Wind power forum: Introductory talk Theo von Backströ Backström Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering University of Stellenbosch 13 April 2007 Wikipedia Contents Wind power: growth and cost Elementary theory Resource, intermittency and variability Siting issues and power plant scale Conceptual design choices Feasibility and Economics Ecology, aesthetics and pollution Conclusions 1 Wind power growth Wikipedia Growth Growing at around 30% per year, but produces < 1% of word’ word’s electricity Countries with highest installed capacities: Germany (21 GW), Spain (12 GW), USA (12 GW), India (6 GW), Denmark (3 GW) Countries with highest fractional capacities: Denmark (18%), Spain (9%),Germany (7%) 2 Cost 2004 cost is 1/5 of 1980s cost Electricity cost (USA) : Wind: $56/MWh vs. Fossil: $53/MWh Electricity cost (UK) : Wind: ₤30-40/MWh vs. New coal: ₤2525-45/MWh vs. New nuclear: ₤4040-70/MWh Installation cost: $1600/kw Elementary wind turbine theory Wind energy is kinetic energy per unit mass The turbine slows the flow down V2 V3 & × KE = ρVAstream × P =m = C p Arotor × ρ 2 2 Hansen The Betz limit: Cpmax = 16/27 = 0.5926 3 The Betz limit Flow and pressure drop for maximum power: It occurs when the wake velocity is: 1/3 of the wind velocity The exit KE/unit mass in the wake is then: 1/9 of the upstream value Velocity through the turbine is the average value: (1 +1/3)/2 = 2/3 of upstream value The upstream flow area is then: 2/3 of the turbine disc flow area Fraction of power extracted is: 2/3× 2/3×(1(1-1/9) = 2/3× 2/3×8/9 =16/27 = 0.5926 The wind resource: USA map Wikipedia 4 Wind Resource Cencelli Map of wind power zones Power production Of 3 kW Winglette wind turbine at 18 m rotor height Zone Power (kWh/day) 1. 2. 3. 4. 26.6 16.2 12.0 10.2 Winglette 5 Typical wind time and energy frequency distributions The wind blows wherever it pleases. (John 3:8) Wikipedia Intermittency and variability 6 Siting issues Average wind strength: > 16 km/h (4.5 m/s) Wind steadiness and availability Proximity to users Altitude, temperature Topography Effect of turbines on each other Environmental impact Onshore, nearshore or offshore Onshore: Micrositing, e.g. on ridge lines Aesthetics and tourism Ecology, e.g. bird and bat life Nearshore: Up to 3km from coast Good wind and high air density Wikipedia 7 Offshore: Wikipedia Turbines almost invisible from land Strong, steady winds with high speeds at low heights Costs of foundations and grid connection Maintenance in marine environment American great lakes Large scale wind power Theoretical potential 40 times world’ world’s current electricity use By 2010 160 GW expected to be installed China: 30 GW by 2020 Germany: 6% → 12% Denmark: 20% → 50% Feasibility of > 25% is not certain Wikipedia 8 Small scale wind power Wind mills have been used for centuries Wind pumps and generators, for decades OffOff-grid turbines require energy storage Wikipedia Conceptual design choices Type Flow area – cost, power intermittency Turbine height - wind strength, loading Flow deflection – number, width of rotor blades Tip speed – noise, generator type Wikipedia 9 Blade profiles developed at the Department of M&M Engineering at Stellenbosch by Nicola Cencelli Issues: Stall at prescribed CL Maximum CL/CD Maximum CL Cencelli Comparative sizes of drive trains NREL 10 Power train layout: Prof Maarten Kamper NREL Feasibility and economics Wind energy is often directly subsidised Other energy sources are indirectly subsidised, e.g. environmental clean up. Capacity factor is relatively low (≈ (≈30%) Since almost all costs are capital costs, financing determines price of electricity 11 Ecology and aesthetics It uses only a small fraction of the air energy Birds are killed, but very few compared to buildings, house cats, traffic and pesticides Conventional farming is possible on wind farms, due to wide spacing between turbines Modern turbines are quiet (44 dB) or about the same as wind noise at 16 km/h Shadow flicker and aircraft warning lights Pollution Electric power is only part of power use UN’ UN’s IPPC states that pollution mitigation can be more cheaply achieved by improvements in building, manufacturing and transport efficiency Wind turbine manufacture and transport require energy and fossil fuels Energy return on investment is a factor 20 No direct long term pollution effects. Site use is reversible. 12 Conclusion Wind electrical energy has a role worldwide The Western Cape has a target of 15% (of 5500 MW) renewable electricity generation by 2015 Western Cape has a feasible wind resource We hope to establish a wind energy research unit at UCT in cooperation with US 13