NEW APPLICATIONS OF HOLLOW-CORE COMPONENTS IN HOUSING, ADMINISTRATIVE, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS by FARNAZ A. BEROUKHIM Bachelor of Art in Architecture Southern California Institute of Architecture Santa Monica, California 1982 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 1985 O Farnaz A. Beroukhim 1985 The Author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of the author ~v U, ~ UV Certified by - wy"rV Farnaz A. Beroukhim Department of Architecture k_ -/: C Waclaw P. Zalewski Professor of Structures Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Departmental Julian Beinart Chairman Committee for'Graduate Students ROW-1 IN5INTE OF TECHNOLOGY MA SSA CHUSETI S JUN 0 3 1985 L!BP.AIS New Applications of Hollow-Core Components in Housing, Administrative, and Public Buildings by Farnaz A. Beroukhim Submitted to the Department of Architecture May 8, 1985 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies. ABSTRACT Standard prestressed hollow-core slabs have many advantages as construction members while being relatively very low in cost. The principal advantages include the ease of mass production, a small cross-sectional area, light weight, and flat surfaces. In addition, the slabs have the advantages of concrete, precasting and prestressing. The only specifications which make hollow-core components unsuitable for wall members are their lack of weight and mass, their inability to be used as long members because of the limited distance between the floor-to-floor height, and, in some cases, insufficient insulating qualities. This thesis recommends a practical and economical system for the structural use of hollow-core components which have been modified with two other additional structural members - a This continuous precast "L" beam and a precast support panel. system will allow a high degree of standardization and an additional saving in the total cost of the equipment and Most of all, the wall members have the advantages of formworks. precast prestressed hollow-core slabs and their low cost. The new system's applications are mainly directed towards housing, administrative and public buildings. A design example is also introduced and analyzed in terms of possible variations in area of the individual units and the The latter case shows that the total cost of the building. for the recommended square-foot per total cost of structure construction types. other the than lower system is considerably Thesis Supervisor: Title: Waclaw P. Zalewski Professor of Structures ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am grateful for the insightful advice and criticism of my advisor, Professor Waclaw P. Zalweski of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I appreciate the valuable comments and suggestions of my dear husband, Professor Menashi D. Cohen of Northeastern University. I also very much appreciate his full support, patience and understanding. I wish to thank people at Lonestar/San-Vel information throughout the thesis. for providing I am also thankful to Professor Leon Groisser of M.I.T. and Mrs. Janet Polansky of Jewish Vocational Service for providing financial support. In addition, I thank the Women's Scholarship Organization for their scholarship award in 1985. Most of all, I am grateful to my parents, brother, for their support and encouragement. and sisters I also wish good luck to my dear friend, Kai-ie Lie, graduate of Architecture Department, at M.I.T.. iii 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT. PAGE .................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............. TABLE OF CONTENTS............. LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES.... .iv .vi 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW............................ 2.0 CONCRETE.000000000000000000000 2.1 2.2 2.3 0.4 Concrete Block*............. Cast-In-Place Concrete... Precast Concrete......... Connections...... 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 .16 .16 .16 1 = d S t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Post-Tensioning the Steel.............. Prestressing types-Circular and Linear. Partial Prestress Reinforcements ....... Prestres sed Standard Types..................... Double Tee........... 2.5.1 Single Tee............. 2.5.2 Solid Flat Components................. 2.5.3 Hollow-Core Components................. 2.5.4 Other ....................... Components Cost for Common Types of Structural Constructio Material Prestressed Standard Types ............ 2.6.1 Cast-In-Place Concrete................ 2.6.2 Brick Veneer/Wood Stud Backup.......... 2.6.3 Concrete Block Wall.................... 2.6.4 ................... Concludi rg Discussion 0...... PRESENT APPLICATIONS OF STANDARD PRECAST PRESTRESSED COMPONENTS HOLLOW-CORE 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 .15 Reinforced Precast Types. Reinforced....... 2.4.1 Prestressing the Co ncre te Pre2.4.2 2.5.5 2.6 .10 .11 .12 Finishes......... nIs Z 2.5 a..... 1 .................................. Slab................................. .......... Typical Connections....... .. 3.1.1 3.1.2 Coordination with Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Services and other Sub-Systems. . .. .. ......... Hollow-Core Wall.......... .. Corewall Insulated Wall Panel.................... Hollow-Core NEW APPLICATIONS OF STANDARD PRECAST PRESTRESSED HOLLOWCORE COMPONENTS. Components ....... System 1 - Required Structural 4.1 0........................ Slab Hollow-Core 4.1.1 Hollow-Core Wall Panel.................. 4.1.2 00.00..000.00..00000.000..000000.000000. 4.1.3 Precast "L" Beam ....... 0000.0000000..00 PAGE 4.2 4.3 5.0 Precast Support Panel.....................52 4.1.5 Sequence of Erection......................053 System 2 - Required Structural Components.........55 Advantages and Disadvantages......................56 EFFECTS OF THE NEW SYSTEMS ON HOUSING, ADMINISTRATIVE AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS...........................58 ............. .............. 00... .59 5.1 Housing 5.2 Administrative and Public Buildings...............60 5.3 Design 5.4 6.0 4.1.4 CONCLUDING REFERENCES..................... 0 ................................. Example .. 61 5.3.1 Variations in Unit Dimensions.............62 5.3.2 Cost Variations Estimate .......... of DISCUSSION. ....... ..... .. Planning ............................ .............................. 64 66 68 ...... 0000... 70 PAGE LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Table 2-1 The strength of concrete decreases as the w/c ratio increases.............. .. Table 2-2 Approximate relative strength of concrete as .. . . . .. . . . affected by type of ce ne nt. Figure 2-1 Deformed reinforcing b Figure 2-2 Manufacturing process for precast concre te conponents............ ............ 6 . 7 ..12 .13 Figure 2-3 Channels for post-tens ioning tendo ns.... Figure 2-4 Double Tee............ ........... Figure 2-5 Single Tee............ Figure 2-6 Solid flat slab....... ........... ....... 24 Figure 2-7 Hollow-core slab ...... ....... 24 Table 2-3 Precast double "T" ....... 26 Table 2-4 Precast single Tees... wall ....... 926 Table 2-5 Precast planks........ ....... &27 Tab 1 e 2-6 Flat precast concrete. ....... 27 18 . . 22 23 bea . . . . .. o.......... Table 2-7 Cast-in-place flat pla ....... 28 Table 2-8 Cast-in-place concrete wall....... ....... 28 Table 2-9 Brick veneer/wood stud backup ..... ....... 029 Tab 1e 2-10 Concrete block wall... ....... 30 Figure 3-1 Dy-core............... *......34 ...... Figure Figure 3-2 3-3 Dynaspan..... ......... .. & .. .. 0 .. Flexicore............. Figure 3-4 Spancrete ...... Figure 3-5 Span-deck .......... Figure 3-6 Spiroll, corefloor.... ....... vi ....... 34 ....... 35 ...... 35 ..... 36 PAGE Figure 3-7 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to structural wall-Exterior joints..............37 Figure 3-8 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to structural wall - Interior joints............37 Figure 3-9 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab Figure 3-10 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to shear wall ............................... 38 ....... Figure 3-11 Typical connection details of hollow-core slabs to each ot e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 3-12 Underfloor electrical ducts can be embedded within a concrete topping..............................39 Figure 3-13 Large openings in floors and roofs are made during manufacture of the units ................. e.. .. 40 Figure 3-14 Kitchen/bathroom modules can be pre-assembled on precast prestressed slab ready for installation in buildings............................. system Figure 3-15 Prefabricated wet-wall plumbing systems incorporate pre-assembled 42 piping.... ..................... Figure 3-16 Methods of attaching suspended ceilings, crane .43 rails, and other sub-systems.......... Figure 3-17 Sections through vertical joints................44 Figure 3-18 Typical Figure 3-19 Typical top connection......................... Figure 4-la Three degrees of diversity for prefabricates....48 Figure 4-lb The new degree of diversity for prefabricates...48 corner detail...... 45 ..................... .45 Figure 4-2 Hollow-core Figure 4-3 Hollow-core slab with post-tensioning conduits..49 Figure 4-4 Hollow-core wall panel - Section................50 Figure 4-5 Wall panels have equal heights at each level of slab....................... erection..................... vii ......... 