US Forest Service Forest Management - Reports - Sold and Harvest TIMBER HARVESTED ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS Under Sales and Land Exchanges by Regions and Fiscal Years/1 Created April 30, 2003 In Thousand Cubic Feet (MCF) and Thousand Board Feet (MBF) FY 2003 SECOND QUARTER - JANUARY 1, 2003 to MARCH 31, 2003 Region Volume (MCF) Volume (MBF) Value ($)/3 $/MCF $/MBF 1 11,279 56,079 $5,470,133 $484.99 $97.54 2 5,292 25,742 $1,751,246 $330.95 $68.03 3 2,699 14,972 $181,119 $67.11 $12.10 4 1,486 7,951 $494,418 $332.77 $62.18 5 6,603 31,340 $1,319,740 $199.87 $42.11 6 15,065 75,542 $5,199,075 $345.11 $68.82 8 9,609 52,846 $5,764,189 $599.90 $109.07 9 19,068 117,736 $15,878,754 $832.76 $134.87 10 367 1,508 $107,153 $291.72 $71.06 TOTAL 71,466 383,716 $36,165,827 $471.26 $94.25 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS' SECOND QUARTERS - JANUARY 1st to MARCH 31st Fiscal Year Volume (MCF) /2 Volume (MBF) Value($)/3 $/MCF $/MBF 2002 71,156 378,088 $38,064,063 $503.38 $100.68 2001 76,698 383,488 $36,861,599 $480.61 $96.12 2000 107,424 537,120 $66,978,724 $623.50 $124.70 1999 111,645 558,223 $59,068,720 $529.08 $105.82 1998 103,079 515,397 $62,709,334 $608.36 $121.67 FY 2002 CUMULATIVE - OCTOBER 1, 2001 to MARCH 31, 2002 Region Volume (MCF) Volume (MBF) Value ($)/3 $/MCF $/MBF 1 28,045 135,698 $12,688,930 $452.46 $93.51 2 13,898 68,111 $4,954,759 $356.50 $72.75 3 8,086 46,578 $790,980 $97.82 $16.98 4 7,506 40,705 $1,928,095 $256.86 $47.37 5 29,602 138,968 $7,488,235 $252.97 $53.88 6 37,806 171,932 $12,943,079 $342.36 $75.28 8 24,555 134,968 $17,213,799 $701.04 $127.54 9 35,840 220,808 $26,849,151 $749.15 $121.60 10 2,512 11,331 $243,076 $96.77 $21.45 TOTAL 187,849 969,099 $85,100,104 $453.02 $87.81 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS' CUMULATIVE - OCTOBER 1st to MARCH 31st Fiscal Year Volume (MCF) /2 Volume (MBF) Value($)/3 $/MCF $/MBF 2002 169,170 861,469 $80,674,750 $476.88 $93.65 2001 209,828 1,049,142 $104,156,901 $496.39 $99.28 2000 275,495 1,377,476 $164,829,985 $598.30 $119.66 1999 295,085 1,475,424 $160,516,293 $543.97 $108.79 1998 311,809 1,559,047 $205,899,782 $660.34 $132.07 Regional data in the quarterly tables, volume and value columns, may not add to totals due to rounding. file:///M|/wwwroot/forestmanagement/reports/sold-harvest/portal/2003q2harv.shtml[5/3/2011 4:55:15 PM] US Forest Service Forest Management - Reports - Sold and Harvest /1 Sawtimber and other roundwood products (not including nonconvertible products). /2 Prior to FY 2001 4th quarter, MCF was converted from MBF using the ratio of 5 board feet per cubic foot. /3 Value, $/MCF, and $/MBF include Knutson-Vandenberg and Salvage Sale funds, but do not include road costs, brush disposal, nor cooperative work funds. file:///M|/wwwroot/forestmanagement/reports/sold-harvest/portal/2003q2harv.shtml[5/3/2011 4:55:15 PM]