Research Topics in Renewable Energy for 2016 Dosent / Lecturer: (Title, Initials & Surname) 1. Dr Josephine K Musango 2. Prof Alan C Brent 3. Dr Zora Kovacic Fakulteit / Faculty: 1. Economics and Management Sciences 2. Engineering 3. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (external supervisor) Email: Tel: 021 808 4883 Departement / Department: 1. School of Public Leadership 2. Industrial Engineering Institute of Environmental Science and Technology Navorsingsarea / Area of Research: Metabolic Patterns of society in informal settlements (seeking 5 students) Algemene beskrywing van navorsingsveld: (nie meer as 2 paragrawe nie): General description of research area (only 2 paragraphs): PARTICIPIA project ( is responding to practical need of promoting energy access and efficiency in Southern Africa, with three case studies in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. As part of the South Africa case, the five (5) research topics have been identified to investigate the metabolic patterns of society in informal settlements: (i) Participatory mapping of electricity flows in Enkanini informal settlement This is aimed at understanding the land use and electricity flows in the settlement; examining how the availability of electricity affects the use of other fuel types in provision of energy services (ii) Money flows in Enkanini informal settlement This is aimed at understanding the economic dynamics in the settlement (iii) Metabolic patterns of food flows in Enkanini informal settlement This is aimed at understanding health and nutrition dynamics in the settlement (iv) Metabolic patterns of waste flows in Enkanini informal settlement (v) Electricity requirements of informal settlements in South Africa Using Khayamandi informal settlement as a benchmark The approaches that will be utilised are: Participatory Mapping and Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem (MuSIASEM) which was developed by Giampietro and Mayumi (2000). Lys van onderwerpe/List of topics: (Merk graad met X/Mark degree with X) Participatory mapping of electricity flows in Enkanini informal settlement Money flows in Enkanini informal settlement Metabolic patterns of food flows in Enkanini informal settlement Metabolic patterns of waste flows in Enkanini informal settlement Electricity requirements of informal settlements in South Africa M.Eng. (Structured) M.Eng. (Research) Ph.D. X X X X X Spesifieke voorvereistes / Specific requirements: Modelling skills such as material flow analysis, with specific focus on MuSIASEM and GIS. Ability to work in Excel. Interested students will be trained in MuSIASEM and Participatory Mapping. References Giampietro, M. & Mayumi, K. 2000. Multiple-scale integrated assessment of societal metabolism: introducing the approach. Population and Environment, 22: 109–153. Befondsing beskikbaar / Funding available: