Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 1 of 7 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL SOUTHWESTERN REGION (REGION 3) ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Interim Directive No.: R3 6610-2002-1 Effective Date: February 8, 2002 Duration: This interim directive expires on July 17, 2003. Approved: ABEL M. CAMARENA Acting Regional Forester Date Approved: 02/06/2002 Posting Instructions: Interim directives are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name at the end of the chapter. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last interim directive was R3 6610-2001-1 to FSM 6610. ID R3 6610-2002-1 New Document(s): 7 Pages Superseded Document(s) (Interim Directive Number and Effective Date) Digest: 6615.03 6615.04 Includes requirement to forecast telecommunications needs in the USDA Forecast Inventory Reporting (FIR) Database. Adds Washington Office delegation of authority to Regional Foresters for procurement of cellular phones, personal communication systems (PCS), satellite phones, and other phone services. Adds that telecommunication recurring services granted technical approval (TA) in a previous year do not require TA in subsequent years. Adds guidance, Exhibit 01 – Technical Approval Decision Matrix. Adds authority of the Regional Director, Information Resources Management to technically approve for procurement: cellular, PCS, satellite phones and other phone services. R3 INTERIM DIRECTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/2002 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 07/17/2003 Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 2 of 7 FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 6615 – TECHNICAL AUTHORIZATIONS 6615.03 – Policy Obtain authorization before acquiring information technology (IT) (automated data processing (ADP) and telecommunication) services, equipment, software, and services only after technical approval has been granted and the conditions for that approval, if any, have been met. 1. Acquisition of any IT item, equipment, or services must include technical approval based on the limits established in FSM 6615. 2. Regional (Forest Service) telecommunication needs as defined in Departmental Regulation 3300-1 Telecommunications & Internet Services and Use, for Telecommunications Network Stabilization and Migration Program (TNSMP), must be forecast in the USDA Forecast Inventory Reporting (FIR) Database. The Technical Approval Decision Matrix (exhibit 01) shall be used as a guide in determining FIR, and TA requirements. Exhibit note: CE is communication equipment; DAR is designated agency representative; IG is inspector general; PC is personal computer; WAN is wide area networks. 3. Regional Foresters have authority to provide technical approval for the procurement of cellular, PCS, satellite phones, and other phone services. Regional Foresters delegated authority is $100,000 per single acquisition. This delegated authority may not be redelegated (Washington Office letter dated June 8, 2001, Subject: Delegation of Authority for Purchase of Cellular, PCS and Satellite Phones to Field Offices). 4. Telecommunication recurring services (such as monthly recurring costs for circuits, cellular telephones, and so forth), granted technical approval in a previous year do not require technical approval in subsequent years. R3 INTERIM DIRECTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/2002 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 07/17/2003 Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 3 of 7 FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 6615.03 - Exhibit 01 Technical Approval Decision Matrix Equipment Type Answering Machines Automated Data processing Equipment Not Specifically Listed Cellular Telephones Contract Services - Data Input Contract Services - Programming Contract Services -Website Development Contract Services -Other ADP Related including rentals Cordless Telephones >$100 Circuit Switch Unit/Data Switch Unit (CSU/DSU) Data Recorders Digital Camera and Camcorder without software Digital Camera and Camcorder with hardware/software, HW/SW Digital Video Cameras for PC Ethernet Switches Facsimile Machines FTS Calling Cards Global Position System (GPS) Equipment Hubs International Calling Cards Internet Service providers Leased Lines Modems (V.90) Multiplexers/Channel Banks New PC Software Moratorium Waiver forecast on FIR if accessing Internet only TA regardless of cost regardless of cost No TA Required forecast on FIR if purchased only regardless of cost forecast on FIR TA for SW or accessory hardware DAR Authorization forecast on FIR if used on WAN forecast on FIR forecast on FIR 6615.03 - Exhibit 01 DAR Authorization Can’t Do! regardless of cost R3 INTERIM DIRECTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/2002 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 07/17/2003 Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 4 of 7 FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT - Continued Technical Approval Decision Matrix Equipment Type Overhead Projection Equipment Overhead Projection Equipment