49 . .51 PAGE Figure 4-6 The height of every other wall panel vary in one story increments ................................. Figure 4-7 Precast "L" Figure 4-8 Precast Figure 4-9 Floor to bearing wall connection-Detail A...... Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Typical .. 51 beam................................ 52 support element ......................... 53 54 section................................ 55 Typical connection of floor slabs to load-bearin g 56 panel ................................... wall Figure 4-12 Section through load-bearing wall panels........ 56 Figure 4-13 Optional exterior finish-Detail B Figure 5-1 Design example Figure 5-2 Design example - Section ........................ 61 Figure 5-3 Considering the width between two structural - Plan. 5-4 .... 5-5 *. .. 57 61 62 000000 Considering the width between three structural walls ........ Figure ...... .................... walls........................... Figure .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Considering the width between four structural 63 Figure 5-6 Variations of planning.............. viii ........... 66 1.0 Introduction and Overview -1- 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW The primary goal of the construction industry today is to incorporate the advantages of prefabrication, while achieving the architectural requirements of a space in a practical and economical way. one of the most important factors affecting a Cost is decision on the choice of materials and the nature of construction. Precast concrete products are usually used only when rapid construction is more important than cost. On the other hand, when analyzing the costs, manufacturing means of precasting, we notice that precasting, while being an expensive way of construction, least expensive way as well. types, and For example, can also be the the reinforced precast panels are now produced for about $18 to $20 per S.F., while standard hollow-core slabs are produced for about $3.50 per S.F. Therefore, it is not the precasting which is expensive, but the method of precasting which makes the difference. The main advantages of standard hollow-core slabs, in comparison with all other types of flooring and roofing systems, are their very low cost, small thickness, light weight, and flat surfaces. They also have all the advantages of prestressing, precasting and concrete. While these specifications make concrete an ideal material for slab, other characteristics make it less practical and economical for wall members: its lack of weight, mass, and in some cases insufficient insulating qualities, in addition to -2- its not being suitable for use as long members. The goal of this thesis is to introduce a system in which standard hollow-core components and/or their modifications can be used practically and economically as structural floor and wall panels while maintaining the advantages of hollow-core slabs and satisfying the architectural requirements of a space. The principal advantages of using homogeneous floor and wall members will be: The manufacturing time is minimized through mass a. production of a simple cross-sectional shape. b. A standard method and technique can be used for ma nufacturi ng. c. A significant saving in cost of equipment and formworks will be achieved. d. Machines and equipment will mainly be used for manufacturing. Therefore, all of these will result in a significant saving in the total cost of the components. -3- 2.0 CONCRETE -4- 2.0 CONCRETE that make it Concrete has many characteristics one of the Concrete products most widely used construction materials. account for more than $250 billion dollars per year. characteristics of this material are its Tha main availability, low formability, and the relative ease with which its price, properties can be modified. strength, durability, The main properties include and fire resistancy; concrete economy, is also a good sound insulator. Concrete is water and portland a mixture of aggregates, The active ingredients are water and cement which cement. combine chemically to form a paste that binds the aggregates together. This process is called hydration. AGGREGATES The major function of aggregates economical. place, is to make concrete more In a mass, as hydration and evaporation take the aggregates keep the concrete from shrinking and cracking. Therefore, the number and sizes of the aggregates can be adjusted for the strength and workability of the mix. Fine aggregate can be either sand or rock screenings, the particles range from very fine sand to 1/4 inch in and size. Course aggregate is either gravel or crushed stone 1/4 inch to 1-1/2 inch in diameter. Light-weight aggregates of various types may also be used to control the weight, thermal insulating, characteristics of concrete. Also, -5- and nailing depending on the type of the shrinkage, light-weight aggregate, strength and insulating properties of the mix will vary. WATER For mixing concrete, drink. best to use water that is it's at a specific job site potable water is If fit to not available, tests on samples must show that the compressive strength of the mix at 7 and 28 days is at least equal to 90% of the concrete made with potable water. The common testing age for compressive strength of concrete, both normal and high-strength, The more water added, amount of cement, is 7 and 28 days. above a certain amount, to a given the weaker the concrete will ultimately be. This relationship of water and cement is known as the water Table 2-1 shows that the strength of cement ratio or W/C. concrete decreases as the W/C ration increases. Table 2-1 W/C (weight) Gallon& per beg .45 .49 .53 .57 .62 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 Approx. 28-day atWe;th 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3.000 The strength of concrete decreases as the W/C ratio increase. PORTLAND CEMENT The manufacturing of portland cement requires raw materials which are mainly lime, silica, alumina, and iron. There are five types of portland cement based on ASTM standards. Each is intended for a specific purpose although they all achieve about the same strength after curing for three months. -6- ASTM TYPE I (Normal) This is the most common type of general purpose cement, It is and is used when a specific type is not required. generally not used in large masses because of the generated heat from hydration. constructions, pavements, Its uses include most residential bridges, railway structures, sidewalks, tanks, water pipes, and masonary units. ASTM TYPE II (Moderate Heat or Modified) cement is Type II used where low heat generation during hydration or resistance to moderate sulfate attack is It has been used in warm climates and structures of important. mass, and retaining walls. such as piers, abutments, ASTM TYPE III (High Early Strength) Type III cement is used when an early strength gain is important and heat generation is not a critical factor. For example, it can be used when forms have to be removed for reuse and/or the member will be put under full load within a few days. Table 2-2 shows the approximate relative strength of concrete as affected by the type of cement and days of curing. ASTM I II III IV V Table 2-2 Type of Portland Cement CSA Normal High-Early-Strenkth Sulfate-Resisting Compressive Strength (Percent of Strength of Type I or Normal Portland Cement Concrete) 3 mos. 28 days 7 days I day 100 75 190 55 65 100 85 120 55 75 100 90 110 75 85 100 100 100 100 100 Approximate relative strength of concrete as affected by type of cement. -7- ASTM TYPE IV (Low Heat) Type IV cement is used where the rate and amount of heat The strength development for type generated must be minimized. IV is slower than for type I. Type IV is primarily used in large mass placements such as dams. ASTM TYPE V (Sulfate-Resisting) Type V is primarily used where the soil or ground water contains high sulfate concentrations and the structure would be exposed to severe sulfate attack. Type V gains strength much more slowly than type I. Approximate amounts of heat generation during the first days of curing, using type I cement as the base, 7 are as follows: Type I 100% Type II 80-85% Type III 150% Type IV 40-60% Type V 60-75% ADMIXTURES Admixtures can be classified into two groups: chemical admixtures, and (2) (1) mineral admixtures. Chemical admixtures are: 1. Air-entraining This admixture stabilizes bubbles formed by air incorporated in the concrete during the mixing process. The bubbles create tiny voids which allow the concrete to withstand the freeze-and-thaw cycle. -8- 2. Retarders These admixtures are frequently used in high-strength concretes to control the rate of hydration. They can be used on hot days to prolong the setting time from 30 to 60 percent. retarders often provide an In addition, increase in compressive strength. 3. Water Reducer This admixture allows as much as 15 percent reduction of water in a mix. Therefore, it helps to minimize problems relating to an excess of water (which causes cracking in the concrete). The admixture also increases the concrete's strength and its bond to steel. 4. Accelerators These admixtures are not normally used in high-strength concrete. They are counterproductive and lead to long-term strength reduction. Accelerators can be used to get an early set in freezing weather. Mineral Admixtures are: 1. Fly Ash A replacement of 10 to 30 percent by weight of cement with fly ash will increase the compressive strength. 