2. Biotic Resources of the Salmon River Watershed 2.1. Vegetation Vegetation of the Salmon River is influenced by the Wisconsin Glaciation that occurred 12,000 years ago. The Laurentide ice sheet removed and deposited sediments, and exposed bedrock during its expansion and recession (Jordan 1984). Different soils accumulated from shales, siltstones, sandstones, and limestones (Proch 1989). Eskers, or elongated gravelly ridges, were created by glacial meltwaters depositing large amounts of sediments. Glaciers also created kettle ponds, outwash plains, and low rounded hills (Taber 1996). Wetlands are commonly found between eskers and in kettle ponds and outwash plains. Different sediment deposits lead to varying forest types, which in turn affect nutrients and water chemistry (Dru Associates 2001). Much of the forests in the Salmon River Watershed have been cleared at one time or another for timber or agriculture. Stands of red maple and black cherry have been planted to reestablish forests and riparian zones (Taber 1996). Vegetation cover within the watershed includes evergreen, deciduous, and mixed forests, as well as forested and nonforested wetlands (Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1). A mixed forest, containing beech, maple, pine, and spruce, surrounds the Upper Reservoir. Hemlock-northern hardwood forests and red maple hardwood swamps compose the wetlands directly surrounding and to the south of the Upper Reservoir (Dru Associates 2001). The velocity of the reservoir is much slower than the river, leading to lake-like characteristics. Aquatic plants, such as elodea, yellow pond lily, and water celery, might be found in the reservoir itself. Within the upper reservoir are several islands whose vegetation is dominated by American beech-maple forests, as well as red and white pine (Dru Associates 2001). Figure 2-1. Forested lands within the Salmon River watershed. Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 15 Between the Upper and Lower Reservoir lies Salmon River Falls. Within this region the forest is mainly American beech-sugar maple and hemlock-northern hardwood forest. Other species of vegetation present are striped maple, jack-in-the-pulpit, many species of ferns, and baneberry (Dru Associates 2001). The Eastern end of the Lower Reservoir is characterized by numerous eskers. This topography leads to an increased occurrence of wetlands, specifically poor fens and vernal pools (Dru Associates 2001; Figure 2-2). Some vegetation commonly found in poor fens includes bog rosemary, bog laurel, sheep laurel, labrador tea, sundews, pink lady slipper orchids, pitcher plants, larch and black spruce (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Many of these plants are listed as rare or endangered. To withstand the wet environment, fen plants have specialized adaptations including sclerophyllous leaves, insectivory and carnivory, and evergreen leaves. Vernal pools are present from late winter to early summer. They form in depressions and fill during snow melt. Amphibians commonly use vernal pools for reproduction habitat, and many species require these ephemeral wetlands to complete their life cycles (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Figure 2-2. Wetlands in the Salmon River Watershed. Below the Lower Reservoir toward Altmar, the river begins to braid, meandering and forming small islands. The vegetation within these braids consists of American beech and sugar maple forests. Several other species occur in this area due to the alluvial soils and seasonal flooding, including red maple, green ash, blue beech, yellow birch and alder (Dru Associates 2001). Between Altmar and Pulaski, Orwell Brook, Trout Brook, and Spring Brook enter the Salmon River. The State Fish Hatchery is located just upriver of Altmar. Plant species found within this part of the watershed include speckled alder, quaking and big toothed aspen, eastern hemlock, red-stemmed dogwood, several species of willow, white Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 16 oak, white birch, hawthorn, crab apple, American basswood, wild grape, black raspberry, witch-hazel and American alder (Wisniewski 1990). In braided regions of the river, backwater sloughs have formed in old meanders. Water inputs to these wetlands include spring flooding and ground water discharge. These habitats support hardwood and shrub swamps, as well as poor fens (Dru Associates 2001). Below Pulaski, alder, red raspberry, oaks, maples, quaking aspen, staghorn sumac, and black locust dominate the vegetation. There are numerous wetlands within this region. Cattails, sedges, and grasses are commonly seen along the river’s edge (Dru Associates 2001). At the mouth of the river, prior to it entering Lake Ontario, there is an emergent marsh consisting of sweet flag, cattails, and phragmites. Table 2-1. Vegetation corresponding to forest type. Evergreen Pinus strobus Pinus rubens Pinus sylvestris Picea rubens Picea abies Picea mariana Tsuga canadensis Abies balsamea Juniperus virginiana Larix laricinia Forested wetland Alnus rugosa Acer saccharinum Carpinus caroliniana Cephalanthus occidentalis Deciduous Deciduous (con't) Ulnus americana Acer pennsylvanicum Acer rubrum Acer saccharum Acer spicatum Betula alleganiensis Betula lenta Betula papytifera Betula populifolia Carpinus carolinia Carpinus caroliniana Carya cordiformis Carya glabra Carya ovata Carya tomentosa Castanea dentata Cornus racemosa Celtis occidentalis Cornus stolonifera Crategus sp. Fagus grandifolia Fraxinus grandifolia Fraxinus americana Ilex verticullata Hammamelis virginiana Lindera benzoin Malus sylvestris Populus deltoides Populus grandidentum Populus tremuloides Prunus serotina Pyrus arbutifolia Quercus alba Quercus prinus Quercus rubra Rhus typhina Robinia pseudo-acacia Salix discolor Salix nigra Sambucus canadensis Sorbus americana Spirea latifolia Tilia americana Ulmus americana Ulmus rubra Vaccinium angustifolium Vaccinium corymbosum Viburnum alnifolium Calastrus orbiculatus Vitis riparia Rubus allegheniensis Rubus idaeus Verbascum thapsus Platanus occidentalis Non-forested wetland Chamaedaphne calyculata Ledum groenlandicum Vaccinium angustifolium Vaccinium corymbosum Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 Mixed Forest Acer pennsylvanicum Acer rubrum Acer saccharum Acer spicatum Fagus grandifolia Pinus strobus Pinus rubens Pinus sylvestris Picea rubens Picea abies Picea mariana Tsuga canadensis Abies balsamea Rubus allegheniensis Rubus idaeus Rudbeckia hirta Toxicodendron raticans Solidago rugosa Spiraea latifolia Verbascum thapsus Aquatic Elodea canadensis Nuphar variegatum Vallisneria americana Pontederia cordata 17 Chamaedaphne calyculata Cornus racemosa Fraxinus pennsylvanica Ilex verticullata Hammamelis virginiana Juniperis virginiana Larix laricinia Ledum groenlandicum Lindera benzoin Picea mariana Pinus strobus Platanus occidentalis Populus deltoides Salix discolor Salix nigra Sambucus canadensis Spirea latifolia Vaccinium angustifolium Vaccinium corymbosum Vibernum recognitum Vibernum trilobum Vitis riparia Verbena hastata Sphagnum spp. Vibernum recognitum Vibernum trilobum Acorus calamus Peltandra virginica Triadenum virginicum Tpha latifolia Solidago sp. Verbena hastata Sphagnum spp. Threats to forests and wetlands in the Salmon River Watershed include development, unsustainable logging practices, insects, diseases, and fire. In the northern hardwood forest, the sugar maple borer and the forest tent caterpillar degrade the quality and growth rate of the trees. Gypsy moths, first discovered in New York in 1922, prefer oaks and are heavy defoliators of forests. Oak trees also face problems from leafrollers and leaf tier complexes, such as Archips spp. and Croesia semipurpurana, which cause defoliation and can lead to tree mortality (Abrahamson et al. 1981). Evergreen species, such as spruce, hemlock, pine, and cedar, are threatened by the spruce spider mite (Oligonychus ununguis). American beech is susceptible to beech bark disease, caused by an insect-fungus complex comprised of the beech scale, Cryptococcus fugisuga, and the fungus, Nectria coccina var. faginata. Beech bark disease creates crater-like scars that lead to the death of long strips of bark. The tree can then be easily invaded by insects and fungi (Abrahamson et al. 1981). Stresses to trees, such as draught and saturated soils, can lead to Armillariella mellea and Ganoderma applanatum infestation, resulting in root rot. Conifers are easily infested with these fungi when a stand is first cut. Basidiospores infect the stump and spread into the roots, and can infect other trees through root contact. Fires were once a major disturbance regime within the forests of the watershed. However, today fires are rare (Abrahamson et al. 1981). Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 18 2.2. Wildlife Wildlife within the Salmon River watershed is a vast area of study. In an attempt to reduce the size of this study, only significant species found within the watershed have been included. We focused our study on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), beaver (Castor canadiensis), and muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), the latter two being selected because of their classification as “ecosystem engineers.” These are defined (Jones et al., 1994) as organisms which can create profound physical changes to habitats, with consequent alterations of flows of water, energy, and nutrients. 2.2.1. White-tailed Deer Not including the fisheries resources, white-tailed deer are the most sought after game within the Salmon River watershed. The annual deer-hunting season helps to contribute to the local economies of the region, because of the influx of hunters during the season. However, deer at high numbers can be considered a pest. Deer are known to help spread diseases, particularly Lyme disease, in this region. Deer at high densities are also a problem because of the high incidence of traffic accidents. Deer can also play a major role in forest regeneration by browsing on seedlings of plants (Bayer 1993). We assessed deer by examining data collected by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The data were collected in areas known as wildlife management units (WMUs) and the Salmon River watershed was