1580 Page 1 of 10 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL MARK TWAIN NF (REGION 9) ROLLA, MO FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 80 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK Supplement No.: R9 Mark Twain 1580-2005-1. Effective Date: March 8, 2005 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: RONNIE RAUM Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 03/08/2005 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was R9 Mark Twain 1580-2003-2. New Document R9 Mark Twain 1580-2005-1 10 Pages Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) R9 Mark Twain 1580-2003-2 9 Pages Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement. 1580.3 Policy - Adding item 9 – Delegation of Authority and changing “B&F” to “Budget” throughout the text. R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 2 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK 1580.3 POLICY 1. Most Agreements can now be prepared on the Grants and Agreements website. Prior to going on-line, you must prepare the Agreements Worksheet (Exhibit 1). If you are not sure what type of agreement to process on-line, send the Agreements Worksheet to Budget. A determination will be made here on what type of agreement needs to be prepared. If you are sure of the agreement type you may proceed completing the on-line form. In any case, the agreements worksheet should be completed prior to beginning the on-line form. This form will become part of the official file. All agreements, regardless of type must be sent to Budget. 2. All Payment Agreements must include a comprehensive financial plan, which clearly spell out the roles of all partners involved and funding to be paid. Job codes and ALTERNATE JOB CODE numbers must be included for all payments to be made by the Mark Twain National Forest. Any line item not included in an approved work plan must be accompanied by the appropriate Program Manager’s request to add a specific project to a work plan. All Payment Agreements MUST include a signature line for the Budget Officer as certifying official. 3. All draft agreements WILL BE routed to the appropriate S.O. Program Manager and Staff Officer for review. (See Checklist – Exhibit 02) 4. Upon Program area review, ALL agreements will be routed to Budget for fund certification, format and burden rate review. If waiving burden, a justification must be included with the agreement. This can be just a typed statement documenting your conversation with the cooperator and the reason for waiver. Although the waiver must be mailed with the agreement, it does not actually become a part of the agreement. Budget will set up in the INFRA Database. The Budget Officer will approve and forward to the Grants and Agreements Specialist, Western Operations Center (WOC). 5. The Grants and Agreements Specialist, WOC will review, assign an agreement number and return an electronic version to Budget, who will prepare the originals as needed. 6. Budget to prepare award letter and mail agreements to partners for signatures. Letter will include instructions to sign & return all originals back to Budget, to obtain Forest Supervisor signature. Note that the Forest Supervisor will not sign R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 3 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK an agreement that does not have the approval of the Budget Officer. Upon obtaining Forest Supervisor’s signature, F.S. Staff Assistant will forward signed copies back to Budget. 7. Budget to distribute as follows: a. One original to partner(s) with cover letter b. One original to official file maintained in the Budget section c. One original to Grants and Agreements Specialist, WOC d. One field copy to the appropriate program manager (See Exhibit 03 – Roles & Responsibilities for more information) 8. Budget to perform the following: a. Set up Official File (TO BE MAINTAINED IN FISCAL SHOP) b. Update INFRA as needed c. Set up appropriate collection job codes in MJOB d. Enter appropriate obligations in FFIS e. Enter required agreements in PCAS f. Monitor and post balances monthly to internet site g. Perform final audit and prepare closeout letter to partner upon completion, and update INFRA 9. In the absence of the Forest Supervisor, the Deputy Forest Supervisor is delegated to sign all agreements. SPECIAL NOTES: 1. Extensions must be completed and signed PRIOR to the original agreement expiring. 2. For multi-year agreements, a new financial plan must be completed for each subsequent year, along with the modification. These “modifications” must follow the same steps as the original agreement. Modifications can also be found on the Grants and Agreements website. 3. No expenses may be incurred prior to receipt of funds from the cooperator. If expenses are incurred prior to the signed agreement being in place, appropriated project dollars will pay for the expense. 4. The Grants and Agreements website has all the necessary forms for completing the agreement, including the financial plan, and modification forms. R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 4 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAH MUST BE INCLUDED IN ALL NEW GRANTS/AGREEMENTS (Per CFO Bulletin 2003-6): “Trading partners are required to provide accrual information to the designated billing office specified in this agreement. This information may be documented on an invoice, in the remarks section of a financial progress report, in a fax, or email. The information required should be in the following format: Under grant/agreement number ___________________, as of the end of this month [or quarter], [name of trading partner] has incurred the following total cumulative costs for the project: $______________________. Of this amount, $____________has been invoiced, and $_____________has not been invoiced.” R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 5 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK 80.3 – Exhibit 01 AGREEMENTS WORKSHEET NOTE: THIS WORKSHEET MUST BE FORWARDED TO THE S.O. FOR THE OFFICIAL FILE. The following is information that is needed in order to put an agreement together. You need to know your partners and what their mission is. 1. Describe your project/purpose: 2. Who are your partners (names of partners) – are they Federal entities, state, private, nonprofit, etc. This needs to be identified. Include name, address and phone number of your partner’s principal contact for the agreement. 3. What is the mission of your partner’s organization? 4. What is the benefit of this project to your partners? 