TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 CHAPTER 1530 - INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1531 - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 1531.12e - Memorandum of Understanding for Coordinated Resource Management and Planning. (See parent text for memorandum of understanding among the BLM, SCS, Science and Education Administration, and FS.) The following supplements the National Memorandum adding the Montana Association of Conservation Districts on coordinated planning on intermingled land. Pages 1531.12e--1 through 1531.12e--14 and the signatures involved display the Montana Supplemental Agreement to the National Memorandum of Understanding between the Soil Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, Science and Education Administration - Extension and Montana Association of Conservation Districts on Coordinated Planning on Intermingled Lands. MONTANA SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO THE NATIONAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, THE FOREST SERVICE, SCIENCE AND EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION - EXTENSION AND MONTANA ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATION DISTRICTS ON COORDINATED PLANNING ON INTERMINGLED LANDS Agreement Contains: I. Purpose II. Objectives III. State Executive and Task Groups IV. Coordinating and Scheduling Planning Activities V. Planning Procedures on Individual Projects VI. Administration TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 I. PURPOSES The purposes of this Montana Supplemental Agreement are: A. To implement the 1980 National Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Soil Conservation Service (SCS), and Forest Service (FS) on coordinated planning on particular operating units, allotments or other resource areas made up of intermingled or adjacent BLM and FS administered lands and private lands: B. Establish membership of the State Executive Group, State Task Group and County Task Groups: C. Establish procedures whereby local conservation districts can enter into supplemental agreements with the Executive Group for the purpose of coordinating planning and implementation activities on particular allotments or resource areas at the request of any of the concerned agencies and/or the affected landowner(s) having direct involvement in the coordinated planning and implementation activities; D. To support numerous agreements between the subject parties and local conservation districts which include cooperative agreements at the state and regional level, including the July 1978 BLM-FS (Region 1) Master Cooperative Agreement. II. OBJECTIVES A. To promote coordinated planning and implementation of programs where the land ownership pattern is intermingled and coordinated activities are essential to develop and implement a sound conservation plan which adequately considers effects on neighboring lands; B. To provide statewide coordination for planning and implementation through the executive Group resulting in consistency between agencies at the state level; C. To have all participants strive to cooperate whenever feasible on plan scheduling, mutually supportive objective development, inventory programming and methodology, data exchange, and professional skills sharing; D. To provide for periodic review of progress, scheduling of coordinated planning activities, and determination of respective responsibilities; E. To encourage the Conservation Districts to endorse a joint agency resource planning effort by accepting the role of a catalyst. This will promote a common understanding and more effective communication. TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 Role of Conservation Districts: 1) Conservation Districts in Montana are legal subdivisions of State government, authorized by the Conservation District law. Districts are formed by petition and referendum. Administration is by supervisors who are locally elected and serve without pay. Districts have rather broad powers in the areas of resource conservation and land use on private lands. They may adopt land use regulations, establish special project areas, and levy permissive taxes to accomplish the purposes of the District Law; 2) Conservation Districts are in a position to provide significant leadership with regard to soil, water, plant, and related resources. They can give assistance, counsel, and guidance to resource planning, and programs of governmental agencies, particularly where coordination with private lands is needed or desirable; 3) Conservation Districts will coordinate County Task Group meetings, with assistance from other group members as needed, to be held as described under Section IV of this agreement; 4) Individual Conservation Districts are urged to draft meeting agendas and to distribute them to agency representatives in advance of regular Conservation District meetings in order to maintain communication. Agency people are encouraged to suggest agenda topics and attend meetings when they can make an effective contribution to districts and resource programs; F. Establish the makeup of state and county task groups to carry out the intent of this supplemental agreement. III. STATE EXECUTIVE AND TASK GROUPS A. Membership of the State Executive Group shall consist of the State Director of BLM, Regional Forester of Region 1 of FS, State Conservationist of SCS, the President of the Montana Association of Conservation