TRANSFORMATION OF A BUILDING TYPE : A Study of Back Bay Houses in Boston by Ricky Pei-Shen Liu Diplome Par Le Governement Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Beaux-Arts Paris, France 1984 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 1986 @ Ricky Pei-Shen Liu 1986 The Author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part Signature of the authorR Ricky Pei-Shen Liu Department of Architecture May 9, 1986 Certified by N. John Habraken Professor of Architecture ^ hesis Supervisor Accepted by \jJ Julian Beinart Chairman Tmmittee for Graduate Students Det OF TcCHNGLOGY qotctO JUN 0 4 19S6 LtBRA i Transformation of a Building Type : A Study of Back Bay Houses in Boston by Ricky Pei-Shen Liu Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 9, 1986 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies. Abstract The explore objective of this thesis is to the transformation of (II) The second part comprises a design study based on the observed context by inserting new constraints. To discover possible floor-plan variations within the type, the support/ infill distinction has been applied. Furthermore, the application of the modified type to irregular lot forms is studied. At the end of the thesis unresolved issues are discussed. an existing building type and the application of the support/infill concept in a new context. For this purpose, a traditional Back Bay residential form in Boston has been selected. The study has been carried out in two parts: (I) Part One consists of an observational study of the existing context. This involved an analysis on the levels of urban structure, urban tissue and lot unit. The rules of the original Back Bay house type are Thesis Supervisor: N. John Habraken Title: Professor of Architecture identified in the last section. 2 Acknowledgements I gratefully acknowledge guidance and advice of professor Habraken, whose experience has invaluable in the preparation of study. the John been this I would also like to thank Vivian Fu for her great assistance during the process of production. Finally, my sincere gratitude to my parents and sister, for their encouragement and the sacrifices made in order to make my study here possible. 3 Table of Contents Abstract ........................... 2 Acknowledgements ................... 3 Plan of the Back Bay House ...... Envelop .......................... Part One Street Facade Introduction ....................... 7 Context 35 ................ 35 Bay Window .......... ........... 37 Entrances ........................ 38 Historical Background ............. 10 Architectural Character ........... 15 Garden Fences Urban Structure ................... 18 Front Yards ...................... District Boundaries .............. 19 Identification of the Regional Transportation Networks.. 21 Original Rules ..................... Tissue Level 28 Front Steps ..................... 39 ..................... 41 42 43 Tissue Level Block Form ....................... 23 Thematic and Streets 24 Non-Thematic Elements ............ 44 Corner Lots ...................... 45 .......................... Lot Level Lot Organization ................. 25 Internal Organization ............ 27 Lot Level Interior Organization 4 ........... 47 Part Two Zone Distribution .... ......... . 85 .............. 49 ............... 49 Alternative Position of Staircase and Elevator......... 87 New Technical Possibility ........ 52 Diagram of Basic Variations ....... 88 New Constraints ................... 53 Sector Analysis ..................... 91 .................... 92 Issues Analysis Changes ..... in Function Design Study for Alternative Solutions ......... Sub-Variations 55 Parking Alternatives ............... 93 70 Block Type ........................ 99 71 Irregular Lot Forms ................ 104 83 Final Remarks ..................... 106 84 Bibliography Design Study for Support Structure .............. Space and Function Analysis ..... Modular Coordination .............. Wall Positioning .................. 5 ...................... 107 Part One 6 Introduction The Back Bay is one of distinguished areas the most of urban architecture in the United States. survival as a handsome Its Victorian neighborhood provides its residents with a unique opportunity for quality living. The changes residential use myself these how made have for led me originally modern to ask designed town houses could be further transformed in order to adapt to current needs. What appropriate generate without type? approach alternative should we use design violating the orignal I importance am also concerned solutions building about the of designing plans that are easily adaptable to changing needs. 7 to The structure of the study has been rules. organized in the following manner: To begin with, broad overview residential I give the reader a of district. is organized into three structure, The the Back Bay study (i) allows (ii) This me Transformation Adaptability to (iii) Users Thus, the designing existing can space. type be identified. Over time the Back Bay residential area has been undergoing a lot of change due to various forces. rules must take into constraints. new Part The inevitably be consideration original modified the to new With a discussion of these constraints as a starting point, Two gives a design exploration a building of a dwelling within the type. determine the original rules. dwelling of type. urban tissue and lot level. observational of issues that I feel are important: This first part levels: study gives attention to a number of the Support System based on the modified 8 participation their own in living Historical Background The Back residential broad Bay, Boston's district, shallow body elegant was originally a of water located beyond the southwestern shoreline of the old Boston peninsula. Boston The bay separated from