PIIY 2020 Homework Set Fatl 2014 #II Na,m Due: er the start of class. If you just give en answer without showing how you arrived at that a,nswer, then you wilI get no credit for the problem. For these problems, you must include the appropriate units with your a,n5lwers, and each correct rnswer is worth 1 point. 1' A mass M 2N/m. : 3kg is attached to a horizontal spring, whose spring constant is ,b : (a) When the mass M is held a distance 2m away from the the equilibrium position, what is the magnitude of the restoring force from the spring? lf sta't ery,;lit&fi," (b) How much kinetic energ:f does equilibrium position? (c) How much potential enerry equilibrium position? M have when it is at does M have when it rest 2m away from the is at rest 2m away from the M is then released what is the a,mplitude of the ensuing oscillations? ("Amplitude" is a technical term that refers to the maximum distance that M is away from the equilibrium position drui.g the oscillations.) (d) When (e) Now, that M is oscillating, hour much kinetic energf does it have when it is passing through the equilibrium position? Hint: Use the conservation of enerry. In other words, note that the total enerry (the sum of both the kinetic and potential enerry at any particular time) never changes. h?