Districts and State Director of SEA-Extension. The State Executive Group shall meet at the request of any of the members. Their duties shall be to develop and put into effect supplemental agreements, as needed, and to provide guidance to the State Task Group when needed to: 1) meet the intent and objectives of the National Memorandum of Understanding; 2) review progress in carrying out the National Memorandum and the State supplement on a statewide basis; 3) resolve any conflicts which may arise in carrying out these agreements. TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 B. Membership of the State Task Group shall consist of designated representatives from the following agencies or organizations: U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, SEA-Extension, Montana Association of Conservation Districts and Montana Rangeland Resource Committee. The State Task Group shall meet at the request of any of the members for the following purposes: 1) Provide guidance to the County Task Groups when needed. 2) Serve as liaison between County Task Groups and State Executive Group; 3) To provide information and training to assist in coordinated planning; 4) To provide technical assistance to the coordinated planning activities: 5) Review coordinated planning proposed by county groups; C. Membership of County Task Groups shall consist of agency personnel (Appendix A) and individual representatives from the Conservation Districts who are designated to carry out the intent of this supplemental agreement (Appendix B), plus, appropriate representation from state agencies. The County Task Groups shall meet at the request of any of the members. Their duties shall be to: 1) Implement the intent and objectives of the National Memorandum of Agreement and State Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement at the local level; 2) Make employees responsible for implementing and carrying out coordinated planning fully aware of the need to include all concerned landowners and agencies in planning and implementation activities; 3) Establish ways of carrying out planning and implementation within the authorities and limitations of each agency with assistance of the Conservation District. 4) Keep the State Task Group informed about conflicts in authorities and procedures which need action by that group. IV. COORDINATING AND SCHEDULING PLANNING ACTIVITIES Conservation Districts have broad powers in the areas' resource conservation and land use on private lands. They are in a position to provide significant leadership with regard to coordinated planning. TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 A. It is hereby agreed that the Executive Group will seek supplemental agreements with individual conservation districts to attain their assistance in coordinating the planning and implementation activities on individual operating units, allotments, or resource areas. The State Task Group will provide liaison between the Executive Group and the County Task Groups. B. As a minimum, the Executive Group and the State Task Group will meet prior to the State MACD annual convention each calendar year. The County Task Groups will meet in conjunction with the annual area Conservation District meeting and more often as needed. C. Individual Forest or (BLM) Resource Area land use planning efforts will be announced to the general public and government agencies by the Forest Supervisor of (BLM) District Manager. The "scoping" exercise for the plan and associated environmental impact statement will be open to the Soil Conservation Service and Conservation Districts as required by the Council of Environmental Quality regulations. V. PLANNING PROCEDURES ON INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS To the extent possible, all coordinated planning on operating units, allotments, or resource areas will be carried out at the local level by those individuals assigned by each agency with carrying out such planning activities (e.g., District Rangers, Area Managers, District Conservationists). They will work with the Conservation District board of supervisors to arrange meetings for determining needs for coordinated planning, reaching agreements on how coordinated planning will be carried out, and arranging for review of completed plans. County Task Groups may be involved when needed or desired to help with priority setting, scheduling, and reducing conflicts in operating policies, etc. when possible. A. Objective - to coordinate planning activities on individual projects; B. Scope - an agreement to coordinate planning will cover a specific program such as grazing allotment management plan, farm and ranch plan, ranch allotment plan, timber management plan (management plans for state and private forest lands are prepared by the Division of Forestry, Montana Department of Natural Resources), group plan, RC&D measure plan, or FS and BLM wildlife habitat management plan where all parties involved have a common objective, and where current and adequate multiple use plans exist for the federal land involved; C. Process - the following is suggested in dealing with resource plans: 1) The agency or landowner desiring to develop a coordinated plan will request a meeting by the concerned conservation district board with all concerned parties stating the need, suitability for interagency planning, and availability of manpower and equipment to be used by the initiating