92.41--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-CHAPTER 90 - DATA ENTRY SYSTEM 91 - SYSTEM DESCRIPTION. The Working Capital Fund data entry programs format data for transmission to and processing at the Department Computer Centers at Fort Collins and the National Finance Center. Refer to parent text exhibits 11 through 14 for field requirements, and refer to parent text exhibit 16 for error message descriptions in resolving Fort Collins errors and National Finance Center rejects. 92 - PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS 92.41 - Data Entry. Exhibit 1 is an edited version of the documentation available under WCF MENU item G. It describes the screens, fields, and function keys. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 USER DOCUMENTATION – TABLE OF CONTENTS 5/1/89 WCF SYSTEM (Main Menu).............................................. 1 USER SUBSYSTEM...................................................... 3 New Cycle..................................................... 3 Input Routines................................................ 3 Add New Equipment......................................... 4 Enter New Use............................................. 6 Change a Field in a Record................................ 8 Delete Equipment.......................................... 9 Print Routines............................................... 10 ACCOUNTABILITY SUBSYSTEM........................................... 11 New Cycle.................................................... Input Routines............................................... Add New Master Record.................................... Change/Inquire Master Record Input....................... Delete Master Record Input............................... Print Routines............................................... NOTES on Screens Displayed................................... 11 11 11 17 17 17 18 F.O.R. SUBSYSTEM................................................... 19 New Cycle.................................................... 19 Input Routines............................................... 19 Print Routines............................................... 22 TRANSMIT........................................................... 25 VIEW/PRINT/DELETE FCCC OUTPUTS..................................... 22 *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) * USER DOCUMENTATION * ***** WCF SYSTEM ***** Refer to FSM 6580 for Policy and FSH 6509.11f for procedure in structuring of data. The following instructions deal with the operation of programs only. To use the WCF data entry system you should be in the IS system. You much have created a drawer and folder for your data. The folder must be your Region or Unit number. The command line will be “WCF.” You will then make the appropriate selection for the subsystem in which you wish to work. WCF MENU A. USE DATA ROUTINES B. ACCOUNTABILITY ROUTINES C. F.O.R. BUDGET ROUTINES D. RATE ROUTINES (Used by Regional Office) E. JOB TICKET ROUTINES (Not used in Region 6) F. TRANSMIT FILES TO FCCC G. VIEW/PRINT DOCUMENTATION H. VIEW/PRINT/DELETE FCCC OUTPUTS 99. EXIT YOUR CHOICE? *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--4 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *- EXHIBIT 1 (continued) Page 2 For choices A through C, the following menu will appear. XXX MENU A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINES B. INPUT ROUTINES C. PRINT ROUTINES 99. EXIT YOUR CHOICE? Choosing A in USE routine will delete the following data items: Units of use, non-revenue, and all data for lines that do not have a percentage. If you choose A in other routine, the appropriate files will be deleted and you will be asked if you wish to create files. Answer Y and create the necessary files. The reason for this as a separate menu item is that you may wish to confirm that files were received and processed correctly at DCC-FC, before deleting. If they were not processed properly, you have the opportunity to correct on the local system and transmit. Note: When you transmit a data file to DCC-FC, it overlays any existing file—it does not “add to.” Therefore, after you correct any errors identified by edit at DCC-FC, transmit all data—data that initially passed edit plus corrections. Choosing B will execute programs necessary to input or change data for each sub-system. Choosing C will execute macros that will allow you to view files on the screen and/or print on a printer. If you choose to print a file the macro will ask what printer. Enter a printer name. All proof listings are designed to print on 8 ½ by 11 or wider paper. Choose 99 will exit you to the previous routine. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--5 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 3 *** USE SUB-SYSTEM *** USE MENU A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINES B. INPUT ROUTINES C. PRINT ROUTINES 99. EXIT YOUR CHOICE? A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINES Selection A on the MENU will give you the following menu. If you are beginning a new cycle, answer Y to this question. If you have made a mistake, answer N and return to the USE MENU. THIS ROUTINE WILL DELETE ALL USE FROM LAST CHANGE AND ANY ENTRY THAT DOES NOT HAVE PERCENT. IS THIS YOUR INTENTION? **** NOTICE**** If you answer “Y” to this before you transmit data, you will destroy data in your files. There is no way to recover easily. You will have to do it through CHANGE or DELETE and ADD NEW EQUIPMENT. If you answer Y, the programs will execute and prepare files for the new cycle. Choosing A in USE routine will delete the following data items: units of use, non-revenue, and all data for lines that do not have a percentage. Property type, equipment number, and last odometer reading will be retained unless deleted by “4. Delete Equipment” menu item on the Input menu. Note: Establishing a master in the EMIS data base will not add equipment to the USE subsystem--use “1. Add New Equipment on the “B Input” menu. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--6 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 4 B. INPUT ROUTINES Selection B will give you the following menu. WCF USE DATA *F8 = EXIT ********** PLEASE SELECT 1. ADD NEW EQUIPMENT 2. ENTER NEW USE 3. CHANGE A FIELD IN A RECORD 4. DELETE EQUIPMENT 1. ADD NEW EQUIPMENT Selection 1 will establish new equipment, using the following screens, in a file that will be maintained using selections 2, 3 and 4. Fleet Equipment/Aircraft Operation (Form 6500-60) 1) Region 99 2) Unit 99 3) Julian Date 99999 The above screen will appear once per session. After you make entries you will be asked ANY CHANGES? If you have changes, answer Y and you will be asked WHAT NUMBER? Enter the number corresponding to the field you wish to change. When all changes are complete, answer N and continue to the next screen. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--7 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 1. ADD NEW EQUIPMENT (continue) Page 5 Fleet Equipment/Aircraft Operation (Form 6500-60 *F1 = NEXT * RECORD *F5 = ACCEPT *AT REG ONLY *F8 = EXIT ************ 1) Property Type 999 2) Equipment Number 9999 3) New Odom. 99999.9 Old Odom. 99999.9 5) Reg Unit 7) M/Code 99 8) 99 4)Date 999999 Date 999999 Use-Units -9999.9 % 9)999999 PY 10) 999 6)Non-Revenue -9999.9 Units-Use 11) X Non-Revenue -9999.9 Use-Units 12) -9999.9 -99999.9 (columns 13 through 60 not displayed in this exhibit 61) 99 62) 99 63) 999999 64) 999 65) X 66) -9999.9 The above screen will appear for each property type and equipment number you choose to enter. There are only two property types, 155 and 157. Equipment number can be from 1 to 9999. The program will not allow you to enter duplicate property type/equipment number. You then will enter a new odometer reading. This field can be blank if you have a new vehicle. When you establish new equipment, this field will immediately move to old odometer. The same is true for the date field. When establishing new equipment, the program will ask you to enter Region, Unit, management code, percentage, and prior year indicator. You must enter data or press new line for each field on the first line. Pressing F5 while at the second or any remaining “Reg” positions will accept the record and ask if there is any change. After completion of screen, a clean screen will display and you can enter another record or use F8 to exit. If you enter percentages, these entries will be maintained for each “Update” cycle until you change the record. This includes Region, Unit, management code, percentage and prior year indicator. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--8 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 2. ENTER NEW USE Page 6 Selection 2 will produce the following screen for you to choose the property type and equipment number. You may wish to use the F1 key, which will select the first equipment number and select the next each time you press it. *F1 = NEXT RECORD *F8 = EXIT * *************** PROPERTY TYPE ___ EQUIPMENT NUMBER ______ After you have entered property type and equipment or pressed F1, the following screen will appear. Fleet Equipment/Aircraft Operation (Form 6500-60) 1) Region 99 2) Unit 99 3) Julian Date 99999 The above screen will appear once per session. Region and Unit should not change. Each new cycle will require Julian data to change as this is the effective date of your reporting cycle and will be in the records to DCC-FC and NFC. When the above screen is complete, the following screen will appear with the appropriate information. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--9 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 2. ENTER NEW USE (continued) Page 7 Fleet Equipment/Aircraft Operation (Form 6500-60) *F1 = NEXT * RECORD *F5 = ACCEPT *AT REG ONLY *F8 = Exit ************ 1) Property Type 999 2) Equipment Number 9999 3) New Odom.99999.9 Old Odom. 99999.9 5) Reg 7) 13) 19) 25) 31) 37) 43) 49) 55) 61) Unit 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 8) 14) 20) 26) 32) 38) 44) 50) 56) 62) M/Code 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9)999999 15)999999 21)999999 27)999999 33)999999 39)999999 45)999999 51)999999 57)999999 63)999999 4)Date 999999 Date 999999 Use-Units -9999.9 % PY 10)999 16)999 22)999 28)999 34)999 40)999 46)999 52)999 58)999 64)999 6)Non-Revenue -9999.9 Units-Use 11)X 17)X 23)X 29)X 35)X 41)X 47)X 53)X 59)X 65)X Non-Revenue -9999.9 Use-Units 12)-9999.9 -99999.9 18)-9999.9 24)-9999.9 30)-9999.9 36)-9999.9 42)-9999.9 48)-9999.9 54)-9999.9 60)-9999.9 66)-9999.9 When updating a record, after odometer and date, you will be asked DO YOU HAVE NON-REVENUE? If you answer Y and enter the units of use, the program will subtract if from the undistributed use-units and place the units of use entered in the non-revenue field. Region 6 does not commonly have nonrevenue use. Next you will be asked DO YOU WISH TO ENTER BY MANAGEMENT CODE? This is for direct charges. If you have a direct charge, answer Y and the program will go to the first available entry line and allow you to enter data. You should not enter a percentage as this will destroy the units of use field when you distribute any remainder. You may continue entering direct charge lines until completed. The program will deduct them from undistributed each time. When finished with direct charges and sitting at “Reg,” press the F5 key to continue. Then you will be asked DO YOU WISH TO DISTRIBUTE REMAINDER(Y/N). Answer Y to this and the program will distribute all remaining undistributed units of use and zero the undistributed units of use. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--10 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 2. ENTER NEW USE (continued) Page 8 Finally you will be asked ANY CHANGE? If you wish to change anything, answer Y and you will be asked WHAT NUMBER? Enter the number to the left of the field you wish to change. You will be allowed to change anything except property type and equipment number. When complete the system will display: PROPERTY TYPE _____ EQUIPMENT NUMBER _______ Enter another property type and equipment number or press F1 for the next record or press F8 to exit. 3. CHANGE A FIELD IN A RECORD Selection 3 will produce the following screen for you to choose the property type and equipment number. You may wish to use the F1 key which will select first equipment number and select the next each time you press it. *F1 = NEXT RECORD *F8 = EXIT * *************** PROPERTY TYPE _____ EQUIPMENT NUMBER _______ After you have entered property type and equipment or pressed F1, the following screen will appear. Fleet Equipment/Aircraft Operation (Form 6500-60) 1) Region 99 2) Unit 99 3) Julian Date 99999 The above screen will appear once per session. Region and Unit should not change, each new cycle will require Julian date to change as this is the effective date of your reporting cycle and will be in the records to DCC-FC and NFC. When the above screen is complete, the following screen will appear with the appropriate information. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--11 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 3. CHANGE A FIELD IN A RECORD (continued) Page 9 Fleet Equipment/Aircraft Operation (Form 6500-60) *F1 = NEXT * RECORD *F5 = ACCEPT *AT REG ONLY *F8 = Exit ************ 1) Property Type 999 2) Equipment Number 9999 3) New Odom.99999.9 Old Odom. 99999.9 _______ 5) Use-Units -9999.9 Reg 1. Unit 99 8) 99 M/Code 9)999999 % PY 10)999 4)Date 999999 Date 999999 6)Non-Revenue -9999.9 Units-Use 11)X Non-Revenue -9999.9 Use-Units 12)-9999.9 -99999.9 (columns 13 through 60 not displayed in this exhibit) 61) 99 62) 99 63)999999 64)999 65)X 66)-9999.9 The above screen will appear for each property type/equipment number you choose to enter. You will be asked ANY CHANGE? If you answer Y, you will be asked WHAT NUMBER? Enter the number corresponding to the field you wish to change. When you have completed the changes, answer N to ANY CHANGE and the PROPERTY TYPE/EQUIPMENT NUMBER screen will appear for you to select another record. When you have completed all changes, use F8 to return to the main menu. 4. DELETE EQUIPMENT Selection 4 will produce the following menu PROPERTY TYPE _____ EQUIPMENT NUMBER _______ Enter the property type and equipment number you wish to delete. You will be asked IS THIS THE RIGHT RECORD? If you answer Y, the record will be deleted from the file. If you answer N, the above screen will return and you can enter another property type and equipment number or press F8 to exit. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--12 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) C. PRINT ROUTINE Page 10 Selection C will be prepare a file for viewing or printing After the file is created you will see the following screen. YOU WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO PRINT AFTER VIEWING ON THE SCREEN!! VIEW ON THE SCREEN (Y/N): If you wish to view on the screen answer Y and you will be in “browse.” will see the following screen: You ?_____________________________Line_______1 WELCOME TO BROWE Type “H” for HELP Depress the CR key to view your file. will display: At the end of the file, the screen ***Bottom of data*** Key in BYE and new line to exit browse. The program will ask PRINT THE FILE(Y/N). If you respond Y, the program will ask: Do you want to use landscape on a DESKTOP Laser Printer (Y/N)? Give me the printer name you wish to print on. Which PRINTER:___ Enter the printer name and new line—-the screen will return to the USE MENU. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--13 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Page 11 *** ACCOUNTABILITY SUB-SYSTEM*** Refer to FSM 6580 for policy and FSH 6509.11f for procedure in structuring of data. The following instructions deal with the operation of programs only. For vehicles being sold, continue to send the R.O., Fiscal and Public Safety, ATTN: WCF, a FS-6500-61 (to provide G.S.A. a description). Complete blocks 1 through 75 according to instructions in FSH 6509.11f, section 25.12. ACCOUNTABILITY MENU A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINES B. INPUT ROUTINES C. PRINT ROUTINES 99. EXIT YOUR CHOICE? A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINE Selection A will delete the existing data file. When you select B after selecting A, MASTRDATA FILE NOT FOUND – CREATE IT (Y/N) _? Will appear on screen. Answer Y and the data file will be created. B. INPUT ROUTINES Selection B will display the following menu for you to enter data. FLEET EQUIP/AIRCRAFT MASTER PLEASE SELECT _ 1. ADD NEW MASTER RECORD INPUT 2. CHANGE/INQUIRE MASTER RECORD INPUT 3. DELETE MASTER RECORD INPUT *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* F8 TO EXIT 92.41--14 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 1. ADD NEW MASTER RECORD INPUT Page 12 Selection 1 will display the following screens to enter data. ******************** SCREEN 1 ******************** FLEET EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT (Accountability and Data Record-Ref FSH6509.11f) 1. Action Code 9 C. Equipment Number 11 D. Current Status 9 E. Agency 11 F. Region 99 G. Unit 99 H. Ownership Type 9 I. Property Type 999 J. Document Type 1 K. Date 99999 ANY CHANGE?__ *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* *F1 NEXT * RECORD *F8 ESCAPE 92.41--15 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 13 ******************** SCREEN 2 ******************** *F5 = NEXT RECORD *F6 = RECORD *F8 = EXIT PROG RECORD ID 1 * Enter leading zero or blanks in all fields on this screen. 1) Sub-unit XX 4) Mfg. Code XXX 7) Model 2) WCF-Activity 5) Yr. Model XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9) SF 82 Code X 12) Rear Ax/Tr X 3) Class Code 6) Acquisition code 8) GSA Size Code 10) Transmission Type X 11) Transmission Spd 13) Drive 15) C/in Disp. XXXX 16) Primary Fuel 14) Nmbr. Cylinders XXX X X XX X X ACTION 2 O/T 1 P/T 155 EQUIP # 9994 (A note similar to this will appear on all records). * When entering a new master file, make sure that in any block you make an entry, zero fill any extra spaces. For example, block 4, manufacturer’s code, if the code is 2, enter 002. For block 16, primary fuel, always make an entry (0 for non-fuel consuming equipment). When updating a master file, complete only the blocks that need to be changed and new line through all the others. If you do not need to change any blocks in record number 1, press key F5 which will take you to record number 2 and so forth in each record. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--16 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 14 ******************** SCREEN 3 ******************** RECORD NUMBER 2 ** 1) Credit Card Number XXXXXX 2) Gross Vehicle Weight 999999 3) Vehicle Payload 999999 4) Manufactures EPA Rating XX 5) Tire Size Front XXXXXXXXXX 6) Tire Size Rear XXXXXXXXXX LAST 6 DIGITS OF CREDIT CARD. LEAVE OUT 0038. ** Block 4, manufacturer’s EPA rating can cause problems. Use whole numbers for the EPA rating when entering a new piece of equipment unless, like a trailer, it has no EPA rating, then enter NA. If you leave the block blank, the master file input will reject. When updating a master file, complete only the blocks that need to be charged, and new line through all the others. If you do not need to change any blocks in record number 2, press key F5 which will take you to record number 3. ******************** SCREEN 4 ******************** RECORD NUMBER 3 1) Description of Property XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20 characters) 2) Purchase Order Number XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13 characters) 3) GSA Contract Number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14 characters) 4) Dept. of Labor Code X Block 4, Department of Labor Code, only needs any entry if the piece of equipment is Job Corps. You would then enter an “L.” Otherwise leave blank. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--17 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 15 ******************** SCREEN 5 ******************** RECORD NUMBER 4 1) Date Received (Julian Day) 99999 2) Odometer When Received 99999.9 3) Serial Number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4) License Number XXXXXXXXXX 5) Accessories XXXXXXXXXX ******************** SCREEN 6 ******************** RECORD NUMBER 5 1) Capitalized Value 9999999.9 2) Residual Value S9999999 3) Accumulated Depreciation 9999999.99 4) Estimated Life (years) 99 5) Remaining Months Depreciation 999 6) Planned Year Replacement 99 (If A/C 1, must be greater than zero Note: Remember that the capitalized value, residual value, and accumulated depreciation are all “add to” fields. When entering a new vehicle, enter “0” in capitalized value and accumulated depreciation blocks. Make sure when you enter estimated life (years) and remaining months depreciation to zero fill. For example, if the life of the vehicle is 6 years, enter 06. Also, after entering the “0” in the accumulated depreciation block, new line to the estimated life (years) block and then immediately press the F5 key. If you fail to do this and new line through the remaining months depreciation blocks, the system will automatically put a zero in the remaining months depreciation block and it will stop the depreciation on the vehicle. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--18 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 16 ******************** SCREEN 7 ******************** RECORD NUMBER 7 1) New Status 9 2) Date of transfer or disp. 99999 3) Proceeds from sale S99999999 Agency 11 4) Region 99 5) Unit 99 6) Sub-Unit 99 7) WCF Activity 999 8) Ownership Type 9 9) Property Type 999 Equipment No. (New) 9999 10) ******************** SCREEN 8 ******************** SOLD TO INFORMATION (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Name: 1 st Address line: 2 nd Address line: City: State: Zip: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX After each screen is completed you will be asked ANY CHANGE? If you answer N, the program will proceed to the next screen. If you answer Y, you will be asked WHAT NUMBER? Choose the number next to the field you wish to change. Field numbers do not appear on screen 8. The program will position at that field and you may enter the new data. When you finished changing, answer N to ANY CHANGE? And the program will continue to the next screen. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--19 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 2. CHANGE/INQUIRE MASTER RECORD INPUT Page 17 Selection 2 will display the same screens as for selection 1. Master above. Add new After you enter action code and equipment number, the record will be retrieved from the data file. You may also choose to use F1 to select the next record. After the record has been retrieved, the program will ask ANY CHANGE? If you answer N, the program will proceed to the next screen. Continue this process until you have located the field you wish to change. When you have located the screen with the field you wish to change, answer Y and the program will ask WHAT NUMBER? Answer with the number next to the field and you can enter the data. When you have finished all screens, the program will display screen 1 and you may continue with another record or use F8 to return to the previous menu. 3. DELETE MASTER RECORD INPUT Selection 3 will display screen 1 and position you to enter action code and equipment number. After you have entered the data or used F1 to select next record, the program will retrieve the record from the data file and display the remainder of screen 1. It will then ask IS THIS THE RIGHT RECORD? If you answer N, the program will display screen 1 again and you can repeat the above process. If you answer Y, the program will delete that record from the data file and then display screen 1 again. C. PRINT ROUTINE See this item under the use subsystem. works the same as for use. The print routine for accountability *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--20 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 18 NOTES on Screens Displayed The following screens/records will be displayed by the ACCOUNTABILITY subsystem when you use certain action code/status combinations: A/C Status 1/1 1/2 2/blank And 2/2 Screens/Records Displayed SCREEN 1—-KEY DATA, RECORD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Skip from record to record by using key F5. (For example, if you are on Record 2 and have no required entry, depress F5, system will ask “Any change?”, answer N, and subsystem will display next record.) After Record 5, subsystem returns to Screen 1. 