According to Xantha Bruso, Principal of Long Term Energy Planning at PG&E, stakeholders, including customers, government officials and NGOs, frequently inquire as to what the company is doing about climate change adaptation (Interview 2013). This stakeholder pressure greatly influences the company's activity on adaptation. For example, Ms. Bruso noted that one of the primary reasons the company participates in external climate change planning processes is to demonstrate to stakeholders that they are actively preparing for climate change impacts (2013). There have also been highly publicized efforts to plan for sea level rise. The Pacific Institute published a report in 2009 about sea level rise that included maps that have captivated the public's attention (Heberger et al. 2009; Franco et al., 2011). In addition, in 2009, The Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) proposed amending its guiding policy document to address sea level rise (BCDC 2013). Due to considerable controversy and public debate, the review of this policy change lasted for over two years, with 36 public meetings, workshops, and stakeholder meetings (BCDC 2013) 74 Laura Tam, Sustainable Development Policy Director at SPUR, a planning and research non-profit in San Francisco, recognized a surge in public interest in adaptation over the last 4 or 5 years (Interview 2013). Motivated by this public interest, Ms. Tam went on to write a report about climate change impacts and adaptation in the Bay Area, called "Climate Change Hits Home. " The report was released in 2011 and includes a discussion of potential climate change impacts on the energy sector, largely drawing on research published by the State of California, and recommends next steps for adaptation. The report calls for utilities to conduct vulnerability assessments, develop plans to close a potential supply gap due to reduced hydropower capacity, and evaluate existing energy efficiency and demand response programs for their effectiveness in more frequent and prolonged heat events (SPUR 2011). Stakeholder awareness and interest in adaptation, however, is not evenly distributed across the company's service territory. A significant amount of the NGO and local government activity on adaptation in PG&E's service area is focused in the Bay Area. Matthew Sturm, Senior Program Manager at PG&E, noted that that there are communities in the PG&E service territory that are skeptical about climate change (Interview 2013). Nevertheless, PG&E's adaptation strategies are not Bay Area specific, but rather system-wide. Corporate Structure and Governance Government officials running planning and research projects expressed a couple areas where they think PG&E has room to improve: greater transparency about risks, greater ease with sharing data, and more robust participation (Confidential Interviews 2013). The company's structure, staffing, and perspective on expertise are sources of challenges for collaborative adaptation planning. Local, regional, and state planners are increasingly trying to assess potential climate change vulnerabilities of infrastructure in their jurisdictions. However, PG&E is sensitive about risk assessment information being made public and a subject of debate and scrutiny (Bruso Interview 2013). There are a few reasons behind PG&E's sensitivity. There are concerns that debating risk assessment findings with stakeholders would be a large cost in terms of staff time without clear added value (Bruso Interview 2013). PG&E considers themselves to be the most knowledgeable and expert about their infrastructure and unsure of how outside stakeholders' input in their planning would be helpful (Bruso Interview 2013; Sturm Interview 2013). Other potential reasons for the reluctance to share risk assessment information is concern about competitors or critics using that information against the company. There are also potential security reasons for not disclosing specific asset vulnerabilities. At the same time, recent literature and experiences have highlighted the complex connections between urban infrastructure system and the potential for cascading impacts and have called for more multi-sector planning efforts to 75 identify and manage the risks between infrastructure systems (Wilbanks et al. 2011; Neumann & Price 2009). The company's structure and staffing does not easily lend itself to participation in local climate change adaptation planning. Planning jurisdictions, such as cities, counties, or coastal zones, are geographically very different than the way the company is structured. PG&E has system-wide engineers and managers for certain types of business functions, such as electricity operations. They don't, for example, have a manager that integrates all infrastructure operations and planning along the San Mateo County coastline. As the company is currently structured, providing information and a high level of participation in local planning requires a staff person communicating with many different system managers across the company (Sturm Interview 2013). The decentralized nature of risk management in the company also makes it hard for those working on external stakeholder relations to stay abreast of all risk management activities (Sturm Interview 2013). Furthermore, some staff members find it challenging to fulfill some information requests, because they require input from engineers who are busy with their regular job duties and consider information requests as detracting from those duties (Bruso Interview 2013). "We need to evolve to engage at the local level about our infrastructure. We have a good system in place for tracking the science and impacts, but engaging local stakeholders will continue to be an issue for us" (Sturm Interview 2013). Conclusions PG&E's approach to adaptation is predicated upon using research sponsored by the State of California on climate change projections and potential impacts. That information is organized by an internal team and then distributed to business units to incorporate into existing risk management process and capital investment plans. The Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program at the California Energy Commission plays an important role in sponsoring the climate change research that PG&E uses. The adaptation strategies that PG&E is pursuing to help meet increased demand during extreme heat events, namely energy efficiency, demand response, and solar power development, are strongly connected to state-level GHG mitigation policies and the business opportunities that the regulatory structure has created for the company. In addition, state level adaptation planning has identified energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed solar generation as key adaptation strategies for the electricity sector. PG&E has also developed adaptation strategies to help cope with the impacts of reduced snowpack in the Sierra Nevada on their hydroelectric system. However, the company's 76 structure, which is set up to serve a very large service territory, and its decentralized risk management process poses challenges for the company's participation in local-level adaptation planning. 