agency; TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 2) Based on consultation with the other parties, the initiating agency and landowner(s) will determine whether or not sufficient priority exists to proceed with planning; 3) If a coordinated plan is determined to be feasible, the concerned parties will develop a mutually acceptable planning agreement; 4) Each planning agreement will include the following: a) designated area, parties involved, and lead agency as assigned by the Conservation District. b) evaluation of technical expertise needed and a schedule for equipment sharing; c) identification of significant resource objectives, inventories needed, and analyses and plan selection processes; d) applicable standards and procedures which will be used on each component (land ownership); e) responsibility for accomplishment of all significant steps; f) time schedule for project evaluation, plan completion and followup if necessary; D. Documenting Decisions and Commitments of Coordinated Planning Activities As a minimum, the decisions regarding management systems and developments that affect or are contingent on actions on both public and private land will be recorded on appropriate mosaics, maps sketches, forms, or other documents. Responsibility for funding and time of accomplishment, as appropriate, will be shown. It is recognized that the funding responsibility as recorded indicates intent, but performance will depend on the budget of the cooperator or agency for the given year. Above documents will be accompanied by a signature sheet signed by the responsible cooperator(s) and agency representatives. A copy of all documents will be provided to each agency and cooperator involved: E. Resolving Conflicts in Priorities Each agency will endeavor to schedule participation in coordinated planning activities within a time frame reasonable for the activity under consideration. In the event an agency is unable to participate because of other priorities within a period to which the other parties can accomodate, it is recognized that it may be necessary to proceed with planning on the private lands, giving consideration to the public lands that is the best possible under the circumstances; TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 VI. ADMINISTRATION A. This Cooperative Agreement and any written guides or procedures attached hereto shall become effective as soon as signed by the subject parties and shall continue in force until formally terminated by any party hereto after thirty (30) days notice in writing to the other of its intention to do so; B. Amendments or supplements to this Cooperative Agreement and written guides or procedures attached hereto may be proposed by any subject party and shall become effective upon written approval by all parties. The amendments or supplements will terminate if this agreement is terminated; C. Nothing in this Cooperative Agreement obligates any party to the expenditure of funds in excess of appropriations authorized by law. Where exchange of funds or other resources will be involved, an interagency agreement supplement will be developed; D. No member of, or delegates to Congress or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this Cooperative Agreement or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; E. The officials approving this cooperative agreement may, at their discretion, delegate portions of their authority and responsibility to field officials who may act on behalf of the signing official. In the event of irreconcilable differences, the problems will be referred to the next highest authority for resolution; F. Annual coordination meetings will be held to facilitate implementation of this agreement. Such meetings may be combined with or part of other interagency coordination meetings required by other cooperative agreements; G. The Cooperative Agreement between the subject parties dated March 28, April 4 and 8, and July 7, 1977, is hereby superceded, cancelled, and rescinded by this agreement; H. The Cooperative Agreement between the State Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service, and State Director, Bureau of Land Management, dated December 7, 1973, and January 2, 1974, which became effective February 1, 1974, is hereby terminated and rescinded; I. Nothing herein should be construed as binding the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Soil Conservation Service, Science and Education Administration-Extension, or Montana Association of Conservation Districts to decisions, planning schedules, or on-the-ground actions not authorized by law, regulation, or policy. TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 APPROVED: FOREST SERVICE /S/ Tom Coston TOM COSTON, REGIONAL FORESTER 6/17/81 DATE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT /S/Mike Penfold MIKE PENFOLD, STATE DIRECTOR 6-8-81 DATE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE /s/ Van K. Haderlie VAN K. HADERLIE, STATE CONSERVATIONIST 6-18-81 DATE SCIENCE AND EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION - EXTENSION /s/ Carl J. Hoffman CARL HOFFMAN, VICE PRESIDENT-DIRECTOR 6-18-81 DATE MONTANA ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATION DISTRICTS /s/ Dale Marxer DALE MARXER, PRESIDENT 6-19-81 DATE Attachments: Appendix A -Agency Personnel Responsible for Calling Annual Meetings Appendix B -County Groups for Annual Meetings Appendix C -Map - County Groups for Annual Meeting to Plan