A HOUSING STUDY SYSTEM OF MODULAR-BOX HOUSING UNITS SYSTEM. APPLIED TO PULL-UP By TONG HONGLADAROMP Bachelor of Architecture Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand. Submitted in Partial Requirements for The Degree of Fulfillment MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE, of ADVANCED STUDIES. At the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1973. Author Department of Architecture Certified by Thesis Advisor Accepted by 1 1 -% Chairman, De rtment Committee of Graduate Student &tch CJ9UL 13 1973 k May 11, 1973. Dean William Porter School of Architecture and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dear Dean Porter In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture, Advanced Studies,I hereby submit this thesis entitled A HOUSING SYSTEM: STUDY OF MODULAR-BOX HOUSING UNITS APPLIED TO PULL-UP Respectfully, Tong Hongladaromp. SYSTEM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author gratefully acknowledge the following people who assisted in the development of this thesis: Professor Waclaw P. Zalewski, Department of Architecture. Professor Eduardo Catalano Department of Architecture Thesis Advisor. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Letter of submittal Acknowledgement Table of contents Abstract Introduction Housing in high-density urban situation Design proposal Advantages of design proposal Design proposal; Drawing section Components Construction sequence Charactor and detail Package units and building types Apartment units Bibliography ABSTRACT A HOUSING SYSTEM: STUDY OF MODULAR-BOX HOUSING UNITS APPLIED TO PULL-UP SYSTEM. By Tong Hongladaromp Submitted to The Department of Architecture on May 11, 1973 in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture, Advanced Studies. This thesis is intented to develop a housing system based on industrialized technology for high-rise configuration. The written section provides a brief overview of housing in high-density urban situation, potiential of industrialized housing systems, the constraints within which the design proposal is developed, and the advantages of the design proposal. The design proposal demonstrates how to construct different components in factories into the box-units, how to construct those boxes on building site by using pull-up technique, how boxes composed into different forms of apartment units, and how the system forms into vary types of building. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Professor Waclaw Zalewski Professor of Structures, Department of Architecture. INTRODUCTION The demand of housing in high-density urban situation grows up quickly during this pass decade and is predicted tobe the same way in the next decade. There are certain sources of this demand, one is the slowdown of nation economy, investors turn against the risk in commercial and industrial investment and looking toward housing development or real-estate bussiness, other sources are the return of U.S. people from abroad is increasing during this four or five years, the decrease in quality of existing housing in cities and towns, etc.. This demand turns the mobile-home and many other housing manufactures to take the important part in construction industry during this pass decade. But when taking the close look at.this industry, one can see that most of the products emphasize on supplying low-density housing area, for example products of mobile-home and wood-boxes housing units. No real attempt working toward high-rise housing or application to housing in cities and towns area. The reason is that they have to confront to a lot of building regulation, transportation regulation, high cost df land, high cost of