divided into more than one of these units. The data described below, however, are from WMU 6K. This area encompasses much of the Salmon River watershed, while leaving only the extreme upper and lower portions of the watershed outside this WMU1. All information collected indicates that the watershed’s deer population is higher than desired. An estimate of the population in 1998 stated that it was desirable to have the population decrease by 20%. More recent hunter data collected from the 2001 season show that the buck take per square mile was 2.4, exceeding the proposed buck take of 1.8 per square mile. This number dropped from 2.8 bucks taken per square mile from the 2000 season2. During the 2000 season, almost 77% of the deer removed from the population by hunting were bucks. Because one buck will mate with multiple does, the practice of hunting only bucks will not have a significant impact on the deer population as a whole. This would indicate that the population remains larger than desired3. 2.2.2. Beaver and Muskrat Beavers are the quintessential “ecosystem engineers” (sensu Jones et al. 1994), having the capacity to alter ecosystems by flooding stream banks, which then causes ponding of lotic systems, even possibly creating lakes. By selective removal of trees for food and shelter, they dramatically alter hydrologic flowpaths, creating wetlands and ponds that may persist for many decades (Naiman et al. 1988). Their activity may alter everything from decomposition and nutrient cycling to riparian zone vegetation and plant and animal community structure (Naiman et al. 1988). 1 http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/r6units.html#WMU6K http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/deer/deerfore.htm 3 http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/press/pressrel/2001-25.html 2 Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 (04/06/2002) (04/06/2002) (04/06/2002) 19 Aerial surveys indicate that there are currently 705 active beaver colonies within the watershed. This is only slightly higher than the management objective of 641 colonies (Erner 2002). At present, there is little concern over beaver populations, although fisherman, farmers, and foresters at times have considered the beaver a pest. There were only 63 complaints of beaver damages in the WMU4. The tributaries of the Salmon River can also be used as spawning habitat for salmon. Therefore, abundance and densities of beaver colonies may be very important in blocking the migration of spawning fish (Forsyth 1999). Another species considered an ecosystem engineer is the muskrat, because their burrows alter the routes that water takes through wetlands (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). However, little information exists about the muskrat in this area. This might be due to the low abundance in the watershed, or the possibility that they are ecologically insignificant (Kautz 2001). 2.2.3. Reptiles and Amphibians A number of reptiles and amphibians are found in the Salmon River watershed. There are nine species of salamanders, nine species of frogs and toads, eight species of snakes, and four species of turtles. The following is a species list compiled from New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation’s Amphibian and Reptile Atlas5: Table 2-2. Herps found in the Salmon River watershed. Salamanders -Necturus maculosus -Ambystoma maculatum -Notophthalmus viridescens -Desmognathus fuscus -Desmognathus ochrophaeus -Plethodon cinereus -Hemidactylium scatatum -Grinophilus porphyriticus -Eurycea bislineata Common Mudpuppy Spotted Salamander Red-spotted Newt Northern Dusky Mountain Dusky Northern Redback Four-toed Salamander Spring Salamander Northern Two-lined Frogs & Toads -Bufo americanus -Hyla versicolor -Pseudacris crucifer -Rana catesbeiana -Rana clamitans -Rana spetentrionalis -Rana sylvatica -Rana pipiens -Rana palustris Eastern American toad Gray Treefrog Northern Spring Peeper Bullfrog Green Frog Mink Frog Wood Frog Northern Leopard Frog Pickerel Frog Snakes 4 5 http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/beaver/index.htm www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/herp/index.html Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 (04/06/2002) 20 -Nerodia sipedon -Storeria dekayi -Storeria occipitomaculata -Thamnophis sirtalis -Thamnophis sauritus -Diadophis punctatus -Liochlorophis vernalis -Lampropeltis triangulum Northern Water Snake Northern Brown Snake Northern Redbelly Snake Common Garter Snake Eastern Ribbon Snake Northern Ringneck Snake Smooth Green Snake Milk Snake Turtles -Chelydra serpentina -Clemmys guttata * -Clemmys insculpta * -Chrysemys picta Common Snapping Turtle Spotted Turtle Wood Turtle Painted Turtle * = New York State protective status - Species of Special Concern There are few species of special concern in the area. The spotted turtle and the wood turtle are on New York State’s Species of Special Concern list. Habitat destruction is a problem facing all reptiles and amphibians in the area. The mink frog is a species of special interest, also. It is not on New York State’s Protected list, yet it is an oddity