Brookline and bordered the narrow neck of land access to Roxbury in the vicinity of the present South End. Until the creation of the Public Garden, the marshes of the Back Bay reached Boston Common, and Charles Street served as a thoroughfare Development initiated Roxbury scheme in Mill to commercial mill dam at the of water's edge. the Back Bay was 1814 when the Boston and Corporation proposed harness its tidal purposes. completed in A flow a for granite-faced 1821 stretched 10 across the bay from Charles Street Sewall's Point along route a (now Kenmore the public welfare. Square) corresponding present Beacon Street. to to the In 1852, A shorter cross- appointed by dam projecting from Roxbury intersected prepare the mill dam and divided the Bay the Back Bay. The in resolving into full mill dam forced to and receiving project financial promoters. and success basins. however, compete with manufacturing Back was steam never became envisioned Railroad lines blocked powered by built the area. its in the development the to of Because of difficulties conflicting delay of claims several immediate filling Prolonged negotiations which on a was the state legislature a plan for the ownership, soon a special commission Tripartite Agreement to years of the resulted of divided the proposed lands 1856 among trestles across the dammed basins in the the Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation, 1830's the further development by frustrated impeding water in the bay. Back Bay waters industrial the By 1849, produced flow Boston Water Power Company subsidiary of the Mill Corporation), and of the stagnating Commonwealth. To satisfy Boston's an claims, two unhealthy and offensive sewerage problem donated to that city health officials demanded that Commonwealth's share for an addition the the existing Public Garden. such area be filled in the interests (a of 11 and the a half City acres from were the to filling of the Back Bay The in earlier a frequent source the city, by a line. specially By constructed filled as far west as Clarendon by the 1870, Street; by fill had reached 1880, Arthur Gilman, been in Street; France. now plans and by 1890, Bay land architect was very much influenced boulevards Unlike of impressive Second lined the fill extended beyond Kenmore Square and was continuing London, 12 Empire residential earlier for Beacon Hill or the South End, the Back Bay was not divided into known as the Back Bay District was solid ground; Boston street forms by the its Parisian Exeter the to attributed railroad the entire area Back The plan for the Back Bay District,/ Needham the Back Bay had 1860, its to the City of Boston. gravel had to be brought the area from the town of into monumental At project had added 450 acres of new of land fill, had been completely developed by the 1850's, the completion, Since the hills of September 1857. Road. State Bay along began squares but was inspired by tree- Georgian conceived as a grand clientele. scheme of generously landscaped parallel avenues. as the dominant boulevard of the provided linear green the district with park and served to open Public Despite Commonwealth Avenue, designed spaces a architectural area, general consistency of character, Common and and Garden with those of the civic appealing This architectural for the most part a form, unity, by improvement as and as district. individual town houses to the design a the a Its plan of spacious streets and location soon attracted the city's town leading houses families. and mansions that began to line the the Bay the linear boulevard plan which subordinated impressive of scale. determined Fenway the Back Bay was planned both handsome in Back the of the substantial residential of the connect From its inception, the development major style, variations developed as an area distinguished by central system. of many district were many The splendid streets designed by prominent local architects and reflected the tastes of a fashionable and affluent 13 street, of was strongly encouraged by the original and restrictions imposed construction. specified minimum a setbacks all on upon These established called far-sighted Bay restrictions system for masonry Back building major deed heights, of generous streets, and construction. The mandatory building setbacks coupled with later limitations development of on mass assured a continuous the street facade, regular cornice and mansard roof lines, and a repetitive pattern projecting oriel and bay windows. 14 of Architectural Character The Back architectural character of the Bay Residential determined masonry scale, by an extensive buildings of proportion, Although is complex similar of form, color, and texture. variations traditional * District do Back Bay town Constructed of red exist, the house is: brick or brownstone * Three to five stories high * Placed perpendicularly to feet the wide) rectangular form with flat street facades enlivened by projecting elements * Attached on both sides including bay windows, * Set back 20-22 feet from the front stairways, balconies, cornices, and door property line and * Often crowned with a mansard The generally Back Bay designed town roof house as a narrow window elevation is divided (16-25 basement, 15 oriels, porches, enframements. The of the Back Bay residence into well defined upper floors, levels main is of cornice and/or roof, are and long narrow facade typically grid-like arranged rows. landscaping, openings- within building strict Entrances accompanying porches are set above a low corridor basement street or Ornament placed and at grade architectural heights, levels. and level. walls frontages. the facade. the structures avenue Back are plan continuity of of Bay, individual subordinated the this to district. plan design factor of the area, is the constant of The in street only at and