TRADITIONAL PATTERNS and WALK-UP APARTMENTS in THE TAIWAN AREA by Jone-Hui Hu B.ARCH., Chung Yuan University Chung-Li, Taiwan June, 1978 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1984 Jone-Hui Hu 1984 The Author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of author Jone-Hui Hu, Dep ?tment of Architecture, May 11, 1984 Certified by N. John Habraken, P of. of Architecture, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by N. John Habraken, Chairman, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students ;iASACHUSE TTS iN~STiTUTE __ OF fEC HNJOLOGY b JUN 19 1984 LIBRARIES tcr TRADITIONAL PATTERNS and WALK-UP APARTMENTS in THE TAIWAN AREA by Jone-Hui Hu Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 11, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies. ABSTRACT This thesis presents an explicit model for the study of the Chinese house, In the past, most research on the traditional Chinese architecture did not deal with the morphology of buildings, so that we often had to rely on the creative leap , once we applied those spatial characteristics of Chinese architecture to the contemporary context. . Thus, this study attempts to make use of the morphological approach to analyze the traditional courtyard houses in Taiwan, derive a thematic system for such buildings and its rules to generate contemporary Chinese dwellings. The study begins with an analysis of physical forms starting from the dwelling level to the furniture level, through which a series of rules will be abstracted. On the dwelling level, the issues of spatial organization, spatial sequence and relationship will be the On the room level and addressed. furniture level, this study will further explore the individual spatial properties and the arrangements of furniture. -- 1I*- the In addition, two dwelling types of apartments will be walk-up contemporary proposed for further reference, based on the A design method is also selected rules. which adopted to illustrate the way in patterns can be applied to the traditional physical design. Finally, five immediate issues are raised for further research: of Traditional Patterns Adaptation Model The Support Surrounding Context Evaluation of Design Process and Environmental Quality 5. Research model 1. 2. 3. 4. Thesis Supervisor: N. John Habraken Title: Professor of Architecture ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My deepest gratitude to professor N. John Habraken, my thesis advisor, for his patient throughout the guidance and encouragement Particularly in my last past two years. his he ever spared semester at M.I.T., valuable vacations to guide my work. . During the process of analysis and design of this study, he has enlightened me a great deal with his sharp insight. My thanks to him for the best guidance I have ever had. Chester I owe a particular debt to professor Sprague who introduced to me the flexibility in housing and gave me so much help and I useful suggestions on my research work. also want to express my appreciation to Hamdi for his guiding professor Nabeel advices in the course of developing this study. There are many peoplte to whom I would like to thank for their help I thank Dr. Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno, Ms. Ellon Lou, Ms. Kwang-Ming Lee and Ms. Wen-Yin Chu, without their helps in my English writing, this study would not have been through on time. To prof. Ye-Ho Yin, Mr. Ming-Choung Hwang and Mr. Shaw-Hui Lin, I thank them for their generous helps with significant materials. Others I sincerely thank are: Mr. Yuan-An Lee, Mr. Wei-Jyh Hsu, Mr. David Fang, Mr. Cheng-Shiou Chang and Mr. Jen-Yuan Her for their spiritual support and technical assistant. Finally, I have to express my heart-felt gratitude to my parents for their constant encouragement and support throughout my education career. I am grateful to Mr. Ming-Hung Wang, ph. 0. in the Department of Architecture candidate in M.I.T., for his help in 4sign methodology. -2 - PREFACE study, my of During the later years undergraduate I was always bothered by the question traditional Chinese of how we can continue architecture. Several new books and research days papers published during those provided with background information and elaborate us and types. classification Such political research, influences, impacts, or of building whether analyzing social and and custom cultural traditional influences, helped context the traditional architecture but of us to understand the historical accounts, but they did not address did not enlighten us to understand and design a today's physical form. We often relied on the the issue of my concern. At the same time, vernacular the to return practicing as well as architectural creative leap academics brushes" (literal among expression was also popular professionals. Traditional architecture became the topic of how to those days. architecture, question the But continue the spirit rather of traditional of than Chinese merely copy some idiom: or "the strokes translation of God's of a Chinese A) We need a different approach or method. a method should enable us to traditional achitecture explicitly Such discuss and make vernacular images, was inadequately addressed the continuation of the spirit of traditional and discussed. What has caused this tendency? architecture Most of concerned - analysis 3 -- the with books the and publications were historical development, morphological approach. possible. study I is believe an that a appropriate -w -I THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ------------------------------- ---- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS----PREFACE -----------CHAPTER 1: 1 - 1: - and OBJECTIVES-- HYPOTHESES --- 1 3: TASKS 4: 1 - 5: TRADITIONAL 2 - - 5-. - CONCEPTUAL STUDY and VARIANTS 2: ANALYSIS - -- --- -- - 16 CHINESE COURYARD HOUSES in THE TAIWAN AREA and DESCRIPTION --------- - --- -- - --------- 3: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE ROOM LEVEL 2 - 4: ON THE FURNITURE DESCRIPTIONS on THE DWELLING CHAPTER 3: RULES and PHYSICAL PATTERNS 3 - - - --- - 20 - 2 - GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS 17 -- 2: INTRODUCTION 13 - -- -- 2 - 1: -----8 -- 1 ------- FRAME 1: INTRODUCTION---- GENERAL 7 -- and SCOPES 1 - 3 ------------ ------- MOIVATIONS 2: CHAPTER -- -- INTRODUCTION 1 - 2 ----------- -- - - LEVEL - 21 - -- --- -- - 22 --49 --------- LEVEL - - ----- - - 64 - . -- 72 - 7- 3 2: ON THE DWELLING LEVEL-----------------------74 3: ON THE ROOM LEVEL 3 87 ------------------------ 4: ON THE FURNITURE LEVEL--- - ---------92 CHAPTER 4: THE SELECTED RULES and PHYSICAL PATTERNS -- 94 4 - 1: INTRODUCTION------------- 4 - 2: ON THE DWELLING LEVEL 4 - 3: ON THE ROOM LEVEL ---------------- 99 ---------------------- 4 - 4: ON THE FURNITURE LEVEL --------------------- 101 CHAPTER 5: THE PROPOSED DWELLING MODEL for THE CONTEMPORARY WALK-UP APARTMENT ------ 102 5 - 1: INTRODUCTION----- 5 - 2: THE GIVEN REQUIREMENTS 5 - 3: THE PROPOSED DWELL I NG MODEL ------------------ 106 5 - 4: DISCUSSIONS ---------------------103 ------ ------------------------ 128 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION------------------------13 0 6 -1: 6 - CONCLUSION---------------------------131 2: THE IMPLICATIONS for FUTURE RESEARCH ---------- 133 BIBLIOGRAPHY-------.- -- 6- CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION --------- 1 - 1: MOTIVATIONS and OBJECTIVES - ----- --- 8 1 - 2: 1 - 3: TASKS and SCOPES --------------------13 1 - 4: CONCEPTUAL STUDY FRAME----------------16 1 - 5: HYPOTHESES ------------------- 10 TRADITIONAL CHINESE COURTYARD HOUSES and VARIANTS in THE TAIWAN AREA ----- 17 1-5-1: Historical Context-------------17 1-5-2: Spatial Context------------------18 ---- 7- CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 - 1: MOTIVATIONS and OBJECTIVES In the latter part of the eighteenth century, been Chinese architecture has Traditional China. struggling then.Today, with national the and the culture, the question certain characteristics and survival for movement architecture to transplanted was architecture Western revival of since awareness research most the types, abstract or conceptual principles, etc., but do not to- inherit Chinese buildings. Such information traditional be becomes one of publications and design the with deal how chacteristics building of classification spatial how to continue its spirit of development and the context, political and economical social, the understand to us traditional the key issues of discussion. At present, help of of in the contemporary context can morphology- of not can used directly for the purpose of physical design to reflect the spirit architecture. There is a of traditional gap between the analysis and the reality of physical world. and on traditional Chinese architecture The conventional approach the designer 's creative relies mainly on leap to bridge the -- 8- gap. The results are often an random intuitive and choice of images. We need an explicit approach and method to continue the spirit of traditional Chinese architecture. the analysis built will not be discussed in this study. of environment abstract I believe The conventional approach is must futher the physical aspect of the concepts the physical could influences reflect in the all making of traditional architecture. rational and design spatial form by we We abstract principles descriptive model, we framework these to means morphological descriptive model. what We need a clear and concretize inadequate. the of a With such a can explicitly define really want and how we can apply it for to physical design. analysis in order to make explicit the spirit of traditional buildings, and for addressing this illustrate 1) What do we want to preserve? morphological -traditional The emphasis of this study is on the issue. behind The value judgement selection of the answers for the first 9-- how second the issue I however, study, the following issues: 2) How to reflect them in the design? - In we could approach Courtyar.d and use its Chinese houses. of the use make analyze to Houses derive a thematic system for only will such in ..the Taiwan, buildings rules to generate contemporary OBJECTIVES: 1 - 2: HYPOTHESES 1) This study intends to develop an model for explicit study of traditional Chinese the architecture, which could be used to evaluate A) The man-made environment is not chance, in the purpose analysis and design process. of this study is not to come up with a perfect answer to the question of and how the of traditional space and Chinese architecture could be continued, but rather to propose by rules must always have existed, such rules might be related to time, people, construction spirit certain The built and also govern behavior of human beings. the (* 1) a *****~* *)**** ****c* **f*** ***** ***** ***** possible approach. This thesis consists of an explicit process. The man-made environment always reveals to us 2) The second objective of this study is to certain consistent rules, principles or show an analysis of building morphology based expressions on empirical explicit rules observations, or through patterns which could be shared among a group of people. Individual actors who intervene in the environment built always created similar images in abstracted. the physical form; they adopt 3) The third objective of this develop context. study is to a dwelling type for the contemporary and make certain rules their products conform to a hidden structure. In other words, as long as it is a man-made structure, rules exist and we -10-- as expressions common such recongize for These rules act as a guideline "theme". building. of representation to reveals thematic a environment. Those who share It system. the in theme a us rule system the a such call We a an built image of 1) It is assumed that the process form be conceived making the interpretation Sometimes, these own interpretation. Our living environment is are implicit The theme might vary from culture to culture. think culture One might as of the rule the system. rules can be made explicit and can be exposed through the histroical cultural built this way. built interaction of two parts: The rule system and physical form share a theme and give it their always can of investigation, and can or and sometimes they only be guested by testing them. They might be discussed through extensive surveys and studies. a house should be lifted away from the ground by a few pillars, some might adopt the idea of rooting Different cultures might explicitly or on house the with the ground. different contexts implicitly develop and basic follows: 11- assumptions the product of but is an are drawn and as individual endeavor, consequence of a large efforts adopt different rules. Some 2) The built environment is not through transformations system is a and number long of period adaptations. the anonymous of time of The rule not necessarily a set of explicit regulations or implicit symbols laws. rules which collective It could consist of or habits,or commonly shared are deeply memories. If rooted there in are the Human beings always subconsciously transform their as latent cultural values, such their consistencies in our physical environment, it requirements, values, desires, dreams and is assumed that they are not built by chance, emotions, but because a rule system is etc., in the physical form. generally Therefore, these man-made environments applied within a certain cultural context. somehow can representation of also express be considered users' the world as the view. They relationships people, groups of people and their between man-made environment. At the same time the environment B) The users' physical form always the words, users' values, including social, political and religious conventions, can be through the also articulates the users' life-style. cultural values either consciously or subconsciously. In other cultural reveals our environment. observations (* 2) of the understood physical Through the understanding of culturally based physical form, we assume able to build an that we appropriate environment for people on the basis might be physical of the commonly agreed rules. -- 12- 1 - 3: TASKS and SCOPES a) Spatial properties SCOPES I am not going to pay attention to the issue of I limit the scope of this study to assure its focus: I must say that not is this a historical study,but a morphological study of those essential elements of form and space and that principles govern Courtyard Houses. I am reasons, nor the the traditional in organization not ways certain that historical trying in which Chinese to seek in reflecting architectural style ,unless they are rules however, of physical and cultural studies essentially morphology as follows: form. study. This focuses I notice the decorative elements have their that expressing importance in own the architectural The interrelation style. b) Space transition --- between spaces. Chinese have their merits in helping us to understand 13- elements spatial Courtyard Houses have evolved, although it is the Chinese