2/5 SCREEN 1—-KEY DATA, (After completing Screen 1, answer N to Any Change? When RECORD 1 appears, suggest enter subunit because program will not create data line in JCL if all records are blank even if key data is completed. F6 twice will return you to a blank screen 1. 2/7 SCREEN 1—-KEY DATA, RECORD 7 2/8 SCREEN 1—-KEY DATA, RECORD 7 and address blocks (New Line through entries which are not required or depress F5 after entering Julian date of disposal and zero in proceeds block.) Edit requires entries in address blocks—-can be a single character such as X *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--21 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 19 *** F.O.R. SUBSYSTEM *** When you select F.O.R. BUDGET ROUTINES, the following screens will appear. F.O.R. A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINES B. INPUT ROUTINES C. PRINT ROUTINES 99. EXIT A. NEW CYCLE ROUTINES Use A if budgets last created under B (Input) have been transmitted or are for some other reason not needed Selection A will delete the existing data file and return to the above menu. B. INPUT ROUTINES Selection B after new cycle will ask: BDGDAT FILE NOT FOUND – CREATE IT(Y/N). Answer Y to advance to the F.O.R. BUDGET menu. Selection B will display the following menu. F.O.R. BUDGET PLEASE SELECT_ 1. ADD NEW F.O.R. BUDGET 2. CHANGE/INQUIRE F.O.R. BUDGET 3. DELETE F.O.R. BUDGET *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--22 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 1. ADD NEW F.O.R. BUDGET Page 20 Selection 1 Will display the following screens for data input: SCREEN 1: FLEET AND AIRCRAFT FIXED OWNERSHIP RATE BUDGET (Ref FSH 6509.11f) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Region Unit Property Type Fiscal Year Action Code Data(YYDDD) 99 99 999 99 9 99999 ANY CHANGES?__ SCREEN 2: Mgmt-Code 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 *F8 = EXIT *F5 = NEW EQ. # 1) Equipment Number 9999 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Note: The following additional data lines will appear after completing line 6. All 12 lines will display on the screen. 7 8 9 10 11 12 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ANY CHANGE?__ Note: When you fill a field, the cursor advances to the next field without keying in new line. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--23 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) 1. ADD NEW F.O.R. BUDGET (continue) Page 21 When you have finished the last line of data and the cursor is located at the “Mgmt-Code” position, press F5 to file the record. You will be asked ANY CHANGE? If you answer N, the program will display a clean screen 2 for another equipment number. If you answer Y, the program will ask WHAT LINE __ WHAT COLUMN__. Answer with the line and column numbers of the data you wish to correct. The program will position to that field and you can enter the correct data. To exit, use F8 from screen 2 while located at the equipment number field. Action Code 1 – Establishing initial FOR budgets, omitted budgets and budgets for newly received equipment. Enter a 1 (commonly referred to as an element) under each month for which FOR is chargeable to the management code listed for the line. It is acceptable to use multiple elements on only current month’s processing (for example, to collect prior months’ FOR when establishing a budget omitted or for newly received equipment). Multiple elements cannot be larger than ordinal number of month within fiscal year—for example, November is the second month, can collect only 2 months FOR. Refer to edit table, parent text Exhibit 13, for valid values. For example, values of 1-9 are acceptable for June and values of 01-10 are acceptable for July. Remember to enter 2 digits in columns for months of July, August, and September or the data will not pass edit. Action Code 2 – Changing existing FOR budgets. Make changes only to unprocessed portion (current and future months). Prepare two data lines—one for the “old” management code and one for each “new” management code. On the “old” management code line, enter zero under unprocessed months being changed. On the “new” management code line, enter 1’s under month to be charged to this new management code. This is the same process followed when we used paper. Refer to parent text 32.23. For example: SCREEN 2: Mgmt-Code 1 1 2 *F8 = EXIT *F5 = NEW EQ.