MATH 491/691: ANALYSIS AND ALGORITHMS GUIDLINES FOR PROJECT REPORTS 1. OVERVIEW Your project report should describe the work your team has done. It should be written by all team members, and should be a coherent, referenced description of your problem, approach and results. It should be written in latex. 2. R EQUIRED S ECTIONS Written reports should contain the following sections, with an optional appendix. 2.1. Introduction. Introduce the problem, outline any difficulties you may have encountered, and the main ideas behind your approach. Include enough relevant background material and technical information for one of your peers who studies a different field of mathematics to understand this section, and the main ideas of the problem you studied. 2.2. Theoretical analysis. Describe the relevant theory behind your approach. This may be known theory and should be described in sufficient technical detail that your computational approach makes sense. 2.3. Computational approach. Describe the computations you used to investigate the problem. This section may contain known algorithms, new algorithms, pseudocode, and brief sections of code as needed. Include and motivate any choices of programming language and publicly available packages that you used. This section should be intelligible to someone who writes code predominantly in a different language. 2.4. Results. Show and describe your numerical/graphical results. This should include the minimum amount of data to illustrate your conclusions. 2.5. Conclusion/Discussion. Discuss what you found. If you reached any conclusions, then state and discuss them. If your conclusion is that you tried one or several approaches that did not work, discuss why these approaches did not work and the obstacles you encountered. You may suggest alternate approaches or extensions of the work in this section. 2.6. Individual contributions. Each team member should write a paragraph or more describing their main role or roles in the project. 2.7. References. Include relevant citations. 2.8. Appendix (optional). If there is any other relevant information that does not fit into the above categories, include it in an appendix. E-mail address: D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS , T EXAS A&M U NIVERSITY , C OLLEGE S TATION , T EXAS 77843 Date: May 23, 2015. 1