71.2--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 - ADJUSTMENTS To prepare financial statements on an accrual basis, it is necessary to make certain adjusting entries. These entries include, for example, the recording of accrued income, accrued expenses, accounts payable, depreciation, and changes in inventories. Record the entries in the asset, liability, income, and expense accounts and also in the general ledger. It is necessary to reverse some adjusting entries in the ensuing accounting period. 71 - MONTHLY ADJUSTMENTS 71.1 - Accounts Payable. Adjust the Working Capital Fund (WCF) accounting records to include the expense for goods and services received for which no payment has been made. Normally, the National Finance Center makes these adjustments; however, units/Regions must report any unsubmitted obligations on the monthend unsubmitted obligations report (FSH 6509.11k, sec. 71). When preparing the month-end unsubmitted obligations report, enter only the account chargeable. Do not make a zero adjustment entry by entering an offsetting entry to account 202 (accounts payable). The Working Capital Fund Subsystem (WCFS) automatically computes and enters account 202 into the system. Do not include WCF account numbers in the 400 series in the month-end unsubmitted obligations report. The 400 series accounts are revenue related; report them on the month-end accounts receivable report (sec. 71.2). This includes entries in structured management codes 80X4XX and 90X4XX and in prestructured management codes 82XXXX and 84XXXX. The system automatically reverses entries recorded on the accounts payable reports at the beginning of the ensuing period. 71.2 - Accounts Receivable. Adjust the Working Capital Fund (WCF) accounting records to include the revenue from goods and services that have been furnished but for which no payment has been received or processed. This includes documented items on *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.2—2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK uncollected billings: Form FS-500-89, Bill for Collection; Form SF-1081, Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits; and Form AD-742, Transfer and Adjustment Voucher (unprocessed 81-R T/C). Include WCF accounts receivable in the unit/Region monthend report of accounts receivable. When preparing the month-end accounts receivable report, enter only the accounts that the collection document lists. Do not make a zero adjustment entry by entering an offsetting entry to account 111 (accounts receivable) or account 202 (accounts payable, if refund). The Working Capital Fund Subsystem (WCFS) automatically computes and enters accounts 111 and 202 into the system. Exhibit 1 is a list of the transaction codes for use when reporting WCF accounts receivable. Do not use other transaction codes when reporting WCF accounts receivable. The WCFS automatically reverses entries recorded on the accounts receivable report at the beginning of the ensuing period. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.2--3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.3--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 71.3 - Adjustment four Rejected Fixed Ownership Rate and Use Charged to Management Code 879998. Invalid management codes contained in the fixed ownership rate and use schedules convert to management code 879998, which in turn converts to appropriation Y97, function 000. It is necessary to make current adjustments to transfer the amount in the default management code 879998 to the proper management code. Make the transfer on Form AD-42, Transfer and Adjustment Voucher, using T/C 81-E. See exhibit 1 for an example. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.3--2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.4 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 71.4 - Adjustment for Proceeds Deposited to Management Code 879997. The General Services Administration usually transfers the proceeds from the sale of property and equipment to the Forest Service on Form SF-1081, Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits. A large portion of SF-1081 forms are for the sale of Working Capital Fund equipment. Often the form contains insufficient information, and the National Finance Center must credit the proceeds to default management code 879997. Management Code 879997 converts to: Function MAJ - SUB 000 00 Appropriation Y97 Subunit 00 Project 00000001 The National Finance Center manually enters the default management code, recording it in the following Region/unit combination: Region Unit Region Unit 01 56 11 11 02 31 22 20 03 16 23 13 04 97 24 23 05 20 26 19 06 27 27 21 08 97 28 16 09 01 29 18 10 01 30 19 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.5--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK The National Finance Center forwards a copy of the SF-1081 to the Regions to assist them in preparing an adjustment on Form AD-742, Transfer and Adjustment Voucher, to transfer the amount in management code 879997 to the proper management code. 71.5 - Adjustment for Gasoline, Diesel, and Other Operational Items Issued to Forest Service Pro rams and/or Other Agencies. When issuing gasoline, diesel, and/or other operational items (originally purchased using accounts 601 or 602) to other Forest Service projects or other agencies, it is necessary to make an accounting adjustment. An adjustment is also necessary when one Working Capital Fund (WCF) activity issues to another WCF activity any of these items it has purchased. When issuing items to Forest Service programs or other WCF activities, process the adjustment as a transfer of expenditure. Process issues of gasoline, diesel, and/or other operational items to other agencies as a "refund." See sec. 71.2 for the transaction code for refund. In the adjustment, use the same budget object code for the goods that was used at the time of purchase. Use Form FS-6400-11, Daily Record of Issues, to support the document for adjusting the accounts. If issuing items to other Forest Service programs or WCF activities, use T/C 81-E on form AD-742 to make the adjustment (ex. 1). Use form SF-1081 to bill other Federal agencies (FSH 6509.11k, ch. 30). When processing an adjustment, attach a copy of form FS-6400-11 to form AD-742. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.5--2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.5--3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 - Continued *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.6 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 71.6 - Depreciation of Assets. The Equipment Management Information System (EMIS) automatically computes depreciation expense each month and enters the amounts of depreciation expense (account 64X) and accumulated depreciation (account 16X) associated with each type property and Working Capital Fund (WCF) activity into the Budget Cost System. The National Finance Center makes entries automatically in unit 97, subunit 97, for all activities except 012, 022, and 04X that appear on the unit to which the equipment master file is assigned. The EMIS computes monthly depreciation by dividing the undepreciated balance by the remaining months for depreciation. The computation of depreciation is reported on EMIS Reports 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 (ch. 80). Regional offices should make the following checks on the depreciation runs: 1. Randomly compare the "remaining months" column with the previous run to ensure that the number of remaining months has been reduced only by one. 2. Compare the total of the "capitalized value" column for WCF-owned equipment with the balance of the respective activity/account from the balance sheet. 3. Compare the total of the "accumulated depreciation" column for WCF-owned equipment with the balance of the respective activity/account from the balance sheet. 4. Compare the current fiscal year's cumulative amounts in the "current months depreciation" column for WCF-owned equipment with the balance of the respective activity/account from the income statement. 5. Verify that there is an entry in the "remaining months' column for all items that have a balance in the "un-depreciated value" column. Use Form FS-500-61, Fleet Equipment and Aircraft (Accountability and Data Record), to establish remaining months for any equipment with an un-depreciated value, but with no months remaining. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 71.6--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 72 - QUARTERLY ADJUSTMENTS 72.1 - Adjustment for Aircraft Airworthiness and Overhaul provisions, and Deferred Boat Maintenance (Extraordinary Maintenance). Prepare adjustments quarterly to establish a reserve for extraordinary maintenance of aircraft and large (Ranger) boats. The Regional Working Capital Fund financial manager supplies the amount of the quarterly adjustment at the beginning of each fiscal year. Use Form AD-742, Transfer and Adjustment Voucher, to make the adjustment, using exhibits 1 and 2 as examples. Process the adjustments in time for inclusion in the quarterly financial statements. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.1—2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.1—3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 2 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.2—1 WORKINGCAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 72.2 - Refund of State Fuel Tax. Some State laws provide for refunding the State tax on motor fuels for vehicles using certain roads. For example, the State of Oregon allows a refund for Government agencies on the State fuel tax for motor vehicles using any road, thoroughfare, or property other than a State highway, county road, or city street. Units shall report nontaxable units of use on Form FS-500-60, Fleet Equipment and Aircraft Operation Record. The National Finance Center summarizes the nontaxable units of use and reports to the units on EMIS-17, Fleet Equipment, Nontaxable Mileage Report. Use this report as a basis for preparing the claim for the refund. Record refunds of State fuel tax as a "refund" to account 601 or account 602, as appropriate. On the bill for collection, use the budget object class used when purchasing the fuel. Exhibit 1 is a sample of the nontaxable mileage report (EMIS-7). Exhibit 2 is a sample of the bill for collection for use in recording the refund. Regions should supplement this section to show which States within the Region provide for refunds of State fuel tax. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.2--2 Exhibit 1 WORKINGCAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.2--3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit -2 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.3--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 72.3 - Clearing Working Capital Fund Subsystem Trial Balance Rejects. The National Finance Center (NFC) produces the Working Capital Fund subsystem (WCFS) trial balance reject report quarterly to notify units of accounting records in the Budget Cost System that failed to pass compatibility edits (Region/unit/activity/account). The WCFS does not include accounting records on the reject list when processing the following reports: 1. Balance sheet. 