2. Silica Fume Using silica fume as partial replacement of or an addition to cement will increase the compressive strength. -9- Admixture Combination The combination of superplasticizers with water reducers or retarders has become common in order to achieve optimum In certain circumstances, performance at the lowest cost. combinations of water-reducers or retarders plus an accelerator have been proven to be useful. CURING Proper curing is concrete. essential in achieving high-strength The compressive strength and durability of concrete will be fully developed only if it is properly cured for an adequate period prior to being placed in service. It is best to keep the concrete moist and warm, above 80 percent relative humidity and 70 F for about 3 days. If the humidity drops below 80 percent, the surface of the concrete shrinks, resulting in a soft, dusty skin which is less resistant. CONCRETE IN CONSTRUCTION Concrete can be used in construction either plain or with reinforcements. In general, concrete without reinforcements are precast in the form of blocks; with reinforcements, it can be precast or cast-in-place 2.1 in any desired form. CONCRETE BLOCK Concrete masonry building units, solid or hollow, are widely used. They are made from both light-weight and normal-weight concrete in a great variety of sizes and shapes. The properties of concrete blocks are made to comply with certain requirements, such as compressive strength, rate of -10- moisture content, absorption, and thermal expansion. weight, Applications of concrete masonry building units include exterior and interior load-bearing curtain walls, walls, panel walls, walls, fire walls, party and partitions. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 2.2 Concrete has great compressive strength but lacks tensile whereas steel has great tensile strength. strength, cast-in-place Reinforced concrete is a combination of concrete and steel that uses to best advantage the compressive strength of the concrete and the tensile strength of the steel. In this method the reinforcements are placed in position, then the desired form is located before pouring the concrete mix. Reinforced concrete architectural floors, roofs, is very widely used in structural field for foundations, walls, etc. the framing, Reinforcements can generally be grouped into two major categories: 1. Steel Wires, Strands and Bars Steel wires can be welded to form wire mesh or grouped in parallel to form cable. together. Fig. Strands are wires twisted Bars are made either plain or deformed. 2-1 shows deformed reinforcing bars. Deformed bars create a better bond between concrete and steel. Steel bars of high strength have also been successfully applied to prestressing concrete. Steel bars are designated by the number of eights of an inch in their -11- diameter and are available in sizes from number 2 (1/4 inch diameter) to number 18 (2-1/4 Deformed reinforcing bars. Figure 2-1 2. inch diameter). Fibers Fibers which are typically used for the reinforcement of concrete include steel, glass, and synthetic. The advantage of fibers, as opposed to continuous strands or bars, is that they can be included during mixing, therefore eliminating the labor associated with the fabrication and placement of reinforcements. 2.3 PRECAST CONCRETE Precast concrete products are construction items usually manufactured in a factory, off site or on site, and delivered for installation into the structure. serve structural, architectural, The precast members can or a combination of both structural and architectural purposes. In the two latter cases, the members are normally called ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE components. The standard precast components include pipes, catch basins, and a variety of structural elements such as beam, column, wall, floor and roof units. Fig. 2-2 shows a chart describing the manufacturing process for precast concrete components. -12- Figure 2-2 Manufacturing process for precast concrete components. ADVANTAGES OF PRECASTING a. The use of the most appropriate methods and equipment in the factory result in consistently high quality products and in an increase in productivity. b. Close supervision, control of materials, and a specialized work force in a centralized plant produce a high quality product in a shorter period of time. c. High quality products reduce the maintenance costs. d. The need for trained and specialized labor on site is minimized since the work is restricted to erecting and jointing. e. Structural members can be mass produced in a plant while excavation and foundation works are taking place at the site. Therefore, precasting considerably reduces the time of construction. f. Economy in the amount of equipment and formworks needed. -13- g. Finishing work on concrete surfaces can be done in various varieties and with better quality while being easier and more efficient. h. In most cases the need for scaffolding, shuttering and other temporary supports will be minimized. i. The production proceeds independent of weather conditions. All the above advantages result in a significant saving in time and cost. project, Moreover, it is evident that the larger the the more economical and suitable it prefabrication. therefore, is for The number of identical units increases; the cost of erection formworks, and designs decreases. CONSIDERATIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF PRECASTING a. The structure should be composed of a small number of different types of components. b. The manufacturing should require little time. c. The units should be so designed that variants of basic types can be produced in the same mold. d. The engineeral design, weight, size and shape of units should allow an economical and practical handling, transportation, e. and erection. The components should be compatible in weight in order to use the full potential of the cranes. f. The connections should be simple and quick to construct, in order to obtain speedy and continuous erection. -14- g. The system should be able to limit the use of scaffolding and other temporary supports. h. The height of the structure should be within the reaching limit of the available cranes. i. The location of the precasting yard or factory should be close to the construction site. DISADVANTAGES a. OF PRECASTING Often the units must be made larger or more heavily reinforced than the cast-in-place equivalent because of the free-ended condition. b. Adequate provision must be made for the stresses which precast units may face in demolding, transportation, c. handling, and erection. Camponents may be damaged or broken during handling and erection. d. The joints between members can pose the greatest problem. e. Precasting tends to be less suitable for small projects or buildings with irregular features. f. The size and weight of precast members must be restricted. g. 2.3.1 Lack of monolithic continuity. CONNECTIONS The connections between precast members should be capable of withstanding tension, compression, bending, combination of any of the four without failure, deformation, or rotation. -15- shearing, excessive or a Tension Connections can be made by one of the following: a. Welding the projecting reinforcing bars. b. Projecting of a reinforcing bar from one member into a cast-in-place concrete section or a grout sleeve in an adjacent member. c. Bolting. d. Post-tensioning. Shear Connections between precast members can be made by casting concrete against previously hardened concrete and tied with steel projecting across the interface. Compression Connections between precast members can be made by filling the joint with concrete or grout. 2.3.2 FINISHES Surface finishes can be formed mechanically, by the pattern or texture of the mold, chemically, or by coating and painting. REINFORCED PRECAST TYPES 2.4 Reinforced precast components belong to three categories: reinforced, pre-tensioned, and post-tensioned. REINFORCED 2.4.1 There are two ways of reinforcing precast reinforced concrete products: 1. Fiber reinforced. synthetic. Typical fibers are steel, glass, and In this method any type of fiber is mixed -16- with concrete before being placed in the forms. 2. Normally reinforced. In this method the steel is the form and the concrete is positioned in the materials When the concrete has cured, around it. placed (concrete and steel) will be bonded together and will act as one. At least a major part of the reinforcements in same way as it this type of unit is placed in the might be in cast-in-place concrete members. 2.4.2 PRESTRESSING THE CONCRETE-PRE-TENSIONED STEEL In this method a certain tensile force is applied to the the direction of spanning with high-grade continuous steels in hydraulic jacks, form. before high-strength concrete is placed in the When the concrete has cured and has reached a specified strength, the tensile force is removed from the steel and therefore the stress is transferred to the concrete through the bond between them, and this causes the concrete to be compressed. As a result, the prestressed concrete is able to more load, resist some tension; therefore, longer span, or a thinner cross-section can be achieved. 