
Fig. S6. Ecological effects of nutrient inputs on the mean and standard
deviation of the equilibrium nutrient availability and the number of
plant individuals in each patch
Ecological effect of nutrient enrichment (increase in inputs of mineral nutrients) (1) on the mean
and standard deviation (sd) of the availability of mineral nutrient (panels A, B, C), (2) on the
mean and standard deviation of the number of individuals by patch (#, panels D, E, F). Means
and standard deviations are computed over all the patches of the simulated lattice (20X 20
patches) at the end of 10000 years of ecological simulation. The investment into mineral nutrient
acquisition is not allowed to evolve (s=0) and it can be considered that an ecological steady state
has been reached. Different situations are modeled: (A and D) no homogenization of mineral
nutrient and high seed dispersal ability; (B and E) homogenization of mineral nutrient; (C and F)
low seed dispersal. Missing points for low dispersal are due to the fact that, in this case, for low
nutrient inputs populations of primary producers get extinct.