are cross along architecture not avenue of the Residential District is restrained and dignified, and are few The flamboyance of style, form, marked and unbroken alignment apparent visually prominent or buildings either through irregularity of differentiation of materials. walls of masonry construction are formed from occur the dominant lines, and window and floor intersections emphasize the structural organization of In cornice Interruptions generally detailing regular Despite the avenues, separate residences and their repetitive constructed 16 the dominance of the notable on buildings all four sides long were of the typical Back Bay street block. Elegant town houses and mansions frequently face the shorter east-west streets, street are elevations of often corner elaborately and side buildings designed. Monumental structures, including most of the churches corner of the lots and, district, with few exceptions, are carefully aligned with cross as well as avenue frontages. 17 occupy street Urban Structure Back Bay area was developed in The the second Boston metropolitan called the area now when century, 19th half of the was composed of small towns with few connecting roads facilitating horsedrawn traffic. structure the urban Nevertheless, in the vicinity of Back Bay continues to be governed primarily by the location of Boston Downtown Charles River. functional the arteries, For both historic and Massachusetts Avenue. their determined direction by the in River the and area is by the railroad and the Muddy River. expansion of Back Bay it has not basic organization. In district's presence the evolving relationship between the and its fact, regional context, its the determinant The river by the affected historic courses of the Boston Worcester represented Boston has totally altered metropolitan penetrate Back Bay lead to Downtown Boston; the Although major the all reasons, arteries that either bound or specific here and the course of for was urban structure rather than a response to it. also restricts the number of north-south 18 a District Boundaries The boundaries of the Back Bay have been always clear, although they have transformed in character. To provides the north, visual termination of construction created, relief of and the and the River. identity it has The the city fabric across Arlington Street, 1938 the Back Bay's easternmost street. and District to District both Together Public functionally with and the Boston District's visually. Garden acts simultaneously as central space organizer for a number Boylston of the Square, the Square area boundary. interface is of of 19 the Square, it; perceptual the Bay's Back - beyond East the Copley of with the unnoticed due continuity of the street a central a as - the street southernmost organic, Common, extends it therefore, the acts for the buildings around organizer space and the City is more Square Copley city-wide civic amenity. the is more complex and ambiguous. District strengthened the the interface of the boundary of To the south, of the Charles River park as a To the east, north of Boylston Street provide continuity of Restricting access the river bank, The effective visual functional barrier between the other side of Beacon Street and the south side area. a its River Storrow Drive in however, and neighborhoods. surrounding Charles the Bay Back the between separation a visual as and resource, recreational a regional as districts, system. to Park the West the sharp disruption of the urban fabric around the marks the Center district's course of tears the the Turnpike from Boylston District off Despite Street. sunken Massachusetts the inconsistency Kenmore southern boundary is the "ridge" of high rises of clear: south of Boylston Street stands in sharp contrast with the district's typical morphology. the west, To Back is Bay the boundary of the Visual unfocused. separation is obtained by the Park Drive overpass above interrupting character the the otherwise continuous of Commonwealth Avenue. street pattern changes at Avenue, River, Muddy the and The Massachusetts where Commonwealth Avenue bends and Newbury Street becomes a back alley. 20 overpass, Commonwealth converge at and the morphology of Beacon Street Square, both changes. the southern edge, the perception of the District's of Avenue boundary. the Massachusetts Avenue, Past West Prudential Regional Transportation Networks The interface of the Back Bay regional transportation networks occurs in a number of modes. and from Limited access to Massachusetts Turnpike and Storrow Drive traffic in the north-south direction is facilitated are marked. utilizes all although Regional primarily Massachusetts Avenue. five Commonwealth through East-west traffic through-streets, Avenue, Beacon Street and Boylston Street receive most of it. Public transportation routes are interfaced subway stops through the three stations along and a number Boylston Massachusetts Avenue. 21 with Back Bay of bus- Street and STUART = LIMITED ACCESS FACILITIES MAJOR ARTERIALS $ IIIS11I1h SECONDARY 0 1- ARTERIALS COLLECTOR STREETS O' 500' 22 Tissue Level Block Form occasionally As observed from the illustration between 12 and 35 lots form a row along a public street. are front Typically, positioned back to back, two zone those on the on one street, corner with the set back separating their front doors the public sidewalk. rows separated by a narrow alley. The rows aggregate form of two such and the building on them forms a -. ---- - "block". Because in width, it measures only two the typical lots MM Back Bay block is decisively elongated in the direction of this back alley. All buildings in the row, execpt 23 lot, I from Streets There are two typical street forms in Back Bay. Primary street: between rows run the space created in the fronts of of buildings. two adjacent Primary streets in the east- west direction each acting as a collective space for the majority of front entrances in adjacent blocks. Secondary street: the space created in between the short adjacent blocks. run sides of Secondary (i) two facilitating public distribution streets to orthogonally to primary streets, each to providing accessthrough backyards in their the directional bias of alleys within the access to the area and majority of the private distinations. adjacent (ii) reinforces the and provide blocks. This spatial difference The wider streets run east-west, street system: The narrower streets falilitate secondary movements between the east-west streets, and provide access major to only a few private destinations. 