decorative indispensable and common, although 1) Firstly, the the on the c) Spatial sequence --- Visually and physically experiencing the whole dwelling. Regarding the physical generally environment, divide it into six levels we can in terms of the order of enclosure on the basis of the thematic system theory. (see figure a) set to build a urban structure - town / city a towards or criteria of so-called guidelines I "good" environment. have no intention of evaluating the qualities t issue - neighborhood / block of the rule system - dwelling specific that infill -- room I circumstances. would this to certain know, however, be inevitable, if we would design tool in 3) Thirdly, I am also not trying to seek an system use the rule furniture regard specific people under or people of groups support with as a practice. place - body $ utensil Figure - appropriate model resulting from the study of .: traditional the connecting rules In this study, I am planning to deal with the contemporary ones in order to fit levels from the the " furniture level" to the " support level " circled by a dotted line. 2) Secondly, I must make it clear is also that this not a normative study which intends contemporary actually my future) . Such them into context, (although this is ultimate a with the model objective requires studies and resources which are in the extensive simply too broad to expect for this study. -14- 4) TASKS this study as a in system rule formulated the consider to try will I Finally, In short, this study will be composed of base to relate it to a selected program under three tasks: following design simply I requirements. given the to try the rule system within the 1) The first task: The analysis given requirements. The purpose of this form arrive to is concerning of this the said issues. whether rule the study will Houses which are typical on the Chinese and the Merchant Houses, in the Taiwan area from the As middle of I focus system is (in terms of context) or not? appropriate The range can Courtyard questioned physical at a tentative dwelling model for further reference. I noticed that it be of part the seventeenth century to the said previously, such a model definitively present requires entensive and studies and from earlier to the Here, resources. I about five hundred years enormous present on the Penghu and like to make an would Jinmen islands. assumption that this model long is as its inference process acceptable is logical. as I 2) The second task: To formulate the rule want to demonstrate a design process that can system. lead to new method. It will following a step-by-step be demonstrated operation so that 3) The third task: To develop a tentative anybody can follow and criticize the work. dwelling model for the contemporary context. -15- 1 - 4: CONCEPTUAL STUDY FRAME THEMATIC SYSTEM THEORY 4---- CHINESE COURTYARD CONTEXT HOUSES The Major Tasks of This Study --- -16-- 1 - 5: TRADITIONAL CHINESE COURTYARD HOUSES and VARIANTS in THE TAIWAN AREA Historical Context 1-5-1: plain. As The Chinese influence approximately during the dynasty). three Dutch People in Taiwan hundred years occupation in fertile and better Towards the end of the upheaval and made permanently in seventeenth settlements them Taiwan. -17- architecture. century, were Ming search these decide of ground. Dynasty, in civil people's to stay Togbither with these migrants came the whole of including the farming Ming hardship home-towns ( ago from the montainous Fukien and Canton provinces came here in more started Chinese By the many culture, end of the migrants' built on the Eastern Coast more population complex and trade social increased, relationships, administration or government etc. developed. The implications of such development was that the physical familiar forms Chinese included fabric took patterns. the the Some street migrants of layout development of the gentry house, the house, the merchant house these and officer and so on. The styles of the architecture were basically Fukein came of and Canton where most of the migrants from. influenced But it was also somewhat by the native Taiwanese style and by the Spanish, Dutch and Japanese which came with the respective occupation periods. 1-5-2: Spatial Context In this study, two types of courtyard houses are discussed. with 1) " The Syh-Ho Yuan and San-Ho Yuan IIZ 4 1 1 the Fukein and Canton styles: F IGURE of San-Ho Yuan: This type house is mostly used for the farm house. Most of the farmers need larger houses structures. family to large accommodate They 1 also need an open ground to dry their crops (Figure 1). Syh-Ho Yuan: This type used for the of house It symbolizes the social wealth of family. the demanded mostly gentry house and other larger houses. often is higher status and Also, such families degrees of privacy between the private territory and the outside world (Figure 2). __n FIGURE 2 -18- 2) Row House ( Merchant House ) This type of house is mostly for the merchant in the urban areas. They are more compact due to high land areas. prices They ] M-- often tightly in crowding have generally frontage than the . and courtyard arranged a such narrower house and are along commercial streets. If we examine -the layout carefully, we can recongize that it is actually compressed form of courtyard house. it tended to grow upwards to two a However, or three stories (Figure 3). El F IGURE 3 01 5m s2 (1) ( " The transformations wri ten by N. J. Habraken ) of the site II (2) ( referrence for " House Form and Culture " written by Amos Rapoport ) .19- CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS and DESCRIPTION--------20 21 -----------------------2 - 1: INTRODUCTION 2 - 2: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE DWELLING LEVEL -- 22 2-2-1: Introduction --Observation 1 -----------22 2-2-2: The Selection of Elements ---- - --- ---26 2-2-3: Spatial Organization --------------------- 28 2-2-3-1: Centralized Spatial Organization------ --- 28 2-2-3-2: The Flexibility in Spatial Organization-----31 2-2-3-3: Territory ----- 32 2-2-4: Spatial Sequence-------------------------33 2-2-5: Space Trans i t i on between Rooms --------------42 2 - 3: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE ROOM LEVEL-------49 2-3-1: Introduct ion --- Observat ion 1----2-3-2: The Categories of Rooms---- --------52 2-3-3: The Selection of Elements --- ------- 53 2-3-4: The Descr ipt ions of Rooms - -----------55 2-3-4-1: Dimensions ----- 5----55 2-3-4-2: Shapes- -----------.-----56 2-3-4-3: Configurations - - ---~-~ - -~ 5 2-3-4-4: Surf aces and Edges - ----2-3-4-5: Openi ngs - -----62 2 - 4: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE FURNITURE LEVEL-64 2-4-1: Introduction --- Observation 1 --- ------ 65 2-4-2: The Arrangements of Furni ture --. -. 66 2-4-2-1: In The Ancestor Hal1 - - - - -66 2-4-2-2: In The General Room----.67 2-4-2-3: In The Kitchen Room -- 68 -20- 2 - 1: INTRODUCTION an object elements There is without no can properities be spatial it describe a an of or material, cannot image. we cannot describe the sense of identifying architectural space without relationship the among relative and elements. in the These be fact, to identify the among the relationship Two issues need to be addressed in order to describe architectual understood separately from its formal Similarily, form form in mind in the first a having place. The object, we way is, issues are an object. the selection of elements and the distribution of start architectural to elements. these, we set overall image about the built form. Based on the preliminarily the elements in the following sections, I will describe which formed that space. the physical form according to the following: For those who have never seen the form called 1) Observation 1: " circle " before, -i; it is impossibile they can such as possibly "a configuration understand a description circle" in that which is a general introduction concerning the physical form itself and its variants. geometrical we can find a point that has an equal distance from any point on this configuration to that point. To describe -21- The 2) Observation 2: To make a detailed observation the relevant physical elements. and identify In no way can a model be inclusively built to 2 - 2: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE DWELLING LEVEL model descriptive which only covers selection can phenomena Environmental of issues. be studied various for ways different many through a model incomplete an is man-made of describe a built form. Any kind 2-2-1: Introduction --- Observation 1 purposes in our minds. We might observe it by focusing specifically on its sociological a) The Growth of the House: etc.. But, we (* 1) theme, cultural behavior, human behavior or don't have to, nor could we, The basic unit: study everything about it at one the time. In general, the basic unit of Chinese investigated The aspects the morphological characteristics physical environment, properties of trans it ion. in this study are space, House in of the main particularly the middle of the main house spatial and space was traditional Taiwan was the three-room structure with a two-way entrance a sloping always roof. located which was The at the usually composed of one hall-room in the middle and a bedroom on each side. This type of house was called " three-bay " house (Figure 4). -- 22- The second phase of growth: The other type of approach to A additional room was attached to each end of to the main It house. became the so-called five-bay house. Sometimes the three-bay house or five-bay house was independent of or used as the main of house a "[]"-shaped courtyard house "U"-shaped or was two houses, one on each end in front add the of the main house, and created form of "San-Ho Yuan".The two wings of the main house were named Hu-Long " the distinguished from "Hu-Long" (Figure 5)-. expansion main the (* 2), " which from house the outside, and formed inner front-yard with the main house an (Figure 7)- The third phase of growth: When the number of gradually Growth beyond the third phase. households increased and in a necessitated expansion of the house, the typical was main to which composition. This house could generated type be incompleteed "San-Ho Yuan" - 23- the approach add one house perpendicularly to the house, Chinese family of a "L"-shaped growth considered (Figure 6). Further expansion of the house be horizontal of the type form of the of or vertical. expansion, Chinese house could either But, regardless the symmetrical should be kept (Figure 8). in the as an The opening in the front of San-Ho Yuan could be blocked by territorial elements, such as fences or walls. This kind of San-Ho Yuan with a closed courtyard was called a " Syh-Ho Yuan ", and the enclosed yard in front of the C3 FIGURE 4 main house was called "courtyard". Generally usually speaking, adopted front yard was the in San-Ho Yuan agricultural area. used to dry harvest. was The The FIGURE 6 richer families or officers usually preferred Syh-Ho Yuan, because they prefered more privacy. The San-Ho Yuan and Syh-Ho Yuan were considered as the basic form of dwellings the Taiwan *area. area. FIGURE 7 Certainly,there still was another type of house house" in called the "merchant which usually took place in the urban FIGURE 8 - 24- b)The Distribution of Space function: KYNi The i nnermost house in main house which a was compound the was usually divided into three or five rooms (Figure 9). The main h all was in the ances tor ( or center hall or FIGURE 9 reception room ), where the family al tar table was kept. It was flanked on either s ide with a smaller room grandparents where occupied. the and parents The chi ldren usua lly lived in the wings on each side; the.boys in the in rooms on the left side and the girls the rooms on the south). were right side (if we faced the Other elements in the Chinese house treated casually, and sometimes did not appear on plans at all. One of them was the kitchen, which was sometimes in the open air, FIGURE 10 or on a veranda or in a far endff room of the main house or in the wings. The other was the -25- privy, in often built as a separate little shed a convenient element was corner. Another familiar the bathroom which also did not usually appear 2-2-2: The Selection of Elements in the plan. The term " building elements generally to " could be anything encompass that goes into the making of a building. What to Concerning the merchant the house (Figure 10), indicate here determine the general In There were always courtyard house in arcades order usually attached to the to protect the shopper from rains and hot sun. The merchant house was developed along the transverse axis, general, composed while house of all rooms. the want elements that image. Any single more than two, story building. as roof, floor be several layers to a house, which was the typical way of expanding a dwelling. hall might and actually was usually located in the middle although layer of the merchant house. both the layers of buildings, are made up of several building could be as a composition of elements: such facade. The house, and the merchant house, are buildings described There Chinese several sometimes expanding vertically into a two, or main those we first layer of the merchant house facing the street was used for commercial functions. also are used (or platform ), These concepts, they are elements rather exterior wall themselves are than indisputably products, made of material. Within the envelop of that building -26-- made up of "building elements",several could be created by adding partitions. If we consider p b) e rooms compound, a Chinese house Courtyard as a could also be described in the it same way, but the elements are here different from those of a Courtyard single are houses Typically building. enclosed by a always 11 huge FIGURE 11 continuously openings, within buildings could be solid with wall several which located orderly small single in an orderly way. 7-v. - %~---. - -'. -\ / - , To come up with only one category of building elements which could cover quite most issues is difficult, and as a matter of fact, it seems unnecessary, unless we only deal with a s~pecific purpose of study. when FIGURE --27-- 12 In this study, I describe the built form for the whole dwelling, I mean the dwelling elements such as (Figure 11): the a) platform and floor houses. However, when I try to illustrate the b) exterior wall and facade characteristics c) roof relationship, Then the built form can be expressed by spatial characteristicas of the Chinese of relevant other lower level (such emtrance, etc.) as spatial these family elements on a table, altar unavoidably must analyzing the relationship of these elements. mentioned, they should, though, only be When to support those key issues. studying identify the the spatial dwelling organization, I elements as be used follows (Figure 12): a) single buildings and the rooms within it. b) spaces other than the buildings, which 2-2-3: Spatial Organization includes circulation spaces, open yards, etc. 2-2-3-1: Centralized Spatial