2. Income statements. 3. Nursery cost distribution worksheet. 4. Yearend balance forward. Accounts maintenance is necessary to minimize the reject list. Consider rejected items of significant amounts when reviewing the balance sheet, income statement, and nursery cost distribution worksheet. The reject list consists of individual records and is not a summary of line items of accounting. This arrangement may result in the showing of both positive and negative amounts, with the net effect being zero. Make accounting adjustments only if there is a balance in the account because the individual records are reported for the remainder of the year. Make accounting adjustments to clear the reject list before the quarter is over and before preparation of the next report. Exhibit 1 is an example of the Working Capital Fund subsidiary trial balance reject list. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.3--2 Exhibit 1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.51--l WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 72.4 - Distribution of Accounts 604 and 606. Do not automatically distribute account 604 (operation cost, special gasoline equipment) and account 606 (operation cost, special diesel equipment) to individual items of equipment and/or classes as one would their counterparts (accounts 601 and 602, respectively). It is necessary to manually distribute the balance in these accounts to the specific class or classes of equipment and to record the distribution on the quarterly operations reports (EMIS 20, 21, and 22). Distribute the balance in the accounts on the basis of units of use, number of items of equipment, or other equitable bases. Manually enter the distributed cost on the various Equipment Management Information System (EMIS) reports. Regions using accounts 604 and 606 should supplement this section to assign responsibility for, and describe the method used to manually distribute accounts 604 and 606. 72.5 - Inventory Adjustments 72.51 - Gasoline and Diesel Inventories. Make an adjustment to the inventory accounts for gasoline (account 123) and diesel (account 122) to agree with the physical inventory of gasoline and diesel. Make increases or decreases in accounts 601 (gasoline) or 602 (diesel) in the budget object used to purchase the fuel; that is, 2614-gasoline; 2615-diesel. Make the increase or decrease in account 122 or 123 in budget object 0230. This procedure properly adjusts the computation basis for the Department of Agriculture energy report that the National Finance Center produces. Exhibit 1 shows a sample Form AD-742, Transfer and Adjustment Voucher, for making an adjustment to a gasoline inventory as well as a supporting worksheet for use in computing the adjustment. *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.51—2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.51--3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK Exhibit 1 -- Continued *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 72.52 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK 72.52 - Nursery Cost of Trees and Seed Sold. See chapter 60 for adjustment recording cost of trees and seed sold. 75 - YEAREND CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS 75.1 - Normal Closing Entries. The Working Capital Fund Subsystem (WCFS) automatically makes closing entries after it prepares the September 30 balance sheet and income statements. After processing these, the system generates the following reports. 1. The WCFS processes the Post Closing Trial Balance reflecting the following: a. The WCFS closes income and expense accounts into their appropriate Retained Earnings accounts. b. The WCFS closes account 154 (Fleet) into account 155. c. The WCFS makes the adjusting entry for Retained Earnings Utilized for Increased Cost of Fleet Equipment Replacement. d. In activity 036, the WCFS closes direct expanses (accounts 620, 625, 628, 635, 641, and 652) into account 130. It then closes account 130 into account 129. e. In activity 036, the WCFS makes an entry between accounts 358 and 359 reflecting the amount utilized for the increased cost of seed replaced. f. The WCFS closes account 202 into account 101. (The system restores cash when it generates the cash offset to the negative expenditures that appear in BURG 55-3 as a result of the 950 reversal.) 2. The WCFS processes balance sheets and income statements labeled "End-of-Year." The WCFS uses these reports to offset the negative expenditures generated by the 951 reversal in BUDG 55-3. 3. The WCFS produces "Beginning Balance" statements reflecting the following in chronological order: *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 75.1--1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK a. The WCFS combines the Post Closing Trial Balance and the End-of-Year statements. b. The WCFS transfers all amounts in balance sheet accounts in activities 011, 021, 032, 033, 034, and 035 to Unit 97 in each Region. c. The WCFS reverses the Accounts Receivable accrual entry as of September 30. Exhibit 1 shows a flow chart for the balance forward procedures for activities 011, 021, 032, 033, 034, and 035. Exhibit 2 shows a flow chart for the balance forward procedures for activities 012 and 022. Exhibit 3 shows a flow chart for the balance forward procedures for activity 040 (includes 041-047). *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 75.1--2 Exhibit 1 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 75.1--3 Exhibit 2 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -* 75.1--4 Exhibit 3 WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS HANDBOOK *- FSH 3/86 AMEND 5 -*