24 Lot Level Lot Organization The rectagular lot measures 110 yard , back The (iii) which to functions primarily as a service 125 feet in length, and 16 to 36 feet in access and parking area, extends width, between the with long sides perpendicular to the street. In the plan, three the major lot is sectors divided along to A set back zone sidewalk controls * the the built zone. The built zone extends from set-back zone accomodating into either four sectors front and the in the between rear the lot, three set-back is elevated The basement level lies five below position of the primary plane of (ii) The three feet above the back alley. measuring 20 to 22 feet from the public service Section its * mandatory wall and the alley. longitudinal axis. (i) back varying position of or the walls. 2 5 the street feet elevation. 26 Internal Organization This division pertains uniformly to via Front and back entries allow access the exterior facilitating stair to a double-stair middle part throughout the access via the house, vertical vertical core, located around the middle cores of the "built zone". control the distribution of spaces along Only the service stairs connect to the basement. Transversely occupies the the built Typically, zone entire width of the among floors, lot. transverse wood joists supported two longitudinal fire walls along the lot lines; line of support, wall at "built" one typically Variation positioned organizational intermediate stud 2/3 of the span, divides the zone longitudinal two defines does not ceiling heights vary depending on the location in this basic scheme of the lot often result from: (i) Different positioning of the staircases (ii) parts. On but of the living room in the orginal house. by wood into upper floors, the exteriot walls on those floors. The structural system consists typically of to Removal of front stoops to allow direct access to basement floors the first floor, this a narrow service sector line and (iii) a Different natural wider living sector. wall 2 7 attitudes lighting from the toward back Plan of the Back Bay House Generally speaking, every dwelling, in addition quarters, to sleeping has four and main the family need a study. (iii) service rooms for Reception room, always daytime activity. (i) to served entertaining as a and place as a music to because Bostonian (iv) was important not the was only prominent expected to entrance, in receive intimate Library: Library main adjacent those be place less terms with the family. The dining room was as larger and formal as the meals served it, and no informal room were provided. 28 on of Dining Room: in well read but because the man of persons was days rigid social decorum as a for room. (ii) the required Parlor: Parlor Reception Room: eating Basic Form: The long, row house is represented by narrow stories high, walls and , narrow structure three to squeezed open for five between windows a party at its front and rear ends. Depending upon the lot width, three basic plans for the row house can be distiguished: (i) (ii) Type I for the narrow house Type II for a lot of width (iii) 29 Type III for a wide lot medium Type I * It allows for two rooms on each floor, one front and one back, and it is usually arranged on six levels. * Library and parlor are the second floor. placed 1. Reception Room on 2. Dining Roomom 3.Drawing Room al These two large rooms connected by the stair 4. Library H. Hall V P. Pantry C. Closet V. Vestibule hall u E! TYPE I open up to form a larger space for entertaining. * This model has always two bedroom floors: (i) * The lower contains two large bedrooms, not carry one front and one and back. (ii) The upper level may or * may not be subdivided to form two small The main staircase frequently does bedrooms across Only above the second hardly the * front or back. The main placed fairly 30 ever above the third. service through from level stairs basement stair to is back in the run attic. always house. This allows for a room of generous depth on the second floor at the front of the house. * It provides also for a deep entrance hall on the first containing two sets doors connected by a well * as The an ceiling main floor of double vestibule as outside height for porch. the floors vary between 12 two feet and 14 feet. * A as rear that light * If the admit entrance omitted ell is would from included, eliminate outside the house is both never back too narrow reception hall, the rooms. room former and entry opens and is directly into a spacious reception hall. 31 to Type II * Type II houses are usually stories in height three basement plus 1. Reception Room 2. Dining Room 3. Drawing Room H. Hall 4. Library P. Pantry C. Closet V. Vestibule and attic. * lot Each permit one is enough wide room side a plus to hall. * In II, both Type I and Type middle of the house is given the over to stairs, closets, toilets, and a TYPE U a without room This category * subidivided can be Type Ha is two rooms deep. Library * and parlor on the placed is on the ell is added never rooms three to deep. Type IIc is two rooms in depth but has a rear ell. Type IIb is three rooms deep. * This