Organization Through the description of relationship among those spatial elements, the spatial organization, sequence and space transition can be identified. In the following (Figure 13) sections, such categories will be used as a base to describe As described previously ( in 1), the changes Chinese over time, house but the always a observation grows strong and spatial -28- observed in order to adhere is organization to the same philosophical principles. "Yuan", the means of role. courtyard, In spaces: different spaces, and classical Chinese the houses are composed of two architecture, 13 prominent a is the basis by which to organize It all single buildings. FIGURE plays the the interior enclosed exterior spaces similarly enclosed character as the with a former, but without a roof. According to Yuan-Su Lee, to achieve the integration of a cluster of single buildings, the centered "Yuan" is used to organize Therefore, crucially scattered all the as Conceptually, -29- 14 CIARCOLArIG CORcULAnow SBCONwOW( "Yuan" the single integrated FIGURE the into single has to be treated as building, otherwise buildings an buildings. organic will not the be wholeness. we could consider these single buildings as the suborinates of the "Yuan". The linkage between rooms or buildings is usually achieved through the open not a narrow corridor shape and dimension Usually, it of or the of gentry house, there are two "Yuan" axes, varies. is located in the primary buildings, such as the (Figure Such also are formed. used Yuans. to The dimensional distinguished primary variation is spaces and same the an secondary which flank the central left-axis lateral interwoven and right-axis. circulation system. circulations circulation through system is Alleys between buildings within dwelling always secondary spaces. other axes a4s6 the axes for circulation, but room, it is usually larger than that the 14), axis, called the which of central the transversal axis. In a more formal mansion or main building with ancestor hall or reception other along organized passageway. The is rectangular in shape, rarely is it in another form. If it front courtyard, are spaces usually or serve service separated Servants the for secondary routes. They are from the major circulation or household stuff can A "Yuan" integrates its surrounding buildings service to form a basic dwelling through the alley without passing through the layers orderly of component. Several dwelling components could then be interconnected transversal or lateral in either the direction along the axis of the primary buildings. Ideally, the other overall the spaces. master Therefore, spatial systematically and formed master's in general, organization as a guests the is centralized geometrical grid system. -30- principles 3). (0 The actual of process is building ri 8 incremental directly responsive specific needs conditions of the to of the growth order in to be and immediate individual family's and expansion which still need to be integrated into the original bTRUCTUR- PLAN FIGURE spatial 15 A organization. standardized various (modular) system is used to indicate 7~1~ predetermined -1k 2-2-3-2: The Flexibility in Spatial Organization overall Chinese house spatial organization of the is predetermined by its rigid and formal adherence to moral & philosophical -31- roof structure and the principles of distributing elements. In what beams, other elements words, should it be used, where those elements should be placed, and how the others. The to connect Chinese The columns, building such illustrates 16 as of elements, those FIGURE dimensions dwelling representation which one no expressed of therefore, layout, the functional (Figure with structural meaning 15). A of is a plan in space is room is usual ly designed to be adaptable and neutral. the al l except ancestor hall for the (Figure 16), main accommodate hall and which'are flexible different of the functions household. For example, a room could b e as a specificit y delineated by takes the used room at one time and then be sleeping converted to be a kitchen The 2-2-3-3: Territory rooms are of similar dimensions and finishes to Almost another time. each room in its use i s- of the at assigned space by function filling furnishings and equipment. There is which it with a clear- Here, I would like to address another the sense whole of idea Basically, all spatial outside organization. rooms of a Chinese courtyard house face inward on-to the to illustrate the territory, of issue, world was the courtyard, considered to strange. Walls usually enclose the house are used as a for be and means of protection for the family from the world outside (Figure 17). separation of the building structure from the particular overal l activities builing generalize d activities of each The becomes a structur e room. framework within whi ch different can relationsh ips take place depending demands of that moment. on ir different th e pragmatic FIGURE 17 -32- I) Within the wall, the huge continuous occupants self-contained solid exterior can enjoy their and self-sufficient life, and appreciate the private spaces and 2-2-4: Spatial Sequence landscape. In courtyard Chinese the previously), mentioned (as houses, there usually are two The demarcation between the inside world and circulation systems; the exterior circulation the outside (as elevations world of is very clear. single buildings are designed to be the background for the scene 4Q) . The main courtyard Most (Figure serves as the primary medium to in the entrance communicate with the world outside. the interior system) . / circulation Along ancestor open the (as the secondary central hall, formal reception room,etc. are linked and they form dwelling entrances axis of the and living in room, parallel, the center of gravity of the (Figurre 18). Almost FIGURE 18 or to the axial sense. They are achieved either by increasing depth, all major visual focuses to these primary spaces are orderly arranged so as reinforce -33- the within primary circulation, the primary spaces, such whole sit system courtyard and between rows of buildings) , and as '171 i,L12 primary the by the height, width or centering the entrance, or by arranging the furniture symmetrically 7 along 0 F the axis. In the house of a wealthier family, covered colonnades in the primary circulation system are usually built. Typically, the interior circulation is usually not built in ~11~ "B. the form of a corridor. Instead, doors connect adjacer t rooms laterally alnog a of building so that to reach an inner room, one has to pass through other 19). row Although these rooms (Figure spaces are orderly arrange d along the central axis. the axial but path circuitous typical is along actually (Fig ure 20). "Syh-H o ritual space is primary not straight For instance, Yuan", in the the entrance to the ( such as the ancestor hall ),9 the central axis starting from the main entrance to the dwelling. But, to the FIGURE 19 courtyard behind axis is shifted through enter the ritual space, the a transition space FIGURE 20 -34- behind a solid facing wall the central created spatial variety, and in entrance and then back to the central axis. various spaces. Une cannot look through the whole dwe Iling from But, in through the the Syh-Ho central space, line and courtyard off-centered kind of Yuan to is one shifted side of then connects the behind that space passageway (Figure from the the primary space or through 21). a This linkage between spaces or buildings review we if In a typical merchant house, the axis such as master presentation, organization. does dimensional main entrance. the Chinese houses only f loor a 1ways plan or reveals graphic to geometrical us an spatial In fa ct , the design concept or not who fly expressio n the three-dim ensional its"visual the simpl ified orderly and spirit it privacy ensure e ffect". rely on the two of the layout,but on "spatial It sequence"and tightly whole spatial essence, and is grasp difficult the to articulate simply by the floor plan. The uniqueness of each space, such as courtyard, main hall, ancestor hall, etc., created FIGURE 21 -35- by different the is ways of arranging the furniture or through a miniature garden or by design The differentiation. dimensional attention is mostly drawn to the creations of the the and varieties scenery space transition . is Typically, there characters. When enters one first the courtyard itself behind For a larger house, usually serves as the different the the courtyard the is scene houses, transitional with spaces between space a always the usually main entrance. first courtyard for receiving space guests or family activities, sometimes as the extension space for holding an outdoor banquet, if necessary. This courtyard is more formal, and its dimensions than that are of the side-yards the same time, the spaces also larger (Figure 22). surrounding At this courtyard are also larger in height and width - 36- of those than building. Therefore, the sense is much than stronger of first is located. separating abuts part one. The H~ONOH~ D~Oi-? o r SicCO;ID DOOE. on courtyard, in which the main hall is There first the a wall I, from the second r partitioning yard one. The partitioning wall distinguishes outer MAI Ji30 enclosure side-yard. The the second layer of buildings directly the the of layer first the second accommodation for the -,oMA[.N HOUS E dwelling from the inner the of THEl ACI VITY [CiPE intended is layer as the female members of the MAIN HOUS E.1 family and the servants (Figure 23). the centered main hall the in Usually, second layer FIGURE 23 building are used to receive guests. The side rooms flanking this hall are the living area important the building. of the master of the house. are The latter building higher -37- the roof has a high roof. The the building has, the more Decoration elements also employed to indicate the importance of building. The third yard is more formal, usually serving as the ritual space where the is located. Buildings located hall ancestor whole and layers of buildings, living The together. are there if dwelling, three the in highest the in the third layer are hall thus becoming independent of the living room. three only generations usually grandparents live in the last layer of building. Through these distribution, descriptions we might sequence as follows draw of spatial the spatial (Figure 24): Outside -- ) Main entrance --) Courtyard Living spaces spaces -- -- ) Courtyard Backdoor -- ) -- ) -- ) ( Ritual Outside Quite often, the living room and the ancestor hall occur in the same main hall. Only if the occupants become wealthier, will their house to accommodate they each expand specific requirements, such as separating the ancestor FIGURE 24 -- 38- courtyard somehow different from the the is sequence in the merchant house The spatial mainly difference resulted house; the from c) Adjacent buildings share Detached and self-enclosed were merchant houses built (Figure 25). a) The symmetrical spatial arrangement is not While bearing in mind their either along several layers into the is usually transversal buildings of or developed axis into vertically or three-story buildings. But, two- if bearing walls just like the row houses. scarcity of land in urban area, as follows: strictly followed. It common mentioned before, seldom differences, the spatial sequence in a merchant's house is quite similar to that courtyard three house. layers. they manage to acquire enough land, the ideal commercial symmetrical arrangement remains. as the The as In general, first of it consists of layer serves a function. The second layer serves spaces for the ancestor hall and master bedroom. But if there are two, or more b) The symbolic decorations of the roof, indicating the owner' s social status, are not strictly observed. But of weather requirements emphasised. the pure functional protection are than two, stories high, the ancestor hall will always be located on the while the bedroom might ground be located on the upper floors. The third layer is usually the grandparents for and the Buddhist hall. The courtyard between layers of buildings -39- floor, always serves as the space for women's housework, a but also serves as transition space for dividing various functional spaces. The spatial sequence might be represented in the fo.llowing way (Figure 26): Outside -- Transitional space Commercial space space -- -- Courtyard -- (Arcade) Courtyard -- ) space Living ) -- the typical courtyard house. Such spaces thus characterized the merchant house. Backyard -- ) Outside Sometimes, under merchant ritual requirementrs, the the house might be purposely built with a two or three-story-high interior to create sense decorations a courtyard monumental mood, and reinforce of the FIGURE 25 Ritual center. More elegant are also added. Such an approach for an interior courtyard is rarely used in Another character of the spatial sequence for entrance. owner's It always attention . centered the is both types of houses receives The main a lot of the main entrance, usually located along the central axis, has a direct visual impact and creates continuity with the family altar table spatial which -40- always serves as a focal point. In addition, the main entrance is also set back front line of the from the building thus making it more visible. A lot of symbolic leanings are attached on the architrave and the door-frame to symbolize the owner's social status, such as an inscription (Figure 27). Ar2 de FIGRE26F -41-- R IGUR E 27 with text-couplet, etc. 2-2-5: Space Transition between Rooms The transition described betweem between through them. transitional the This spaces or The spaces articulated be characters of example, an the open SPAC E 1 ?-SPACE CON NECTON could be SMERATION a only a partitioning element, or both. can be analysis of a medium medium space, can relationship by interfacial between mf ie~ium 4 different medium. For FIGURE 28 medium would allow a good deal of visual access and physical movement between spaces. In the Chinese House, this medium may consist of exterior walls, partitioning 4), openings (such as elements (e doors or windows, divided voidsetc.), roofs or platforms (or floors). two ways The actually medium: analysis illustrate the of those elements relationship between spaces by to such media. Generally, there are study the character of this As the connection between spaces and as the separation between spaces. (Figure 28) -42- 1) The space transition between the house and the boundary of the outside world. fact, the the enclosure. major formally with the to medium outside world. It is, communicate Indirect a) In a typical courtyard house (Figure 29): visual Connection --- created by means of two windows flanking Usually. the well-decorated south main architrave, entrance with a or spatial accesses are in sometimes the main entrance. was centered and aligned with the front exterior wall, i.e. at Separation --The Chinese against courtyard the world solid wall with a territorial outside few boundary Outusnp. house small was protected by a continuous openings. The between the inside and the outside was very clearly demarcated. A raised platform and a threshold with one or two steps at the entrance separated the spaces. The foyer or the covered main well-decorated FIGURE 29 -43- entrance with architrave also indicated the transitional space. b) In a typical Merchant house (Figure 30): 2) The space transition between ritual Connection --- and courtyard space (Figure 31): The centered, or sometimes off-centered, main gate on the front exterior formal connection outside world. connections, more wall formed the between the house and the Informal or functional built for the purpose providing business frontage, was made by two Connection --The ritual space usually had a direct visual and spatial continuity with the courtyard. The courtyard space usually served as exterior for ceremonial requirements. Usually, moveable windows flanking the main gate. Separation --A raised between platform with one inside acted two steps the street and the arcade formed the elements to indicate the the or as and a separation outside between spaces. The arcade transitional space and also -I provided the functions for shelter to and an [ OWMA __. - - opdAia( protecting clients from extension floor. space for weather as the shop on the ground ~V1AMA CohMaUif/ ef~Arjionr _FIGURE' 30_ - 44.