The “Underlying Event” in Run 2 at CDF The “underlying event” consists of hard initial & final-state radiation plus the “beam-beam remnants” and possible multiple parton interactions. CERN MC4LHC Workshop Outgoing Parton July 2003 During the workshop the theorists, ATLAS/CMS Proton experimenters, and I constructed a “wish list” of data Underlying Event from CDF relating to “min-bias” and the “underlying event” and I promisedMuch to do themore analysisnew Run 2 and make the data available. PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation AntiProton Underlying Event results than I can show here! I will show a few plots New CDF Run 2 results! of each type and give a Two Classes of Events:preview “LeadingofJet” andto“Back-to-Back”. more come! Outgoing Parton Final-State Radiation Two “Transverse” regions: “transMAX”, “transMIN”, “transDIF”. PTmax and PTmaxT distributions and averages. Df Distributions: “Density” and “Associated Density”. <pT> versus charged multiplicity: “min-bias” and the “transverse” region. Correlations between the two “transverse” regions: “trans1” vs “trans2”. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 1 The “Transverse” Regions as defined by the Leading Jet Jet #1 Direction “Transverse” region is very sensitive to the “underlying event”! Charged Particle Df Correlations 2p pT > 0.5 GeV/c |h| < 1 Away Region “Toward-Side” Jet Df Look at the charged particle density in the “transverse” region! Jet #1 Direction Transverse Region 1 Df “Toward” “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Trans 1” f Leading Jet “Trans 2” Toward Region Transverse Region 2 “Away” “Away-Side” Jet Away Region 0 -1 h +1 Look at charged particle correlations in the azimuthal angle Dfrelative to the leading calorimeter jet (JetClu R = 0.7, |h| < 2). o o o o o Define |Df| < 60 as “Toward”, 60 < -Df < 120 and 60 < Df < 120 as “Transverse 1” and o “Transverse 2”, and |Df| > 120 as “Away”. Each of the two “transverse” regions have o area DhDf = 2x60 = 4p/6. The overall “transverse” region is the sum of the two o transverse regions (DhDf = 2x120 = 4p/3). HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 2 Charged Particle Density Df Dependence Run 2 Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf Log Scale! Jet #1 Direction 10.0 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Jet #3 “Away” Charged Particle Density CDF Preliminary “Toward-Side” Jet data uncorrected "Transverse" Region 1.0 Jet#1 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) “Away-Side” “Away-Side” Jet Jet 0.1 0 30 60 90 Min-Bias 0.25 per unit h-f 120 150 180 210 Df (degrees) 240 270 300 Leading Jet 330 360 Shows the Df dependence of the charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles in the range pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 relative to jet#1 (rotated to 270o) for “leading jet” events 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV. Also shows charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles in the range pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 for “min-bias” collisions. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 3 Refer to this as a “Leading Jet” event Charged Particle Density Df Dependence Run 2 Jet #1 Direction Df Particle Density: Density: dN/dhdf dN/dhdf Charged Particle “Toward” “Transverse” CDF Preliminary “Transverse” “Away” Refer to this as a “Back-to-Back” event Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” Density Charged Particle Density Subset 10.0 10.0 data uncorrected 30 << ET(jet#1) ET(jet#1)<<70 70GeV GeV 30 Back-to-Back Leading Jet Min-Bias "Transverse" "Transverse" Region Region 1.0 1.0 Jet#1 Jet#1 Charged Particles Charged (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) (|h|<1.0, “Transverse” 0.1 0.1 “Away” 00 30 60 90 120 150 180 180 210 210 240 240 270 270 300 300 330 330 360 360 Df (degrees) (degrees) Jet #2 Direction Look at the “transverse” region as defined by the leading jet or by the leading two jets (JetClu R = 0.7, |h| < 2). “Back-to-Back” events are selected to have at least two jets with ET > 15 GeV with Jet#1 and Jet#2 nearly “back-to-back” (Df12 > 150o) with almost equal transverse energies (ET(jet#2)/ET(jet#1) > 0.8) and with ET(jet#3) < 15 GeV. Shows the Df dependence of the charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles in the range pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 relative to jet#1 (rotated to 270o) for 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 4 “Transverse” PTsum Density versus ET(jet#1) Run 2 Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Back-to-Back” Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” "AVE Transverse" PTsum Density: dPT/dhdf 1.4 “Transverse” "Transverse" PTsum Density (GeV/c) “Leading Jet” uncorrected datadata uncorrected theory + CDFSIM PY Tune A 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Back-to-Back HW 0.2 1.96 TeV Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 50 “Away” Jet #2 Direction Leading Jet 2 Preliminary CDF Run Preliminary 1.2 100 150 200 250 ET(jet#1) (GeV) Min-Bias 0.24 GeV/c per unit h-f Shows the average charged PTsum density, dPTsum/dhdf, in the “transverse” region (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) versus ET(jet#1) for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events. Compares the (uncorrected) data with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG after CDFSIM. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 5 “TransMIN” PTsum Density versus ET(jet#1) “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction Df "MIN Transverse" PTsum Density: dPT/dhdf “Toward” “TransMAX” "Transverse" PTsum Density (GeV/c) 0.6 CDF Run 2 Preliminary Jet #1 Direction “TransMIN” “Away” 1.96 TeV data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Df Leading Jet Jet Leading PY Tune A 0.4 “Toward” “Back-to-Back” Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” Jet #2 Direction “TransMAX” 0.2 “TransMIN” Min-Bias “Away” Back-to-Back Back-to-Back HW Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 50 “transMIN” is very sensitive to the “beam-beam remnant” component of the “underlying event”! 100 150 200 250 ET(jet#1) (GeV) Use the leading jet to define the MAX and MIN “transverse” regions on an event-byevent basis with MAX (MIN) having the largest (smallest) charged particle density. Shows the “transMIN” charge particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1 versus ET(jet#1) for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 6 “Transverse” PTsum Density PYTHIA Tune A vs HERWIG “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction Df "AVE Transverse" PTsum Density: dPT/dhdf “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Back-to-Back” Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” "Transverse" PTsum Density (GeV/c) 1.4 Leading Jet CDF Preliminary 1.2 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM PY Tune A 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Back-to-Back HW 0.2 1.96 TeV Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 ET(jet#1) (GeV) “Away” Jet #2 Direction Now look in detail at “back-to-back” events in the region 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV! Shows the average charged PTsum density, dPTsum/dhdf, in the “transverse” region (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) versus ET(jet#1) for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events. Compares the (uncorrected) data with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG after CDFSIM. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 7 Charged PTsum Density PYTHIA Tune A vs HERWIG HERWIG (without multiple parton interactions) does not produces enough PTsum in the “transverse” region for 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV! Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhdf Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhdf 100.0 Charged Particles 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Back-to-Back PY Tune A Charged PTsum Density (GeV/c) Charged PTsum Density (GeV/c) 100.0 10.0 1.0 CDF Preliminary Jet#1 "Transverse" Region data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Charged Particles 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Back-to-Back HERWIG 10.0 "Transverse" Region 1.0 CDF Preliminary 0.1 0.1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 30 60 90 120 Df (degrees) 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 330 360 Df (degrees) Data - Theory: Charged PTsum Density dPT/dhdf Data - Theory: Charged PTsum Density dPT/dhdf 2 2 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 1 Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV PYTHIA Tune A CDF Preliminary Data - Theory (GeV/c) CDF Preliminary Data - Theory (GeV/c) Jet#1 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 0 -1 "Transverse" Region Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 1 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Back-to-Back HERWIG 0 -1 "Transverse" Region Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Jet#1 Jet#1 -2 -2 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 30 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Df (degrees) Df (degrees) HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 60 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 8 Summary “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction Jet #1 Direction Df “Back-to-Back” Df “Toward” “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Away” Jet #2 Direction “Back-to-Back” events have less “hard scattering” (initial and final state radiation) component in the “transverse” region which allows for a closer look at the “beam-beam remnant” and multiple parton scattering component of the “underlying” event. PYTHIA Tune A (with multiple parton scattering) does a much better job in describing the “back-to-back” events than does HERWIG (without multiple parton scattering). HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 9 Min-Bias “Associated” Highest pT charged particle! Charged Particle Density “Associated” densities do not include PTmax! Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf PTmax Direction 0.5 PTmax Direction Df Correlations in f Charged Particle Density CDF Preliminary Associated Density PTmax not included data uncorrected 0.4 Df Charge Density 0.3 0.2 0.1 Min-Bias Correlations in f Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmax 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) Use the maximum pT charged particle in the event, PTmax, to define a direction and is “associated” more probable to finddN a chg particle look at the It the density, /dhdf, in “min-bias” collisions (pT > 0.5 PTmax than it is to GeV/c, |h| <accompanying 1). find a particle in the central region! Shows the data on the Df dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events. Also shown is the average charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for “min-bias” events. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 10 Min-Bias “Associated” Rapid rise in the particle density in the “transverse” region as PTmax increases! Charged Particle Density Associated Particle Density: dN/dhdf PTmaxDirection Direction PTmax Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Correlations in f “Away” Associated Particle Density Jet #1 Df PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c 1.0 PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c PTmax > 1.0 GeV/c 0.8 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) CDF Preliminary data uncorrected PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c Transverse Region 0.6 Transverse Region 0.4 0.2 Jet #2 PTmax PTmax not included Min-Bias 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) Ave Min-Bias 0.25 per unit h-f PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c Shows the data on the Df dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events with PTmax > 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 GeV/c. Shows “jet structure” in “min-bias” collisions (i.e. the “birth” of the leading two jets!). HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 11 Back-to-Back “Associated” Charged Particle Densities Maximum pT particle in the “transverse” region! Jet #1 Direction PTmaxT Direction “Associated” densities do not include PTmaxT! Df Df “Toward” “TransMAX” PTmaxT “TransMIN” Df PTmaxT Direction Jet#1 Region Jet#2 Region Jet#1 Region Jet#2 Region “Away” Jet #2 Direction Use the leading jet in “back-to-back” events to define the “transverse” region and look at the maximum pT charged particle in the “transverse” region, PTmaxT. Look at the Df dependence of the “associated” charged particle and PTsum densities, dNchg/dhdf and dPTsum/dhdf for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, not including PTmaxT) relative to PTmaxT. Rotate so that PTmaxT is at the center of the plot (i.e. 180o). HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 14 Back-to-Back “Associated” Charged Particle Density “Associated” densities do not include PTmaxT! PTmaxT Direction Jet #1 Jet#1 Region Associated Particle Density Df Jet #2 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) CDF Preliminary Jet #3 Jet#2 Region Associated Particle Density: dN/dhdf 10.0 data uncorrected Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV PTmaxT not included 1.0 Jet#2 Region PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c PTmaxT > 1.0 GeV/c Jet #4?? "Jet#1" Region PTmaxT PTmaxT > 0.5 GeV/c 0.1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) Log Scale! Look at the Df dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, not including PTmaxT) relative to PTmaxT (rotated to 180o) for PTmaxT > 0.5 GeV/c, PTmaxT > 1.0 GeV/c and PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c, for “back-to-back” events with 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV . Shows “jet structure” in the “transverse” region (i.e. the “birth” of the 3rd & 4th jet). HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 15 Jet Topologies QCDThree Four Jet QCD Jet Topology Topology Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf QCD 2-to-4 Scattering Multiple Parton Interactions 2 Preliminary CDF Final-State Jet #1 data uncorrected Radiation Outgoing Parton 346 10 14 