second classification has the great An houses second floor. * library The windows. outside second floor. into three groups. * TYPE Uc TYPE R b light well. disadvantage of a The library second floor. middle 32 is placed on the Type III * Type III permits greater variation in plan. * It has a rooms center place in hall with the four corners. * All principal first floor, rooms are on bedrooms on the the second floor. * Disposition floor is the second determined number could of of be main placed by rooms on the the that first floor. * Because a rooms are floor, there rear el. greater number located is Type III on no need houses of each for usually no stories plus basement and attic. more than 1. Reception Room 2. Dining Room 3. Drawing Room H. Hall 4. Library C. Closet P. Pantry V. Vestibule are three 33 TYPE UL The Service Spaces attic servants' In houses, Bay never less than the the attic room kitchen is placed in middle portion of the basement a which pantries, storage water closet for the one room condition drainage in the Back was Bay, arrangement of rooms. The lowest basement level servants, by law Grade 12, allowed which is : * Five feet below the street level. with appended drying room and a * Three front of the large coal bin. out Sometimes are a the laundry three. is fitted as a sewing prevailed affected and a furnace room. At small of which there peculiar The is devoted to stairs, into with wardrokes and shelves. the back yard. closets, bedrooms the large majority of Back rear of the basement where it opens onto The is divided under the occasionally house is Often this bin extends front steps for coal deliveries. The window small and covered by some kind of metal 15 feet above low tide, impossible of front basement rooms are as bin these the average There are records of tides as a small outside door under front steps open into the coal above level of high tide. and the feet so it to place the dining room high was or any main room in the basement. always This main grill. problem also expains why entrace in the early day was never situated in the basement. 34 the Envelop Street Facade Similar built zone, to variable depth of the The its height is not regulated dimensionally, for except range allowed by zoning, the the height this is Back Bay traditional three of basic facade configuration house is composed tripartite system as a with regular distribution of openings. to five floors above basement. Most contain both Back Bay houses, no more than five technical and however, floors, comfort A bay window is frequently added as for an appendage. reasons. These result in height between 48 to Similar appendages, such as dormers and balconies also affect the 75 facade configuration. feet. 35 Tripartite System: organization The facade is the of typical its obtained by subdividing cap primary plane into three parts: * A rusticated "base", extending up body to the first floor line. * A "body" extending from the base up to the cornice line. A "cap" extending from the cornice line at least a few feet many cases it is formed up; by base in a lived-in Mansard roof. 3 6 Bay Window The figuration of the bay window is by governed the deed original (i) out of main objective for the primary surfacce of First, (iii) the allowing more varied and Second, multiplying with shape, less Back Bay area; the house; (ii) Triangular encounted even light penetration into shape middle section wider than two ends; projecting facade is twofold: (i) Sem-Circular shape; (ii) Tripartite reasons. The geometries of these concave shaped windows: well as by functional as restrictions, There are three generic the angles of view into the street. 37 which frequently is in Entrances The entrance to the Back Bay town Because house customarily includes the following architectural architectural features: Back * Front steps * A Bay forms. projecting porch or recessed of the styles in entrances Although they district, in are of various generally designed as graceful arched openings set above * The doorway placed at street level, * An accompanying complex of masonry a ornament, columns and the occur vestibule ironwork, diversity wood panelling. a low basement, monumental or porch a entrances may be and may include of massive ornately carved door jambs. 38 freestanding portal with Front Steps The front are house town brownstone, steps of the Back of constructed sandstone, Bay limestone, or granite. The front steps were low, often not more than six risers. because much This was possible the basement level could be as five feet below the street as and there were no major basement rooms which demanded excessively high ceilings. Occasionally approaching the the outside staircase porch is recessed, especially in the small dwelling the cross streets where the facing house is place next to the sidewalk. 39 40 Garden Fences The Bay front gardens of the Back Residential District are enclosed by the following different arrangement: (i) Simple six inches curbs (ii) Study brownstone fences (iii) Masonry curbs ornamented with an iron work fence of two to three feet in height (iv) Iron fences erected in the early twentieth height century with the varying between five and seven feet. In the last case, always added a front gate in order to separate is the doorway from the sidewalk. 41 Front Yards small The streets long Residential gardens that and line the of the avenues integral an are District part of the Back Bay landscaping scheme. The condition and these of design gardens have a significant effect on the appearance property them of the area as a whole, general Although uniform different Back to substantially enhancement of the Bay gardens in design and the District. are dimension, kinds of landscape are suitable. 