- the south side of the ritual space, facing Separation --- the central courtyard, was composed of either The a achieved if row doors which could be entirely opened, necessary, well-decorated or a formal exterior this south side was softer sides of the ritual spaces. gate wall. than with a partitioning of was usually by using moveable partitions with a formal gate always accompanied by a threshold Basically, and a well-decorated the usually other space a raised architrave. platform There was with one or two steps between the courtyard and ritual space. The porch in front of the ritual space acted as a transitional space between courtyard and ritual the space. whole (But, if we view it dwelling, the porch was , in terms of the front courtyard and in fact, a transitiona) space between inside and outside). 3) Space transition between ritual living spaces FIGURE -45-- 31 (Figure 32): space and A visual direct between the general space partitions by changing (Figure 33): taking away the the Connection --- moveable partitions. The Separation --- indirect The spaces were usually divided partitions and courtyard spaces were possible. They also reserved the possibilities for spatial contilnui ty spatial and between transition 4) Space Connection --- or symbloic by mov eable partitions, without a threshold between them. but general space visual usually and had direct or spatial linkage to the courtyard through the doors, through it was adjacent to the windows, if and at times courtyard. s%--Sur FIGURE 32 FIGURE 33 -46- Separation 5) Space transition between kitchen room The spatial partition was usually achieved by courtyard a employing a soild partition with threshold and a two raised platform with one or porch wasin front the courtyard and There architrave. door, a was a steps. The of a general room facing as acted a transitional (Figure 34): Connection --There was usually spatial linkage courtyard, served space. door " an indirect between although the the visual and kitchen and courtyard always as as extension of the cooking space. The access to the fivns+; and with courtyard was through a threshold and architrave. Windows 5paeo were also used to provide visual communication to the courtyard. 0 Separation --A solid partition was used kitchen with the -47- separate room. from the courtyard. raised transition space. FIGURE 34 to platform acted the The porch as a 6) Space transi tion between living space ( or ritual space ) and general space, or between general spaces themselves (Figure 35): OR Connection There was spatial them. T7 usually an continuity But, separated indirect and through the door between sometimes, without visual they any visual were and rI~1w co 'fytirj totally spatial FIGURE 35 linkage. Separation --A soild parition threshold and and a architrave door opening with were usually used between these spaces. - 48- 2 - 3: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE ROOM LEVEL In this section, the qualities of room space are discussed. individual To describe effectively the quality of a space, framework is set up as follows: PROPERTIES OF ENCLOSURE QUALITY OF SPACE 1) Dimensions - Proportion - Scale 2) Shape - Form 3) Configuration - Definition of space - The means to define spaces vertically and horizontally, such as exterior walls, roof and floor, etc.. 4) Surfaces and edges - Color - Texture - Pattern - Surface articulation 5) Openings - Degree of enclosure - View - 49- the 2-3-1: Introduction --- Observation 1 of three, called, To understand constructed, the way that a room is the properties of space have to be identified first. five-bay five respectively, the houses in the made up of a three-bay area Taiwan three bays are wooden-frame construction which is system system the basic of Taiwanese buildings, actually traditional is an extension Chinese Sothern of and is style, also the representation of a typical wooden structure. The the and usually engaged in walls and become part of the partitions or the exterior wall. They are visible but ra-rely independent of the partitioning system. layout of the floor the the depth of the building and the in number of rooms which are contained building. are structural Chinese plan is usually arranged on the basis of width columns usually (Figure 36) or five bays, rarely with seven bays. The A house, seven-bay house. Most of or house rooms, which are seven or that A room, more often, is lined up in FIGURE 36 a linear perpendicular way or to form parallel a house to the either main transversal axis. Sometimes, a house consists -50- The wooden frame roof (truss) is aligned with combined the larger number of houses. partitions vertical thus making subdivision a within the Basically, the floor plan and the plan are adapted complete the with type Ch'uan-Tou structural reviewed be will first two issue the interval between wooden structural frames separately for the are usually the same as purely geometrical issues and their rooms. are The dimension (which rooms expect is larger for ). three different types the width usually of the same effects ancestor's hall issues. of construction to make the wooden frame . But, the Tai-Liang type The the In general, there are (* 5) (* 6) and Ch'uan-Tou type (* 7) are the most popular methods of construction in the Taiwan area. are formal - 51- or used in the larger mansions. It is also often room. surface They integral issues, the and and edge, opening), will be disscussed on the basis the two to similar aspects furniture level --- those step further of of of the the selection of elements and the distribution of elements. one are than the other of rest The characteristics usually whole important more (configuration, go The Tai-Liang type is a house. to each other. Therefore, the for to I will also describe the each element in defining space, color, texture, surface and the location of openings articulation 2-3-2: The Categories of Rooms - Transition space --- Foyer Arcade Passageway There is no way to describe the properties of spaces without rooms. In knowing general, we the catagories can divide rooms in traditional Chinese houses in the Taiwan area into two groups: - Commercial space --- of 2) The exterior Shop (the spaces transition space): - Courtyard the interior spaces, and the - Sideyard exterior spaces (see list 1 & 2). - Alley List 1: - Porches 1) The interior spaces: - Ritual spaces - Living spaces ancestor hall --- Living room Family room Main hall - General rooms --- - Service room --- Bedroom these interior Study room If we categorize Guest room terms Kitchen room whole dwelling, they might be Storage room follows of their relative spaces in importance in the classified as (see list 2). -52- platform,etc.. The relationship between those List 2 1) Primary space --- 2) Secondary space --- Ancestor hall elements Main hall But, if we go one step further to Family room character Living room space, which will Bedroom a space, such as the location of an Kitchen room in elements in Service room relation a defines the orientation of a space. wall, to different space. 2-3-3: The Selection of Elements of study the one of the elements defining a still affect the quality of the selection that from point of would opening also be that of the orientation to a Therefore, we could say that the selection of elements actually depends on the theme we choose. The selection of varies elements defining depending on the theme. a room For example, The if we intend to describe the orientation se lection of elements concerning the of fol lowi ng issues that we are going to discuss the room, the elements in relation to that will be as follows: point could be: The vertical planes, such exterior wall, partitions,etc. and as the 1) On the horizontal planes, such as issues floor, configuration: -53- of dimension, shape and As mentioned previousely, directly with the integral Any three-dimensional volume a these issues deal sense of a space. form articulates the of space surrounding it and generates field of orientation influence, of or, the territory those elements of form define specific types identify these elements for the whole space, of space. Therefore, that is elements defining a space, parts 37); (Figure planes, such other is exterior wall as one the is roof, vertical the into we partitions, MU ep(4V two baseplane; planes, such the r as FIGURE 37 (* 8) and partitions. roof Vertical forms are generally more our and platform. second b) Vertim the horizontal The first part is the horizontal plane: The a) HorizoflJ4 p3 a part is the load-bearing non-load-bearing walls. vertical walls plane: or visual field than horizontal are, therefore, volume instrumental in in planes, and defining a of space and providing a strong sense of enclosure. Vertical elements of also active the form serve as support for a building's floor -54- and roof planes. They create the spatial visual and 3) On the issue of openings: continuity between the interior, the I concretrate exterior environment and the circulation between rooms. orientation They filter the flow of air, light, etc., help on the element individual of itself. The sub-elements I identify would be: to doors, through and to the interior spaces. windows, voids and the wall-body itself. The relationship among those elements or subelements will address the issues that I will deal with. In this study, I will naturally pay closer attention to the study of vertical elements. 2-3-4: The Descriptions of Rooms 2) On the issue of surface and edge I am going to pay attention to the individual element that defines a space. 2-3-4-1: Dimensions Therefore, the In general, sub-elements that I identify material itself, would be: the varies from the width of 4.2m to the 5.5m; ancestor the depth hall is the column, the wall-body, between 5.5m to 9.0m; the height of the ridge openings, decorations and some symbolic is between 4.2m to 5.2m. The width of the signs. other -55- rooms are usually smaller than the ancestor hall. They vary from 3.6m The depth and the dimensions 5.5m. the height usually depend on of dimensions typical to the ancestor hall. The of each room are usually as Table 1 shown (@,9)- 2-3-4-2: Shapes With the exception of found in dwellings Hakka some in Mainland China where the shapes are form the of considered as a composition be could dwellings Chinese traditional most circles, concentric rectangular of shaped spaces, both those of the interior and The spatial structure of a Chinese exrerior. TABLE is dwelling 1 a geometrical grid system, as Unit: Lu-bain-foot discussed previously. Accordingly to the book Main Hall 14 16 18 Width Bedroom Depth The Height of Beam 12 14 16 18 24 30 entitled " Cathay's Chinese Classical Idea-Design 15 Prof. Yuan-Shu Lee, the typical 17 Footnote: 1 Lu-bain-foot = 29.7 cm of Architecture " written by a Chinese single dwelling 14 Theory can floor plan of generally be expressed by the arangement of the structural framework words, the or the roof structure. floor plan is In other actually the Therefore, the general proportion is as follows: reflection of the structural plan without any width : depth : height = 1 : 1.5 : 1 functional expression (Figure 15). -56- 2-3-4-3: Configurations Relevant elements: The horizontal element roof ( overhead plane ) platform ( base plane elevated) The vertical elements: side partitioning walls FIGURE 38 front and back exterior walls There are which six types of elements define a space according to Francis D. K. Chong's analysis ir Space vertical and "Architecture: Form, ( * 10) A linear vertical Order." element can define the vertical edge of a volume of space, such as column, etc.. But if a series of linear elements are vertical tightly integrated into a vertical plane, will articulate the space that it fronts. vertical vertical plane plane configuration -57- associated of will planes form with an which it A another "L"-shaped generate a FIGURE 39 field a of space from the corner outward along diagonal. vertical If planes, there they oriented volume of space. are two define parallel an axially A "U"-shaped arrangement of planes defines volume oriented toward the open end of the configuration. Four pl ane s introverted space, usually defined configuraiton vertical of plane, flanking the front enclose will an the) actually articulate the field of space around the most Chinese houses a enclosure. In the space of the room is b y comb ining the "U"-shaped p1anes with creat ing an two of the rooms the ancestor hall play defining the space. The different roles in front plane the courtyard is always either in the form of a row of doors whiich could be wider door opened. or opening, The remaining is left completely three sides the configuration of the ancestor hall as a "U"-shaped configuratic in of vertical (Figure 38). defines a focus as traits, vertical and horizontal combination of elements basically create the form of a rectangular box are openings with a prism loft on top. These vertical elements in is (Figure we l1 39). as an the space outward We might say that lighter the primary element in affecting the sense of space because of its relative planes, fiel d of space that has an the front side, with an opening and the a generally fixed. Theref ore, we might consider orientation hall, of isolated inward ancestor opened entirely, if necessary, or in the form which In the facing uniqueness to the other three sides. It allows and spatial to have visual continuity with the courtyard. - 58- 2-3-4-4: brick walls with a wide gate in the center. Surfaces and Edges 3) Front wall: 1) Side walls or partitions: previously, As described columns most are The side front receives a interior regional architecture, The the partitioning walls and based location side walls of are on the layout of the wooden