construction, etc., those are existing in project developments in towns or cities area. But we all realized that the real big market and demand is there. Therefore, this study is aiming toward the application of industrialized housing system in that area. HOUSING IN HIGH-DENSITY URBAN STTUATION To develop housing projects in high-density area, for instance in towns or citiesthe most important thing that has to be carefully considered is the use of land. The cost of land is surely very high and one must make the maximum value out of it. Low-rise housing or low-income housing is nearly imposible in such configuration, the high-rise should be more considered for it respons to the efficeint use of sites. It is a good idea if one can free the low-level of high-rise housing to be used for commercial area or receation area which will increase the value of the project. There are numbers of problems in development in cities or towns area which are indicated as follow; Limitation of Transportation. To supply building material to the construction sites in towns or cities, one has to confront transportation regurations which are different from one state to another. The maximum size of unit that can be transported on high-ways is 60'-O" long, 18'-0" high (from road-level), and 14'-0" wide, some states allow smaller size than this. The weight of units is also limited, usually not over 30 tons, and more emphasized in city area. In conventional construction which most of material supply comes in small sizes, this reguration is not as big problem as in modular-box construction. Building Regulation Building codes is always create a lot of problems in design development of projects in cities or towns, for example fire-regulation usually requires two hour fire-rating at out-side facades, corridors, and cover all structural members those do not have fire-prooving quality. It hardly leaves room for light-weight modular-box construction, which most of them are constructed of wood or metal. Another constraint according to building codes or other standards (for example F.H.A. or M.FH.A. standard) is the standard sizes of each room, for example 12'-0" width required for major bedroom, 14'-0" width for living room. This gives the difficulty in design of modular-box systems, for those boxes can not be over 14'-0" or even less in width according to the transportation reguration. Citizen Paticipation Project developments in cities always confront to this problem and likely to be more everyday. Many of projects are blamed of distroying charactor of communities, increasing traffic, etc.. This indicates that to develop projects in such area requires good political contract, relationship with community organizations as well as good technology. Construction Labour Labour workers in this country are organized in form of unions, especially in construction industry, and those unions contain a lot of influence over the construction especially in big cities. New technology or systems which provide decreasing number of labour workers are strongly opposted by unions. This is one of the answers why industrailized housing systems are not well developed in this country even through the U.S. is farther developed in technology than other countries. The unions always negociate higher labour wages and make the labour-cost to be the major problem in construction, especially on-site labour cost. Limitatiom of Site to Operate Construction. Construction in cities or towns lacking of site to operate is always happen, for example minimum site to move or install cranes, store building matrial, etc.. Many times one has to rent some area near by or use public traffic area for extra site to operate