42 maintain owners who plant and contribute and fairly many treatment Identification of the Original rules 43 02 02 Tissue Level 01 B 03 B e...e.. .......... .................. ............. ---- ....................... --..... eeee.......... 0..... =................ ...... ............................................ e...-= ..................................... ................................... 01 B 03 B e.........e...........eee... ..... e .ee. o......................... ...... ............................ .. .... ...................................... ..................................................... - ............................... .............. ------------------............. ....................................... ............ ............................................................. ................. .................................... ........ .................................... - -- ------- .................................. : .............. ........................ ......................... ............. .............. ............. .......................................... .... .. .......................................... ................ ......... ......... .......... ...................... .............. .................. .................... ............ ....... . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . .... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... . ................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .................... .................... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ............. . ................................... .......... ... .. . . . .................... .......................... ..................... ..................................... ... o ................... ...... ..................... ................................... 01 01 lB Primary St ny Built Zone Parking Lot ...... Thematic and Non-Thematic Elements Max 03 Alley 44 Larger Structure Built access for indirect light Corner Lots The cornor location sides lot, by virtue of its has two its perimeter exposed to the at the end of a row, of street, compared with only one such side in the case of the mid-block lot. This exposure provides ample opportunity for: (i) Natural lighting the flexibility and increases of internal organization. (ii) Visiblity of the corner building from the street. Thus, although some non-typical buildings occur in mid-blocks, majority the great of "non-thematic" morphologies occur at the corners of blocks. 45 Lot Level Lot Height Most Bay Window Back Bay houses Sidewalk contain no five floors which result in CFront Property Line more than C) a) IL height between 48 to 75 feet. 0 0 No Projection Other Than Cornice Allowed in Front of This Line to a) C a) 0. 0 E 0 0 U-L Yo Total Width of Lot or a Maximum of 18 Feet Property Lines 46 kitchen. Interior Organization * Four main rooms such as parlor, * library, reception room and dining room are needed for Main * daytime rooms are situated the functions of the dining kitchen are room well No informal eating first or second floor and never in is provided in the kitchen. * Reception room is always adjacent Living room ceiling * height Bedrooms are always on Principal staircase is located in the middle of the house. is Only service stairs run through from basement to attic. * the Basement is devoted to service spaces. upper floor of the main rooms. * in distinguished. greater than that of other floors. * often placed the on to the main entrance. * The and the basement. * is rear of the basement. activity. * Kitchen * Dining room is usually adjacent to Attic is divided into servants' bedrooms or service rooms. 47 Part Two 48 Issues Analysis The been Back Bay residential area undergoing a lot of change due forces various original like dwelling functions, conversion to changes in life houses, has of into offices for professional people. This and conversion resulted in (i) Condominium Type single existing A structure subdivided into apartments, changes during the design process. These belonging to one household. issues take into are described in analysis. formulated account * these to the following * Finally, new constraints are as principles for design Changes in Function * Victorian common A number of individual houses are under one owner -- eg. schools, dormitories.. .etc. different from that of the present day. single-family and Public Type combined houses were built for a way of life very large, space open each all its residents. (ii) It is evident that these The is circulation sectors are shared by guidelines. The two basic modes of ownership: would thus seem necessary for a designer into apartments or rooming houses, or divided new technical possiblity. It gradually converted to different style, were * town This pattern has been discouraged in recent years. 49 Conversion of secondary tradesmen entered the kitchen from to regular apartment the (i) Conversion residences Although, Since the town house was originally used only during the winter, occupied no special were needed for the No porches or living balconies on the with for No loggias at the top of the house take advantage of Neither was utilize the backyard as a any effort or open living quarter. this rear bricks, a now it is all the later physical upgrading backyard, extension, become almost impossible. An area was (ii) Conversion made Generally, are Instead, yard through of will be dwelling to converted when the lower into hsops, floor and basement are with and it functioned only as service pattern commercial uses. to garden paved improved suggested in Part Two. summer breezes across the Back Bay. * are during the whole year, enviromental lower levels. to houses Especially in the case of the outdoor * these difficult to modify the original design. hot months. * seldom was this area planted with even a tree. buildings. accommodations back alley; which 50 space such as entrance will also be levels only first affected. Open modified and in frontyard order to accommodate see many Newbury the new function. this kind of We examples can in street. 