Toward the thorough microscopic clarification of superconducting mechanism RuO

Toward the thorough microscopic clarification of superconducting mechanism
and gap structure in Sr2 RuO4
Takuji Nomura
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Mikazuki, Sayo, Hyogo
679-5148, Japan
We will discuss a mechanism of the spin-triplet p-wave superconductivity in Sr2 RuO4 from the viewpoint
of the standard Fermi liquid theory 1 . Specifically, the pairing interaction is evaluated for the realistic
electronic structure of Sr2 RuO4 , using the three-band Hubbard model and the perturbation expansion
in the Ru4d Coulomb integrals. We can indeed find an attractive momentum dependence in the spintriplet p-wave pairing channel. Thus we can regard the p-wave pairing in Sr2 RuO4 as a natural result
from the Ru4d electron correlation. Then we will concentrate on the gap structure of Sr 2 RuO4 . The
band-dependent anisotropic p-wave gap structure obtained by the microscopic theory reproduces semiquantitatively the observed temperature dependences of some key physical quantities, e.g., specific heat,
thermal conductivity and ultrasound attenuation rate 2 . Other recent theoretical developments for the
ruthenate superconductivity will also be reviewed briefly.
T. Nomura and K. Yamada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69 (2000) 3678; Y. Yanase, T. Jujo, T. Nomura, H.
Ikeda, T. Hotta and K. Yamada, Physics Reports 387 (2003) 1.
T. Nomura, cond-mat/0501231.
Sorting category: Bb Superconductivity
Keywords: Sr2 RuO4 , p-wave superconductivity