construction, which means extra more money has to be spent. Difficulty to Operate Construction on High-level. The cost of construction per square-foot always higher if it has to operate at higher level, for it is difficult ot carry members or material by cranes to work on level over 100' ( mostly because of wind or bad weather). Especially in conventional construction which a lot of activities such as concrete pouring or facade finish have to be done on high-level, those work is confronted to the diff iculty of operation and many of times have to delay. The rental cost of equipments to operate construction on level over 130' to 140' up is very high ( There is about 50 to 6o% increase of rental cost if one wants the cranes to work over 140' high and 30 tons load, for working capacity less than mentioned can be carry out by mobilecranes or hydrolic truck-cranes.) Financing of Construction Time. The construction time is -ment in is cities or towns. the important subject in develop- Minimum construction time always the objective of every project, for it means the minimum of financing interest, labour cost, equipment rental, and many other overhead cost. Through these problems one can realizes that the technoly alone cannot fulfill this situation, it surely requires strong administration, political contract, and assisting of many other people involved. This study is carried. out the attempt of solving some problem mentioned. DESIGN PROPOSAL This system begins by factory process of constructing The modular-boxes from different standard components, standard dimensions of boxes are 14'-0" width, 9'-6* hight and four different lengths 20'-0", 24'-o", 28'-o', and 32'-0". Basic structure is steel frames with addition of light-weight concrete floor and gypsum or asbestos boards for fire-prooving. Interior patitions, closets, and cabinet works are wood construction, Bath-rooms and kitchens are installed, H.V.A.C.. plumpling electrical, and most of final finish are done from factory stage. This provide maximum finishing work and minimum transport-ation weight to each box-unit. On site-work, circulation cores with dimensions of 20'x 20',or 20'x 24', or 28'x 28' (depend on which type of building) are built by slip-form technique. -machines Lifting- are installed on top of cores and hang down lifting-tendons and lifting-shoes to the ground-level. On ground-level, modular-boxes are stacked up four storey high ( Each box is steel welded to the boxes near by.) in a truss frame forms a giantic beam called a package unit. After the first package unit is done with nescessary finish, it will be pull up along the circulation cores by lifting-machines on top of cores to the exact location on high-level, and the supports for the package are provided to support it the lifting-shoes. to the the cores before lowdown Corridor and ceiling panels are installed after the first package is already supported, final works such as main utility, triming, painting, etc. are done at the same time. Material supply for final finish on first package unit is carried out by using circulation cores. By the same time that activities take place at high-level, on grou-ndnfloor the construction of second package unit begins. Then carry the same sequence until finish. For better understanding in design proposal, the drawing section is provided in this study. ADVANTAGES OF DESI GN PROPOSAL Less On-site Labour. Comparing to conventional system, the design provides less on-site labour approximately about 60 to 70%, for most of the work are finished from factories. In practicing the cost of on-site labour is 50 to 60% more than labour cost in factories, and on-site labour requires security insurance more. Overhead