51 New Technical Possibility (i) Elevator Originally become there were no elevators in the houses of Back Bay. houses Fortunately, single structure was subdivided apartments, each belonging so to common (ii) into later owners in the earlier houses the a common elevator often New Drainage System The main entrance and living spaces one can be placed in the basement since If the building contains more stories, for provided accessible elevator shafts. existing household. three its light wells and banks of interior closet With the demise of the large family the for desirous of installing an elevator, elevators regardless of its height. residences, convinient residents. Only costly built after 1895 have very than improvement of the sewer system in will nineteenth 52 centry. the late New Constraints Common Sector: space and common Open sectors circulation are shared by the residents provided for each lot. of Built: the building. * be Open Space: * The entrance can be situated at * The Backyard functions as parking Each located house has its own parking of apartment an as house elevator should which close as possible is to the staircase. space adjacent to the dwelling. * Every possess space. * located in the middle part the house. basement level. * Common vertical circulation should * Sufficient parking space should be Common passage between frontyard and backyard is necessary. 5 3 Private Sector: The single structure is subdivided basement. into different private unites. * Equal spatial quality * for Surface * Buildings are occupied during * the * in plan in order * and life-style. Living The dining room can be eit her The kitchen can also be located in An informal eating space can be situated in the kitchen. to accommodate different family sizes * of the middle of the floor plan. Each house should provide possible variations priority living room. whole year. * has independent or incorperated in the per unit is more critical than in the original design. * space southern exposure. each unit. * Living Each floor should provide at le ast one bathroom when possible. space can be placed in the 54 Design Study for Alternative Solutions 55 T:a PASEMENT Xa FIMT 56 IA 58toN9, THIAP I. FOUATI 5 7 IA FIFTH Xb BASEMt4DT Lb FIAST 58 Xb 6ECOND ,THIAD Xb FOULTh ei) 59 lb FOuP.TH ib rC PASEMENT MC FIRST 60 Me oncomiD , THe&D Ic FOLLRTH 61 Ic yIFTi Id BASEMENT Id FIRST 62 Id SECOND, THIltp 14 F04ATH 63 Id FIFTH Ia BASEMENT X& FI4T 64 aE SECOND, THIAS RA 1COND, Ip APA FOuATH 65 I [A FIFTH lb BASEMENT Nb FIftST 66 E b SECOND, THIeP X b FOURTH 67 Xb FIFTH 'm9 Z BASEMENT 68 POT k ;E= SECOND X 69 THIAD Design Study for Support Structure 70 Space and Function Analysis 3 32 32' 32' 32' 7 / 32' / 92' 80' 68' 56' 4' ' G 5d 4' ' 32' 32' III 32 44' 444' 44' 56' 44' 68' 44D 80' 44' 44" E 71 4'/ 3' 32' 56' 44' 7' 6'-8 5' 8' 80' 68' 92' 5' 56' 56' 56' 56' 56' 56' EZl F32'1 56' 44' 80' 68' 92' 6'/ 68' 68' 68' 68' 68' 68' EZIIM 72 3' 32' 6' 5' 4'/ 56' 44' 8' 7' 80' 68' 92' 7' 80' 80' 80' 80' 80' DI 73 80' 32s 56' 44' 7' 6' 45' 8' 80' 68' 4' 44' 44. 44' 44' 44' 5 32' 56' 56' 44' 56' 56' 80' 68' 56' 56'9 74 92' 560 3' 7' 5' 4' 8' 92' 80-' 68' 6' 68' 68' 68' 68' 68' 68' 00 00 O00 75 L L3 56' 44' 32' 8' 7', 6'6 5' 4' 3' 92' 80' 68' 7' 80'r Bodf 80' 80'0 80' 80' LZLZ00 L00 0 0 0 0 00 I 76 0 0 00I'l 00 00 8' LI0IHI El C= 101 ILill 01 Do LII LII ~ITi12EI1l 77 LII I ill 11 ' loID rr m- - -- - 12/ 78 [loZl L0 E~D 130 ~zIz neaLI s 1LM DhIJL E~D 79 9'/ 10' 11' 80 12' E FO-1 " ro 10 ]0 13' Edil 81 mC=C=J 5 L~i D: a E1I 13 8' Di iL 19' o;i Ll ,1k 7 10'/ -rT- 82 Modular Coordination 83 Wall Positioning I or2 I I I1 9M 1 iM :K It 'M If 414 't I M I I j 84 UI r. 0 .-6 4.1 -S-6 4J e40 Position of Spaces in the Zone (i) General purpose spaces: Living room (ii) GGNGRAL P&P. sFAC Special purpose spaces: Bedrooms, kitchens, SERVI 5PACES Service spaces: Bathrooms, storage O SPECIALPURP. SPACES dining rooms, and studies. (iii) I MODEL- Distribution 0 0 rooms, staircases, and elevator. MODSL 1i , iii GENERAL PRP.SPACES SPECIAL 86 O PURP.SPACES 0 SEKvICE SPACES 0 0 0 I Alternative Position 1 of Staircase and Elevator 4 16' za Zb IC 1d II _ U IIII.(4 6316' 4 31& A b XC 87 I! II oIN 4'1 L4VIN~r IOOM 61 POUSLEL 6ESPWM 05 MASTOL fDt.OM Fs,. PAIVA7S PAOA&& 5j. PMOLMC 6TAIWXAe 6L.- MZAToPM OATiigooM b~i tJAL.F MATHP-06M bt FULL M-PiOOMv Diagram of Basic Variations 88 -V ( o F4V 8A5ea6rMLNPTdW 14L FlfTH FOUP-~THjF1T TH IAp p B,. 491 pi. I'i~ Fii fi CrL C-L.- 14 1 1~tP L. IL p V t-s/2.0 08+u0 Ii:. a L 'p L. Ic P2. 1- 4' 4' ' b 1 9, b ~Isi I- 1. Ip 094+02/83 K4 Oft O ZA P, P, 14 5,t+02/0) Si P 2 b is + 89 1'~ 5PZ Wr-MENT F10T g.TCo4 ILt Te1:RF FI fTt TH IA]) 5ECO14P D p eLpb I'. t ~i S ELk+P, at t S 0z. 1-. Id' L I16 Pi p p ~t 0./Os fri IL' 4s.t 4bs r Ps. e3. '5 OV 9 lie fri ~ 5 frI k's L, 11I A) 5' 5, 5' p5,~fri B; 03 Wr P p p 5' B, 0, 'S + DL, Id' 90 hi. 5, 4T I h Sector Analysis o( /1 o(Id 91 0 A4 .r4 .4 14 Parking Alternatives The present parking situation of Back Bay: Private parking is located in the backyard with access from the alley. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 Disadvantages: Parking in the set back zone * Advantages: * Backyard playing * can be area or fully used private * for be playing arranged area as or building frontage at street becomes spaces. Inflexibility parking of the use land for basement and first floor. green. * Public space between backyards can also Entire Insufficient number of parking spaces per lot. children's * pedestrian Interruption of parking lane on the street. promenade. 