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Outgoing Parton Outgoing PartonBack-to-Back 18 30 34 38 326 42 322 46 318 Jet #1 PT(hard) 50 54 Jet#1 306 58 PT(hard) 302 298 PTmaxT Proton Direction Proton 6 358 26 330 310 Jet #3Df 354 22 334 314 Jet#1 Region 350 342 338 62 66 70 294 Jet #4 74 290 78 286 Jet #4 AntiProton AntiProton "Transverse" Jet #3 Region 282 278 274 Jet#2 Region Underlying Event Underlying Event PTmaxT 270 86 90 94 98 266 Underlying Event 102 262 Jet #2 0.5 258 Underlying Event 106 254 110 Jet #2 250 114 1.0 246 118 126 238 1.5 234 230 130 134 138 226 Particles ChargedFinal-State GeV/c) (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 Radiation Associated Density PTmaxT > 2 GeV/c (not included) 142 222 2.0 218 214 146 150 154 210 Polar Plot Initial-State Radiation 122 242 82 "Transverse" Region 158 206 162 202 198 194 190 178 186 174 170 166 182 Parton Outgoing Outgoing Shows the Df dependence ofParton the “associated” charged particleOutgoing density,Parton dNchg/dhdf, pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c (not including PTmaxT) relative to PTmaxT (rotated to 180o) and the charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, relative to jet#1 (rotated to 270o) for “back-to-back events” with 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 17 “Associated” Charge Density PYTHIA Tune A vs HERWIG HERWIG (without multiple parton interactions) too few “associated” particles in the direction of PTmaxT! Associated Particle Density: dN/dhdf Associated Particle Density: dN/dhdf 10.0 10.0 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT not included CDF Preliminary Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Associated Particle Density Associated Particle Density CDF Preliminary 1.0 PTmaxT > 0.5 GeV/c PY Tune A PTmaxT "Jet#1" Region 0.1 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT not included 1.0 PTmaxT PTmaxT > 0.5 GeV/c HERWIG "Jet#1" Region 0.1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 30 60 90 120 Df (degrees) And HERWIG (without multiple parton interactions) too few particles 1.0 Back-to-Back in Tune the direction opposite of PTmaxT! PYTHIA A 1.0 CDF Preliminary 0.0 -0.5 CDF Preliminary 240 270 300 330 360 PTmaxT Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT not included "Jet#1" Region -1.0 Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV 0.0 -0.5 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT not included 210 HERWIG data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 0.5 Data - Theory 0.5 180 Data - Theory: Associated Particle Density dN/dhdf 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 150 Df (degrees) Data - Theory: Associated Particle Density dN/dhdf Data - Theory Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV PTmaxT "Jet#1" Region -1.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 30 Df (degrees) HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 18 “Associated” Charge Density PYTHIA Tune A vs HERWIG For PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV both PYTHIA and HERWIG produce slightly too many “associated” particles in the direction of PTmaxT! Associated Particle Density: dN/dhdf Associated Particle Density: dN/dhdf 10.0 10.0 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 1.0 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT not included data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT not included 1.0 PTmaxT "Jet#1" Region PTmaxT PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c HERWIG "Jet#1" Region 0.1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 30 60 90 120 Df (degrees) 1.6 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) 1.0 PYTHIA Tune A direction data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Back-to-Back opposite of PTmaxT! 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV 0.0 -0.8 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 0.5 Data - Theory 0.8 Data - Theory Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Next Step Look at the jet topologies (2 jet vs 3 jet vs 4 jet etc). See if there is an excess of But HERWIG (without multipledue to multiple 4 jet events parton interactions) produces Data - Theory: Associated Particle Density dN/dhdf Data - Theory: Associated Particle Density dN/dhdf too few particles in the interactions! parton CDF Preliminary CDF Preliminary PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c PY Tune A 0.1 CDF Preliminary Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Associated Particle Density Associated Particle Density CDF Preliminary HERWIG 0.0 -0.5 Charged Particles PTmaxT (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c (not included) Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) "Jet#1" Region PTmaxT "Jet#1" Region PTmaxT > 2.0 GeV/c (not included) -1.6 -1.