SCS-BLM-FS Coordinated Planning - Montana TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 AGENCY PERSONNEL DESIGNATED TO WORK WITH DISTRICTS TO CARRY OUT THIS AGREEMENT Southeast Group BLM--District Manager, Miles City SCS--Area Conservationist, Miles City FS--Custer Forest Supervisor, USDA Service Center, 102 Fir, Forest Park, Glendive, MT 59330 FW&P--Keith Seaburg South Central Group BLM--District Manager, Lewistown SCS--Area Conservationist, Bozeman FS--Custer Forest Supervisor, Billings CES--Doyle Stocks, Area III Supervisor, 1629 Ave. D, Blg. A, Suite 5, Billings, Mt 59102 FW&P--Roger Fliger Hiline--Lewistown Group BLM--District Manager, Lewistown SCS--Area Conservationist, Great Falls FS--Lewis & Clark Forest Supervisor, Great Falls CES--Dave Phillips, Fergus County Agent, P.O. Box 740, Lewistown, Mt 59457 FW&P--Art Warner Great Falls Group BLM--District Manager, Butte SCS--Area Conservationist, Great Falls FS--Lewis & Clark Forest Supervisor, Great Falls CES--Dale Bergland, Area II Supervisor, 404 Linfield, MSU, Bozeman, Mt 59717 FW&P--Dan Vincent Central Mountain Group BLM--District Manager, Butte SCS--Area Conservationist, Bozeman and Great Falls FS--Deer Lodge Forest Supervisor, Butte CES--Harold Johns, Silver Bow County Agent, Courthouse, Butte, Mt 59701 FW&P--LeRoy Ellig Northwest Group BLM--District Manager, Butte SCS--Area Conservationist, Missoula FS--Flathead Forest Supervisor, Kalispell CES--Bill Peterson, Area I Supervisor, 1018 Burlington, Room 200, Missoula, Mt 59801 TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 FW&P--Al Elser Missoula-West Central Group BLM--District Manager, Butte SCS--Area Conservationist, Missoula FS--Bitterroot Forest Supervisor, Hamilton CES--Steve Laursen, Extension Forester, School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, Mt 59812 FW&P--Jim Ford Beaverhead-Madison Group BLM--District Manager, Butte SCS--Area Conservationist, Missoula FS--Beaverhead Forest Supervisor, Dillon CES--John Maki, Beaverhead County Agent, P.O. Box 190. Dillon, Mt 59725 FW&P--LeRoy Ellig COUNTY GROUPS FOR ANNUAL MEETINGS Administrative areas of the Soil Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service in Montana overlap so much that this criterion alone does not provide a satisfactory basis for dividing the state for meetings to coordinate planning efforts. Counties have been grouped together considering, in addition to agency administrative areas, such things as number of local offices and amount of public land administered by respective agencies. Southeast Group Richland Dawson Carter Garfied South Central Group Gallatin Sweet Grass Yellowstone Wheatland Hiline-Lewistown Group Sheridan Valley Petroleum Blaine Toole Great Falls Group Wibaux McCone Custer Rosebud Fallon Prairie Powder River Treasure Stillwater Musselshell Big Horn Golden Valley Carbon Park Daniels Phillips Hill Glacier Judith Basin Roosevelt Fergus Liberty Chouteau TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 Teton Meagher Central Mountain Group Lewis and Clark Silver Bow Granite Northwest Group Lincoln Missoula-West Central Group Ravallie Sanders Pondera Cascade Broadwater Powell Jefferson Deer Lodge Flathead Lake Missoula Mineral Beaverhead-Madison Group Beaverhead Madison MAP (APPENDIX C) CAN BE VIEWED IN DIRECTIVES AMMENDMENT NO. 1 TO Montana Supplemental Agreement to the National Memorandum of Understanding between the Soil Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, the Cooperative Extension Service and Montana Association of Conservation Districts on Coordinated Resource Planning. Paragraph III A. and III B. are amended to include the following additional agencies as members of the Executive and Task Groups: Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FW&P) Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Montana Department of State Lands (DSL) Paragraph VI I. is amended to read: 1. Nothing herein should be construed as binding the signatory agencies to this agreement to decisions, planning schedules, or on-the-ground actions not authorized by law, regulation, or policy. Appendix A--Agency Personnel Designated to Work with Districts to Carry out this Agreement: Appendix A is revised to include representatives from agencies included by this amendment. TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 10/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 49 APPROVED: /S/ James C. Oberbay JAMES C. OVERBAY, REGIONAL FORESTER FOREST SERVICE 4-3-86 Date /s/ Larry Fasbender 4/18/86 LARRY FASBENDER, DIRECTOR Date DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION /s/ Maurice LeNowe 4/8/86 /s/ Dennis Hemmer 4-22-86 DEAN STEPANEK, DIRECTOR-Acting DATE DENNIS HEMMER, COMMISSIONER Date BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF STATE LANDS /s/ Glen H. Loomis 3/17/86 GLEN H. LOOMIS Date STATE CONSERVATIONIST SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE /s/ James W. Flynn JAMES W. FLYNN, DIRECTOR Date DEPARTMENT OF FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS /s/ Carl Hoffman 4-15-86 /s/ John Teigen, Jr. 5-12-86 CARL HOFFMAN Date JOHN TEIGEN, PRESIDENT Date VICE PRESIDENT FOR EXTENSION MONTANA ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE DISTRICTS Attachments: Appendix A--Agency Personnel Responsible for Calling Annual Meetings Appendix B--County Groups for Annual Meetings Appendix C--Map--County Groups for Annual Meeting to plan SCS-BLM-FS Coordinated Planning--Montana