# 1) Equipment Number 7510 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 530012 530027 0 1 *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 0 1 00 01 00 01 00 01 92.41--24 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 22 2. CHANGE/INQUIRE F.O.R. BUDGET Selection 2 will display 1. PROPERTY TYPE___ 2. EQUIP NUMB___. Enter that equipment number you wish to change or use F1 to retrieve the next record. Program returns to PROPERTY TYPE/EQUIP NUMBER screen after each equipment number changed or inquired. After PROPERTY TYPE/EQUIP NUMBER screen, screen 2 will display. Cursor will be located at ANY CHANGE? If you answer N, the program will return to PT/EQ NUMB screen and you may repeat the above process. If you answer Y, you will be asked WHAT LINE__ WHAT COLUMN__ just as in ADD NEW menu item. When you have finished the changes, answer N and the program will place the corrected record in the file and return to PT/EQ NUMB. When you have completed all changes, F8 to exit the program. C. PRINT ROUTINE See this item under the Use subsystem. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--25 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Page 23 ***TRANSMIT*** This portion of the program will prepare the necessary JCL for executing runs at Fork Collins. F. TRANSMIT FILES TO FCCC Selection F on the main menu will display the following screen: THE FOLLOWING RUN CARDS AND UNIT ARE AVAILALE RUN CARDS @RUN,L WCF000, 1106xxXXXX,FEWCF06xx,5,3000 @RUN,L/S WCF000, 1106xxXXXX,FEWCF06xx,5,3000 UNIT NUMBER 00 The current run card and unit will be displayed in this space. If there is none available the space will be blank. Then the following statement will be displayed: DO YOU WISH TO USE THEM (Y/N)? If you answer N, the program will ask you for the following information: UNIT NUMBER ACCOUNTING CENTER NUMBER (Region number) THE PRIORITIES ARE J=1 MINUTE RUN TIME L=5 MINUTES RUN TIME N=10 MINUTES RUN TIME P=60 OR MORE MINUTES RUN TIME PRIORITY ACCT # QUALIFIER (FEWCF06xx) RUN TIME *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--26 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) TRANSMIT (continue) Page 24 After answering the questions, or if you answer yes, the run cards are accurate, the following menu will appear. TRANSMIT MENU A. TRANSMIT TO FCCC DATA/EDIT/PRINT RUNSTREAM B. TRANSMIT TO FCCC RUNSTREAM TO LIST REJECTS 99. EXIT YOUR SELECTION__ Selection A will display the following messages. Selection B will ask similar questions—-whether you want rejects for each subsystem. Request rejects only for those subsystems you know you have rejects for—-RO F&PS notifies Units each cycle. DO DO DO DO YOU YOU YOU YOU WANT WANT WANT WANT TO TO TO TO TRANSMIT TRANSMIT TRANSMIT TRANSMIT ACCOUNTABLILITY DATA? F.O.R. DATA? RATE DATA? USE DATA? Answer each Y or N. If you answer Y, the program will prepare the necessary files to transmit data from the DG to DCC-FC, execute the edit programs at DCC-FC, queue the printout to the site ID you indicated, and place them in the queue for transmission to DCC-FC. Your output will return to Drawer FCCC and Folder FCFILES and can be printed from WCF MENU item H. Next, the following screen will be displayed: ***TRANSMIT ROUTINE*** Do you want to view/print your runstream Y/N Answer Y and program will give message YOU WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO PRINT AFTER VIEWING ON THE SCREEN!! View on the screen (Y/N) Yes will allow you to use the CR key to scroll through your file in Browse (see USE, C. PRINT routine). When you exit Browse, program will ask PRINT THE FILE(Y/N) and ask you for a printer name. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -* 92.41--27 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *-Exhibit 1 (continued) Next screen in TRANSMIT ROUTINE is: Page 25 SUBMIT RUN TO 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. NFC FCCC DO NOT TRANSMIT YOUR COICE: 2 Submit after 6 PM today? Submit now? Your Choice: System returns to TRANSMIT MENU—-99 to exit. *** VIEW/PRINT/DELETE FCCC OUTPUTS *** H. VIEW/PRINT/DELETE FCCC OUTPUTS Selection H on the main WCF MENU will enable you to view, print, or delete objects in the FCCC drawer, FCFILES, folder. You will see the following messages and a list of files in the drawer: OUTPUTS FROM FORT COLLINS COMPUTER CENTER RUN STREAM OUTPUTS DO YOU WANT TO VIEW A FILE? (Y/N) WHICH FILE DO YOU WISH TO SEE? (file scrolls past screen, does not use browse) DO YOU WISH TO PRINT THE FILE? DO YOU WISH TO DELETE THIS FILE NOW? (Y/N) THE FOLLOWING FILES WILL BE DELETED Directory NAME :Dxx:STAFF:XX:FCCC:FCFILES TXT 6-MAR-87 10:37:40 2500 PERM ARE YOU SURE? When you answer No to these questions, you return to main WCF MENU. *-FSH 9/89 R-6 SUPP 15 -*