2.4.3 POST-TENSIONING THE STEEL This method involves placing and curing a precast member which is normally reinforced or prestressed and which also has a number of ducts or conduits through which post-tensioning -17- strands or bars will be passed (Fig. has reached a specified strength, 2-3). After the concrete the post-tensioning tendons are inserted into the channels and anchored at one end and stressed from the opposite end by a portable hydraulic jack. After the member has gained the specified stress, the tendons are anchored by a automatic gripping device. Thus, the steel remains in tension and the concrete in compression. Noncontinuous bearn Channels for posttensioning tendons Continuous beam Figure 2-3 Channels for post-tensioning tendons. Pre-tensioned or post-tensioned concrete has extended the usefulness of reinforced concrete by making it more adaptable The main advantage of pre-tensioning or to various needs. post-tensioning is the elimination or reduction of the tensile These stresses in the concrete member by pre-compression. components, then, are by far more practical and economical than normal reinforced concrete when they are used for bridges, spans, long extending longer cantilevers, and controling objectionable deflections while the cracks are eliminated. Pre-tensioning has also suitable applications when combined with precasting or semi-precasting such as composite or lift-slab constructions. -18- ADVANTAGES OF PRE-TENSIONING In prestressed concrete the employment of higher strength materials and the applied stress load result in a smaller cross-section for an applied load and the elimination of cracks. The smaller cross-section for members allows: a. Saving in and floor-to-floor columns, foundations, height. b. Considerable reduction in the use of materials and thus the reduction of weight, or dead load. This reduction in the weight of the units mainly results in a saving in time and in the costs of handling, transportation and erection. From the aesthetic point of view, the density of the material causes a better surface finish for components. Also, the smaller cross-section for members gives the structure a lighter appearance. DISADVANTAGES OF PRE-TENSIONING The disadvantages of pre-tensioning a. include: By its own nature the prestressed units have less weight and mass. In situations where weight and mass are required instead of strength, plain or reinforced concrete could serve at a lower cost. b. Prestressed units require more care in design, construction and erection because of the higher strength materials and smaller cross-section members. -19- PRE-TENSIONING OR POST-TENSIONING The pre-tensioning technique is usually employed in a reqardless plant where mass production of a particular shape, In this system, the long of its longation, is required. members can be produced without difficulty and without the necessity of precise measurements of the elongation of the tendons during stressing; the members can then be sawcut to the desired length. In this method, a high initial investment cost is required for purchasing the plant and required equipments. On the other hand, the post-tensioning usually employed for long members. expensive than pre-tensioning. of labor required in placing, technique is Post-tensioning is more This is due to the large amount stressing and grouting the tendons and cost of the conduits and anchorage devices. Sometimes, with age, post-tensioning members tend to maintain their properties better than do pre-tensioning. Furthermore, the post-tensioning method can be applied to smooth curves. 2.4.4 PRESTRESSING TYPES - CIRCULAR AND LINEAR Circular prestressing is a term applied to prestressed circular structures, such as round tanks and pipes, in which the prestressing wires are wound around in circles. In contrast to circular prestressing, linear prestressing is used to include all other types of prestressing, when the cables are either straight or curved, but not wound in circles around a circular structure. -20- PARTIAL PRESTRESS REINFORCEMENTS 2.4.5 In contrast to the criterion of no tensile stress in the member, which may be called "full prestressing," design allowing some tension is prestressing." Mainly, the method of often termed "partial no basic difference between there is the two because while a structure may be designed for no tension under working loads, it will be subjected to tension under overloads. Partial prestressing may be obtained by any of the following methods: 1. Using the same amount of steel, but tensioning it lower level, to a will give effects similar to those of method 2 but no end anchorage is saved. Hence the method is seldom used. 2. Using less prestressed steel and adding some mild steel for reinforcing will give the desired ultimate strength and will result in greater resilience at the expense of earlier cracking. -21- PRESTRESSED STANDARD TYPES 2.5 Since prestressed components are being economically manufactured and used, many standard types have been developed to provide a greater saving in cost. DOUBLE TEE 2.5.1 Double tees are used extensively for both roof and floor constructions. wall panels. depths. 2-4. In some applications they may also be used as Double tees are made in a variety of widths and A typical section of double tee slab is shown in Double tee slabs are structurally efficient, in the case of long spans. Fig. especially Large openings can be provided within the width of flange between stems. 2" 8'0" 5 3/4" 2 20" (varies) 4'1-0" L3 Figure 2-4 2.5.2 314 Double Tee. SINGLE TEE Single tees are used for heavy loading requirements and/or long spans, ranging up to 120 feet or more. These units are popular for exposed ceilings and where mechanical services are -22- channeled between stems for easy access. single tee slab is shown in Fig. 2-5. A typical section of The section is one of high structural efficiency and has been used extensively in many areas of the country. 1 112" 2-18-0 36-' (varies) Figure 2-5 2.5.3 Single Tee SOLID FLAT COMPONENTS Solid flat components include solid flat wall panels and slabs in a variety of widths and thicknesses. Wall panels are mainly used for partial, full-story, or multi-story heights for either curtain wall or load-bearing use. Solid flat slabs do not have an extensive use in country. Instead, this hollow slabs and solid post-tensioned slabs have been used to a very significant degree. of solid flat slab is Fig. shown in 2-6. A typical section The principal advantages of prestressed solid slabs are the low cost, better quality, and more availability. The principal disadvantages of prestressed solid slabs are the limitation in standardized elements. -23- number of Width varies 2N 1 1/2" Figure 2-6 2.5.4 8" (varies) Solid flat slab. HOLLOW-CORE COMPONENTS The primary physical difference between this type of element and solid flat components is the voids. Hollow-core slabs are lighter and structurally more economical and efficient. They can carry more load and/or span a longer distance while having a small cross-section. is shown in 2-7. Fig. Due to their low cost, have a major application in housing, A typical section these members administrative, and public buildings where flat ceilings and long spans are required. While these specifications make it an ideal material for slab, the lack of weight, mass, and the limited distance between the floor-to-floor height (which prevents it less practical and economical used as a long member) make it for wall members. 4'-0" 112O Figure 2-7 from being ..O.... Hollow-core slab. -24- 2" 8" (varies) OTHER COMPONENTS 2.5.5 The other standard types of prestressed components are girders, beams, columns, and piles. The standard beams include rectangular beams, and inverted tee beams. beams, 2.6 L-shaped COST OF COMMON TYPES OF STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS To make a better comparison between the cost of structural construction materials, the costs of prestressed standard types and of other common types (such as cast-in-place concrete, brick veneer with wood stud backup, and concrete block wall are included. The following prices are the cost estimates based on Means Systems Costs, 1985 edition. PRESTRESSED STANDARD TYPES 2.6.1 The following prices are based upon a 10,000 to 20,000 S.F. project and include the transportation cost for 50 to 100 miles. Concrete is reinforcement normal-weight and f'c = 5 ksi and for Fy = 250 or 300 ksi, -25- Tables 2-3 to 2-6. Precast Double ""' Beems - No Topping 3.5-230 1500 1600 SPAN (FT.) OBLE."T" SIZE D (IN.) W (FT.) 30 18x8 18x8 700 18x8 112 5.92 18x8 188 20x8 20x8 20x8 20x8 137 162 87 97 107 132 5.97 5.97 4.37 4.65 4.65 4.78 40 20x8 157 5.18 24x8 24x8 103 113 4.38 4.66 2700 24x8 123 476 2800 24x8 148 478 24x8 173 5.19 24x8 32x10 32x10 32x10 32x10 32x10 32x10 32x10 32x10 32x10 82 104 114 139 164 94 104 114 139 164 4.78 5.32 5.14 5.24 5.58 5.22 5.24 5.58 5.88 6.53 2500 2600 50 2900 3000 3100 3150 3200 3250 3300 3350 3400 3450 3500 60 70 Precast double "T" beams. 3.5-220 Precast Single Tees No Topping SPAN (FT.) 60 1950 2000 2100 2200 '1 "T" SIZE SINGLE D (IN.) W (FT.) 36:8 36x8 368 36x8 70 2400 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 2800 2850 80 3000 3100 3150 3200 3300 3350 3400 3450 3500 3525 3550 Precast single Tees. -26- 90 :00' COST LOAD TOTAL , PERS.F. (P S.F.) 104 6.25 114 6.25 124 6.25 149 6.40 174 7.05 36x8 36x8 36x8 36x8 36x8 48x10 48x10 48x10 48x10 104 114 124 149 174 111 121 131 156 6.50 6.50 6.55 715 7.20 7.75 7.85 0.20 8.30 36x8 2300 Table 2-4 COST PERS.F 5.42 5.92 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 Table 2-3 TOTALLOAD (P.S.F 92 102 48x10 181 8.30 48x10 48x10 48x10 48x10 48x10 48x10 48x10 48x10 4810 111 121 131 156 8.55 8.75 8.85 8.90 9.00 48x10 181 il 8.90 121 131 156 8.95 9.10 9.15 101 9.25 3.5-210 Precast Plank With No Topping SPAN FT .0 0720 2750 '770 J800 5 TOTAL DEPTH (IN.) 4 6 6 6 TOTAL LOAD (P.S.F.) 90 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 125 150 90 125 150 90 130 155 8 130 -820 0850 0875 0900 0920 0950 0970 000 20 25 :200 20995 :300 400 .500 :600 40 45 _700 Table 2-5 125 150 90 COST PERS.F. 3.30 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 10 170 3.58 10 12 110 145 3.58 3.94 12 110 3.94 Precast plank. Fat Pr mt Concrete 4.1-1401 3200 3250 3300 3350 3400 3450 3500 (IN.) THICKNESS 6 8 9.12 8.69 7.97 lowrise 15.05 11.42 10.04 2 low rise 16.15 12.57 11.19 whiteface none lowrise 1540 11.82 10.61 whiteface 2 lowrise 16.50 12.97 11,71 1084 1574 12.11 10.90 10.04 16.89 13.26 12.05 6.59 7.31 6 4x8 8x8 10x10 whiteface none _0xI _ 4x8 8xe 10x10 9.69 20x10 7 8 8 4x8 8x8 10x10 20x10 4x8 0x8 10x10 20x10 4W8 8W8 10x10 whiteface wniteface none rise low 2 iowrise 1119 20x10 5150 9.3 9.23 20x10 7 4550 4600 4650 4700 4750 4800 4850 4900 4950 5000 5050 5100 lowrise white face 4150 4400 4450 4500 8.41 7.20 719 4x8 8x8 10x10 4350 COST PERS.F. ow rise 6 4100 4200 4250 4300 TYPE 12x20 3550 4000 4050 RIGID PANEL (IN.) SIZE(FT.) FINISHES INSULATION 2 5:18 smoothgray 6:18 0x20 12x20 5x18 smooth gray 2 6:18 0x20 Table 2-6 Flat precast concrete wall. The costs of "T" beam and "L" beam are as follows: Beam, 20' span is $2.82 per L.F. 12" x 20" precast "L" Beam, 20' span is $1.76 per L.F. 12" x 20" precast "T" -27- 2.6.2 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE The concete is normal weight and f'c = 4 ksi and for re inforceme nts F'y = 60 ksi. Forms are for use, the finish steel trowel, and curing is based on spraying on the membrane. Tables 2-7 and 2-8. aw-1so Ft C.. 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000 3400 3600 3800 4200 4400 4600 5000 5600 6000 6400 6600 7000 7400 7600 8000 Table 2-7 cast-in-place 4.1-110 Ph"t_ BAYSIZE (FT.) 15x 15 SLAB (IN.) THICKNESS 5-1/2 5-1/2 5-1/2 22 5-1/2 244 5.76 14 16 22 24 16 20 24 24 18 20 26 30 20 24 30 7 7-1/2 8-1/2 8-1/2 7 7-1/2 8-1/2 8-1/2 8-1/2 9 9-1/2 10 9 9-1/2 10 127 169 231 281 127 175 231 281 146 188 244 300 152 194 250 5.91 6.17 6.52 6.54 5.91 6.17 6.51 6.55 6.49 6.62 6.99 7.17 6.61 6.90 7.17 1 15x 20 20x 20 20 x25 25 x 25 _ 1 5.56 5.57 5.70 1 flat plate. COSTPERS.F. t In Place Concret MAT. INST. 5400 4000PS1 2.80 6.75 6.75 6.75 8 8 8 7 05 7.05 7,05 7 35 7.35 735 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.30 8.30 8.30 6.95 6.95 6.95 8.20 8.20 8.20 7.25 7.25 7.25 7 55 755 755 8 75 8 75 7075 850 8.50 5500 5000 P'S 1 2.87 850 8' high.6" thick.plainfmish,3000PSI 2100 Concwallreintorced. 4000P S.I. 2200 5000PSI. 2300 RubconcreteI side.3.000P.SA 2400 4000P.S.I. 2500 5000PSi 2600 Agedwoodliner.3000PSI 2700 4000PSI 2800 5000PS.I 2900 Sandblastlight I side. 3000P.S.I 3000 4000PSI 3100 5000PS.I 3300 heavyI side.3000PSI Sandblast 3400 4000PS.I 3500 5000PSI 3600 strip.3000PS.I 3/4" bevelrustication 3700 4000PSt 3800 5000PS.I. 3900 8" thick.piaintinisn.3000PSI 4000 4100 4000PS.1 5000PS.1 4200 4300 Rubconcrete i sine.3000P.SI. 4400 4000PSA 5000PS1 4500 4550 8" thick,agedwoodliner.3000PS.I 4000 P.S.I 4600 4700 5000 P.S.I 4750 Sandblasthiht I side.3000P.SI 4800 4000PS 1 5000 P.SI 4900 SandblastheavyI side.3000PS 1 5000 5100 4000P.S.1 5000P.S1 5200 5300 Table 2-8 COST PERS.F. TOTAL LOAD(P.S.F.) 109 144 194 MINIMUM SIZE(IN.) COLUMN 12 14 20 3/4" bevel rustication strip. 3000 P.S1 cast-in-place concrete wall. -28- 2.26 2.31 2.37 2.30 2.35 2.41 3.38 3.43 3.49 2.35 2.40 2.46 2.59 2.64 2.70 2.34 2.39 2.45 2.64 2.72 2.79 2.68 2.76 283 3 76 3.84 391 2 73 281 2,88 2.97 3.05 3 12 272 TOTAL 9.01 9.06 9.12 10.30 10.35 10.41 10.43 10.48 10.54 9.70 9.75 9.81 11.14 11.19 11.25 10.64 10.69 10.75 9.59 9.67 9.74 10.88 10.961 11.031 11.01 11.09 11.16 10.28 10.36 1043 11.72 11.80 11.87 11.37 11.22 11.3V 2.6.3 BRICK VENEER/WOOD STUD BACKUP Exterior brick veneer/stud backup walls are defined in the following terms: type of brick and studs, bond. stud spacing and All systems include a brick shelf, ties to the backup, and all necessary dampproofing and insulation. Brick Veneer/Wood Stud Backup 4.1-22 100 1120 1140 FACEBRICK Stanaard STUD BACKUP 2x4-wood STUD SPACING (IN.) 16 English 14.82 2x6-wood 16 running common Flemish 11.14 12.09 13.65 English 15.01 24 running common Flemish 10.88 11.83 13.44 English 14.80 1160 1400 1420 1440 1460 1500 1520 1540 1560 Table 2-9 2.6.4 Table 2-9. BOND running common Flemish COST PERS.F. 10.95 11.90 13.46 Brick veneer/wood stud backup. CONCRETE BLOCK WALL The following prices include horizontal joints reinforcing, alternate courses, in cases of hollow units. control joints, Table 2-10. -29- and insulation Concrete Block Wall - Regular Weight 4.1-211 1200 1250 1300 1310 1340 1350 1360 1390 1400 1410 1440 1450 1460 TYPE Hollow SIZE (I N.) 4x8x16 6x8x16 STRENGTH (P.S.I.) 2.000 4500 2.000 4,500 8x8x16 2.000 4.500 12x8x16 Solid 4x8x16 6x8x16 2600 2650 2700 2750 2800 8x8x16 12x8x16 2350 2.7 2.000 4,500 2550 Table 2-10 COST PERS.F 3.55 3.92 4.70 4.59 3.90 5.11 6.43 4.31 5.41 5 4.31 6.11 5.70 none 1490 1500 1510 1540 1550 1560 1590 2500 COREFILL none none perlite styrofoam none perhte styrotoam none perite styrotoam none perlite styrotoam 2.000 perite styrotoam none peride styrotoam none none 5.01 7.49 6.62 5.78 8.14 7.27 6.43 3.81 4.500 none 415 2.000 4,500 2.000 4,500 2.000 none none none none none 4.32 4.77 4.87 5.45 6.68 4.500 none 7.53 Concrete block wall. CONCLUDING DISCUSSION In comparing the common types of structural materials, we conclude that hollow-core slabs have the highest economical advantages. While having the advantage of prestressing, precasting and concrete, have smooth surfaces. manufactured these slabs are light in weight and In addition, hollow-core slabs can be in a standard fashion and used as long members. From the point of view of cost, hollow-core slabs are the least expensive type of flooring and roofing material. because of their ease of manufacture, handling, efficiency in use of construction materials. -30- This is erection and In addition, the manufacturing requires the least amount of labor and time in comparison to other types of structural construction materials. While these specifications make hollow-core components an ideal material for slabs, the fact that they cannot be used as long members make them less practical for wall members. Therefore, this thesis presents ways in deficiencies can be minimized and it's panels be made more practical. -31- which these use for wall 3.0 PRESENT APPLICATIONS OF STANDARD PRECAST PRESTRESSED HOLLOW-CORE COMPONENTS -32- 3.0 PRESENT APPLICATIONS OF STANDARD PRECAST PRESTRESSED HOLLOW-CORE COMPONENTS Hollow-core is a standard type of precast prestressed concrete components. Hollow-core components have an economical and speedy manufacturing procedure based on the use of machines and equipment rather than labor. The members are produced in long beds and sawcut to the desired length after they have gained a sufficient strength. members, Normally for hollow-core 3 men are required to produce 4 lines of 500' x 5', while for other precast types 7 to 10 men are required to produce 5 panels of 6' x 30'. In addition, hollow-core components have small depth to length and/or weight ratio when they are positioned under tension. This mainly results from the use of high-strength materials, the voids, and the applied stress. 3.1 HOLLOW-CORE SLAB In comparison to all other types of flooring and roofing systems (including prestressed standard types), the main advantages of standard hollow-core slabs are the low cost, surfaces, small thickness, and light weight. flat They also have all the advantages of prestressing, precasting and concrete. Typical voids in the slab may be of circular, oval, or, sometimes, rectangular cross-section. The various cross-sections are shown in Fig. 3-1 to 3-6. voids run in the direction of the span. As a rule, the The ribs between the ducts are sufficiently stiffed by the top and bottom plates to make cross ribs superfluous. -33- ~-E ea n 6"i uPieSeu.AQI Sol ~ &Addo..EqhuI..ZI X*.O -9 t e w'o 0 ,-011f" e1 Vr ig A f"In - W jd O. ..11 X -0-.8 Guddo -- Z43!m.Al X. 2 U .0 t.9. q psmr- 1wt " ooOO oococ00 .0 too, gu,) 'RA 09z I m m .10LS..0 -. v 1 t ESE KtE tS 91' Q*Q*Q*Q*Q*Q t3.9. r 9 .-. ss I U*0 0.0.0-00 Q*Q*Q*QQ*Q*Q 0O000000000000 3 Siudol..PW..u.. buiddojp..e t I~ 99 1 fU9di 1 wm I [-t WeS II ("Al% In -M Gu~ddo±..Eep41"~..01 96-0 Ot G00OOOG0000l D-9 I ooo,0*0* 7*owooooco0.ool o000002 ooooooo 0-6 F0r -T Im9 - to)e"I" .9. -. g OO %0-0..XO is r m 00000000000 00 0 --- un -vf 000 S. udd -. 9. run A I~ kiSSJ.L4 t UIul p.mua Wuom9 X.0o t .. t .0mumw 9 *d~uu"o :95 VAupuJJ T-E eanfbij oeao:)-AG soft I,~ I~~~~~t~V kawdoftL.z two al 2L~o LO I - as M I 100001 &"fta t.pq1mxu x ~ Pit W It * l I tqt -A run (,utt I %A mu t 0000001 9X *-. 0- Hi 61£I " opit "" Vo 000Q-A ~ o 109 m * I5 lp A .t 9lXO. x. W"WOMI,O"GMM 0 ~~ [,-a 0pu00 I W"I I :Suu I ul run OA tul 05) mi mu -0 u- -SE- gist p w I~P ICDI lo)0- -- m r) 1-! "." ooI 0oo a, gt w I-")% bs "I £w"t I I i wd ooooooooooo oo~oo 69doL. CP.Z ip"Pm Ia s stog, Swol..Z 41!A..O Xt ..C-...I 9.C iii' -o i I .C rn c9t g f.A" l u bag ow Oououuo . £2 rpnm 00 SI0OO 00 Ssaddo±. t CsI~ .. 01NAP .c 00CC Ouddo.. &p-.9x~ I flu1It0I..ZqI5m..9h.V9X 1 *qiAn cm ".9 ruggQ' ,.omvanqoo-m s" 09 1 I It .,C it I M I5s I'-0 U" P 4'ug sal so *mm 1ug, 0CC I*, C 0 Z 00 .tp 000rn OO 0 OO O 9Kt - x t..Cv 9X. '51WI UIPI WU0SIMVWDSIWM OMDU~dS:uon-j uis~O111mn1 *uaanudg :Ouu "nmil £9 dal. C 41W t £3.91 _0 m ,.sga Ipdgm .0 .0 IUU I ergx UC2 bukddo.L. 41!m,, **9 & 50 P-. P9 .9 I " ..01X.S -Af.1 £9 C" W ' Iai 0.I Uus D ," -4 fdpp g00 OttCI husddo± SU~ddO.,Cda5 .. S9.. co c) - 99.C0 got~ ft ao..1.. .1 bo 55 2 remgq OL I .01 X..0 godo±ss 009o - qs rungg . Susddo±.2 spIM..013..O £9 ~ ain6ia £-E oaooxeT3 0 5 50 c 90. 