77 78 Vill. Cross Cutting Analysis and Findings Risk Management Approach All three case study utilities have similarities in their approaches to climate change risk management. A central department or person, such as EH&S, Emergency Management, Climate Change Operational Impact Team, or Director of Climate Change Consulting, gathers downscaled climate change projections and information on potential climate change impacts from research conducted by government agencies or consultants. The person or group then passes that information on to business units that are responsible for incorporating that information into their existing risk management process and capital planning. The risk management and/or capital investment strategies developed by the business units are reported back up to the groups that manage those processes, such the Chief Risk and Audit Officer, or V.P of Environmental, or the Chief Financial Officer. This integration of climate change risks into risk management processes helps utilities use replacement opportunities to build greater resilience into the system and ensure that adaptation strategies are taking into account other competing demands on resources, which are both approaches to adaptation recommended by the literature. Utilities are using existing processes to tackle a new challenge. As discussed in the literature review, climate change has more uncertainty and complexity associated with it than the issues typically addressed by corporate risk management programs. There is some evidence from this study to indicate that the existing processes might not be enough to deal with the uncertainty of climate change. Many of the strategies discussed in this study hinge upon building infrastructure to meet enhanced climate specifications, for example, higher wind speeds or higher temperatures or elevating equipment above flood heights. The approach is based on providing engineers with climate change projections around which they can design infrastructure. Updating design standards to account for future climate change is an important strategy, but the logic of this approach seems to be that if climate scientists tell us what the future is going to be like, then we can build the system needed for it. But scientists don't know exactly what the future is going to be like. "Every credible source indicates that the appropriate strategy is rooted in risk management for an uncertain future rather than precise impact projections for optimal decisions," yet the approach from the utilities appears to be largely one of projections-based planning (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). It's not clear that the existing risk management processes puts sufficient attention on being able to respond to a range of future conditions with a portfolio of adaptation 79 options. For example, none of the case study utilities reported using Scenario Planning, a tool described in the literature review, to assess uncertain risks and develop risk management strategies. Despite these similarities, each of the companies is largely obtaining climate change risk information from different types of sources. Con Ed has been obtaining downscaled climate change projections from the New York City Panel on Climate Change, which was funded with a grant for Rockefeller Foundation. PG&E has been getting their climate change risk information largely from research published by the State of California, which was funded by a system benefits charge on utility bills. The Entergy case provides a contrasting situation in which neither the City of New Orleans nor the State of Louisiana has published downscaled climate change projections or research on climate change impacts on the electricity sector. Instead, Entergy sponsored research on climate change impacts and adaptation options in the form of the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study (Williams Interview 2013). Comparing these cases sheds light on some potential disadvantages of private, rather than public, sponsorship of climate change research. The privately sponsored Gulf Coast Adaptation only considers two climate change impacts, hurricanes and sea level rise, even though the region is also at risk for increased drought and extreme heat, which have important implications for electricity supply and demand. The heat and drought impacts may be lower probability, lower impact, or longer-term, so Entergy may have had strategic reasons not to invest in the research at this time. However, it could also be a major oversight in that Entergy is very dependent upon fossil fuel generation, which requires access to cooling water supplies that could be impacted by drought (SEC 2012b). In comparison, the NPCC and State of California have published a range of climate change projections. Private companies may be less likely to sponsor research on risks that have a lower probability of occurrence or are longer-term and instead focus on current vulnerabilities. Addressing current vulnerabilities can be a good place to start, but the literature on climate change adaptation also recommends taking a long-term view of risk management and taking a multi-hazard approach (NRC 2010). An advantage for Entergy, however, in sponsoring the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study is the costbenefit analysis of adaptation options. None of the studies developed by government agencies from New York or California include a cost-benefit analysis. While it is likely that PG&E and Con Ed have done internal cost-benefit analyses, Entergy's publically published analysis allows Entergy to make the economic case to its stakeholders for adaptation strategies that the analysis points to as having a costbenefit ratio of less than one. Building public support for adaptation-related investments is part of Entergy's regulatory strategy. Nevertheless, one must also recognize some of the limitations of this analysis. Only avoided business losses were used to determine the benefits of adaptation strategies, so 80 they don't capture the full range of benefits (AWF 2010). Furthermore, the study looked at a limited number of adaptation measures, focused primarily on hardening and vegetation management for the transmission and distribution system. Although the information came from different sources, all three companies quickly responded to having more information on climate change risks. During a period when the State of California started publishing a significant amount of climate change research, PG&E set up a "Climate Change Operations Impact Team" to review the latest science and provide updates to business units. After having the Gulf Coast Adaptation Study, a newly formed "T&D Resiliency Team" developed two pilot hardening strategies. Management at these companies was ready to recognize a changing risk profile due to climate change and information in the form of downscaled climate change projections and impacts on the electricity sector spurred a response. The types of strategies the utilities go on to develop with that information depends largely on the types of risks they face and the regulatory and policy environment around them. Demand Side Management Supportive regulatory policies and state sponsored adaptation plans recommending demand side management were strong pre-conditions for utilities to consider demand side management adaptation strategies in the case studies. Both Con Ed and PG&E consider energy efficiency and demand response as part of their adaptation strategies for coping with extreme heat in their reporting and in interviews. These programs, however, are driven by regulatory policies that do not explicitly mention climate change adaptation, such as AB32 in California and the Energy Efficiency Resource Standard in New