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 30 Df (degrees) HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 20 Summary Max pT in the “transverse” region! “Associated” densities do not include PTmaxT! Jet #1 Direction Df PTmaxT Direction PTmax Direction Df “Toward” “TransMAX” PTmaxT “TransMIN” Jet#2 Region “Away” Df Jet#1 Region Correlations in f Jet #2 Direction The “associated” densities show strong correlations (i.e. jet structure) in the “transverse” region both for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events. The “birth” of the 1st jet in “min-bias” collisions looks very similar to the “birth” of the 3rd jet in the “transverse” region of hard scattering “Back-toBack” events. Question: Is the topology 3 jet or 4 jet? HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 22 “Transverse” <pT> versus “Transverse” Nchg “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction "Transverse" Average PT versus Nchg Df 2.0 2.0 CDF Run 2 Preliminary “Toward” CDF Run 2 Preliminary Jet #1 Direction data uncorrected “Transverse” “Away” “Back-to-Back” Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Average PT (GeV/c) data uncorrected “Transverse” Df LeadingJet Jet Leading ET(jet#1)< <7070GeV GeV 3030< <ET(jet#1) theory + CDFSIM 1.96 TeV 1.5 1.5 Back-to-Back Back-to-Back 30 30<<ET(jet#1) ET(jet#1)<<70 70GeV GeV “Toward” 1.0 1.0 “Transverse” “Transverse” PYTHIA Tune A 1.96 TeV Min-Bias Min-Bias “Away” Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.5 0.5 00 22 44 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Number of Charged Particles “Away” Min-Bias Jet #2 Direction Look at the <pT> of particles in the “transverse” region (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) versus the number of particles in the “transverse” region: <pT> vs Nchg. Shows <pT> versus Nchg in the “transverse” region (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events with 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV compared with “minbias” collisions. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 23 “Transverse 1” Region vs “Transverse 2” Region Jet #1 Direction Df Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Trans 1” “Trans 2” “Away” “Back-to-Back” Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Trans 1” "Transverse 1" vs "Transverse 2" 3.5 1.8 “Trans 2” "Transverse "Transverse 2" <PT> 2" Nchg (GeV/c) “Leading Jet” CDF CDFRun Run22Preliminary Preliminary 3030< <ET(jet#1) ET(jet#1)< <7070GeV GeV Df 3.0 1.6 data datauncorrected uncorrected 2.5 1.4 Leading Jet Leading Jet 1.96 TeV “Toward” 2.0 1.2 “Trans1.51” “Trans 2” 1.96 TeV 1.0 1.0 Back-to-Back Back-to-Back Charged ChargedParticles Particles(|h|<1.0, (|h|<1.0,PT>0.5 PT>0.5GeV/c) GeV/c) “Away” 0.5 0.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 "Transverse 1" Nchg “Away” Jet #2 Direction Use the leading jet to define two “transverse” regions and look at the correlations between “transverse 1” and “transverse 2”. Shows the average of charged particles the “transverse 2” region average number pT of charged particles in thein“transverse 2” region versusversus the the number of charged particles in the “transverse 1” region for pTT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 for “Leading Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 24 “Transverse 1” Region vs “Transverse 2” Region "Transverse 1" vs "Transverse 2" "Transverse 1" vs "Transverse 2" 3.5 3.0 "Transverse 2" Nchg 3.0 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM Leading Jet 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV CDF Run 2 Preliminary "Transverse 2" Nchg CDF Run 2 Preliminary PY Tune A 2.5 1.96 TeV 2.0 HW 1.5 data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 2.5 PY Tune A 2.0 1.5 HW 1.0 1.0 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.5 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 "Transverse 1" Nchg 6 8 10 12 "Transverse 1" Nchg "Transverse 1" vs "Transverse 2" "Transverse 1" vs "Transverse 2" 1.8 1.50 CDF Run 2 Preliminary data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 1.6 PY Tune A 1.96 TeV 1.4 Leading Jet 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV "Transverse 2" <PT> (GeV/c) "Transverse 2" <PT> (GeV/c) Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV 1.2 HW 1.0 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) CDF Run 2 Preliminary data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM 1.25 Back-to-Back 30 < ET(jet#1) < 70 GeV 1.00 PY Tune A 0.75 HW Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.8 0.50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 "Transverse 1" Nchg HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 2 4 6 8 10 12 "Transverse 