structural frame. Therefore, articulated by surfaces those support elements or western architectural and edges inserted the columns, pillasters terms) are (Figure (in rule a-31) usually lot of attention similar to most usually engaged in the exterior walls and the partitions. building each of the but difference between them is that the well-decorated front in a Chinese house usually faces the facade inner courtyard rather the than outside street ), in which the centered main entrance is to medium primary the claim status. For the Chinese in older outside was a strange world, owner's times, The back outside wall wall is of a basically building filled facing with brick or other materials, but the front side up -59- of either moveable the is made door-like panels or with the symbolizing blank insecurity and uncontrol. Thus, a huge 2) Back wall: ( smaller openings always faces the strange outside world. According to Yuan-Shu elegant facades, Lee's viewpoint, those particularly in the front facade house of a main and the ancestor hall, in fact, act as flFTT1~1 the background for the courtyard. Most of the buildings' facades are designed to create the scene in a Chinese The courtyard. architectural main art dramatic ally and sequentially spirit of to arrange these various is layers o f building and scenery. Theref ore, to design building's a as elevations the FIGURE 40 backgrou nd for is courtyard the more importan t than as the expression for b uilding itself. For example, a building, which is has four facades, but the formative continuity among the four sides always rectangular important than of in the cannot is more the reserved for we study the location where that actually is placed in the dwelling layout, and we also cannot neglect the factor a background for the Besides these characteristics, it should also that when as courtyard. be noted of traditional Chinese houses, we neglect elevation courtyard elevation that of the building facades (Figure 40). Therefore, elevations shape, of of scrolls or there must be some spaces inscribing or hanging the pair calligraphic paintings, such objects must be displayed symetrically on any wall, be it the side walls or back walls, or front walls (Figure 27). -60- Another issue that should be addressed color ". The traditional architecture mostly wooden, with stone and brick secondary materials. only because it can but also frame. role because used provide various Chinese bright, happy Different color meanings. In meaning for the and have aplendid different general, the primary colors are symbolize good luck and wealth colors Chinese toward colors. Pure white color edges meaning, used to mostly in dwellers. and black are avoided and rarely employed except for outlining the ridge temple a big or emperor's palace. During the Ching dynasty, most buildings in Taiwan were always colored in the following manner: symbolic are as 1) The platform is usually constructed by stone. Therefore, the original color of stone is which kept, is chalky or milk white. Green --- peace and eternity. Red ----- luck and happiness. Yellow -- power and wealth. 2) White --- sadness and peace. constructed Black --- destruction. is the general color in most dwellings. -61-- or of a building. Yellow can only be used for very important buildings, such as always follows: red as corresponding colors and green important architecture. Under this classification of is it can protect the wooden architecture generally has a tendency using " Paint is desirable not Therefore, it plays a very in is The body of building of wood or brick. is usually Garnet or red ( or " Chao fuscous, which is actually the original color figure of tiles. The r idge is always chalky. discussed 3) The roof is always in colored gray " ) or " Ko-Shan . rule a-25), ([INN) " have , already in the section, "space (see been transition." Location: In the Chinese openings 2-3-4-5: Openings are courtyard wholly within planes of a space, which do Up to now, I have already generally described some spatial properties, but there is another the not most of encolsing weaken the edge definition nor the sense of enclosure of the space. still issue, i.e. openings. houses, Basically, the form of the space remains intact and perceptible. Openings are rarely located along one edge or openings The size, shape and location of voids for an enclosed form strongly affects the quality of a space. Here, I should the or definition of opening to limit coventional near a corner of a wall or on ceiling plane, nor do they visually span vertically the floor and ceiling planes, or horizontally between two wall planes, in the fixed partitions or walls. The other forms of ancestor hall, openings, such as opening formed by so-called usually introduced at the both voids in the main except openings terms, i.e. windows, doors or between hall, such for the as the where there are two openings ends of the -62-- rear ends in order to connect the parts of the building behind serve this ancestor hall or the function for service movement from the side rooms. Therefore, a secondary zone sectoral, etc.. But, the rectangular shape is the generic shape which is mostly adopted for used usually are openings is created in that space. Sometimes, the side something or make a space rooms These that flank the ancestor hall direct accesses to the ancestor hall. have In this case, the space of the ancestor hall actually reinforced is multidirectional and dynamic in nature. rule a-34). is a public space and the heart of the It the of with symbolize to more interesting. could occur any where. The variations individuality of shapes other The dwellings. ordinary a is opening heavy frame often (see figure whole dwelling (Figure 39). SHAPE Besides the rectangular shape of openings, there are a lot of variations in shape, which usually contrast with the enclosing plane and emphasize its own individuality. They can be in the shape bottle-like, -63- of a or circle or hexagonal, semi-circle, octagonal, DIMENSION Because always the emphasized enclosing bounded effects. individuality wall, by the by the wall of openings contrasting opening is is with the narrowly to create contrasting 2 - 4: GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS on THE FURNITURE LEVEL VIEW While some spaces as such a have family an internal focus, table, or have an altar outward orientation given to them by a view The arrangement of furniture makes a to the outdoors or an adjacent space, such as ". natural " place scenery, a courtyard private garden or with a water-fall, openings establish a visual space and its man-made are seen relationship surroundings. Sometimes, they shapes to uniqueness.] as a could create miniature provide this view, and small openings tended to frame and with a small a painting also sense be between a The furniture indicates the boundary of a ". being used in various of interest and of furniture by the selection of In the selection of furniture, such on the wall. the furniture and the disturibution of furniture. with view Here, I would like to discuss arrangement In this case, a place " the I will deal issue of what kind of furniture is distribution in of a particular room. In the furniture, I will deal with the issue of how they relate to one another, In other words, the relationship among these furniture. - 64- main such as the family altar table. table, is usually located in a very prominent place, and 11 c3 dominates the whole of disposition furniture in that room. The suited chairs and ca -. tea-poy table are grouped with this table to form so-called a "place" (Figure 41). A cabinet, commode and bookshelf,etc. are also, FIGURE more 41 often, symmetrical way and orderly 2-4-1: Introduction --- one, suite of placed a in strict a and Therefore, various and create a subtle accounterments are used to lively atmosphere in the room. For instance, Observation 1 the Ming and Ching dynasty, one, or than be required arrangement. paintings, In to coupled furniture more used to be a pair of scrolls, calligraphic paintings, curio and miniature gardens, etc. usually with very bright and beautiful colors arranged in a symmetrical layout. In general, and shapes are used to satisfy these kinds of furniture is placed against the special facing the main entrance directly always the gravity center of that -65- window, and and is room. The requirements. These accounterments matched with brown furniture and white walls, create a gorgeous space. 2-4-2: The Arrangements of Furniture Now, I try to furniture describe in the different arrangement rooms lower of from the level, and the furniture infill elements level. Therefore, and the distribution of furniture. can formulate the general the other and level, Site --- The ancestor hall acts furniture relationship between the room, as a site of relationships involved; one is the horizontal among 1) The selection of furniture the kinds two are there relationship In The Ancestor Hall be the room on the higher for followimg aspects: the selection of furniture 2-4-2-1: will from which from which we for rules is the furniture this vertical the and we can also formulate the interface rules between the two levels. for the furniture. Elements --- Family altar table a) Family altar table: Eight-person table (Credence) The family altar table Drum stool the transversal axis against the Formal sitting chair ( Faureul) and facing the main entrance of that room. It Tea-poy table actually plays solid on wall a dominant role, relative to the other furniture, 2) The distribution of furniture used to be placed in the ancestor hall (see figure rule a-38). The room is the site for the furniture on the -66- b) Eight-person table and Drum stool: against The eight-person room. with table, usually associated the wall and symmetrically in the the family altar table, is also located on the transversal axis. Two drum stools 2-4-2-2: respectively stand beside both sides of the eight-person table and in front of the 1) The selection of furniture: Site --- familay altar table. In The General Room general room as a site for furniture Elements --- Bed with bedspread c) Formal sitting chairs and Tea-poy table: Foot stool Formal sitting chairs and the Table tea-poy table are always together and symmetrically located Five-drawer chest at of the transversal axis. The Closet formal and Drum stool the " place " in which Wash stand both sides arrangement tea-poy major of table family forms sitting actiivities, such chairs as Chairs social gatherings, wedding ceremonies, worship rites $) The distribution of furniture and welcoming guests, etc. take place. a) Bed In short, most furniture are -67- usually placed (see figure rule a-38) The bed used to be against either the center I , segment of the solid wall, which could be considered the same as that of ancestor where the They depend on the requirements. family altar table is located, or in the corner of the bedroom. stool hall d) The rest of the furniture: always accompanies A the small bed, foot 2-4-2-3: In The Kitchen Room where The kitchen is also an important room in the users remove their shoes and keep them there. Chinese house. It reflects the organization of family structure. b) Table The table also sits against the wall opposite 1) The selection of furniture: the location of the bed. Drum stools and Site --- chairs Kitchen as the site for furniture are placed beside the table or sit in Elements --- Chinese stove front of the table. the other auxiliary facilities, such as a place for storing fagots. c) Closet and Five-drawer chest: The closet separately and placed are chest five-drawer against the side walls in terms of the transversal axis of the room, beside where the table and bed are placed. 2) The distribution of furniture: The location of the Chinese stove is not predetermined. Sometimes, it is placed in the temporary room attached to the end of main -68- house or side house ( Hu-Long ). Sometimes, 3. Reference to M.I.T. Thsis Chang, it is placed in the needed be considered is that the location of the kitchen requires because of the very thick Yih-Ping end room of the main house. But, the most important factor to by 1983. good fumes ventilation created while cooking. 4. A distinction must be made between walls and partitions. The wall is a mass and the partition is a surface. The wall serves to form the enclosure and performs a static function, but the partition, both exterior and interior, are infill between the pillars and have no static functions, but instead, aesthetic and symbolic value. frame 5. These types of wooden Tai-Liang type, Ch'uan-Tou type Ging-Gan type. (see figure 42) FOOTNOTES I. Reference to "Traditional architecture" by Chien-Lang Lee, page 46. 2. "Hu" --"Long" 6. Tai-Liang type The wooden frame is built up by planting the columns on the stone bases along the direction of the building depth, and then placing major beams on the top them. The distinctive feature of this type of construction is that the whole framework consisted of several layers of column-beam frames, sometimes of two layers, three the shorter more, with layers or column-beam frame used to be laid to overlap on the major one in order to support the roof frame (see figure 43). Protection --- Dragon The meaning of "Hu-Long" is the protection of the main building from the world outside. -69- are and 7. Ch'uan-Tou type The main difference between the Tai-Liang type and the Ch'uan-Tou type is that the I 11t j t-W -Givg-Ga" +YPe FIGURE 42 roof truss of the Ch'uan-Tou type rests directly on the main columns instead of on the shorter column-beam frame, but there layers of tie-beams several are still Another between columns (see figure 44). difference is that the distance between in the Ch'uan-Tou frame is two columns much narrower than that of the Tai-Liang frame. is 8. The meaning of the eXterior wall relatively defined depending on its context (or surrounding). On the building level, the exterior wall is discussed in terms of integrity, i.e. it is viewed as the facade of a building, which we usually use in an architectural sense. On the room level, the portion of the exterior wall bound ing the room is only seen as one component of the room. It is only a fragment, not viewed as the integral elevation of a building any more. -70- FIGURE 44 9. Reference to "The Traditional Style Taiwan Houses" by Shao-Mei, page 8. of 10. Reference to "Architecture: Form, Space and Order" by Francis D. K. Chong, page 137. -71- CHAPTER 3: RULES and PHYSICAL PATTERNS----72 -73 - 1: INTRODUCTION 3 - 2: ON THE DWELLIG 3 LEVEL --- 3-2-1: Spatial Organizati 3-2-2: Spatial Sequence 3-2-3: Space Transition-- 3 - on -74 - - 78 -- -83 --87 3: ON THE ROOM LEVEL 3-3-1: Dimensions 3-3-2: Shapes -- - - - - Conf igurations 3-3-4: Surfaces and Edges 3-3-5: Openings 4: -89 - - - 3-3-3: 3 - 74 - ON THE FURNITURE LEVEL- -89 ----- 90 -92 - --- -92 92 -72- 3 - 1: INTRODUCTION The rules will be abstracted on the basis of 3) Implicitness: accepted by turn it It is their characteristics: The rule must be subconsciously 1) Popularity: the The rules must be shared by