43!.. X.x 9"M~X81: gOuiu wi 9-E eanrbia 0200199JOD 'TiOJIldS 00 t Coi (,,R)v~q 4#9 WRM o M M)QA Up) I SOM II-n qA youn I W fII 0 04 kfddo±..z pmM..z X.A.t 1-l OM ld X.10 .01 _Ov w" 1-g U asm M..t *-d:-emu* upujj" S-E aa n 6ta )(09CI-U LdS utg In2 itis ti igotw ft It1 "Ion I a,,.. so rIM. 0' rwbugw *&AM aeMVUWM.O-.t SIRS qopows2Z1 X. a~~m .*3itm a-qi I~*uS I l . os agaowsz 21 P!2lApg Eig Ipi cell Cat of's a,,ve runt OK r..Iu haaddo 2 Sp WOsPBMUX~j 21 X .0 -. IF -1 tKK Gudo.. 8139 MWo It It', qA -, t pg&*[,qp I~u I a*un (*M)~~~~~~q aml~augmn 30A ie -n *. 1, Lit 06*9 tWOS PSNU.L 21 K.O owu a. -V e I A ron ro Swog 410oo.9 jX.-.2 .9 ..9 X A. .1, SmOS&tOOLUS 4OowS . x .0.V. kqddo± ..Z 41' 3tWOS 01 ttos aloowS .. Z1 X. amospwntuujZ1 x .0 -. 9 Smog P-Mu.j 21 X0 -. bSoddoj..a %ga linespow.x . wc .*..... 6L BiddO±a 1,una op"$mW lo no " maRcn wt mi* "A r""u~- Not -7L f*isao100"owZ1 X.0 -. 9 wv .0EO0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0*0 0j 0O00 00 0 1 iod-m va~n v ioagua hnddoi.. p" t0 guos I A~.i..0- It -. t M.. t oM ran qA woun **I u~do.~tM.O~.O.~ I..z ta"lw1 X.0 Cu9mt jo -M bnddoi ±..e **V.2 IN R' UO 00) tLES ..... Slnsoixe 8.0 Sit" a-M No)MW ... L ~ L'..... i roAo somi fpig oI- Z~ i,,un run t a- WI 9 koddo..,aautajeions pou xj. Muu x .o -,t 1900sna i P X . A..0o- ., vuI w fnP"u*Modgb-quic-ds :uone 5auiO &uputy -iil ipii IpuO0udS ct 3.1.1 TYPICAL CONNECTIONS During the lifetime of prestressed concrete hollow-core slabs, many types of connections have been developed. common type includes its connection to walls, The most beams, nonstructural elements and to each other. See Fig. 3-7 to 3-11. T_ d a tgt tg Premt wall panel 2 Rrbws between gaps from wail into topping illow-core floor slab Figure 3-7 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to structural wall-Exterior joints. d Figure 3-8 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to structural wall-Interior joints. -37- Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to beam. Figure 3-9 Precast wall panel Rebars from walls into topping Welded wire fabric iTop ping r Figure 3-10 Typical connection details of hollow-core slab to shear wall. Grouted key Hollow-core Welded wire fabric kO~ Figure 3-11 ~ oooOO . 0OO Hollow-core slabs--- -/ Typical connection details of hollow-core slabs to each other. -38- 3.1.2 COORDINATION WITH ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, SERVICES AND OTHER SUB-SYSTEMS Prestressed hollow-core slabs are used in a wide variety of building types. Therefore, it is important to have economical and practical ways to integrate them with electrical, mechanical, plumbing, services and other sub-systems. ELECTRICAL Since a cast-in-place topping is usually placed on prestressed floor members, conduit runs and floor outlets can be readily buried within the topping (Fig. 3-12). The other options are to run them along the beams or at the intersection wall and floor. In the latter option the conduit runs and outlets are positioned on the wall. Figure 3-12 Under floor electrical ducts can be embedded within a concrete topping. -39- MECHANICAL There are two common ways of incorporating the duct work within a hollow-core slab system: 1. Using the voids inside the slab. Additional openings can be drilled in the field to allow the continuity of the system. 2. Using a suspended ceiling. Large openings through the floor and roof members are provided by block-outs in the forms during the manufacture, Figure 3-13 Fig. 3-13: floors and roofs are made during Large openings in manufacture of the units. PLUMBING SERVICE To reduce the on-site time and labor, prefabricated bathroom units or combinations of bathroom and kitchen modules have been developed (Fig. 3-14). Such units can include bathroom fixtures, kitchen cabinets and sinks, ceiling and floor surfaces. as well as wall, To eliminate a double floor, module can be plant built on the structural members, -40- the with the option of incorporating the prefabricated wet-wall plumbing systems (Fig. 3-15). It is more practical and economical in precast multi-story construction to locate the service units in a stack fashion with one type of service directly over the one below. Figure 3-14 Kitchen/bathroom modules can be pre-assembled on precast prestressed slab ready for installation in systems buildings. -41- Figure 3-15 Prefabricated wet-wall plumbing systems incorporate pre-assembled piping. Some core modules not only feature bath and kitchen components, but also HVAC components all packaged in one unit. These modules can also be easily accommodated in prestressed structural systems by placing them directly on the prestressed members with shimming and grouting as required. OTHER SUB-SYSTEMS Suspended ceilings, crane rails, and other sub-systems can be easily accommodated with standard manufactured hardware items and embedded plates as shown in Fig. 3-16. -42- # 0 0 Figure 3-16 Methods of attaching suspended ceilings, crane rails, and other sub-systems. 3.2 HOLLOW-CORE WALL Even though precast prestressed hollow-core slabs are widely used in they do not have many the construction industry, This is mainly because applications as structural wall panels. of the diversity in requirements of a floor and wall member. The main disadvantages of hollow-core components as a wall member include their lack of weight, mass and, in some cases, their insufficient insulating qualities. They are also not able to be used as long members in structure. Hollow-core wall panels have been used in in 8' to 9' long members. Dy-core, some structures The typical section includes Dynaspan and Span-Deck, Fig. 3-1, 3-2 and 3-5 respectively. 3.3 COREWALL INSULATED WALL PANEL Many attempts were made to standardize the manufacturing of a practical and economical load bearing and non-load bearing wall panels. As a result of these attempts, -43- corewall insulated wall panels were introduced in 1981 (Fig. 3-17). G.E. SILPRUF SEALANT FOR 4 HOUR RATING, TREMCO DYMERIC SEALANT FOR 3 HOUR RATING POLYETHYLENE FOAMED ROD BACK-UP EXTERIOR 8" COREWALL PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PANEL WITH 2" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION, 1 LBiCU FT DENSITY TREMCO CERA BLANKET. 1/" MINIMUM DEPTH INTERIOR TREMCO MONO SEALANT Figure 3-17 Section through vertical joints. The advantages of corewall panels are the fact that the members can be mass produced in a standard fashion and can be used in long members, while achieving high insulating qualities. The main disadvantages of the corewall insulated panels include the following: a. The height of the building is limited. The maximum practical lengths for 8" and 10" thick corewall panels are 26' and 32' respectively. Therefore, the building can be only about two to three stories height. b. Most of the roof and intermediate floor loads are transferred to the "I" shape steel columns through the steel "I" beams, instead of the structural wall panels. Fig. 3-18 and 3-19. In addition, the steel members have to be fireproofed. -44- Corewall panel Insulation 6" slotted insert 8" / Strap anchor welded to beam Erection "10" clip (tenporary) - Rib -' * 1 Min. Alternate location -D connection Rof STANDARD RIB Figure 3-18 Figure 3-19 Typical corner connection. detail. The production of a panel is C. Typical top done in three steps and all the connections have to be inserted into the wall panel . d. Limited flexibility exists in the location of openings since the panels come in 8' wide modules and special panels should be designed individually for each opening which varies in dimension. Corewall panels are not suggested for load bearing or a shear wall. They are best used for curtain wall applications or to carry light roof loads under certain conditions. -45- 4.0 NEW APPLICATIONS OF STANDARD PRECAST PRESTRESSED HOLLOW-CORE COMPONENTS -46- NEW APPLICATIONS OF STANDARD PRECAST PRESTRESSED HOLLOW- 4.0 CORE COMPONENTS In general, structural prefabricated floor and wall panels can be classified in three degrees of diversity (Fig. 4-la): 1. The floor and wall panels differ from each other in basic shape, cross-section, and in their production demands, and they require separate formwork and different technology. The floor and wall panels each have variations 2. in length or width, but their variations can be cast by the same method and using the same formwork. 3. The floor and wall panels each have variations in the internal details, but their variations do not affect the basic sizes or production methods (incorporating window openings, surface treatment, etc.). This thesis presents another degree of diversity, for structural prefabricated -The panel units (Fig. floor and wall panels do vary in 4-lb) which is: length or width (4' or 8' modulars) but they can be cast by the same method and using the same formwork. The first degree of diversity essentially affects the capital expenditure while the second and third degree dictate the organization of production, storing and erection. In addition, the third degree affects the capital expenditure as well. -47- The new degree of diversity will minimize the capital expenditure, but it will require some degree of organization in storinq and erection. Figure 4-la Three degrees of diversity for prefabricates. Figure 4-lb The new degree of diversity for prefabricates. In the earlier chapters the advantages of standard precast prestressed concrete hollow-core slabs were analyzed. This chapter introduces two systems in which this component and its -48- modification can be used practically and economically as structural floor and wall panels while maintaining those advantages. 