found in the state. This frog is at its southern-most range here in the state, and it has been found in the Salmon River watershed. The amount of suitable habitat in the watershed is not very large, so it could be easy to extirpate this or other species quickly. Dr. James Gibbs, a professor of herpetology at SUNY ESF who we interviewed, commented that “the Tug Hill Plateau is a herpetological black-hole in New York State.” He was addressing the fact that there is very little or no research being done in the area. There is much to be looked at, but little opportunity for funding is available. The need for data is essential for proper management plans. The more that is known about the populations in the area, the better the ability to develop a plan that takes reptiles and amphibians into account. With no data, they are almost forgotten, and are not accounted for when changes in the system are being made. Most people in the watershed area are probably unaware that they have two, somewhat rare turtles living in their backyards. As with most things, these species are “out of sight, and out of mind.” More information needs to be collected in the Salmon River watershed concerning reptiles and amphibians. A great deal of research is going into the fisheries of the area, but there is clearly a need to obtain a better picture of the entire watershed and all of its biota. Without proper data and information, it makes it very difficult to develop an effective management plan that will take into account the entire system with all its components. 2.3 Fish and Fisheries Resources Speak the words Salmon River Watershed, and the thought of annual spawning runs of salmon will come to mind. For most people this is the only reason they are aware of the area, and rightfully so. Since the retreat of the glaciers, the river has provided annual runs of salmon that have shaped the history of the area. Other species, although not as influential as the salmon, remain significant within the watershed. Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 21 2.3.1. History of the Fishery, Reach 1 (mouth to Lighthouse Hill development) The Salmon River watershed at one time supported the best runs of Atlantic salmon in all of the New York tributaries to Lake Ontario. Table 2-3 refers to surveys done in 1939, from 1956 through 1990, and from 1994 through 1999. In addition, this table lists migratory species by seasonal spawning runs, as well as some threatened and special concern species. Table 2-3. Fish species list for the Salmon River watershed. Common Name Sea Lamprey Longnose Gar Bowfin American Eel Alewife Gizzard Shad Brown Bullhead Yellow Bullhead Stonecat Margined Madtom Longnose Sucker White Sucker Creek Chubsucker Lake Chubsucker Northern Hog Sucker Shorthead Redhorse Central Stoneroller Redside Dace Lake Chub Common Carp Cutlips Minnow Common Shiner Golden Shiner Emerald Shiner Bridle Shiner Blackchin Shiner Blacknose Shiner Spottail Shiner Sand Shiner Bluntnose Minnow Fathead Minnow Blacknose Dace Longnose Dace Creek Chub Fallfish Pearl Dace Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Trout Scientific Name Petromyzon marinus Lepisosteus osseus Amia calva Anguilla rostrata Alosa pseudoharengus Dorosoma cepedianum Ameiurus nebulosus Ameiurus natalis Noturus flavus Noturus insignis Catostomus catostomus Catostomus commersoni Erimyzon oblongus Erimyzon sucetta Hypentelium nigricans Moxostoma macrolepidotum Campostoma anomalum Clinostomus elongates Couesius plumbeus Cyprinus carpio Exoglossum maxillingua Luxilus cornutus Notemigonus crysoleucus Notropis atherinoides Notropis bifenatus Notropis heterodon Notropis heterolepis Notropis hudsonius Notropis stramineus Pimephales notatus Pimephales promelas Rhinichthys atratulus Rhinichthys cataractae Semotilus atromaculatus Semotilus corporalis Margariscus margarita Oncorhynchus mykiss Salmo trutta Salvelinus fontinalis Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 1939 1956-1990 1994-1999 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 22 Rainbow smelt Central Mud Minnow Northern Pike Grass Pickerel Banded Killifish Brook Stickleback White Perch Rock Bass Pumpkinseed Bluegill Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Black Crappie Yellow Perch Log Perch Walleye Tessellated Darter Johnny Darter Fantail Darter Iowa Darter Mottled Sculpin Slimy Sculpin Osmerus mordax Umbra limi Esox lucius Esox americanus vermiculatus Fundulus diaphanous Culaea inconstans Morone americana Ambloplites rupestris Lepomis gibbosus Lepomis macrochirus Micropterus dolomeiu Micropterus salmoides Pomoxis nigromaculatus Perca flavescens Percina caprodes Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Etheostoma olmstedi Etheostoma nigrum Etheostoma flabellare Etheostoma exile Cottus bairdi Cottus cognatus X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Migratory Species Fall Chinook Salmon Coho Salmon Atlantic Salmon Brown Trout Steelhead Trout Oncorhynchus tschawytscha Oncorhynchus kisutch Salmo salar Salmo trutta Oncorhynchus mykiss Winter Steelhead Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Spring Brown Trout Steelhead Trout Salmo trutta Oncorhynchus mykiss Threatened Lake Chubsucker Couesius plumbeus Special Concern Blackchin Shiner Notropis heterodon X Salmon runs, prior to any Western European impact or alteration to the river, went as far upstream as the Salmon River Falls, approximately 20 miles from Lake Ontario. The first documentation of their importance was by the Jesuits who observed Indians with great catches of salmon during mid-July from 1657-1672 (Parsons 1973). In Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 23 1836, salmon resources had already been declining for 20 years (Parsons 1973). In 1837, a dam was constructed just west of Pulaski. Exploitation of the fishery continued in spite of the declining population. It had been estimated that skiff fishermen using spears killed about 10,000 salmon in one year during the mid-1800’s (Parsons 1973). By 1900, Atlantic salmon had been extirpated from the region as a result of mill dam construction, over-exploitation, deforestation and pollution (Parsons 1973). In the early 1900’s, smallmouth bass fishing below Pulaski was good, while limited rainbow trout and brook trout fishing occurred above Pulaski. In addition, warm water temperatures, resulting from the reservoir, accounted for low numbers of trout taken in the main river. Orwell and Beaverdam Brooks, which are the largest tributaries below the dam, still produced trout, while Spring Brook still held a few brook trout. Between 1873 and 1898, 1,156,000 chinook salmon were stocked, but the effort was considered a failure because there was no recruitment from natural reproduction, and the program was discontinued (Parsons 1973). During the same period, 144,000 Atlantic salmon fry were stocked, but survival and recovery was low (Parsons 1973). The river was dammed in 1914 and 1930 for hydroelectric power generation, creating the Salmon River (Upper) and Lighthouse Hill (Lower) Reservoirs, respectively. In 1956, 1958, and 1959, 28,000 Atlantic salmon were stocked two miles below Lighthouse Hill Reservoir, but none were recovered and the program was discontinued (Parsons 1973). In 1968, 22,000 chinook salmon were stocked, but experienced limited success due to predation by sea lamprey. The NYSDEC, in conjunction with the Department of Fisheries of Canada (DFC), established a successful sea lamprey control program in 1972. By 1974, large runs of chinook and coho salmon were returning to the Salmon River (Wedge unpublished). In 1976, the NYSDEC issued a ban on the possession of salmonids due to Mirex and PCB contamination (Wedge unpublished). During the period of 1976 through 1981, stocked steelhead became an increasingly important fishery, and today may attract more fishing effort than the pacific salmon (Wedge unpublished). Currently, the lower section of the river and its tributaries downstream of the impassable barriers have the greatest variation in relative abundance of species due to: 1) stocking to support the Lake Ontario salmonid program, 2) adults from stockings returning to spawn, and 3) lake dwelling species entering the river for reproduction or feeding (Wedge unpublished). In the estuary section of reach one, the dominant sport species include: largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, rock bass, pumpkinseed, bluegill, northern pike, yellow perch, brown bullhead, black crappie, brown trout and rainbow trout (Wedge unpublished). The non-sport and forage fish in this area include grass pickerel, carp, golden shiner, white sucker, creekchub sucker, shorthead redhorse, banded killifish, and johnny darter. The seasonal spawning runs of sport fish, and species such as smelt, alewife, emerald shiner, white perch, white sucker, bowfin, redhorse sucker, and sea lamprey change the relative abundance of fish species throughout the year (Wedge unpublished). In addition, small numbers of longnose gar, gizzard shad, margined madtom, lake chub, bridle shiner, spottail shiner, sand shiner, bluntnose minnow, brook stickleback, and log perch can be found in this reach. Orwell and Trout Brooks are the only tributaries in this reach without dams. These two streams support naturally reproducing brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 24 smallmouth bass, rock bass, fallfish, creek chub, cutlips minnow, longnose dace, blacknose dace, johnny darter, fantail darter, white sucker, northern hog sucker, sea lamprey, and American eel, as well as coho and chinook salmon (Wedge unpublished). Spring Brook has natural falls which prevent migration, but does contain self-sustaining brown and brook trout populations, in addition to non-sport fish such as slimy sculpin, northern hog sucker, white sucker, creek chub, common shiner, and johnny darter (USFWS1994). Laney’s Brook is the same except that it has a dam, which prevents upstream migrations, and has non-sportfish such as redside dace, blacknose dace, longnose dace, creek chub, and white sucker. In Beaverdam Brook, the major sport fish include yellow perch, pumpkinseed, smallmouth bass and rare occurrences of brook trout (Wedge unpublished). The non-sport fish include cutlips minnow, brown bullhead, fathead minnow, brook stickleback, redside dace, creek chub, white sucker, common shiner, blacknose dace, fallfish, and fantail darter (Wedge unpublished). 