FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION (R5) VALLEJO, CALIFORNIA FSH 1109.12 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM CODES, CAPTIONS, AND INDEX Supplement No.: 1109.12-2016-1 Effective Date: 2/4/2016 Duration: This supplement expires 5 years from the effective date unless superseded or removed earlier. Approved: Randy Moore, Regional Forester Date Approved: 2/4/2016 Posting Instructions: Handbook supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. Last Change: 1109.12-2015-1 to Chapter 50 New Document: 1109.12_50, 4 Pages Superseded Document(s): 1109.12-2015-1, 5 Pages Digest: 51 - Revises the R5 RO Directives Index. FSH 1109.12 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM CODES, CAPTIONS, AND INDEX Supplement No.:1109.12-2016-1 - Effective Date: 2/4/2016 51 - CODES AND CAPTIONS 3. The R5 Directives Index is the official source for validating the R5 RO directive system, directives not listed in the exhibit 02 of this index are removed from the directive system. 51 - Exhibit 02 - R5 RO Current Directives Index Code 1100 1109.12 1109.12 1309.14 1700 2100 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2409.11 2409.11 2409.11 2409.11 2409.11 2409.12 2409.12 2409.12 2409.12 2409.12 2409.15 2409.15 2409.15 2409.15 2409.18 2409.18 2409.18 Chapter 1110 1109.12_30 1109.12_50 1309.14_10 1760 2150 2400_0 2420 2430 2440 2460 2490 2409.11_10 2409.11_30 2409.11_40 2409.11_50 2409.11_60 2409.12_10 2409.12_30 2409.12_40 2409.12_60 2409.12_70 2409.15_0 2409.15_10 2409.15_20 2409.15_60 2409.18_30 2409.18_40 2409.18_50 SeqNo 2015-1 2015-1 2016-1 2011-2 2015-1 2014-1 2011-3 2011-1 2015-1 2014-1 2011-2 2016-1 2015-1 2015-2 2015-3 2015-4 2015-5 2011-1 2011-2 2014-1 2014-2 2011-3 2011-1 2012-2 2011-2 2012-1 2014-1 2015-1 2013-1 2409.22 2409.22 2409.22_41 2409.22_45 2016-2 2011-4 Date Staff 8/20/2015 PDB 1/16/2015 PDB 2/4/2016 PDB 9/8/2011 PDB 6/19/2015 CR 10/2/2014 SPF 4/11/2011 EM 1/19/2011 EM 3/9/2015 EM 3/21/2014 EM 1/19/2011 EM 2/16/2016 EM 1/7/2015 EM 1/7/2015 EM 1/7/2015 EM 1/7/2015 EM 1/7/2015 EM 4/7/2011 EM 4/7/2011 EM 3/21/2014 EM 3/21/2014 EM 4/7/2011 EM 4/6/2011 EM 9/27/2012 EM 6/27/2011 EM 8/2/2012 EM 3/31/2014 EM 8/31/2015 EM 8/13/2013 EM Chaptertitle Directive System Structure And Standards Format Standards Directive System Codes, Captions, And Index Forms Equal Employment Opportunity Pesticide-Use Management And Coordination Zero Code Timber Appraisals Commercial Timber Sales Designating, Cruising, Scaling, And Accountability Uses Of Timber Other Than Commercial Timber Sales Timber Management Information System Theory And Principles Of Scaling Log Defects And Deductions Special Scaling Problems General Scaling Requirements Check Scaling Principles Of Measuring Trees Cruising Systems Cruise Planning, Data Recording, And Cruise Reporting Quality Control Designating Timber For Cutting Zero Code Fundamentals Of Timber Sale Contracting Measuring And Accounting For Included Timber Operations And Other Provisions Project Analysis And Design – Gate 2 Sale Plan Implementation (Gate 3) And Appraisal Final Package Preparation, Review, Appraisal And Offering – Gate 4 2/4/2016 EMR5 Selling Values 6/1/2011 EMR5 Commercial Timber Sales Page 2 FSH 1109.12 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM CODES, CAPTIONS, AND INDEX Supplement No.:1109.12-2016-1 - Effective Date: 2/4/2016 Code 2409.22 2500 2509.22 2509.22 2509.22 2609.26 2609.26 2609.26 2609.26 2700 2700 2709.11 2709.11 2709.11 2709.11 2709.11 2709.12 3409.11 5100 5100 6209.11 6209.11 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.33 7300 7400 7400 Chapter 2409.22_48 2550 2509.22_10 SeqNo Date Staff Chaptertitle 2012-5 12/19/2012 EMR5 Transaction Evidence Appraisal Procedures (Tea) 2012-1 4/3/2012 EM Soil Management 2011-1 12/5/2011 EMR5 Water Quality Management For National Forest Lands In California - Best Management Practices 2509.22_20 1 7/1/1988 EMR5 Cumulative Off-Site Watershed Effects Analysis 2509.22_50 2016-1 2/5/2016 EMR5 Soil Erosion Hazard Rating 2609.26_10 2014-2 5/20/2014 EMR5 Sensitive Plant Program Management 2609.26_20 2014-3 5/20/2014 EMR5 