cost in case of delay or strike is less in factories than in open shop. Less Construction Time. As most of the work are done from factories and the standard Is already provided for design, using the system surely save a lot of time in construction fields as well as in design development. The system provides minimumum high-level operation which sometimes causes delay of work as mentioned, that also means saving of construction time. Using this system, most of the work are operate on not more than four storey high level, it surely easier to work or weath-er-proof, even the work on final finish of package units at high level most of them are operate indoor, very few work Is left outside. Free Ground-level This is the most advantage of the design proposal. The system provides free low-level space that can be used as commercial spaces, traffic or beautiful recreation area, parking fasilities, etc.. This configuration contributes services to communities on the sites and increasing the value of the projects. DESIGN DRAWING PROPOSAL 0 SECTION COMPONENTS PLAN. END OONDITION FOR DUCT SPACES ISOMETRIC FLOOR I" = COMPONENT 8'- O"* 3"X3" 2X"T- CH ANNEL SECTION I"5 X I" L- SECTION ALUMINUM. DIFFERENT END CONDITION. PLAN. LOUR FIRE-RATING GYMPSUMBOARD WITH FINALCEILING FINISH. ISOMETRIC. CEILING I" = COMPONENT. 8 - O" - Lc PLAN. ELEVATION. CORRIDOR SIDE END-WALL. G.B. FIRE-WALL HEATING OUT SIDE e -sr_ . ELEVATION. WALL. 34 0" 4 0 9 RADIATOR o'-I 0-6 14'1-o" 20'-0" UP TO 32'-o" STANDA,R SIDE WITH OUT-SIDE WALL PLAN. FINISH. ELEVATION. WALL COMPONENT l'= 8'- 0" BOARD WITH OUT-SIDE FINISH CORRIDOR END-WALL 1I"= 4'- 0 s L - -- -- - -- - - -- - - BATH ROOM COMPONENT. F-1IEl [] C o0 ool L --- -..-- : L----- 00 K00T loo 00---L=: = KITCHEN A COMPONENT. -I, II II Ii II 'a 'I II DOOR CLOSET I - .. k- INTERIOR PANEL INTERIOR COMPONENT. 11= 81- 0 CONSTRUCTION COMPONENTS CONSTRUCTION OF BOXES, CORRIDOR AND CEILING I OF FINISH (ON-SITE) = 8 '- 0" STANDARD MODULAR-BOXES Box Dimension in Length A 20'-O" 24'-0" 28'-O" B 20'-O" 24'-O" 28 -O" C 20'-O" 24'-0# C1 20'-0" C2 20'-O 24'-0" C3 D 20'-0" 24'-0" E 24'-0" F 24'-0 F1 20'-0" 24'-O" F2 20'-O" 24'-0" F3 28'-O" 28'-O" 24'-0" G 28'-O" H J K 32'-0" 32'-0" 32 '-0" 20'-0" 24'-0" 28'-.O" CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE I. r--n 1 LIFTING - MACHINE LIFTING - TENDON CIRCULATION || || PACKAGE TRUSS STEEL LIFTING - SHOES 11000 ALJLJ I CORE I"i = 60'- 0o IJ - CIRCULATION CORES ARE BUILT BY SLIP-FORM TECHNIQUE, BRACINGS ARE PLACED AMONG CORES. - INSTALL - START CONSTRUCTING 4-STOREY-HIGH PACKAGE UNIT, MACHINE ROOMS ARE BUILT IF REQUIRED. LIFTING -MACHINE ON TOP OF CORES, TEMPORALY- PLACE LIFTIN G-TENDON & SHOES PENHOUSE CONSTRUCTION OR SEQUENCE 2. LIFTING- TENDON BUILDING TN PACKAGE LIFTING - SHOE I" = 60'- 0" -------- L---- - LIFT THE FIRST PACKAGE, REMOVE TEMPORALY BRACINGS DURING THE PERIOD OF LIFTING AND REPLACE THEM AFTER IF NESCESSARY CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 3. ""ill rzLT I -N IN = 60'-O"' L I _I : - SUPPORT - SHOE S - START - START CONSTRUCTING CORRIDORS , INSTALL NESCESSARY UTILITY, AND -START FINISHING CEILINGS AND TRIMMING ON THE FIRST PACKAGE- THE BUILDING FIRST PACKAGE THE SECOND AT HIGH-LEVEL, LOW DOWN LIFTING- PACKAGE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 4. IIIZ::2 Uo LUiLI" - LIFT THE SECOND 60'-O" PACKAGE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 5. m~ PAK4W --INI I - csan L -- - - - -1 - CONTINUE THE L.. SAME Io= 60'-Oo .1 SEQUENCE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 6. FY11LIZ] 6 0 FINISH LIFTING -SEQUENCE REQUIREMENT ON LSTART BUILDING '- o NESCESSARY LOW-LEVEL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE CHARACTOR AND DETAIL ISOMETRIC 1i" OF PACKAGE 30'- 0" UNITS DETAIL OF STEEL TRUSS FRAMED AROUND CORE I"- I0'- O" DETAIL AFTER FINISH WITH R.C. PANEL 1 = 10 '- O" I" TENDON INSULATION HEATER UP ROOF FLASHING DETAIL OF FINISHING BOXES WITH FRAME 1" = 3'- O" C IBCUCLATORE -BEAM SLIDED CORE SUPPORTliG OUT FROM 51"_8 CHANNEL RAIL _2LANNEL 4VD__ W HEE L_- -GUIDE 5"x 8" VERTICAL MEMBER _ Itt" CONCRETE PANEL 5"x 8" CHANNEL 03" LIFTING -TENDON 10" x 10" VERTICAL MEMBER P L A N. LIFTING-TENDON IO"x 10" VERTICAL R.C. CIRCULATION GUIDE RAIL GUIDE WHEEL MEMBER CO RE *"x 8" CHANNEL FINISHING PANEL 5"x 6" CHANNEL ax 8" CHANNEL PANEL SLIDED FROM CORE SUPPORT PACKAGE UNITS 0 TO 1/3" BOLT ISOMETRIC DETAIL AT CONER I" = 2'-O" OF CORE . ill STEEL MEMBER FINAL INTERIOR OF WALL FINISH BOARD GYPSUM LOW-MEMBER OF WALL ~m~h ~ ~ I1keI F! I1I ueu I.Ifeuadm -AIJ TOP MEMBER OF FLOOR LIGHT-WEIGHT CONCRETE METAL DECK FLOOR -_-- -1 3s x 3 BOTTOM MEMBER OF FLOOR 0 I" GUIDE PIN T.ECTION air duet ; n I 1 p%~ A ~' -~ ~' ' 1 (~- If FLOOR STRUCTURE FRAME ELECTRIC PIPE EEL FRAME L E I"x I'ALUMINUM MEMBER [ILl -V inside bcxI Inside box , I hFlh1naSImMEUIA *m - :. 0: - M - U nW REINFORCEMENT VERTICAL PIPE ~E1~ MEMBER GUIDE PIN WELDED TO MAIN TRUSS STEEL BOTTOM-CORD 5"x em L- SECTION 3" x 3" CHANN{EL FINAL FINISHING bottom cord of main truss SECTION I" = 10" PANEL I I I I FINAL FINISH AT CORRIDOR GYPSUM BOARD -F, - 1e I ool :giiii I K - MEMBER METAL FLOOR DECK 2"x 2" L- SECTION OF WALL METAL FLOOR DECK FLOOR STEEL FRAME STEEL MEMBER OF TRUSS PIPING SPACE AT CORRIDOR ee'(D .11 I. CEILING STEEL FRAME GEILING PANEL, CORRIDOR I-. L STEEL CEILING m la FINISH MAIN TRUSS MEMBER FIRE-COVERING MAIN PIPING SPACE BELOW IST. LEVEL BOX WELDED TO MAIN TRUSS 5"x S" L-SECTION 5 x 8" L- SECTION 2 x2" L- SECTION 3"x 3" CHANNEL MEMBER SECTION " i" = 10 COR RI DOR PLAN 20'x24' D. - DUCT T. - TRASH J. - JANITOR S. - SPACE SPACE STORAGE STORAGE 0r 0 0 0 . PLAN 20' x 24' STAIR-CORE CIRCULATION 1" = 10'- 0i CORE CORRIDOR PLAN 20'x 20' BO x I~i AN D. - DUCT SPACE T. - TRASH SPA CE J. -JAN ITOI R STORAGE T.K T Flu-i IIJ. - h~ . 0 PLAN 20'x 20' Box STAIR-CORE CIRCULATION i" = 10'-O'- CORE ------------ UNIT UNIT IELE.I PLAN ALTERNATIVE C O R R I D O R ------------ ---------- 20'x 24' TWO FOR ELEVATORS rT 0 0 0 PLAN 20'x 24' ALTERNATIVE FOR THREE ELEVATOR ELEVATOR CORE CIRCULATION CORE. I" = 10 - o" PLAN 20'x 20' C 0 RR I DO R I BOX ELE. LOBBY E LE. I 0c 0 0 0 PLAN B0x 20'x 20' ELEVATION CORE CIRCULATION CORE I" 10'- 0" i - --- -------I ELE. BOX BOX LOBBY ELE. II h I PLAN 2 20'x 20' C 0 RR I DO R m -om a: 0 0 a: 0o PLAN 20'x 20' ELEVATION CORE CIRCULATION CORE I" = 10'-0" PACKAGE UNIT & BUILDING TYPES ES. SI. MS. M.S. E. S. El.I 24'- L4H PACKAGE E.S. E.S. SI. M.S. M. S. I2. M.S. M.S. 8 20 28' A. E.S. El. PACKAGE A. PACKAGE a. E.S. E2. E.S. M.S. - END SECTION MIDDLE SECTION SI. - STAIR CORE 20' x 24' 82. - STAIR CORE 20'x 20 ' El. - ELEVATOR CORE 20 x 2' 20 E2. SINGLE CORE d 120' 44' - ELFVATOR CORE 20 x 20 PACKAGE 20' 8' PACKAGE 1" =60'-0 UNITS TWO-WAY COMPLEX I" = 100'- 0" TWO PACKAGE PACKAGE A. AND T WO DOUBLE-LOAD I" = 60'- 0" CORRIDOR A. B. PACKAGE S. TOWERS incline member. ----- -- ~~N C) [ 9 3 S Ar v Incline - ---------- member TRU SS -1 c K.. e 0) 3 3 -- incline member -= I - S K' incline member TRUSS -- TRUSS ---------- ncneincline -- member TRUSS - - _- _-- incline incline member member -- - -- -- - - - - -- -J STRUCTURE TOWER = FLOOR PLAN TYPE 161 - 0" ISOMETRIC STRUCTURE OF TOWER I" = FRAME PACKAGE 30'- 0" APARTMENT UNITS FLOOR CENTER I" = CORE 16'- 0" PLAN TOWER 28' B. 24' C. ONE BEDROOM UNIT 28'D. 20'A. RI PACKAGE SECTION 1" = 8'- ONE BEDROOM B., MIDDLE FIRST LEVEL "l 0 UNIT 28' 81. '-A EFFICEINCY UNIT 24'E 