with laptop capability Pagers Palm or Windows CE Devices PC Operating System (non Windows95 or Windows2000 PC Peripherals PC Upgrades Portable Printers PC’s (Specialty) Radio Equipment <$25,000 Radio System Recording Devices Routers Telephone Handsets >$100 Satellite Technology Telephone Switches Upgrade of PC software Video Conferencing Equipment Video Equipment (camera, video cassette recorders (VCR), etc.) Voice Mail Voice Service Moves/Changes Von Services Watts Lines Wireless local area networks (LAN) Moratorium Waiver TA No TA Required if not on contract regardless of cost forecast on FIR forecast on FIR if accessing Internet only forecast on FIR forecast on FIR if not on contract regardless of cost if not on contract if not on contract if not on contract USDA IG Approval regardless of cost regardless of cost forecast on FIR if purchase only forecast on FIR forecast on FIR if accessing Internet only 6615.04 - Responsibility 6615.04 – Exhibit 01 R3 INTERIM DIRECTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/2002 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 07/17/2003 Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 5 of 7 FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Information Technology Acquisition Authority Delegations and Limitations 1. Delegation of Authority. Authority to approve IT acquisitions up to $100,000 is redelegated to the Regional Director, Information Resources Management. This authority now includes procurement of cellular, PCS (cell/pager combination communication devices), satellite phones, and other phone services. 2. Redelegation Limits. Authority to approve IT acquisitions up to $2,500 for hardware upgrades, hardware maintenance, new software, software upgrades and software maintenance is redelegated to Forest Supervisors. This authority may not be redelegated below the Forest Supervisor level. The authority does not include purchases of any telecommunications equipment or services. This authority may be used to obtain automated data processing services, equipment, equipment maintenance, and software to meet Forest Service needs in the most economical and efficient manner within budget limitations while applying good management practices. This authority includes: a. New hardware and hardware upgrades to existing personal computers, laptops, printers, and other IT equipment. This may include but is not limited to: (1) Memory. (2) Video Cards. (3) CD Writers. (4) Mobile Mass Storage Devices. (5) Network Cards. (6) Zip Drives. b. Maintenance of software, printers, and other IT equipment. c. New software and upgrades to software, which does not duplicate the functionality of software already available on the IBM contract. This includes: (1) Computer Aided Design. (2) Photo/Graphic Editing. R3 INTERIM DIRECTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/2002 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 07/17/2003 Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 6 of 7 FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (3) HTML Authoring. (4) Scientific. (5) Statistical Analysis. (6) Project Management. (7) Computer Based Training. The Director, Information Resources Management, must approve items not falling into the above categories. Submit a justification for purchases not covered above explaining why equipment on the IBM contract does not meet the unit’s needs, along with a technical approval request to the Regional Office, Information Resources Management staff. Examples of items not included in the delegation of authority include but are not limited to: (a) Office Automation Suites. (b) Word Processors. (c) Spreadsheet Software. (d) Database Software. (e) X Emulators. (f) Operating Systems. (g) Personal Computers. 8. Limitation on Exercising Delegated Authority for Non-IBM IT Acquisitions. Items purchased must not compromise the security or integrity of the Forest Service information technology network or be used in a way that compromises the integrity of the Forest Service information management environment. For example, purchasing PC storage or backup devices to avoid storing data on the IBM server. Authorizing officials should consult with IRM staff to ensure items requested are compatible with Forest Service IBM equipment. It is the responsibility of the authorizing official to assure R3 INTERIM DIRECTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/2002 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 07/17/2003 Id_r3_6610-2002-1 Page 7 of 7 FSM 6600 – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6610 – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT that any purchases will not void the warranty of IBM Contract equipment, and that the requesting personnel will support compatibility issues. 9. Annual Reporting Requirement. By October 15 each year, approving officials must submit to the Regional Director, Information Resources Management, acquisition information of items approved and the justification required per FSH 6609.12 for each acquisition. This information shall be included in the annual report to the Washington Office as described in parent text.