Guidelines For Program Management 2609.26_30 2014-4 5/20/2014 EMR5 Sensitive Plant And Fungi Species List 2609.26_40 2014-5 5/20/2014 EMR5 Revegetation 2700_0 2015-1 2/20/2015 PS Zero Code 2720 2011-1 6/2/2011 PS Special Uses Administration 2709.11_10 2014-1 2/21/2014 PS Application And Authorization Processing 2709.11_30 2012-3 10/15/2012 PS Fee Determination 2709.11_40 2014-1 6/14/2011 PS Special Uses Administration 2709.11_50 2011-3 6/14/2011 PS Terms And Conditions 2709.11_70 2012-2 8/15/2012 PS Wind Energy Uses 2709.12_20 2011-1 7/8/2011 PS Department Of Transportation Easements 3409.11_60 2013-1 6/10/2013 SPF Management Of Specific Pests 5110 2010-1 2/1/2010 FAM Wildfire Prevention 5140 2015-1 10/19/2015 FAM Fire Use 6209.11_20 2011-2 8/29/2011 PDB Records Maintenance 6209.11_30 2013-1 1/9/2013 PDB Records Disposition 6509.22_0 2015-1 9/11/2015 EM Zero Code 6509.22_10 2015-1 9/11/2015 EM Financial Management [reserved] 6509.22_20 2015-1 9/11/2015 EM Planning and Financing for Cost Recovery 6509.22_30 2010-1 9/11/2015 EM Reforestation: Estimating Area Burned into a Deforested Condition and The Cost to Reforest 6509.22_40 2015-1 9/11/2015 EM Timber Volume and Value Estimation 6509.22_50 2015-1 9/11/2015 EM Other Resource Damages 6509.22_60 2015-1 9/11/2015 EM Appendix 6509.33_301 2013-1 2/14/2013 PDB Travel Allowances 7310 2011-1 4/15/2011 ENG Buildings And Related Facilities 7420 2012-1 11/15/2012 ENG Drinking Water 7430 2012-2 11/15/2012 ENG Wastewater End - 51 - Exhibit 02 - R5 RO Current Directives Index Page 3 FSH 1109.12 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 - DIRECTIVE SYSTEM CODES, CAPTIONS, AND INDEX Supplement No.:1109.12-2016-1 - Effective Date: 2/4/2016 51 - Exhibit 03 - R5 RO Superseded/Removed Since Last Directives Index Code 1100 1109.12 1500 Chapter 1110 1109.12_50 1580 SeqNo 2010-1 2015-1 2010-1 2400 2409.12 2409.22 2409.22 2409.22 2500 2500 2500 2500 2509.21 2509.21 2490 2409.12_20 2409.22_41 2409.22_41 2409.22_42 2510 2520 2530 2580 2509.21_0 2509.21_10 2010-3 2010-1 2015-3 2016-1 2010-3 1992-1 1992-2 1993-1 1992-5 1996-1 1996-1 2509.21 2509.21_20 1996-1 2509.21 2509.21 2509.22 2509.22 2709.11 6100 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 2509.21_30 2509.21_40 2509.22 2509.22_50 2709.11_10 6140 6509.22_0 6509.22_10 6509.22_20 6509.22_30 1996-1 1996-1 0 2 2014-1 2010-1 2010-1 2010-1 2014-1 2010-1 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22 6509.22_40 6509.22_50 6509.22_60 2010-1 2010-1 2010-1 Date Staff Chaptertitle 12/16/2010 PDB Directive System Structure And Standards 3/13/2015 PDB Directive System Codes, Captions, And Index 3/10/2010 AM Grants, Cooperative Agreements, And Other Agreements 12/13/2010 EM Timber Management Information System 12/16/2010 EM Estimating Tree Volume And Weight 7/28/2015 EMR5 Selling Values 1/22/2016 EMR5 Selling Values 3/15/2010 EMR5 Copy Not Available 6/15/1992 EM Watershed Planning 6/15/1992 EM Watershed Protection And Management 2/11/1993 EM Water Resource Management 6/15/1992 EM Air Resource Management 2/28/1996 EMR5 Zero Code 2/28/1996 EMR5 Determining Water Needs For National Forest Uses 2/28/1996 EMR5 Methods For Securing Water Necessary For Agency Needs 2/28/1996 EMR5 Managing Water Rights And Uses 2/28/1996 EMR5 Water Rights And Uses Records And Data Base 1/1/1987 EMR5 Soil And Water Conservation Handbook 7/16/1990 EMR5 Soil Erosion Hazard Rating 1/9/2014 PS Application And Authorization Processing 3/23/2010 HRM Performance, Training, Awards 9/3/2010 EM Zero Code 9/3/2010 EM Financial Management [reserved] 1/22/2014 EM Planning and Financing for Cost Recovery 9/3/2010 EM Reforestation: Estimating Area Burned into a Deforested Condition and The Cost to Reforest 9/3/2010 EM Timber Volume and Value Estimation 9/3/2010 EM Other Resource Damages 9/3/2010 EM Appendix End - 51 - Exhibit 03 - R5 RO Superseded/Removed Since Last Directives Index Page 4 Removed 8/20/2015 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 1/1/2016 2/4/2016 1/22/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 7/9/2015 2/4/2016 9/11/2015 9/11/2015 9/11/2015 9/11/2015 9/11/2015 9/11/2015 9/11/2015