York. Although the original policies do not include climate change adaptation, in both cases, the state government subsequently published adaptation plans that recommended using demand side management to respond to more extreme heat events and increased demand (NYS 2010; CNRA 2009). These publications helped the utilities and other stakeholders recognize demand side management as an important part of adapting to climate change impacts in addition to reducing GHG emissions. This reframing is important, because connecting adaptations strategies with other goals helps build more widespread support (Wilbanks et al. 2012b). Re-framing existing efforts, however, is not likely to provide as effective adaptation benefits as the integration of climate change risk management in program development. Demand side management for GHG mitigation purposes tends to have less place-based specificity. For example, GHG reductions from San Francisco are the same as GHG reductions from Fresno for meeting a statewide cap on emissions. Energy efficiency savings in Buffalo are no different than energy efficiency savings in the 81 Bronx when counted towards a statewide Energy Efficiency Resource Standard. However, demand side management for adaptation purposes may need to be more differentiated based on differential impacts of climate change across the electricity system and across populations (Franco et al. 2011). Incorporation of climate change risk management in program development is important because it may direct investment to places where they are most critical, such as neighborhoods susceptible to urban heat island affect, or cities with transmission constraints, or regions where air conditioning use is likely to grow. Con Ed's and PG&E's reporting of demand side management as adaptation strategies are currently reframing existing efforts, because climate change risk management is not integrated into the overall regulatory development and oversight of these programs. Studies sponsored by the California Energy Commission (CEC) and New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) are helping develop research on the impacts of climate change on electricity demand that could help inform the development of demand side management strategies for adaptation purposes (Auffhammer & Aroonruegsawat 2011; Hammer et al. 2011a). Entergy did not report using demand side management as an adaptation strategy. This is not to say that Entergy has no demand side management programs in place, but they are not considered part of climate change risk management (Williams Interview 2013). Part of the reason for this perspective is that the company is focused on managing risks from hurricanes and sea level rise, and demand side strategies are often considered strategies for extreme heat and peak demand. Nevertheless, more local and decentralized sources of energy also contribute to resiliency to extreme events (Ebinger & Vergara 2011). The more important driver of this perspective is that Louisiana does not have in place the enabling policies for demand side management discussed in the literature review, such as mandates, incentives, or decoupling. In California and New York, regulators have turned demand side management into a business opportunity for the utilities, but in Louisiana, the utility business model as structured by regulation is such that demand side strategies that reduce throughput of electricity are potentially a threat to profits. Even when equipped with information on climate change risks, it appears that utility adaptation activities are largely guided by the financial considerations dictated by the regulatory structure. Transmission & Distribution Hardening strategies for transmission & distribution, such as undergrounding wires, strengthening poles, or elevating substations, featured prominently Con Ed's and Entergy's adaptation 82 strategies, whereas hardening played a much more minor role in PG&E's adaptation strategies. Based on these cases, utilities that are at risk of tropical storms or hurricanes may be more inclined towards hardening adaptation strategies compared to those whose primary risk is around extreme heat and precipitation changes. However, as discussed in the literature review, utilities have an incentive to pursue capital-intensive strategies, because if approved by regulators, it relates directly to their profitability. It merits further evaluation to better understand if utilities are overlooking behavioral or policy-based strategies, because of this incentive. Researchers may also want to consider whether there are more flexible options for places at risk of hurricanes than hardening transmission and distribution. Supply Side Strategies The three cases were selected to include both restructured and vertically integrated utilities. I thought that a vertically integrated, Entergy, utility would help illuminate supply-side adaptation strategies since they own electricity generation. However, Entergy is focused on transmission & distribution strategies. PG&E was on the only case pursuing supply side adaptation strategies, namely adaptation strategies for hydropower and solar investment. PG&E's most developed supply side strategy is its hydropower adaptation strategy. Again, this is enabled by the fact that PG&E is the sole owner and operator of this critical piece of California's electricity supply and it has received considerable attention from policymakers. Also, a PG&E representative said that they are already observing the impacts of climate change with regard to the snowpack, which is motivating them to act (Sturm Interview 2013). Information, ownership, and the perception of climate change impacts appear to be important factors enabling supply side adaptation strategies. Regulators not using their Full Enabling Potential As discussed in the literature review, utility regulation has the potential to be the source of several enabling factors for electric utility adaptation, but the utility commissions have largely been absent on enabling adaptation in all three cases. One exception is that regulators in the cases have been working on creating an environmental that enables energy efficiency, demand response, and renewable energy programs. However, those programs have been driven by a GHG mitigation agenda in California and New York and a cost savings agenda in the case of the City of New Orleans. The utility commissions in the three cases have not required that utilities engage in the core risk management activities of climate change adaptation, such as conducting climate change vulnerability assessments, developing strategies to reduce their vulnerability or enhance resilience, or engaging with their customers and stakeholders on these issues. The lack of regulatory guidance regarding adaptation 83 has not prevented the case study utilities from pursuing climate change risk management and adaptation strategies. However, there has been no regulatory oversight of the process and the commissions have left these issues to the discretion of the utilities. As regulated monopolies, utilities don't have the threat of competition to spur them to better manage risks. They are primarily motivated by the incentives set up by the regulatory structure and pressure from their stakeholders. Long-term risk management is not often seen as contributing to short-term profitability and therefore is at risk of being sacrificed (NYS 2013). Several issues from the cases demonstrate that greater regulatory involvement may be warranted. First, with regards to extreme events with a low probability but high consequences, such as Hurricane Sandy, Con Ed may not have adequately assessed those risks and done enough to manage uncertainty. Entergy is focused largely on existing vulnerabilities of sea level rise and hurricanes and not done as much to assess the risks or prepare for extreme heat, drought, or other changes in precipitation. PG&E's internal structure and perspective on expertise may not be well suited for participation in local level adaptation planning, which is a barrier to developing strategies that have cobenefits with other interconnected infrastructure services. These challenges are probably not unique to these companies, but rather they are likely challenges faced by utilities across the country in adapting to climate change. Furthermore, these cases were chosen because they were doing far more than the average utility on climate change adaptation based on their CDP survey responses. It is likely that many other utilities lag behind these ones in some of the more fundamental elements of adaptation, such as conducting a vulnerability assessment and integrating climate change risks into internal risk management processes and capital planning. After Hurricane Sandy, the Governor Cuomo initiated the Moreland Commission to study utility storm response and the role of the New York Public Service Commission (NYS 2013). The commission found several areas in which the PSC oversight was lacking. While the focus of the Commission was on utility storm response, the findings on regulatory oversight of investor owned utilities sheds light onto potential reasons for the lack of regulatory oversight of climate change adaptation, such as a philosophical shift towards less active regulation, reduction in staff capacity, and ceasing to use audits and formal orders. First, since "deregulation" in the 1990s, the philosophy of utility oversight has changed to favor a less active approach towards regulation and the commission's staff numbers have been in decline (NYS 2013). As a result of the philosophical shift and the staffing capacity reduction, the PSC stopped performing some of its required functions, such as operational and management audits (NYS 2013). 84 These audits have the potential to be an appropriate mechanism for investigating, reviewing, and bolstering how utilities are planning for climate change impacts in New York, but they have been completely underutilized. The PSC also stopped issuing as many formal orders and the PSC cannot impose a penalty if a utility fails to implement a recommendation without a formal order. This has rendered the PSC a "toothless tiger" (NYS 2013). An additional challenge is that regulatory authority is fragmented across several state and federal agencies. In California, for example, the Energy Commission oversees the siting of new energy facilities, but the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission overseas permitting of hydropower and nuclear facilities. The Energy Commission oversees resources planning, but relies on projections from the Independent System Operator. Finally, the Public Utility Commission oversees the investor-owned utilities' investments and rate of return. Without a legislative mandate to address climate change adaptation in the electricity sector, it's difficult to imagine that these agencies would adopt a coordinated approach to address how utilities are adapting to climate change. A high level official from one of California's state agencies expects that such a mandate may not be too far down the road. State and Local Adaptation Planning Faces Challenges in Enabling UtilityAdaptation Local planning processes that provide climate change projections to utilities appear to enable utility adaptation efforts with relative ease. The utilities in the cases appear eager to have climate change projections to inform risk management and capital planning. On the other hand, planning processes that ask the utility to provide information to researchers or planners, such as specific locations of assets or asset-level vulnerability, appear to be more challenging. The Entergy and PG&E cases have elucidated that utilities are not always well positioned to participate in these processes due to staffing assignments, geographic incongruence between planning areas and utility service territories, and a reluctance to make vulnerabilities public. The utilities appear to be motivated to participate in local adaptation planning for reputational reasons, but may not be convinced of the value of stakeholder input in their risk management strategies. Despite the challenges, there's evidence from the cases these kinds of planning activities provide value to both the utility and planners. The New York Sea Level Rise Task Force raised awareness within Con Ed about their stakeholder's interests around coastal zone management. The New York Climate Action Committee provided Con Ed an opportunity to report out to policymakers and researchers some of their needs around adaptation. A planner with the Adapting to Rising Tides project learned that one of the vulnerabilities associated with sea level rise is lack of information. The planner 85 learned how private companies that own infrastructure in the coastal zone are not very inclined to share information about their vulnerabilities. The Role of Climate-Related Disasters Entergy has faced several highly destructive hurricanes in the last decade. They have led the company to have a greater appreciation for how the climate resiliency of the region has important implications for the company's bottom line. As a result, the company has sponsored research on the impacts of sea level rise and hurricanes on the region's economy. Nevertheless, the company does not appear to be grappling with the overall set of long-term climate change risks they are facing. The climate change skepticism among elected leaders appears to be one of the major factors leading to a focus on managing hurricane risks rather than a comprehensive approach to climate change risks. While it is still early, it appears that Hurricane Sandy has opened the window for climate change adaptation policy-making. For example, Governor Cuomo called for the 2100 Commission to explicitly recommend ways that the state's infrastructure will need to change in the long-term as a result of climate change impacts. However, even before Sandy, several climate change adaptation planning processes had already taken place. While the political and media attention on climate change adaptation has stepped up a notch after Sandy, these efforts have a significant base of knowledge and a social capital from which to build upon. Finally, PG&E is making progress on climate change adaptation without having experienced a major climate-related disaster. They certainly have had heat waves, droughts, and wildfires, but they have not resulted in widespread power outages for PG&E. Instead, there driving force for adaptation has been state policy and research on climate change. Resiliency and Transformation Based on these cases, as climate change adaptation is currently being practiced by utilities, it does not appear to be contributing to transformation of the sector. For example, Entergy and Con Ed are putting forth hardening strategies as the way to reduce their key vulnerabilities, which further cements the status quo. It does not appear that the utilities are pursuing resiliency in the form of adjustments to institutions and organizational form. With PG&E, adaptation is one step closer towards transformation in that they are pursuing energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed generation to deal with some of their key vulnerabilities. The widespread deployment of those measures would require considerable changes to institutional and organizational form in the electricity sector. However, those efforts originate with the 86 California Energy Commission (CEC) recommending adaptation strategies for the electricity sector that clearly connect with goals in the state to dramatically reduce GHG emissions. The CEC has put forth a vision of a system that relies on local and decentralized sources of energy and enables consumers to better manage their energy use to help balance supply and demand as the climate changes. This is an agency that is making the connection between climate change adaptation and a modernized electricity sector and is helping achieve that by supporting research on climate change risks and adaptation. 