4.1 SYSTEM 1 - REQUIRED STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS The essential components of this system include the following: 4.1.1 HOLLOW-CORE SLAB Two types of hollow-core slabs are required. 1. Standard prestressed hollow-core slab, Fig. 4-2. voids prestressed bar .0.0. . .0.0 8'-0'' Figure 4-2 2. Hollow-core slab. Partially prestressed hollow-core slab with post-tensioning conduits, Post-tensioning conduit Fig. 4-3. Prestressed bars 0o nd uit s. The manufacture of this component can be done using the same method and equipment as the standard prestressed hollow-core slab in Fig. 4-2. The only differences in the -49- members are the replacement of four prestressing two voids with two post-tensioning conduits. strands and The applied force -which may be partial- to the prestressing strands should be capable of handling the weight of the unit, and hence the cracks are eliminated during the handling and erection of the component. 4.1.2 HOLLOW-CORE WALL PANEL The wall panels can be made in the same form and by a manufacturing method similar to that used for standard However, three modifications prestressed hollow-core slabs. are required in order to be able to use hollow-core slabs practically and economically as wall panels (Fig. holes for post-tensioning to pass through /rods :00: ino:oo: 4-4): prestressed bars o0 8'-0" Figure 4-4 1. Hollow-core wall panel-Section. Prestressed tendons should be added at the top of the slab and some being eliminated at bottom during manufacturing in order to secure symmetrical forces in the cross-section of the unit. 2. Some or all voids should be eliminated in order to achieve a more solid section for compressive Two of the eliminated voids in forces. the wall panel should be perpendicular to the post-tensioning conduits in floor panel. -50- the 3. Holes should be provided to enable the slab's post-tensioning rods to pass through. The holes can be drilled in the factory after manufacturing. The walls can be put beside each other, vertically, in two basic patterns: a. The height of wall panels should be equal at each level of erection (Fig. b. 4-5). The height of every other panel should vary in one story increments. This method adds support and rigidity when construction continues in height. Fig. 4-6. CN' '-4 0 CN 0 .4-J V) Figure 4-5 Wall panels have equal Figure 4-6 The height of heights at each every other wall level of erection. panel vary in one story increments. 4.1.3 PRECAST "L" BEAM A vital component of this system is (Fig. 4-7). 1. the precast "L" Beam The function of these beams are as follows: Provide a temporary bracing for prestressed concrete wall panels at different stages of erection. 2. Align prestressed concrete wall panels when positioned in place. 3. Provide a bearing support for prestressed floor slabs. -51- 4. Allow openings between wall panels. 5. Increase the overall lateral rigidity. hole ispre-drilled in the factory Figure 4-7 Precast "L" beam. Because the precast "L" beams are connected by the post-tensioning rods to the wall panels, provided through the beam. holes should be Moreover the holes have to be aligned with holes in prestressed wall panels and thus with the placement of post-tensioning conduits. 4.1.4 PRECAST SUPPORT ELEMENTS The function of support elements is to support the continuous precast concrete beams both during erection and permanently. Fig. 4-8 shows a typical precast support element. These elements are placed perpendicular to the wall panels and "L" beams. -52- -Dowel for aligment & placement of upper panel Holes for bolting the concrete during erection 4 U 00 -Width of adjacent wall panel 4 Width of concrete beam -4 U 0 -)For . connecting the panel below -support \-Width of adjacent member Figure 4-8 Precast support element. SEQUENCE OF ERECTION 4.1.5 It is assumed that the foundation walls, or the footings have been casted and have reached of the foundations, sufficient strength: 1. The prefabricated concrete support elements are placed on top of the foundation walls and grouted. The elements are placed perpendicular at both ends of the forthcoming beams and load-bearing wall panels. 2. The prefabricated concrete beam is hoisted on the designed ledges of the support panels and bolted. 3. The prestressed concrete wall panels are placed in a sequential order on top of the foundation walls and then grouted. The concrete beam acts as a lateral support for the panels. The lengths of the panels can vary in one-story increments that are staggered at the top ends of the panels to add support and rigidity when -53- construction continues in height. 4. The temporary supports are connected for the erection of the slabs to the wall (See 4-9). Fig. Drypack or epoxy grout Prestressed hollow-core slab Post-tensioning rod Post-tensioning conduit 4. .For - a* I - erection only Prestressed IL " I" bea m Figure 4-9 5. Floor to bearing wall connection- o bar Detail A. After the partially prestressed concrete floor slabs have been placed on the temporary supports, the rods are inserted into the two post-tensioning conduits within the slab and is 4-9). tensioned against the beam (Fig. The cross-section area of each post-tensioning rod is equal to the total cross-section area of the two eliminated prestressing bars. In addition, the reinforcing steel bars should be inserted between every keyway and grouted. 6. The standard prestressed concrete floor slabs should be placed on the "L" beams (Fig . 4-10). Reinforcing steel bars should be inserted between every keyway and grouted. -54- Prestressed wall panel Prestressed Hollow-core floor panel w/ posttensioning conduits. Standard prestressed hollow-core slab Precast continuous "L" beam Figure 4-10 Typical section. The procedure of erection can continue in the same fashion. 4.2 SYSTEM 2 - REQUIRED STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS In this system the floor slabs are standard prestressed hollow-core. The wall panels are typically manufactured by the same method as introduced in 4.1.2. The major differences are the placement of infilled voids and drilled holes. and 4-12. Fig. 4-11 The holes are drilled perpendicular to the center of infilled voids. The holes are used to boltthe precast beams to the wall panels and therefore provide a support (the beam) for the floor slabs. The precast beams are rectangular. Furthermore, in this method reinforced concrete support panels are also used to support the beams during erection. The support beams have two ledges on the sides for supporting a precast beam on each side. -55- Grouted Vert. Keyway Prestress ed Conc. Wall Pane I Prestress ed Tendon Grouted Joint IV. .----------------]|- - ---"-- " " '''' f #3 Rebar Grouted nto Keyw ay - Figure 4-11 Typical connection of Figure 4-12 floor slabs to load- H igh-S treength S teel Bo l Section through loadbearing wall panels. bearing wall panel. 4.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The principal advantages of using homogeneous components for floor and wall units are that one standard method and technique can be used for manufacturing and that there is a significant saving in the cost of equipment and formworks. The principal advantage of the new systems is that the wall members can have all the advantages of standard precast prestressed concrete hollow-core slabs -- advantages of standardization, precasting, -56- including the prestressing, concrete and hollow-core slabs -- requirements of a wall member. while meeting the In addition, the wall panels can be used as long members, up to 3 or 4 stories in height, and the need for bracing and scaffolding is minimized. A major disadvantage of hollow-core components is the lack of high insulating qualities for exterior wall members. problem can be solved in the new system as shown in Prestressed hollow-core slab Fig. This 4-13. Face brick -- Rigid insulation 1A lb Continuous conicrete beam -- For post-tensioning rods Prestressed wall panel ....... Prestressed bar Rebar grouted into keyway Figure 4-13 Optional exterior finish-Detail B. In case of openings in system 1 an additional member should be placed in the cavity between the cross-section of the floor panels and the continuous beam. -57- 5.0 EFFECTS OF THE NEW SYSTEMS ON HOUSING, ADMINISTRATIVE AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS -58- EFFECTS OF THE NEW SYSTEMS ON HOUSING, ADMINISTRATIVE, 5.0 AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS HOUSING 5.1 In no other sector of the building industry has industrialization became so urgently necessary as in residential building contruction. The reasons for industrialization are both economical and social. The economical reasons include the following present conditions: a. Small productivity per man-hour and high wages; b. The man-power shortage; c. The shortage of housing accommodation. As in many countries, the output of housing is not keeping pace with the increase of population. The social reasons include the following: a. The need to provide better working conditions; b. The permanent place of work which is sheltered from the weather and unaffected by the seasonal variations. The major concern about using prefabricated components has always been to avoid rigidity in variety and flexibility. variety in planning and to provide In cases where some flexibility and the plan were accomplished, the system failed to be economical. The new system's incorporation of large members produces large volumes and a high degree of flexibility in space for planning while remaining economical. -59- Since the system is based on an open-plan space in a variety of dimensions, the interiors, except the location of services, can be custom made in order to satisfy a variety of plans and wishes. 