Agriculture and Forestry Research for Improving Upland Livelihoods Dr. Bounthong BOUAHOM, J. Raintree. L. Douangsavanh Website:, Email: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 1 • Lao PDR is land-lock country • Population 5 million population. 17% urban and 83% rural. • Area 236,800 km2 2/3 is mountainous areas • Shifting cultivation in the sloping land; •Traditional •Pioneering •Transitional National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 2 Lowland – upland dichotomy (from Agricultural vision, MAF, Lao PDR ) Flatland conditions -good road access -adequate agri. technologies -domestic and regional market -market information - monetized rural economy -free access to local and foreign entrepreneurs -agro-geographical conditions favoring flatland FS Uplands conditions -poor and non-existent road linkages -limited agri. Technologies -limited domestic and regional market -no market information mechanism - non-monetized rural economy with sussistence agriculture -free access to local and foreign entrepreneurs, but little - require balanced sloping land FS and integrated with environment National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 3 NAFRI Upland Agriculture and Forestry Research Integrated upland agriculture and forestry research Agro-ecology research Forages for livestock systems Farming systems research Socio-economic and livelihoods Forestry and NTFP research Livestock and Fisheries research National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 4 Integrated Upland Agricultural Research Project (IUARP) An alternative contributing to poverty reduction We are incline to agree with you sir! We think it’s the right approach National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 5 INTRODUCTION of IUARP A NAFRI’s multidisciplinary integrated research Project Strengthen the capacity of NAFRI and its local partners to undertake research and provide effective research support activities. Provide information, feedback and methodologies for natural resource planning/ management and policy development. The project implementation started in 2001 Focuses activities on 7 target villages (230 farmers) with different conditions (market access, ethnicity, availability of lowland rice and importance of livestock) National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 6 GOAL & OUTCOMES Goals: participatory development of applied livelihood packages for upland communities, and effective and efficient use of limited research resources Desired outcomes: Improved food security, Poverty alleviation (especially a reduction in the disparity between rural and urban incomes), and Stabilization of the environment. National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 7 OBJECTIVES Develop, test and refine the methodology for integrated upland agricultural research and productive upland technologies that are acceptable to farmers Develop sustainable livelihood systems as alternatives to slash and burn Ensure current staff capacity in integrated upland agricultural research within the NAFRI, PAFO and DAFO is enhanced and sustained Enhance community development, decision making and leadership capacity within the target communities National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 8 BASIC PRINCIPLES Conduct demand driven research Apply Integrated research approach Use participatory research Focus on research for development National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 9 RESEARCH CYCLE Research with farmers is an on-going process Action Reflection and M&E Developing solutions with individual farmers and community (Wet Season) Meetings with villagers and DAFO’s to evaluate progress and impacts ( beginning of Dry Season) Annual activity cycle for each village More planning with community about what to do next year Problem and Opportunity Analysis PD with whole community and then with common-interest groups (Dry Season) Planning Meetings with villagers to plan action through the coming year (Dry Season) FLSP Village Activity cycle (based on a concept by Hagman et al; 1998) National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 10 Variety Improvement of Upland Rice Do you all agree with me? National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 11 Evaluation of soil conservation techniques I’m simple technique, but effective National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 12 FALLOW IMPROVEMENT: Address the problems of declining soil fertility and weed pressure due to shortening fallows Rattan Pigeon pea Paper Mulberry National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Crotalaria Leucaena 13 If I had known it before, I wouldn’t be so poor!!! Forage evaluation Species evaluation with farmers They’re good for many kinds of home animals It’s consistent with my concept, but it should be further expanded! Integrating forages into farming systems Farmer training on forage use National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 14 Fish raising in cages and ponds Cage fish culture in Nam Ou River Wow, That’s what I can eat and make money from !!! Fish culture in the pond in Pakchek Village National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 15 Frog raising We love to live in here. It is good enough for us National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 16 Integrated fruit tree orchards Paper Mulberry plantation We look for short and medium term benefits Pineapple and banana came into production Evaluate agroforestry systems Evaluation of fruit trees based on: Integration of fruit trees into livelihood systems National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 17 Cash crops as alternatives to shifting cultivation National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 18 NTFP evaluation: Rattan In forest In teak plantation National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute In paper mulberry plantation 19 NTFP NTFP have better access to markets in China and less steep terrain provide interesting opportunities for farmers in Namo District National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 20 Teak plantation management Good management provides much better benefit! Teak plantation after thinning and pruning National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 21 ENHANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Establishment of focus groups Farmer training – Cross visits – Technical training Involvement of farmers in research – Responding to farmers needs Field Days Establishment of village nurseries National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 22 PARTICIPATORY PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS (PPD) Is that what you call Is that what you call “Participatory”? Farmers identified problems during using a PPD It’s really a fun National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 23 CROSS VISITS FOR FARMERS To building awareness and confidence for farmers Well, It looks promising, But ?? Hi Friends, That’s what we are looking for National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 24 TECH. EVALUATION Framers evaluate research activities/ Technological options Yeh, That’s what we want Field day National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 25 Development of village nurseries No worry! We can follow you Development of village nurseries National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 26 Livestock research By planting forages we were able to fatten our working buffaloes and earn enough money to stop shifting cultivation. National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 27 A new livestock system… With planted forages, the family saves 2-3 hours of labour each day and has been able to intensify their livestock system. Last year they fattened and sold four buffalo (giving a profit of 1.8 million kip). They have also stopped shifting cultivation and now keep a draft buffalo beside the house all year round. Other farmers in the village have begun to do the same. National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 28 A new family livelihood With 1 ha of forages Singh spends just 30 minutes to collect grass to feed his expanded herd of 5 cows, while his wife collects ‘Stylo’ to fatten pigs and goats. To make livestock the basis of the family’s livelihood, Singh is establishing a new area of forages and is fencing it with barbed wire. National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 29 More cattle and more income… With good feed for his cows while calving, the herd has increased over the last six years from 3 to 15 animals. This released his wife from the endless cycle of field work and she was able to earn some cash from embroidery. With this extra money plus the sale of 3 cows, they bought a motorcycle and TV. Jong Gong Her now plans to double their forage so he can keep his cattle by the house where he can watch over them. About half of the farmers in the village are now beginning to plant forages to get these benefits. National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 30 CHALENGES, CONSTRAINTS, PROBLEMS Issues related to scaling up Limited human resources Many institutions involved creates coordination challenges Participatory research ;methodology was new for most research staff National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 31 LESSONS LEARNT: Participatory research approaches require a lot of time and effort in the first couple of years, however, the efforts pay off – Increased trust of the farmer – More rapid adoption. A high level of local researcher and DAFO staff involvement is key to provide adequate follow-up Technologies that are most preferred by farmers were those with a short-term economic benefit National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 32 Thank you for your attention National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute 33