87 88 IX. Recommendations Given the findings from the survey analysis and case study analysis, this section puts forth recommendations for the primary stakeholders that have formed the backbone of these stories: regulators, state and local governments, and utilities. I also provide suggestions for future areas of research. For Regulators Regulators should consider playing a more proactive role in requiring and reviewing utility climate change adaptation activities. While the CDP survey analysis has limitations, it hints at a potential lack of awareness and action on adaptation by a large percentage of utilities in the U.S. Utilities may need the regulatory push to start assessing their vulnerability to climate change risks and developing adaptation strategies. Based on this study and the literature, regulators may want to require that utilities submit a climate change vulnerability assessment and a plan for reducing those vulnerabilities. In addition, the cases have demonstrated that some utilities are moving forward on adaptation activities without regulatory guidance or oversight, but with an eye towards making the case to regulators that these investments are prudent. Regulatory guidance could help reduce uncertainty regarding what types of adaptation-related investments may be approved and what kinds of supporting analyses are needed. Regulatory guidance also provides the opportunity to ensure that utilities are assessing their vulnerability to a range of climate change risks, not just the most obvious and near-term risks. There may be a tendency for utilities to overlook extreme heat and drought, because they have less material impact on infrastructure than storms and flooding. Regulatory guidance could also help ensure that utilities are grappling with uncertainty: that they are not just trying to optimize for a projected future, but rather assessing options under a wide range of future scenarios. Lastly, regulatory oversight or guidance could help ensure that utilities are not only using technological (i.e. capital intensive) strategies for managing risks and that they are considering a portfolio of behavioral and policy strategies as well. The cases also illustrate that some utilities are starting to develop strategies for getting regulatory approval of their adaptation-related investments. Regulators should consider developing their own expertise on the issue so they can effectively evaluate utility capital investment plans that address climate change risks. Regulators may want to consider what type of information they want utilities to present with regards to adaptation-related investments. At the same time, regulators have 89 more tools in the toolbox than just evaluating and deciding rate cases. The Moreland Commission highlighted the opportunity presented by managerial audits that have been underutilized for many years (NYS 2013). In addition, regulators could use collaborative decision-making processes, such as policy dialogues, technical sessions, and advisory committees to help utilities and their stakeholders develop practical agreements on adaptation-related activities. Regulators should consider improving the coordination between mitigation and adaptation efforts. PG&E is pursuing several mitigation strategies that also serve adaptive purposes, but they are driven largely by the mitigation agenda, and it's not clear that they are being evaluated to make sure they achieve adaptation benefits. One way to achieve greater coordination is for regulators to make climate change adaptation one of the explicit goals of the process, even when the process has typically been considered a domain for mitigation, such as resource planning (McAllister 2012). Further study is needed to understand if utility commissions might benefit from enabling legislation so that climate change adaptation is a specific part of their statute. While managing longterm climate change risks benefits public health and welfare, some commissions interpret their statute narrowly (RAP 2011). Enabling legislation may also give regulators the impetus to coordinate across various functions and agencies. The utilities studied in this paper were relatively large utilities with considerable financial resources. Smaller utilities, especially municipal utilities and cooperatives, may not have access to as many resources of staff capacity for assessing climate change risks and developing adaptation strategies. The Environmental Protection Agency has a "Climate Ready Water Utilities" program that provies tools for water utilities to use in developing risk assessments and adaptation plans. The Department of Energy or other agencies may want to consider developing a similar program for power utilities. For State and Local Governments Cities and states that would like to see greater consideration of climate change risks by their local electric utilities should consider publishing research on local climate change projections and potential impacts on the electricity sector. Governments at various scales have an important role to play in the provision of information about climate change projections and impacts in the electricity sector (McAllister 2012), but City and State provision of climate change risk information has been especially effective in enabling adaptation planning in the cases studied. The political influence of having state and local officials highlight local impacts seems to make a strong impression on utility management. Also, utilities appear to be very interested in more localized climate change impact information to guide infrastructure design, which city and state government might be more likely to fund that the federal 90 government. The State of California funding climate change research with funding from the system benefits charge is model that other states may want to follow to provide a steady financing source for research. Given the unique regulatory context in New Orleans, where the City Council Utility Committee has regulatory authority over Entergy, if the City government makes climate change adaptation a priority, it would likely have a major influence on Entergy. To date, Entergy's resiliency efforts have been focused on hardening transmission and distribution outside of the levy system. The City Council could play an important role in asking the company to assess a greater