the majority, not concretely into regulations or lawS. by a certain group of people. always The conformity majority, implicit with rules serve to establish the conventions environment which make the transmission of formal meaning consider (or image) under circumstances ordinary 2) Inheritability: The rule must be able through to be inherited generations, and it and is subconsciously generated by the majority, not by the minority or specific persons. -73 - is and nature. hard behind Thus to the I physical do not laws, building codes or regulations as rules because of their explici t which everybody must follow. possible. adjusted in and dominance 3 - 2: ON THE DWELLIG LEVEL 3-2-1: Spatial Organization V Rule a-1. ACCESS Each unit should have direct public access to the open space. The access will allow the occupant to identify themself and have the FIGURE Rule a-1 opportunity to claim his territories. Rule a-2: BUILT FORM The built form must be rectangular. FIGURE Rule a-2 Rule a-3: SPATIAL ORGANIZATION IN THE GRID SYSTEM The spatial organization and the ~~~VZ1 circulation system should integrate into geometrical grid sys tem. U w FIGURE Rule a-3 - 74- Rule a-4: CIRCULATION All circulation courtyard. must The be linkage taken through between a spaces surrounding the courtyard is achieved through a room-like courtyard opened to the sky, by a narrow not corridor or passageway. Such a circulation space provides more flexibilities not only for movement, but also for accommodating various activities. FIGURE Rule a-4 Rule a-5: THE CENTRALITY OF THE DWELLING The ancestor hall and the courtyard in of the ancestor hall should be conceived as the center of gravity for The huge the whole solid exterior wall, for is usually employed as a means of for the family -75 - The wall house. instance, protection from the outside world. The family activities are inside. front oriented towards the also serves as a symbolic FIGURE Rule a- 5 representation of the cosmological principles The directions. forms' of the sequence and variety of functions including using them as sleeping quarters, studios, for house should have an inward characteristics: dinning, etc.. They could all 1) The Central courtyard should be the center shape, of family activities. compounds articulation clear 2) There should be a of territory. 3) as entrance main the ( street the than rather face should elevations outside ) and use primary household, and which each dimension. house more household the of the the a or look similar in may portion of the compound with its Building courtyard form storage For large than one occupy own a center activities,.inner courtyard and rooms. But distribution of such elements are according to needs. medium to communicate with the world outside. Rule a-6: FLEXIBILITY IN SPACE FUNCTION In the Chinese House, always reserved the central hall for ceremonial purposes but all other rooms can be used for a variety purposes depending moment. Rooms is should on be the able needs to of serve of the a FIGURE Rule a-6 -76- Rule a-7: FLEXIBILITY IN STRUCTURAL SYSTEM Extreme structural flexibility Preferably considered. construction should types be used be The main house a're should same method of south hill in the back and overlook for the different It should also provide building. of the should Rule a-9: THE ORIENTATION OF THE MAIN HOUSE with water north-south a ( river, axis lake is perferably etc. reinforced ). face The by the flexibility for constant changes, renewal and symmetrical organization of space around the addition. axis. Rule a-8: RECTANGULAR SHAPE Form, arrangements, axis are preferably out at right angles. axis edge avoided in diagonal ways. or even the means laid FIGURE Rule a-8 A diagonal arrangement, walls layout slanted or etc., design, should be because which connotes evil (the Chinese generally try to avoid any descriptions would which connotations in lead their to bad literal pronounc i at ion.) FIGURE Rule a-9 -77-- primary The territory must be clear ly demarcated. The circulation system. spatial The interior circulation within each building outside and inside the buildings the and quality, between is Rule a-10: THE BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY between rooms is territory, must be clearly distinguished. the secondary circulation system. Rule a-11: CLEAR DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE nnp~ PRIMARY SYSTEM AND THE SECONDARY SYSTEM There should be a clear the distinction between primary system and the secondary system. FIGURE Rule a- 10 Such distinction should be reflected not only in the circulation system, but system also in the of physical built form. For instance, the height of the main house is usually higher than that of houses in the side wings. circulAtion 3-2-2: Spatial Sequence RULE a-12: CIRCULATION SYSTEM The exterior circulation within FIGURE Rule a-12 prwir' -courtyards -78- Rule a-13: CIRCULATION PATH ~ The axial path should be circuitous, although S 0 all I the primary spaces are symmetrically arranged along the central axis. For example, the entrance to the ritual space, such as the I ancestor * S zig * hall, must happen along the axis. But, to enter the space the 0 ritual space, / courtyard behind the axis shifts, and the S FIGURE Rule a-13 transition space is usually I I I wall facing behind the central entrance. a solid The axis in the primary spaces can also be shifted a variation of arrangement, with a back door on one side of the IJ qWZL passageway central FIGURE Rule a-14 -79- primary space, connecting the back parts of the dwelling by means of Iv5 cAMVI by parallel line. to, but a away from the Rule a-14: SPATITAL SEQUENCE form For the courtyard house: the whole Outside -- ) Main entrance -Ritual space -- ) ) Courtyard j Courtyard -- ) Living -- ( spaces Outside. Back door -- the central dwelling. system of organization of The main entrance these primary spaces should be located in the center of the front facade and also line up along the central axis. For the merchant house: Ancestor HAI . Outside -- Transitional space Commercial space Ritual space -- ( Arcade) f Transitional -- Transitional -- spaceit-space FaV:17 n--mr Outside. A transition space should be placed between Li-#vi ng r-om two spaces with different characters. Rule a-15: THE ORGANIZATION OF PRIMARY SPACES The primary hall, formal spaces, living such room as the ancestor FIGURE Rule a-15 and family room, should be located along the central axis to and -80- symbolizes reverence for the ancestors. In other words, the spaces right above the nic e still could be used for another space was *4* anor niahe fa-asorplkdes The for placing the ancestor plate usually semi-enclosed also 1 space. required a and well-decorated, place around itself and for attaching the symbolic couplets. IGRe Re Rule a-16 FIGURE Rule a-17: THE INTENSIFICATIONS OF PRIMARY Rule a-16: ANCESTOR HALL and NICHE SPACES The ancestor hall always serves as a place for receiving guest, having family activities or praying more public to the ancestor plate. relative to the It was rest of the On the building level: The following patterns are used to strengthen the importance of the primary spaces. 1) Locating the central axis: rooms. 2) Increasing the vertical dimension: There are overlapping no on habitable the top spaces of directly ancestor hall within the same dwelling unit, except for the place for -81- praying to the ancestor. That - Interior courtyard --- The most important building, such as the ancestor hall, was made higher in order to signify its relative 4) More detail treatment: To use more decoration to articulate the important spaces. On the room level: 5) 3) 5) Centering the main entrance doorway: The main entrance door located Cs cevI~ on should be centrally the front facade. Such a room is A FIUR ReOo o always the cluster of formal rooms connection with between the the other groups of rooms or courtyard. On the furniture level: F IGURE Rul e a-17 ~ 6) The furniture arrangement importance. Sometimes, it may be two or three symmetrical: stories high. Such furniture may include the - The height of the roof --the height of roof to To make use articulate the table, formal family altar sitting chairs etc., and they may be the focal part of the activities in a particular room. hierarchies of spaces. 3) increasing the horizontal of be should dimension: Enlarging the width of the space. 7) The arrangement of the couplet on door panels: -82- 3-2-3: Space Transition / Rule a-18: INTIMACY GRADIENT Entry -- I -- Main hall hall Ancestor bedroom or kitchen room ( I A high degree of privacy is maintained in the I Chinese house. This sequence of privacy can never be converted or confused, which ensures I I S S that anything FIGURE Rule a-18 J user the without disturbance from can feel fully free to do any unexpected fearing the outside territory. The latter the position, the higher privacy it holds. OR Rule a-19: TRANSITION SPACE There should be a transition space between the inside and outside. This transition space FIGURE Rule a-19 -83- could be a foyer or just the main gate. Rule a-20: MAIN ENTRANCE Usual ly, the main entrance should 1) Location --- have a The main entrance to the dwelling should be a archi trave threshold on the and top of at least well-decorated doorframe to disti nguish the inside from the outside. located on the central axis. 2) Form --for the Rule a-21:. entrance. The main entrance should not Gates should be only be located at a prominent position, but to the ridge of the pitched There should be a symbolic main should element contain a symbolic element, such as a door panel tablet inscribed giving the owner's status, with characters (I) the door panel. 3) Setback --- set back to create a should transitional located on the wall parallel roof and not in the gable end wall. owner's status on The main entrance to the dwelling GATE rim LhTL EThI1 be (3') centro~ MIG space (4) between the public territory and the private territory. It should also manifest a sense of welcome. 4) Threshold and Architrave --- FIGURE Rule a-20 -84- TOTAL PARTITIONING Rule a-22: The space may be totally divided without FIGURE Rule a-21 visual and spatial linkage. 1) Partitioning elements: such as solid any walls, Solid brick partitions, walls, panel walls, etc.,could be used. 2) Position: These partitions should be fixed and should spaces be mostly employed characters, heterogeneous with functions, or for separating divide to the spaces in the private zone. FIGURE Rule a-22 Rule a-23: TOTAL PARTITIONING WITH A DOOR OPENING A space may solid FIGURE Rule a-23 85- be also partitions, totally but separated by there will be a door opening to spatial continuity. Most general rooms could provide optional be divided in this way. visual and 1) Partitioning elements: Solid partitions. ( necessary. refer to rule 21 ) 2) Position: This type 2) Position: These partitions should be fixed usually be and mostly used to similar characters different divide the spaces with characters or functions, or spaces used to of partition should divide the spaces with or functions, or to subdivide a room. in the private zone. Rule a-24: PARTIAL PARTITIONING A space may be partitions divided in order by to moveable " provide some flexibility and a higher degree of visual and spatial linkage, access to adjacent spaces, Ige p i-F'ji! or some ventilation and natural 1) Partitioning partitions, such in the Ko-Shan " (y' ,1 il elements: I i |i Moveable as folding screen, screen, door-like or window-like void light. upper partitions part, which with a we cali " FIGURE RuIe a-24 (U!oe COwh) ) . These par t i t ions coul d be entirely removed to make a large space, if -86-- Rule a-25: SYMBOLIC PARTITIONING The space may not actually Li only ~ii7- ~,zji - i symbolically be divided divided, by " but symbolic partitions " which narrow down the height and I the width of the connection. 1) Partitioning elements: This ( $ partition was termed " Chao" type ). of There are four basic variation. 2) Position: This type of partition should be used to divide characters and the spaces with functions, homogenous or to indicate a subdivision within a room. 3 - 3: ON THE ROOM LEVEL 3-3-1: Dimensions Rule a-26: DIMENSIONS OF ROOMS The ancestor hall should be FIGURE Rule a-25 - 87- the the largest in whole dwelling, in terms of width, depth and height. dominant It is also located at the most location and has the most elaborate decoration. If we simplify the dimensions each room, we can roughly dimensions as follows: of width of back wall may not necessarily be the same as that of ancestor hall, but wide enough to place a family altar table. r induce the typical H (see Table 1) Rule a-27: Proportion Therefore, we can infer the general proportion from rule 25 as follows: width : depth : height =1 : 1.5 : 1 The ratio of the diameter and the height the column is usually around 1:8 or Rule a-28: THE WIDTH OF FIGURE Rule a-27 SOLID H. D= ~r : of 1:13. WALL FOR PLACING FAMILY ALTAR TABLE OR TERMINATING THE CENTRAL AXIS FIGURE Rule a-28 The main door to the ancestor hall should always be centered at the front side and face . directly the solid wall at the back. The v -88- 3-3-2: Shapes ON Rule a-29: SHAPES Apart from some of the Hakka dwellings in found China in the form of concentric Mainland FIGURE Rule a-29 Chinese circles, most traditional ' - V always are considered as dwellings a composition of rectangular shaped spaces. (reference to Rule a-3)- / -k/ f , 3-3-3: Configurations Rule a-30: CONFIGURATIONS 2) 1) For the ancestor hall The ancestor "U"-shaped hall should FIGURE Rule a-30 - 89- be a configuration of vertical planes, which define a field of inward always focus orientation. This as space well as configuration that an has an outward allows the space to have visual and spatial 2) On the back wall: continuity The back side of the room is with the courtyard. configuration always with have a "[]"-shaped one or two doors on both lateral walls, or with one door on the wall only a soild wall. 2) For the other rooms The other rooms always 3) On the front side The surface and edges on the front always front of that room, which also define a field more are elegant and gorgeous than those of the other sides. They either side well-decorated are articulated door-like by panels or of space that has an inward focus but less of well-decorated brick walls. an outward orientation. BAK 3-3-4: Surfaces and Edges Rule a-31: SURFACES AND EDGES 1) On the side walls and.partitions: Surfaces and edges partitions, the columns more or on the often, side walls and !I510 WALL are articulated by structural elements always are engaged in the walls. which FIGURE Rule a-31 - 90- Rule a-32: A PLACE FOR INSCRIBING OR PASTING UP THE SCROLL PAIRS OR COUPLETS There must be some place to inscribe or paste up the pair paintings or of scrolls, couplets on calligraphic the surfaces of walls. 1) On the back wall: In the ancestor hall, most important placed the back wall. symmetrically wall is the those places should be around the ancestor niche. 