US Forest Service Forest Management - Reports - Sold and Harvest TIMBER HARVESTED ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS Under Sales and Land Exchanges by Regions and Fiscal Years/1 Created February 20, 2003 In Thousand Cubic Feet (MCF) and Thousand Board Feet (MBF) FIRST QUARTER - OCTOBER 1, 2002 to DECEMBER 31, 2002 Region Volume (MCF) Volume (MBF) Value ($)/3 $/MCF $/MBF 1 16,766 79,619 $7,218,797 $430.57 $90.67 2 8,607 42,369 $3,203,513 $372.20 $75.61 3 5,387 31,606 $609,861 $113.20 $19.30 4 6,021 32,754 $1,433,677 $238.13 $43.77 5 22,999 107,628 $6,168,495 $268.21 $57.31 6 22,741 96,390 $7,744,004 $340.53 $80.34 8 14,946 82,122 $11,449,610 $766.07 $139.42 9 16,772 103,072 $10,970,396 $654.09 $106.43 10 2,144 9,823 $135,923 $63.38 $13.84 TOTAL 116,383 585,382 $48,934,277 $417.97 $83.59 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS' FIRST QUARTERS - OCTOBER 1st to DECEMBER 31st Volume (MCF) /2 Volume (MBF) Value($)/3 $/MCF 2002 98,014 483,380 $42,610,687 $440.76 $88.15 2001 133,131 665,654 $67,295,302 $505.48 $101.10 2000 168,071 840,357 $97,851,261 $582.20 $116.44 1999 183,440 917,201 $101,447,572 $553.03 $110.61 1998 208,730 1,043,650 $143,190,448 $686.01 $137.20 Fiscal Year $/MBF Regional data in the quarterly table volume and value columns may not add to totals due to rounding. /1 Sawtimber and other roundwood products (not including nonconvertible products). /2 Prior to FY 2001 4th quarter MCF was being manually converted from MBF using the ratio of 5 board feet per cubic foot. /3 Value, $/MCF, and $/MBF include Knutson-Vandenberg and Salvage Sale funds, but do not include road costs, brush disposal, nor cooperative work funds. file:///M|/wwwroot/forestmanagement/reports/sold-harvest/portal/2003q1harv.shtml[5/3/2011 4:55:14 PM]