range of climate change risks and assess a greater range of adaptation options, such as demand side management. Even a short report that includes downscaled climate change projections, their potential impacts on the local electricity system, adaptation options, and potential next steps would likely raise awareness within Entergy that this issue is important to the City and would raise stakeholder awareness of the issue. I understand that it's challenging for a City to put limited resources towards long-term risk management when facing considerable vulnerabilities in current conditions. However, raising awareness of climate change risks and adaptation options in the electricity sector would dovetail nicely with the work the Utility Committee is already doing with Entergy on demand side management programs. Given the challenges in the cases for involving utilities in local adaptation planning, a study of best practices would be very helpful. The cases brought up several important issues that cannot be answered in these pages, such as what information should planners expect that private companies will be willing or legally required to provide regarding vulnerabilities? Do the planners running these processes have sufficient expertise in electricity issues to facilitate the conversation in a useful direction? Are utilities being engaged at the right time in the planning process? As more cities engage utilities in local adaptation planning, the lessons learned from their experienced should be gathered and shared. For Utilities Based on the case studies, its apparent that utilities don't need to wait for regulators to start planning for and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Incorporating climate change risks into existing risk management processes, conducing a climate change risk assessment, and developing adaptation strategies are approaches to adaptation that utilities are already pursuing without waiting for formal orders from regulators. Utilities may also want to consider expanding their risk management toolkit beyond incorporating climate change projections into infrastructure design. Scenario planning could help utilities grapple with risks they had not yet considered and develop a portfolio of options that perform well under a range of future conditions. 91 Utilities should not only consider technological measures, such as hardening or smart grid, but also soft measures such as changes to their organizational structure or change to policy that would allow for enhanced risk management. For example, as currently structured, utilities may find participating in local level adaptation planning challenging. In addition, the literature recommends incentivizing innovation in risk management, but none of the utilities in the survey and cases reported providing incentives for their staff to innovate in this area. For Researchers The Carbon Disclosure Project may want to consider revising its survey questions on adaptation. For example, more direct questions about strategies for managing the physical risks of climate change would be helpful. Upon interviewing a representative from Entergy, I learned that the company had been engaged in efforts to strengthen their infrastructure to make it more resilient to hurricanes. However, those efforts were not apparent from their survey, because the respondent focused more on the company's stakeholder outreach. A government agency may want also consider requiring climate change adaptation reporting among electric utilities. Mandatory reporting would likely help raise awareness of the issue among utilities more than a voluntary survey and would make more reliable data available for research. Researchers may want to consider evaluating the benefits of non-hardening activities for storm resiliency. Increased frequency or intensity of storms appears to be one of the major risks facing utilities and it also appears to be the impetus for a lot of adaptation-related investments, especially hardening of transmission and distribution. More research on the range of options for dealing with that risk would be helpful. 92 Epilogue If you hopped in a time machine and traveled twenty years into the future to study an electric utility sector that has adapted effectively to climate change impacts, what would you find? The utilities will probably have made strategic investments in strengthening and flood-proofing their infrastructure. More importantly, they will probably be using demand side management to the fullest extent possible to reduce the need for large investments in facilities that could be particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. As a result, you'll see that cities are less dependent on large power plants and longdistance, constrained transmission lines. Instead, you'll probably find that electricity supply sources are more diversified, relying more heavily on local distributed systems such as rooftop solar panels or combined heat and power generation. You are also likely to find that customers have taken steps to reduce vulnerabilities on their side of the meter as well. For example, power supplies are not located on the ground floor in flood-prone areas and buildings have been retrofitted to use less energy, even during heat waves. I also imagine that you will find utilities using elaborate Scenario Planning exercises to better understand their vulnerabilities and assess their adaptation options. These exercises will probably involved multiple departments inside the utility as well as outside stakeholders, such as power plant owners and grid operators. Utilities will be monitoring climate change indicators very carefully and reappraising their adaptation strategies on a regular basis. Regulators will probably have convened collaborative adaptation planning efforts, inviting a range of stakeholders, including city officials, customers (especially critical services), environmental groups, and consumers advocates. Through these collaborative efforts, stakeholders will probably be more directly involved in the development, monitoring, and evaluation of adaptation options. Indeed, there is a good chance that, careful consideration of climate change risks has been fully integrated into all investment planning in the electricity sector, from facility siting to energy efficiency program design. Electric utilities could be considered key partners in local adaptation planning. Their staffs are open to discussing how their infrastructure might be vulnerable to climate change impacts and ready to accept suggestions regarding expanded resiliency efforts. 