24'1 F TWO - BEDROOM PACKAGE FIRST B., MIDDLE LEVEL UNIT SECTION I" = 8' - 0" -0~ 24'8 --- A 20' e. ONE BEDROOM UNIT ONE BEDROOM UNIT MIDDLE SECTION PACKAGE B., SECOND LEVEL I" = ' 28' B 20' C ONE BEDROOM UNIT 20'C 28'8 ONE PACKAGE THIRD B., LEVEL MIDDLE BEDROOM SECTION i"l = 81-Of UNIT U 28' D1. EFFICEINCY UNIT 20' E 20' F. 2 8'B TWO PACKAGE THIRD B.,MIDDLE LEVEL BEDROOM UNIT SECTION I"= 8'-d' 20' B ONE 20' Fl. BEDROOM UNIT _ONE BEDROOM UNIT 24' E. 24' B. a PACKAGE FOURTH B., LEVEL I IDDLE SECTION I" 8'- 0" 28' B. 20' C. 20' J. TWO PACKAGE FIRST B., LEVEL BEDROOM END UNIT SECTION I" = 8'-O" 20' B. 20' C2. TWO 28' K PACKAGE SECOND B., END LEVEL BEDROOM SECTION 1" = 8'-d ' UNIT. K 20' A . 24' F3. 28' G. THREE PACKAGE THIRD B., LEVEL BEDROOM END UNIT SECTION I"I = 8' - O" 0 24'A. 24' F3. 28' G. THREE PACKAGE FOURTH B., BEDROOM END LEVEL APARTMENT. SECTION 1l"= 8'-o I EFFICEINCY 28 BI. 24'A 24'E. 24' F 28'F 24'E. 28R. 24'A UNIT BR. UNIT I 24'El I BR. UNIT 28'D UNIT 24'F. 24'8 24'A[ 2 BR. 24'F 24' C. IBR. UNIT 24'S. FIRST LEVEL 28R. UNIT. 24'A.. SECOND PA CKAGE A., MIDDLE = 1'- 0"i Ii LEVEL SECTION 24'B 24 'F. 24'E 2 BR. UNIT 2 BR. UNIT ]IBR.UNIT I BR. UNIT 24'F 24 'B. 24' E in 24'F. 2 4'B. 21R. UNIT THIRD LEVEL 2 BR. UNIT FOURTH PACKAGE A. 1I" 8'- O" LEVEL , MIDDLE SECTION a 24'A. 24' C3.1 IBR. UNIT 24'C 3 24'A IBR. UNIT. PACKAGE A., M IDDLE SECTION FIRST LEVEL I"I = 8'- 0" 28'B1. EFFICEINCY UNIT 24'E. 2 8'F 24' A 2 BR. PACKAGE FIRST A., LEVEL UNIT MIDDLE I" = SECTION 8-O"1 28'B. 24' C UNIT I BR. 24'C. I! 24' B PACKAGE SECOND A., I BR. UNIT M IIDDL E SECTION LEVEL I" = 8 28' 81. EFFICEINCY UNIT 24' E 24'1 F. TWO 24'B. BEDROOM UNIT a PACKA G E SECOND A., LEVEL MIDDL E I I= SECTION 8 '-O" a a 28' B IBR. 24' C UNIT 24'C 28'B I BR. :=1 UNIT a PACKAGE THIRD A. , MIDDLE LEVEL I" SECTION =8'-O"' 28' Bl. EFFICEINCY UNIT 24'E 24'F 24 'A 2BR. a PACKAGE A., MIDDLE 111= LEVEL THIRD UNIT SECTION 1 8'-O" 0 24' A. 24' C3. IBR. UN IT. 24' C 2 8'S I BR. UNIT u PACKAGE FORTH A. , MIDDLE LEVEL Ii SECTION = 8'-o"1 2BR. UNIT 24'A III 24'F 24'E EFFICEINCY UNIT 28'B I. PACKAGE A., FOURTH LEVEL MIDDLE I" SECTION = -O 0 32'A 24 'C 24'K PACKAGE FIRST UNIT A., END SECTION LEVEL 1" = 8- 0" U 24'B. 24'F . 32'G. 3BR. PACKAGE SECOND UNIT A., END LEVEL SECTION Il"= 8 Lo I BR. UNIT 24'8 24'C 32'H I a EFFICEINCY PACKAGE A.) SECOND LEVEL= END UNIT SECTION 1" = 8 '- 0"1 24'A. 24' F1 [i L 0 32'G. 38R. PACKAGE A. , END THIRD LEVEL UNIT SECTION I" = 8'-O" UNIT 24' A . 2 8' D. 3 2' H EFFICEINCY PACKAGE A. , THIRD LEVEL UNIT END SECTION I" = 8'-d' a U a 24'A 28'F 32'G 3BR. UNIT PACKAGE A., END SECTION FOURTH LEVEL I"= 8'-O" 24'A 2 8'D I BR. UNIT 32'H EFFICEINCY PACKAGE FOURTH A., END LEVEL UNIT SECTION I"= 8'-O" BIBLIOGRAPHY 1, Cornell University, "The New Building Block", Ithaca, New York: Cornell, Press 1969. 2, M.I.T., 1971 Department of Architecture Master's Class with Professor Eduardo Catalano, "Housing Systems; Seven Studies for Factory Produced Concrete and Steel Modular Units", Limited Published Master's Thesis, M.I.T. 3, M.I.T., Department of Architecture and Civil-Engineering, "Economic Study of Pull-up System" and "Guide to The Use of Pull-up System* 4, Daniel Quinn Mills, "Industrial Relation and Manpower in Construction". 5, Richard H. Clough, "Construction Contracting" 6, 1971, The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) of U.S. Department of Army, "The Study on Potential of Industrialized Building for The Department of Army" 7, *Building Construction Cost Data" ,1973. 8, M.I.T., Master of Architecture, Advanced Studies' Thesis Duane A. Kell, Craig E. Rafferty, "A Housing System; A Study Based on The Production Capabilities of The Mobile Home Industry", 1972.