2.3.2. History of the Fishery, Reach 2 (reservoirs and river between) From 1934 to 1938, an average of 1,355 brown trout were stocked annually in the Lighthouse Hill Reservoir (Senning 1940). Bullheads, sunfish and stocked brown trout dominated the catch. Table 2-4 (after Senning 1940) lists all the species collected during the 1939 survey that was part of the statewide biological assessments of the time. Table 2-4. Fish species of the Lighthouse Hill and Salmon River reservoirs, recorded in 1939 (Senning 1940). Common Name Brown Bullhead Stonecat White Sucker Longnose Sucker Golden Shiner Cutlips Minnow Bluntnose Minnow Fathead Minnow Creek Chub Fallfish Redside Dace Blacknose Dace Blacknose Shiner Common Shiner Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Trout Pumpkinseed Fantail Darter Slimy Sculpin Scientific Name Ameiurus nebulosus Noturus flavus Catostomus commersoni Catostomus catostomus Notemigonus crysoleucus Exoglossum maxillingua Pimephales notatus Pimephales promelas Semotilus atromaculatus Semotilus corporalis Clinostomus elongatus Rhinichthys atratulus Notropis heterolepis Luxilus cornutus Oncorhynchus mykiss Salmo trutta Salvelinus fontinalis Lepomisgibbosus Etheostoma flabellare Cottus cognatus Lighthouse Hill Bennetts Bridge X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The reservoir produced a good brown trout fishery into the mid-1960’s. The fishery was altered by the migration of yellow perch from the Salmon River Reservoir. Dissolved oxygen levels were adequate, but considered limiting to salmonids during the Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 25 warm periods of the summer (Senning 1940). Between 1929 and 1938, brook and rainbow trout were stocked, and brown trout was established after 1940. All three species provided a substantial fishery by the 1950’s. However, brook and rainbow trout numbers declined due to the introduction and establishment of yellow perch (Wedge unpublished). The establishment of largemouth bass in the early 1960’s led to the decline in the brown trout fishery (Wedge unpublished). In 1967, a reclamation program was initiated in an attempt to restore a brook trout population (Wedge unpublished). Survival of stocked yearlings to their second year was poor. Net sampling investigations found that largemouth bass and yellow perch were beginning to re-establish and rock bass had been introduced (Blake 1970). In spite of stocking efforts, by 1976 the efforts to restore the fishery was discontinued since the population continued to decline (Wedge unpublished). Large numbers of forage and non-sportfish existed in the Lighthouse Hill Reservoir during the 1930’s, which supported the population of large carnivorous fish (Senning 1940). Table 2-4 lists the species collected from both reservoirs during the 1939 survey. Currently, the present fish population includes brown trout, rainbow trout, yellow perch, pumpkinseed, brown bullhead, largemouth bass and rock bass (Wedge unpublished). Until 1981, the Lighthouse Hill Reservoir had been managed for brown trout. In 1982, rainbow trout stocking began, and it continues today at a rate of 4,300 fish per year. Other species present include stonecat, white sucker, common carp, and a variety of minnows. Management of the Salmon River Reservoir for cold water fishes was discontinued in the 1970’s and the only recent stocking was 13,370 largemouth bass in 1981 (NMPC 1982). Stunted yellow perch are presently the dominant species along with small populations of rainbow, brook, and brown trout, due to high summer water temperatures which create unsuitable habitat for salmonids (Wedge unpublished). Other species include largemouth bass, rock bass, brown bullhead, and pumpkinseed, with some of the small tributaries containing self-sustaining populations of brook trout, blacknose dace, and slimy sculpins (Wedge unpublished). Additional species found in the Salmon River Reservoir are stonecat, white sucker, longnose sucker, fantail darter, and a variety of minnows (Wedge unpublished). There is little suitable habitat for sustaining fish in the stretch between the two reservoirs, and this area has had little sampling. 2.3.3. History of the Fishery, Reach 3 (above the impoundments) Native brook trout and wild rainbow trout, introduced into the Mad River in 1926, dominate the upper reaches of the Salmon River System. Between 1929 and 1938, brown trout were stocked in Fall Brook, while rainbow trout and brook trout were stocked in Fall Brook, Mad River, and the North Branch of the Salmon River (NYSCD 1940). Currently, brook trout dominate these streams with the presence of some brown and rainbow trout. Other sport fish found in this reach include rock bass and brown bullhead (Wedge unpublished). The naturally reproducing trout population has been supplemented by stocking of brook and rainbow trout since the 1980’s. Other species found in these reaches include the white sucker, northern hog sucker, central stone roller, cutlips minnow, creek chub, longnose dace, blacknose dace, spottail shiner, pearl dace, central mud minnow, brook stickleback, johnny darter, fantail darter, slimy sculpin, and mottled sculpin (Wedge unpublished; NYSDEC 1992b). Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 26 2.3.4. The Altmar Hatchery and Associated Fisheries The Salmon River Fish Hatchery has contributed to a successful reproductive and stocking program to support a currently sustainable fishery. NYSDEC began operation of the Salmon River Fish Hatchery in 1981 and is one of the most modern hatchery facilities in North America. The hatchery raises coho, chinook, steelhead, Atlantic salmon and brown trout to meet the stocking needs of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Champlain and their tributaries. The reproductive cycles of trout and salmon are the basis of operation for the Salmon River Hatchery. Ripe eggs are taken from females, mixed with milt from males to fertilize them, incubated, transferred to start tanks and allowed to grow from three to six inches in length before stocking, dependant on the species. The process of incubation, hatching, and growth requires a fingerling to remain at the hatchery from 3-14 months, dependent on species. The Salmon River Fish Hatchery has the capacity to produce 200 million fry and up to 300,000 fingerlings. The Salmon River Fish Hatchery is allocated the largest operating budget in the New York State hatchery program. In 1997/98 the operating expenses were $169,000 and contributing positively to the local economy (Oswego Chamber of Commerce). The NYSDEC continues to enhance its hatchery facility operations in Altmar to produce fish that are growing faster and more resistant to disease. The hatchery, together with natural reproduction in the River, provides the fourth largest public fishery in New York State (Verdoliva 1999). With nearly 60,000 anglers putting effort of over 364,000 angler-days, millions of dollars of revenue flood into the local economy over a 6-week period in the fall (Verdoliva 1999). Figure 2-3. Workers sorting fish at the Altmar Hatchery (photo: K. Limburg) Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 27 2.4. Aquatic Benthic Macroinvertebrates Viewed primarily as “fish food” by early stream ecologists, the study of benthic macroinvertebrates and aquatic insects has since evolved into an integral component of aquatic ecosystem analysis. The erroneous outlook of these early ecologists is understandable. Many fish species do obtain most of their diet from various aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates. Within the Salmon River, a “highly diverse and/or productive benthic community has likely been a significant factor in the maintenance of the diverse resident fish fauna and the success of the Pacific salmon introductions” (Proch 1989, p. 2). The development of the River Continuum Concept (Vannote et al. 1980) introduced a paradigm that contributed to a greater understanding of the significance of benthic communities “in the areas of structure, function, and stability of riverine ecosystems” (Vannote et al. 1980). Aquatic invertebrates are now used in monitoring and assessing water quality (Hilsenhoff 1987), and their role in nutrient cycling and detritus processing has also been elucidated in numerous studies (e.g. Gardner et al. 1981, Smith 1986). The significance of a prosperous fishery in the Salmon River had historically directed most biological investigations of its ecosystem toward the ecology of trout and migratory salmon. As a result of these studies, lists of macroinvertebrate species had been accumulated, but without discussion of their biology or ecology. A number of studies have focused at least partially on benthic invertebrates in the last 20 years, however. Low (1983) presented a static look at four benthic communities within the Salmon River. The samples were collected in a single day, and were done as a secondary observation on her work of contaminant transport of Pacific salmon from Lake Ontario. A few years later, Proch (1989) conducted a study with two objectives. One was to describe the seasonal patterns of benthic invertebrate communities of four tributaries of the Salmon River, and the other was to determine if spawning Pacific salmon had an influence in the structural and functional organization of benthic communities. It was concluded from this study that the spawning activity of salmon did not have a great effect on “macroinvertebrate diversity, taxonomic composition or functional group structure in the study streams (Proch 1989, p. 91).” Also, Proch found that anglers had a greater influence on benthic communities than did the spawning salmon. The three dominant aquatic macroinvertebrates in the tributary streams (Orwell Brook, Trout Brook, John O’Hara Brook, and Spring Brook) of this study were Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Trichoptera (caddisflies), and Diptera (true flies). The New York State DEC Stream Biomonitoring Unit performs periodic assessments of flowing waters of the state, and assessed the Salmon River water quality in 1996 and 1999. These surveys are done using traveling kick samples in riffle areas at six stations. The