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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 101 Appendix A. Interviews Con Ed * * e e e * Case Study Adam Freed, Former Deputy Director of Long Term Planning & Sustainability, City of New York Susan Waltman, Executive Vice President, Greater New York Hospital Association Alison Burke, Vice President, Regulatory and Professional Affairs, Greater New York Hospital Associaiton Dave Westman, Energy Efficiency Manager, Con Ed Confidential Interview, Regional Energy Planner Confidential Interview, Public Service Commission Staff Confidential Interview, Environmental NGO Entergy Case Study * Jeff Williams, Director of Climate Consulting, Entergy * Bradford Case, Hazard Mitigation Administrator, City of New Orleans - Confidential Interview, Local Government Official s Forest Bradley-Wright, Energy Policy Specialist, Alliance for Affordable Energy - Sidney Coffee, Senior Advisor, America's Wetland Foundation PG&E Case Study * Xantha Bruso, Principal of Long Term Energy Policy, PG&E e Laura Tam, Sustainable Policy Development Director, SPUR e Bruce Riordan, Climate Strategist, Bay Area Joint Policy Committee e Matthew Sturm, Senior Program Manager of Climate Change, PG&E e Confidential Interview, Local Government Official - Confidential Interview, State Government Official 102 Appendix B. Coding from CDP Survey Analysis Sub-Category Code Code Definition Examples Water procurement Purchasing additional water resources Solar programs Investments in solar energy "Projects include being a co-owner of a reservoir"- Excelon. "ACE's Solar Financing program is designed to promote the use of solar energy and reduce electricity demands on its distribution system during periods of high electricity demand." Acquire resources Hydroelectric investments improve or maintain capacity in the face of climate change impacts Purchasing new or different supply resources Greater redundancy in generation Greater investment in generation water efficiency; reduce water use; municipal effluent for cooling Reducing water use for power plant cooling "Under the SDG&E solar initiative, 26 MW of utility-owned generation is slated for construction..." " Ameren... increased its cooling capabilities via the addition of supplemental cooling ponds to address thermal issues that occurred during a period of drought" "We have also been working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies to have pump intakes lowered." - AEP "In an effort to promote maximum value and use of existing hydroelectric generation facilities the company is integrating cloud seeding operations and aquifer recharge while performing turbine upgrades at several plants." "The methods Xcel Energy is using to manage this risk include acquiring resources that use less water," "To ensure the reliability of each island grid, the company plans its electric generation system with greater levels of redundancy than typical for a mainland, interconnected system. " - Hawaiian Electric "Exelon has invested in a number of projects related to ensuring adequate water supply for its power plants and to identify opportunities to increase water use efficiency, reduce water supply vulnerabilities and reduce water supply costs." Changes in fuel delivery and inventory to account for climaterelated disruptions "Ameren addressed fuel supply disruption risks via implementation of new fuel inventory policies and the development of alternative delivery options at many of its facilities." Solar generation construction Cooling ponds Capital investments in supply Lower pump intakes Hydroelectric investments Changes in supply operation Fuel inventory; fuel delivery; supply delivery; fuel diversity Investments in solar energy generation Building more cooling ponds for thermal generation to address drought Lowering cooling water intakes for thermal power plants 103 Capital investments in transmission and distribution Dredge channels Distribution equipment; submersible transformers; investment in substations Smart grid Grid improvements Hardening; reinforcement Dredging channels to increase water flow for power plant cooling or fuel delivery "We have been working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies to dredge channels to improve water flow" Investment in distribution equipment that can better handle climate change impacts "The company is purchasing and installing submersible transformers for use in areas most susceptible to flooding during hurricanes and nor'easters " - ConEd Investments in grid modernization "In 2012, Ameren Illinois created a 10-year Modernization Action Plan to build a smart grid and perform thousands of infrastructure projects to enhance reliability, provide faster service, and improve efficiency." Investments in grid modernization Investments in the distribution system to better withstand climate change impacts Advanced metering Investment in the transmissions system to better withstand climate change impacts Being able to automatically restore electricity after an outage Installing meters that record usage more frequently and communicate with the utility Asset design Incorporated climate change impacts into the design of assets Transmission investment System automation EV integration " PG&E's adaptation strategies for potential increased electricity demand include... improvements to our electric grid" "The company has developed a number of initiatives to reduce system vulnerability to outages, including structural and electrical reinforcement...."-Northeast Utilities " Over the next five years, Ameren plans to invest over $1.7 billion in transmission system improvements to ensure that we will be able to provide reliable, safe service now and in the future." "The company has developed a number of initiatives to reduce system vulnerability to outages, including.... system automation and real time monitoring." -Northeast Utilities "To manage these risks, PHI has installed Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology to improve restoration response" "The company is ... factoring flood levels into the design of its new substations." ConEd "These vehicles ... could act as distributed resources for the electric grid when not in driving use. Con Edison's customers have more than six million room air conditioners. Approximately 750,000 PEVs would have to be on the road in our region to match the Using electric vehicles as electric demand of those six million room air , a distributed resource ,Iconditioners." 104 Undergrounding Enhanced visual inspection Maintaining equipment so that it can better withstand climate Operating pratm practice. T&D Maintenance change impacts Vegetation management; tree trimming Trimming trees to prevent outages, especially given longer growing seasons Energy efficiency; conservation; onbill financing; Using energy efficiency to avoid increased load associated with higher temps or supply issues Demand response Using demand response to cope with higher system peaks due to higher temps Dynamic pricing Using pricing to help enable energy efficiency and demand response Demand Side Management Changes to Staffing Enaond monitoring Putting distribution equipment, such as wires, underground Increasing visual inspection of distribution equipment due to severe weather Team Developing staffing teams or groups to work on climate change adaptation Change in leadership Changes in leadership with regard to climate change adaptation Tracking; Tracking climate change indicators Weather monitoring Monitoring weather conditions to for operational purposes 105 " In 2007, Ameren Missouri initiated the PowerOn program to improve reliability and environmental performance. Program highlights have included: undergrounding wiring systems in key areas..." "implement enhanced visual inspections of critical system infrastructure in extreme heat or cold conditions. "- Excelon "This risk is also mitigated by maintaining our infrastructure in good working order." CMS " The company has developed a number of initiatives to reduce system vulnerability to outages, including a significantly enhanced vegetation management program..." Northeast utilities "PG&E's adaptation strategies for potential increased electricity demand include expanded customer energy efficiency and demand response programs and improvements to our electric