5. What is the benefit of this project to the Forest Service? We need to show mutual benefit to both parties in order to have an agreement. 6. Forest Service principal contact for the agreement – name, address and phone number. 7. Describe each party’s responsibilities to the project: The Forest Service Shall: The Cooperator Shall: 8. Discuss with collection agreement partners, the requirement of burden rate. The result of that discussion should be documented here. R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 6 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK 9. What is the budget and breakdown of the contributions ($$ and in-kind) of all parties involved? This information goes on the financial plan. Remember for challenge cost share agreement, the Forest Service share should be 50% or less of the total agreement. 10. List the Forest Service job code to be used if FS dollars are to be expended. Also list the alternate job code from the appropriate work plan. If dollars will be collected, a CWFS account will need to be established through Budget. If “In-kind” service is to be performed, identify the work plan. Work plans should specifically state if a particular piece of that work plan is to cover in-kind work toward an agreement. 11. Completion date of project. R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 7 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK 80.3 – Exhibit 02 CHECKLIST Project Leader’s Responsibilities (please initial by each item) ______ 1. Obtain agreements worksheet and checklist ______ 2. Complete worksheet. If you are sure of what type of agreement to use, you may proceed to the website. http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/aqm/ganda/ If unsure of agreement type, forward to Budget. ______ 3. Once agreement is put together, route to appropriate staff officer for review. The agreement should be mailed electronically; other documentation should be mailed hardcopy. Staff officer should sign below. __________________________________ Staff Officer Signature ______ 4. Forward the agreement, together with worksheet, (including request for commitment worksheet) and checklist to Budget for review. As stated in item 3 above, the worksheet, checklist, and waiver, if applicable must be mailed hardcopy. The agreement, itself must be mailed electronically. This allows us to move the agreement through the process more timely. Budget Responsibilities ______ 5. Review for proper format, burden rates or waiver justification. ______ 6. Certify funding availability and set up commitment (RQ, etc.). Budget Officer should sign below for funding certification. ______________________________ Budget Officer Signature ______ 7. Insert electronic signature of the Budget Officer on the agreement. ______ 8. Forward the agreement to Agreements Specialist, WOC. R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 8 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK ______ 9. Upon receipt of approved agreement from the WOC, prepare appropriate number of “originals” and prepare award letter for mailing. 80.3 – Exhibit 02 – Continued CHECKLIST Budget Responsibilities – Continued ______ 10. Upon receipt of signed documents from cooperators, forward to F.S. Staff Assistant, for Forest Supervisor signature. ______ 11. Upon receipt of signed documents from Forest Supervisor, distribute to cooperators, WOC, program leaders & official files. ______ 12. Set up Official File ______ 13. Set up job code in MJOB ______ 14. Enter Obligations, if appropriate, in FFIS ______ 15. Obtain accrual information from program leader and post RC’s or SV’s in FFIS. Maintain log in each agreement file, updating quarterly. See CFO bulletin 2003-06. ______ 16. Update information in INFRA ______ 17. Enter required agreements in PCAS Per CFO bulletin #2002-021, all external reimbursable and advance customer deposit agreements must be entered in PCAS with the following exceptions: a. Complex agreements in which the terms of the agreement frequently changes. b. Regional map sale programs c. SCSEP program d. Small dollar agreements ($1,000 or less) e. Billings for standard set or fixed training costs involving multiple individuals or agencies. f. Reimbursable fire billings g. Collections already recognized as revenue at the time of collection, such as fee demo, timber sale road maintenance, GBGB, RIRI. R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 9 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK Any agreement not meeting the named exception criteria must have documentation on file, citing why the agreement is not in PCAS. 80.3 – Exhibit 03 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PROJECT LEADER: Identify projects or opportunities that implement the mission of the Forest Service, the Natural Resource agenda, or other WO or Regional direction, and the Mark Twain National Forest land and Resource and Management Plan; Enlist input or assistance of the Partnership Coordinator or Forest Grants and Agreements Coordinator. Provide draft agreement information to the Grants and Agreements Specialist, through the Budget. Include the project/opportunity in the annual and out-year program of work planning & budgeting. Ensure NEPA is completed prior to project initiation. Communicate with Budget and Finance throughout the project to ensure proper accounting and appropriate use of funds. Communicate with partners regarding project progress, deadlines and project budget Initiate agreement amendments, as needed Alert Budget and Finance when terms and conditions of the agreement are met It is the responsibility of the project leader to ensure that all of the terms of the agreement are being met. This includes gathering data for required written reports or summaries. All project reporting documents should be mailed to the appropriate program manager in the S.O., who will review and submit to the partner. The Budget section MUST receive a file copy of all reports submitted. PROGRAM MANAGER & STAFF OFFICER: Provides agreement oversight for their staff area Reviews all agreements and signs checklist prior to B&F receiving BUDGET: Review agreements prior to them going to WOC Generate necessary bills to cooperators Process quarterly accruals Monitor financial statements R9 MARK TWAIN SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 10 of 10 FSM 1500 – EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 1580 – GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS HANDBOOK INFRA PCAS Close out financial portion of agreement when notified by the project leader Perform final financial audit and refund cooperator of unused funds, if necessary.