US Forest Service Forest Management - Reports - Sold and Harvest TIMBER HARVESTED ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS Under Sales and Land Exchanges by Regions and Fiscal Years\1 Issued February 18, 2005 In Thousand Cubic Feet (MCF) and Thousand Board Feet (MBF) FY 2005 - FIRST QUARTER - OCTOBER 1, 2004 to DECEMBER 31, 2004 Volume (MCF) Volume (MBF) Value ($)\3 $/MCF $/MBF 1 15,003 73,870 $9,253,399 $616.78 $125.27 2 9,765 48,213 $5,327,920 $545.64 $110.51 3 5,033 29,504 $306,144 $60.82 $10.38 4 4,619 25,268 $1,403,586 $303.88 $55.55 5 14,546 67,481 $2,566,638 $176.44 $38.04 6 25,907 136,839 $19,334,451 $746.31 $141.29 8 13,122 69,501 $8,148,332 $620.98 $117.24 9 16,398 101,029 $12,308,898 $750.64 $121.83 10 1,973 9,351 $120,917 $61.29 $12.93 106,365 561,055 $58,770,285 $523.75 $104.75 Region TOTAL PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS' FIRST QUARTERS - OCTOBER 1st to DECEMBER 31st Volume (MCF) \2 Volume (MBF) Value($)\3 $/MCF $/MBF 2004 109,988 578,467 $55,082,973 $476.11 $95.22 2003 116,383 585,382 $48,934,277 $417.97 $83.59 2002 98,014 483,380 $42,610,687 $440.76 $88.15 2001 133,131 665,654 $67,295,302 $505.48 $101.10 2000 168,071 840,357 $97,851,261 $582.20 $116.44 Fiscal Year Regional data in the quarterly table, volume and value columns, may not add to totals due to rounding. 1/ Sawtimber and other roundwood products (not including nonconvertible products). 2/ Prior to FY 2001, 4th quarter MCF was being manually converted from MBF using the ratio of 5 board feet per cubic foot. 3/ Value, $/MCF, and $/MBF do not include road costs. file:///M|/wwwroot/forestmanagement/reports/sold-harvest/portal/2005q1harv.shtml[5/4/2011 7:46:36 AM]