grid." "PG&E's adaptation strategies for potential increased electricity demand include expanded customer energy efficiency and demand response programs and improvements to our electric grid." "In addition, PHI will soon be able to provide "dynamic" price signals to customers through in-home, easy- to-use visualization technology. ...Dynamic pricing has important implications for peak demand reduction..." "Since 2008, PG&E has maintained a crossfunctional team to explore and communicate these risks within the company. This team has conducted biannual reviews of relevant scientific literature." " In 2011, CL&P also announced changes in senior leadership, appointing officers to lead emergency preparedness"- Northeast Utilities "PG&E is proactively tracking and evaluating the potential impacts of reductions to SN snowpack on our hydroelectric system." "AEP has an internal meteorological department which monitors meteorological conditions and potential trends to help us adjust our operations to changes in precipitation and temperature as needed." Monitoring risk Emergency planning; Plans for storm preparedness, response, and recovery Plans for emergency preparedness, response, and recovery Contingency planning; Continuinty planning Plans for getting the business back up and running as soon as possible after a disruption Storm plan; storm preparedness Internal Planning: emergency preparedness and recovery Internal planning: CC risk, assessment adaptation strategy Monitoring climate change risks Adaptation costs assessment Assessment probability and consequences of climate change risks Assessing the costs of adaptation measure for planning purposes Water supply planning Planning water supply resources Resource planning Planning for energy resources Participated in planning process; Participated in planning processes with outside stakeholders Risk assessment Internal planning: resource planning External Planning Activities Stakeholder engagement Customer Education Increasing awareness Participated in planning processes with outside stakeholders Public education activities that increase awareness of climate change impacts and adaptation issues 106 "AEP is committed to evaluating and monitoring this risk through several efforts and organizations." "Recent experience of Tropical Storm Irene and October 2012 snowstorms have led to changes in storm preparedness and response processes and procedures." National Grid "NSTAR has also developed an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to address storm events." "Contingency planning takes place across our business. Each department annually develops and tests its own business resumption plan. This enables the continuous operation and/or resumption of critical business functions in the event of a major business disruption stemming from climate change and environmental or weather-related disasters." - SDG&E "Work is ongoing in the US to assess risk drivers and impact on ability to deliver energy." - National Grid " Entergy is carefully studying this issue to better understand the adaptation costs it is facing today and in the decades to come. " ...Involvement in water use studies and water supply planning." -Excelon "Meeting peak summer demand is an integral part of network management and planning. NU electric operating companies produce annual integrated resource plans which anticipate and meet forecasted demands." Northeast Utilities " PG&E is participating in the Adapting to Rising Tides project, community planning for sea level rise." "The company participates in/funds research in adaptation responses and works collaboratively with stakeholders and effected communities in developing these responses." "Worked with local communities in N. CA to increase awareness of decreasing water flows so that they can explore local adaptation measures" Research; Publishing research on investigation climate change impacts " SDG&E has filed a request with the CPUC for a new mechanism for the future recovery of all wildfire- related expenses for claims, litigation expenses and insurance premiums in excess of amounts authorized by the CPUC for recovery in rates." " Examples include improved building codes, wetland restoration and stronger levee systems. The Gulf Coast study has identified $49 billion in investments over the next 20 years that will cost-effectively avert $137 billion in losses over the lifetime of the measures." "PG&E has taken several steps to help identify and adapt to the impacts of climate change on our hydroelectric system. Some of these include the following: ... presented and published several scientific papers on our research and investigations into how climate change is impacting the N. SN and S. Cascade watersheds that supply our hydroelectric system." - PG&E Funded research Funding research on climate change impacts "AEP funds climate change research within the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change."-AEP Insurance Purchasing insurance to enhance recovery from climate change impacts "In addition, during 2011 CenterPoint Energy took steps to mitigate potential risks posed by wildfires (e.g., ... procurement of insurance specific to wildfires)." Revenue recovery; Recovering the costs of responding to climate change impacts through rates Building codes; wetlands Advocacy for policies that would help the restoration; levees electricity sector adapt to climate change Regulatory advocacy Other policy advocacy Research Sharing risk 107 Appendix C. CDP Survey Analysis, Count of Adaptation Measures by Utility Utilities Transmission & Distribution Supply ________________________________ Operating practice Capital investments changesin T&D in T&O Operating Capital investments changesin supply in supply 1 1 4 DlepoGas &Electric) Semnpra(San 1 1 3 1 CMVS (ConsumersEnergy) 1 1 Excelon (Commonwealth Edisonand PECO) 1 2 ____ AEP 11 1 __ Xcel 1 2 ___ Hawaiian Electric 1 CenterPoint ____ 1, _____ ;Internal !Internal 1planning: !planning: resource rNsk, adaptation iplanning 1 2 ____ Pinnacle West (ArizonaPublicServiceCompany) _____ Wiaconain Energy _____ 1 1 3 1 ____ 1 __ 9 7 1____ _ _____4 1 1 ____ 1 __ _4 3 1 11 1 1 ____ ________ ________ 1____ ____1 __ 2 ___________________ ____ 1 9 ___ 1 _____9 1____ ____ ____ 1 1 1 1 1 21 _________ 1 2 1____ _______________ 3 2 1 _1 1, U 1le___ _11 ___________ ____ 1 1_____ 1 1 1 _ 2 2 N of measures __________ ____ __ 1 1 Funding/ Other policy participating Additional in research insurance advocacy Regulatory advocacy Customer education External planning 1 1 1 Advoacy,Research__________ ____Education, 13 ____ 2 41_ _________ National Grid 2 ____ 1________ ________ 3 3 2 ___ _ ____ ________ 1 1 ___________________________________0 Edison: none reported CH Energy: none reported Duke: none listed ____ _ I ________________2 Idacorp DT'E: none fit adaptation 1 1 1___ ___ 2 1 Entergy Pepco(Potomac Electric PowerCompany,Delmarva Altanic City Electric Power and Light Company, Company) NSTAR 1 4 Northeast Utilities Pacific Gas&Electric Internal planning: emergency preparedne Enhanced ss and monitoring recovery in Changes Staffing 6 Consolidated Edison Amneren(Ameren Illinois, Ameren Missouri) Planning Acitivites Internal CapacityBuilding DemandSide Management ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 0____ ____ ________ Southern Company: none listed Dominion: none fit adaptation 108 0____ 0 ___________________________________________________ ________ _____________ 0________