Knowlton Materials Science and Engineering Boise State University Text, Arrows and Legends - How to use them in you plots à We will plotting the activity of component one and two as a function of the fractional amount of 2.aα1 and a'1 α as a function of X2a2 . To add Arrows and Text, we use the following commands: Epilog[ ] Arrow[ ] Text[ ] Keep in mind that we have to use the "Graphics" add-on package. To access the package, we use the command: <<Graphics`Arrow` Arrows Text and Legends.nb 2 << Graphics`Arrow` H∗Graphics add−on command to initiate add−on package∗L Clear@Ta1, X2, T, γa, ao, ∆S1aL, ∆G1aLD ∆G1aL@T_D := HTa1 − TL ∆S1aL a1a@X1_, T_D := X1 ExpA ao H1 − X1L2 RT E a1prime@X1_, T_D := a1a@X1, TD ExpA ∆G1aL@TD RT E R = 8.314; ao = 8400; Ta1 = 1500; ∆S1aL = −9; Plot@a1a@X1, 300D, 8X1, 0, 1<, Frame → True, GridLines → Automatic, PlotStyle → 8RGBColor@1, 0, 0D<, FrameLabel → 8"X1 ", "aα1 "<, PlotLabel −> " aα1 ", Epilog → 8Arrow@8.4, .25<, 8.18, 1.7<D, Arrow@8.65, .25<, 8.83, .9<D, Text@"Maximum", 8.4, .12<, 80, −1<D, Text@"Minimum", 8.65, .12<, 80, −1<D<D; Null aα1 1.75 1.5 1.25 aα1 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 Maximum Minimum 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 X1 Here is another example using Arrows and Text using the commands: Show[ ] Epilog[ ] Arrow[ ] Text[ ] 1 Arrows Text and Legends.nb 3 << Graphics`Arrow` Clear@Ta1, X2, T, γa, ao, ∆S1aL, ∆G1aLD ∆G1aL@T_D := HTa1 − TL ∆S1aL a1a@X2_, T_D := H1 − X2L ExpA ao X22 RT E a1prime@X2_, T_D := a1a@X2, TD ExpA ∆G1aL@TD RT E R = 8.314; ao = 8400; Ta1 = 1500; ∆S1aL = −9; Plota1a = Table@ H∗Print@"T= ",T," K"D;∗L Plot@a1a@X2, TD, 8X2, 0, 1<, PlotRange → 8−0.2, 2<, Frame → True, GridLines → Automatic, PlotStyle → 8RGBColor@1, 0, 0D<, FrameLabel → 8"X2 ", "aα1 "<, PlotLabel −> " aα1 − Temp. Range: 300 − 1500 K; Increments: 100 K", DisplayFunction → IdentityD, 8T, 300, 1500, 100<D; Show@Plota1a, Epilog → 8Arrow@8.45, −.125<, 80, .98<D, Hue@.7D, Arrow@8.84, 1.76<, 8.65, .25<D, Hue@.9D, Text@"About 1", 8.4, −0.2<, 80, −1<D, Hue@.7D, Text@"Inc. Temp.", 8.8, 1.8<, 80, −1<D<, DisplayFunction −> $DisplayFunctionD; Plota1prime = Table@ H∗Print@"T= ",T," K"D;∗L Plot@a1prime@X2, TD, 8X2, 0, 1<, PlotRange → 8−0.1, 1.05<, Frame → True, GridLines → Automatic, PlotStyle → 8RGBColor@0, 0, 1D<, FrameLabel → 8"X2 ", "a'1 α "<, PlotLabel −> " a'1 α − Temp. Range: 300 − 1500 K; Increments: 100 K", DisplayFunction → IdentityD, 8T, 100, 1500, 100<D; Show@Plota1prime, Epilog → 8Hue@0D, Arrow@80.2, −0.05<, 8.4, .8<D, Hue@.9D, Text@"Inc. Temp.", 8.4, .8<, 80, −1<D<, DisplayFunction −> $DisplayFunctionD; Arrows Text and Legends.nb 4 aα1 − Temp. Range: 300 − 1500 K; Increments: 100 K 2 Inc. Temp. 1.5 aα1 1 0.5 0 About 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 X2 a'1 α − Temp. Range: 300 − 1500 K; Increments: 100 K 1 Inc. Temp. 0.8 a'1 α 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 X2 Legends: They are in the graphics package and need to be loaded. 0.8 1 Arrows Text and Legends.nb 5 << Graphics`Legend` Plot@8Sin@xD, Cos@xD<, 8x, −2 Pi, 2 Pi<, PlotStyle → 8GrayLevel@0D, Dashing@8.03<D<, PlotLegend → 8"Sine", "Cosine"<D 1 0.5 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 -0.5 Sine -1 Cosine Graphics Legends : Further discriptions of legends are found below with an example. option name default value LegendSpacing Automatic space around each key box in the legend, expressed as the ratio of th LegendTextSpace Automatic space allocated next to the key boxes for text, expressed as in Legen LegendLabelSpace Automatic space allocated for the legend label, as in LegendSpacing LegendBorderSpace Automatic space allocated around the entire legend, as in LegendSpacing LegendBorder Automatic style for a border line around the legend box, can only be used if Leg LegendBackground Automatic style for a background to the legend, can only be used if LegendSh ShadowBackground GrayLevel[0] color for the legend’s drop-shadow Arrows Text and Legends.nb 6 << Graphics`Legend` Plot@8Sin@xD, Cos@xD<, 8x, 0, 2 Pi<, PlotStyle → 8GrayLevel@0D, 8GrayLevel@0D, Dashing@8.03<D<<, PlotLegend → 8"sin", "cos"<, LegendPosition → 8.5, −.7<, LegendTextSpace → .5, LegendLabel → "Trig Funcs", LegendLabelSpace → .5, LegendOrientation → Horizontal, LegendBackground → GrayLevel@.5D, LegendShadow → 8.1, −.2<, Background → GrayLevel@.8DD 1 0.5 1 -0.5 -1 Graphics 2 3 4 5 Trig 6Funcs sin cos