27 L... 94 Parking under the building with prevalent access the sum total from the street become Advantages: pedestrian experience. * Individual * Direct access to the building. parking * spaces. * entrance takes Garage part In of this the building situation, the of number urban parking Difficult to convert basement and first floor for commerical use. major * frontage. which Insufficient the of spaces per lot. Disadvantages: * garages throughout the city, Interruption of parking the street. is 95 lane on Disadvantages: Parking under the buildings concentrated * in lots Indirect acess to the building units. * Advantages: * Garage part * entrance occupies a of the building small Continuity of the street parking lane will be partially interrupted * frontage. Backyards can be fully used. Inflexibility of land use for basement. e 7 0 ellL--4 0 Et. 96 the Parking under the building with *Individual access lot. from the backyard Disadvantages: Advantages: * Building parking spaces in each frontyard will not * be entrance occupies part of the backyard. disturbed by garage entrance. 0 cD- Garage U 97 major Parking under the buildings with access * from alley Advantages: Flexibility access to each residential unit. * * Direct Sufficient number of parking spaces per lot. of land use in * frontage. * Continuity of street parking lane. * Indoor garage is provided. Backyard can be fully used. Disadvantages: * A small used 1~~ 98 as part of backyard will common be garage entrance. Block Type This function model represents Back type tissue Bay's in middle the of nineteenth centry. Several main characterisfic can be identified: (i) Primary streets run in the eastwest direction, each acting as a the for space collective majority of front entrances adjacent blocks. in spatial The street enclosure of the primary is defined by the combined width of and the public distribution zone its two zones, flanking set-back and by the height of the street wall. The distribution zone contains a 40-foot wide street for horse cars and two 12 feet sidewalks. 99 (ii) The distribution zone contains a run streets Secondary 36-foot orthogonally to primary streets, alleys to backyards in adjacent blocks. enclosure of street is different from primary primary the significantly of the Because set- that exist only along the width of street-space is streets, secondary secondary the street. zones back their spatial The street flanking sidewalks. through access providing each wide much smaller. 100 and two In this function model most of residential rear of parking is situated in the building and between the the the backyards. * Public parking residential and part parking and along the main streets. 101 of the located fully In this function model, part of the pedestrian area. * The pedestrian street therefore have a greater width. * The street middle section of the remains is free from cars and a pedestrian area. * This pedestrian area can be arranged as: * (i) Playing area (ii) Public green The south-north street can car circulation since there are no parking lanes. parking street is used as a used for be 102 This building function provides model blocks in combination with the separated circulation for cars and pedestrians. * Public parking is along located side the vehicular streets. * Secondary enlarged sufficient streets in order space should be to provide for public parking. 103 Irregular Lot Forms 0L o) : AcADE WIPT"4 PAVIus 104 I ____________________________________________ ot I1it .i* ein 4 -"4 4' 16' 8$ 4' of, O iI 4: I', 41 I' Xb I I- u - 105 (3 £~' .',1 4: Final Remarks Having Following the work presented gone through the process or working with the SAR Methodology, I have the begun to fully realize the importance of could be studied with the same approach. such a design. system and its implications Besides capable It in of being applied in a it is structure at the level of yet some I intend to elaborate addressed. upon issues of the actual collective at the level of individual I hope this thesis will contribute control. In this present research, technical been district the framework which establishes variations architectural details have not two system control, and the infill which allows for different contexts. and Bay tripartite facade can be organized into levels: allowing for a certain range of variation of built form, Back here, ideas to any designer who needs to intervene construction Bay. in the future. 106 in the context of the Back Bibliography Bunting, Bainbridge. Houses of Boston's Back Bay. Harvard University Press,1976. Mumford, Lewis. Back Bay Boston: the City as a Work of Art. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1969. Back Bay Architectural Commission. Back Bay Resident District. Boston Redevelopment Authority. Boston Historic Conservation Committee. Marlborough Street/Back Bay. Boston Redevelopment Authority, 1962. Boston Society of Architects. Boston Architecture. The MIT Press, 1970. Barton - Aschman Associates. Back Bay Boston, A Plan for Circulations and Parking Improvements. and Redevelopment Corporation, 1967. 107 Back Bay Planning Kevin H. White, Mayor. Boston. Lamb, William. Historic Presservation Guidelines, City of Housing Improvement Program, 1977. Back Bay Architectural District: Guidelines. Business Sector Boston Redevelopment Authority, 1977. Adems, Howard and Oppermann. Back Bay Development Plan. Adams, Howard and Oppermann Planning Consultants, 1967. Sela, Michael. Boston's Back Bay, the Urban Framework and its Visual Organization. Thesis, MIT, 1978. Habraken, N. John. Transformation of the Site. Habraken, N. John. Variations: Awater Press, 1982. the Systematic Design of Supports. The Laboratory of Architecture and Planning at MIT, 1976. SAR '73. SAR Method of the Development of Urban Environments, 1973. Hill, R. Thomas. Understanding and Transforming What's There. Thesis, MIT, 1982. Callender, John Hancock. Design Data. Time - Saver Standards for Architectural 1982. 108