5.2 ADMINISTRATIVE AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Multi-story buildings used for industrial purposes present a very wide range of variety. Because live loads, spans and story heights vary considerably, different structural solutions may be applied. It is possible, however, to establish some basic principles. Multi-story industrial buildings are characterized by heavy live loads, large story heights and, relatively small number of stories. in general, On the other hand, a in administrative buildings (office buildings) the live loads seldom exceed 75 lb/SF, the story heights are not more than 12 ft., and there are often a large number of stories. Public buildings, particularly school and university buildings, have generally the same live loads and story heights as but seldom have a large number of administrative buildings, stories. Thus, public buildings occupy an intermediate position between industrial buildings and residential buildings as far as their structural solution with prefabricated components is concerned. On the other hand, it should be noted that public buldings are often very large projects and that developments in -60- for such buildings are prefabricated construction techniques extremely rapid and economical. The new system, which can provide relatively large areas without intermediate columns or walls, allows a fair degree of versatility in the manner in which the space is utilized. For example, thus it permits a layout as open-plan offices of single-zone type (offices on one side of a corridor) or of the double-zone type (offices on both sides of a central corridor). 5.3 DESIGN EXAMPLE Fig. The following plan and section, analyzed in terms of variations in 5-1 and 5-2, are the dimension of the units The building is based on and the total cost of the building. 4' or 8' x 34' slab modulars and 24' depth of a typical living unit. C 34'-'' lyp. Typ. Typ. - -4'-'I 170'-0" Figure 5-1 Design example - Plan. Prestressed hollow-core slab w/ p.t. conduits Standard prestressed hollow-core slab Detail A Detail B $-4 0 4--j Cn U-) Figure 5-2 Design example - Section. -61- 5.3.1 VARIATIONS IN UNIT DIMENSIONS 1. Considering the width between two structural walls or (Fig. 5-3). 34' width of the slabs 24' Depth x 34' Width = 816 S.F. Area 34'-0" Figure 5-3 Considering the width between two structural walls. 2. Considering the width between three structuarl walls, or 2 x 34' width of the slabs (Fig. a) 5-4a and 5-4b). 24' Depth x 68' Width = 1632 S.F. Area I . 34'-" 34'-0' 68'-0" Figure 5-4a Considering the width between three structural walls. b) 24' Depth x 20' Width and 24' to 24' Depth x 25' Width and 24' Depth x 48' Width Depth x 43' Width which is: 480 S.F. Area and 1152 S.F. Area to 600 S.F. Area and 1032 S.F. Area -62- Therefore the area of units range from 480 S.F. to 600 S.F. and 1152 S.F. to 1032 S.F. 34'-9" .20'-0"1. 5' 9'-Q" 43' to 48' 2F'to 25'e Figure the width between three Considering 5-4b 34'-O' structural walls. 3. Considering the width between four structural 3 x 34' width of the slabs (Fig. walls, or 5-5). 24' Depth x 43' Width and 24' Depth x 39' Width to 24' Depth x 39' Width and 24' Depth x 43' Width which is: Area and 1416 S.F. Area to 1416 S.F. Area and 1032 S.F. Area 1032 S.F. Therefore the area of the units range from 1032 S.F. to 1416 S.F. 34'-0" , 34'-0" , 16' . 9', 34'-0" II 43' to 59' 43' to 59' Figure 5-5 Considering the width between four structural walls. -63- Based on 4' or 8' x 34' slab modulars and 24' depth of the then, units, the following sizes and ranges can be achieved: 480 S.F. to 600 S.F., 816 S.F., 1032 S.F. to 1416 S.F., and 1632 S.F. It should be also mentioned that the location of partitions between units can vary on each floor; therefore, different sized units can be achieved at each floor. 5.3.2 COST ESTIMATE The assumptions for calculating the cost of a typical building based on system 1 and Fig. 5-1 and 5-2 are as follows: Building type = Residential Building height = 5 stories Cost of hollow core components (from table 2-6) = $3.50 /S.P. Cost of precast "L" beam = $1.80 /L.F. Cost of support panels for 2' x 9' @ 3.75 S/S.F. = $67 /each It should be mentioned that the cost of the components includes transportation and erection costs. Total floor area = 56' width x (34' x 5) length x 5 no. of stories = 47,600 S.F. Total wall area (1) = 56' width x (9' x 5) height x 6 no. of walls - (8' width x (9' x 5) height x 7 no. of omitted walls)= 15,120 S.F. - 2,520 S.F. = 12,600 S.F. (2) Total floor and wall area = Total area of hollow-core components required = 47,600 S.F. + 12,600 S.F. = 60,200 S.F. -64- (3) therefore: Total cost of hollow-core components=60,220 S.F.x $3.5 /S.F.= (4) $210,700 Total cost of precast "L" beams = 56' each floor x 5 stories x length x 6 no. at 1.80 $/L.F.= $ 3,024 T $ (5) 3,000 Total cost of support panels = 24 no. at each floor x 5 stories x 67 (6) $/each = $8,040 * $8,000 Total cost for post-tensioning the tendons = (72 at each floor x $11 a piece for reuseable grip devices x 1/2 since it is reusable) + $595 hydraulic RAM = $991 m (7) $1000 Therefore, the total cost for structure, not including the foundation and slab on grade cost, of a 5 stories and 47,600 S.F. is: (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) = $210,700 + $3,000 + $8,000 + $1,000 = $222,700 (8) Consequently the cost of the structure per square foot is: (8) : (1) = $222,700 : 47,600 S.F. = $4.67 /S.F. The cost for the usual reinforced precastpanel is $18 per S.F. and for the cast-in-place concrete floor or wall is about $8 per S.F. -65- 5.4 VARIATIONS OF PLANNING Several variations of planning with this system are schem- atically shown in this section. Direction of spaning I I . I Direction of spaning -66- I I Ia 'a a a -1~I a a I * a a a I a--i S I I a I ---. 5 a a * a I L -67- 6.0 CONCLUDING DISCUSSION -68- 6.0 CONCLUDING DISCUSSION The recommended systems makes it possible to incorporate large members horizontally (floors) as well as vertically Therefore, (walls). large areas or volumes can be provided with a high degree of flexibility in space for planning. In addition, using the same method of manufacturing for both floor and wall members will minimize the capital expenditure mainly by saving in equipment. the cost of formworks and Moreover, by developing an appropriate floor-to- bearing wall detail connection, wall components can be manufactured and erected in long members. This will increase the level of productivity in the plant and the speed of erection at the site. wall) Further, are compatible in weight, since the components (floor and the cranes are used to their full potential. Above all, the recommended structural systems are is considerably lower in cost. -69- REFERENCES -70- REFERENCES Committee 506. "State-of-the-Art Report on Fiber Reinforced." Concrete International (December, 1984), pp. 15-27. 1. ACI 2. Cornell University, Center for Housing and Environmental Cornell The New Building Block. Studies. University, 1968. 3. Glover, C.W. Limited, 4. Hartland, .A. 1975. 5. Basic Construction Herubin, C.A. and Marotta, T.W. Materials. Reston Publishing Company 1981. 6. Hornbostel, C. Materials for Architecture. Publishing. 7. Klitsikas, M. State-of-the-Art Report on High-Strength Department of Civil Master's Thesis. Concrete. Engineering, Northeastern University, 1985. 8. Koncz, 9. Lewicki, B. Building with Large Prefabricates. Elsevier Publishing Company, 1966. C.R. Books Structural Precast Concrete. 1965. Halsted Press, Design of Precast Concrete. Reinhold T. Manual of Precast Concrete Construction Vol. 2, and 3. Bauverlag GmbH, 1971. 1, Van Nostrand 10. Libby, J.R. Modern Prestressed Concrete. Reinhold Company, 1977. 11. Lin, T.Y. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1955. 12. Lin, T.Y. and Kelly, J.W. Prestressed Concrete Buildings. Gordon and Breach, 1962. 13. Lonestar/San-Vel. Corewall Insulated Wall Panel Catalog. Lonestar/san-vel, 1981. 14. Lay, T. 15. Means, R.S. Means System Costs. Company, 1985. 16. Morris, A.E.J. Precast Concrete in Architecture. Whitney, 1978. "Concrete." Fine Homebuilding, -71- 1943. Means Publishing Prestressed 17. PCI. Architectural Precast Concrete. Concrete Institute, 1973. 18. PCI. Manual on Design of Connections for Precast Prestressed Concrete. Prestressed Concrete Institute, 1978. 19. PCI. Manual for Quality Control. Institute, 1968. 20. PCI. Manual for Structural Design of Architectural Precast Concrete. Prestressed Concrete Institute, 1977. 21. PCI. PCI Design Handbook. Institute, 1978. 22. Design Philosophy and Proceedings of May 1967 Symposium. its Applications to Precast Concrete Structures. Cement and Concrete Association, 1968. 23. The Development of an Alternative Building Simonic, L. System. Master's Thesis, Department of Architecture, MIT, 1984. 24. Smith, R.C. Materials of Construction. Company, 1979. 25. Society for Studies on the Use of Precast Concrete. Precast Concrete Connection Details Structural Design Beton-Vertage GmbH, 1978. Manual. Prestressed Concrete Prestressed Concrete -72- McGraw-Hill Book