2) On the side walls: They should pasting up scrolls, or have symmetrical those symbolic calligraphic for places or PitermN -- c (courtde) decorative paintings on the FIGURE Rule a-32 columns or walls. FRONT WALL 3) On the front side: The places for those things located around the door-frame. are always RULE a-33: COLOR Chalky, garnet and green paint the building. -91- could be used to 3-3-5: Openings Rule a-34: OPENINGS The openings always are within the enclosing planes of a space, and they are rarely locate along one edge or at a corner of a wall. Besides, being rectangular still are a lot of in shape, variations, there such as circle, semicircle etc.. But, the rectangular shape is popular, and their dimensions also contrast with those of walls, that is to make it smaller. Most openings are usually reinforced with a heavy frame. 3 - 4: ON THE FURNITURE LEVEL Rule a-35: THE ARRANGEMENT OF FURNITURE All the furniture should be placed the wall and arranged symmetr ically. against I AIR~%CflOLIS -IFA 2 2'10 ;"';S sAMLf ALAs N s 5-"O()L 6 TFA A11 N PAW(, 77ALRCst T J*ST ' 'Rwf O L.(SET Foor sTO(x 1O*A~fR FIGURE Rule a-35 -92- Rule a-36: FAMILY ALTAR TABLE Rule a-39: CHINESE STOVE The family altar table and eight-person table The Chinese stove should associated with the drum stools should always openings be placed in the ancestor hall along the wall a good condition for ventilation. be closed to of kitchen room in order to provide facing the main entrance. Rule a-37: TEA-POT TABLE The Tea-pot table between formal should always sitting chairs, be placed rarely in FIGURE Rule a-34 front of these chairs. Rule a-38: BED The bed always and be table in the bedroom Veyttilatiort should placed on the transversal axis of bedroom and opposite each should to the direction of the be parallel other. The bed ridge or beams. FIGURE rule a-39 -93- the CHAPTER 4: THE SELECTED RULES and PHYSICAL PATTERNS----94 4 - 1: INTRODUCTION--- 4 - 2: ON THE DWELLING LEVEL- -----------------------95 4-2-1: Spatial Organization 4-2-2: Spatial Sequence 4-2-3: Space Transition 4 - -- - ---- 4-3-2: Shapes - 4-3-3: Configurations 4-3-4: Surfaces and Edges 4-3-5: Openings ON THE FURNITURE -97 - 98 ---- 4: - ---------- Dimensions 4 - 95 - ------ 4-3-1: - ------- --- 3: ON THE ROOM LEVEL - ---- - 99 - 100 ---- -100 - LEVEL ---- - - ------- 99 - 0 -- 101 --- 101 -- 94- 4 - 4-2-1: Spatial Organization INTRODUCTION 1: Rule b-1: ACCESS In this chapter, I attempt to make a new of set rules, on which the design will be based, by implicitly selecting or transforming the relevant traditional rules, and by implicitly some borrowing contemporary That that or perfect required, context not does new mean from conventions and that further building any study the codes. decision is is Each unit in have its the public open space or entrance an inner logic hall. 2: identification territory. not and ON THE DWELLING LEVEL FIGURE Rule b-1 --95- The to a common should enable the expression consi stency. 4 - should apartment main entrance open directly to the but means only that these selected rules are derived from walk-up and the commonly shared hall entrance of the control user's of his Rule b-2: BUILT FORM for the whole dwelling. The same as rule a-2. 2) There should be a Rule b-3: SPATIAL ORGANIZATION IN GRID THE SYSTEM clear articulation of territory. Such centrality is very important for occupants the existential place. to identify their (* 1) The same as Rule a-3. Rule b-6: FLEXIBILITY IN SPACE FUNCTION Rule b-4: CIRCULATION The central public The major circulation path should be a centered mostly space for used through family activities. which could could all The living combination living living a variety the dwelling, room,etc., of purposes the needs of the moment. look similar in shape, is They form and dimensions. characteristics: 1) on in inward have should house The the always reserved for depending Rule b-5: THE CENTRALITY OF DWELLING be space Rule b-7: FLEXIBILITY IN STRUCTURAL SYSTEM room, room or some times and dini ng could be conceived as the center of a The same as rule a-7. room, gravity -96- Rule b-8: RECTANGULAR SHAPE the The same as rule a-8. system of physical built form. circulation system, but also on the Rule b-9: ORIENTATION 4-2-2: Spatial Sequence All the spaces around the public space in the dwelling point should create an internal focal but also should have a strong sense of orientation towards the connection exterior space. dwelling. (* 2) with the This outward orientation of Rule b-12: CIRCULATION SYSTEM The primary circulation system should have direct connection the dwelling. is the with the public space of The connection secondary a between circulation rooms system which should be distinguished from the primary one. Rule b-10: THE BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY The same as rule a-10. Rule b-13: CIRCULATION PATH The central axis of the dwelling Rule b-11: CLEAR DISTINCTION BETWEEN vertically PRIMARY SYSTEM AND THE SECONDARY SYSTEM circuitous. There should be a clear the primary distinction distinction should be reflected not -97- between and the secondary system. only should not THE Such on cut through the whole, but be Rule b-14: SPATIAL SEQUENCE The outside Transitional etc.) --- -- Main Space (Foyer Public space Transitional (Dining Room Transitional Space entrance -- or Front Balcony The same as rule a-16, but the living room could substitute for the ancestor hall. (Such as Livingd Room) Space or Rule b-16: ANCESTOR HALL and NICHE -- Private Bedroom (Back Space etc.) Balcony etc.) Rule b-17: THE INTENSIFICATIONS OF PRIMARY --4 SPACES -- The same as rule a-17. Outside. A transitional space should be placed between two spaces with different characteristics. 4-2-3: Space Transition Rule b-18: Rule b-15: THE ORGANIZATION OF INTIMACY GRADIENT PRIMARY Entry -- SPACES. Living room -- ) dining room bedroom or kitchen room The primary spaces, such as th e living room, family room or dining room, sh ould be located Rule b-19: TRANSITION SPACE along the central axis and f orm the central system of organization of the The same as rule a-19 whole dwelling. -98- 4 - Rule b-20: MAIN ENTRANCE 3: ON THE ROOM LEVEL The same as rule a-20. 4-3-1: Rule b-21: GATE Dimensions It is not applicable in this design. Rule b-26: DIMENSIONS OF ROOMS It is not applicable in this design. Rule b-22: TOTAL PARTITIONING The same as rule a-22. Rule b-27: PROPORTION Rule b-23: TOTAL PARTITIONING WITH A DOOR It is not applicable in this design. OPENING The same as rule a-23. Rule b-28: THE WIDTH OF SOLID WALL FOR PLACING FAMILY ALTAR TABLE OR FOR TERMINATING Rule b-24: PARTIAL PARTITIONING THE CENTRAL AXIS The same as rule a-24. The main door to the dwelling be centered at face the solid wall The same as rule a-25. of -99- always the front side and directly Rule b-25: SYMBOLIC PARTITIONING the should at the back. The width back wall may not necessarily be the dwelling. The other rooms are same as that of the dwelling, but wide enough space to place the family altar table. always "fl"-shaped configuration with a on any of the wall, which door also define a field of space that has an inward focus but less of an 4-3-2: Shapes outward orientation. Rule b-29: SHAPE 4-3-4: The same as rule a-29. Surfaces and Edges Rule b- 31: SURFACES and EDGES 4-3-3: Configurations The same as rule a-31. Rule b-30: CONFIGURATIONS The public space, such as always should configuration define a of field be living the in vertical room, "U"-shaped a planes, Rule b-32: A PLACE FOR INSCRIBING OR PASTING UP THE SCROLL PAIRS OR COUPLETS which of space that has an inward The same as rule a-32. focus as well as an outward orientation. This configuration allows the space to have visual and spatial continuity with the exterior Rule b-33: COLOR it is not applicable in this design. -100- Rule b-37: TEA-POT TABLE 4-3-5: Openings It is not applicable in this design. Rule b-34: OPENINGS It could be the same as rule a-34. Rule b-38: Bed It is not applicable in this design. Rule b-39: CHINESE STOVE 4 - 4: ON THE FURNITURE LEVEL The same as rule a-39. Rule b-35: THE ARRANGEMENT OF FURNITURE It is not applicable in this design. Rule b-36: FAMILY ALTAR TABLE It should always be space, the such as placed in living room, and should be against the the main entrance. - 101- the public room or dining wall facing (1) (reference to "Exstence, Architecture" written by Norberg-Schulz). (1) (reference to "Mensch Und by 0. F. Bollnow.) Space and Christian Raum" written CHAPTER 5: THE PROPOSED DWELLING MODEL for THE CONTEMPORARY WALK-UP APARTMENT-----102 5 - 1: INTRODUCTION ------------------------ 104 5 - 2: THE GIVEN REQUIREMENTS -------5-2-1: Dwel l ing and Access Types--------------104 5-2-2: The Requirements of Spaces and Functions --- 10 5 5 - 3: THE PROPOSED DWE LL ING MODEL - - ----------- 106 106 5-3-1: Method----------- ------------------------- ------- -------- 107 5-3-2: Support Plan--107 --------------5-3-2-1: Support Plan 5-3-2-2: Dimensional Study - --------------------112 5-3-2-3: The Determination of Access - - - ---- 117 5-3-2-4: Variations of Dwelling Units within The Support Plan --------------- 18 19 ----- - - --5-3-3: Dwelling Units 5-3-3-1: Basic Dwe! ing Units -- ---------.--119 -- 120 5-3-3-2: Variations of Dwelling Units ---- - --5-3-4: Examples - - -- --.----------- 121 121 - ------------ - ---5-3-4-1: Type A -124 -- -----------5-3-4-2: Type B 5-3-4-3: Sections of Type A and Type B --- --- 127 - 5 - 4: Discussions 5-4-1: Support Level -- 5-4-2: Dwel i ng Level ---5-4-3: Room Level - - - - - ---- - - - - - - --- -- - - - ----- - - - - -- -- 128 ------- --- - - 128 -129 - 102- organization of forms and spaces, 5 - 1: from I not start INTRODUCTION have developed rule system. Before functional program, but from an architecture image. bring all those rules together to beginning a a in order to make new dwelling types, we must Before I move to the physical design, I would know about the uses that can be made of the like to make some assumptions , on which Therefore, spaces. we proposed analyzing the the with start will dwelling model will be based, to capacity of various spaces on limit the scope of this study various levels by investigating in what a ways given space can be used or inhabited. Once 1. It is assumed that these formulated we are familiar with such capacities, should be freely able to deploy those spaces rules we and patterns are acceptable in terms of the contemporary context. on a higher level according to the rules that we already made, because we already know what uses or functons could be allowed in 2. It is also assumed that various units in dwelling those be accommodated an apartment spaces. complex, which will create a variety. begin with However, wide range of this need not necessarily the Therefore, I actually arangement of furniture and lead toward the be the case and hence cannot be a accepted as a rule. -103- 3. It is assumed that apartments be developed in such a way that various groups of 5 - 2: THE GIVEN REQUIREMENTS people with various backgrounds can be accommodated. 5-2-1: Dwelling and Access Types 4. It of is assumed that the four-story limit Since this study apar tments is an appropriate way the personal connection height deal with walk-up the access to each dwelling unit between on the upper floors building to to apartments, express is should rely on stairs and the health of a people. rather (* 1) A: uYPn than equipment, e.g. However, there are types walk-up in instance, 1 mechanical elevators. gallery 1 on we with in-between stairs, may use an commonly interior as apartments an other (* access 2). exterior For public shared stairs, or an corridor access. with According open to the previous rules, I should limit this study or OR:- 7e eo&roIPlAfkd, FIGURE 42 Ryoft er C .0~-P t0±th tf'fm to the following access types (Figure 42). it not necessarily be also, however, need accepted as a rule that we have to But, strictly fol low. -104- Different Functions and The Minimum Dimension TABLE 2 5-2-2: The Requirements of Spaces and (The requirements of Rooms: Types in Area of building codes in Taiwan) Unit: o' Besides the selecte i rules and we patterns, Diimnmo The Uumber also should abide the public Rel evant samples and requirements regulations. building local the by requirements are listed in tables housing the of (Table 2 & of Bedrooms Studio 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4 3 - 4 Category Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E Living Rm. 12 d 12 14 15 2.7 m Dining Ra. 6 8 9 10 2.4 . Living Rm. 16 18 20 22 2.4 a Dining Ru. Dining Ba. Dining Rm. 9 10 12 14 2.1 m 10 (1) 10 (1) 10 (1) 2.7 a 7.5 (1) 7.5 (2) 7.5 (2) 2.1 5 (0-1) 5 (1-2) 5 (1-2) 1.8 m m Kitchen a. Master 10 (1) Bedroom 3) Bedroom (A) 5 (0-1) Bedroom (B) The main entrance be should the on to each dwelling unit Kitchen front side, never on the Ru. 4 4.2 4.2 5.5 5.5 1.8 a Toilet Ra. + Bath Rm. 3 3-4 3.4 4 4 1.5 ' 1.35 1.35 2 2 3.5 5 6 3ath lateral sides or the back side. For menion all am. 3torage Rm. 0.9 m Living Rm. those types of access directly lead to the 2.7 . 18 Dining R.. 3edroom center of the dwelling. It simply disobeys Footnote: rule b-14: Spatial Sequence. TABLE 3 The number of (0-1) The or (1) stands for the number of rooms. Minimum Heights in Various Rooms: Room Footnotes: Living 3paces: Non-living - 105- --- -sn"o- - - - --- W N 4100 Bedroom. Living Room. Kitchen Room. Dining Room, etc. 3paces: Toilet, Bathroom. .torage Room. Staircase. Corridor, Balcony, Basement, etc. Height (cm) Living Spaces 260 Non-living Spaces 240 The Bottom Edge of Beam Mezzanine ae a18 Living Spac Toilet with a ceiling ._210 210 8 5 - 3: THE PROPOSED DWELLING MODEL 5-3-1: Method which a a as An ideal methcd should serve method The decision-making process identify of task theme--. The Ih.arvelant .relations- among them. employ a zoning system, among a as method, those on can be explicitly made, and design which should be able to reflect the rules. base is selected back-and-forth a design between and thematic design is to and elements I Here, based on intend the the to SAR base, where all the relations identified elements can be "A zone distribution is and system of zones margins, the relative positions of which follow certain conventions". MC--- An alpha intended zone is an internal area, for private use, and is adjacent to an exterior wall. --- A beta zone is an internal area, intended for private use, and is not adjacent to an external wall. r --- A gamma zone can be internal or external but is intended for public use. 6 --- explicitly located. a delta A zone is an external area intended for private use. Here, two types of developed to be distribution zoning bases variations can be made. on which are a lot of Margin --zones, A margin is an area between two with the characteistics of both these zones and taking its name from them. (* 3) -106- TYPE A: C/A ( 120 0( 300 co at S 1'20 C 30 120 210 120 3 0 GO OL 120 I2O" am THE GROUND FLOOR and THE FOURTH FLOOR 120 THE SECOND FLOOR and THE THIRD FLOOR CA 0( 300 120 210 ot r 120 360 (1) PERFORMANCE RULE (* 4) 90 /W0 In THE SECOND FLOOR and THE THIRD FLOOR every zone distribution three primary positions can be distributed: TYPE B: Position 1: > 0(3 Ix0C^ O. 300 ot-o lA0 The minimum depth of a space is the width one zone and of maximum depth is the width of the zone plus the two adjoining margins. 