Berkeley Experiments on Macroscopic Quantum Effects

Berkeley Experiments on Macroscopic Quantum Effects
Richard Packard
Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
My talk will present an overview of several of the Berkeley experiments on macroscopic quantum effects
in superfluids. I will emphasize the twists and turns as the experiments evolved, rather than on the
data achieved. My goal is to demonstrate to the younger researchers in the audience how the seemingly
random walk in science leads over time in a natural progression toward a better understanding of nature
and hopefully, to contributions that support a meaningful body of work. Particular experiments will
include the detection of single vortices, photography of vortices, understanding pulsar speedups, quantized
circulation in 3 He, Josephson weak links in 3 He and superfluid gyroscopes.
Sorting category: Aa Quantum gases, fluids and solids
Keywords: Superfluids, Josephson effect, vortex