locations of these stations are from Redfield (Station 1), to Pulaski (Station 6). The Stream Biomonitoring Unit has been able to assess that the water quality is non-impacted at all sited from Redfield to Pulaski. Invertebrate communities at all sites downstream of the Lower Reservoir indicate the presence of elevated nutrient levels, but excellent water quality status has been maintained. To ascertain differences found from different sampling methods used in biomonitoring of the Salmon River, three indicator organisms are used because of their density, association with excellent water Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 28 quality, and continued health of populations. These indicator organisms are: a mayfly, Stenonema vicarium; a caddisfly, Psilotreta spp.; a the stonefly, Acroneuria abnormis (1996 Survey). Impoundment effects, sometimes referred to as reservoir effects, often manifest in the benthic invertebrate faunal communities of impoundment outflows. Each outflow has its own characteristics, but some generalized traits have been observed that can be applied to the majority of common outflows. The generalizations for these outlets are: a noticeable succession of species that occurs over a short distance below the impoundment; lower species richness below the outlet; an initial increase of productivity; and other effects due to hypolimnetic versus epilimnetic releases. The DEC Stream Monitoring Unit (1996 Survey), as well as Hallock (unpublished), noted the effects of the Salmon River impoundment outflows. The DEC survey found a 62% decrease in species richness downstream of the lower reservoir (Bode et al. 1996). Invertebrate communities below the reservoir showed enriched condition (Bode et al. 1999). Hallock (unpublished) documented the increase of total phosphorus, as well as total nitrogen and DOC, downstream of the impoundments. Hallock (unpublished) undertook a study of water chemistry, physical parameters, and benthic macroinvertebrates of the Salmon River in the fall of 1999. He collected three to four replicate benthic samples with a surber sampler every 6-12 weeks from each of six main river riffles sites (initially) to document invertebrate densities and community structure. Three of his sites were upstream of the impoundments on the East Branch of the Salmon River (Osceola public access, Ryan Rd. access, Waterbury Rd. access, or DEC site 1), and three were downstream of the impoundments (Upper Flyfishing access, Altmar access, and Pineville access, corresponding to DEC sites 2-4, respectively). Preliminary data from the first two samplings (late September, mid-November) show moderate variability among sites, potentially due to differences in channel gradient, reservoir effects, and disturbance history. Some broad patterns in diversity, numeric and biomass densities, and interval production between sites upstream and downstream of the impoundments are apparent, and are summarized below. As analysis continues and more rigorous QA/QC is performed, some of these data may change. Invertebrate filterers’ (mainly caddisflies) dry weight densities were substantially higher at downstream sites during both sampling rounds, especially at the site closest to the impoundments (site gradient was also highest, at 3%). Filterer dry weight production between samplings ranged from 20.52 mg to 212.64 mg, and from 4.56 mg to 14.88 mg at downstream and upstream sites, respectively. Downstream of the impoundments, during both sampling rounds, filterer biomass was greatest at the site closest to the impoundments and decreased with distance downstream. Other taxa combined showed the opposite trend. Although not always true, numeric densities generally decreased and individual average size generally increased between sampling rounds. Taxonomic richness in mid-November averaged 24.4 genera at downstream sites vs. 36 genera at upstream sites. Richness was very consistent among sites Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 29 upstream of the impoundments, but quite variable downstream. Downstream site richness was only 16 at the site closest to the reservoir, but increased to 29.7 several miles downstream. Several generic substitutions between upstream and downstream areas were apparent, and are summarized in Table 2-5 below. Table 2-5. Differences in Salmon River Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Relative to Impoundments Occurrence Level Order Family Genus Downstream Upstream of Reservoirs of Reservoirs Coleoptera Elmidae Oulimnius Absent Present Coleoptera Elmidae Stenelmis Common Rare Diptera Tipulidae Dicranota Absent Present Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae Rithrogena Absent Common Megaloptera Corydalidae Corydalus Present Absent Plecoptera Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Absent Common Plecoptera Leuctridae Leuctra Absent Present Plecoptera Perlidae Neoperla Common Rare Plecoptera Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Absent Present Trichoptera Leptoceridae Triaenodes Present Absent Trichoptera Philopotamidae Chimarra Common Rare Common Rare Turbellaria (class) Salmon River Watershed Chapter 2 30