120 THE GROUND FLOOR and THE FOURTH FLOOR -107- Special purose spaces (* 5) , such as bedroom, study room, guest room, master bedroomm,etc., will be usually be located in position 1. position 2: The minimum depth of a space is the width the plus zones between them. the the margins of width The maximum depth is the width zones and the margins., of the POSITION ancestor family hall, room, 1 room, General purpose spaces, such as living - of etc., will be 0( located in either position 1 or position 2. position 3: Ox The maximum depth of a space is the width of the margin. POSITION 2 kitchen Service spaces, such as room and room, bath toilet room, etc., will be located in position 1 or position 3. All these positions conform performance rule Spaces always I to the in 0( general (* 6): ejd = oL a margin where structural components will be placed. the POSITION 3 --108 - 5-3-2: Support Plan 3400 30o A9 480 500 4A0 300 41 00 5-3-2-1: Support Plan s-3 TYPE A- SUPPORT PLAN Scale: 1/200 Ur0 TYPE B -SUPPORT -109- PLAN" Scale: 1/200r 1 M .5 ~L 2 Il IrI TRANSVERSAL SECTION FI- 0 4.' BAse- 11 I1011111111 ~ll ifi ~I '1 Scale: 1/200 -110- /'0o 90 r o- LATERAL SECTION -111- /8o IA- Scale: 15ct10 1/200 zo '2 150 1o 360 /20 oc ev Z/o /20 300 . /20 5-3-2-2: Dimensional Study Go J~a ~o 0 -- 6' a K Mo '- 95 2-2 A.~ 90 120 A45 2857 E~ 0 X) 0A IwI GENERIC DIMENSIONS - 112- 3040 WIDTH 300 3500 300 300 Sca 0o -113- 0100 o00 4AO 480 DEPTH Scale: 1/200 OLC 711W -114- PREFERRED DIMENSIONS and AREAS ILLUSTRATIONS Single bed According to rule b-6 o o on( O Din ing Room D 0 Furniture EOD TI" I So Dining Room function) , intend to appropriate dimensions for will Double Bed I (Flexibility adopt certain search each degree terms of the function of in space for room which flexibility each room an in (Figure Washing Equipment 43). Wall Closets Partition Stairs Toilet C Each space will classification Family Altar be of categorized large, under medium the and small space by indicating the range of the minimum Table and maximum dimension for each type of room. o 0 Kitchen Equipment Sofa 1. Large space is a space intended to be used as living room, family room, etc.. Table 2. Medium space is a used etc.. -115- as master space bedroom intended to be and double bedroom 3. Small space is a space intended to be used as single bedroom and kitchen toilet room, room with a bathroom, etc.. flexibility in the usage of space. a create will requirements These minimum dimensional The large space should be able to accommodate its own activities and the activities of spaces. smaller The smallest space should its also be large enough to accommodate possibile activities. In other be large space should be able to into medium the words, own a subdivided a medium space and a small space, and a space should also be able to be subdivided into a small space and a utility so that the space, flexibility will be provided by such classification. - 116- 5-3-2-3: The Determination of Access Scale: 1/400 29-.2 If the total floor area on each floor is less than 400 m2, it requires a minimum of a common stairway as access to the ground. (required by Building Regulations). 2. Thus, the common maximum stairways distance between two in this design is fixed at 28.2 m. 3. A common stairway with adjacent which located both in the galleries second and the third floor can serve four dwelling units each floor. -117- on 4-k 2~.2/~A 5-3-2-4: Variations of Dweling Units within The Support Plan TRANSVERSAL SECTION Scale: PRIMARY CIRCULATION 1/400 Common Gallery Common Stairway SECOND ARY CIRCULATION A Extra Stairway Variations of Dwelling Units LATERAL SECTION 1. Common gallery at the second and third f l oor will serve as access to the upper floors. 2. Should unit(s) created on the fourth, an extra be needed stairway will the as access between third and fourth floors. (Relevant rule: b-1) Two-Story-Unit All One-Story-Unit Two-Story-Unit Occurring at Occurring at The Upper Floor The In-between Zone -118 - 5-3-3: Dwelling Units BASIC DWELLING UNITS 5-3-3-1: Basic Dwelling Units 0 FLOOR PLANS 1. We may construct a three-story-unit or a IL two-story-unit. 2. There are many possibilities of making Three-Bay-Unit various combinations of would like to limit the and the height dwelling units. maximum of floor dwelling I unit can develop Two-Bay-Unit area to * two-story-unit with three three bays. 3. Thus, morphologically,I One-Bay-Unit SECTION three basic dwelling types. 4. The combinations horizontal dwelling 119- variants unit with beteen can vertical create variance. and different Two-Story-Unit One-Story-Unit with a Mezzanine One-Story-Unit 5-3-3-2: Variations of Dwelling Units VERTICAL VARIATIONS 3-Bay-Unit HORIZONTAL VARIATIONS 2-Bay-Unit Dwelling Unit 1-Bay-Unit 0 .4 J AA ,:E j 0 4-1 -120- 5-3-4: Examples .5-3-4-1: Type A 480 480 /IA ^ CI- 4 ^AoC/^ (J 0 0 cN4 ~0 0 ~-r ~ N LOWER FLOOR TYPE A --Scale: -121- ONE-STORY-UNIT with ONE BAY 1/200 TYPE A --- UPPER FLOOR TWO-STORY-UNIT with ONE BAY (OR MEZZANINE) cav'. 4AP TYPE A --- 30 ONE-STORY-UNIT 4~o 3oo TYPE A --- 480 .300 490 300 TWO-STORY-UNIT with TWO BAYS (OR MEZZANINE) with TWO BAYS LOWER FLOOR Scale: 1/200 UPPER FLOOR - 122- 0' CL" OR -(! TYPE A --TWO-STORY-UNIT with THREE BAYS (OR MEZZANINE) -123- 0 'N -N 5-3-4-2: Type T B 460 4~o 410 up LOWER FLOOR TYPE B --- ONE-STORY-UNIT TYPE B --- UPPER FLOOR TWO-STORY-UNIT with ONE BAY (OR MEZZANINE) with ONE BAY Scale: 1/200 - 124- AA 300 0040 300 4AO 300 o L- --TYPE B --- ONE-STORY-UNIT WITH TWO BAYS Scale: -125- 1/200 TYPE B LOWER FLOOR 4A0 300 o ES TWO-STORY-UNIT WITH TWO BAYS (OR MEZZANINE) UPPER FLOOR t 0 ) C4 N -04 OL C 0 N TYPE B --- ONE-STORY-UNIT with THREE BAYS LOWER FLOOR N 0C OR cGL ) 04 0 Scale: 'N 1/200 UPPER FLOOR TYPE B --- TWO-STORY-UNIT with THREE BAYS (OR MEZZANINE) -126- 5- 3-4- 3 : Sections of Type A and Type B of Type A and Type B 5-3-4-3: Sections 0CY cx. I I I I I I I * I I I r I4 Ii OFL.N I I i ______ I 3 -5 -v IE II Scale: I I I I I I I I L i I I - * I I I * I I rn~w~ !~Trn~ 6-127- Th 204F L. I -I i /. mu W" I I - U I J I I - LI ~ I II I 5 - 4: DISCUSSIONS This is a review of Disadvantages: the proposed dwelling model a) Construction cost: The construction cost might be increased by the split level public gallery. 5-4-1: On The Support Level Advantages: a) Neighborhood interaction: 5-4-2: On The Dwellin g Level The neighborhood interaction can be increased Advantages: by means of the public gallery. a) Flexibility: b) Privacy and territory demarcation: The marginal space allows The privacy of each maintained a by split public gallery and the the same time dwelling unit dwelling the is unit level can between habitable floor, be the at private balcony of each treated as a the territory; changed therefore, over time on the the space which demarcates the private territory. a) Circulation: c) Flexibility: A longer circulation path is Since the concept of support system caters to layout the demand to different floor plans, entrance at the sidewall. range of variations can be accommodated. house basis can of be the specific requirements. Disadvantages; wide to change the arrangement of spaces within their transition a occupants as compared to the implied in the layout with an b) Public spaces for fami ly activities: -128- Because the living room will be by the path, circulation the cut through need for a c) The conflict between circulation for thus generating the only designed for a specific use at one time, but also to be used movement and activies in the living room: room, a) Floor: Because a room is not larger area would be required. All movement has to pass through Disadvantages: living the possibilities of other uses or be subdivided at another time, the need for larger areas under each room category would be required. conflict. The conflict will be sharpened when there is a guest in the living room. 5-4-3: On The Room Level (1) Reference to "Pattern Language" written by Alexander. (2) referrence to the Japanese architecture information book vol. 1, p 122 - p 123. Advantages: a) Flexibility: All the categories by spaces grouped into the range dimensions, of thus minimum enabling flexibility in the function of room. -129- three of large, medium and small spaces indicating maximum are and a (3) Referrence to "Variations" Habraken, p 53 - p 55 (4) by N. J. Referrence to "Variations" p 62 - 64 (S) 5. The definitions of special purpose space, general purpse space and service space are different from those of the catagories of to 2, referrence in chapter rooms "Variations" p 57) CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION----- --------------------130 6 - 1: CONCLUSION---------------------------- --- 131 6 - 2: THE IMPLICATIONS for FUTURE RESEARCH----133 -130- 6 - 1: CONCLUSION fuse the traditional ideas contemporary context, and how It is undeniable that the entire social into to the develop a contemporary Chinese dwelling in Taiwan still leaves room for exploration. structure in tremendous change economic years. that Taiwan due development The change it has not The undergone to in has the the been constant last so thirty widespread everyday change will refer religious to "ph.D. Liu, 1980) surely go on, consider adaptati on belief. (Readers can The r elat ionship between old and the apartment buildings in Taiwan, which have adopted an overwhelming Western reflect -131- style, it. have Thus, the failed completely .to question of how to imported the different contexts from derived; changes and mind. however, seems family emperor are necessary to if we have tradition in courtyard house doctrines depicted family of with a Confucianism, structure subsys tem of 'the dictative political which they symmetric al axis was actually created on the basis of which it which For exampl e, the well-organized layout of the traditiona l strict built are heterogeneous in nature because of its Dissertation by John K. C. new is so subtle that forms of sense of tradition conveyed through living style and As we know, traditional lives however, one still feels among these a a only affected traditional values but also the people. has means, was to the as a as a system, status of the father in a important dynasty. as that of the Such a rigid layout for the Chinese dwelling, no matter how we look at it in terms of the concept of spatial organzation attending only to trivial details, such as decorations. or the social concept, would not exist in the twentieth still means expression century.' Unless we insist on the kind of life-style under To summarize my arguments: 1. In the process of selecting a meaningful the hierarchy of the Chinese family structure pattern, with the supremacy of father, we do not or reject tradition, but whether the attitude any reason have to insist on the rigid layout of "Syh-Ho Yuan". symmetrical It does layout is not mean that inappropriate, simply implies that we should not adopt a the issue is not whether to inherit toward tradition is rational. What I would like to encourage is a rational attitude. it the 2. Under the principle of free choice, the layout without questioning its origin and our popularity of any timeless pattern will never intent. be eliminated in a rational manner. As a matter of fact, the concept of symmetrical layout has been widely accepted if the sense of monumentality is intended. 3. The process of style is In architecture, traditional moral values can Architects only be expressed in physical forms, however, residents. it is rather superficial if a concrete formulating gradual cannot and impose architectural accumulative. patterns on It takes continuous searching for the architects from the past and the present, -132- to form purpose participation from residents, with together is pattern. architectural any to feasibility of the address My whether traditional patterns could be applied to to the contemporary context, and design rational a propose further research and 2. The Support Model Since the and socio-cultural environment also this 6 - 2: THE IMPLICATIONS for forms zoning (including sector analysis ), issue, not explored in this study. It appears necessary to study the of living constant important transformation is another was physical to adaptable both is constantly physical, transforming, how to make a which method. context, environmental capacities analysis and the support structure, and FUTURE RESEARCH in the infill components 1. Adaptation As the emphasis formation support of Traditional Patterns of this of a model, study is on the model that can order to make a be changed over time to meet occupants' in-time requirements. I am aware of the fact that the study has not addressed the problem 3. Surrounding Context of how to adapt traditional patterns into the I did not discuss how to contemporary site for the proposed dwelling model, neither adaptation context. The is nevertheless very and calls for further studies. -133- issue of important, did I explain how select a specific to plan a neighborhood, which is feasibile in my conceptualization. 4. of Evaluation and Process Design is theme is should made,one (to see if evaluate the entire design process the consistently reflected in the design), and the environmental quality. A set of criteria for a good living environment is needed , which may contain issues like the sense of territory,orientation, identity, us the process of physical understand environmental transformations, which in Environmental Quality Once the dwelling model help convenience, will serve in developments The power a as of knowledge transformational turn good predictor for future the physical environment. prediction, together with the about processes, important areas of research environmental is the very in architecture. privacy, accessibility and safety. 5. Research model The physical environment is a of the representation socio-cultural context. The changes in socio-cultural context will also result in the transformations environment. A model interactive relationship of the which between physical studies them the will --134- BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. On Theory and Mothodology 1) Habraken, N. John, "General Principles about The Way Built Environment Exist" M.I.T. handout, 1977. 2) Habraken, N. John, "Thematic System Theory and Communication among Those who Investigate The Built Environment" M.I.T. handout, 1981. 13) Habraken, N. John, "Grunsfeld Variations: A Report on The Thematic Development of An Urban Tissue". Department of Architecture, M.I.T. V4) Habraken, N. John, "Variations: The Systematic Design of Supports", M.I.T., M.I.T. Laboratory of Architecturre and Planning, 1976. 5) Habraken, N. John, "Transformations of The Site", Awater press, 1982. 6) Habraken, N. 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Fig. 44, p. 4 6 From 29) Fig. 19, p. 62 -140-