1" Nchg Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 25 Summary “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction Df Jet #1 Direction “Back-to-Back” “Toward” “Toward” “Trans 1” Df “Trans 1” “Trans 2” “Trans 2” “Away” “Away” Jet #2 Direction There are some interesting correlations between the “transverse 1” and “transverse 2” regions both for “Leading-Jet” and “Back-to-Back” events! PYTHIA Tune A (with multiple parton scattering) does a much better job in describing these correlations than does HERWIG (without multiple parton scattering). Question: Is this a probe of multiple parton interactions? HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 26 The Universality of PYTHIA Tune A DirectZ-boson Photon Production “Hard” Scattering Production Multiple Parton Interactions “Flavor Creation” Photon Z-boson Outgoing Parton Outgoing Parton b-quark We would like to have a PT() PT(hard) PT(hard) PT(Z) “universal” tune of PYTHIA! QCD Hard Scattering Direct Photon Production Z-Boson Production Heavy Flavor Production Proton Proton Proton Proton AntiProton AntiProton AntiProton AntiProton Underlying UnderlyingEvent Event Underlying Event Underlying Event Underlying Event Underlying Event Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Initial-State Initial-State Radiation Radiation Radiation b-quark Outgoing Parton Final-State Radiation Radiation Outgoing Parton I working on a “universal” PYTHIA Run 2 tune! Must specify the PDF! Must specify MPI parameters! Must specify Q2 scale! Must specify intrinsic kT! HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 27 New CDF Run 2 Analysis Photon and Z-boson Refer to this as a “Leading Photon” event Refer to this as a “Leading Jet” event Jet #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Z-boson Direction Photon #1 Direction Df Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Refer to this as a “Zboson” event “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Study the Df distribution of the charged particle density, dNchg/dhdf, and the charged scalar pT sum density, dPTsum/dhdf, for charged particles in the region pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) in “leading jet” events. and “leading photon” events! and “Z-boson” events! Study the average charged particle and PTsum density in the “toward”, “transverse”, and “away” regions versus ET(jet#1) in “leading jet” events.and “leading photon” events! and “Z-boson” events! HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 28 Charged Particle Density Df Dependence rdfsoft! PY Tune A Jet #1 Direction Df Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf “Toward” “Transverse” 10.0 RDF Preliminary “Transverse” Leading Jet “Away” Photon #1 Direction Df “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Z-boson Direction Df “Away” Charged Particle Density PYTHIA Tune A Z-boson 1.0 “Toward” “Transverse” Leading Photon Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) “Transverse” Jet#1 Photon Z-boson "Transverse" Region 0.1 “Away” 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Df (degrees) Shows the Df dependence of the density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles in the range pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 relative to jet#1 (rotated to 270o) for ET(jet#1) > 30 GeV for “Leading Jet” events from PYTHIA Tune A. Shows the Df dependence of the density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles in the range pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 relative to pho#1 (rotated to 270o) for PT(pho#1) > 30 GeV for “Leading Photon” events from PYTHIA Tune A. Shows the Df dependence of the density, dNchg/dhdf, for charged particles in the range pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 relative to the Z (rotated to 270o) for PT(Z) > 30 GeV for “Zboson” events from PYTHIA Tune A. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 29 Summary Outgoing Parton Direct Photon Production PT(hard) Z-boson Production Photon PT() Z-boson PT(Z) Initial-State Radiation Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Outgoing Parton Final-State Radiation Initial-State Radiation Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton I am working on a “universal” PYTHIA Run 2 tune: QCD jets, direct photons, Z and W bosons, Drell-Yan, heavy flavor production, etc.. I am just getting started, but so far I have seen no major problems with PYTHIA Tune A except that I should have included a larger intrinsic kT (I used the default). In addition to specifying the PDF and the MPI parameters, one will have to specify the Q2 scale for each process. For Tune A Q2 = 4pT2 for QCD jets and direct photons and Q2 = Mz2 for Z-boson production. HERA/LHC Workshop October 11, 2004 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 31